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European Journal of Social Psychology EJSPA6 34 1-786 (2004) Eur. J. Soc. Psychol. 34, iii—vi (2004) ISSN 0046-2772 CONTENTS VOLUME 34, ISSUE No. | January—Februar) lerror Management and Political Attitudes: The Influence of Mortality Salience on Germans’ Defence of the German Reunification: E. Jonas and J. Greenberg The Importance of Social Structure and Social Interaction in Stereotype Consensus and Content: Is the Whole Greater than the Sum of its Parts?: C. Stott and J. Drury Evaluative Contrast in Social Comparison: The Role of Distinct and Shared Features of the Self and Comparison Others: P. Broemer and M. Diehl ] How Regulatory Fit Enhances Motivational Strength During Goal Pursuit: S. Spiegel, H. Grant-P E. T. Higgins Are We Over- or Under-Projecting and How Much? Decisive Issues of Methodological Validity and Item Type: P. E. Jones The Distinction between Desires and Intentions: M. Perugini and When do Prototypes bias Person Memory? Differential Effects of Abstraction Level: S. K1 VOLUME 34, ISSUE No Ease of Imagination Moderates Reactions to Differently Framed Health Messages: P. Br Who’s the One in Trouble? Experimental Evidence for a ‘Psychic State’ Bias in Lineups: A. W D. Wentura Perceived In-Group Threat as a Factor Moderating the Influence of In-Group Norms on Discrimination Against Foreigners: J. M. Falomir-Pichastor, D. Munoz-Rojas, F. Invernizzi and G. Mugn Sources of Respect: The Effects of Being Liked by Ingroups and Outgroups: N. | R. Spears On the Psychology of Procedural Justice: Reactions to Procedures of Ingroup vs. Outgroup Authorities: T. Stahl, J.-W. van Prooijen and R. Vermunt When the Past Becomes History: Effects of Temporal Order on Explanations of Trends: K. H. 1 Back to Caring after Being Hurt: The Role of Forgiveness: J Karren VOLUME 34, ISSUE No. 3 Come Together: Longitudinal Comparisons of Pettigrew’s Reformulated Intergroup Contact Model and the Common Ingroup Identity Model in Anglo-French and Mexican-American Contexts: A. Eller D. Abrams Fluidity in the Self-Concept: The Shift from Personal to Social Identity: R. S. Onorato and J. ¢ Volume contents Inclusiveness of Identification Among Farmers in the Netherlands and Galicia (Spain): B. Klandermans, TIE SaCORG RN NTs PR OUENIIAES 5x foi.5,S ages ete ain 4 Susi cleave ues ye martes Lelel iens Woot ganna AVA oh alow Group Membership and Everyday Social Comparison Experiences: H. J. Smith and C. W. Leach Getting Ready for the Bad Times: Self-Esteem and Anticipatory Coping: 1. R. Newby-Clark What is Smart in a Social Dilemma? Differential Effects of Priming Competence on Cooperation: S. Utz, J. W. Ouwerkerk and P. A. M. Van Lange When Procedural Fairness Does Not Influence How Positive I Feel: The Effects of Voice and Leader Selection as a Function of Belongingness Need: D. De Cremer and H. J. E. M. Alberts The ‘Why’ and ‘Why Not’ of Job Search Behaviour: Their Relation to Searching, Unemployment Experience and Well-Being: M. Vansteenkiste, W. Lens, S. Dewitte, H. De Witte and E. L. Deci VOLUME 34, ISSUE No. 4 July-August 2004 The Liberating Role of Conflict in Group Creativity: A Study in two Countries: C. J. Nemeth, B. Personnaz, M. Personnaz and J. A. Goncalo In Case of Death, Cling to the Ingroup: E. Castano .. Past Success and Convergent Thinking in Groups: The Role of Group-Focused Attributions: J. A. Goncalo . On the Bounded Rationality of Gender Stereotyping in Fame Judgments: M. C. Steffens, S. Mecklenbrauker, A. Buchner and B. Mehl Identifying Good Opportunities to Act: Implementation Intentions and Cue Discrimination: T. L. Webb and P. Sheeran... Counterfactual Thinking and Stereotypes: The Nonconformity Effect: P. Catellani, A. I. Alberici and P. Milesi. 421 When Prototypicality Makes ‘Maybes’ Look More Certain: Another Look at Targets’ Vigilance Towards Prejudice Cues: M. D. Morera, E. Dupont, J.-P. Leyens and M. Désert Cognitive Adaptation and Mental Health: A Motivational Analysis: C. F. Ratelle, R. J. Vallerand, Y. Chantal and P. Provencher Task Engagement after Mortality Salience: The Effects of Creativity, Conformity and Connectedness on Worldview Defence: C. Routledge, J. Arndt and K. M. Sheldon Upset in Response to a Child’s Partner’s Infidelities: T. K. Shackelford, R. L. Michalski and D. P. Schmitt. 489 VOLUME 34, ISSUE No. 5 September—October 2004 ‘You Can Criticize Because You Care’: Identity Attachment, Constructiveness, and the Intergroup Sensitivity Effect: M. J. Hornsey, M. Trembath and S. Gunthorpe.... Economic Stress and Marital Adjustment among Couples: Analyses at the Dyadic Level: U. Kinnunen and T. Feldt Manipulating Subcategory Salience: Exploring the Link between Skin Tone and Social Perception of Blacks: K. B. Maddox and S. G. Chase Volume contents The Interplay of Self-interest and Equity in Coalition Formation: I. van Beest, E. van Dijk and H. Wilke . Inter-Category versus Intra-Category Fit: When Social Categories match Social Context: |. Wegener and K. C. Klauer Negotiating Interests or Values and Reaching Integrative Agreements: The Importance of Time Pressure and Temporary Impasses: F. Harinck and C. K. W. De Dreu.. Homogeneity Perception as a Reaction to Identity Threat: Effects of Status Difference in a Simulated Society Game: M. Karasawa, K. Karasawa and Y. Hirose. . Motivational Influence on the Quality of Memories: Recall of General Autobiographical Memories Related to Desired Attributes: S. Brunot and R. B. Sanitioso. .. The Representation of Majorities and Minorities in the British Press: A Content Analytic Approach: A. Gardikiotis, R. Martin and M. Hewstone.... VOLUME 34, ISSUE No. 6 Vovember—December 2004 Multiculturalism and Group Status: The Role of Ethnic Identification, Group Essentialism and Protestant Ethic: M. Verkuyten and P. Brug Implicit and Explicit Measures of Prejudice and Stereotyping: Do they Assess the Same Underlying Knowledge Structure?: M. Dambrun and S. Guimond . The Necessity of Observing Real Life Situations: Palestinian-Israeli Violence as a Laboratory for Learning about Social Behaviour: D. Bar-Tal The Simultaneous Consideration of Between-Participants and Within-Participants Analyses in Research on Predictors of Behaviours: The Issue of Dependence: D. Trafimow, P. A. Kiekel and D. Clason Resources and Alternatives in Coalition Formation: The Effects on Payoff, Self-Serving Behaviour, and Bargaining Length: I. van Beest, E. van Dijk and H. Wilke . Cooperative, Pure, and Selfish Trusting: Their Distinctive Effects on the Reaction of Trust Recipients: O. Eilam and R. Suleiman Expectancy Confirmation in Spite of Disconfirming Evidence: The Case of Price Increases due to the Introduction of the Euro: E. Traut-Mattausch, S. Schulz-Hardt, T. Greitemeyer and D. Frey Is Affective Material in Attitudes More Accessible than Cognitive Material? The Moderating Role of Attitude Basis: R. Giner-Sorolla Acknowledgement to Reviewers ....... Author Index. .. Volume Contents............

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