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European Editor Fritz Strack University of Wiirzburg Journal of Associate Editors Leonel Garcia-Marques Social University of Lisbon Yechiel Klar Tel Aviv University Psychology Paul van Lange Free University, Amsterdam Bernd Simon University of Kiel Charles Stangor University of Maryland Roos Vonk University of Nijmegen VOLUME 30 Consulting Editors HERBERT BLEss (University of Mannheim, Germany) GALEN BODENHAUSEN (Northwestern University, U.S.A.) GERD BOHNER (University of Kent, U_K.) MARKUS BRAUER ( University of Clermont-Ferrand, France) RUPERT BROWN (University of Kent, U_K.) BRAM P. BUUNK (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) Ap DUKSTERHUIS (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands) MICHAEL DIEHL (University of Tuebingen, Germany) CARSTEN K. W. De Dreu (University of Amsterdam The Netherlands) JOSE-MIGUEL FERNANDEZ-DOLS (University of Madrid, Spain) KLAUS FIEDLER (University of Heidelberg, Germany) JOSEPH P. Foras (University of New South Wales, Australia) PETER GOLLWITZER (University of Konstanz, Germany) Davip L. HAMILTON (University of California at Santa Barbara, U.S.A.) BETTINA HANNOVER (University of Dortmund, Germany) DeNIs HILTON (University of Hertfordshire, U.K.) PascAL HuGuet (University of Clermont-Ferrand, France) CARMEN Hutcl (University of Madrid, Spain) Lucy JOHNSTON (University of Canterbury, New Zeal KLAUS Jonas (Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany) CHARLES M. Jupp (University of California at Berkele) U.S.A.) NORBERT L. KERR (Michigan State University, U.S.A.) ERICH KIRCHLER (University of Vienna, Austria) ANNE MAAss (University of Padova, Italy) Nei Macrae (University of Wales at Cardiff, U.K.) LEONARD L. MARTIN (University of Georgia, U.S.A.) PAULA M. NIEDENTHAL (/ndiana University, U.S.A.) PIERRE PuHiLipport (University of Louvain, Belgium) Monica RuBINI (University of Bologna, Italy) EJSPA6 30(1-—6) 1-894 (2000) NORBERT SCHWARZ (University of Michigan, U.S.A.) ISSN 0046-2772 CONSTANTINE SEDIKIDES (University of Southampton, U.K.) Eviot R. SmitH (Purdue University, U.S.A.) DIEDERIK STAPEL (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) KARL HALVOR TEIGEN (University of Tromsoe, Norway) DeBoraH J. TERRY (University of Queensland, Australia) AD VAN KNIPPENBERG (University of Nijmegen JOHN WILEY & SONS The Netherlands) Chichester : New York : Weinheim FRANK VAN OVERWALLE (University of Brussels, Belgium) Brisbane : Singapore : Toronto HARALD WALLBotTT (University of Salzburg, Austria) BOGDAN WoiJcisZKE (University of Gdansk, Poland) A Wiley-—Interscience Publication Ropert S. WyeR (University of Illinois, U.S.A.) 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Air freight All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be and mailing in the USA by Mercury Airfreight reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, International Ltd. Inc in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, USA Postmaster—send address changes to European photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as Journal of Social Psychology, clo Mercury Airfreight described below, without the permission in writing of International Ltd. Inc., 365 Blair Road, Avenel, the Publisher New Jersey, NJ 07001, USA. European Journal of Social Psycholog) Eur. J. Soc. Psychol. 30, iii—v (2000) CONTENTS VOLUME 30, ISSUE No. 1 Januar y—February 2000 Introduction: Agenda 2000—The Vision of Social Psychology: Fritz Strack AGENDA 2000—Social Cognition: Learning about what matters in the social world: E. Tory Higgins. Social Dominance Orientation, Anti-egalitarianism and the Political Psychology of Gender: An Extension and Cross-cultural Replication: Jim Sidanius, Shana Levin, James Liu and Felicia Pratto The Effects of Social Context, Source Fairness, and Perceived Self-source Similarity on Social Influence: A Self-categorisation Analysis: Michael J. Platow, Duncan Mills and Dianne Morrison . Conversation as a Resource for Influence: Evidence for Prototypical Arguments and Social Identification Processes: Scott A. Reid and Sik Hung Ng. Learning to Play Golf under Different Goal Conditions: Their Effects on Irrelevant Thoughts and on Subsequent Control Strategies: Edgar E. Thill and Frangois Cury The Reinstatement of Dissonance and Psychological Discomfort Following Failed Affirmations: Adam D. Galinsky, Jeff Stone and Joel Cooper. VOLUME 30, ISSUE No. 2 March-April 2000 AGENDA 2000—Social Judgment and Attitudes: Warmer, More Social, and Less Conscious: N. Schwarz. . . Value Priorities and Subjective Well-Being: Direct Relations and Congruity Effects: L. Sagiv and S. H. Schwartz. Communication Context, Explanation, and Social Judgment: A. Todorov, M. Lallje« and W. Hirst. . Emotional State and the Detection of Change in Facial Expression of Emotion: P. M. Niedenthal, J. B. Halberstadt, J. Margolin and A. H. Innes-Ker ... The Role of Familiarity in Implicit Memory Effects: The Case of Exemplar Activation: L. Castelli and C. Zogmaister The Typical Student as an In-Group Member: Eliminating Optimistic Bias by Reducing Social Distance: P. Harris, W. Middleton and R. Joiner... Interdependence in Negotiation: Effects of Exit Options and Social Motive on Distribu- tive and Integrative Negotiation: E. Giebels, C. K. W. De Dreu and E. Van de Vliert Counterfactual Intensity: L. J. Sanna and K. J. Turley-Ames Erratum iV Volume contents VOLUME 30, ISSUE No. 3 May-June 2000 AGENDA 2000—Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination at the Seam between the Centuries: Evolution, Culture, Mind and Brain: Susan T. Fiske 299 Acculturation Discrepancies and Well-being: The Moderating Role of Conformity: Sonia Roccas, Gabriel Horenczyk and Shalom H. Schwartz.................. Group Socialization and Prejudice: The Social Transmission of Intergroup Attitudes and Beliefs: Serge Guimond Group-identity Based Self-protective Strategies: The Stigma of Race, Gender, and Garlic: Christian S. Crandall, Jo-Ann Tsang, Richard D. Harvey and Thomas W. Britt Recovering Bartlett’s Social Psychology of Cultural Dynamics: Yoshihisa Kashima . . Folk Conceptions of Fairness and Unfairness: Michael B. Lupfer, Kelly P. Weeks, Kelly A. Doan and David A. Houston............. Cognitive Load and Perspective-taking: Applying the Automatic-controlled distinction to Verbal Communication: Christian Rofnagel VOLUME 30, ISSUE No. 4 July-August 2000 Social Relationships: The Nature and Function of Relational Schemas: John G. Holmes 447 A Longitudinal Exploration of the Continuity of Children’s Social Participation and Social Withdrawal Across Socioeconomic Status Levels and Social Settings: Barry H. Schneider, Jacques F. Richard, Alastair J. Younger and Paul Freeman Classical and Modern Racial Prejudice: A Study of Attitudes Toward Immigrants in Sweden: Nazar Akrami, Bo Ekehammar and Tadesse Araya Self-schemas and the Theory of Planned Behaviour: Paschal Sheeran and Sheina Orbell An Investigation of the Link Between Attributional Judgments and Stereotype-based Judgments: Lucy Johnston, Michael Bristow and Nicholas Love A Methodological Note about the Measurement of the False-consensus Effect: Anne-Marie de la Haye How Current Feedback and Chronic Effectiveness Influence Motivation: Everything to Gain Versus Everything to Lose: Lorraine Chen Idson and E. Tory Higgins...... Call for Papers VOLUME 30, ISSUE No. 5 September—October 2000 AGENDA 2000—Communication: Language as an Implementational Device for Cognition: G. R. Semin The Social Psychological Power of Photography: Can the Image-Freezing Machine Make Something of Nothing?: M. Burgess and M. E. Enzle The Pleasure of Possessions: Affective Influences and Personality in the Evaluation of ‘Snasmmpr items: J. Crarroch: and J.P. POrgas cco. isoe ca de ive ea arene ewe es Volume contents Why do Superiors Attend to Negative Stereotypic Information About Their Subordi- nates? Effects of Power Legitimacy on Social Perception: R. Rodriguez-Bailon, M. Moya and V. Yzerbyt Comparison Based Satisfaction: Contrast and Empathy: E. Brandstatter Predicting and Understanding Behavioral Volitions: The Interplay Between Goals and Behaviors: M. Perugini and M. Conner Intergroup Relations in a Changing Political Context: The Case of Veiled and Unveiled University Students in Turkey: N. Hortacsu VOLUME 30, ISSUE No. 6 November—December 2000 AGENDA 2000—Social Identity Theory: Past Achievements, Current Problems and Future Challenges: R. Brown Interdependence, Social Motives, and Outcome Satisfaction in Multiparty Negotiation: J. J. Gillespie, J. M. Brett and L. R. Weingart Assimilation and Contrast in Social Comparisons as a Consequence of Self-Construal Activation: U. Kiihnen and B. Hannover Terror Management and the Vicissitudes of Sports Fan Affiliation: The Effects of Mortality Salience on Optimism and Fan Identification: M. Dechesne, J. Greenberg, J. Arndt and J. Schimel Expectancy-Effects Without Expectancies: Illusory Correlations based on Cue-Overlap: H. Plessner, P. Freytag and K. Fiedler Compatibility between Approach/Avoidance Stimulation and Valenced Information Determines Residual Attention during the Process of Encoding: J. Forster and Overcoming the Planning Fallacy Through Willpower: Effects of Implementation Intentions on Actual and Predicted Task-Completion Times: S. Koole and M. van’t Spijker Acknowledgment to Reviewers.................... Author Index Ne a ee ene

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