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European Journal of Pharmacology 295 (1996) 281-282 Author index Abadie, P., Rioux, P., Scatton, B., Zarifian, E., Barré, L., Patat, A. and Emadi-Khiav, B. and Pearce, F.1 Baron, J.-€ Some studies on the effects of a-chymotrypsin on mast cells from the Central benzodiazepine receptor occupancy by zolpidem in the human rat and other species (295) 243 brain as assessed by positron emission tomography (295) 35 Engert, F., see Frank, C. (295) 87 Ahlenius, S., see Hillegaart, V. (295) 155 Estival, A., see Hillegaart, V. (295) 155 Alper, S.L., see Coupry, I. (295) 109 Anderson, J.J., Kask, A.M. and Chase, T.N Frank, C., Engert, F., Tokutomi, N. and Lux, H.D Effects of cannabinoid receptor stimulation and blockade on catalepsy Different effects of baclofen and GTPyS on voltage-activated Ca~* produced by dopamine receptor antagonists (295) 163 currents in rat hippocampal neurons in vitro (295) 87 Armsby, C.C., see Coupry, I. (295) 109 Funder, J., see Jefferys, D. (295) 131 Baeyens, J.M., see Robles, L.-1. (295) 181 Gaskin, A.A., see MacLennan, AJ. (295) 103 Baker, K.M., see Thomas, W.G. (295) 119 Gekeler, V., see Boer, R. (295) 253 Baron, J.-C., see Abadie, P. (295) 35 Gomi, Y., see Tsunobuchi-Ushijima, H. (295) 235 Barré, L., see Abadie, P. (295) 35 Grant, T.L., see Mayers, R.M. (295) 199 Barrios, M., see Robles, L.-1. (295) 181 Beck, B., see Stricker-Krongrad, A. (295) 27 Haas, S., see Boer, R. (295) 253 Boer, R., Ulrich, W.-R., Haas, S., Borchers, C., Gekeler, V., Boss, H Haroutunian, V., see Santucci, A.C. (295) 7 Przybylski, M. and Schédl, A Hasegawa, Y. and Ono, H Interaction of cytostatics and chemosensitizers with the dexniguldi Effect of (+ )-8-hydroxy-24di-n-propylamino)tetralin hydrobromide pine binding site on P-glycoprotein (295) 253 on spinal motor systems in anesthetized intact and spinalized rats Bonnet, P., see Vandier, C. (295) 53 (295) 211 Booz, G.W., see Thomas, W.G. (295) 119 Hasin, Y., see Ela, C. (295) 275 Borchers, C., see Boer, R. (295) 253 Herzig, S Boss, H., see Boer, R. (295) 253 Ca™” channel activation by CGP 48506, a new positive inotropic Brann, M.R., see Brauner-Osborne, H. (295) 93 benzodiazocine derivative (295) 113 Brauner-Osborne, H. and Brann, M.R Hillegaart, V., Estival, A. and Ahlenius, S Pharmacology of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes (m1! Evidence for specific involvement of 5-HT,, and 5-HT,, ,- receptors m5): high throughput assays in mammalian cells (295) 93 in the expression of patterns of spontaneous motor activity of the rat Briley, M., see Moret, C. (295) 189 (295) 155 Brugnara, C., see Coupry, I. (295) 109 Ho, LK., see Tokuyama, S. (295) 123 Burlet, C., see Stricker-Krongrad, A. (295) 27 Ho, L.K., see Suzuki, T. (295) 169 Hogg, J.E., see Hutson, P.H. (295) 45 Cai, M., Sakamoto, A. and Ogawa, R Holloway, B.R., see Mayers, R.M. (295) 199 Inhibition of nitric oxide formation with L-canavanine attenuates Hutson, P.H. and Hogg, J.E endotoxin-induced vascular hyporeactivity in the rat (295) 215 Effects of and interactions between antagonists for different sites on Chase, T.N., see Anderson, J.J. (295) 163 the NMDA receptor complex on hippocampal and striatal acetyl Chiba, S., see Ren, L.-M. (295) 61 choline efflux in vivo (295) 45 Corbett, R., see Kafka, S.H. (295) 147 Coupry, I., Armsby, C.C., Alper, S.L., Brugnara, C. and Parini, A Clotrimazole and efaroxan inhibit red cell Gardos channel indepen Imai, S., see Takahashi, T. (295) 229 dently of imidazoline I, and I, binding sites (295) 109 Ito, T., see Suzuki, T. (295) 169 Del Arco, C., see Pascual, J. (295) 271 Jahan, H., Kobayashi, S., Nishimura, J. and Kanaide, H Del Olmo, E., see Pascual, J. (295) 271 Endothelin-1 and angiotensin II act as progression but not competence Del Pozo, E., see Robles, L.-I. (295) 181 growth factors in vascular smooth muscle cells (295) 261 Dordal, A., see Robles, L.-I. (295) 181 Jefferys, D. and Funder, J Nitric oxide modulates retention of immobility in the forced swim Eilam, Y., see Ela, C. (295) 275 ming test in rats (295) 131 Ela, C., Hasin, Y. and Eilam, Y Apparent desensitization of a o receptor sub-population in neonatal Kafka, S.H. and Corbett, R rat cardiac myocytes by pre-treatment with o receptor ligands (295) Selective adenosine A, receptor /dopamine D, receptor interactions 275 in animal models of schizophrenia (295) 147 Eltze, M Kanaide, H., see Jahan, H. (295) 261 In functional experiments, risperidone is selective, not for the B, but Kanda, T., see Takahashi, T. (295) 229 for the A subtype of a,-adrenoceptors (295) 69 Kask, A.M., see Anderson, J.J. (295) 163 27 Author index Kikuchi, S., Umemura, K., Kondo, K. and Nakashima, M Sadegh, M., see Zarrindast, M.-R. (295) 1 ranilast suppresses intimal hyperplasia after photochemically in Sakamoto, A., see Cai, M. (295) 215 duced endothelial injury in the rat (295) 221 Santucci, A.C., Knott, PJ. and Haroutunian, V Knott, P.J., see Santucci, A.C. (295) 7 Excessive serotonin release, not depletion, leads to memory impair Kobayashi, I., see Takahashi, T. (295) 229 ments in rats (295) 7 Kobayashi, S., see Jahan, H. (295) 261 Scatton, B., see Abadie, P. (295) 35 Kondo, K., see Kikuchi, S. (295) 221 Schmidt, W.J., see Tzschentke, T.M. (295) 137 Kuzmin, A., Semenova, S., Ramsey, N.F., Zvartau, E.E. and Van Ree Schédl, A., see Boer, R. (295) 253 J.M Semenova, S., see Kuzmin, A. (295) 19 Modulation of cocaine intravenous self-administration in drug-naive Shafaghi, B., see Zarrindast, M.-R. (295) | animals by dihydropyridine Ca~~ channel modulators (295) 19 Stolerman, L.P., see Mirza, N.R. (295) 207 Stricker-Krongrad, A., Beck, B. and Burlet, C Li, Y., see Nowak, G. (295) 75 Enhanced feeding response to neuropeptide Y in hypothalamic neu Lux, H.D., see Frank, C. (295) 87 ropeptide Y-depleted rats (295) 27 Suzuki, T., Ito, T., Wellman, S.E. and Ho, LK MacLennan, A.J., Gaskin, A.A., Vinson, E.N. and Martinez, L.¢ An autoradiographic study of [°H)flunitrazepam binding sites in the Ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor a mRNA in NB41A3 neuroblas brain of rat made tolerant to and dependent on pentobarbital (295) toma cells: regulation by cAMP (295) 103 169 Martinez, L.C., see MacLennan, A.J. (295) 103 Suzuki, T., see Takahashi, T. (295) 229 Mayers, R.M., Quayle, S.P., Thompson, A.J., Grant, T.L. and Holloway B.R The acid metabolite of ZD7114 is a partial agonist of lipolysis Takahashi, T., Kanda, T., Imai, S., Suzuki, T., Kobayashi, I. and Murata, mediated by the rat B,-adrenoceptor (295) 199 K Mirza, N.R., Pei, Q., Stolerman, I.P. and Zetterstrém S.C Semotiadil improves survival of rats with monocrotaline-induced rhe nicotinic receptor agonists (— )-nicotine and isoarecolone differ pulmonary hypertension: comparison with diltiazem (295) 229 in their effects on dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens (295) Thekkumkara, T.J., see Thomas, W.G. (295) 119 207 Thomas, W.G., Baker, K.M., Booz, G.W. and Thekkumkara, TJ Moret, C. and Briley, M Evidence against a role for protein kinase C in the regulation of the Effects of acute and repeated administration of citalopram on extracel angiotensin II (AT, , ) receptor (295) 119 lular levels of serotonin in rat brain (295) 189 Thompson, A.J., see Mayers, R.M. (295) 199 Murata, K., see Takahashi, T. (295) 229 Tokutomi, N., see Frank, C. (295) 87 Tokuyama, S., Wakabayashi, H. and Ho, L.K Nakane, T., see Ren, L.-M. (295) 61 Direct evidence for a role of glutamate in the expression of the opioid Nakashima, M., see Kikuchi, S. (295) 221 withdrawal syndrome (295) 123 Nishimura, J., see Jahan, H. (295) 261 rsunobuchi-Ushijima, H. and Gomi, Y Nowak, G., Li, Y. and Paul, LA The specific effect of Mn on the tonic components of receptor Adaptation of cortical but not hippocampal NMDA receptors after mediated contractions in isolated vas deferens of the guinea pig (295) chronic citalopram treatment (295) 75 235 rzschentke, T.M. and Schmidt, WJ Ogawa, R., see Cai, M. (295) 215 Morphine-induced catalepsy is augmented by NMDA receptor antago Ono, H., see Hasegawa, Y. (295) 211 nists, but is partially attenuated by an AMPA receptor antagonist (295) 137 Parini, A., see Coupry, I. (295) 109 Pascual, J., Del Arco, C., Rom6n, T., Del Olmo, E. and Pazos, A {“HJSumatriptan binding sites in human brain: regional-dependent Ulrich, W.-R., see Boer, R. (295) 253 labelling of 5-HT,,,. and 5-HT receptors (295) 271 Umemura, K., see Kikuchi, S. (295) 221 Patat, A., see Abadie, P. (295) 35 Paul, 1.A., see Nowak, G. (295) 75 Pazos, A., see Pascual, J. (295) 271 Vandier, C. and Bonnet, P Pearce, F.L., see Emadi-Khiav, B. (295) 243 Synergistic action of NS-004 and internal Ca concentration in Pei, Q., see Mirza, N.R. (295) 207 modulating pulmonary artery K* channels (295) 53 Przybylski, M., see Boer, R. (295) 253 Van Ree, J.M., see Kuzmin, A. (295) 19 Vinson, E.N., see MacLennan, A.J. (295) 103 Quayle, S.P., see Mayers, R.M. (295) 199 Ramsey, N.F., see Kuzmin, A. (295) 19 Wakabayashi, H., see Tokuyama, S. (295) 123 Ren, L.-M., Nakane, T. and Chiba, S$ Wellman, S.E., see Suzuki, T. (295) 169 Purinergic and adrenergic transmission and their presynaptic modula tion in canine isolated perfused splenic arteries (295) 61 Rioux, P., see Abadie, P. (295) 35 Zarifian, E., see Abadie, P. (295) 35 Robles, L.-1., Barrios, M., Del Pozo, E., Dordal, A. and Baeyens, J.M Zarrindast, M.-R., Sadegh, M. and Shafaghi, B Effects of K* channel blockers and openers on antinociception Effects of nicotine on memory retrieval in mice (295) | induced by agonists of 5-HT,, receptors (295) 181 Zetterstrém, T.S.C., see Mirza, N.R. (295) 207 Romon, T., see Pascual, J. (295) 271 Zvartau, E.E., see Kuzmin, A. (295) 19

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