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Preview European Journal of Pharmacology 1994: Vol 265 Index

European Journal of Pharmacology 265 (1994) 189-190 Author index Agabio, R., see Colombo, G. (265) 167 Gardier, A.M., Trillat, A.-C., Malagié, |. and Jacquot, C. Artigas, F., see Romero, L. (265) 103 8-OH-DPAT attenuates the dexfenfluramine-induced increase in Audinot, V., see Rivet, J.-M. (265) 175 extracellular serotonin: an in vivo dialysis study (265) 107 Gavin, K., see Browne, I. (265) 125 Bara, A., see Schini-Kerth, V. (265) 83 Gessa, G.L., see Colombo, G. (265) 167 Battaini, F., see Pascale, A. (265) 1 Ghiani, C.A., see Serra, M. (265) 185 Beani, L., see Simonato, M. (265) 121 Gies, J.-P., see Lach, E. (265) 117 Belcourt, A., see Greney, H. (265) R1 Gobert, A., see Rivet, J.-M. (265) 175 Bengen, J., see Galle, J. (265) 111 Govoni, S., see Pascale, A. (265) 1 Bennai, F., see Greney, H. (265) R1 Greney, H., Bennai, F., Molines, A., Belcourt, A., Dontenwill, M. Bianchi, C., see Simonato, M. (265) 121 and Bousquet, P. Biggio, G., see Serra, M. (265) 185 Isolation of a human cerebral imidazoline-specific binding pro- Bolognesi, M.L., see Melchiorre, C. (265) 93 tein (265) R1 Borea, P.A., see Simonato, M. (265) 121 Guh, J.-H., see Teng, C.-M. (265) 61 Bousquet, P., see Greney, H. (265) R1 Bredy-Dobreva, G., see Mizhorkova, Z. (265) 77 Hamel, C., see Contesse, V. (265) 27 Browne, I., Thomas, G., Gavin, K. and Docherty, J.R. Hidaka, K., see Wanibuchi, F. (265) 151 Prejunctional actions of N-ethyl-maleimide and phenoxybenza- Hill, R.G., see Longmore, J. (265) 53 mine in rat vas deferens (265) 125 Hogg, J.E., see Longmore, J. (265) 53 Busse, R., see Schini-Kerth, V. (265) 83 Hong, S.J. and Chang, C.C. Facilitation of nicotinic receptor desensitization at mouse motor Carnuccio, R., see luvone, T. (265) 89 endplate by a receptor-operated Ca** channel blocker, SK&F Celada, P., see Romero, L. (265) 103 96365 (265) 35 Chang, C.C., see Hong, S.J. (265) 35 Howell, R.E., Kovalsky, M.P. and Laemont, K.D. Colombo, G., Agabio, R., Lobina, C., Reali, R., Fadda, F. and Methoctramine induces nonspecific airway hyperresponsiveness Gessa, G.L. in vivo (265) 67 Blockade of ethanol discrimination by isradipine (265) 167 Hutson, P.H., see Longmore, J. (265) 53 Connelly, S.T., see Shepard, P.D. (265) 141 Contesse, V., Hamel, C., Delarue, C., Lefebvre, H. and Vaudry, H. luvone, T., Carnuccio, R. and Di Rosa, M. Effect of a series of 5-HT, receptor agonists and antagonists on Modulation of granuloma formation by endogenous nitric oxide steroid secretion by the adrenal gland in vitro (265) 27 (265) 89 Corsico, N., see Pascale, A. (265) 1 Jacquot, C., see Gardier, A.M. (265) 107 Coy, D.H., see Lach, E. (265) 117 Crowder, R.E., see McCarthy, H.D. (265) 99 Ko, F.-N., see Teng, C.-M. (265) 61 Kohno, S., see Yamamura, H. (265) 9 Delarue, C., see Contesse, V. (265) 27 Kojima, C., see Satoh, M. (265) 133 Di Rosa, M., see luvone, T. (265) 89 Kokubu, N., see Satoh, M. (265) 133 Docherty, J.R., see Browne, I. (265) 125 Kortezova, N., see Mizhorkova, Z. (265) 77 Donatini, A., see Melchiorre, C. (265) 93 Koshiya, K., see Wanibuchi, F. (265) 151 Dontenwill, M., see Greney, H. (265) R1 Kovalsky, M.P., see Howell, R.E. (265) 67 Dryden, S., see McCarthy, H.D. (265) 99 Kwon, I.-S., see Lutfy, K. (265) 171 Dumont, P., see Lach, E. (265) 117 Lach, E., Coy, D.H., Dumont, P., Landry, Y. and Gies, J.-P. Eden, R.J., see Parker, $.G. (265) 17 Gastrin releasing peptide-preferring bombesin binding sites in human lung (265) 117 Fadda, F., see Colombo, G. (265) 167 Laemont, K.D., see Howell, R.E. (265) 67 Ferri, S., see Melchiorre, C. (265) 93 Landry, Y., see Lach, E. (265) 117 Fujimoto, S. Lefebvre, H., see Contesse, V. (265) 27 Effects of pimobendan, its active metabolite UD-CG 212, and Lehmann, H., see Shepard, P.D. (265) 141 milrinone on isolated blood vessels (265) 159 Lobina, C., see Colombo, G. (265) 167 Longmore, J., Hogg, J.E., Hutson, P.H. and Hill, R.G. Galle, J., Bengen, J., Schollmeyer, P. and Wanner, C. Effects of two truncated forms of human calcitonin-gene related Oxidized lipoprotein(a) inhibits endothelium-dependent dilation: peptide: implications for receptor classification (265) 53 prevention by high density lipoprotein (265) 111 Lucchi, L., see Pascale, A. (265) 1 190 Author index / European Journal of Pharmacology 265 (1994) 189-190 Lutfy, K., Sadowski, B., Kwon, I.-S. and Weber, E. Schini-Kerth, V., Bara, A., Miilsch, A. and Busse, R. Morphine analgesia and tolerance in mice selectively bred for Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate selectively prevents the expression of divergent swim stress-induced analgesia (265) 171 the inducible nitric oxide synthase in the rat aorta (265) 83 Schollmeyer, P., see Galle, J. (265) 111 Malagié, I., see Gardier, A.M. (265) 107 Schiitz, W., see Todt, H. (265) 43 Martelli, E.A., see Pascale, A. (265) 1 Serra, M., Ghiani, C.A., Spano, S. and Biggio, G. McCarthy, H.D., Crowder, R.E., Dryden, S. and Williams, G. Felbamate antagonizes isoniazid- and FG 7142-induced reduction Megestrol acetate stimulates food and water intake in the rat: of GABA , receptor function in mouse brain (265) 185 effects on regional hypothalamic neuropeptide Y concentrations Shepard, P.D., Lehmann, H. and Connelly, S.T. (265) 99 Effects of NPC16377, a potent and selective o receptor ligand, Melchiorre, C., Romualdi, P., Bolognesi, M.L., Donatini, A. and on the activity of mesencephalic dopamine-containing neurons in Ferri, S. the rat (265) 141 Binding profile of benextramine at neuropeptide Y receptor Simonato, M., Varani, K., Muzzolini, A., Bianchi, C., Beani, L. and subtypes in rat brain areas (265) 93 Borea, P.A. Milano, S., see Pascale, A. (265) 1 Adenosine A, receptors in the rat brain in the kindling model of Millan, M.J., see Rivet, J.-M. (265) 175 epilepsy (265) 121 Mizhorkova, Z., Kortezova, N., Bredy-Dobreva, G. and Papasova, M. Spano, S., see Serra, M. (265) 185 Role of nitric oxide in mediating non-adrenergic non-cholinergic relaxation of the cat ileocecal sphincter (265) 77 Molines, A., see Greney, H. (265) R1 Takayanagi, I., see Satoh, M. (265) 133 Miilsch, A., see Schini-Kerth, V. (265) 83 Teng, C.-M., Guh, J.-H. and Ko, F.-N. Muzzolini, A., see Simonato, M. (265) 121 Functional identification of a,-adrenoceptor subtypes in human prostate: comparison with those in rat vas deferens and spleen Nabe, T., see Yamamura, H. (265) 9 (265) 61 Nishida, T., see Wanibuchi, F. (265) 151 Thomas, G., see Browne, I. (265) 125 Todt, H., Zojer, N., Raberger, G. and Schiitz, W. Ohata, K., see Yamamura, H. (265) 9 Prolongation of the QT interval by dofetilide modulates rate-de- Papasova, M., see Mizhorkova, Z. (265) 77 pendent effects of mexiletine on intraventricular conduction (265) Parker, S.G., Raval, P., Yeulet, S. and Eden, R_J. 43 Tolerance to peripheral, but not central, effects of ropinirole, a Trabucchi, M., see Pascale, A. (265) 1 selective dopamine D,-like receptor agonist (265) 17 Trillat, A.-C., see Gardier, A.M. (265) 107 Pascale, A., Milano, S., Corsico, N., Lucchi, L., Battaini, F., Martelli, Tsukamoto, S.-i., see Wanibuchi, F. (265) 151 E.A., Trabucchi, M. and Govoni, S. Protein kinase C activation and anti-amnesic effect of acetyl-.- Usuda, S., see Wanibuchi, F. (265) 151 carnitine: in vitro and in vivo studies (265) 1 Peglion, J.-L., see Rivet, J.-M. (265) 175 Varani, K., see Simonato, M. (265) 121 Raberger, G., see Todt, H. (265) 43 Vaudry, H., see Contesse, V. (265) 27 Raval, P., see Parker, $.G. (265) 17 Reali, R., see Colombo, G. (265) 167 Wanibuchi, F., Nishida, T., Yamashita, H., Hidaka, K., Koshiya, K., Rivet, J.-M., Audinot, V., Gobert, A., Peglion, J.-L. and Millan, M.J. Tsukamoto, S.-i. and Usuda, S. Modulation of mesolimbic dopamine release by the selective Characterization of a novel muscarinic receptor agonist, YM796: dopamine D, receptor antagonist, (+ )-S 14297 (265) 175 comparison with cholinesterase inhibitors in in vivo pharmacolog- Romero, L., Celada, P. and Artigas, F. ical studies (265) 151 Reduction of in vivo striatal 5-hydroxytryptamine release by 8- Wanner, C., see Galle, J. (265) 111 OH-DPAT after inactivation of G;/G,, proteins in dorsal raphe Weber, E., see Lutfy, K. (265) 171 nucleus (265) 103 Williams, A.R., see Rupniak, N.M.J. (265) 179 Romualdi, P., see Melchiorre, C. (265) 93 Williams, G., see McCarthy, H.D. (265) 99 Rupniak, N.M.J. and Williams, A.R. Differential inhibition of foot tapping and chromodacryorrhoea Yamamura, H., Nabe, T., Kohno, S. and Ohata, K. in gerbils by CNS penetrant and non-penetrant tachykinin NK, Endothelin-1, one of the most potent histamine releasers in receptor antagonists (265) 179 mouse peritoneal mast cells (265) 9 Sadowski, B., see Lutfy, K. (265) 171 Yamashita, H., see Wanibuchi, F. (265) 151 Satoh, M., Kojima, C., Kokubu, N. and Takayanagi, I. Yeulet, S., see Parker, $.G. (265) 17 a,-Adrenoceptor subtypes mediating the regulation and modula- tion of Ca?* sensitization in rabbit thoracic aorta (265) 133 Zojer, N., see Todt, H. (265) 43 ELSEVIER European Journal of Pharmacology 265 (1994) 191-195 Key word index Accumbens Atrium, guinea-pig Dopamine D, receptor; Microdialysis (Rivet, J.-M. (265) 175) aCGRP (calcitonin-gene related peptide), human; aCGRP-48-—37), human; BCGRP-~8-37), human; Vas deferens, rat; SK-N-MC cell Acetyl-.-carnitine (Longmore, J. (265) 53) Protein kinase C; Behavior; (Rat) (Pascale, A. (265) 1) Azabicycloalky! benzimidazolone derivative Action potential duration 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin); 5-HT, receptor; Benzamide Mexiletine; Dofetilide; Conduction; OT duration; (Guinea-pig), (In derivative; GR 113808; Adrenal gland (Contesse, V. (265) 27) vivo) (Todt, H. (265) 43) Behavior Adenosine Acetyl-.-carnitine; Protein kinase C; (Rat) (Pascale, A. (265) 1) Epilepsy; Kindling; Glutamate binding; Glutamate release (Simonato, M. (265) 121) Benextramine Neuropeptide Y; Nonpeptide antagonist; Neuropeptide Y receptor Adrenal gland subtype; Binding affinity (Melchiorre, C. (265) 93) 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin), 5-HT, receptor; Benzamide derivative; Azabicycloalky! benzimidazolone derivative; GR 113808 Benzamide derivative (Contesse, V. (265) 27) 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin); 5-HT, receptor; Aza- icycloalky!l benzimidazolone derivative; GR 113808; Adrenal gland a ,-Adrenoceptor (Contesse, V. (265) 27) Thoracic aorta; B-Escin-skinned fiber; Myosin light chain phospho- rylation (Satoh, M. (265) 133) Binding affinity Neuropeptide Y; Benextramine; Nonpeptide antagonist; Neuropep- a ,-Adrenoceptor tide Y receptor subtype (Melchiorre, C. (265) 93) Vas deferens, rat; N-Ethyl-maleimide; Phenoxybenzamine; EEDQ ( N-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline) (Browne, 1. (265) Blood vessel 125) Phosphodiesterase inhibitor; Pimobendan; Milrinone; UD-CG 212 (Fujimoto, S. (265) 159) a ,-Adrenoceptor subtype Chloroethyiclonidine; Nifedipine; Vas deferens, rat; Spleen, rat; Bombesin Prostate, human (Teng, C.-M. (265) 61) GRP (gastrin-releasing peptide); Bombesin binding site; Lung, hu- man; GRP-preferring bombesin receptor (Lach, E. (265) 117) Allergy and immunology Muscarinic receptor; Smooth muscle, airway; Bronchodilator agent; Bombesin binding site (Guinea pig) (Howell, R.E. (265) 67) Bombesin; GRP (gastrin-releasing peptide), Lung, human; GRP-pre- ferring bombesin receptor (Lach, E. (265) 117) d-Amphetamine Dopamine; Electrophysiology; Receptor; Antipsychotic; (Rat) Brain, human (Shepard, P.D. (265) 141) Imidazoline; Clonidine (Greney, H. (265) R1) Analgesia Bronchodilator agent Morphine; Selective breeding; Tail flick assay; Tolerance (Lutfy, K. Muscarinic receptor; Smooth muscle, airway; Allergy and immunol- (265) 171) ogy: (Guinea pig) (Howell, R.E. (265) 67) Antipsychotic L-type Ca?* channel Dopamine; Electrophysiology, Receptor; d-Amphetamine; (Rat) Ethanol; Isradipine; Drug discrimination; (Rat) (Colombo, G. (265) (Shepard, P.D. (265) 141) 167) Appetite Cachexia Neuropeptide Y; Megestrol acetate; Cancer anorexia; Cachexia; Neuropeptide Y; Megestrol acetate; Appetite; Cancer anorexia; Hy- Hypothalamus (McCarthy, H.D. (265) 99) pothalamus (McCarthy, H.D. (265) 99) L-Arginine Cancer anorexia Granuloma; Nitric oxide (NO); N°-Nitro-1-arginine methyl ester; Neuropeptide Y; Megestrol acetate; Appetite; Cachexia; Hypothala- Macrophage (luvone, T. (265) 89) mus (McCarthy, H.D. (265) 99) 192 Key word index / European Journal of Pharmacology 265 (1994) 191-195 Cardiovascular Dopamine D, receptor Ropinirole; Dopamine; D,-like receptor; Spontaneously hypertensive Microdialysis; Accumbens (Rivet, J.-M. (265) 175) rat (SHR); Tolerance; (Monkey) (Parker, S.G. (265) 17) Dorsal raphe nucleus aCGRP (calcitonin-gene related peptide), human G-protein; 5-HT,, receptor; 5-HT (S-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin) aCGRP-~8-37), human; BCGRP-~8-37), human; Vas deferens, rat; release; Microdialysis; Intracerebral; 8-OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy-2-(di- Atrium, guinea-pig; SK-N-MC cell (Longmore, J. (265) 53) n-propylamino)tetralin) (Romero, L. (265) 103) aCGRP-(8-37), human Drug discrimination aCGRP (calcitonin-gene related peptide), human; BCGRP-(8-37), Ethanol; Isradipine; L-type Ca?* channel; (Rat) (Colombo, G. (265) human; Vas deferens, rat; Atrium, guinea-pig; SK-N-MC cell 167) (Longmore, J. (265) 53) EEDQ (N-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline ) BCGRP-(8-37), human Vas deferens, rat; a,-Adrenoceptor; N-Ethyl-maleimide; Phenoxy- aCGRP (calcitonin-gene related peptide), human; aCGRP-(8-37), benzamine (Browne, I. (265) 125) human; Vas deferens, rat; Atrium, guinea-pig; SK-N-MC cell (Longmore, J. (265) 53) Electrical field stimulation Nitric oxide (NO); NANC (non-adrenergic non-cholinergic) transmis- Chloroethylclonidine sion; Nicotinic receptor; Ileocecal sphincter; (Cat) (Mizhorkova, Z. a,-Adrenoceptor subtype; Nifedipine; Vas deferens, rat; Spleen, rat; (265) 77) Prostate, human (Teng, C.-M. (265) 61) Electrophysiology Chromodacryorrhea Tachykinin NK, receptor; Foot tapping; CNS (central nervous sys- Dopamine; Receptor; d-Amphetamine; Antipsychotic; (Rat) (Shepard, P.D. (265) 141) tem) penetration; (Gerbil) (Rupniak, N.M.J. (265) 179) Clonidine Endothelin-1 Imidazoline; Brain, human (Greney, H. (265) R1) Mast cell; Histamine; Compound 48/80; Islet-activating protein; Endothelin receptor (Yamamura, H. (265) 9) CNS (central nervous system) penetration Tachykinin NK, receptor; Chromodacryorrhea; Foot tapping; Endothelin receptor (Gerbil) (Rupniak, N.M.J. (265) 179) Mast cell; Endothelin-1; Histamine; Compound 48 /80; Islet-activat- ing protein (Yamamura, H. (265) 9) Compound 48 /80 Mast cell; Endothelin-1; Histamine; Islet-activating protein; En- Endothelium dothelin receptor (Yamamura, H. (265) 9) Interleukin-18; cGMP; Vascular tone (Schini-Kerth, V. (265) 83) Conduction Lipoprotein; Vasodilation; Nitric oxide (NO) (Galle, J. (265) 111) Mexiletine; Dofetilide; Action potential duration; QT duration; (Guinea-pig); (In vivo) (Todt, H. (265) 43) Endplate potential SK& F 96365; Neostigmine; Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; Recep- Convulsion tor desensitisation (Hong, S.J. (265) 35) Felbamate; Diazepam; Isoniazid; FG 7142; GABAergic transmission (Serra, M. (265) 185) Epilepsy Adenosine; Kindling; Glutamate binding; Glutamate release Dexfenfluramine (Simonato, M. (265) 121) 8-OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin); 5-HT,, au- toreceptor; 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin) release; Frontal B-Escin-skinned fiber cortex; Microdialysis (Gardier, A.M. (265) 107) a,-Adrenoceptor; Thoracic aorta; Myosin light chain phosphoryl- ation (Satoh, M. (265) 133) Diazepam Felbamate; Isoniazid; FG 7142; Convulsion; GABAergic transmis- Ethanol sion (Serra, M. (265) 185) Isradipine; L-type Ca?* channel; Drug discrimination; (Rat) (Col- D,-like receptor ombo, G. (265) 167) Ropinirole; Dopamine; Spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR); Car- diovascular; Tolerance; (Monkey) (Parker, $.G. (265) 17) N-Ethyl-maleimide Vas deferens, rat; a,-Adrenoceptor; Phenoxybenzamine; EEDQ Dofetilide (N-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline) (Browne, |. (265) Mexiletine; Conduction; Action potential duration; QT duration; 125) (Guinea-pig); (In vivo) (Todt, H. (265) 43) Felbamate Dopamine Diazepam; Isoniazid; FG 7142; Convulsion; GABAergic transmission Ropinirole; D,-like receptor; Spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR); (Serra, M. (265) 185) Cardiovascular; Tolerance; (Monkey) (Parker, $.G. (265) 17) FG 7142 Electrophysiology; Receptor; d-Amphetamine; Antipsychotic; (Rat) Felbamate; Diazepam; Isoniazid; Convulsion; GABAergic transmis- (Shepard, P.D. (265) 141) sion (Serra, M. (265) 185) Key word index / European Journal of Pharmacology 265 (1994) 191-195 Foot tapping 5-HT, receptor Tachykinin NK, receptor; Chromodacryorrhea; CNS (central ner- 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin), Benzamide derivative; Aza- vous system) penetration; (Gerbil) (Rupniak, N.M.J. (265) 179) bicycloalkyl benzimidazolone derivative; GR 113808; Adrenal gland (Contesse, V. (265) 27) Frontal cortex Dexfenfluramine; 8-OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)te- 5-HT,, receptor tralin); 5S-HT,, autoreceptor; 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin) Dorsal raphe nucleus; G-protein; 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, sero- release; Microdialysis (Gardier, A.M. (265) 107) tonin) release; Microdialysis; Intracerebral; 8-OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy- 24di-n-propylamino)}tetralin) (Romero, L. (265) 103) GABAergic transmission Felbamate; Diazepam; Isoniazid; FG 7142; Convulsion (Serra, M. Hypothalamus (265) 185) Neuropeptide Y; Megestrol acetate; Appetite; Cancer anorexia; Cachexia (McCarthy, H.D. (265) 99) Glutamate binding Adenosine; Epilepsy; Kindling; Glutamate release (Simonato, M. lleocecal sphincter (265) 121) Nitric oxide (NO); NANC (non-adrenergic non-cholinergic) transmis- sion; Electrical field stimulation; Nicotinic receptor; (Cat) Glutamate release (Mizhorkova, Z. (265) 77) Adenosine; Epilepsy; Kindling; Glutamate binding (Simonato, M. (265) 121) imidazoline Clonidine; Brain, human (Greney, H. (265) R1) cGMP Interleukin-18; Endothelium; Vascular tone (Schini-Kerth, V. (265) Interleukin-18 83) Endothelium; cGMP; Vascular tone (Schini-Kerth, V. (265) 83) G-protein Intracerebral Dorsal raphe nucleus; 5-HT,, receptor; 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, Dorsal raphe nucleus; G-protein; 5-HT,, receptor; 5-HT (5-hydroxy- serotonin) release; Microdialysis; Intracerebral; 8-OH-DPAT (8-hy- tryptamine, serotonin) release; Microdialysis; 8-OH-DPAT (8-hy- droxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin) (Romero, L. (265) 103) droxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin) (Romero, L. (265) 103) GR 113808 Islet-activating protein 5-HT (S-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin); 5-HT, receptor; Benzamide Mast cell; Endothelin-1; Histamine; Compound 48/80; Endothelin derivative; Azabicycloalkyl benzimidazolone derivative; Adrenal receptor (Yamamura, H. (265) 9) gland (Contesse, V. (265) 27) Isoniazid Granuloma Felbamate; Diazepam; FG 7142; Convulsion; GABAergic transmis- Nitric oxide (NO); L-Arginine; N©-Nitro-.-arginine methyl ester; sion (Serra, M. (265) 185) Macrophage (Iuvone, T. (265) 89) Isradipine GRP (gastrin-releasing peptide) Ethanol; L-type Ca** channel; Drug discrimination; (Rat) (Col- Bombesin; Bombesin binding site; Lung, human; GRP-preferring ombo, G. (265) 167) bombesin receptor (Lach, E. (265) 117) Kindling GRP-preferring bombesin receptor Adenosine; Epilepsy; Glutamate binding; Glutamate release Bombesin; GRP (gastrin-releasing peptide); Bombesin binding site; (Simonato, M. (265) 121) Lung, human (Lach, E. (265) 117) Learning behavior Histamine Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist; YM796; Muscarinic M, Mast cell; Endothelin-1; Compound 48 /80; Islet-activating protein; receptor; Muscarinic M, receptor (Wanibuchi, F. (265) 151) Endothelin receptor (Yamamura, H. (265) 9) Lipoprotein 5-HT,, autoreceptor Vasodilation; Nitric oxide (NO), Endothelium (Galle, J. (265) 111) Dexfenfluramine; 8-OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)te- tralin); 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin) release; Frontal cor- Lung, human tex; Microdialysis (Gardier, A.M. (265) 107) Bombesin; GRP (gastrin-releasing peptide); Bombesin binding site; GRP-preferring bombesin receptor (Lach, E. (265) 117) 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin) 5-HT, receptor; Benzamide derivative; Azabicycloalkyl benzimida- Macrophage ; zolone derivative; GR 113808; Adrenal gland (Contesse, V. (265) 27) Granuloma; Nitric oxide (NO); t-Arginine; N©-Nitro-1-arginine methyl ester (luvone, T. (265) 89) 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin) release Dorsal raphe nucleus; G-protein; 5-HT,, receptor; Microdialysis; Mast cell Intracerebral; 8-OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin) Endothelin-1; Histamine; Compound 48 /80,; Islet-activating protein; (Romero, L. (265) 103) Endothelin receptor (Yamamura, H. (265) 9) Dexfenfluramine; 8-OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy-2-di-n-propylamino)te- Megestrol acetate tralin); 5-HT,, autoreceptor; Frontal cortex; Microdialysis (Gardier, Neuropeptide Y; Appetite; Cancer anorexia; Cachexia; Hypothala- A.M. (265) 107) mus (McCarthy, H.D. (265) 99) 194 Key word index / European Journal of Pharmacology 265 (1994) 191-195 Mexiletine Nicotinic receptor Dofetilide; Conduction; Action potential duration; QT duration; Nitric oxide (NO); NANC (non-adrenergic non-cholinergic) transmis- (Guinea-pig); (In vivo) (Todt, H. (265) 43) sion; Electrical field stimulation; Ileocecal sphincter; (Cat) (Mizhorkova, Z. (265) 77) Microdialysis Dorsal raphe nucleus; G-protein; 5-HT,, receptor; 5-HT (S-hydroxy- Nifedipine tryptamine, serotonin) release; Intracerebral; 8-OH-DPAT (8-hy- a,-Adrenoceptor subtype; Chloroethylclonidine; Vas deferens, rat; droxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin) (Romero, L. (265) 103) Spleen, rat; Prostate, human (Teng, C.-M. (265) 61) Dexfenfluramine; 8-OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)te- Nitric oxide (NO) tralin); 5-HT,, autoreceptor; 5-HT (S-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin) NANC (non-adrenergic non-cholinergic) transmission; Electrical release; Frontal cortex (Gardier, A.M. (265) 107) field stimulation; Nicotinic receptor; Ileocecal sphincter; (Cat) (Mizhorkova, Z. (265) 77) Dopamine D, receptor; Accumbens (Rivet, J.-M. (265) 175) Granuloma; L-Arginine; N°-Nitro-.-arginine methyl ester; Macro- Milrinone phage (Iuvone, T. (265) 89) Blood vessel; Phosphodiesterase inhibitor; Pimobendan; UD-CG 212 (Fujimoto, S. (265) 159) Lipoprotein; Vasodilation; Endothelium (Galle, J. (265) 111) N®.Nitro-t-arginine methyl ester Morphine Analgesia; Selective breeding; Tail flick assay; Tolerance (Lutfy, K. Granuloma; Nitric oxide (NO); L-Arginine; Macrophage (luvone, T. (265) 89) (265) 171) Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist Nonpeptide antagonist YM796; Muscarinic M, receptor; Muscarinic M, receptor; Learning Neuropeptide Y; Benextramine; Neuropeptide Y receptor subtype; behavior (Wanibuchi, F. (265) 151) Binding affinity (Melchiorre, C. (265) 93) 8-OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propy)ltaetmrialnion) Muscarinic receptor Dorsal raphe nucleus; G-protein; 5-HT,, receptor; 5-HT (5-hydroxy- Smooth muscle, airway; Bronchodilator agent; Allergy and immunol- tryptamine, serotonin) release; Microdialysis; Intracerebral (Romero, ogy; (Guinea pig) (Howell, R.E. (265) 67) L. (265) 103) Muscarinic M, receptor Dexfenfluramine; 5-HT,, autoreceptor; 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist; YM796; Muscarinic M, serotonin) release; Frontal cortex; Microdialysis (Gardier, A.M. (265) receptor; Learning behavior (Wanibuchi, F. (265) 151) 107) Muscarinic M, receptor Di. = . Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist; YM796; Muscarinic M, : Vas deferens, rat; a,-Adrenoceptor; N-Ethyl-maleimide; EEDQ receptor; Learning behavior (Wanibuchi, F. (265) 151) (N-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline) (Browne, I. (265) 125) Myosin light chain phosphorylation a@,-Adrenoceptor; Thoracic aorta; B-Escin-skinned fiber (Satoh, M. Phosphodiesterase inhibitor (265) 133) Blood vessel; Pimobendan; Milrinone; UD-CG 212 (Fujimoto, S. (265) 159) NANC (non-adrenergic non-cholinergic) transmission Nitric oxide (NO); Electrical field stimulation; Nicotinic receptor; Pimobendan lleocecal sphincter; (Cat) (Mizhorkova, Z. (265) 77) Blood vessel; Phosphodiesterase inhibitor; Milrinone; UD-CG 212 (Fujimoto, S. (265) 159) Neostigmine SK&F 96365; Endplate potential; Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; Prostate, human Receptor desensitisation (Hong, S.J. (265) 35) a,-Adrenoceptor subtype; Chloroethylclonidine; Nifedipine; Vas def- erens, rat; Spleen, rat (Teng, C.-M. (265) 61) Neuropeptide Y Benextramine; Nonpeptide antagonist; Neuropeptide Y receptor Protein kinase C subtype; Binding affinity (Melchiorre, C. (265) 93) Acetyl-L-carnitine; Behavior; (Rat) (Pascale, A. (265) 1) Megestrol acetate; Appetite; Cancer anorexia; Cachexia; Hypothala- QT duration mus (McCarthy, H.D. (265) 99) Mexiletine; Dofetilide; Conduction; Action potential duration; (Guinea-pig); (In vivo) (Todt, H. (265) 43) Neuropeptide Y receptor subtype Neuropeptide Y; Benextramine; Nonpeptide antagonist; Binding Receptor affinity (Melchiorre, C. (265) 93) Dopamine; Electrophysiology; d-Amphetamine; Antipsychotic; (Rat) (Shepard, P.D. (265) 141) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor SK&F 96365; Neostigmine; Endplate potential; Receptor desensiti- desensitisation sation (Hong, S.J. (265) 35) SK&F 96365; Neostigmine; Endplate potential; Nicotinic acetyl- choline receptor (Hong, S.J. (265) 35) Key word ind/ Eeuroxpea n Journal of Pharmacology 265 (1994) 191-195 Ropinirole Thoracic aorta Dopamine; D,-like receptor; Spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR); a,-Adrenocentor; $-Escin-skinned fiber; Myosin light chain Cardiovascular; Tolerance; (Monkey) (Parker, $.G. (265) 17) phosphorylation (Satoh, M. (265) 133) Selective breeding Tolerance Analgesia; Morphine; Tail flick assay; Tolerance (Lutfy, K. (265) 171) Ropinirole; Dopamine; D,-like receptor; Spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), Cardiovascular; (Monkey) (Parker, $.G. (265) 17) SK&F 96365 Analgesia; Morphine; Selective breeding; Tail flick assay (Lutfy, K. Neostigmine; Endplate potential; Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; (265) 171) Receptor desensitisation (Hong, S.J. (265) 35) UD-CG 212 SK-N-MC cell Blood vessel; Phosphodiesterase inhibitor; Pimobendan; Milrinone aCGRP (calcitonin-gene related peptide), human; aCGRP-(8-—37), (Fujimoto, S. (265) 159) human; BCGRP-~8-37), human; Vas deferens, rat; Atrium, guinea- pig (Longmore, J. (265) 53) Vascular tone Interleukin-18 ; Endothelium; cGMP (Schini-Kerth, V. (265) 83) Smooth muscle, airway Vas deferens, rat Muscarinic receptor; Bronchodilator agent; Allergy and immunology; aCGRP (calcitonin-gene related peptide), human; aCGRP-8-37), (Guinea pig) (Howell, R.E. (265) 67) human; BCGRP-~8-37), human; Atrium, guinea-pig; SK-N-MC cell (Longmore, J. (265) 53) Spleen, rat a,-Adrenoceptor subtype; Chloroethylclonidine; Nifedipine; Vas def- a,-Adrenoceptor subtype; Chloroethyliclonidine; Nifedipine; Spleen, erens, rat; Prostate, human (Teng, C.-M. (265) 61) rat; Prostate, human (Teng, C.-M. (265) 61) Spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) a,-Adrenoceptor, N-Ethyl-maleimide; Phenoxybenzamine; EEDQ Ropinirole; Dopamine; D,-like receptor; Cardiovascular, Tolerance; ( N-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline) (Browne, 1. (265) (Monkey) (Parker, $.G. (265) 17) 125) Vasodilation Tachykinin NK, receptor Lipoprotein; Nitric oxide (NO); Endothelium (Galle, J. (265) 111) Chromodacryorrhea; Foot tapping; CNS (central nervous system) penetration; (Gerbil) (Rupniak, N.M.J. (265) 179) YM796 Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist; Muscarinic M, receptor; Tail flick assay Muscarinic M, receptor; Learning behavior (Wanibuchi, F. (265) Analgesia; Morphine; Selective breeding; Tolerance (Lutfy, K. (265) 151) 171)

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