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European Journal of Orthodontics 16 (1994) 551-556 © 1994 European Orthodontic Society European Journal of Orthodontics Volume 16 (1994) Subject entries Activator and activator headgear Ca release development of arches from 3 to 6 Class II: a comparison ... and osteoclast differentiation and years of age 377 of ... combination appliances 149 migration 130 One-stage closure of isolated ... with Adhesive resin Canine retraction the Veau-Wardill-Kilner V to Y Use of an ... for bonding The effects of different sectional pushback procedure or the Cronin orthodontic brackets 27 arches in ... 317 modification 63 Adolescents Cephalometric analysis Closed coil springs Osseointegrated implants in ... 84 Juvenile chronic arthritis: a ... of the Force system developed from ... 531 Alignment facial skeleton 53 Closure of isolated cleft palate The ... of permanent mandibular Cephalometric evaluation Effect of timing and method incisors in children 121 A long-term ... of treated Class II of ... on development of dental Anterior facial skeleton division 2 malocclusions 301 arches from 3 to 6 years of age A morphometric study in the ... of Cephalometric landmarks 377 the growing rat 353 Validity of ... 110 Combination appliances Arachidonic acid Cephalometric standards Class II: a comparison of activator Bradykinin and thrombin stimulate Longitudinal ... for Norwegians and activator headgear ... 149 release of ... and formation of between the ages of 6 and 18 years Craniofacial morphology prostancids in human periodontal 501 ... In patients with multiple congenitally missing permanent ligament cells 213 Cervicovertebral anatomy teeth 104 Arches Head posture and ... as mandibular Atlas morphology in relation Effect of timing and method of growth predictors 175 to ... and head posture 96 closure of isolated cleft palate on Cheek pressure Cronin modification development of ... from 3 to 6 Changes in ... following rapid One-stage closure of isolated cleft years of age 377 maxillary expansion 295 palate with the Veau-Wardill- Atlas morphology Child’s dentition Kilner V to Y pushback procedure ... in relation to craniofacial Parents’ views on their or the ... 63 morphology and head posture 96 own ... compared with an Cross-bite orthodontist’s assessment 309 A modified palatal arch for Bilaterally impacted maxillary canines Class I malocclusion treatment of unilateral isn Oee Differences in dental arch functional ... in the primary Blood circulation morphology among adult females dentition 35 Changes in ... in teeth and with untreated ... 47 Crystal growth solutions supporting tissues incident to Class IT An in vitro study of the effects of experimental tooth movement 361 ...! a comparison of activator and different ... on the topography of Blood flow changes activator headgear combination the enamel surface 11 ... in permanent maxillary canines appliances 149 during retraction | Class II division 2 malocclusions Deciduous dentition Bond failure A long-term cephalometric Class III malocclusion in the ... 401 A 5-year clinical review of ... with a evaluation of treated ... 301 Dental arch morphology no-mix adhesive (Right-on®) 203 Class II malocclusion Differences in ... among adult Bonding Differences in dental arch females with untreated Class I and Use of an adhesive resin morphology among adult females Class II malocclusion 47 for ... orthodontic brackets 27 with untreated ... 47 Dental arches Bracket placement Class III malocclusion Effect of timing and method of An evaluation of a light-curing ... in the deciduous dentition 401 closure of isolated cleft palate on composite for ... 541 The identification of ... by development of ... from 3 to 6 Bradykinin stimulate release discriminant analysis 71 years of age 377 ... of arachidonic acid and formation Cleft palate Mathematical definition of the shape of prostanoids in human Effect of timing and method of of ... in human permanent healthy periodontal ligament cells 213 closure of isolated ... on dentitions 287 552 SUBJECT ENTRIES Dentitions Head posture Mandibular growth predictors A comparison of medieval and ... and cervicovertebral anatomy as Head posture and cervicovertebral modern ... 163 mandibular growth predictors 175 anatomy as ... 175 Dentofacial changes Atlas morphology in relation to Mandibular incisors The association between spontaneous craniofacial morphology and ... 96 The alignment of permanent ... in reversal of gingival recession in Herbst appliance children 110 mandibular incisors and ... in Facial profile changes during and The association between spontaneous children 229 after ... treatment 275 reversal of gingival recession Discriminant analysis Hyalinized tissue in ... and dentofacial changes in The identification of Class III Multi-nucleated cells remove the children 229 malocclusions by ... 71 main ... and start resorption of Mandibular tooth agenesis adjacent root surfaces 265 Aetiological aspects of ... 371 Hyalinized zone Mathematical definition Embryonic mouse long bones Root resorption beneath the ... of the shape of dental arches in Effects of TGF-B2 on mineral main ... 249 human permanent healthy resorption in cultured ... 130 Hypopituitary dwarf mouse dentitions 287 Enamel sealants Growth of the nasal septum in the Maxillary canines .... a Clinical evaluation of their Snell strain of ... 138 Bilaterally impacted ... 325, 1 Blood flow changes in value during fixed appliance permanent ... during retraction 1 therapy 19 Maxillary expansion Enamel surface Intra-batch variation Changes in cheek pressure following An in vitro study of the effects of Effects of ... on the characteristics of rapid ... 295 different crystal growth solutions super-elastic Ni-Ti wires in three- Medieval dentitions on the topography of ... 11 point bending 421 A comparison of ... with modern Isolated cleft palate 163 Effect of timing and method of Mineral resorption Facebow injuries closure of ... on development of Effects of TGF-B2 on ... in cultured Orthodontic ... and safety equipment dental arches from 3 to 6 years of embryonic mouse long bones 130 385 age 377 Modern dentitions Facial profile changes One-stage closure of ... with the A comparison of medieval with ... ... during and after Herbst appliance Veau-Wardill—Kilner V to Y 163 treatment 275 pushback procedure or the Cronin Morphometric study Facial skeleton modification 63 A ... in the anterior facial skeleton Juvenile chronic arthritis: a of the growing rat 353 cephalometric analysis of Multi-nucleated cells ie :.<.03 Juvenile chronic arthritis ... remove the main hyalinized tissue Fixed appliance therapy ...: a cephalometric analysis of the and start resorption of adjacent Enamel sealants: a clinical evaluation facial skeleton 53 root surfaces 265 of their value during ... 19 Multiple congenitally missing permanent Force system teeth ... developed from closed coil Light curing composite Craniofacial morphology in springs 531 An evaluation of a ... for bracket patients with ... 104 Functional influence placement 541 ... on sutural growth 353 Light maxillary expansion forces Nasal septum ... With the magnetic expansion Growth of the ... inthe Snell strain device 479 of hypopituitary dwarf mouse 138 Gingival crevicular fluid Longitudinal cephalometric standards Need for orthodontic treatment The monitoring of orthodontic tooth ... for Norwegians between the ages The ... in the child population of the movement over a 2-year period by of 6 and 18 years 501 United Kingdom 395 analysis of ... 511 Nerve Gingival recession Aetiological aspects of mandibular The association between spontaneous Magnetic expansion device tooth agenesis—focusing on the reversal of ... in mandibular Light maxillary expansion forces role of ... 371 incisors and dentofacial changes in with the ... 479 Ni-Ti wires children 229 Mandibular arch The characteristics of super- Glove use The role of occlusal discrepancies in elastic ... in three-point bending. ... by orthodontists in England and the long-term stability of Part I: the effect of temperature Wales 241 the ... 521 409 SUBJECT ENTRIES The characteristics of super- Osteoclast differentiation and migration Safety equiptment elastic ... in three-point bending. *Ca release and ... 130 Orthodontic facebow injuries Part II: intra-batch variation and ... 385 421 Sectional arches No-mix adhesive The effects of different ... in canine A 5-year clinical review of bond retraction 317 Palatal arch failure with a ... 203 Skulls A modified ... for treatment of Norwegians Validity of cephalometric landmarks. unilateral functional cross-bite in Longitudinal cephalometric An experimental study on the primary dentition 35 standards for ... between the ages human ... 110 Parent's views of 6 and 18 years 501 Snell strain of mouse ... on their own child’s dentition Growth of the nasal septum in compared with an orthodontist’s the ... 138 assessment 309 Stability Partially edentulous adult patients The role of occlusal discrepancies in Osseointegrated implants as the long-term ... of the Occlusal discrepancies orthodontic anchorage in the mandibular arch 521 The role of ... in the long-term treatment of ... 187 Stomatognathic function stability of the mandibular arch Periodontal ligament cells Short-term consequences of 521 Bradykinin and thrombin stimulate orthognathic surgery on ... 491 Oral mucosa release of arachidonic acid and Super-elastic Ni-Ti wires Aetiological aspects of mandibular formation of prostanoids in The characteristics of ... in three- tooth agenesis—focusing on ... human ... 213 point bending. Part I: the effect of 371 Permanent healthy dentitions temperature 409 Orthodontic anchorage Mathematical definition of the shape The characteristics of ... in three- Osseointegrated implants as ... in of dental arches in human ... 287 point bending. Part II: intra-batch the treatment of partially Primary dentition variation 421 edentulous adult patients 187 A modified palatal arch for Supporting tissues Orthodontic brackets treatment of unilateral functional Aetiological aspects of mandibullar Use of an adhesive resin for cross-bite in ... 35 tooth agenesis—focusing on the bonding ... 27 Prostanoids role of ... 371 Orthodontic facebow injuries Bradykinin and thrombin stimulate Changes in blood circulation in teeth ... and safety equipment 385, 6 release of arachidonic acid and and ... incident to experimental Orthodontic tooth movement formation of ... in human tooth movement 361 Evaluation of standardized methods periodontal ligament cells 213 Sutural growth for registration of time- Functional influence on ... 353 dependent ... 41 The monitoring of ... over a 2-year period by analysis of gingival Removable appliance treatment Teeth crevicular fluid 511 Factors influencing the outcome and Changes in blood circulation in ... Orthodontic treatment duration of ... 181 and supporting tissues incident to The need for ... in the child Retraction experimental tooth movement 361 population of the United Blood flow changes in permanent Temperature Kingdom 393 maxillary canines during ... | The effect of ... on the Orthodontic treatment regimes The effects of different sectional characteristics of super-elastic Evaluation of root resorption in arches in canine ... 317 Ni-Ti wires in three-point bending relation to two ... 223 Right-on® 409 Orthodontist’s assessment A 5-year clinical review of bond TGF-B2 Parents’ views on their own child’s failure with ... 203 Effects of ... on mineral resorption dentition compared with an ... 309 Root resorption in cultured embryonic mouse long Orthognathic surgery ... beneath the main hyalinized zone bones 130 Short-term consequences of ... on 249 Three-point bending stomatognathic function 491 Evaluation of ... in relation to two The characteristics of super -elastic Osseointegrated implants orthodontic treatment regimes 223 Ni-Ti wires in .... Part I: the effect ... aS orthodontic anchorage in the Root surfaces of temperature 409 treatment of partially edentulous Multi-nucleated cells remove the The characteristcs of super-elastic adult patients 187 main hyalinized tissue and start Ni-Ti wires in .... Part II: intra- ... in adolescents 84 resorption of adjacent ... 265 batch variation 421 554 AUTHOR ENTRIES Thrombin stimulate release Tooth movement treatment of ... in the primary ... of arachidonic acid and Changes in blood circulation in teeth dentition 35 formation of prostanoids in and supporting tissues incident to human periodontal ligament cells experimental ... 361 213 Transverse dentofacial morphology Veau-Wardill-Kilner V to Y pushback Time-dependent orthodontic tooth Cephalometric comparison of ... 63 procedure movements One-stage closure of isolated cleft Evaluation of standardized Unilateral functional cross-bite palate with the ... or the Cronin methods for registration of ... 41 A modified palatal arch for modification 63 Author entries Alexander, R. G. see Buschang, P. H. Brudvik, P. and Rygh, P. De Saeytijd, C., Carels, C. E. L. and Andersen, K. see Pedersen, E. Root resorption beneath the main Lesaffre, E. Andlin-Sobocki, A. and Persson, M. hyalinized zone 249 An evaluation of a light-curing The association between spontaneous Brudvik, P. and Rygh, P. composite for bracket placement reversal of gingival recession in Multi-nucleated cells remove the 541 mandibular incisors and main hyalinized tissue and start Dieudonné, S. C. see Berghuis, H. M. dentofacial changes in children. A resorption of adjacent root Dinger, M. and iscan, N. 3-year longitudinal study 229 surfaces 265 The effects of different sectional Anehus-Pancherz, M. see Pancherz, H. Buchanan, I. B. see Kerr, W. J. S. arches in canine retraction 317 Athanasiou, A. E. and Yiicel Eroglu, E. Burden, D. J. and Holmes, A. Short-term consequences of The need for orthodontic treatment El-Batouti, A., Ogaard, B. and Bishara, orthognathic surgery on in the child population of the S. E. stomatognathic function 491 United Kingdom 395 Longitudinal cephalometric Burke, F. J. T., Wilson, N. H. F., standards for Norwegians between Cheung, S-W. and Shaw, W. C. the ages of 6 and 18 years 501 Baccetti, T. see Tollaro, I. Banks, P. A. and Richmond, S. Glove use by orthodontists in Eliasson, S. see Levander, E. England and Wales: changes since Enamel sealants: a clinical evaluation 1989 and comparisons with of their value during fixed Ferrario, V. F., Sforza, C., Miani, A. general dental practitioners 241 appliance therapy 19 and Tartaglia, G. Buschang, P. H., Stroud, J. and Barnes, S. A. R. see R6nning, O. Mathematical definition of the Alexander, R. G. Bassarelli, V. see Tollaro, I. shape of dental arches in human Differences in dental arch Battagel. J. M. permanent healthy dentitions 287 morphology among adult females The identification of Class III Franchi, L. see Tollaro, I. with untreated Class I and Class II malocclusions by discriminant Friberg, B. see Thilander, B. malocclusion 47 analysis 71 Berg, R. see Katsaros, C. Goei, W. see Berghuis, H. M. Berghuis, H. M., Dieudonné, S. C., Carels, C. E. L. see De Saeytijd, C. Gordon, P. H. see Millett, D. T. Goei, W. and Veldhuijzen, J. P. Chan, T. C. K. see Tng, T. T. H. Granath, L. and Petersson, S-O. Effects of TGF-B2 on mineral Cheung, S-W. see Burke, F. J. T. A modified palatal arch for resorption in cultured embryonic Christensen, L. R. see Kjeer, 1. treatment of unilateral functional mouse long bones; *°Ca release Cooke, M. S. see Huggare, J. A. V.; cross-bite in the primary dentition and osteoclast differentiation and Tng, T. T. H. 35 migration 130 Gréndahl, K. see Thilander, B. Binda, S. K. R., Kuijpers-Jagtman, A. M., Maertens, J. K. M. and Darendelier, M. A., Strahm, C. and van’t Hof, M. A. Joho, J. P. Hagberg, C. A long-term cephalometric Light maxillary expansion forces The alignment of permanent evaluation of treated Class II with the magnetic expansion mandibular incisors in children. A division 2 malocclusions 301 device. A preliminary longitudinal prospective study 121 Bishara, S. E. see El-Batouti, A. investigation 479 Hagg, U. see Tng, T. T. H. AUTHOR ENTRIES Halazonetis, D. J. Katsavrias, E. and Kjer, I. see Nodal, M. Nystrém, M. and Ranta, R. Spyropoulos, M. N. Knox, J. see Pizarro, K. A. Effect of timing and method of Changes in cheek pressure Kocsis, G. see Kjeer, I. closure of isolated cleft palate on following rapid maxillary Kristiansen, A. B. see Vandevska- development of dental arches from expansion 295 Radunovic, V. 3 to 6 years of age 377 Harper, C. Kuijpers-Jagtman, A. M. see Binda, A comparison of medieval and S. K. R. Odman, J., Lekholm, U., Jemt, T. and modern dentitions 163 Kvinnsland, S. see Vandevska- Heliévaara, A. Radunovic, V. Thilander, B. Osseointegrated implants as One-stage closure of isolated cleft orthodontic anchorage in the palate with the Veau-Wardill- Kilner V to Y pushback procedure treatment of partially edentulous or the Cronin modification. IV. Last, K. S. see Pender, N. adult patients 187 Lekholm, U. see Odman, J. Odman, J. see Thilander, B. Cephalometric comparison of transverse dentofacial morphology Lerner, U. H. see Marklund, M. Ogaard, B. see El-Batouti, A. Lesaffre, E. see De Saeytijd, C. Oztiirk, Y. and Tankuter, N. 63 Heyeraas, K. J. see Vandevska- Levander, E., Malmgren, O. and Class II: a comparison of activator Radunovic, V. Eliasson, S. and activator headgear Hof, M. A. van’t see Binda, S. K. R. Evaluation of root resorption in combination appliances 149 Holmes, A. see Burden, D. J. relation to two orthodontic Huggare, J. A. V. and Cooke, M. S. treatment regimes. A clinical Pancherz, H. and Anehus-Pancherz, M. Head posture and cervicovertebral experimental study 223 Facial profile changes during and anatomy as mandibular growth Lucas, V. S. see Roberts, G. J. after Herbst appliance treatment predictors 175 275 Pearson, M. H. see Rénning, O. Maertens, J. K. M. see Binda, S. K. R. Pedersen, E., Isidor, F. and Andersen, Ireland, A. J. and Sherriff, M. Malmgren, O. see Levander, E. K. Use of an adhesive resin for bonding Marklund, M., Lerner, U. H., Persson, Evaluation of standardized orthodontic brackets 27 M. and Ransjé, M. methods for registration of time- Iscan, H. N. see Dincer, M. Bradykinin and thrombin dependent orthodontic tooth Isidor, F. see Pedersen, E. stimulate release of arachidonic movements 41 acid and formation of prostanoids Pender, N., Samuels, R. H. A. and Last, in human periodontal ligament K.S. Jemt, T. see Odman, J. cells 213 The monitoring of orthodontic McColl, J. H. see Kerr, W. J. S. tooth movement over a 2-year Joho, J. P. see Darendeiier, M. A. McDonald, F. and Pitt Ford, T. R. period by analysis of gingival Jones, M. L. see Pizarro, K. A.; Blood flow changes in permanent crevicular fluid 511 Samuels, R. H. A. maxillary canines during retraction Persson, M. see Andlin-Sobocki, A.; 1 Marklund, M. McNair, F. I. see Kerr, W. J. S. Petersson, S-O. see Granath, L. Katsaros, C., Kiliaridis, S. and Berg, R. Melsen, B., Topp, L. F., Melsen, H. M. Pietild, I. see Pietila, T. Functional influence on sutural and Terp, S. Pietilaé, T. and Pietild, I growth. A morphometric study in Force system developed from Parents’ views on their own child’s the anterior facial skeleton of the closed coil springs 531 dentition compared with an growing rat 353 Melsen, H. M. see Melsen, B. orthodontist’s assessment 309 Katsavrias, E. see Halazonetis, D. J. Miani, A. see Ferrario, V. F. Pitt Ford, T. R. see McDonald, F. Kerr, W. J. S., Buchanan, I. B. Millett, D. T. and Gordon, P. H. Pizarro, K. A., Jones, M. L. and Knox, McNair, F. I. and McColl, J. H. A 5-year clinical review of bond tS Factors influencing the outcome failure with a no-mix adhesive An in vitro study of the effects of and duration of removable (Right-on®) 203 different crystal growth solutions appliance treatment 181 on the topography of the enamel Kiliaridis, S. see Katsaros, C. surface 11 Kjer, I., Kocsis, G., Nodal, M. and Pledger, D. M. see R6énning, O. Christensen, L. R. Nodal, M. see Kjeer, I. Aetiological aspects of mandibular Nodal, M., Kjer, I. and Solow, B. tooth agenesis—focusing on the Craniofacial morphology in patients Ransjé, M. see Marklund, M. role of nerve, oral mucosa, and with multiple congentitally missing Ranta, R, see Nystrém, M. supporting tissues 371 permanent teeth 104 Richmond, S. see Banks, P. A. 556 AUTHOR ENTRIES Roberts, G. J. and Lucas, V. S. Strahm, C. see Darendelier, M. A. Tonner, R. I. M. and Waters, N. E. Growth of the nasal septum in the Stroud, J. see Buschang, P. H. The characteristics of super-elastic Snell strain of hypopituitary dwarf Ni-Ti wires in three-point bending. mouse 138 Part II: intra-batch variation 421 Rénning, O., Barnes, S. A. R., Pearson, Tankuter, N. see Oztiirk, Y. Topp, L. F. see Melsen, B. M. H. and Pledger, D. M. Tartaglia, G. see Ferrario, V. F. Juvenile chronic arthritis: a Terp, S. see Melsen, B. Vandevska-Radunovic, V., Kristiansen, cephalometric analysis of the facial Thilander, B., Odman, J., Gréndahl, K. A. B., Heyeraas, K. J. and skeleton 53 and Friberg, B. Kvinnsland, S. Rygh, P. see Brudvik, P. Osseointegrated implants in Changes in blood circulation in adolescents. An alternative in teeth and supporting tissues replacing missing teeth? 84 incident to experimental tooth Samuels, R. H. A. and Jones, M. L. Thilander, B. see Odman, J. movement 361 Orthodontic facebow injuries and Tng, T. T. H., Chan, T. C. K., Veldhuijzen, J. P. see Berghuis, H. M. safety equipment 385 Hagg, U. and Cooke, M. S. Samuels, R. H. A. see Pender, N. Validity of cephalometric Waters, N. E. see Tonner, R. I. M. Sandik¢ioglu, M., Skov, S. and Solow, landmarks. An experimental study Weiland, F. J. B. on human skulls 110 The role of occlusal discrepancies in Atlas morphology in relation to Tollaro, I, Baccetti, T., Bassarelli, V. the long-term stability of the craniofacial morphology and head and Franchi, L. mandibular arch 521 posture 96 Class III malocclusion in the Wilson, N. H. F. see Burke, F. J. T. Sforza, C. see Ferrario, V. F. deciduous dentition: a Shaw, W. C. see Burke, F. J. T. morphological and correlation Sherriff, M. see Ireland, A. J. study 401 Yiicel Eroglu, E. see Athanasiou, A. E. Skov, S. see Sandikcgioglu, M. Tonner, R. I. M. and Waters, N. E. Solow, B. see Nodal, M.; Sandik¢ioglu, The characteristics of super-elastic Zuccati, G. M. Ni-Ti wires in three-point bending. Bilaterally impacted maxillary Spyropoulos, M. N. see Halazonetis, Part I: The effect of temperature canines: a case report in an adult D:.3. 409 325 European Journal of Orthodontics 16 (1994) 557-572 © 1994 European Orthodontic Society European Journal of Orthodontics Volume 16 (1994) Subject entries Abstract section - page numbers are Articulation the initial ... in a macerated given first followed by the abstract Effects of retainers on ... of speech human skull 477(122) number in parentheses. 465(87) A holographic investigation of the Autotransplantation initial ... in a macerated human Activator Orthodontic pretreatment for ... of skull occuring in response to Does the ... procline the lower palatally impacted maxillary headgear traction 449(38) incisors? 336(18) canines 440(13) A non-invasive method to detect Orthodontic and orthopaedic effects load dependent ... 465(86) of ... 444(24) Bracket bases Treatment of Class II malocclusion Bond strength of silanated titane ... with ... 350(59) B,-integrin mRNA treated with 5 different methods Activator-HG combination Regulation of ... may transduce 330(1) Orthodontic and orthopaedic effects orthodontic forces 332(8) Bracket fixation of ... 444(24) Bass appliances Deposition of fluoride in enamel Active plates Orthodontic and orthopaedic effects after bracket fixation with ... Tooth movement distribution using of ... 444(24) 450(40) ... for distal movement 467(92) B-homozygous thalassaemia Bracket materials Adenoidectomy Cephalometric identification of A comparative study of torque Effects of ... on dentofacial patients with ... in Greece 459(67) properties for different ... 342(37) structures 452(48) Transverse dentofacial structure of Brackets Advanced periodontal disease Combined perio-orthodontic patients with ... 463(80) Temperature increase caused by Bilateral sagittal split osteotomies thermodebonding of ceramic ... Aerodtyrneaatmmiecn t asisne s..s.m e4n3t9 (12) Post-surgical changes in mandibular 337(23) Utility of ... of nasal impairment in morphology after ... 442(20) Bracket-wire Biochemical responses Influence of friction due to different orthodontic patients 341 (32) Aethylcyanoacrylate Mechanical pressure elicits specific ... combinations on the force ... as bonding material 458(64) ... in mandibular condylar system during levelling 337(22) Age chondrocytes 330(4) Buccal mucosae An investigation into the influence of Bite conditions Leukoplakia of the ... in relation to A three-dimensional photographic ... on the co-operation of orthodontic magnets 341 (33) method for documenting ... orthodontic patients 470( 102) 462(78) Angle Class III malocclusion Bond strength The effect of early orthodontic ... of etched tooth surface Canine retraction treatment in children with ... 438(7) contaminated with saliva 339(26) Constant and continuous force on ... Angle classes Bond strengths 333(10) The morphological continuites ... of silanated bracket bases treated Optimization of ... by using a with 5 different methods 330(1) combination of NiTi and stainless between the ... 333(11) Angulation Bonded retainers steel 475(116) Periodontal implications of ... Cartilage Effect of ... on arch length 462(76) Anterior open bite 454(54) The response of ... to growth factors ... 441(18) Bonding material 447(33) Anterior protraction Aethylcyanoacrylate as ... 458(64) Cephalometric analysis Skeletal response to ... of the upper Bonding systems ... using original computer expert jaw in patients with cleft lip and A comparative clinical study of four system 466(89) palate 349(57) orthodontic ... 456(58) Cephalometric comparison Anterior protrusive path Bone displacement ... of mandibular headgear and chin- ... In man 348(52) A comparative holographic cap appliances 330(2) Arch length investigation of the effects of force ... Of selected and unselected Effects of tooth shape, inclination magnitude of headgear traction children with juvenile chronic and angulation on ... 462(76) applied in different directions on arthritis 442(19) 558 SUBJECT ENTRIES Cephalometric evaluation Class IT division 1 Stability of ... during growth ... of combined orthodontic Postero-anterior dimensions of a... 340(30) treatment in Class III patients sample as related to a Class I Cleft lip and palate 461(72) population 454(52) A method of recording the .. of maxillary retrognathism cases Class IT division 1 patients severity of ... prior to surgery treated with the FR-III appliances Dental and skeletal effects in ... 475(117) 331(46) treated with fixed appliances and Greek public awareness related to .. of pharyngeal spaces and hyoid Class II elastics 465(85) patients with ... 463(79) bone and tongue position Skeletal effects in ... treated with Orofacial treatment with an intra- following the use of mandibular headgear activator 439(11) oral plate in newborn children repositioning appliance in Class II division 2 malocclusion with unilateral ... 460(70) obstructive sleep apnoea patients Components of ... in children and Skeletal response to anterior 330(3) adults 463(81) protraction of the upper jaw in Comparison of RPE-assisted and Class II elastics patients with ... 349(57) normal Delaire mask applications Dental and skeletal effects in Class II Cleft palate children by means of. .. 334(14) division | patients treated with ... Changes in dentofacial morphology Cephalometric identification 465(85) in ... treated by maxillary ... of patients with B-homozygous Class IT malocclusion protraction headgear 446(31) thalassaemia in Greece 459(67) Treatment of ... with Jasper jumper Cleft palate patients Cephalometric study and activator 350(59) Treatment of ... with the function ... of chin-cap therapy 331(5) Class ITI regulator of Frankel 451(46) Cephalometrics ...: long-term evaluation of dental Cleft patients Computerized dynamic ... 436(3) stability 443(23) Reconstruction of residual alveolar Ceramic brackets Extraction of second deciduous palatal bone defects in... 347(51) Adhesion of ... to enamel 450(41) molars in severe ... 469(97) CMD Metal and ... compared by the finite Class III elastics Influence of orthodontic treatment element method 455(55) Effects of ... for reversed occlusion on ... 346(47) Temperature increase caused by in the mixed dentition 336(20) Combined orthodontic treatment thermodebonding of. .. 337(23) Class ITI malocclusion Cephalometric evaluation of Cerebral palsy A comparison of the effects of non- ... in Class III patients 461(72) The prevalence of malocclusion in extraction and extraction Edgewise Combined perio-orthodontic treatment children with ... 451(43) technique and chin-cap ... in adult advanced periodontal Chewing muscles combination on the soft tissue disease 439(12) Electromyography of the ... related profile in ... 437(5) Combined surgery to malocclusion and orthodontic Class III malocclusions Cephalometric changes in Skeletal treatment 332(7) Diagnosis and treatment of ... Class III patients with ... 461(73) Chewing performance 350(60) Computer expert system Is human ... sensitive to direction of Orthopaedic and orthodontic results Cephalometric analysis using original occlusal force 472(107) in the treatment of ... in young ... 466(89) Chin patients 447(34) Computer-aided B + M-mode- The ... in Class III cases 468(96) Class III patients ultrasonography Chin-cap Cephalometric evaluation of Investigation of patients with The effects of the vertical ... on the combined orthodontic treatment tongue thrust habit during mandibular morphology 457(61) 461(72) swallowing with the ... 345(46) Chin-cap appliances Divine proportions of ... treated Condylar growth Cephalometric comparison of with orthognathic surgery 446(30) Orthopaedically induced ... in a mandibular headgear and ... Long-term evaluation of ... treated patient with hemifacial microsomia 330(2) by facemask 334(13) 470(103) Chin-cap combination The long-term evaluation of Co-operation A comparison of non-extraction and orthodontically treated ... An investigation into the influence of extraction Edgewise technique and 472(108) treament duration and age on the ... on the soft tissue profile in Class III treatment ... Of orthodontic patients Class III malocclusion 437(5) ... with functional appliances 470(102) Chin-cap therapy 451(45) Craniofacial catch-up growth sss SONGS) Mandibular extra-oral traction and Longitudinal study of ... in Snell Class I population customized facemasks in ... strain mice 468(95) Postero-anterior dimensions of a 439(10) Craniofacial correlations Class II division | sample as Results of ... in relation to the Are we playing games with ...? related to a ... 454(52) beginning therapy 343(40) 473(111) SUBJECT ENTRIES 559 Craniofacial development Dentofacial changes Electromyographical activity Influence of growth hormone ... in cleft palate children treated by Correlation between malocclusion therapy on ... in small children maxillary protraction headgear and ... of various muscle groups after intra-uterine growth 446(31) 445(29) retardation 464(83) Dentofacial structures Electromyography Craniofacial morphology Effects of adenoidectomy on ... ... of the chewing muscles related to The effect of hypondontia on ... 452(48) malocclusion and orthodontic 476(119) Effects of nasal obstruction on ... treatment 332(7) Craniofacial movement 452(49) EMG-mapping Measurement of ... using Dento-maxillary anomalies ... of the masseter under different computerized techniques 464(82) A comparative study of the part basic function 454(53) Craniofacial structure played by sucking habits in the Enamel Effects of thalassaemia major on the genesis of ... according to the Adhesion of ceramic brackets to ... ... 438(9) psycho-socio-biological factors 450(41) Cranio-vertical head posture 452(47) Deposition of fluoride in ... after The effect of masticatory muscle Dento-skeletal changes bracket fixation with glass fatigue on ... and rest position of ... associated with sagittal splitting ionomer cement 450(40) the mandible 458(65) osteotomy of the mandible in Endosseous implants Cytotoxicity Skeletal Class III malocclusion Indications for ... in orthodontic Vital staining as an indicator of ... 460(69) therapy 349(56) of neodymium of iron boron Diagnosis Eruption magnets 445(27) 3D-imaging and 3D-CT skull models ... Of the lower third molar 344(43) in ... 335(17) Primary failure of ... 475(115) New developments in ... in Etched tooth surface orthodontics 333(12) Bond strength of ... contaminated Deciduous dentition Diet with saliva 339(26) Orthopaedic treatment effect of The effect of ... induced changes in Experience prostaglandin E, levels on Effect of ... on inter-examiner reversed occlusion in ... 464(84) Deciduous molars orthodontic tooth movement cephalomteric errors 461(75) Extraction of second ... in early 459(66) Extraction treatment of severe Class III Digitized images Soft tissue profile changes in deep 469(97) Tooth movement computer analysis bite treatment ... versus non- Deep bite malocclusions on ... of modified typodont extraction 457(62) Skeletal and dental changes 471(104) Therapeutic changes after ... of first following treatment of ... 344(41) Distal movement and second premolars 470( 100) Deep bite treatment Tooth movement distribution using Soft tissue profile changes in ... active plates for ... 467(92) 457(62) Distraction osteogenesis Facemask Dental arch dimensions Surgically assisted rapid orthopaedic Long-term evaluation of Class III Number and intensity of occlusal lengthening of the maxilla in treated by ... 334(13) contacts and ... after orthodontic primates—relapse following ... Facemasks treatment and during the retention 436(1) Mandibular extra-oral traction and period 437(4) Drum spring retractor customized ... in Class III Dental changes ... 333(10) treatment 439(10) ... following treatment of deep bite Facial asymmetry malocclusions 344(41) ... in patients with internal Dental effects Edgewise technique derangement of TMJ 456(60) ... in Class II division 1 patients A comparison of non-extraction and Facial form assessment treated with fixed appliances and extraction ... and chin-cap ... using a computerized modified Class II elastics 465(85) combination on the soft tissue mesh diagram analysis 444(25) Dental maturation profile in Class III malocclusion Facial morphology Effect of high-dose growth hormone 437(5) A longitudinal study and analysis of therapy on ... in small children Education changes in ... during growth in after intra-uterine growth The ... of personnel auxiliary to hemifacial microsomia patients retardation 474(112) dentistry 343(38) 343(39) Dental stability Electrical activity Masseter muscle thickness during Class III: long-term evaluation of ... Mandibular rest position and ... of growth and its relationship to ... 443(23) the masticatory muscles 341 (34) 347(49) 560 SUBJECT ENTRIES Facial skeleton FR-III appliance Headgear traction Large volume CT-scanning of the Cephalometric evaluation of A comparative holographic complete ... in a one-scan maxillary retrognathism cases investigation of the effects of force technique 455(56) treated with the ... 331(6) magnitude of ... applied in Facial skull Frontal sinus different directions on the initial Three-dimensional models of the Development of the ... 469(98) bone displacement in a macerated individual ... by stereolithography Function regulator of Fréankel human skull 477(122) 455(57) Treatment of cleft palate patients A holographic investigation of the Facial three-dimensional morphometry with the ... 451(46) initial bone displacement in a ... by a new non-invasive method Functional appliances macerated human skull occurring 448 (36) Class HI treatment with ... 451(45) in response to ... 449(38) Fingers Hemifacial microsomia Longitudinal length change of ... A longitudinal study and analysis of with a logistic function 472(109) Gingival invagination area changes during growth in ... Finite element method A ... after space closure 474(114) patients 343(39) Metal and ceramic brackets Gingival tissue Orthopaedically induced condylar compared by the ... 455(55) Human dental pulp and ... after growth in a patient with ... Fixation static magnetic field exposure 470(103) An experimental study of the effects 441(16) Herbst appliances of ... on the healing of onlay bone Growth A comparative study of treatment grafts 347(50) A longitudinal study and analysis of effects of two ... 473(110) Fixed appliances changes in facial morphology Herbst treatment Dental and skeletal effects in Class II during ... in hemifacial ... 345(45) division | patients treated with ... microsomia patients 343(39) Early versus late ... 344(44) 465(85) Masseter muscle thickness during ... Holographic investigation Tooth mobility after orthodontic 347(49) A ... of the initial bone dispalcement treatment with ... 445(28) Stability of Class III treatment in a macerated human skull Fluoride during ... 340(30) occurring in response to headgear Deposition of ... in enamel after Growth factors traction 449(38) bracket fixation with glass Isolation and partial characterization A comparative ... of the effects of ionomer cement 450(40) of ... from rabbit bone 351(61) force magnitude of headgear Force The response of cartilage to ... traction applied in different Constant and continuous ... on 447(33) directions on the initial bone canine retraction 333(10) Growth hormone therapy displacement in a macerated Early time-related tissue reactions Effect of high-dose ... on dental human skull 477(122) after application of a controlled maturation in small children after Human dental pulp continuous orthodontic ... intra-uterine growth retardation ... and gingival tissue after static 340(31) 474(112) magnetic field exposure 441 (16) Force magnitude Influence of ... on craniofacial Human skull A comparative holographic development in small children A holographic investigation of the investigation of the effects of ... of after intra-uterine growth initial bone displacement in a the headgear traction applied in retardation 464(83) macerated ... occurring in response different directions on the intial Growth patterns to headgear traction 449(38) bone displacement in a macerated Radiographic study of the Hyaline zone skull 477(122) nasopharyngeal space related to ... The ... and associated root Force system 468(94) resorption in experimental Influence of friction due to different Guided tissue orthodontics in rats 337(21) bracket-wire combinations on the ... 438(8) Hyoid bone position ... during levelling 337(22) Cephalomentric evaluation of ... Forces 330(3) ... delivered by transpalatal arches Hard anodized aluminium Hypodontia and quadhelix 448(35) ... as an alternative material 441 The effect of ... on craniofacial Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome (17) morphology 476(119) Rare cases of ... 476(120) Headgear activator Friction Skeletal effects in Class II division 1 Influence of ... due to different patients treated with ... 439(11) bracket-wire combinations on the Headgear co-operation Impacted canine status force system during levelling Selcuk type headgear-timer: its ... and results evaluation after 337(22) accuracy and effect on ... 453(50) surgical treatment 443(22)

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