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EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 88 (2000) 229-231 www.elsevier.com/locate/ejogrb Volume contents Volume 88 (2000) Original Articles General Gynecology Direct cost of single dose methotrexate for unruptured ectopic pregnancy. Prospective comparison with laparoscopy F. Lecuru, F. Robin, S. Chasset, F. Leonard, S. Guitti, R. Taurelle (France) A prospective study examining the association between the symptoms of anxiety and depression and severity of urinary incontinence A.J.S. Watson, I. Currie, §. Curran, G.J. Jarvis (UK) Estroprogestin vs. gonadotrophin agonists plus estroprogestin in the treatment of endometriosis-related pelvic pain: a randomized trial F. Parazzini, E. Di Cintio, L. Chatenoud, S. Moroni, I. Ardovino, E. Struzziero, L. Falsetti, A. Bianchi, G. Bracco, A. Pellegrini, C. Bertulessi, C. Romanini, E. Zupi, M. Massobrio, D. Guidetti, L. Troiano, P. Beretta, M. Franchi, Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio dell’Endometriosi (Italy) Obstetrics and Prenatal Diagnosis Risks and benefits of B-receptor blockers for pregnancy hypertension: overview of the randomized trials L.A. Magee, E. Elran, S.B. Bull, A. Logan, G. Koren (Canada) A population-based case-control teratologic study of oral oxytetracycline treatment during pregnancy A.E. Czeizel, M. Rockenbauer (Hungary) Perceived quality of care in pregnancy. Assessment before and after delivery R. Lled6, T. Rodriguez, A. Trilla, V. Cararach, J. Restuccia, M.A. Asenjo (Spain, USA) Improving intrapartum surveillance: an individualised T/QRS ratio? W.J. van Wijngaarden, B.K. Strachan, D.S. Sahota, D.K. James (The Netherlands, UK, China) The triple-marker test in predicting fetal aneuploidy: a compromise between sensitivity and specificity K. Huderer-Duric, S. Skrablin, I. Kuvacic, Z. Sonicki, D. Rubala, E. Suchanek (Croatia) Maternal serum interleukin 1, 2, 6, 8 and interleukin-2 receptor levels in preterm labor and delivery M. Alvarez-de-la-Rosa, F.J. Rebollo, R. Codoceo, A. Gonzalez Gonzalez (Spain) Dating biometry during the first trimester: accuracy of an every-day practice G. Grange, E. Pannier, F. Goffinet, D. Cabrol, J.-R. Zorn (France) Perinatal audit on avoidable mortality in a Dutch rural region: a retrospective study P.A.O.M. De Ren, J.G. Nijhuis, H.P. Oosterbaan, T.K.A.B. Eskes (The Netherlands) Gynecological Oncology Rectal cancer in pregnancy: a new management based on blended anesthesia and monitoring of fetal well being L. Caforio, G. Draisci, M. Ciampelli, B. Rossi, L. Sollazzi, A. Caruso (Italy) Effect of grade on disease-free survival and overall survival in FIGO stage I adenocarcinoma of the endometrium J.F. Delaloye, S. Pampallona, P.A. Coucke, A. Megalo, P. De Grandi (Switzerland) Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine Hysteroscopic metroplasty for septate uterus and repetitive abortions: reproductive outcome G. Porcu, L. Cravello, C. D’Ercole, D. Cohen, V. Roger, R. de Montgolfier, B. Blanc (France) Fertility after hysteroscopic myomectomy: effect of intramural myomas associated G. Bernard, E. Darai, C. Poncelet, J.-L. Benifla, P. Madelenat (France) A randomized study of the effects of tibolone and transdermal estrogen replacement therapy in postmenopausal women with uterine myomas L. Fedele, S. Bianchi, R. Raffaelli, G. Zanconato (Italy) Transverse uterine incision non-closure versus closure: an experimental study in dogs A. Giil, €. Kotan, S. Ugras, M. Alan, T. Giil (Turkey) Case Reports Subsequent successful pregnancy and delivery after intracytoplasmic sperm injection in a patient with XY gonadal dysgenesisms M. Dirnfeld, D. Bider, H. Abramovici, I. Calderon, Z. Blumenfeld (Israel) 230 Volume contents vol. 88 (2000) Polypoid endocervical stromal sarcoma with heterologous elements. Report of a case with review of the literature S.S. Amr, S.M. Sheikh (Saudi Arabia) A case of postpregnancy osteoporosis A. Yamaga, M. Taga, T. Takahashi, T. Shirai (Japan) Book Review Mothers, babies and health in later life T.K.A.B. Eskes (The Netherlands) Instructions to authors Guest Editorial Is laparoscopy the gold standard for the diagnosis of endometriosis? I.A. Brosens, J.J. Brosens (Belgium, UK) Review Article ‘ Leptin, the ob gene product, in female health and disease C. Schubring, W.F. Blum, J. Kratzsch, J. Deutscher, W. Kiess (Germany) General Gynecology Appendix perforation by an intrauterine contraceptive device E. Ohana, E. Sheiner, E. Leron, M. Mazor (Israel) Obstetrics and Prenatal Diagnosis Obstetric brachial plexus injury: risk factors related to recovery H. Wolf, A.F. Hoeksma, S.L. Oei, O.P. Bleker (The Netherlands) Preliminary experience with twenty perineal repairs using Indermil tissue adhesive L. Rogerson, G.C. Mason, A.C. Roberts (UK) Diclofenac in the treatment of pain after caesarean delivery. An opioid-saving strategy C.I. Olofsson, M.H. Legeby, E.-B. Nygards, K.M. Ostman (Sweden) Maternal neonatal outcome in quadruplet and quintuplet versus triplet gestations S. Skrablin, I. Kuvaéié, D. Pavicié, D. Kalafati¢é, T. Goluza (Croatia) Gynecological Oncology Mature cystic teratomas of the ovary: case series from one institution over 34 years A. Ayhan, O. Bukulmez, C. Genc, B.S. Karamursel, A. Ayhan (Turkey) Role of appendectomy in predicting lymph node metastases in patients with ovarian cancer I. Takaé (Slovenia) Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine Inhibitory G protein alpha subunit (Gia) expression and localization during human trophoblast differentiation E. Daiter, A. Makrigiannakis, G. Coukos, M.J. Woolkalis, C. Coutifaris (USA) Two month glucocorticoid treatment increases estradiol-induced stromal and myometrial cell proliferation in the uterus of ovariectomized rats A.G. Gunin, A.A. Sharov, DV. Nikolaev (Russia) Significance of chromosomal aberrations for the unsuccessful procedures of assisted reproduction B.C. Tarlatzis, D.I. Toncheva, I.Ts. Vatev (Greece, Bulgaria) EPH-gestosis (pre-eclampsia)-induced decrease of gelatinase activity may promote an accumulation of collagen in the umbilical cord artery Z. Galewska, E. Bankowski, L. Romanowicz, S. Jaworski (Poland) Treatment outcome in women with a single ovary versus patients with two ovaries undergoing in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF/ET) E. Levitas, B. Furman, I. Shoham-Vardi, E. Lunenfeld, G. Potashnik (Israel) Case Report The Mirror Syndrome D.Y. Midgley, K. Harding (UK) A case report of acute pelvic thrombophlebitis missed by magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic veins L.A. Magee, C'W.G. Redman (UK) Perinatal outcome in adolescent pregnancies: a case-control study from a Turkish university hospital O. Bukulmez, O. Deren (Turkey) Borderline form of empty follicle syndrome: is it really an entity? A.Z. Isik, K. Vicdan (Turkey) Volume contents vol. 88 (2000) Letters to the Editor Epileptogenic activity of folic acid W.J. Goldman (USA) Reply to Letter to the Editor E. Erés, A.E. Czeizel (Hungary) Book Review Care in normal birth: a practical guide Postpartum care of the mother and newborn: a practical guide O.P. Bleker (The Netherlands) Author index Subject index Volume contents

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