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Europe and the Third World: From Colonisation to Decolonisation c. 1500–1998 PDF

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EUROPE AND THE THIRD WORLD Themesin ComparativeHistory GeneralEditor:CliveEmsley PublishedTitles CliveEmsley PolicinganditsContext, /750-/870 R.F.Holland EuropeanDecolonization, /9/8-/980 Ian Inkster ScienceandTechnologyinHistory DominicLieven TheAristocracyinEurope, /8/5-/9/4 RosemaryO'Day TheFamilyandFamilyRelationships,/500-/900: England,FranceandtheUnitedStatesofAmerica PamelaPilbeam TheMiddleClassesinEurope,/789-/914 JaneRendall TheOriginsofModem Feminism: Women inBritain,FranceandtheUnitedStates,J780·/860 BernardWaites EuropeandtheThirdWorld: From ColonisationtoDecolonisation,c./500-/998 KenWard MassConnnunicationsandtheModem World Forthcoming David EnglanderandTonyMason WarandPolitics: TheExperienceoftheSeroicemaninTwoWorld Wlm JoeLee Peasant Europe illtheEighteenth andNineteenthCenturies PeterRycraft PeasantRebellions, /400-/600 EUROPE AND THE THIRD WORLD From Colonisation to Decolonisation c.1500-1998 Bernard Waites LecturerinEuropean Humanities The Open University © Bernard Waites 1999 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 9HE. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. The author has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 1999 by MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-0-333-58869-7 ISBN 978-1-349-27623-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-27623-3 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. Published in the United States of America 1998 by ST.MARTIN'S PRESS, INC., Scholarly and Reference Division, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010 ISBN 978-0-312-22207-9 ISBN 978-0-312-22208-6 For Daisyand Sam CONTENTS listofTables x Prefaceas.dAcknowledgemenL~ Xl 1 Europe and the'ThirdWorld':An Introduction andOverview 1 TheStructureofthisBook 21 2 Europe andtheAmericas 24 Introduction 24 DemographyandLabourinthe'NewWorld' 27 BlackSlaoeryintheAmericas 30 Bullion,PriceInflationandtheRiseofa TransatlanticTradingSystem 34 The'Europeanisation'oftheCaribbeanandthe 'Americanisation'ofEurope'sLong-DistanceTrade 41 Slavery.CapitalismandIndustrialisation 47 Conclusions:EuropeandtheNewWorld 56 3 EuropeandAsia,c.1500toc.1880 59 Introduction 59 BetweentheAsianTradeReaolutionandtheBeginnings of Tenitorial Conquest 64 India's Potential[orAut011011I0USDevelopment 76 TheIncorporationoftheIndianSubcontinentintothe European WorldEcon011lY 81 Failed'RevolutionFromAbove'inIndia? 87 Nineteenth-CenturyJava:ji'01/1theCultivationSystem totheLiberalEra 90 Conclusions 95 4 EuropeandAfricafromtheSlaveTrade tothe ColonialConquest 100 Introduction 100 Vll VllI Contents TheSlave Trade,SlaveryandAfricanUnderdevelopment 102 'LegitimateCommerce'andtheTraders'Frontier 107 ThePartitionofAfricaandthe'NewImperialism' 113 Europe,EgyptandMorocco 117 The'MineralRevolution'andWhitePowerin SouthernAfrica 130 ColonialRegimesinTropicalAfricabefore 1914 135 MakingGoodtheClaims: TheDevelopmentofColonialAfrica until1914anditsIncorporationintotheWorldEconomy 140 Conclusions 143 5 EuropeanColonialismandIndigenousSocietyinAsia 147 Introduction:TheDebateoverColonialismandDevelopment 147 India 152 Indian'Underdevelopment'andtheInternationalEconomy 154 TheDutchEastIndiesintheInternationalEconomy 162 RetardedIndustrialisationinIndia:1870-1914 165 TheOriginsofEconomicSovereigntyandWithdrawal fromtheInternationalEconomy:1914-39 171 India:TheLandandtheLaw 175 Conclusions: Colonialism, ModernityandCapitalisminAsia 183 6 TheEconomicandSocialConsequencesof ModernColonialisminAfrica 185 Introduction 185 IndirectRuleand'NativePolicy' 187 'Settler'and'Peasant'Regimes 189 AbortiueLate 'Settlement'inPortugueseAfrica 194 The'Cash CropRevolution'and'Incomplete'Capitalist Development 195 MiningandEconomic 'Dualism' 203 AfricansandtheLand 207 Algeria:FrenchPropertyLawandMuslimRuralSociety 208 DidColonialismImpoverishAfricans ? 211 Conclusions 217 7 TheBalanceSheetofModernColonialism 222 Introduction:fromColonisationtoColonialism 222 ColonialAccounting 224 TheFrenchandBritishColonialAccounts:1870-1914and1918-39 228 Contents IX TheBalanceSheetofDutchColonialism 245 TheBalanceSheetofPortugueseColonialism 248 Conclusions 255 8 ThePoliticalEconomyofDecolonisation 257 Introduction:TheComplexitiesofDecolonisation 257 TheThreePerspectivesonDecolonisation 259 ColonialisminthePost-warWorld:FranceandBritain Compared 262 EconomicModernisation, European Integrationand Decolonisation:theBasicConnections 273 Europe, andBelgianandPortugueseDecolonisation 278 171eEconomicCalculusintheDecolonisationProcess 280 'Neo-colonialism'andEconomicDecolonisation 290 TheEuropeanEconomicCommunityandtheACP 296 Conclusions:DecolonisationandtheEmergence oftheThirdWorld' 299 9 Europe andthe'Third World'inRetrospect 306 Bibliography 315 Index 343 LIST OF TABLES 5.1 British tradewithIndia 1870-1914 155 5.2 AnnualpercapitavalueofIndia's internationalmerchandisetrade 158 5.3 Indianexportstomain tradingpartners 161 5.4 MainIndiancommodityexports 161 7.1 World outputofindustrialresourcesinthe late 1920s 226 7.2 ThepartoftheFrenchempirein Frenchexternaltrade 229 7.3 Frenchexternalinvestments1882,1902,1914 231 7.4 Shareofthe Portuguesecolonies in Portugal'sexternaltrade 252 8.1 Frenchcapitalinvested inoverseas France 265 8.2 Frenchcolonialtradeasaproportion oftotal Frenchcommerce 1946-56 266 8.3 Frenchand Britishtradewithcolonies andex-eolonies, 1960and 1972 301 x

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