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Eupithecia hollowayi sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from Borneo PDF

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Preview Eupithecia hollowayi sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from Borneo

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan eeLwh Tinns.IepidSoc.Jinpan60 (4):289-292, March 2010 Eupithecin hoUowayi sp. n. (Lepidopte Greao,metridae) from Borneo V G. MiRoNovi) and A, C. GALswoRTHy2) ''Zoological Institu RtAcS, Universitetskaya nab. 1 ,RU-199034, Sain tPetersburg, Russia 2)The NaturalHistoryMuseum, CromwellRoad,London,SW7 5BD.UnitedKingdom Abstract A new species. Eupithecia holloway iMironov & Galsworthy ,sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), belonging to the proterva Butler species-group, is described from Borneo. A colour illustrati oofn the holotyp emale and lin edrawing of it sgenitali aare given. Key words Lepidopter aG,eometridae E,upitheci haolloiva .spv.i n., taxonomy, Borneo Introduction The genus Eupithec'i aCurtis ,1825 is one of the most species-rich genera of the family Geomeuidae, and indeed of the Lepidoptera H.owever, thi sgenus is very poorly represented in Malesia (includ ithneg islan dof Borneo), and furthe rto the south in Australi aand New Zealand, where the fauna of Eupithecia is mainly replaced by representatives of the genera GymnosceiisMabille,1868,ChloroclystHiUsbner,1825,IlasiphiMleayrick,1883,7}"ipteridia Warren, 1903, and some smaller genera of the tribe Eupithecii ni(Prou t]932, 1958; Holloway 1976, 1986; Dugdale 1988; Common 1990; Nielsen et al. 1996; Holloway 1997). Dr. J.D. Holloway recorded only 7 species of the genus Eupitheci afrom Borneo, namely E, Swinhoe,1892,E. Swinhoe,1895,E.delozonaProut,1926,E. rigida melanolopha costalis Walker, 1863, E. subtacincta Hampson, 1g95 (= tabidaria Inoue, 1955) ,E mundiscripta (Warre n1,907) and E. kambu,vnga Holloway ,1976 (Hollowa y1997) .We haye found a single specimen of an undescribed species of Empithecia from Borneo in the collection of the Zoologische sStaatssammlung MUnchen (ZSM) .The descripti oannd illustrati oonfs this species and its genitali aare given in thi spaper. We are gratefu1 to Dr. Axel Hausmann and Dr. Ulf Buchsbaum (ZSM, Munich) fbr help and kind support of the authors when visiting the Zoologische sStaatssammlung Mtinchen .We are gratefu 1to Dr. Malcolm Scoble and Dr. Jeremy HQIIoway at BMNH, London, for read- ing the manuscript and commenting helpfu11y. Eupithecia hotlowayi Mironov & Galsworthy, sp. n. (Fig .1) Diagnosis .Wingspan 18 mm; fore wing 9,5 mm. Labial palp irelatively short, almost equal to diameter of eye, covered with brown scales. Head brownish; patagi acovered with dirty white scales. Fore wing slightly elongate, with almost straight costal margin, gently curved near base, evenly curved termen and pointed apex; ground colour dirty white; basal area brown along costa; medial area brown from discal dot to costal margin; basal and antemedial transverse line sinconspicuo uobsl,ique, sharply angled onto costa; postmedia llin eoblique, twice right angled near costa; medial and terminal areas divide dby a broad, dirty white transverse band; terminal area brown, darker near tornus, at the middle and especially near apex; subterminal lin edistinc vte,ry wavy, dirt ywhite, indente dnear apex; disca ldot medium- sized, rounded, black (visi boln ethe righ tfore wing only); terminal line narrow, b]ackish brown,interruptebdy fringedistinctldyirty brown.Hind veins; white and wing angulate at the terminal margin, with broadly rounded apex; ground colour dirt ywhite; brown trans- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 290 V, G, MtReNov and A, C, GALswoRmy Fig. 1. Eupithecia hollowayi sp. n., holotype. verse lines conspicuous; postmedial line broad, well marked by a series of elongate brown dashes on the veins; medial and teminal areas divide dby broad, dirt ywhite transverse band; terminal area brownish with distin cdti,rt ywhite, wavy subterminal line ;disca ldot small, rounded, brownish; teminal line and fring eas fbre wing. Abdomen covered with mixed dirt ywhite and brown scales, and also with black latera sltripes; las stegment lighter, dirt ygreyis hwhite, Male genitali a(Fi g2.). Uncus narrow, pointed ,biapica lV.alve shaped like the segment of an orange, relatively narrow, tapered to apex, with straight dorsal margin, gentl ybowed near base ,evenly curved ventral margin and narrowly rounded apex; sacculus lightl syclerotized. Vinculum short and narrow, semicircular, slightly tapered to apex. Papilla eon the anterior arms of labide sslightly clavate, covered with short setae at their apices. Aedeagus short, stout, slightly curved, shorter than lengt hof valve, Vesica amied with one long ,slightly curved, plate-li kcoernutus and one smaller, irregul acrornutus at ductus ejaculato braisues. Sterni At8e peg-like s,hort, narrow, with almost paralle llater amlargins, sharply broadened near base; two apical rods narrow, elongate, rather pincer-like ;apical hollow rnembranous, deep;basalhollow very narrow and relatively shallow. Female unknown. Range.Borneo (Mt.Kinabalu). Simi]a rspecies, Judging from the structure of the male genitali ath,is new species belongs to the proterva group (grou Bp of Inoue,1979) ,which is extremely species-rich in Asia. Extemally it is very simi1ar to the widespread and common Palaearct ispcecies E. centaureata (Deni s& Schi{fermUll er1,775) but is distinguish efdrom it by the rounded disca ldot and brown inner half of the terminal area on the fbre wing, which is ochreous or rusty brownish in E. centaureata, It is unique in facie asmong members of the proterva group so far de- scribed, nene of which is so extensively white in colour. The shape of the eighth stemite of the male is similar to those of two Japanese species, E. suZtfitmosa Inoue, 1965 and E, flavoapic Ianoruiea, 1979, also belongin tgo theproterva group (Inou 1e979) ,but the mem- branous apical hollow is deeper than in either of these species. The shapes of uncus, valve and vinculum in the male genital ioaf E. hoUowayi sp. n. are easily distinguish efdrom those the of above species, Holotype3.Borneo (Sabah)M,t. KinabaluNR 1550-1700 N6"O,70'/El16032,35'5,.- m, 11.iv.2000,leg.M, Hiermeier,Mironov 559 [=ZSM G 18714](ZSM). slide no. slide no. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan Eupitheci aho〃ow の・’sp . n. from Bomeo 291       轟 欝 Fig 2. Male genitali aof Eupith【e〕‘α加 11照0 }・i sp. n.(scale bar=1mm : with  sternite A8, and late・r     a1 view  of uncus  and  papillae on the anterior arms  of labide esnlarged ). Note. The single  holotype specimen  is wom  and  damaged  with  the dista lpart ef  both right , f()re and  hind wings  and  the antennae  missing . Derivati onominis . This species  named  in honour of the well −known specialist  on  the fauna of Bomean  Lepidoptera, Dr. Jeremy Holloway (BMNH , London ). Refe『ences Common , LF.B.1990. Moths ofAustralia . vi + 535 pp.+ 32 pls. E.工BrilL, and  Melbourne  Univcrsit Pyrcss. Dugdalc, J,S,1988. Lepidoptera−annotatcd  catalogue , and keys to family−group taxa. Fauna‘)f Neトv Zealand    14,262pp . DSIR , Auckland . Holloway , J,D .1976. Moths  qプBo用 召o }豌ん special 厂eferenee ’o Mt. Kinabal”.264 pp. Malayan  Nature    Society, Kuala Lumpur . HoHoway ,」.D.1986. Lepidoptera faunas of high mountains  in the hdo −Australian tropics. In Vuillcumic, rF.    & Monasterio, M .(eds ,)High α’titude Troρical Biogeog厂aph >/, pp.533−556. Oxf6rd University Press,    New  York. Holloway , J.D .1997. The Moths of Bomeo , part l O: family Geometriclae, subfamilies  Sterrhinae and    Larentiiじn.a蜘 」αyαη陥 ’.ノ.51:1−242, pls 1−12.608 fig.s Inoue. H .1979. Revision of  the genus Eupithecia of Japan, Part l(Lcpidoptera:Geometridae ). Bull. Fαc. do−    mestic  Sci., Otsuma  Wom ,翫 ’v,15:157−224. Nielsen, ES ., E.D. Edwards & T.V. Rangsi(eds .)1996. Checkhst of the Lepidopter aof Australia.    Monographs  on !l ustra〃an Lepidoptera 4. xiv + 529 pp. CSIRO , Canherra. Prout, LB .1932. On the Geomctridae Qf Mount  Kinabalu.」. Fed. Matay  States Mus .17:39−111. Prou[, LB .1958.Ncw  species  of Indo−Australi aGneometridae. Bu〃.βr」4us. nat . Hist.(Ent.)6:367−463. 摘 要 ボ ル ネオの Eupitheci ahotlowa)’i sp. n.(鱗翅 目,シ ャ クガ科)(V. G . Morinov ・A . C. Galsworthy) カバ ナ .ミシャ ク属Eupitheciaは鱗翅 目の中で も,多種を擁する属の一つ であるが, Malesia地域では貧弱 に なり,オース トラ リアや ニ ュ ージーラン ドで は,カバ ナ ミシ ャク族の 別属に置き換え られて い く.ボ ル ネオからは7種が記録 されて い る(Holloway ,1997),ミュ ンヘ ンの 博物館にあっ た標本 1♂を調べ た 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 292 V.G. MIRoNov and A. C. GALswoRmY ら新種だっ たので, ここ に記載する,この種はthe proterva group に属 し,外見はユ ーラシ ア種の E. cen − taureata に類似し,雄の第8腹板は日本の アキカバ ナ ミシャクE. subf“mosa とキモ ンカバ ナミシャ クE. flavoapicaにri似aてい るが,交尾器の 形態で容易に区別 される. (Accepted October 20,2009) 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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