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1 Eulerian-Catalan Numbers 1 0 2 Hoda Bidkhori n Department of Mathematics a North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27695 J [email protected] 5 Seth Sullivant ] O Department of Mathematics North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27695 C [email protected] . h t a m Abstract [ We show that the Eulerian-Catalan numbers enumerate Dyck permutations. We provide two 1 proofs for this fact, the first using the geometry of alcoved polytopes and the second a direct v combinatorial proof via an Eulerian-Catalan analogue of theChung-Feller theorem. 8 0 1 1 Key words: Eulerian-Catalannumber,Dyckpermutation,Dyckpath,Ballotsequence. . 1 0 1 1. Introduction 1 : v Let Am,n denote the Eulerian numbers, which count the number of permutations on n letters i with m descents. The Eulerian-Catalan numbers are defined by X 1 r EC = A . a n n+1 n,2n+1 We choose to attach the name Catalan to these numbers since A is the central Eulerian n,2n+1 number,andfortheirconnectiontotheCatalannumbers,whichwillbecomeapparentshortly.The Eulerian-Catalan numbers appear in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences [2], however, no combinatorial interpretation appears there and we could not find one in the literature. TheEulerian-CatalannumberisclearlyalwaysanintegersincetheEuleriannumberssatisfythe following relations A =(n−m)A +(m+1)A and A =A for all m,n m,n m−1,n−1 m,n−1 m,n n−m−1,n which imply that EC =A +A =2A . Given a permutation w of [n], we associate a n n−1,2n n,2n n,2n 0/1 sequence of length n−1, ad(w), where ad(w) =0 if w <w and ad(w) =1 if w >w . i i i+1 i i i+1 We call ad(w) the ascent/descent vector of w. A 0/1 sequence is called a ballot sequence if every initial string has at least as many zeroes as ones. PreprintsubmittedtoElsevier 7January2011 Alternately, the permutation w defines a lattice path L(w) starting from (0,0) and with step (1,0)ifiis anascent,andwith step(0,1)fora descent.Writing theentriesofw alongthevertices ofthe pathproducesastandardyoungtableauofaborderstrip.We callapermutationw ∈S 2n+1 aDyck permutation ifandonlyifL(w) isa latticepathfrom(0,0)to(n,n),with allpoints onthe pathsatisfyingy ≤x.By the usualcorrespondencebetweenballotsequencesandDyckpaths(see, [9, Ex. 6.19]), a permutation w is a Dyck permutation if and only if ad(w) is a ballot sequence. Let L be a lattice path from (0,0) to (n,n) using steps of (0,1) and (1,0). The exceedance of L, denoted exc(L) is defined to be the number of i∈{0,...,n} such that there is a point (i,i′) in L with i<i′. Hence, the Dyck paths are the lattice paths with exceedance 0. The main results of this paper is the following: Theorem 1.1. Fix j = 0,...,n. The number of permutations w ∈ S with n descents such 2n+1 that exc(L(w)) = j does not depend on j. As a consequence the number of Dyck permutations w ∈S is the Eulerian-Catalan number EC . 2n+1 n WeprovideadirectcombinatorialproofofTheorem1.1inSection4.Wealsoprovideageometric proofofthefactthatthenumberofDyckpermutationsw∈S istheEulerian-Catalannumber 2n+1 EC . We define a polytope P and we show that its normalized volume is the Eulerian-Catalan n 2,n number. This is proved in Section 2. The polytope P turns out to be an alcoved polytope [6], 2,n andhence its volumecanalsobe interpretedascountingpermutationswithcertainrestrictionson its descent positions, which is explained in Section 3. Combining these two arguments yields the resultthatthe numberofDyckpermutationsw ∈S isthe Eulerian-CatalannumberEC .We 2n+1 n prove these results in a Fuss-Catalan generality which gives a combinatorialinterpretation for the numbers 1 A as the number of (k−1)-Dyck permutations. n+1 n,kn+k−1 2. Subdividing the Hypersimplex The hypersimplex ∆(k,n) is the polytope n ∆(k,n)= (x ,...,x )∈[0,1]n : x =k . 1 n i ( ) i=1 X Itiswell-knownthatthenormalizedvolumeofthehypersimplexistheEuleriannumberA . k−1,n−1 Stanley [8] provides a combinatorial proof of this fact by triangulating the hypersimplex. Fix k,n ∈ N, and consider the hypersimplex ∆(n+1,k(n+1)). We define the polytope P k,n with the following inequalities: kt P = (x ,...,x )∈∆(n+1,k(n+1)): x ≤t, t=1,...,n . k,n 1 k(n+1) s ( ) s=1 X Remark 2.1. A0/1sequence iscalleda k-ballot sequence ifeveryinitialstring hasatleastk-times as many 0’s as 1’s. Note that a 1-ballot sequence is an ordinary ballot sequence. The polytope P is equalto the convexhull ofthe (k−1)-ballotsequences oflength k(n+2).This is shownin k,n work of the first author [3], where these polytopes are studied in the largercontext of lattice path matroid polytopes. Lattice path matroids were introduced in [4] and the Catalan matroid [1] is a special case. The polytope P is the Catalan matroid polytope. Corollary2.3 below implies that 2,n the normalized volume of the Catalan matroid polytope is the Eulerian-Catalan number. We do not need these details here, and refer the reader to [3]. For each i∈{0,...,n} define the polytope P ⊆∆(n+1,k(n+1)) by the inequalities k,n,i 2 kt P = (x ,...,x )∈∆(n+1,k(n+1)): x ≤t, t=1,...,n k,n,i 1 k(n+1) ki+s ( ) s=1 X where the indices are considered modulo k(n+1). For example, with k = 2 and n = 2, we get three polytopes: P ={(x ,...,x )∈∆(3,6):x +x ≤1, x +x +x +x ≤2} 2,2,0 1 6 1 2 1 2 3 4 P ={(x ,...,x )∈∆(3,6):x +x ≤1, x +x +x +x ≤2} 2,2,1 1 6 3 4 3 4 5 6 P ={(x ,...,x )∈∆(3,6):x +x ≤1, x +x +x +x ≤2}. 2,2,2 1 6 5 6 5 6 1 2 Note that P =P . k,n,0 k,n Theorem 2.2. Fix k,n∈N. The interiors of the polytopes P and P are disjoint if i6=j, k,n,i k,n,j and ∆(n+1,k(n+1))=∪n P . i=0 k,n,i Proof. Since the P are allaffinely isomorphic via a transformationthat permutes coordinates, k,n,i it suffices to show that an x∈intP does not belong to any other P . Since x∈intP it k,n,0 k,n,i k,n,0 satisfies the inequality x +···+x <i. 1 ki Since we are in the hypersimplex, we always have x +···+x =n+1. 1 k(n+1) Combining these, we deduce that x +···+x >n+1−i ki+1 k(n+1) which implies x∈/ P . k,n,i Toprovethat∆(n+1,k(n+1))=∪n+1P ,wemustshowthatanypointx∈∆(n+1,k(n+1)) i=1 k,n,i belongs to one of the P . To do this, we consider the linear transformation k,n,i φ:Rk(n+1) →Rn+1 such that y = −1+ k(i+1) x where the coordinates on Rn+1 are y ,...,y . The image of the i s=ki+1 s 0 n hypersimplex ∆(k(n+1),n+1) is the polytope P Q(k,n)={y ∈[−1,k−1]n+1 :y +···+y =0} 0 n and the image of P is the polytope k,n,i R ={y ∈Q(k,n):y +···+y ≤0,t=0,n−1}. k,n,i i i+t Notethatapointx∈∆(n+1,k(n+1))belongstoP ifandonlyifitsimageinQ(k,n)belongs k,n,i to R . Furthermore, the argument in the preceding paragraph implies that the R(n,k,i) have k,n,i disjoint interiors.Hence, it suffices to show that Q(k,n)=∪n R . Since the inequalities −1≤ i=0 k,n,i y ≤k−1 are common to all the polytopes, it suffices to show that the plane i H(n)={y ∈Rn+1 :y +···+y =0} 0 n can be decomposed is the union of the cones C(n,i)={y ∈H(n):y +···+y ≤0,t=0,n−1}. i i+t For i=0,...,n, let v =−e +e . The cones C(n,i) are simplicial, and it is straightforward to i i−1 i see that the generators of C(n,i) are {v ,...,v }\{v }. The vectors v ,...,v also span H(n), 0 n i 0 n and v +···+v = 0. This implies that the union of the cones spanned by the sub-collections of 0 n n vectors is all of H(n), which is what we needed to show. 3 Corollary 2.3. The normalized volume of P is 1 A . k,n,i n+1 n,kn+k−1 Proof. Since ∆(n+1,k(n+1))=∪n P and their relative interiors are disjoint, we have that i=0 k,n,i n vol(∆(n+1,k(n+1)))= volP . k,n,i i=0 X As the cyclic shift ofcoordinateswhichsends P to P is volume preserving,andvol(∆(n+ k,n,0 k,n,i 1,k(n+1)))=A , we deduce the desired formula. n,kn+k−1 3. Alcoved Polytopes Fix integers k,n ∈ N. For 0 ≤ i < j ≤ n, let b ,c be integers, with b ≤ c . The alcoved ij ij ij ij polytope defined by this data is: n P(k,n,b,c):= (x ,...,x )∈Rn : x =k,b ≤x +···+x ≤c ,0≤i<j ≤n . 1 n i ij i+1 j ij ( ) i=1 X AlcovedpolytopeswerestudiedindetailbyLamandPostnikov[6].Alcovedpolytopeshavenatural triangulationsintounimodularsimpliceswhicharethemselvesalcovedpolytopesandwhicharein- dexedbypermutations;thesesimplicesarecalledalcoves.Inthespecialcase,whereP(k,n,b,c)⊆ ∆(k,n), Lam and Postnikov give an explicit description of the simplices involved in the alcove triangulation, and hence a combinatorialformula for the volume of these alcoved polytopes. Let W(k,n,b,c) ⊂ S be the set of permutations w = w w ···w ∈ S satisfying the n−1 1 2 n−1 n−1 following conditions: (i) w has k−1 descents. (ii) The sequence w ···w has at least b descents. Furthermore, if w ···w has exactly b i j ij i j ij descents, then w <w . i j (iii) The sequence w ···w has at most c descents. Furthermore, if w ···w has exactly c i j ij i j ij descents, then we must have that w >w . i j In the above conditions we assume that w =0. 0 Theorem 3.1. [6] The normalized volume of P(k,n,b,c)⊆∆(k,n) is equal to |W(k,n,b,c)|. We apply Theorem 3.1 to give a combinatorialformula for the volume of the polytope P . As k,n discussed previously, a lattice path from (0,0) to (nk,n) using (0,1) and (1,0) steps is called a k-Dyck path if every point on the path satisfies y ≤ 1x. When L(w) is a k-Dyck path, w is called k a k-Dyck permutation. A 0/1 sequence is called a k-ballot sequence if each initial string has at least k times as many 0’s as 1’s. Note that w is a k-Dyck permutation precisely where ad(w) is a k-ballot sequence. Proposition 3.2. The normalized volume of P is equal to the number of permutations w ∈ k,n S such that L(w) is a (k−1)-Dyck path. Equivalently, the volume equals the number of kn+k−1 permutations w ∈S such that ad(w) is a (k−1)-ballot sequence. kn+k−1 Proof. ThepolytopeP ⊂∆(n+1,k(n+1))isanalcovedpolytopesinceitsdefininginequalities k,n are 0≤x ≤1, x +···+x =n+1 and i 1 k(n+1) kt x ≤t, t=1,...,n. s s=1 X 4 Applying Theorem 3.1, we see that the volume of P is the number of permutations w = k,n w ···w ∈S satisfying the following conditions: 1 kn+k−1 kn+k−1 (i) w has n descents. (ii) w ···w has at most i−1 descents, for 1≤i≤n. 1 ik These conditions are satisfied if and only if ad(w) is a (k−1)-ballot sequence. Combining Corollary 2.3 and Proposition 3.2 we deduce: Theorem 3.3. The number of permutations w ∈S suchthat L(w) is a (k−1)-Dyck path is kn+k−1 1 A . In particular, the number of Dyck permutations in S is the Eulerian-Catalan n+1 n,kn+k−1 2n+1 number EC . n 4. Exceedances of Lattice Paths and Eulerian-Catalan Numbers In this section we prove Theorem 1.1 which gives us a combinatorialinterpretation of Eulerian- Catalan number in terms of certain permutation statistics. This result is related to a classic proof that the Catalan numbers enumerate Dyck paths [5]. First we provide a combinatorial proof of Theorem 1.1. Later, we give a geometric proof of Theorem 1.1 for the case j = 1 (and hence also for j =n−1). In Sections 2 and 3, we saw a geometric proof for the cases j = 0 (and hence also for j =n). It is an interesting problem to provide geometric proofs for other cases. Proof of Theorem 1.1. Consider a lattice path P with (0,1) and (1,0) steps from (0,0) to (n,n). Define c(P) = (c ,...,c ), where c is the number of horizontal steps of P at height y = i. The 0 n i cyclicpermutations C =(c ,...,c )ofc(P)arealldistinct, andforeachthereis aunique path j j j−1 P from(0,0)to (n,n)sothat c(P )=C . The number ofexceedancesofthe paths P ,...,P are j j j 0 n the numbers 0,1,...,n in some order. These results are known as the Chung-Feller Theorem [5]. Consider a permutation W =w ···w with n descents. We have one of the following cases: 1 2n+1 (i) The cyclic permutation (w ···w ) has n cyclic descents. 1 2n+1 (ii) The cyclic permutation (w ···w ) has n+1 cyclic descents. 1 2n+1 The cyclic descents of a (cyclic) permutation also include the possibility of a descent at the last position w , which occurs when w <w . 2n+1 1 2n+1 In the case (w ···w ) has n cyclic descents, we consider distinct indexes 1 = i < ··· < 1 2n+1 0 i ≤ 2n+1 so that w w is not a cyclic descent in the cyclic permutation (w ···w ). n ik−1 ik 1 2n+1 Now, consider the n+1 permutations obtain by cyclic shifting the permutation W, starting at w ,...,w .WedenotethesepermutationsbyW ,...,W .ThepermutationsW ,...,W allhave i0 in 0 n 0 n n descents, whereas all other cyclic shiftings of W have n−1 descents. As in the Chung-Feller theorem, we define c(L(W ))= (c ,...,c ) where c is the number of horizontal steps at height i 0 0 n i for a lattice path L(W ). The cyclic shiftings of c(L(W )), C =(c ,...,c ) are all distinct, and 0 0 j j j−1 for each there is a unique path P from (0,0) to (n,n) so that c(P ) = C . It is easy to see that j j j P =L(W ). By the Chung-Feller theorem,the lattice pathassociatedto these permutations have j j different number of exceedance 0,...,n. This shows that the n+1 cyclic shiftings of permutation W which have n descents, have 0,...,n number of exceedances in some order. Now, consider the case where the cyclic permutation (w ···w ) has n+1 cyclic descents. 1 2n+1 For any permutation W =w ···w , we define: W =(w ··· ,w )=(2n+2−w )···(2n+ 1 2n+1 1 2n+1 1 2−w ). If W has k exceedances, W has n−k exceedances, and if W has k cyclic descents, 2n+1 W has 2n+1−k cyclic descents. We consider i ,..c.,i sobthat wb w is a cyclic descent in W 0 n ik−1 ik and therefore W does not have a cycliccdescent at w w . We consider the n+1 permutations ik−1 ik ocbtained by cyclic shifting the permutation W, starting with w ,...,w . We denote them by i0 in W0,...,Wn. Acs above,these are the only permutatibons obbtained by cyclic shifting W that have n 5 descents, all other shiftings having n+1 descents. As we see in the first case, we know that the lattice path associated to L(W ) have different number of exceedance for j = 0,...,n. Therefore, j P =L(W )forj =0,...,nhavealldifferentnumbersofexceedancesfrom0,...,n insomeorder. j j Combining the above two rcesults,we know that among the 2n+1 cyclic shifts ofa permutation w with n descents, exactly n+1 of them have n descents, and their associated lattice paths have different numbers of exceedances 0,...,n. Therefore, the number of permutations w ∈S with 2n+1 n descent and exc(L(w)) = j are the same for j = 0,...,n. As the total number of permutations w ∈S with n descents is A , we see that the number of permutations w ∈S with n 2n+1 n,2n+1 2n+1 descent and exc(L(w))=j is the Eulerian-Catalan number. Note that the proof of Theorem 1.1 also gives a direct combinatorial proof for the fact that the number of Dyck permutations in S is A +A . Indeed, the Dyck permutations are in 2n+1 n−1,2n n,2n bijective correspondence with the set of cyclic permutation with either n or n+1 cyclic descents. Cycling such a permutation until 2n+1 is at the end and deleting 2n+1 yields a bijection with permutations in S with either n−1 or n descents. 2n To conclude this section, we provide a geometric proof of Theorem 1.1 in the case of j = 1, in the spirit of the proofs from Sections 2 and 3. Proof of Theorem 1.1 with j =1. Consider the polytope P , which is given by inequalities: 2,n 2t P = (x ,...,x )∈∆(n+1,2(n+1)): x ≤t, t=1,...,n . 2,n 1 2(n+1) s ( ) s=1 X We call the inequality 2t x ≤ t the t-th inequality. Let T ⊆ [n] and consider the polytope s=1 s defined by flipping the t-th inequalities for t∈T: P 2t 2t P (T)= (x ,...,x )∈∆(n+1,2(n+1)): x ≥t,t∈T, x ≤t,t∈[n]\T . 2,n 1 2(n+1) s s ( ) s=1 s=1 X X ApplyingTheorem3.1,weseethatthevolumeofP (T)isthenumberofpermutationsw ∈S 2,n 2n+1 such that L(w) has an exceedance in position t−1 if and only if t ∈ T (that is, there is a point (t−1,s) in L(w) with s>t−1). Thus, to prove Theorem 1.1 it suffices to show that EC = vol(P (T)). (4.1) n 2,n T⊆[nX]:|T|=j We prove Eq.(4.1) in the case j =1. To do this, we consider the linear transformation φ:R2(n+1) →Rn+1 such that y = −1+ 2(i+1) x where the coordinates on Rn+1 are y ,...,y . The image of the i s=2i+1 s 0 n hypersimplex ∆(n+1,2(n+1)) is the following polytope P Q(2,n)={y ∈[−1,1]n+1 :y +···+y =0} 0 n and the image of P (T) is the polytope 2,n R (T)={y ∈Q(2,n):y +···+y ≥0,t∈T,y +···+y ≤0,t∈[n]\T}. 2,n 0 t−1 0 t−1 Note that a point x ∈ ∆(n+1,2(n+1)) belongs to P (T) if and only if its image in Q(2,n) 2,n belongstoR (T).Furthermore,alltheP (T)andQ (T)aredisjoint.Ifwecanfindacollection 2,n 2,n 2,n of volume preserving linear transformations τ ,...,τ such that τ (R ({1})),...,τ (R ({n})) 1 n 1 2,n n 2,n have disjoint interiors and such that R (∅)=∪ τ (R ({i})), 2,n i∈[n] i 2,n 6 we will prove the theorem. This follows because it is straightforwardto lift the linear transforma- tionsτ toR2(n+1)inawaythatwillyieldasimilarresultfortheP .Allourlineartransformations i 2,n will be coordinate permutations. Thus, we can ignore the common inequalities, −1≤y ≤1, and i consider the same questions in the plane H(n)={y ∈Rn+1 :y +···+y =0} 0 n for the cones C (T)={y ∈H(n):y +···y ≥0,t∈T,y +···y ≤0,t∈[n]\T}. n 0 t−1 0 t−1 Each of the cones C (T) is simplicial, generated by the set of rays n e −e :t∈T,−e +e :t∈[n]\T, t−1 t t−1 t where e denotes a standard unit vector. i For t ∈ [n], consider the linear transformation τ which sends y 7→y , where indices are t i n−t+1+i considered modulo n+1. This volume preserving linear transformation sends the generators of C ({t}) to the vectors n −e +e and −e +e :t∈[n]\T. 0 n t−1 t All of these rays belong to C (∅), hence τ (C ({t})) ⊆ C (∅). Furthermore, each of the cones n t n n τ (C ({t})) is generated by a facet of C (∅) together with the same interior ray −e +e . Hence, t n n 0 n the set of cones {τ (C ({t})),t = 1,...,n} form the facets of a polyhedral subdivision of C (∅) t n n which completes the proof. 5. Further Directions Our results on Eulerian-Catalannumbers suggest a number of interesting problems. (i) Both the Catalan numbers and the Eulerian numbers have numerous combinatorial inter- pretations. Are there other interpretations of the Eulerian-Catalannumbers as enumerating objects that are counted by the Eulerian numbers where a certain statistic is a Catalan object? (ii) BoththeCatalannumbersandEuleriannumbershaveq(andq,t)analogues.Dotheseextend to the Eulerian-Catalan numbers? (iii) Catalan numbers and Eulerian numbers have natural generalizations beyond the symmetric group (i.e. to other types). Can these be extended to Eulerian-Catalannumbers? (iv) Generalizing the geometric proof of Theorem 1.1 to arbitrary j suggests the existence of interesting polyhedral decompositions of the cone of positive roots of a Weyl group. Acknowledgement Hoda Bidkhori was partially supported by the David and Lucille Packard Foundation. Seth SullivantwaspartiallysupportedbytheDavidandLucillePackardFoundationandtheUSNational Science Foundation (DMS 0954865). References [1] F.Ardila.TheCatalanmatroid,J. Combin. Theory Ser. A104(2003) 49–62. [2] R.Bagula,SequenceA177042inTheOn-LineEncyclopediaofIntegerSequences(2010),publishedelectronically athttp://eis.org. [3] H.Bidkhori.Latticepathmatroidpolytopes,InPreparation. 7 [4] J. E. Bonin, A. Mier, and M. Noy. Lattice path matroids: enumerative aspects and Tutte polynomials. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A104(2003) 63–94. [5] K.L.ChungandW.Feller.Onfluctuations incoin-tossing.Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.35,(1949). 605608. [6] T.LamandA.Postnikov.Alcovedpolytopes,I,Discrete& Comput. Geom.,38(2007) 453–478. [7] R.Stanley,Catalanaddendum (versionof21August2010),http://www-math.mit.edu/˜rstan/ec/catadd.pdf. [8] R. Stanley. Eulerian partitions of a unit hypercube, in Higher Combinatorics (M. Aigner, ed.), Reidel, Dordrecht/Boston, 1977,p.49. 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