Original art by Matt Payovich "We know that our God and our Redeemer is really present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and that He speaks to our hearts, and awakens good thoughts and good resolutions within us ... We should consider these moments spent before the Blessed Sacrament as the happiest ofour lives." St. lean-Marie Vianney We wish to thank Notre Dame du Lac (Our Lady ofthe Lake) for the many graces that she gains for all who come to adore her Son in the Sacred Heart Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. We are also grateful to the Most Reverend James A. Murray for his permission and blessing on Sacred Heart Eucharistic Chapel as a place ofPerpetual Adoration for all in St. Joseph, Benton Harbor, Stevensville and the surrounding area. Welcome Adorers This booklet has been prepared by the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Committee to provide the infonnation you need as a Guardian of the Eucharist. The committee is a team of volunteers who will support you in your adoration of the Eucharist. A head coordinator and a division leader for your adoration hour are available to answer questions. Names and contact information of these resource people appear on page 5 and hour coordinators are found on the inside of the back cover of this booklet. For your convenience, page 10 has a form for you to record the names and contact infonnation of resource people and substitute adorers for your adoration hour. Sacred Heart Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is located on the southeast corner of Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Saint Joseph. The church is located at 211 Church Street. Parking is available in the lot adjacent to the Chapel. For your security, the outdoor entrance to the chapel is equipped with an entrance keypad and the Knights of Columbus guard the entrance to the chapel from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. 2 Dear Adorer, Thank you for answering His call to adore His Real Presence in the Eucharist. By saying "yes" to Him who has invited you, you become one of a long line of worshipers throughout the centuries who have answered His Call, extending from the the angels, shepherds, and Magi at the stable in Bethlehem to our Adorers here, in St. Joseph. This mystical union of adoring souls has sustained the very heart of the Church. Perpetual Adoration is the giving of your time to the Lord. For such a commitment, the graces and blessings that will be bestowed upon you and your loved ones will abound in this life and will be beyond measure in the next. We are grateful that you have chosen to make the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus a priority in your life. This is a sign of the strength of your Faith and the strength of your belief in the power of prayer through silent adoration of our Lord in the Eucharist. May He who is ever present bless you and protect you. May our Most Holy Mother, Mary, under her title of our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, draw you ever closer to her Son in His Real Presence in the Eucharisl. Welcome to Sacred Heart Eucharistic Adoration Chapel where our Blessed Lord awaits you. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Committee 3 Duties of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Team Head Coordinator The Head Coordinator is in charge program and is responsible to Pastor to ensure of the Eucharistic Adoration are observed Law and wishes of Pastor. Division Lea(J'ers There are four Division Leaders. Each is responsible for one of four time divisions: Night (Midnight 6:00 a.m), Morning, (6:00 a.m. - Noon), Afternoon, (Noon - 6:00 p.m), Evening (6:00 - Midnight). oversee are responsible for six Hour Coordinators in their time In addition, will assistance to the Head Hour Coordinators malO of an Hour Coordinator is to ensure that an Adorer is always present during or her hour. Hour Coordinator will check the to insure that assigned Adorers have signed-in. When an Adorer has not the Hour Coordinator should cause for this correct situation. an emergency prevents an Adorer from serving, hour coordinator must find a for Adorer or cover hour In addition, hour coordinator will continue to inspire and Adorers and solicit new substitutes. For personnel problems or schedule, as the addition or deletion the Hour Coordinator will notify Division Leader who, in turn, will notify the Coordinator. 4 Adoration Committee Pastor Rev. Monsignor Michael Osborn Head Coordinator Joan Emlong 983-6807 [email protected] Division Leaders Midnight to 6:00 A.M. Adam Kohler 369-8916 adam. pc.kohler@gmail .com 6:00A.M. to Noon Serena and Dave Spear 429-5567 d.s [email protected] Noon to 6 P.M. Julie Hoffman 269-267 -2529 269-561-2457 [email protected] 6:00 P.M. to Midnight Tina Kohler 369-5257 [email protected] Computer Consultant Joe Campbell 208-6015 [email protected] Chapel Librarian Tina Kohler 369-5257 Artist Merrie Rohm 429-7817 mer1225@atLnet 5 General Information for Adorer Your commitment to adore is a blessing from the Lord. As a Guardian of the Eucharist during your hour, it is your responsibility to insure that the Blessed Sacrament is never left alone. Each time you adore, you must sign-in before entering the Chapel. If you cannot be present in the Chapel at your assigned time follow this procedure: a) Contact the people who are assigned to adore at the same hour you are and let them know you will not be there. b) If your fellow hour-adorers are also unable to be present or if you are the only one covering your hour, you must get a substitute. Become familiar with the Adorers who adore during your hour on other days of of the week. From among them, you may locate a substitute. c) Call a substitute listed on the schedule of Adorers for that block of hours. d) If you cannot get a substitute, you should contact your Hour Coordinator. If your Hour Coordinator is not available, call your Division Leader e) If all else fails, contact the Head Coordinator. Remember, you should be able to depend upon each other because of your valuable commitment to the Lord. 6 Chapel Procedures To insure that the Blessed Sacrament is never left alone, please observe these procedures: Sign in at the beginning of your assigned hour of adoration. This way, the Adorer you are relieving can check the sign-in sheet before leaving the Chapel area to confirm that you are the Adorer who is scheduled for the next hour. This will inform the departing Adorer that you are relieving him or her for the entire next hour and not someone who has arri ved for a short visit. When leaving after your hour of Adoration, be sure to check the sign-in sheet to verify that you are being relieved for the next hour. If the Adorer after your hour is not present and you choose to be the substitute for the next hour, sign your name on the sign in sheet and write "substitute" after your name. This "viii signal the Hour CoordInator that an unscheduled absence took place. Your Coordinator can then take steps to prevent this problem In the future. Nothing is to be placed on the altar of repose. Spiritual reading material provided is never to be removed from the Chapel area. Personal copies may be obtained by contacting the Chapel Librarian, Tina Kohler. No material of any kind is to be pJaced in the Chapel or Chapel area unless authorized by the Pastor 7 Chapel Decorum Respect jor Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is displayed the following ways: 1. Genuflect upon entering the presence of the Lord. (This can be a full kneeling position with head bowed to the floor, or with head bowed. In case of physical limitations, a respectful bowing of the head is acceptable). mindful of proper, respectful, and modest Maintain an austere reverence (no talking) of Our Leave the Chapel if there is a to someone and hold your conversation area. spontaneous unscheduled events, distracting behavior, or is allowed. Silence and quiet Our Lord ensures that others are not distracted or undue attention is drawn to oneself. 5. eat or drink in the Chapel. Chewing gum or in the Chapel is not respectful. 6. Radios, CD players, tape players, cellular phones and other such devices are not to be used in the ChapeL 8 Eucharistic Chapel Emergency Procedures If you should have any problems during your hour of adoration, such as illness, or if the Adorer who is to follow you in adoration does not show up, or if you sense something out of the ordinary going on, please use the phone provided for the Chapel to call one of the following: If you become ill during your hour or need advice, call the Hour Coordinator for your hour. (All important telephone numbers will be posted near the phone.) If the Adorer \vho is to relieve you does not show up and you cannot stay on for an extra hour, call the Hour Coordinator for the hour following yours. (The Hour Coordinators and their contact information are found on the inside of the back cover of this booklet.) If you cannot reach the Hour Coordinator following your hour, then call the appropriate Division Leader. (The Division Leaders and their contact information are found on page 5 of his booklet.) If you cannot reach the Division Leader, call the Head Coordinator. If an emergency of a serious nature arises, call the appropriate emergency numbers that will be posted near the phone and notify the Rectory. The phone is there to be used only for the secunty of the Adoration Chapel and for Adorers performing their duties as Guardians of the Eucharist. 9