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Etiquettes & Supplications of the Prophet ﷺ for Visiting the Sick & Prayer for the Deceased – Sh. ‘Abdur-Razzaq al-Badr PDF

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Preview Etiquettes & Supplications of the Prophet ﷺ for Visiting the Sick & Prayer for the Deceased – Sh. ‘Abdur-Razzaq al-Badr

Ae Stl Realy Gi Ji Ae soltall 85 HB os HLS, uel al | iD omadtle op BUDE Seth Exiquettcs & Supplications of the Prophet 24 Tor Visiting the Sick And Prayer Lor the Deceased. Taken from "Figh al-Ad'iyah wal-Adbkan* Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq ibn Abdul-Muhsin al-Badr Plus: “This ts My Will Hquctos & SoppLvatiuas of the Prupinel £2 ioe visting the Sek Aad Byer Foe dhe Deceased oe Pablentions BD Copyrigal 018 by law 1 Fine Mdidon (439A / 2018¢T, AIL Rigas Restzveal, No part uw? tds publicsont tray be emake ‘toed ina keeneval syetem oc dunstuced ia any form o& oy any saeane, flesimnie, ercehanioal, phntonepsing, woonling nt orheneise will, the express wtitten peuision of he cops awnet, ‘Trasulated by Alva Mesonone Alblur Raw’ Shakir Published by: Ila Lecoave Publications Exel LapenldGi le Lue.com Websice: ‘www slamLecture.cott ‘Transliteration Table [7 a) amis TREE == [ia Re ulm —_ inaeron Tithe Tf on] Seif > Fea oan ss] 12] semen 3 [ao tia eeucn toned, PLP met Para ees Tinie tna oar 2 weitere fa fx [RT Arata zp eee | fi ars an] Teg oct SVE FF ars ars =e EOE] Hi id FTE eT ae eed 7 fa [oe aly Table of Contents enable, anette Me ea othe Sik ame Mane $d Bela Dyer Pav, - ‘yf ncn Lyn Ts Dig Penn Pe Gins Cay To 6 Take Nove ‘Wh ts Heed the neg oe he Dae Mn Ie VD Sid Ai Ne Lian ODay Wie Daven nd Ae Whe AT eid AETHe Tine OF Meg The Gye Appel My 8 De Kibo Sind sss ‘sd an" Dying Pts 2 Sy THe TATA = Isbed Allioce Began a ‘Translator’s Introduction Ie dhe Aa thsi 1 OF AIEL, exe eneticent, che Mereiiul. nel may the praise ance nse of dae umgele and snfety and secaty be wpe. lk Servant and Messenger Muvgammad (al All Alibia Sallam the ppm deal cand Gcath eet is fsom aezong, cae aoe spectan alls Ueal every ne a Thal, ding vic sickness - oF ousslves or oshess vas mas auto no, Nu ea ing wll be ree fkom sc eset one 9t mae af -lese aly, ym Fit as decreed by AGM she Bian sing inc ner beeen ek we ixperineed sorvone dear har: Eacocaing sie = ey ane 6° ca ral espera SHES EY As (68 gM gs Sy tig ttes Bg as desc "eerjone sil uate deat And only an tke Day of Resneeetion shal Fou se piel your sage a ful And vecever ie vmod amy Fons he Te saul alia ee Pam, he ude succeseB. The ie af eis woot vey he eriqy-aent of deception fa decemcg eng [Quin 185] lence, the Messonge’ or Mls (at Alstus Al wn Sella semoded es ‘ofthe mecessgg m propace fi seat, (Or the siubovity 1 6 Ro! Reid Sanda who sales We were wath tee Messing: al ATi (SAM A Siseral. So, he sal at 1 efi oF the putve sad shed tears nti the sol for leh wa Salm} oie occasion oa tse zatmiad) Heanme “wviserscl ‘Tham, bes oh my beaters! Pespace yewmncloiy fav toe Hikes of eas Ge. che inesitaks seat)! [sks The Mian, 90. 312.4279. Weer, LAE has ignod, ascepiabl). Sus a Si 061 ‘Rabeabulsj sail cha rn Please coasider che follosdag points ‘The Bouneley for Which Gratinide ie not Shown ‘hve Peophe (GaAlbb AWM 4 Sar) gid, There are rwo bountics which must peuple lose out on: goad hoalh and spare cme: ALB Ldves] His 1 one of tie grates: bounties chee ALL bas bestowed un us, Yet, mos, panple da not seengnine undo apprecie is eave Fur Droste fait. Simlaty, how caany Blesng Fase senegal andl howe aan Besse hee we fallen S302" ia rey es the obPieien eli ‘he gpeacet of these lesing ue Con nigh idee, sings axl tet regions a es ing the Beware uf Haviny Bad Thongs About AMlaN eown. of Inviry hal thoughle abot Alib, and becoming ery sed inept on sas ac siehneas ov he deals of a aeed ane. Lhe Messenger 9 Atay Geille Ala 9 Sala ssid, “Werllyy AMS abe Mighey ad ‘Majestic saps I ain as my acrvanr think uf Me. Uf he thinks good of ‘Me, ehen he wil ve good. The ibiaks evil of Mc, thea that ie what tae wil per” [Stel lve Bin, Seas ly Sad 21663] Belay, Tested Ts the Sige of Alls Love Te eas beet: mesratal frst Anas Sit MK, (RayhpAlas “ance ent the Mesrenger of bk GwulAw Abile wa Sally ead, “Vesity, the intents of the ecward is in accordance with the yrvomens uF the feet, Vets, if All lover a people He tesca thera, So whoever is pleaved (with what He has decteed), then he will hase (Uls) good plearare (as his coward), and whoever is diyplewsed (with what He hhas deerced), then he will have (Fs) displensuec (aa his reward) [Tienes] Being “Tested is the Paih to Paradise “And certain toss of wealth, lies and faite, hut give stad ting ta those who ace ‘patient. Who, when afficeed with calamity, 22 "Tauly, © Allah we bbelong, and eraly, to Hin we shall enum? Thep are thse on seh are the Salawae (he. who are blesscel and will be Forgive) torn dhe Tare, seul (Chey are those who) receive [ls Merey, and itis they who ate the guided omen.” [Queen 2155 237] iy, We shall est yom with semncihing af fear hunger, Te bus been surced fiom Ibo Maw'ond (adipAlhu ‘anchuy char che Mosengce of AMlde SUlWMku Alibi wa Sailer} sui. “There is mo ‘Muslin who i alMicted by some harm, whether tiv siclaness ot oduet than it except that ATIAR eases some oy sing ty ll sway heoause oft, just ifr the Yeasee of a tee fll.” |$ancch Muslin] axe Will De! nitely Come Alter Dit hee the Nanwah Way) of Ae with Mls esting, He ha aot ae ay Aifcalg eveap that He has yiven te fie it ih vay (are se (i te aE So vesily, with haedbtp cots aces, y wid hardship cones tlic” (Quran, 95 6 ‘ae Continued Reward Alu Muss Al Askiocee Sadish anna} naryalel tha rae Mosca Allis Sa ATs Alsi wn Seta} said, “HT dhe servant (oC Allah) becomes Aur waves, ANGI dhe Most [igh writes foe him che sane reward for what he ured to do when he ws Aewlby and xt heme G.c aot traveling)” [eheah A Habeas For Livery Mlncaa Theve is a Cure Te is natated fiom Alem Thuis: agility ‘ia-he} the che Messen: fof AL Ga Labo Alibi wa Sallam: std, “AU has ot set awry disease, except thar He nko emt down its eure.” [s-Bukhanee inal Musi] Tloereves, he cure — by the permiivin oF his era sae acpi ie Fron the ie Cw pros mast hate tin ATE, ssc tofags in Him, sl Fave goa thinkingfespectation erccemming Him, Propet three {Ali's Sein) slate wilh trong ennition, aA 43) And whten 1 am aiel Ie (Allah) cures me.” (O 2 26:80 TTeoaa chose macters hic shou’ sovomipery he care pees use paver (or-Muayie tat lve ba smgrhaal bs ths Que anel the Siva, A we Sa ESTs 8 gest SRS) ‘And We send down ftom che Qui‘an that which is a cue and a meray far the hetfevees.” (Qua, 17:82} The: rhe Qua ad that which bas been sepured ia tha Progiar’y SSVTYIMa Vaid wa 2, one ais sive va ee suppcarons Hor onal alan: Snead ‘Ue is of che most beneficial means af resi ew tad muering, Bares i ans viata Sia AY at Sas Abner, Ninna) olf Mia, Wiad AP tig, Seated Nie and onber Seo of the (Qurtny teal of he Qur'Sn it healag and a ees. “Rate gs 19, Forno ns fe i ako naaated stom ‘Nihah RagiyAlabn “ana thot che Beophet (SAIAMhe Alek: wu Sallam nse to visit some of his ail oh were I and he weld vépe bic rght hand or. them wile save, “Ob, AME! Lord ‘of the people! Remove the affiction and grunt heulag, Por You are ‘the One Who ences ud there iv no cure except fur Your cura. Iie a cee thit leaves behind no slelness.”[a-Bubarew sd Msi] Hanser’ hess supplitatons and prapens require a Syobl dar us bani se tn ie ‘You soul ale sock help encough sicusl prayer ( (lit sss ates “Ara seek hep (from ATER) with patience and prayer (Ae Salat. auras, 249) ‘You ahionld ako give mere chwrity. It is nazmeed Bom Abae Crt (Racin ‘an-bu} that che Prophet SuAiabu sak wa Sule) ed, *rteene your sick hy yieing arg” a5] Juegh AI Jando A’ Allsince, no Yeu alow orly Hear soar te hugs that bewe beer repeal fin the Carn and Sail) comin cures, Famgles of thie ze honey, black aces, ZannZasn saree and cupping (uond-leting? ‘Yeu dhunld creat your nese with Guat which Aah hes pecmiteeé of the favefol medicines, since seeking ewe in medicines chee su» fxbidden nas ‘aeea probe The Messager Mid Gola Abi wn Sella ae, “Vesy ASR daas sent dawn sicknese and cure, and Tle has made w cure fot every slclenen. Thetefons treat your sieknoeu, but do not teat your sicknesses widh chat which ia forbidden.” (Abu Dawood}

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