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Evolution and Human Behavior Evolution and Human Behavior 22 (2001) 451-453 Volume Contents ORIGINAL ARTICLES Birgitta S. Tullberg, Virpi Lummaa Induced abortion ratio in modern Sweden falls with age, but rises again before menopause Paul W. Andrews The psychology of social chess and the evolution of attribution mechanisms: explaining the fundamental attribution error 11 Gillian Rhodes, Leslie A. Zebrowitz, Alison Clark, S. Michael Kalick, Amy Hightower, Ryan McKay Do facial averageness and symmetry signal health? 31 Kimber A. Haddix Leaving your wife and your brothers: when polyandrous marriages fall apart 47 John T. Manning, Rogan P. Taylor Second to fourth digit ratio and male ability in sport: implications for sexual selection in humans 61 BOOK REVIEW Randolph Nesse Luxury Fever: Why Money Fails to Satisfy in an Era of Excess, by Robert H. Frank 71 ORIGIN.AL ARTICLES Martin L. Lalumiére, Grant T. Harris, Marnie E. Rice Psychopathy and developmental instability 75 Deborah K. Hume, Robert Montgomerie Facial attractiveness signals different aspects of “quality” in women and men 93 K. Hawkes, J.F. O’Connell, N.G. Blurton Jones Hadza meat sharing 113 BOOK REVIEW Hank Davis Psychology: An Evolutionary Approach, by Steven J.C. Gaulin and Donald McBurney 143 ORIGINAL ARTICLES Paul W. Sherman, Geoffrey A. Hash Why vegetable recipes are not very spicy 452 Volume Contents / Evolution and Human Behavior 22 (2001) 451-453 Joseph Henrich, Francisco J. Gil-White The evolution of prestige: Freely conferred deference as a mechanism for enhancing the benefits of cultural transmission Tamas Bereczkei Maternal trade-off in treating high-risk children BOOK REVIEWS Terry Burnham Heroes, Rogues and Lovers: Testosterone and Behaviour, by James McBride Dabbs, with Mary Godwin Dabbs Joanna E. Scheib Review of Sex in the Future: The Reproductive Revolution and How It Will Change Us, by Robin Baker 217 ORIGINAL ARTICLES Michelle Scalise Sugiyama Food, foragers, and folklore: The role of narrative in human subsistence 221 Bram P. Buunk, Pieternel Dijkstra, Douglas T. Kenrick, Astrid Warntjes Age preferences for mates as related to gender, own age, and involvement level 241 Victor S. Johnston, Rebecca Hagel, Melissa Franklin, Bernhard Fink, Karl Grammer Male facial attractiveness: Evidence for hormone-mediated adaptive design 251 Anne Case, I-Fen Lin, Sara McLanahan Educational attainment of siblings in stepfamilies 269 BOOK REVIEW Alan R. Rogers Game Theory Evolving: A Problem-centered Introduction to Modeling and Strategic Behavior, by Herbert Gintis 291 ORIGINAL ARTICLES Aurelio José Figueredo, Victor Corral- Verdugo, Martha Frias-Armenta, Karen J. Bachar, Janine White, Prentiss L. McNeill, Beth R. Kirsner, Irasema del Pilar Castell-Ruiz Blood, solidarity, status, and honor: The sexual balance of power and spousal abuse in Sonora, Mexico 295 Satoshi Kanazawa Why father absence might precipitate early menarche: The role of polygyny 329 Pieternel Dijkstra, Bram P. Buunk Sex differences in the jealousy-evoking nature of a rival’s body build 335 Matthew C. Keller, Randolph M. Nesse, Sandra Hofferth The Trivers—Willard hypothesis of parental investment: No effect in the contemporary United States 343 David Bobrow, J. Michael Bailey Is male homosexuality maintained via kin selection? 361 BOOK REVIEW Steven J.C. Gaulin Sex Differences: Developmental and Evolutionary Strategies, by Linda Mealey Volume Contents / Evolution and Human Behavior 22 (2001) 451-453 ORIGINAL ARTICLES Devendra Singh, Valerie C. Rosen Effects of maternal body morphology, morning sickness, gestational diabetes and hypertension on fluctuating asymmetry in young women 373 Lisa M. Goos, Irwin Silverman The influence of genomic imprinting on brain development and behavior 385 Martin Briine De Clérambault’s syndrome (erotomania) in an evolutionary perspective 409 B.C. Jones, A.C. Little, I.S. Penton-Voak, B.P. Tiddeman, D.M. Burt, D.I. Perrett Facial symmetry and judgements of apparent health: Support for a “good genes” explanation of the attractiveness—symmetry relationship 417 BOOK REVIEW Steven J.C. Gaulin Adaptation and Human Behavior: An Anthropological Perspective, by Lee Cronk, Napoleon Chagnon and Williams Irons 431 Alan C. Kamil Evolution and Cognition, by Cecilia Heyes and Ludwig Huber 439 Joan Silk Tree of Origin: What Primate Behavior Can Tell Us About Human Social Evolution, by Frans B.M. de Waal 443 Volume Contents 451 Author Index 455 Keyword Index

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