PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 107(3), 2005. pp. 489-500 ETHIROMYIA, A NEW GENUS OF HOLARCTIC DOLICHOPODINAE (DIPTERA: DOLICHOPODIDAE) Scott E. Brooks and Terry A. Wheeler (SEB) Diptera Unit, Invertebrate Biodiversity, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K.W. Neatby Building, 960 Carling Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0C6, Canada (email: [email protected]); (TAW) Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University (Macdonald Campus), Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3V9, Canada (email: [email protected]) — Abstract. Ethiromyia Brooks, new genus, is described, and distinguished from other M Dolichopodinae by the following features: wing vein straight and subparallel to R4+5; notum of thorax metallic greenish black or bluish black, with violet reflections; thoracic pleuron with a cluster of fine hairs in front of the posterior spiracle; foretibia of males with an elongate apicoventral seta; cercus of males whitish with black border, large, rounded, with long, fine marginal setae; dorsal surstylus with preapical dorsal notch and keel-like projection; female terminalia with inner medial pair of spines on tergite 10. The genus comprises three species: Ethiromyia purpurata (Van Duzee), new combination (eastern Nearctic); Ethiromyia violacea (Van Duzee), new combination (eastern Nearc- tic); and Ethiromyia chalybea (Wiedemann), new combination (Europe). All species are redescribed and a key is provided. Key Words: Dolichopodidae, Dolichopodinae, Ethiromyia, new genus, Holarctic Gymnoptemus Loew is a diverse (more (e.g., Curran 1933, 1934; Robinson 1964; than 100 species) and widespread genus of Foote et al. 1965; Robinson and Vockeroth dolichopodine flies found in the Nearctic, 1981; Pollet et al. 2004) and that classifi- Palearctic, and Oriental regions. Dolicho- cation was supported by a phylogenetic podid workers in the Old and New World analysis (Brooks 2005) that placed Gym- have differed in their views ofthe taxonom- noptemus not with Hercostomus, but in- ic rank of Gymnoptemus. Although Loew stead closely related to Dolichopus Latreille (1857) originally assigned Gymnoptemus (including species formerly placed in Licht- generic rank, subsequent Old World work- wardtia Enderlein), based on the synapo- ers treated it as a synonym (Becker 1917- morphic possession ofa cluster of fine hairs 1918, Negrobov 1991) or subgenus (Pollet on the thoracic pleura in front of the pos- 1990, Wei 1997, Chandler 1998, Yang and terior spiracle. Grootaert 1999, Yang and Saigusa 1999) of Gymnoptemus is a morphologically uni- Hercostomus Loew. Pollet (2004) recently form genus, with the exception of an enig- restored Gymnoptemus to generic rank and matic species group thai includes Gymnop- transferred the Palearctic species from the temus chalyheus (Wiedemann). Gynmop- subgenus Hercostomus (Gymnoptemus) to temus purpuratus (Van Duzee), and Gym- Gymnoptemus. In the Nearctic, Gymnopter- noptemus violaceus (Van Duzee) (herein nus has long been recognized as a genus referred to as the chalyheus group). In his 490 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON revision of the European species ofthe sub- Materials and Methods genus Hercostounis (Gymnoplernus), Pollet This study is based on material housed (1990) noted several differences between in the Canadian National Collection of In- G. chalyheus and its European congeners, sects, Ottawa. Ontario. Canada (CNC), Ly- but ultimately left that species in the sub- man Entomological Museum, McGill Uni- genus Hercostomus. Recently, Pollet (2004) versity, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, further noted a number of differences be- Canada (LEM), Museum fur Naturkunde tween the chalybeus group and Gymnopter- der Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin, Berlin, nus, based on a study of over thirty species Germany (ZMHB) and Naturhistorisches from the Nearctic and Palaearctic Regions. Museum Wien, Wien, Austria (NMW). In the same paper, he hypothesized a sister Morphological terminology mainly follows group relationship between the chalybeus McAlpine (1981); terms for male genitalia group and the remaining Gymnopternus based on subparallel wing veins R4+5 and follow Cumming et al. (1995) and Sinclair M. In contrast. Brooks (2005) considered (2000). Body length is measured from the that character state plesiomorphic, and base of the antenna to the tip of the abdo- found that the chalybeus group is the sister men. Wing length is measured from the hu- meral crossvein to the wing apex. Relative group to Dolichopus based on the posses- lengths ofeach tarsomere are representative sion ofa distinctive, dorsally notched dorsal surstylar lobe ofthe male genitalia (Figs. 4, ratios expressed using the following for- 5, 9,10) and a pair of inner, medial spines mula: t,712^3/14/15, where t, is the basitarsus. Male and female terminalia were mac- on tergite 10 ofthe female terminalia (Figs. 7, 8). The monophyly of Gymnopternus, erated in either 10% KOH, which was heat- ed on a hot plate for about 10 minutes, or exclusive of the chalybeus group, is sup- ported by the possession of elongate pro- in 85% lactic acid, heated in a microwave oven. Each microwave heating interval jections on the base of the ejaculatory apo- deme and a broad, lobate postgonite comprised 30 seconds and was followed by a 1-2 minute cooling period during which (Brooks 2005). Dolichopus is considered to be mono- macerated muscle tissue was removed with phyletic based on the synapomorphic pos- a fine probe. session of one or more strong dorsal setae Figures showing male genitalia in lateral on the hind basitarsus, a distinctive S- view are oriented as they appear on the in- shaped bend in wing vein M, and a T- tact specimen (rotated 180° and lateroflexed shaped ejaculatory apodeme (Brooks 2005). to the right), with the morphologically ven- The monophyly of the chalybeus group is tral surface up. dorsal surface down, ante- supported by the possession of an elongate rior end facing right and posterior end fac- apicoventral seta on the male foretibia, and ing left. Figures showing the male genitalia the distinctive male cercus, characterizedby in ventral view are correspondingly orient- long, fine marginal setae (Pollet 2004, ed with the anterior end facing right and Brooks 2005). Despite the fact that both of posterior end facing left. The following ab- these features are homoplasious within the breviations are used in the figures: apv lobe: Dolichopodinae and have arisen in some apicoventral epandrial lobe; bv lobe: basi- species of Dolichopus and Hercostomus, ventral epandrial lobe; bv seta: basiventral they are part of a suite of congruent nested epandrial seta; cere: cercus; dsur: dorsal synapomorphies that support the monophy- lobe of surstylus; ejap: ejaculatory apode- ly of the chalybeus group. In this paper the me; epand: epandrium; hy: hypandrium; new genus Ethiromyia is established forthe hyap: hypandrial apodeme; pgon: postgon- chalybeus group, and its three included spe- ite; ph: phallus; S: sternite; T: tergite; vsur: cies are redescribed. ventral lobe of surstylus. Abbreviations — VOLUME 107, NUMBER 3 491 used in the text include T: abdominal ter- gular to ovoid, about as long as wide; arista gite, and S: abdominal sternite. dorsal, 2-segmented, second segment weak- ly to strongly pubescent. Postocular setae Ethiromyia Brooks, new genus uniseriate, lowermost seta sometimes stron- Type species: Hercostomuspurpuratus Van ger. One pair ofpostvertical setae, subequal Duzee 1925: 185 [Nearctic], by present to distinctly stronger than uppermost pairof postoculars. designation. Thorax: Notum metallic greenish black — Recognition. Species ofEthiromyia can or bluish black with violet reflections. Ac- be recognized by the following combina- rostichals biserial; 6 dorsocentrals, fifth pair M tion ofcharacters: wing vein straight and distinctly offset medially; postpronotum subparallel to R4+5; notum of thorax metal- with 1 strong medioclinate seta and 2-3 lic greenish black or bluish black, with vi- weaker outer setae; 1 strong outer posthu- olet reflections; thoracic pleuron with a meral, 1 weak inner posthumeral; 2 noto- cluster offine hairs in front ofposterior spi- pleurals; 1 presutural; 1 sutural; 2 supra- racle; male foretibia with an elongate api- alars; 1 postalar. Upper and lower part of coventral seta; male cercus whitish with propleuron with fine hairs; lower part of black border, large, rounded, with long, fine propleuron with 1 strong prothoracic seta; marginal setae; dorsal surstylus with preap- pleural surface in front of posterior spiracle ical dorsal notch and keel-like projection; with a cluster or row of fine hairs; metepis- female terminalia with inner medial pair of ternum with a cluster of several fine hairs. spines on TIO. Species of Ethiromyia lack Scutellum with 1 strong inner seta and 1 a distinct anterodorsal row of strong setae small outer seta on lateral margin, dorsum on the foretibia (present in most Gymnop- with sparse hairs, posterior margin with ternus), and also possess 1-3 strong poster- sparse short hairs or long dense hairs. oventral setae on the foretibia (absent in Legs: Pulvilli normal. Foreleg: Tibia with most Gymnopternus). In addition, species 2-4 anterodorsal setae, 2 dorsals, 1-3 pos- of Ethiromyia lack the dorsal setae on the teroventrals, 2 apicals, 1 long, fine apicov- hind basitarsus that are found in species of entral in male, without distinct, regular, an- Dolichopus. terodorsal row of strong setae. Midleg: Fe- Description. Head: Vertex not excavat- mur with 1 anterior preapical seta; tibia ed, 1 pair of strong divergent ocellar setae, with 3-5 anterodorsals, 2 dorsals, 1-3 an- 1 pair of strong vertical setae, stronger than teroventrals, 5 apicals. Hind leg: Coxa with postverticals. Frons about 2-2.8X wider strong lateral seta near or slightly below than high, sides weakly convergent anteri- middle; femur with 1 anterodorsal preapical orly. Face broad in male, sides slightly con- seta; tibia with 3-6 anterodorsals. 1 preap- vergent below or subparallel, broader in fe- ical dorsal, 3-6 posterodorsals, 3-6 ven- male with sides subparallel. Clypeus slight- trals, 2 apicals, apex with weak to indistinct ly produced to strongly bulging, especially ridgelike process posterodorsally in male; in female, lower margin straight or slightly basitarsus subequal to or slightly shorter emarginate, ending well above lower eye than second tarsomere, without dorsal setae, margin. Palp ovoid, with weak setae on dis- with distinct basiventral seta, male with tal halfofouter surface and a distinct apical hooklike process posterobasally. seta. Proboscis large and projecting or mod- Wing (Figs. 1-3): Brownish to grey. erate in size. Antenna inserted above mid- Male costa with or without plerostigma dle of head; scape subconical, dorsally se- near insertion of R,; R., , relatively straight tose, with well-developed acute medioven- to weakly convex; Rj.s straight with pos- tral process; pedicel short, with nipplelike terior curve in distal section; distal section M medial condyle; first flagellomere subtrian- of beyond crossvein dni-cu with barely 492 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON R, mm 1 Figs. 1-3. Wings. 1, Ethiromyiapiirpurata, male. 2, E. purpurata, female. 3, E. violacea, male. discemable sinuous bend before middle, large. Epandrium subtriangular in lateral straight, or with sUght convex curve in dis- view, about 1.5-2X longer than high, fo- tal section similar to that of R4+5, ending ramen lateral, well-separated from base of M near wing apex; R4+5 and subparallel; cerci; basiventral epandrial lobe weakly de- crossvein dm-cu subequal to or shorter than veloped, basiventral epandrial seta present; distal section of CuA,. apicoventral epandrial lobe well-developed, Abdomen: Subconical. Tl-5 setose. subquadrate, rounded or flared apically, Male: T6 bare; S2 unmodified; S3 unmod- with 1 lateral and 2 apical setae. Surstylus ified oremarginate and mainly membranous 2-lobed. Ventral lobe more or less digiti- posteromedially; S4 strongly emarginate or form, with or without dorsal hump, with divided, membranous medially; S5 mainly weak dorsal to dorsomedial preapical pro- to entirely membranous; S6 mainly mem- jection, apex with short, stout seta. Dorsal branous, sclerotized along anterior margin; lobe larger than ventral lobe, with 1-2 segment 7 bare, forming well-developed strong dorsomedial setae and 1 preapical peduncle; S8 subquadrate to subtriangular, lateral seta, dorsal surface notched preapi- setose. Hypopygium (Figs. 4—6, 9—10) cally with distinct to weakly developed — VOLUME 107, NUMBER 3 493 keellike projection across notch bearing a sertion points of setae, hind tibia yellow or short seta (Fig. 5). Postgonite with anter- brown; midtibia lacking strong ventral seta at distal third; male with wing evenlyconvex be- oventral portion weakly sclerotized, nearly M tween and CuA, (Fig. 1); male cercus with membranous and bifurcate anteriorly; pos- well-developed digitiform projections on api- terodorsal portion vestigial (Figs. 9-10), or codorsal margin (Figs. 4, 9) 2 well-developed and digitiform (Fig. 5). 2. Palp blackish brown; antenna entirely black; Proctiger brushes absent. Cercus (Figs. 4, forecoxa dark, forefemur usually brown dor- sally. Male: Hind leg with long, fine posterior 9-10) large, round to ovoid, pale with dark hairs on distal halfof femur and basal part of margin; apical and lateral margin jagged, tibia; hind tibia with four closely spaced, flat- sometimes with well-developed digitiform tened posterodorsal setae on basal half; wing projections (Figs. 4, 9); lateral and/or apical with pterostigma near insertion ofR, (Fig. 1); margin with very long, fine setae. Hypan- T2 and T3 velvety black laterally; cercus with scythe-shaped apicoventral seta on first elon- drium elongate and slender, troughlike, free gatedigitiformprojection, marginalsetaeabout laterally with membranous connection to as long as width ofcercus (Fig. 4) (eastern Ne- epandrium basally; hypandrial arms con- arctic) purpurata (Van Duzee) nected to hypandrium; hypandrial apodeme - Palp yellow, dark basally; antenna with scape well-developed, with knob-like apex. and pedicel pale ventrally; forecoxa mainly Sperm pump cylindrical; ejaculatory apo- pale, infuscated basally on outer side, forefe- mur entirely yellow. Male: Hind leg lacking deme rodlike; basal sclerite of sperm pump fine posterior hairs on femur and tibia; hind well-developed, thick and heavily sclero- tibia without four flattened posterodorsal setae tized, broadly V-shaped in dorsal view. on basal half; wing without pterostigma; T2 Phallus elongate and slender, apical portion and T3 not velvety black laterally; cercus with with weak rounded projection (Figs. 5, 10), dsipagtiutliaftoermappriocjoevcetnitorna,lmasregtainaolnhafiirrsstdeilstoinngcattley or finely serrate (Fig. 9). Female (Figs. 7- longer than width of cercus (Fig. 9) (Europe) 8): T6, T7, S6 and S7 undivided; T8 and chalybea (Wiedemann) SB divided medially, tergite and sternite fused anterolaterally. Furca narrow and Ethiromyia chalybea (Wiedemann), weakly sclerotized or absent. TIO divided new combination medially into hemitergites each bearing 4- (Fig. 9) 5 spines along outer margin and a single Dolichopus chalybeus Wiedemann 1817: inner medial spine (Fig. 7), spines pointed 72. to blunt apically. Upper lobe ofcercus with Dolichopus cinereomacuJatus Roser 1840: short apical se—ta. 56. Etymology. The generic name is de- Gymnopternus chalybeus (Wiedemann): rived from the Greek etheria (hair) in ref- Loew 1857: 21; Pollet 2004: 546. erence to the long hairs on the male cercus, Hercostomus {Gymnopternus) chalybeus and the Greek myia (fly). The gender is (Wiedemann): Lundbeck 1912: 189; feminine. Chandler 1998: 90. Remarks. Ethiromyia was referred to as Hercostomus chalybeus (Wiedemann): ''New Genus A" in Brooks (2005). Becker 1917: 212; Pollet 1990: 361. Gymnopternus cincreotnacuhuus (Roser): Key to Species of Ethiromyia Pollet 2004: 546. 1. iMnisde-rtiaonndphoiinntdstoibfisaeetayee;llmoiwdtwibiitahwdiatrhk1spsottrsonagt Male.—Body length = 3.6-4.4 mm, ventral setaatdistalthird; male with wingmar- wing length = 3.8-4.6 mm. Head: Frons gin incised between veins M and CuA, (Fig. metallic violet bronze or violet blackish, 3); male cercus with weakly developed digiti- lower and lateral margins often metallic form projections on apicodorsal margin (Fig. - M1i0)d-(eaanstderhninNdeatricbtiiace)wi.t.ho.utvidoalrakcesapo(tVsanatDiunz-ee) bploluliisnhosger;eefna.ceFaacbeouatnd0.c2lXypaesuswisdielvaesryh-egarde;y 494 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 4-8. Ethiromyiapurpurata. 4, Male genitalia, left lateral view (external). 5, Male genitalia, leftlateral view (internal). 6, Male genitalia, ventral view (postgonite, surstylus andcercus not shown). 7, Femalegenitalia, dorsal view. 8, Female genitalia, left lateral view. VOLUME NUMBER 107, 3 495 Figs. 9—10. Ethiromyia chalybea and E. violacea. 9, E. chalybea, male genitalia, left lateral view. 10, E. violacea, male genitalia, left lateral view. clypeus strongly bulging. Palp mainly yel- bronze with whitish pollinosity. ScuteUum low, brownish black near base, with black black with metallic violet, green and blue hair. Proboscis large and usually projecting. reflections, with long, dense hairs on pos- Scape and pedicel yellow ventrally, dark terior margin. Notum and scutellum paler brown dorsally; first flagellomere blackish black bronze in older specimens. brown, apex weakly pointed or rounded; Legs: Forecoxa, femora, fore- and mid- arista dark brown, strongly pubescent. Post- tibiae mainly yellow, mid- and liind coxae ocular setae black. Ocellar tubercle with concolorous with thoracic pleuron. hind tib- several hairs medially. Postvertical seta ia more or less brownish, darker towards slightly stronger than upper postocular seta. apex. Foreleg: Coxa darkened basally on Thorax: Notum metallic greenish black outer side; tibia with 1-2 strong anterodor- or bluish black, with violet reflections. sal setae in basal part, 1-2 weaker distal Pleuron dark metallic greenish blue and anterodorsals. 2 dorsals. 1-2 posteroven- — 496 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON trals, distal seta often weaker or absent, 2 larger. Legs: Foretibia lacking long, fine apicals in addition to long, line apicoven- apicoventral; posterior hairs on hind tibia tral; basitarsus mainly yellow with brown not as strongly developed. — apex, tarsomeres 2-5 brown, tarsomere ra- Type material examined. Syntypes: 2 tio: 4.0/1.7/1.3/1.0/1.0. Midleg: Tibia with 6. 1 9 (ZMHB, No. 2931), \ 6, 2 9 3 anterodorsal setae, 2 dorsals, 2 anterov- (NMW), GERMANY: Kiel. — entrals, 5 apicals; basitarsus mainly yellow Other material examined. BELGIUM: with brown apex, tarsomeres 2-5 brown, Oost-Vlaanderen: 16 c?, 20 9, Heurne, Het tarsomere ratio: 4.0/2.0/1.5/1.1/1.0. Hind Dal Nature Reserve, white water traps, leg: Coxa often yellow apically; femur 1997, M. Pollet & P Grootaert (LEM); brown apicodorsally; tibia with 4-6 anter- AUSTRIA: Carinthia: 1 (?, nr Drobollach odorsal setae, 1 preapical dorsal, 4-6 pos- am Faaker See, reedbed, 3.vii.l992, C.E. terodorsals, 3-5 ventrals, 2 apicals, and Dyte (LEM); 1 9, same data except nr dense, well-developed hairs posteriorly; tar- Faaker See, wood—land (LEM). sus blackish brown, tarsomere ratio: 2.9/ Distribution. Great Britain, Ireland, 3.2/1.9/1.2/1.0. France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Den- Wing: Brown, darker on anterior half; mark, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, pterostigma absent; margin evenly convex Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hunga- M between and CuAj; calypter with black ry, Romania, former Yugoslavia, Sweden, setae; halter pale yellow. Norway, Finland, Belarus, Ukraine, and Abdomen: Tl-5 dark bronze dorsally, European Russia (Negrobov 1991, Pollet, metallic greenish blue laterally with whitish unpublished data). pollinosity, with weak violet reflections; S5 Ecology. Ethiromyia chalybeo prefers with eversible membranous sac; T6, seg- reedmarshes and humid woodlands (carrs) ment 7 and S8 dark brown. Hypopygium with an undergrowth of sedges, where it is (Fig. 9): Epandrium dark brown, abruptly often found in large numbers (see Pollet narrowed in distal half, ventral margin (in- 1992, Pollet et al. 1992). cluding basiventral and apicoventral epan- drial lobes) pale yellow; basiventral epan- Ethiromyia purpurata (Van Duzee), drial lobe very weakly developed; apicov- new combination entral epandrial lobe flared apically. Sursty- (Figs. 1-2, 4-8) lus pale yellow; ventral lobe slender, purpuratus Van Duzee 1925: without dorsal hump; dorsal lobe with 2 185. strong, dark dorsomedial setae. Postgonite: Gymnopternus purpuratus (Van Duzee): posterodorsal portion vestigial. Cercus Foote et al. 1965: 499; Pollet et al. 2004: ovoid with well-developed digitiform pro- 41. jections, first elongate digitiform projection — with apicoventral spatulate seta, marginal Male. Body length = 4.2-5.0 mm, setae very long. Hypandrium amber, lack- wing length = 3.7-4.3 mm. Head: Frons ing dorsal process, tubular basally, open bronze to blackish bronze, with violet me- along right side exposing phallus. Phallus tallic reflections, lower and lateral margins with a pair of serrate longitudinal bands usually metallic bluish green. Face and apically. — clypeus silvery-grey pollinose, sometimes Female. Body length = 4.0-4.7 mm, with weak blue-green reflections; face wing length = 4.1—4.6 mm. Similar to male about 0.3X as wide as head; clypeus strong- except as follows: Head: Face and clypeus ly bulging. Palp blackish brown with black broader; face about 0.3X as wide as head, hairs. Proboscis large and projecting. An- slightly darker; clypeus weakly pollinose. tenna black; first flagellomere rounded or bronze, especially on upper part; proboscis weakly pointed apically; arista with short VOLUME NUMBER 107, 3 497 pubescence. Postocular setae black. Ocellar epandrial lobe subquadrate. Surstylus pale tubercle with several hairs medially. Post- yellow; ventral lobe with dorsal hump; dor- vertical seta stronger than upper postocular sal lobe with 1 strong, dark dorsomedial seta. seta. Postgonite with posterodorsal portion Thorax: Notum metallic greenish black pale, digitiform, bent ventrally. Cercus with violet, blue and bronze reflections. round with well-developed digitiform pro- Pleuron dark metallic greenish blue with jections, first elongate digitiform projection whitish pollinosity. Scutellum blackish with with apicoventral scythe-shaped seta. Hy- metallic violet, green and blue reflections; pandrium amber with dorsal process near with fine, short hairs on posterior margin. middle, tubular basally, open along right Legs: Coxae blackish brown with metal- side exposing phallus. Phallus with weak lic green tinge, concolorous with thoracic rounded pr—ocess in apical portion. pleuron; femora and tibiae mainly yellow. Female. Body length = 4.3-5.5 mm. Foreleg: Femur usually brown dorsally; tib- wing length = 3.9-4.5 mm. Similarto male ia with 1-3 anterodorsal setae, distal antero- except as follows: Head: Face and clypeus dorsals sometimes weaker, 2 dorsals, 1-3 darker, broader; face about 0.35X as wide posteroventrals, 2 apicals in addition to as head, clypeus very strongly bulging. Pro- long, fine apicoventral; basal two-thirds of boscis slightly larger Legs: Foretibia lack- basitarsus yellow, distal third black, tarso- ing long, fine apicoventral; hind femur and meres 2-5 black, tarsomere ratio: 3.5/1.6/ basal part of hind tibia lacking long, fine 1.2/1.0/1.0. Midleg: Tibia with 3-5 antero- hairs posteriorly; hind tibia with three nor- dorsal setae, 2 dorsals, 1-3 anteroventrals, mally developed posterodorsals on basal 5 apicals; basal two-thirds ofbasitarsus yel- half. Wing: Pterostigma absent. Abdomen: low, distal third black, tarsomeres 2-5 Dark metallic green with violet, blue and black, tarsomere ratio: 4.3/2.2/1.5/1.1/1.0. bronze reflections, T2 and T3 without lat- Hind leg: Distal half of femur and basal eral velvety black patch, T2-4 without fine part of tibia with long, fine hairs posteri- hairs laterally. — orly, hairs about as long as width offemur; Type material examined. Holotype tibia with 4-5 anterodorsal setae (distal 1- 6: CANADA: Manitoba: Stockton, 2 setae sometimes dorsal), 1 preapical dor- 29.vii.1924, N. Criddle (CNC, No. 1413). sal, 4 close set, flattened posterodorsals on Allotype 9: same data as holo—type. basal half, 3-6 weaker ventrals, 2 apicals, Other material examined. CANADA: apex of tibia brown posteriorly; tarsus Ontario: I 6. Swastika, 7.vii.l987. J.R. blackish brown, tarsomere ratio: 2.8/3.1/ Vockeroth (CNC); Quebec: 1 d. Beach- 2.0/1.2/1.0. grove (45°37'N, 76°8'W),, J.R. Wing (Fig. 1): Evenly dark brown; ptero- Vockeroth (CNC); Lac St-Francois Natural stigma present near insertion of R,; wing Wildlife Area: 18 d, 6 9, Marais Fraser. M margin evenly convex between and 45°02.37'N, 74°27.73'W, Carex meadow, CuA,; calypter with black setae; halter pale pan trap, 1 .vi. 1999, F Beaulieu yellow. (LEM); 7 d, 3 9, same data except 26.v- Abdomen: Tl-5 dark metallic greenish, (LEM); 1 9, same except sweep lateral part ofT2 and T3 velvety black with net, 28.V.1999 (LEM); 4 d, 3 9, same ex- fine hairs, T4 also with fine hairs laterally; cept sweep net, (LEM); 8 d. 4 T6, segment 7 and S8 dark brown. Hypo- 9, same except 1 (LEM); 3 pygium (Figs. 4, 5, 6): Epandrium mainly S, 5 9. same except 45°02.40'N. dark brown, ventral margin (including bas- 74°28.03'W (LEM); 2 9. same except iventral and apicoventral epandrial lobes) (LEM); 3 d, 6 9. same pale yellow, left basiventral epandrial lobe except;5 6, 12 9. NW larger than right lobe (Fig. 6); apicoventral of Amenagement Therricn. close to 498 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ruisseau Therrien, 45°00.39'N. 74°30.99'W, grey to greenish bronze, with whitish pol- Carex meadow, pan trap, (), linosity. Scutellum dark bronze or blackish, F. Beaulieu (LEM); 2 d, 3 9, same except with violet, green, and blue reflections; with (LEM); I c?, same except fine, short hairs on posterior margin. (LEM); 8 <5, 3 9, same Legs: Fore- and hind coxae mainly yel- except sweep net, (LEM); 1 d, low, brown at base on outer side, midcoxa same except 45°00.17'N, 74°30.63'W more or less concolorous with thoracic (LEM); 8 (?, 1 9, same except pan trap, pleuron; femora and tibiae yellow, mid- and (LEM); 1 6, same except hind tibiae with dark spots at insertion (LEM); 2 <?, 1 9, same points of setae. Foreleg: Tibia with 2-4 an- except (LEM). terodorsal setae, distal 2 anterodorsals usu- — Distribution. Manitoba, Michigan, ally weaker if developed, 2 dorsals, 1-3 northern Ontario and southwestern Quebec. posteroventrals, 2 apicals in addition to — Remarks. Beaulieu and Wheeler (2001) long, fine apicoventral; basitarsus mainly collected large numbers of this species (as yellow with brown apex, tarsomeres 2-5 ''"Gymnopternus n. sp. 1") in lakeside sedge brown, tarsomere ratio: 4.1/L7/L3/L0/1.0. meadows in southwestern Quebec. Midleg: Femur v/ith long, fine hairs basov- entrally, hairs slightly shorter than width of Ethiromyia violacea (Van Duzee), femur; tibia with 3-4 anterodorsal setae, 2 new combination dorsals, 2—3 anteroventrals, 1 ventral at dis- (Figs. 3, 10) tal third, 5 apicals; basitarsus mainly yellow Proarchus violaceus Van Duzee 1921: 123 with brown apex, tarsomeres 2-5 brown, Hercostomus {Proarchus) violaceus (Van tarsomere ratio: 4.0/2.0/1.5/1.1/1.0. Hind Duzee): Leonard 1928: 782. leg: Femur with well-developed setae dor- Hercostomus violaceus (Van Duzee): Stey- sally; tibia with 3-4 anterodorsal setae, 3— skal 1959: 5. 4 posterodorsals, 3—4 ventrals, 1 preapical Gymnopternus violaceus (Van Duzee): dorsal, 2 apicals; basitarsus mainly yellow with brown apex, tarsomeres 2-5 brown, Robinson 1964: 158; Foote et al. 1965: 500; Pollet et al. 2004: 41. tarsomere ratio: 2.6/3.2/2.0/1.3/1.0. — Wing (Fig. 3): Grey; pterosMtigma absent; Male. Body length = 3.6-4.6 mm, wing margin incised between and CuAj; wing length = 3.7-4.4 mm. Head: Frons calypter with black setae; halter pale yel- bronze to blackish, with violet and bluish low. green metallic reflections. Face and clypeus Abdomen: Tl-5 dark metallic green with silvery grey pollinose; face about 0.2X as greyish pollen laterally, Tl-3 metallic black wide as head; clypeus weakly or strongly or bronze dorsomedially; T6, segment 7 bulging. Palp mainly yellow, brownbasally, dark brown; S8 brown or metallic greenish with black hairs. Proboscis medium sized. brown. Hypopygium (Fig. 10): Epandrium Scape and pedicel mainly yellow, brown dark brown, sometimes dark metallic green dorsally; first flagellomere yellow basally, basally, ventral margin (including basiven- distal portion blackish-brown, apex round- tral and apicoventral epandrial lobes) pale ed or weakly pointed; arista blackish yellow amber; basiventral epandrial lobe brown, strongly pubescent. Postocular setae very weakly developed; apicoventral epan- black. Ocellar tubercle with several hairs drial lobe rounded apically. Surstylus pale medially. Postvertical seta stronger than or yellow; ventral lobe slender, without dorsal subequal to upper postocular seta. hump; dorsal lobe with 2 strong, dark dor- Thorax: Notum metallic greenish black somedial setae. Postgonite: posterodorsal to greenish bronze, with violet and bluish portion vestigial. Cercus ovoid with jagged reflections. Pleuron dark metallic greenish margin, lacking well developed digitiform