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Ethics After Auschwitz? Primo Levi’s and Elie Wiesel’s Response PDF

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Ethics after Auschwitz? Primo Levi’s & Elie Wiesel’s Response Carole J. Lambert EthicsafterAuschwitz?PrimoLevi’sandElieWiesel’sResponsedemonstrateshow,aftertheirhorrific experiencesinAuschwitz,bothPrimoLeviandElieWieselcouldhavedeservedlyexpressedrageand bitternessfortherestoftheirlives.Housedinthesamebarracksinthedepthsofhell,adarkreal- itysurpassingDante’svividimagesportrayedinTheInferno,theychosetospeak,write,andwork forabetterworld,neverallowingthememoryofthosewhodidnotsurvivetofade.Whyandhow didtheymakethischoice?WhatinfluencedtheirvaluesbeforeAuschwitzandtheirmoraldecision makingafterit?Whatcanotherswhohavesufferedlessdevastatingtraumaslearnfromthem?“The questisinthequestion,”Wieseloftentellshisstudents.Thisbookisaquestforhopeandgoodness emergingfromtheShoah’sdeepest“night.” “CaroleJ.Lamberthaswrittenapowerfulbook,fullofliteraryinsightandphilosophicaltruth.A mustforscholarandlaypersonalike,thisbookdemonstratestheinescapableconnectionbetween intellectandsoul.” MiraMorgenstern,AssociateProfessorofPoliticalScience,TheCityCollegeofNewYork/CUNY “EmergingfromthedestructionoftheHolocaust,whichinflictedimmenseharmonthecredibility ofethics,thesurvivor-testimonyofPrimoLeviandElieWieselresistscynicism,despair,andmoral relativism.UsingthebiblicalTenCommandmentstofocusherperspectiveontheethicaloutlooks ofLeviandWiesel,CaroleJ.Lambertprovidesaclearlywritten,carefullyresearched,sensitivelyar- gued,andtimelystudythatadvancesthemoralaimsofbothmenbyshowingwhatethicscan,should, andmustbeafterAuschwitz.” JohnK.Roth,EdwardJ.SextonProfessorEmeritusofPhilosophyandFoundingDirector, CenterfortheStudyoftheHolocaust,Genocide,andHumanRights,ClaremontMcKennaCollege CaroleJ.Lambert isProfessorofEnglishandDirectorofResearchatAzusaPacificUniversityin California.InadditiontofourNationalEndowmentfortheHumanitiesgrants,shewasawardeda FulbrightFellowshiptoconductresearchinBrussels,Belgium.SheistheauthorofTheEmptyCross: MedievalHopes,ModernFutilityintheTheaterofMauriceMaeterlinck,PaulClaudel,AugustStrind- berg,andGeorgKaiserandIsGodMan’sFriend?TheodicyandFriendshipinElieWiesel’sNovels,as wellasco-editorwithWilliamD.BrewerofEssaysontheModernIdentityandeditorofDoingGood, DepartingfromEvil:ResearchFindingsintheTwenty-FirstCentury. SheearnedherPh.D.incomparative literature from the University of California,Berkeley,and has been published widely in several journals. A M E R I C A N U N I V E R S I T Y S T U D I E S www.peterlang.com Ethics AFTER Auschwitz? SERIES VII THEOLOGY AND RELIGION VOL. 305 PETER LANG New York (cid:121) Washington, D.C./Baltimore (cid:121) Bern Frankfurt (cid:121) Berlin (cid:121) Brussels (cid:121) Vienna (cid:121) Oxford Carole J. Lambert Ethics AFTER Auschwitz? PRIMO LEVI’S & ELIE WIESEL’S RESPONSE PETER LANG New York (cid:121) Washington, D.C./Baltimore (cid:121) Bern Frankfurt (cid:121) Berlin (cid:121) Brussels (cid:121) Vienna (cid:121) Oxford Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lambert, Carole J. Ethics after Auschwitz?: Primo Levi’s and Elie Wiesel’s response / Carole J. Lambert. p. cm. — (American university studies. VII, Theology and religion; v. 305) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Humanistic ethics. 2. Jewish ethics. 3. Holocaust, Jewish (1939–1945)—Influence. 4. Holocaust, Jewish (1939–1945)—Moral and ethical aspects. 5. Auschwitz (Concentration camp). 6. Levi, Primo. 7. Wiesel, Elie, 1928–. I. Title. BJ1360.L28 296.3’6—dc22 2010035825 ISBN 978-1-4539-0077-2 ISSN 0740-0446 Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the “Deutsche Nationalbibliografie”; detailed bibliographic data is available on the Internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de/. Cover illustration: Marc Chagall, “The Ladder” © 2010 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council of Library Resources. © 2011 Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York 29 Broadway, 18th floor, New York, NY 10006 www.peterlang.com All rights reserved. Reprint or reproduction, even partially, in all forms such as microfilm, xerography, microfiche, microcard, and offset strictly prohibited. Printed in Germany In memory of my most beloved and courageous brother: Paul Braden Wilson, Jr. (November 15, 1942–June 13, 1967) Son of Paul Braden Wilson, M.D. and Esther Elizabeth (‚Betty‛) Roberts Wilson Table of Contents Acknowledgments ...................................................................................... ix Introduction .................................................................................................. 1 PRACTICAL ETHICS Chapter 1: ‚Thou shalt not kill‛ ............................................................... 23 Chapter 2: ‚Thou shalt not commit adultery‛ ....................................... 37 Chapter 3: ‚Thou shalt not steal‛ ............................................................. 49 Chapter 4: ‚Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour‛ ...................................................................... 63 Chapter 5: ‚Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house‛ ................... 77 ESSENTIAL SPIRITUALITY Chapter 6: ‚I am the LORD thy God. . . . Thou shalt have no other gods before me‛ .................................................... 93 Chapter 7: ‚Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image‛ ....... 107 Chapter 8: ‚Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain‛ ................................................................. 119 Chapter 9: ‚Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy‛ .................. 131 Chapter 10: ‚Honour thy father and thy mother‛ ............................... 143 Conclusion ................................................................................................. 155 Index ........................................................................................................... 173

Ethics after Auschwitz? Primo Levi's and Elie Wiesel's Response demonstrates how, after their horrific experiences in Auschwitz, both Primo Levi and Elie Wiesel could have deservedly expressed rage and bitterness for the rest of their lives. Housed in the same barracks in the depths of hell, a dark
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