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INDEX TO VOLUME 117 ARTICLES, DISCUSSIONS (D), REVIEW McPHERSON, LIoneL K., Is Terrorism ESSAYS (RE), AND SURVEY ARTICLES (SA) Distinctively Wrong? 524 ANDERSON, ELIZABETH, Fair Opportu- Perri, PHitip, Responsibility Incor- nity in Education: A Democratic Equal- porated, 171 ity Perspective, 595 Satz, DeBra, Equality, Adequacy, and ARNESON, RICHARD J., Does Social Jus- Education for Citizenship, 623 tice Matter? Brian Barry’s Applied Po- litical Philosophy, 391 SCHAPIRO, TAMAR, Kantian Rigorism and Mitigating Circumstances, 32 BRIGHOUSE, HARRY AND SwiFT, ADAM, Parents’ Rights and the Value of the ScuMip?Tz, Davip, When Justice Mat- Family, 80 ters, 433 CasaL, PauLa, Why Sufficiency Is Not SCHROEDER, MARK, Teleology, Agent- Enough, 296 Relative Value, and ‘Good’, 265 EATON, A. W., A Sensible Antiporn Fem- SeTrya, KIERAN, Cognitivism about In- inism, 674 strumental Reason, 649 FISCHER, JOHN MARTIN, Punishment STATMAN, DANIEL, Supreme Emergen- and Desert: A Reply to Dolinko (D), 109 cies Revisited, 58 GoopI1n, RoBERT E., Why Social Justice WALL, STEVEN, Collective Rights and In- Is Not All That Matters: Justice as the dividual Autonomy, 234 First Virtue, 413 Hare, Caspar, Voices from Another BOOKS REVIEWED IN REVIEW ESSAYS World: Must We Respect the Interests (RE), BOOK REVIEWS (BR), AND BOOK of People Who Do Not, and Will Never, NOTES (BN) Exist? 498 Appiah, Kwame Anthony, The Ethics of HuRSTHOUSE, ROSALIND, Aristotle for Identity, DANIEL. WEINSTOCK (BR), 119 Women Who Love Too Much (D), 327 Bell, Daniel, Beyond Liberal Democracy: Po- JAworskA, AGNIESZKA, Caring and Full litical Thinking for an East Asian Context, Moral Standing, 460 TONGDONG Bat (BR), 739 LerkowiTz, Davip, On a Moral Right to Civil Disobedience, 202 Bell, Daniel A., and de-Shalit, Avner, eds., Forms of Justice: Critical Perspectives LENMAN, JAMES, Compatibilism and on David Miller’s Political Philosophy, Contractualism: The Possibility of Mo- CLAIRE GRANT (BR), 742 ral Responsibility, 7 Bernstein, Richard J., The Abuse of Evil: LIPPERT-RASMUSSEN, KASPER, Why Kill- The Corruption of Politics and Religion since ing Some People Is More Seriously 9/11, MicHAEL R. PARADISO-MICHAU Wrong than Killing Others, 716 (BR), 335 805 806 Ethics July 2007 Brink, David O., Perfectionism and the Hawkins, Gay, The Ethics of Waste: How Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of We Relate to Rubbish, Zev M. TRACHTEN- T. H. Green, Georrrey THomas (BR), BERG (BR), 560 547 Jenkins, Joyce; Whiting, Jennifer; and Cane, Peter, Responsibility in Law and Mo- Williams, Christopher, eds., Persons and rality, BRIAN H. Brx (BR), 124 Passions: Essays in Honor of Annette Baier, JACQUELINE TAYLOR (BR), 127 Chatterjee, Deen K., ed., The Ethics of Assistance: Morality and the Distant Needy, Joyce, Richard, The Evolution of Morality, CHRISTIAN Barry (BR), 338 Zep ApaAMs (BR), 363 Connolly, William, Pluralism, BENJAMIN Kalderon, Mark Eli, Moral Fictionalism, BARBER (BR), 747 Zep ADAMS (BR), 131 Kant, Immanuel, Toward Perpetual Peace Cottingham, John, On the Meaning of and Other Writings on Politics, Peace, and Life, WAYNE PRoupFoor (BR), 549 History, ELISABETH H. Exits (BR), 765 Cottingham, John, The Spiritual Dimen- Kateb, George, Patriotism and Other Mis- sion: Religion, Philosophy and Human takes, STEPHEN NATHANSON (BR), 769 Value, WAYNE PRoubDFOOoT (BR), 549 Kekes, John, The Roots of Evil, PETER Deneen, PatrickJ. ,D emocratic Faith, BEN- BRIAN Barry (BR), 369 JAMIN R. BARBER (BR), 343 Lacey, Hugh, Values and Objectivity in Sci- de Waal, Frans, Primates and Philosophers: ence: The Current Controversy about Trans- How Morality Evolved, Zep ApAMs (BR), genic Crops, CHARLES BLATz (BR), 774 552 McDonough, Kevin, and Feinberg, Wal- Feezell, Randolph, Sport, Play, and Eth- ter, eds., Citizenship and Education in Lib- ical ReflectionJ,A N BOXILL (BN), 795 eral-Democratic Societies: Teaching for Cos- mopolitan Values and Collective Identities, Fischer, John Martin, My Way, Derk M. Vicroria Costa (BR), 136 PEREBOOM (BR), 754 Nadler, Steven, Spinoza’s “Ethics”: An In- Flathman, Richard, Pluralism and Liberal troduction, YITZHAK Y. MELAMED (BR), Democracy, JOHN CHRISTMAN (BR), 348 563 Frankfurt, Harry, On Truth, CLANCY Palonen, Kari, Quentin Skinner: History, MartTIN (BR), 75: Politics, Rhetoric, BRYAN GARSTEN (BR), 566 Fried, Charles, Modern Liberty and the Limits of Government, LUCAS SWAINE Pritchard, Michael S., Professional Integ- (BR), 555 rity, PATRICIA H. WERHANE (BR), 777 Geuss, Raymond, Outside Ethics, Geor- Pugmire, David, Sound Sentiments: Integ- GIA WARNKE (BR), 352 rity in the Emotions, ARIELA TUBERT (BN), 795 Grayling, A. C., Among the Dead Cities: The History and Moral Legacy of the WWII Rachels, James, The Legacy of Socrates: Es- Bombing of Civilians in Germany and Ja- says in Moral Philosophy, JEREMY BENDIK- pan, CHRISTOPHERJ . EBERLE (BR), 356 KEYMER (BR), 780 Index 807 Rawls, John, Lectures on the History of Po- Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter, Moral Skep- litical Philosophy, COLIN BirD (BR), 784 ticisms, BRAD Mayors (BR), 383 Rehfeld, Andrew, The Concept of Constit- Sterba, James P., The Triumph of Practice uency: Political Representation, Democratic over Theory in Ethics, MICHAELJ .C HOLBI Legitimacy, and Institutional Design, MARK (BN), 796 E. WARREN (BR), 139 Theunissen, Michael, Kierkegaard’s Con- Ricoeur, Paul, The Course of Recognition, cept of Despair, CLANCY MARTIN (BR), MARTIN BLANCHARD (BR), 373 576 Roberts, Robert C., Emotions: An Essay Thomas, Laurence, The Family and the in Aid of Moral Psychology, CHRISTINE TAPPOLET (BR), 143 Political Self, BERNARD R. BoxiLt (BR), 580 Schmidtz, David, Elements of Justice, Pr- reR Dierscu (BR), 147 Timmons, Mark, Moral Theory: An Intro- duction, CHris C. HEATHWooD (BN), Selinger, Evan, and Crease, Robert, 797 eds., The Philosophy of Expertise, BEN At- MASS! (BR), 377 Velleman, J. David, Self to Self: Selected Essays, MARYA SCHECHTMAN (BR), 160 Seung, T. K., Nietzsche's Epic of the Soul: “Thus Spoke Zarathustra, "ROBERT Goob- Walker, Margaret Urban, Moral Contexts, ING- WILLIAMS (BR), 151 Lori Watson (BR), 585 Shapiro, Ian, The Flight from Reality in the Wallace, R. Jay, Normativity and the Will, Human Sciences, KerrH Topper (BR), BRADFORD COKELET (BR), 790 571 Shapiro, lan, The Moral Foundations of White, Nicholas, A Brief History of Hap- Politics, JAMES S. FISHKIN (BR), 381 piness, BART SCHULTZ (BR), 588 Shun, Kwong-Loi, and Wong, David, Young, Iris Marion, On Female Body Ex- eds., Confucian Ethics: A Comparative perience: “Throwing Like a Girl” and Other Study of Self, Autonomy, and Community, Essays, SONIA Kruks (BR), 164 PuivipJ . IVANHOE (BR), 156

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