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INDEX TO VOLUME 113 ARTICLES, DISCUSSIONS (D), REVIEW OrsuKA, MICHAEL, Luck, Insurance, ESSAYS (RE), AND SURVEY ARTICLES (SA) and Equality, 40 ASHFORD, ELIZABETH, The Demanding- PORTMORE, DOUGLAS W., Position-Rel- ness of Scanlon’s Contractualism, 273 ative Consequentialism, Agent-Cen- tered Options, and Supererogation, 303 CLAYTON, MATTHEW, Liberal Equality and Ethics, 8 REGAN, DONALD H., How to Be a Moo- rean, 651 Crisp, ROGER, Equality, Priority, and Compassion, 745 Rosati, CONNIE S., Agency and the Open Question Argument, 490 DANCY, JONATHAN, Are There Organic Unities? 629 SAARI, DONALD G., Capturing the “Will of the People” (D), 333 DARWALL, STEPHEN, Moore, Normativ- ity, and Intrinsic Value, 468 SMITH, MICHAEL, Neutral and Relative Value after Moore, 576 DwoRrKIN, RONALD, Sovereign Virtue Re- visited, 106 STURGEON, NICHOLAS L., Moore on Ethical Naturalism, 528 FLEURBAEY, Marc, Equality of Re- SUGDEN, ROBERT, Opportunity as a sources Revisited, 82 Space for Individuality: Its Value and Hurka, THomas, Moore in the Middle, the Impossibility of Measuring It, 783 599 SussMAN, Davin, The Authority of Hu- Hur.ey, Pau, Fairness and Benefi- manity (D), 350 cence (RE), 841 TEMKIN, Larry S., Egalitarianism De- JACKSON, FRANK, Cognitivism, A Priori fended, 764 Deduction, and Moore, 557 VAN DER VEEN, ROBERT, Equality of Tal- JOHNSON, ROBERT N., Virtue and Right, ent Resources: Procedures or Out- 810 comes? 55 Kam, F. M., Rescuing Ivan Ilych: How WILLIAMS, ANDREW, Dworkin on Ca- We Live and How We Die, 202 pability, 23 KLosko, GEORGE, Samaritanism and Political Obligation: A Response to BOOKS REVIEWED IN REVIEW ESSAYS Christopher Wellman’s “Liberal Theory (RE), BOOK REVIEWS (BR), AND BOOK of Political Obligation” (D), 835 NOTES (BN) LADEN, ANTHONY Simon, The House Abbey, Ruth, Charles Taylor, MICHAELJ . That Jack Built: Thirty Years of Reading STEPHENS (BN), 456 Rawls (RE), 367 Alford, C. Fred, Whistleblowing: Broken Mason, MICHELLE, Contempt as a Mo- Lives and Organizational Power, MICHAEL ral Attitude, 234 Davis (BN), 457 935 936 Ethics —_July 2003 Alkire, Sabina, Valuing Freedoms: Sen’s Chambers, Simone, and Kymlicka, Will, Capability Approach and Poverty Reduction, eds., Allernative Conceptions of Civil Soci- Scorr A. ANDERSON (BR), 678 ety, Davip McCabe (BR), 871 Ankersmit, F. R., Political Representation, Cohen, Carl, and Regan, Tom, The An- ANDREW REHFELD (BR), 865 imal Rights Debate, DAvip DeGRAZIA (BR), 692 Beckerman, Wilfred, and _ Pasek, Joanna, Justice, Posterity and the Environ- Cooter, Robert D., The Strategic Consti- ment, AXEL Gossertes (BR), 391 tution, RICHARD A. EpsTEIN (BR), 695 Ben-Ze'ev, Aaron, The Subtlety of Emo- Corlett,J .A ngelo, Responsibility and Pun- tions, DANIEL JACOBSON (BN), 191 ishment, MICHAEL Davis (BN), 735 Bieri, Peter, Das Handwerk der Freiheit: Crowder, George, Liberalism and Value Uber die Entdeckung des eigenen Willens, Pluralism, CHAD CYRENNE (BR), 873 THOMAS LAND (BR), 680 Curren, Randall R., Aristotle on the Ne- cessity of Public Education, R1CHARD MUL- Bird, Colin, The Myth of Liberal Individ- GAN (BR), 400 ualism, AVITAL SIMHONY (BN), 734 Danielson, Peter, ed., Modeling Ration- Bittner, Ridiger, Doing Things for Rea- ality, Morality and Evolution, NEVEN Skr- sons, JOSEPH MENDOLA (BR), 393 SARDIC (BR), 402 Bok, Hilary, Freedom and Responsibility, Dasgupta, Partha, Human Well-Beinagn d MicHaAet MCKENNA (BR), 144 the Natural Environment, PeverR L. VAL- Bostock, David, Aristotle’s Ethics, MI- LENTYNE (BR), 405 CHAEL PAKALUK (BN), 191 Derrida, Jacques, Negotiations: Interven- tions and Interviews, 1971-2001, edited Bourdieu, Pierre, Masculine Domination, and translated by Elizabeth Rottenberg, ANNE W. EATON (BN), 192 SAMIRJ . HADDAD (BN), 923 Calhoun, Cheshire, Feminism, the Family, Derrida, Jacques, Who's Afraid of Philos- and the Politics of the Closet: Lesbian and ophy? Right to Philosophy 1, wanslated by Gay Displacement, Loni WATSON (BR), Jan Plug, SamirJ . HappAp (BN), 923 396 Derrida, Jacques, Without Alibi, edited Canto-Sperber, Monique, L inquiétude and translated by Peggy Kamuf, Samir morale et la vie humaine, LAURENCE. THO- J. Happap (BN), 923 MAS (BR), 684 Deveaux, Monique, Cultural Pluralism Cavalieri, Paola, The Animal Question: and Dilemmas ofJ ustice, DANVEL. M. WeIN- Why Nonhuman Animals Deserve Human sTock (BR), 146 Rights, translated by Catherine Wool- lard, JEREMY D. BENDIK-KEYMER (BN), Digeser, P. E., Political Forgiveness, JEN- 457 NIFER C. RUBENSTEIN (BN), 735 Cavanagh, Matt, Against Equality of Op- Dombrowski, Daniel A., Rawls and Re- portunity, Ropert K. FULLINWIDER ligion: The Case for Political Liberalism, (BR), 869 Lori WATSON (BN), 458 Index 937 Duff, R. A., Punishment, Communication, Goldman, Alan H., Practical Rules: When and Community, CHAD FLANDERS (BR), We Need Them and When We Don't, EMILY 149 SHERWIN (BR), 414 Elshtain, Jean Bethke, Jane Addams and Guevara, Daniel, Kant’s Theory of Moral the Dream of American Democracy, BART Motivation, SANDRA JANE FAIRBANKS SCHULTZ (BR), 407 (BN), 193 Fairbanks, Sandra Jane, Kantian Moral Habermas, Jiirgen, The Postnational Con- Theory and the Destruction of the Self, stellation: Political Essays, , translated, ed- THOM Brooks (BN), 458 ited, and with an introduction by Max Pensky, Davip DyzENHAUs (BR), 154 Fairweather, Abrol, and Zagzebski, Linda, eds., Virtue Epistemology: Essays on Hardwig, John, with Hentoff, Nat, and Epistemic Virtue and Responsibility, NicH- Callahan, Daniel, et al., /s There a Duty OLAS WOLTERSTORFF (BR), 876 to Die? and Other Essays in Bioethics, JAMES C. TAGGART (BN), 460 Fleischacker, Samuel, A Third Concept of Liberty: Judgment and Freedom in Kant and Harman, Gilbert, Explaining Value and Adam Smith, AARON V. GARRETT (BN), Other Essays in Moral Philosophy, Mit- 736 CHAEL RipGE (BR), 158 Foot, Philippa, Natural Goodness, MARK Harris, Leonard, ed., The Critical Prag- C. Murpuy (BR), 410 matism of Alain Locke: A Reader on Value Theory, Aesthetics, Community, Culture, Freeberg, Ellen M., Regarding Equality: Race, and Education, EMMETT L. BRAD- Rethinking Contemporary Theories of Citi- BURY (BN), 924 zenship, Freedom, and the Limits of Moral Pluralism, Yusur Has (BN), 737 Harvey, Peter, An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values, and Issues, French, Peter A., The Virtues of Vengeance, MATTHEW T. KapstreIN (BR), 161 DANIEL B. COHEN (BN), 459 Hoffman, Martin L., Empathy and Moral Galeotti, Anna Elisabetta, Toleration as Development: Implications for Caring and Recognition, SUSAN MeNvus (BR), 699 Justice, THomas E. WREN (BR), 417 Gallagher, Susan E., The Rule of the Rich? Hooker, Brad, /deal Code, Real World, Adam Smith’s Argument against Political Grorce W. Harris (BR), 882 Power, PATRICIA H. WERHANE (BN), 193 Hurka, Thomas, Virtue, Vice, and Value, Geach, Peter, Truth and Hope, BARBARA CHRISTINE SWANTON (BR), 163 V. NUNN (BN), 459 Ignatieff, Michael, Human Rights as Pol- George, Kathryn Paxton, Animal, Vege- itics and Idolatry, MICHAEL J. GREEN table or Woman? A Feminist Critique of Eth- (BR), 420 ical Vegetarianism, VAL PLUMWOOD (BN), Jacobs, Jonathan, Choosing Character: Re- 737 sponsibility for Virtue and Vice, KAREN Geuss, Raymond, History and Illusion in STOHR (BR), 702 Politics, COLIN BirD (BR), 879 Kerstein, SamuelJ. , Kant’s Search for the Geuss, Raymond, Public Goods, Private Supreme Principle of Morality, ROBERT B. Goods, Leir WENAR (BR), 151 LouDEN (BR), 885 938 Ethics —_J uly 2003 Kitcher, Philip, Science, Truth, and De- McCumber, John, Time in the Ditch: mocracy, DANIEL M. HAUSMAN (BR), 423 American Philosophy and the McCarthy Era, SEBASTIAN G. RAND (BN), 194 Kohak, Erazim, The Green Halo: A Bird’s- Eye View of Ecological Ethics, CHARLES V. McMahan, Jeff, The Ethics ofK illing: Prob- BLatTz (BR), 887 lems at the Margins of Life, DON MARQUIS (BR), 437 Kymlicka, Will, Politics in the Vernacular, YAEL TAMIR (BR), 428 Mendus, Susan, /mpartiality in Moral and Political Philosophy, MONIQUE DEVEAUX Kymlicka, Will, and Norman, Wayne, (BR), 895 eds., Citizenship in Diverse Societies, MAR- GARET URBAN WALKER (BR), 166 Meyers, Diana Tietjens, Gender in the Mirror: Cultural Imagery and Women’s Laden, Anthony Simon, Reasonably Rad- Agency, RUTH J. SAMPLE (BR), 708 ical: Deliberative Liberalism and the Politics of Identity, W1LL1AM NELSON (BR), 431 Moore, Margaret, The Ethics of Nation- alism, RONALD BEINER (BR), 440 Leiter, Brian, ed., Objectivity in Law and Morals, Scorr J. SHAPIRO (BR), 169 Moran, Richard, Authority and Estrange- ment: An Essay on Self-Knowledge, SARAH Levy, Jacob, The Multiculturalism of Fear, Buss (BR), 898 CHANDRA KUKATHAS (BR), 891 Murphy, Liam B., Moral Demands in Non- Lilla, Mark, The Reckless Mind: Intellec- ideal Theory, PAUL Hurwey (RE), 841 tuals in Politics, Davip DyZENHAUS (BR), 154 Nardin, Terry, The Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott, TimoTHY FULLER (BR), 711 Lovibond, Sabina, Ethical Formation, JOHN CoTTINGHAM (BR), 434 Narveson, Jan, Respecting Persons in The- ory and Practice: Essays on Moral and Po- Mahdi, Muhsin S., Alfarabi and the Foun- litical Philosophy, PeTER DANIELSON dation of Islamic Political Philosophy, Sovu- (BR), 902 LEYMANE BACHIR DIAGNE (BR), 713 Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, and Leaman, Ol- Marks, Susan, The Riddle of All Consti- iver, eds., History of Islamic Philosophy, tutions, CHRISTIAN BARRY (BN), 738 SOULEYMANE BACHIR DIAGNE (BR), 713 Mathewes, Charles T., Evil and the Au- gustinian Tradition, Eric GREGORY Oberdiek, Hans, Between Forbearance and (BR), 705 Acceptance, HARRY BRIGHOUSE (BR), 716 May, Simon, Nietzsche’s Ethics and His War on “Morality,” MAUDEMARIE CLARK O'Connor, Timothy, Persons and Causes: (BN), 925 The Metaphysics of Free Will, KENTON F. MACHINA (BN), 195 McConnell, Terrance, /nalienable Rights: The Limits of Consent in Medicine and the Owens, David, Reason without Freedom, Law, SARA GOERING (BN), 461 CHARLES TRAvis (BR), 173 McCumber, John, Philosophy and Free- Pence, Gregory E., Designer Food: Mutant dom: Derrida, Rorty, Habermas, Foucault, Harvest or Breadbasket of the World? A.1- SEBASTIAN G. RAND (BN), 194 SON BaILey (BN), 927 Index 939 Penelhum, Terence, Themes in Hume: Thomson, Judith Jarvis, Goodness and The Self, the Will, Religion, RA SINGER Advice, edited by Amy Gutmann, MI- (BR), 905 CHAEL RIDGE (BR), 447 Plumwood, Val, Environmental Culture: Veitch, Scott, Moral Conflict and Legal The Ecological Crisis of Reason, JEREMY Reasoning, STEPHEN Guest (BR), 179 BENDIK-KEYMER (BR), 718 Velleman,J . David, The Possibility of Prac- tical Reason, PiERS RAWLING (BR), 450 Pogge, Thomas W., World Hunger and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibili- Villa, Dana, ed., The Cambridge Compan- ties and Reforms, HUGH LAFOLLETTE ion to Hannah Arendt, Davip LUBAN (BR), 907 (BR), 724 Redhead, Mark, Charles Taylor: Thinking Vincent, Andrew, Nationalism and Par- and Living Deep Diversity, COLIN M. Pat- ticularity, JOSHUA W. B. Preiss (BN), 739 RICK (BN), 927 Ward, Julie K., and Lott, Tommy L., eds., Philosophers on Race: Critical Essays, Richardson, Henry, and Weithman, Bitt E. Lawson (BN), 740 Paul, eds., The Philosophy of Rawls: A Col- lection of Essays, ANTHONY SIMON LADEN Warren, Karen J., Ecofeminist Philosophy: (RE), 367 A Western Perspective on What It Is and Why It Matters, JAMES P. STERBA (BR), 182 Sarat, Austin, When the State Kills: Capital Punishment and the American Condition, Wasserman, David, and Wachbroit, LLoyD STEFFEN (BN), 195 Robert, eds., Genetics and Criminal Be- havior, Davin L. Hut (BR), 185 Simmons, A. John, Justification and Le- Weirich, Paul, Decision Space: Multidi- gitimacy: Essays on Rights and Obligations, mensional Decision Analysis, JAMES M. CHRISTOPHER HEATH WELLMAN (BR), Joyce (BR), 914 443 Weston, Michael, Philosophy, Literature, Speight, Allen, Hegel, Literature, and the and the Human Good, N1KOLAS KOMPRI- Problem of Agency, TERRY PINKARD (BR), pis (BR), 730 176 Wolin, Sheldon, Tocqueville between Two Stratton-Lake, Philip, Duty and Moral Worlds: The Making of a Political and The- Worth, SAMUELJ . KersTEIN (BR), 721 oretical Life, BERNARD YACK (BR), 919 Sunstein, Cass, Designing Democracy: Wollheim, Richard, On the Emotions, What Constitutions Do, Davip EsTLUND Jesse Prinz (BR), 188 (BR), 911 Yaffe, Gideon, Liberty Worth the Name: Tan, Kok-Chor, Toleration, Diversity, and Locke on Free Agency, Roy T. Tsao (BN), Global Justice, JEFFREY R. FLYNN (BN), 461 196 Yancy, George, ed., Cornel West: A Critical Reader, EMMETT L. BRADBURY (BN), 197 Tannsjo, Torbjorn, and Tamburrini, Claudio, eds., Values in Sport: Elitism, Na- Zahavi, Dan, Self-Awareness and Alterity: tionalism, Gender Equality and the Scientific A Phenomenological Investigation, PETER Manufacture of Winners, JAN M. BOXILL K. Dews (BN), 741 (BN), 928

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