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INDEX TO VOLUME 109 ARTICLES, DISCUSS(DI),O RNEVSIEW ES- MASON, ANDREW, Political Community, SAYS (RE), AND SURVEY ARTICLES (SA) Liberal-Nationalism, and the Ethics of Assimilation, 26] ANDERSON, ELIZABETH S., What Is the Point of Equality? 287 Miiis, CLaupia, Choice and Circum- stance (D), 154 BRENNAN, SAMANATHA, Recent Work in Feminist Ethics (SA), 858 MONTMARQUET, JAMES, Zimmerman on Culpable Ignorance (D), 842 Brock, DAN W., A Critique of Three Objections to Physician-Assisted Sui- Moopy-ApDAMSs, MICHELE M., A Com- cide, 519 mentary on Color Conscious: The Political Morality of Race (RE), 408 Buss, SARAH, Appearing Respectful: The Moral Significance of Manners, NussBAUM, MARTHA C., Conversing 495 with the Tradition: John Rawls and the 3YRON, MICHAEL, Satisficing and Op- History of Ethics (RE), 424 timality,6 7 SCHAPIRO, TAMAR, What Is a Child? DRIVER, JULIA, Modesty and Ignorance 715 (D), 827 SCHNEEWIND, J. B., Korsgaard and the DworKIN, GERALD, Sex, Suicide, and Unconditional in Morality, 36 Doctors, 579 SCHUELER, G. F., Why IS Modesty a Vir- EMANUEL, EZEKIEL ]., What Is the tue? (D), 835 Great Benefit of Legalizing Euthanasia SHIFFRIN, SEANA VALENTINE, Moral or Physician-Assisted Suicide? 629 Overridingness and Moral Subjectiv- FITZGERALD, Patrick, Gratitude and ism, 772 Justice, 119 SIMMONS, A. JOHN, Justification and GILBERT, MARGARET, Reconsidering Legitimacy, 739 the “Actual Contract” Theory of Po- THOMSON, JUDITH JARVIS, Physician- litical Obligation, 236 Assisted Suicide: Two Moral Argu- GrinsBOoRG, HANNAH, Korsgaard on ments, 497 Choosing Nonmoral Ends, 5 VAN ROojEN, MARK, Reflective Moral GuYER, PAUL, The Value of Reason and Equilibrium and Psychological Theory the Value of Freedom, 22 (D), 846 KAMM, F. M., Physician-Assisted Sui- VELLEMAN, J. Davip, A Right of Self- cide, the Doctrine of Double Effect, Termination? 606 and the Ground of Value, 586 VELLEMAN, J. Davin, Love as a Moral KORSGAARD, CHRISTINE M.., Motiva- Emotion, 338 tion, Metaphysics, and the Value of the Self: A Reply to Ginsborg, Guyer, and WEBER, MICHAEL, The Resilience of Schneewind, 49 the Allais Paradox, 94 KRAMER, MATTHEW H., Requirements, WEITHMAN, PAu J., Of Assisted Sui- Reasons, and Raz: Legal Positivism and cide and “The Philosophers’ Brief,” Legal Duties, 375 548 972 Ethics July 1999 BOOKS REVIEWED IN REVIEW ESSAYS Benhabib, Seyla, and D’Entreves, Mau- (RE), BOOK REVIEWS (BR), AND BOOK rizio Passerin, eds. Habermas and the Un NOTES (BN) finished Project of Modernity: Critical Es says on “The Philosophical Discourse of Abel, Richard L., Speaking Respect, Re Modernity” Curis LATIOLAIS (BN), 211 specting Speech STEVEN WALT (BN), 687 Benn, Piers, Ethics VALERIE TIBERIUS Alanen, Lilli; Heinamaa, Sara; and (BN), 689 Wallgren, Thomas, eds., Commonality and Particularity in Ethics EDWARD Berthoud, Gerald, and Sitter-Liver, MINAR (BN), 219 Beat, eds., The Responsible Scholar: Ethi cal Considerations in the Humanities and Alejandro, Roberto, The Limits of Rawl Social Sciences KENNETH Kipnis (BN), sian Justice TimoTHy E. Hurwey (BN), 172 O38 Bohman, James, and Rehg, William, Almond, Brenda, Exploring Ethics: A eds., Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Traveller’s Tale Lori Gruen (BN), 939 Reason and Politics CHRISTOPHER MC- Anechiarico, Frank, and Jacobs, James MAHON (BR), 648 B., The Pursuit of Absolute Integrity: How Bolingbrooke, Henry St. John, Political ( orruption Control Makes Government Writings MICHAEL J]. SEIDLER (BN), 473 Ineffective PATRicK T. CRosKERY (BN), 230 Boucher, David, ed., The British Idealists AVITAL SIMHONY (BN), 689 Ankersmit, F. R., Aesthetic Politics: Polit ical Philosophy beyond Fact and Value Bounds, Elizabeth M., Coming Together CHRISTOPHER F. ZuRN (BN), 471 Coming Apart; Religion, Community and Modernity Rita M. LesTerR (BN), 940 Antonaccio, Maria, and Schweiker, William, eds., /ris Murdoch and the Bovens, Mark, The Quest for Responsi Search for Human Goodness MARGARET bility Accountability and Citizenship in Complex Organizations LAWRENCE G. G. HOLLAND (BR), 179 LAVENGOOD (BN), 941 Appiah, K. Anthony, and Gutmann, Amy, Color Conscious: The Political Mo Braybrooke, David; Brown, Bryson; and Schotch, Peter K.., with Bryne, rality of Race MicHete M Moopy- ADAMS (RE), 408 Laura, Logic on the Track of Social Change JoHN McMurtry (BR), 1990 Archard, David, Sexual Consent Rost- Brett Anabel S., Liberty, Right and Na MARIE PUTNAM TONG (BR), 643 ture: Individual Rights in Later Scholastic Audi, Robert, Meral Knowledge and Ethi Thought JOHN CHRISTIAN LAURSEN cal Character JUSTIN D’ArMs (BR), 645 (BN), 473 Baier, Annette, The Commons of the Bringsjord, Selmer, Abortion: A Dialogue Mind MARGARET GILBERT (BR), 894 DONALD B. MARQuts (BN), 223 Bailey, James Wood, Utilitarianism, In Brock, Gillian, ed., Necessary Goods: Our stitutions, and Justice Parrick T. Cros- Responsibilities to Meet Others’ Needs JON KERY (BN), 472 MANDLE (BN), 941 Bedau, Hugo Adam, Making Mortal Burleigh, Michael, Ethics and Extermi Choices: Three Exercises in Moral Casuistry nation: Reflections on Nazi Genocide MATTHEW HANSER (BR), 174 BeREL LANG (BN), 213 Index to Volume 109 973 Cahill, Lisa Sowle, and Childress, Crisp, Roger, ed., How Should One Live? James F., eds., Christian Ethics: Problems Essays on the Virtues LesTER H. HuNtT and Prospects LLoyD H. STEFFEN (BN), (BR), 656 174 Crisp, Roger, Mill on Utilitarianism Calhoun, Craig, and McGowan, John, Eric G. WILAND(BN)9,4 2 eds., Hannah Arendt and the Meaning of Cullity, Garrett, and Gaut, Berys, eds., Politics SUZANNE D JacoBiTT1 (BN), Ethics and Practical Reason Davip 174 SCHMIDTz (BR), 433 Cave, Eric M., Preferring Justice Ratio nautj y;, Self-Transformation, and the Sense Dagger, Richard, Civic Virtues RICHARD E. FLATHMAN (BR), 659 of Justice MICHAEI BYRON (BN), 690 Daniels, Norman, justice and Justifica Chappell, T. D. J., ed., The Philosophy of tion: Reflective Equilibrium in Theory and the Environment DORAN S. SMOLKIN Practice BRIAN BARRY (BN), 476 (BN), 690 Darwall, Stephen, Philosophical Ethics Christiano, Thomas, The Rule of the JULIA DRIVER (BR), 897 Many Fundamental Issues in Democratic Theory NApIA URBtINATI (BR), 431 Davies, Peter W. F., ed., Current Issues in Business Ethics D. W. HASLET1 (BN), Clarke, Samuel, A Demonstration of the 999 Being and Attributes of God: And Other Writings J.P AUL RussELL (BN), 942 De Bary, William I heodore, and Weiming, Tu, Confucianism and Human Cohen, Cynthia B., ed., New Ways of Rights QuinGcjt JAMES WANG (BN), Making Babies: The Case of Egg Donation 177 KENNETH D. ALPERN (BN), 225 DeCew, Judith Wagner, /n Pursuoift Pr i Cohen Paul M., Freedom’s Moment: An vacy Law, Ethics, and the Rise of Tech Essay on the French Idea of Liberty from nology W1LLIAM PARENT (BR), 437 Rousseau to Foucault Eve GRact (BN), 175 Deflem, Mathieu, ed., Habermas, Moder nity and Law CHRISTOPHER F. ZURN Cole-Turner, Ronald, ed., Human Clon (BN), 478 ing: Religious Responses LOUISE COLLINS (BN), 691 Dickenson, Donna, Property, Women and Politics MELISSA R. ZINKIN (BR), 899 Coles, Romand, Rethinking Generosity Critical Theory and the Politics of Caritas Digby, Tom, ed., Men Doing Feminism STEPHEN L. EsquiTuH (BN), 212 KENNETH CLATTERBAUGH (BN), 691 Conway, Daniel W., Nietzsche's Danger DiQuinzio, Patrice, and Young, Iris yus Game: Philosophy in the Twilight of the Marion, eds. Feminist Ethics and Social Idols JONATHAN R. COHEN (BN), 475 Policy Loutse Couns (BN), 223 Craig, Edward, ed., Routledge Encyclope- Dombrowski, Daniel A., Babies and dia of Philosophy LAWRENCE C. BECKER Beasts: The Argument from Marginal (BR), 651 Cases SARAH L. GOERING (BN), 226 Cranston, Maurice, The Solitary Self Drydyk, Jay and Penz, Peter, eds., Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Exile and Adver Global Justice, Global Democracy PETER sity SUSAN MELD SHELL (BN), 476 S. WENz (BN), 478 974 Ethics July 1999 Dryzek, John S., Democracy in Capitalist tions of Liberalism W1LL1AM A. GALSTON Times: Ideals, Limits, and Struggles A- (BR), 663 BERT WEALE (BR), 902 Fleming, Marie, Emancipation and Illu Duff, Antony, ed., Philosophy and the sion: Rationality and Gender in Haber Criminal Law STERLING V. HARWOOD mas’s Theory of Modernity Diana H. (BN), 943 Coo.e (BN), 210 Dunbar, Robin, The Trouble with Science Forrester, Duncan, B., Christian Justice Davin J. Srump (BN), 227 and Public Policy STEWART HERMAN Dyzenhaus, David, Legality and Legiti (BN), 944 macy: Carl Schmitt, Hans Kelsen and Her- Forrester, James William, Being Good mann Heller in Weimar Massimo La and Being Logical: Philosophical Ground Torre (BR), 662 work for a New Deontic Logic HARLAN B. Elfstrom, Gerard, New Challenges for Po MILLER (BN), 220 litical Philosophy CHRISTOPHER HEATH Garrett, Don, ed., The Cambridge Com WELLMAN (BN), 692 panion to Spinoza PieT STEENBAKKERS Elshtain, Jean Bethke, Real Politics: At (BN), 693 the Center of Everyday Life ELIZABETH Garvey, John H., What Are Freedoms For? FRAZER (BN), 943 Danny Scoccia (BN), 479 Engstrom, Stephen, and Whiting, Jen- nifer, eds., Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics: Gilbert, Paul, The Philosophy of National Rethinking Happiness and Duty Law- ism GILLIAN N. G. Brock (BN), 944 RENCE C. BECKER (BR), 439 Gold, E. Richard, Body Parts: Property Epstein, Richard A., Simple Rules for a Rights and the Ownership of Human Bio- Complex World STEVEN WALT (BR), 193 logical Materials| .E . PENNER (BN), 694 Erwin, Edward, Philosophy and Psycho- Goodchild, Philip, Deleuze and Guattari: therapy G. LYNN STEPHENS (BN), 693 An Introduction to the Politics of Desire JONATHAN Scott LEE (BN), 479 Estlund, David M., and Nussbaum, Martha C., eds., Sex, Preference, and Fam- Gottlieb, Roger S., ed., The Ecological ily: Essays on Law and Nature SUSAN Community: Environmental Challenges for Dwyer (BR), 184 Philosophy, Politics, and Morality Jona- THAN MaskirT (BN), 480 Feldman, Fred, Utilitarianism, Hedo- nism, and Desert: Essays in Moral Philoso- Gould, Carol C., ed., Gender: Key Con- phy L. W. SUMNER (BR), 176 cepts in Critical Theory MARY ANNE WARREN (BN), 480 Festenstein, Matthew, Pragmatism and Political Theory: From Dewey to Rorty Govier, Trudy, Social Trust and Human TERRANCE A. MACMULLAN (BN), 693 Communities KAREN F. JONES (BN), 694 Figal, Gunter, For a Philosophy of Freedom Griffiths, John; Bood, Alex; and Wey- and Strife SALIM KEMAL (BN), 479 ers, Heleen, eds., Euthanasia and Law Fiss, Owen M., The Irony of Free Speech in the Netheltands GERALD DWORKIN Robert Amdur (BR), 904 (BN), 945 Flathman, Richard E., Reflections of a Griffiths, M. R., and Lucas, J. R., Ethical Would-Be Anarchist: Ideals and Institu- Economics DANIEL LITTLE (BR), 442 Index to Volume 109 975 Guyer, Paul, ed., Kant’s Groundwork of Humber, James M , and Almeder, Rob- the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays ert F., eds., Alternative Medicine and Eth- ROBERT N. JOHNSON (BN), 945 ics GREGORY 4. PLOTNIKOFF (BN), 948 Gyekye, Kwame, Tradition and Moder Humber, James M., and Almeder, Rob- nity Philosophica Reflections on the Afri ert F., eds., What Is Disease? Tep Mc- can Experience SAMUEL. OLUOCH IMBO Narr (BN), 227 BN 695 Isaac, Jeffrey C., Democracy in Dark Times Hajdin, Mane, The Boundaries of Moral Mark G. KINGWELL (BN), 949 Discourse JAMES WM. FORRESTER (BN), Ivison, Duncan, The Selfa t Liberty: Politi- 218 cal Argument and the Arts of Government Halpin, Andrew, Rights and Law—Anal- ALAN PATTEN (BN), 949 ysis and Theory STERLING V. HARWOOD Jecker, Nancy S.; Jonsen, Albert R.; and (BN), 217 Pearlman, Robert A., Bioethics: An Intro- Ham, Jennifer, and Senior, Matthew, duction to the History, Methods, and Prac- eds., Animal Acts: Configuring the Hu tice SUSAN M. PURVIANCE (BN), 696 man in Western History DANIEL A. Dom- Jonathan, Ruth, /llusory Freedoms: Liber- BROWSKI (BN), 226 alism, Education and the Market Gor- Hannay, Alastair, and Marino, Gordon DON F. Davis (BN), 950 D eds., The Cambridge Companion to Jorgensen, Stig, On Justice and Law Kierkegaard Davip H CALHOUN (BN), JOHN D. WALKER (BN), 481 946 Kant, Immanuel, Critique of Practical Harak, G. Simon, S. j., ed., Aquinas and Reason CAROL W. VOELLER (BR), 444 I mpowerment Classical Ethics for Ordi nary Lives JOHN R. BOWLIN (BN), 695 Kant, Immanuel, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals FREDERICK J. Hausman, Daniel M., and McPherson, RAUSCHER (BN), 950 Michael S., Economic Analysis and Moral Philosophy PETER DANIELSON (BR), 198 Kasachkoff, Tziporah, ed., In the So- cratic Tradition: Essays on Teaching Phi Herdt, Jennifer A., Religion and Faction losophy KENNETH SEESKIN (BN), 697 in’ Hume’s Moral Philosophy Erin I. KELLY (BN), 696 Katz, Eric, Nature as Subject CLARK WoLtF (BN), 697 Hickman, Larry A., ed., Reading Dewey: Interpretations for a Postmodern Genera Kegley, Jacquelyn Ann K., Genuine In- tion MARK L. JOHNSON (BN), 946 dividuals and Genuine Communities: A Roycean Public Philosophy FRANK M. Op- Holm, Soren, Ethical Problems in Clinical PENHEIM (BN), 481 Practice: The Ethical Reasoning of Health Care Professionals Tep F. MCNAIR (BN), Kennedy, Donald, Academic Duty Ru- 947 DOLPH H. WEINGARTNER (BN), 228 Holmes, Arthur F., Fact, Value, and God Kerns, Thomas A., Ethical Issues in HIV C. STEPHEN LAYMAN (BN), 947 Vaccine Trials BRENDA ALMOND (BN), 698 Holt, Robin, Witigenstein, Politics and Human Rights ROBERT KERMODE (BN), Kilmer, John F.; Pentz, Rebecca D.; and 948 Young, Frank E., eds., Genetic Ethics: Do 976 Ethics July 1999 the Ends Justify the Genes? SARAH I Logstrup, Knud Ejler, The Ethical De GoOERING (BN), 482 mand MicHELLE MASON (BR), 446 Klein, Wayne, Nietzsche and the Promise Long, \ \.. Stor Studies GISELA of Philosophy BRIAN DOMINO 210 STRIKER (BR), 172 Koggel, Christine M Perspective $s on Lott, Tommy L., ed., Subjugation and Equality Cor structing a Relational Theory Be ndag t Critical Essays on Slavery and GRACI A. CLEMENT (BN), 698 Social Philosophy EMMETT L. BRADBURY (BN) 952 Kolm, Serge-Christophe, Modern Theo ries of Justice (BN), JOHN A. WEYMARK Lowith, Karl, Nietzsche's Philosophy of the (BR), bbb Eternal Recurrence of the Same SHERI- DAN I HouGu (BN), 909 Kramer, Mathew H., John Locke and the Lunati, M Teresa, Ethical Issues ir Eco Origins of Private Property: Philosophical nomics From Altruism to Cooperation to Explorations of Individualism, Commu Equity Eric M. Cave (BN), 483 nity, and Equality PETER VALLENTYNI (BR) 200 Luper, Steven, Invulnerability: On Secur ing Happiness SUSAN A. MARTINELLI Kuczewski, Mark G Fragmentation and FERNANDEZ (BN), 216 Consensus Communitarian and Casuist Bioethics MICHAE! P. MORELAND (BN) Lutz Mark ] Socrates’ Education to 182 Virtue Learnir g the Love of the Noble Junie K. Warp (BN), 953 Lacey, Nicola, Unspeakable Subjects: Femi nist Essays nm Leg ul and Social Theory Lyons David, ed., Mill’s “Utilitarian Nancy D. CAMPBELI (BN), 951 ism Critical j Essays Ross HARRISON (BN), 954 Laursen, John Christian, and Neder- man, Cary ] , eds., Beyond the Persecuting Magnell, Thomas, ed., Explorations of Society: Religious Toleration before the En Value PAUL M. HUGHES (BN), 484 lightenment RICHARD A. VERNON (BN) Manin, Bernard, The Principles of Repre 95] sent ative Goi ernment DAVID McCast Leahy, Michael, and Cohn-Sherbok, (BN), 484 Dan, The Liberation Debate: Rights at Is Marietta, Don I , |r., Philosophy of Sexu sue CHESHIRE CALHOUN (BN), 224 aliIte y ALAN G Sos.e (BN), 225 Levi, Isaac, The Cor enant of Reason: Ra May, Larry, and Kohn, Jerome, eds., tionality and the Commitments of Thought Hannah Arendt: Twenty Years Later So ROBERT SUGDEN (BR), 906 PHIA JANE Minic (BN), 699 Levi, Margaret, Consent, Dissent, May, Todd The Moral Theory of Poststruc triotism |AMI Ss JOHNSON (BR). 909 turalism THOMAS E WREN (BN), 212 Livingston, Donald W Philosop] hical McKenny, Gerald P., 70 Relieve the Hu Velancholy and Deliriun Hume 5 Pa man Condition: Bioethics, Technology, and thology of Phil sophy \ I PITSON BN) the Body JULIEN S. MurpPHy (BN), 215 95? McKeogh, Colm, The Political Realism of Lockwood, Shelley, ed., Sir John Fortes Reinhold Niebuhr 1 Pragmati Approach cue: On the Laws and Governance of En to Just War Curtis I HANCOCK (BN), gland ANNABEL Brett (BN), 483 954 Index to Volume 109 977 Megivern, James J., The Death Penalty Nagel, Thomas, The Last Word CHARLES An Historical and Theological Survey Mi- LARMORE (BR), 166 CHAEL MEYER (BN), 485 Narayan, Uma, Dislocating Cultures Mehlman, Maxwell J., and Botkin, Jef- Identities, Traditions, and Third World frey R., Access to the Genome: The Chal- Feminism MARILYN FRIEDMAN (BR), lenge to Equality SyLvia CuLP (BN), 955 668 Neal, Patrick, Liberalism and Its Discon Mellema, Gregory F., Collective Respon tents STEPHEN Kautz (BN), 956 sibility Ke1TH GRAHAM (BN), 700 Newman, Jay, /nauthentic Culture and Millgram, Elijah, Practical Induction Its Philosophical Critics CORINNE M. Henry S. RICHARDSON (BR), 448 PAINTER (BN), 701 Mills, Charles W., The Racial Contract Nida-Rumelin, Julian, Economic Ratio THOMAS McCartny (BR), 451 nality and Practical Reason MiCHAEL FE Milne, A. J M.. Ethical Frontiers oj the WEBER (BN), 229 State in Essay in Political Philosophy Mi1- Olafson, Frederick A., Heidegger and the CHAEL J. GorR (BN), 700 Ground of Ethics: A Study of “Mitsein” Curis LATIOLats (BN), 956 Moody Adams, Michele M., Fieldwork in Familiar Places Morality, Culture, and Oliver, Kelly, Family Values Subjects be Philosophy THOMAS E. WREN (BR), 168 tween Nature and Culture SHERIDAN HoucGu (BN), 701 Moorthy, R. S.; DeGeorge, Richard T.; Donaldson, Thomas; Ellos, William J., O'Neill, John, ed., Hegel's Dialectic of De S.].; Solomon, Robert ¢ ; and Textor, sire and Recognition: Texts and Commen Robert B., Uncompromising Integrity: Mo tary ROBERT M. WALLACE (BN), 208 torola’s Global Challenge; 24 Global Studies O'Neill, Shane, /mpartiality in Context with Commentaries |. BROOKS COLBURN Grounding Justice in a Pluralist Worid (BN), 955 Vic PETERSON (BN), 957 Morrice, David, Philosophy, Science and Outlaw, Lucius T., Jr., On Race and Phi Ideology in Political Thought PereR M losophy MICHAEL LEVIN (BR), 454 LINDSAY (BN), 221 Patocka, Jan, Body, Community, Lan- Moses, Greg, Revolution of Conscience guage, World WILLIAM S. WILKERSON Martin Luther King, jr and the Philoso (BN), 486 phy of Nonviolence Bit E. LAWSON Patocka, Jan, Heretical Essays in the Phi (BN), 214 losophy of History WILLIAM S. WILKER- Mouffe, Chantal, ed., Deconstruction SON (BN), 486 ana Pragmatism WILLIAM J. EARLE Pearce, W. Barnett, and Littlejohn, Ste- BN), 213 phen W., Moral Conjflict: When Social Murray, Thomas H., The Worth oj a Worlds Collide ELDON So1rerR (BN), 702 Child LAURA PuRDy (BN), 485 Pellegrino Edmund D., and Thomas- ma, David C., The Christian Virtues in Murray, Thomas H.; Rothstein, Mark Medical Practice J AMES F. KEENAN (BN), \.; and Murray, Robert F., eds., The Hu 187 man Genome Project and the Future of Health Care Davip WASSERMAN (BR), Peters Ted, ed., Genetics: Issues of Social 911 Justice Davip B. RESNIK (BN), 957 978 Ethics July 1999 Pettit, Philip, Republicanism: A Theory of Reynolds, Noel B., and Durham, W. Freedom and Government JOHN CHRIST- Cole, Jr., eds., Religious Liberty in Western MAN (BR), 202 Thought RicHARD HELMHOLz (BN), 215 Phillips, D. Z., ed., Rush Rhees on Reli gion and Philosophy LARS HERTZBERG Reznek, Lawrie, Evil or Ill? Justifying the (BN), 703 Insanity Defense WALTER P. GLANNON (BN), 704 Pinkus, Rosa Lynn B.; Shuman, Larry |; Hummon, Norman P.; and Wolfe, Riker, John Hanwell, Ethics and the Harvey, Engineering Ethics: Balancing Discovery of the Unconscious JENNIFER Cost, Schedule, and Risk: Lessons Learned CHURCH (BN), 705 from the Space Shutile |. RopeRtT Lorris Rocco, Christopher, Tragedy and En (BN), 958 lightenment Athenian Political Thought Pojman, Louis P., and Reiman, Jef- and the Dilemmas of Modernity S. SARA frey, The Death Penalty: For and Against Monoson (BN), 705 HEATHER J. Gert (BN), 703 Rogers, Kelly, ed., Self-Interest: An An Putnam, Ruth Anna, ed., The Cambridge thology of Philosophical Perspectives ANITA Companion to William James WESLEY M. SUPERSON (BN), 488 Cooper (BR), 457 Rose, Carol M., Property and Persuasion Rabban, David M., Free Speech in Its Essays on the History, Theory, and Rhetoric Forgotten Years DONALD MEIKLEJOHN of Ownership DONNA L. DICKENSON (BN), 217 (BN), 488 Radin, Margaret Jane, Contested Com Rosenfeld, Michel, Just Interpretations: modities ELIZABETH ANDERSON (BR), Ly au between Ethics and Politics ROBERT 914 JUSTIN LiIPKIN (BN), 958 Ragazzi, Maurizio, The Concept of Inter- Rovane, Carol, The Boundso f Agency: An national Obligations “Erga Omnes” JOHN Essay in Revisionary Metaphysics MARYA C. BLAKEMAN (BN), 487 SCHECHTMAN (BR), 919 Ramsay, Hayden, Beyond Virtue: Integrity Runciman, David, Pluralism and the Per and Morality SARAH Buss (BR), 671 sonality of the State ROGER K. PADEN Razavi, Mehdi Amin, and Ambuel, Da- (BN), 959 vid, eds., Philosophy, Religion and the Question of Intolerance SUSAN MENDUS Russell, Paul, Freedom and Moral Senti- (BN), 214 ment: Hume’s Way of Naturalizing Respon sibility IRA SINGER (BR), 459 Reath, Andrews; Herman, Barbara; and Korsgaard, Christine M., eds., Re Ryan, Maura A., and Whitmore, Todd claiming the History of Ethics Essays David, eds., The Challenge of Global for John Rawls MartuHa C. NussBAUM Stewardship: Roman Catholic Responses (RE), 424 Kevin WM. WILDES (BN), 706 Reineke, Martha J., Sacrificed Lives: Kris Sassower, Raphael, TechnoscientificAngst leva on Women and Violence MARY K. Ethics and Responsibility PETER G. HECK- BLOODSWORTH (BN), 704 MAN (BN), 489 Rescher, Nicholas, Objectivity: The Obli Saxonhouse, Arlene W., Athenian De- gations of Impersonal Reason HARVEY mocracy: Modern Mythmakers and Ancient SiEGEL (BR), 917 Theorists Curis Rocco (BN), 207 Index to Volume 109 979 Scalia, Antonin, A Matter of Interpreta- Spinosa, Charles; Flores, Fernando; tion: Federal Courts and the Law Davip and Dreyfus, Hubert, Disclosing New O. BRINK (BR), 673 Worlds: Entrepreneurship, Democratic Ac- tion, and the Cultivation of Solidarity T1m- Schmitt, Richard, /ntroduction to Marx OTHY A. MAHONEY (BN), 706 and Engels: A Critical Reconstruction JE¥- FREY S. VOGEL (BN), 209 Statman, Daniel, ed., Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader GREGORY E. PENCE Scriven, Tal, Wrongness, Wisdom, and (BN), 219 Wilderness: Toward a Libertarian Theory of Ethics and the Environment DONALD Stavropoulos, Nicos, Objectivity in Law VANDEVEER (BR), 922 RALPH E. SHAIN (BN), 707 Sheng, C. L., A Utilitarian General The Steele, Meili, Theorizing Textual Subjects: ory of Value MICHAEL J]. ALMEIDA (BN), Agency and Oppression MELISSA A. Or- 960 LIE (BN), 961 Sher, George, Approximate Justice: Stud Steffen, Lloyd, ed., Abortion: A Reader ies in Non-ideal Theory C. L. Ten (BR), LEesLiE C. GRIFFIN (BN), 489 07/5 Stern, Judy E., and Elliott, Deni, eds. The Ethics of Scientific Research: A Guide- Sher, George, Beyond Neutrality: Perfec book for Course Development ViviAN WEI tionism and Politics THOMAS HURKA (BN), 961 (BR), 187 Strasser, Mark, Legally Wed: Same-Sex Shils, Edward, The Calling of Education Marriage and the Constitution ANDREW STEVEN M. CAHN (BN), 228 M. M. KoprpeLMAN (BN), 225 Shklar, Judith N., Political Thought and Stuhr, John J., Genealogical Pragmatism Political Thinkers TRACY B. STRONG CHARLENE HADDOCK SEIGFRIED (BN), (BR), 924 962 Sidgwick, Henry, Practical Ethics: A Col Taylor, Charles, Philosophical Arguments lection of Addresses and Essays BART Davip SCHMIDTz (BR), 461 SCHULTz (BR), 678 Tierney, Brian, The Idea of Natural Smith, Nicholas H., Strong Hermenutics Rights: Studies on Natural Rights, Natural Contingency and Moral Identity JoEL AN- Law and Church Law, 1150-1625 A. S. DERSON (BN), 960 McGRADE (BN), 216 Smith, Pamela, What Are They Saying Tiles, Mary, and Oberdiek, Hans, Liv- about Environmental Ethics? KAREN J. ing in a Technological Culture LARRY A. WARREN (BN), 489 HICKMAN (BN), 707 Soble, Alan, Sexual Investigations CHE- Tourraine, Alain, What Is Democracy? SHIRE CALHOUN (BR), 928 SIMONE E. CHAMBERS (BN), 490 Solomon, Robert C., and Higgins, Tunick, Mark, Practices and Principles: Kathleen M. A Passion for Wisdom Approaches to Ethical and Legal Judgment STANLEY P. Bates (BN), 220 DuNCAN M. Ivison (BN), 708 Spelman, Elizabeth V., Fruits of Sorrow: Uhlmann, Michael M., ed., Last Rights? Framing Our Attention to Suffering CLAv- Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Debated DIA CARD (BR), 18] JAMES LINDEMANN NELSON (BN), 962 980 Ethics July 1999 Unger, Peter, Living High and Letting Weithman, Paul J., ed., Religion and Die: Our Illusion of Innocence DANIEL M Conte mporar y Liberalism StTEvEN D FARRELL (BR), 931 SMITH (BR), 464 Van der Ven, Johannes A Formation of Westerman, Pauline ( The Disintegra the Moral Self NATHAN I PIERNEY tion of Natural Lau Theory Aquinas to (BN) 963 Finnis MARK ( Murpnuy (BN), 709 Vintges, Karen, Philosophy as Passion Westphal Kenneth, ed., Pragmatism The Thinking of Simone de Beauvoir MAR Re, as" on, and Norms 1 Realist Assessment GARET SIMONS (BN), 211 JOHN M. Capps (BN), 492 Vogel, Steven, Against Nature The Con Wilber, Charles K., ed Economics, cept of Nature in Critical Theory ANDREW Ethics, and Public Policy KENNETH G R. 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