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INDEX TO VOLUME 106 ARTICLES, DISCUSSIONS (D), SURVEY PIPER, ADRIAN M. S., Making Sense ARTICLES (SA), AND REVIEW ESSAYS (RE) of Value, 525 RosATI, CONNIE S., Internalism and ANDERSON, ELIZABETH, Reasons, At- the Good for a Person, 297 titudes, and Values: Replies to Stur- geon and Piper, 538 SATz, DEBRA, Markets in Women’s Sexual Labor, 63 BERMUDEZ, JosE Luis, The Moral Significance of Birth, 378 SESARDIC, NEVEN, Recent Work on Human Altruism and _ Evolution CockING, DEAN, and OAKLEY, Jus- (SA), 128 TIN, Indirect Consequentialism, Friend- ship, and the Problem of Alienation, ScocciA, DANny, Can Liberals Sup- 86 port a Ban on Violent Pornogra- phy? 776 CowEN, TYLER, What Do We Learn from the Repugnant Conclusion?, Simmons, A. JOHN, Associative Po- 754 litical Obligations, 247 E.uis, ANTHONY, Thomson on Dis- STEELE, Davip Ramsay, Nozick on tress, 112 Sunk Costs, 605 GuYER, PAUL, The Value of Agency STERBA, JAMES P., Understanding (RE), 404 Evil: American Slavery, the Holo- caust, and the Conquest of the HurKA, THOMAS, Monism, Plural- American Indians (RE), 424 ism, and Rational Regret, 555 STURGEON, NICHOLAS L., Anderson KEKzS, JOHN, Cruelty and Liberalism on Reason and Value, 509 (D), 834 SVERDLIK, STEVEN, Motive and Right- KROON, FREDERICK, Deterrence and ness, 327 the Fragility of Rationality, 350 TANNSJO, TORBJORN, Blameless Wrong- Mao, H. M., Liberalism, Bad Sa- doing, 120 maritan Law, and Legal Paternal- ism, 4 VELLEMAN, J. Davip, The Possibility of Practical Reason, 694 McCaseE, Davin, New Journals in Po- litical Philosophy and Related Fields VERNON, RICHARD, John Stuart Mill (SA), 800 and Pornography: Beyond the Harm Principle (D), 621 McKeRr ik, DENNIS, Equality, 274 WENAR, LeIF, Political Liberalism: An MELE, ALFRED R., Internalist Moral Internal Critique, 32 Cognitivism and Listlessness, 727 Morris, CHRISTOPHER W., Well-Be- BOOKS REVIEWED IN REVIEW ESSAYS ing, Reasons, and the Politics of Law (RE), BOOK REVIEWS (BR), AND BOOK (RE), 817 NOTES (BN) PAREKH, BHIKHU, Oakeshott’s The- Alican, Necip Fikri, Mill’s Principle of ory of Civil Association (RE), 158 Utility: A Defence of John Stuart Mill’s Pettit, PHitip, Freedom as Anti- Notorious Proof, Davip R. CUMMISKEY power, 576 (BN), 668 xii Ethics July 1996 Digeser, Peter, Our Politics, Our Flanagan, Owen, and Rorty, Amélie Selves? Liberalism, Identity, and Harm, Oksenberg, eds., Identity, Character, GILLIAN G. Brock (BN), 891 and Morality: Essays in Moral Psychol- ogy, R. JAY WALLACE (BR), 451 Disch, Lisa, Hannah Arendt and the Limits of Philosophy, MARK GARNETT Flax, Jane, Disputed Subjects: Essays on (BN), 906 Psychoanalysis, Politics and Philosophy, TAMSIN LORRAINE (BN), 686 Dubose, Edwin; Hamel, Ron; and Fleischacker, Samuel, The Ethics of O’Connell, Laurence, eds., A Matter Culture, MARK G. KINGWELL (BN), of Principles? Ferment in U.S. Bioethics, 481 LEONARD M. FLECK (BN), 497 Fletcher, George, Loyalty: An Essay on Edel, Abraham; Flower, Elizabeth; the Morality of Relationships, THOMAS and O’Connor, Finbarr W., Critique of L. CARSON (BR), 213 Applied Ethics, KENNETH KipNis (BN), 496 Flew, Antony, Atheistic Humanism, TimothyJ . MADIGAN (BN), 503 Eisenstein, Zillah R., The Color of Gen- Freedman, Lawrence, ed., War, der: Reimaging Democracy, PaTRiciA S. THOMAS B. GrRAssEy (BN), 495 MANN (BN), 493 Friedman, Marilyn, What Are Friends Elliot, Robert, ed., Environmental Eth- For? Feminist Perspectives on Personal Re- ics (Oxford Readings in Philosophy), lationships and Moral Theory, SHARON DorRAN SMOLKIN (BN), 900 BisHop (BR), 856 Elster, Jon, Local Justice: How Institu- Gamwell, Franklin I., The Meaning of tions Allocate Scarce Goods and Necessary Religious Freedom: Modern Politics and Burdens, JONATHAN RILEY (BR), 459 the Democratic Resolution, PAu J. WEITHMAN (BN), 892 Emmet, Dorothy, The Role of the Unre- alisable: A Study in Regulative Ideals, Garner, Richard, Beyond Morality, Ep- C. A. J. Coapy (BR), 453 WARD D. SHERLINE (BN), 221 Esquith, Stephen L., Intimacy and Geiger, Brenda, and Fischer, Michael, Spectacle: Liberal Theory as Political Ed- Family, Justice, and Delinquency, How- ucation, WENDY A. DONNER (BN), 890 ARD M. KLEPPER (BN), 896 Gelven, Michael, War and Existence: A Farber, Paul Lawrence, Temptations of Philosophical Inquiry, PeTER G. HECK- Evolutionary Ethics, Toop A. GRANT- MAN (BN), 240 HAM (BN), 677 Gibbons, Sarah, Kant’s Theory of Imag- Farrell, Frank B., Subjectivity, Realism, ination: Bridgmg Gaps in Judgement and and Postmoderni—stmhe Recovery of the Experience, KinK E. PiLLow (BN), World, BARBARA FULTNER (BN), 239 905 Feyerabend, Paul, Killing Time: The Gillespie, Michael Allen, Nihilism be- Autobiography of Paul Feyerabend, JOHN fore Nietzsche, RONALD S. BEINER DEIGH (BN), 690 (BN), 905 Fischer, John Martin, and Ravizza, Goldberg, Steven, Culture Clash: Law Mark, Ethics: Problems and Principles, and Science in America, RACHELLE D. ROBERT A. NOGGLE (BN), 482 HOLLANDER (BN), 676 Index to Volume 106 Xili Gémez-Lobo, Alfonso, The Founda- Hackler, Chris, ed., Health Care for an tions of Socratic Ethics, CATHERINE A. Aging Population, RicHARD D. LAMM LupDLuM (BN), 669 (BR), 653 Goodman, Robert F., and Ben-Ze’ev, Hansen, Phillip, Hannah Arendt: Poli- Aaron, eds., Good Gossif, MARGARET tics, History and Citizenship, MARK A. G. HOLLAND (BN), 683 GARNETT (BN), 236 Gottlieb, Roger S., Marxism 1844—- Hardimon, Michael, Hegel’s Social 1990: Origins, Betrayal, Rebirth, PAUL Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, GomBERG (BR), 882 TERRY PINKARD (BR), 206 Gottsegen, Michael, The Political Hare, R. M., Essays on Bioethics, DAN Thought of Hannah Arendt, PHILLIP W. Brock (BR), 472 HANSEN (BN), 237 Harris, Ilan, The Mind ofJ ohn Locke: A Gowans, Christopher W., Innocence Study of Political Theory in Its Intellectual Lost: An Examination of Inescapable Setting, JOHN HORTON (BR), 644 Moral Wrongdoing, JONATHAN DANCY (BR), 639 Haslett, D. W., Capitalism with Moral- ity, N. Scorr ARNOLD (BN), 673 Gray, Joni N.; Lyons, Phillip M., Jr.; and Melton, Gary B., Ethical and Legal Heeger, Robert, and van Willigen- Issues in AIDS Research, KENNETH burg, Theo, eds., The Turn to Applied Kipnis (BN), 898 Ethics, EUGENE SCHLOSSBERGER (BN), 233 Greenawalt, Kent, Fighting Words: Indi- viduals, Communities, and Liberties of Helm, Paul, Belief Policies, JULIA L. Speech, DONALD MEIKLEJOHN (BR), 871 Driver (BN), 480 Greenspan, P. S., Practical Guilt: Moral Herman, Barbara, The Practice of Dilemmas, Emotions, and Social Norms, Moral Judgment, PAUL GUYER (RE), TERRANCE MCCONNELL (BR), 854 404 Gruen, Lori, and Jamieson, Dale, Hinman, Lawrence M., Ethics: A Plu- eds., Reflecting on Nature: Readings ralistic Approach to Moral Theory, MAR- in Environmental Philosophy, DORAN GARET A. MCLAREN (BN), 225 SMOLKIN (BN), 498 Gudorf, Christine E., Body, Sex, and Hobhouse, L. T., Liberalism and Other Pleasure: Reconstructing Christian Sex- Writings, ed. James Meadowcroft, ual Ethics, ALAN SOBLE (BN), 689 ALAN RYAN (BN), 889 Guicciardini, Francesco, Dialogue on Hoefler, James M.., (with Brian E. Ka- the Government of Florence, ed. Alison moie), Deathright: Culture, Medicine, Brown, PAMELA J. CLEMENTS (BN), Politics, and the Right to Die, ANDREA 902 L. BONNICKSEN (BN), 234 Gutting, Gary, ed., The Cambridge Hoekema, David, Campus Rules and Companion to Foucault, Topp May Moral Community: In Place of In Loco (BR), 661 Parentis, ROBERT L. SIMON (BN), 496 Hacking, lan, Rewriting the Soul: Mul- H6ffe, Otfried, Jmmanuel Kant, trans. tiple Personality and the Sciences of Mem- Marshall Farrier, SUSAN NEIMAN (BN), ory, GEORGE GRAHAM (BR), 845 687 xiv Ethics July 1996 Hooker, Brad, ed., Rationality, Rules, ralism, COLIN M. MACLEOD (BN), and Utility: New Essays on the Moral 89i Philosophy of RichardB .B randt, BRUCE Komesar, Neil K., Imperfect Alterna- RusSELL (BR), 189 tives: Choosing Institutions in Law, Eco- Horton, John, and Mendus, Susan, nomics, and Public Policy, Jovy S. After MacIntyre, SUSANNE E. HILL Kraus (BN), 676 (BN), 481 Kraus, Jody, The Limits of Hobbesian Howell, Joseph H., and Sale, William Contractarianism, PETER VALLENTYNE Frederick, eds., Life Choices: A Hastings (BR), 193 Center Introduction to Bioethics, TED Kultgen, John, Autonomy and Interven- McNair (BN), 898 tion: Parentalism in the Caring Life, JEF- Howie, John, and Schedler, George, FREY M. BLUSTEIN (BN), 888 eds., Ethical Issues in Contemporary Soct- ety, CLAUDIA JANE MILLs (BN), 888 LaRue, L. H., Constitutional Law as Fiction: Narrative in the Rhetoric of Au- Hoy, David Couzens, and McCarthy, thority, JOHN T. VALAURI (BN), 894 Thomas, Critical Theory, RICHARD Rorty (BR), 657 Legters, Lyman H.; Burke, John P.; and DiQuattro, Arthur, eds., Critical Humber, James M., and Almeder, Perspectives on Democracy, CARY J. Robert F., eds., Allocating Health Care NEDERMAN (BN), 492 Resources, Biomedical Ethics Reviews, Tep McNair (BN), 680 Lemos, Noah, Intrinsic Value: Concept and Warrant, Eric H. GAMPEL (BN), Ingram, Attracta, A Political Theory of 667 Rights, MICHAEL HARRY BRIGHOUSE (BN), 671 Levine, Andrew, The General Will: Rousseau, Marx, Communism, KEITH Irigaray, Luce, Thinking the Difference: GRAHAM (BR), 204 For a Peaceful Revolution, trans. Karin Montin, KELLY OLIVER (BN), 685 Levinson, Sanford, ed., Responding to Imperfection: The Theory and Practice of Jaggar, Alison M., ed., Living with Contradictions: Controversies in Feminist Constitutional Amendment, ROBERT Social Ethics, GRACE A. CLEMENT (BN), Justin Lipkin (BN), 674 494 Luper-Foy, Steven, and Brown, Cur- Janaway, Christopher, Schopenhauer, tis, eds., Drugs, Morality, and the Law, R. Kevin HILt (BN), 241 DANNY Scoccia (BR), 470 Johnson, Pauline, Feminism as Radical Lyons, David, Rights, Welfare and Mill’s Humanism, ANN GARRY (BN), 908 Moral Theory, BRucE LANDESMAN (BN), 668 . Johnston, David, The Idea of a Liberal Theory: A Critique and Reconstruction, MacCallum, Gerald C., Jr., Legislative Davip P. McCas_E (BN), 488 Intent and Other Essays on Law, Politics, Kane, Robert, Through the Moral and Morality, ed. Marcus G. Singer Maze: Searching for Absolute Values in and Rex Martin, JAMES W. NICKEL a Pluralistic World, RicHARD DOUBLE (BR), 466 (BN), 221 Macklin, Ruth, Surrogates and Other Kingwell, Mark, A Civil Tongue: Jus- Mothers: The Debates over Assisted Repro- tice, Dialogue, and the Politics of Plu- duction, PAUL LAURITZEN (BR), 476 Index to Volume 106 XV Magnus, Bernd, and Cullenberg, Ste- ment and Management, THOMAS CHRIST- phen, eds., Whither Marxism: Global IANO (BR), 873 Crises in International Perspective, JEF- Messerly, John G., An Introduction to FREY S. VOGEL (BN), 673 Ethical Theories, MATTHIAS P. STEUP Mann, Patricia S., Micro-Politics: Agency (BN), 887 in a Postfemimist Era, LAURIE SHRAGE Meyer, Susan Sauvé, Aristotle on Moral (BR), 464 Responsibility: Character and Cause, Marietta, Don E., Jr., For People and NORMAN O. DAHL (BR), 455 the Planet: Holism and Humanism in En- Meyers, Diana Tietjens, Subjection and vironmental Ethics, JORDAN CURNUTT Subjectivity: Psychoanalytic Feminism (BN), 679 and Moral Philosophy, MARILYN FRIED- Markie, Peter J., A Professor’s Duties: MAN (BR), 860 Ethical Issues in College Teaching, JAMES Midgley, Mary, The Ethical Primate: L. MuyskKENS (BN), 682 Humans, Freedom and Morality, Mi- Martin, Mike W., Virtuous Giving: Phi- CHAEL Root (BN), 886 lanthropy, Voluntary Service, and Car- Minowitz, Peter, Profits, Priests, and ing, JEFFREY M. BLUSTEIN (BN), 223 Princes: Adam Smith’s Emancipation of Marx, Karl, Early Political Writings, ed. Economics from Politics and Religion, Pa- Joseph O’Malley, ANDREW LEVINE TRICIA H. WERHANE (BN), 484 (BN), 486 Mitchell, Joshua, Not by Reason Alone: Masolo, D. A., African Philosophy in Religion, History, and Identity in Early Search of Identity, LEE BROwN (BN), Modern Political Thought, MICHAEL J. 908 SEIDLER (BN), 226 Mason, Andrew, Explaining Political More, Ellen Singer, and Milligan, Disagreement, MICHAEL HARRY Bric- Maureen A.., eds., The Empathic Prac- HOUSE (BN), 225 titioner: Empathy, Gender, and Medicine, Douc as E. CHISMAR (BN), 682 Mason, Mary Ann, From Father’s Prop- erty to Children’s Rights: The History of Mulhall, Stephen, Stanley Cavell: Phi- Child Custody in the United States, How- losophy’s Recounting of the Ordinary, ARD KLEPPER (BN), 493 Timothy D. Goutp (BN), 242 Matsuda, Mari J., et al., Words That Murphy, Timothy F., and Lappe, Wound: Critical Race Theory, Assaultive Marc A., eds., Justice and the Human Speech, and the First Amendment, AN- Genome Project, G. MADISON POWERS DREW ALTMAN (BR), 211 (BN), 232 Matustik, Martin J., Postnational Iden- Nath, Ramendra, The Ethical Philoso- tity: Critical Theory and Existential Phi- phy of Bertrand Russell, MARVIN KOHL losophy in Habermas, Kierkegaard and (BN), 224 Havel, LEE M. Horvitz (BN), 239 Neiman, Susan, The Unity of Reason: May, Todd, The Political Philosophy of Rereadmg Kant, PABLO DE GreiFF (BN), Poststructuralist Anarchism, GEORGE E. 500 CROWDER (BN), 907 O'Neill, John, Ecology, Policy, and Poli- McMahon, Christopher, Authority and tics: Human Well-Being and the Natural Democracy: A General Theory ofG overn- World, JOHN S. Dryzek (BN), 230 xviii Ethics July 1996 tion to Scientists, Values, and Society, Da- Preconditions of Moral Performance, T. vipJ .S tump (BN), 901 M. REED (BN), 220 Stewart, M. A., and Wright, John P., Vitek, William, Promising, MICHAEL eds., Hume and Hume’s Connexions, IRA H. Rosins (BN), 220 J. SINGER (BN), 902 Vlastos, Gregory, Socratic Studies, Sylvan, Richard, and Bennett, David, MARKJ . Lovas (BN), 483 The Greening of Ethics: From Human Chauvinism to Deep-Green Theory, HOLMES Wallace, R. Jay, Responsibility and the ROLSTON III (BN), 231 Moral Sentiments, JOHN MARTIN FI- SCHER (BR), 850 Thomas, Laurence Mordekhai, Ves- sels of Evil: American Slavery and the Waluchow, W. J., Inclusive Legal Posi- Holocaust, JAMES P. STERBA (RE), 424 tivism, PATRICIA G. SMITH (BN), 673 Thompson, Paul, ed., Issues in Evolu- Waluchow, W. J., ed., Free Expression: tionary Ethics, MICHAEL P. BRADIE (BN), Essays in Law and Philosophy, GEORGE 678 W. RAINBOLT (BN), 675 Tierney, Nathan L., Imagination and Washington, Johnny, A Journey into Ethical Ideals: Prospects for a Unified the Philosophy of Alain Locke, EMMETT Philosophical and Psychological Under- L. BrRApBurRY (BN), 501 standing, Scott A. LANDERS (BN), 686 Weber, Max, Weber: Political Writings, ed. Peter Lassman and Ronald Speirs, Toker, Leona, ed., Commitment in Re- STEPHEN P. TURNER (BN), 486 flection: Essays in Literature and Moral Philosophy, Lee M. Horvitz (BN), Weiner, Neal O., The Harmony of the 503 Soul: Mental Health and Moral Virtue Tully, James, ed., Philosophy in an Age Reconsidered, LAWRENCE HINMAN (BN), of Pluralism: The Philosophy of Charles 222 Taylor in Question, JosEPH M. HEATH Weinrib, Ernest, The Idea of Private (BN), 892 Law, WILLIAM A. EDMUNDSON (BN), Turner, Stephen, The Social Theory of 896 Practices: Tradition, Tacit Knowledge, and Presuppositions, DANIEL LITTLE Weir, Robert F.; Lawrence, Susan C.; (BR), 665 and Fales, Evan, eds., Genes and Hu- man Self-Knowledge: Historical and Uniacke, Suzanne, Permissible Killing: Philosophical Reflections on Modern Ge- The Self-Defence Justification of Homi- netics, SYLVIA CULP (BN), 232 cide, JEFF MCMAHAN (BR), 641 Welch, D. Don, Conflicting Agendas: Van Kley, Dale, ed., The French Idea Personal Morality in Institutional Set- of Freedom: The Old Regime and the Dec- tings, RONALD J. CONDON (BN), 909 laration of Rights of 1789, PATRICK RILEY (BN), 903 Weston, Anthony, Back to Earth: To- Van Parijs, Philippe, ed., Arguing for morrow’s Environmentalism, JONATHAN Basic Income, ALAN P. HAMLIN (BN), MASKIT (BN), 899 229 Westra, Laura, An Environmental Pro- Vetlesen, Arne Johan, Perception, Em- posal for Ethics: The Principle of Integ- pathy, and Judgment: An Inquiry into the rity, DORAN SMOLKIN (BN), 231 Index to Volume 106 xix Wicclair, Mark R., Ethics and the El- stonings of the Political, ALLISON E. derly, N. S. JECKER (BN), 897 WEIR (BN), 238 Wike, Victoria S., Kant on Happiness Zaner, Richard M., Troubled Voices: in Ethics, ROBERT N. JOHNSON (BN), Stories of Ethics and Illness, JULIEN S. 224 Murpny (BN), 897 Zimmerman, Michael E., Contesting Wokler, Robert, Rousseau, ROGER K. Earth’s Future: Radical Ecology and PADEN (BN), 903 Postmodernity, ROGER S. GOTTLIEB Wueste, Daniel E., ed., Professional (BR), 650 Ethics and Social Responsibility, JAMES Zuckert, Michael P., Natural Rights W. CHILD (BN), 681 and the New Republicanism, [AN HAR- Yeatman, Anna, Postmodern Revi- ris (BN), 671

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