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INDEX TO VOLUME 103 ARTICLES, DISCUSSIONS (D), SURVEY KALIN, JESSE, Knowing Novels: Nuss- ARTICLES (SA), AND REVIEW ESSAYS (RE) baum on Fiction and Moral Theory (RE), 135 ALTMAN, ANDREW, Liberalism and KRAUT, RICHARD, In Defense of the Campus Hate Speech: A Philosophi- Grand End (RE), 361 cal Examination, 302 KRISTJANSSON, KRISTJAN, Social Free- ANDRE, JUDITH, Blocked Exchanges: dom and the Test of Moral Responsi- A Taxonomy, 29 bility (D), 104 ArDAL, PALL S., Depression and Rea- Mack, Eric, Sighting Rights (RE), son (RE), 540 779 BAiER, ANNETTE C., Moralism and Cruelty: Reflections on Hume and McMAHAN, JEFF, Killing, Letting Die, Kant, 436 and Withdrawing Aid, 250 BENNETT, JONATHAN, The Necessity PiETROSKI, PAUL M., Prima Facie of Moral Judgments, 458 Obligations, Ceteris Paribus Laws in Moral Theory, 489 BROWER, BRUCE W., Dispositional Ethical Realism, 221 Pocce, THomMAs W., Cosmopoli- BRUDNEY, DANIEL, Two Links of Law tanism and Sovereignty, 48 and Morality, 280 Post, ROBERT, Managing Delibera- CALHOUN, CHESHIRE, Changing One’s tion: The Quandary of Democratic Heart, 76 Dialogue, 654 DAGGER, RICHARD, Playing Fair with Punishment, 473 RortTy, AMELIE OKSENBERG, The Many Faces of Gibbard’s Wise Choices, Davis, NANCY (ANN), The Abortion Apt Feelings (D), 318 Debate: The Search for Cormmon Ground, Part | (RE), 516 SCHAUER, FREDERICK, The Phenome- Davis, NANCY (ANN), The Abortion nology of Speech and Harm, 635 Debate: The Search for Common Ground, Part 2 (RE), 731 SEIDLER, MICHAEL, Religion, Popu- lism, and Patriarchy: Political Author- FISCHER, JOHN MARTIN; RAVIZZA, ity from Luther to Pufendorf (RE), Mark; and Copp, Davin, Quinn on 551 Double Effect: The Problem of “Closeness,” 707 SkipPER, ROBERT, Mill and Pornogra- GERT, BERNARD, Defending Irratio- phy (D), 726 nality and Lists (D), 329 Soper, ELtiot, Hedonism and But- GILBERT, MARGARET, Agreements, ler’s Stone (D), 97 Coercion, and Obligation, 679 GOLDMAN, ALVIN I., Ethics and Cog- THOMAS, LAURENCE, Morality and nitive Science (SA), 337 Human Diversity (RE), 117 HAUSMAN, DANIEL M., The Structure WALDRON, JEREMY, Superseding His- of Good (RE), 792 toric Injustice, 4 ix x Ethics —_J uly 1993 BOOKS REVIEWED IN REVIEW ESSAYS Bakunin, Michael, Statism and Anar- (RE), BOOK REVIEWS (BR), AND BOOK chy, JAMES P. SCANLAN (BN), 415 NOTES (BN) Baldwin, Thomas, G. E. Moore, JAMES KLAGGE (BR), 391 Adams, Marilyn McCord, and Ad- ams, Robert Merrihew, eds., The Prob- Barry, Brian, Democracy, Power and lem of Evil, WiLLIAM HASKER (BN), Justice: Essays in Political Theory, BEN- 206 JAMIN BARBER (BR), 590 Amato, Joseph A., Victims and Values: Barry, Robert L., and Bradley, Ge- A History and a Theory of Suffering, Da- rard V., eds., Set No Limits: A Rebuttal vip LitTLe (BN), 207 to Daniel Callahan’s Proposal to Limit Health Care for the Elderly, MiCHAEL Amselek, Paul, and MacCormick, KELAR (BN), 423 Neil, eds., Controversies about Law’s Ontology, STEVEN J. BURTON (BN), Baylor, Michael G., ed., The Radical 851 Reformation, MICHAEL SEIDLER (RE), 551 Ansell-Pearson, Keith, Nietzsch contra Rousseau: A Study of Nietzsche’s Moral Baynes, Kenneth, The Normative and Political Thought, ALLEN WALL Grounds of Social Criticism: Kant, Rawls, (BN), 612 and Habermas, KEVIN DODSON (BN), 608 Ansell-Pearson, Keith, ed., Nietzsche and Modern German Thought, Mi- Becker, Lawrence C., and Becker, CHAEL KELAR (BN), 197 Charlotte B., eds., Encyclopedia of Eth- Anton, John P., and Preus, Anthony, ics, PETER SINGER (BR), 807 eds., Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Beehler, Rodger; Copp, David; and Vol. 4: Aristotle’s Ethics, Davin H. CaL- Szabados, Béla, eds., On the Track of HOUN (BN), 194 Reason: Essays in Honor of Kai Nielsen, Armstrong, Timothy J., ed., Michel JAN NARVESON (BR), 837 Foucault: Philosopher, CHARLIE SHEP- Beetham, David, The Legitimation of HERDSON (BN), 430 Power, MARILYN I. MCMorrROw (BN), Attfield, Robin, The Ethics of Environ- 850 mental Concern, Tim SNOW (BN), 859 Belliotti, Raymond A., Justifying Law: Attwood, David, Paul Ramsey's Politi- The Debate over Foundations, Goals, and cal Ethics, JAMES M. GUSTAFSON (BN), Methods, MARK TUSHNET (BN), 850 865 Berger, Fred R., Freedom, Rights and Audi, Robert, Practical Reasoning, Pornography: A Collection of Papers by Bruce AuNE (BR), 379 Fred R. Berger, JOEL FEINBERG (BR), 159 Baier, Annette C., A Progress of Senti- ments: Reflections on Hume’s Treatise, Bergman, Shmuel Hugo, Dialogical PALL S. ARDAL (RE), 540 Philosophy from Kirkegaard to Buber, J. P. DONNELLEY (BN), 624 Baird, Robert M., and Rosenbaum, Stuart E., eds., Animal Experimenta- Bernasconi, Robert, and Critchley, Si- tion: The Moral Issues, DAvip Cum- mon, eds., Re-Reading Levinas, Bit MISKEY (BN), 213 MARTIN (BN), 205 Index to Volume 103 xi Bernstein, Mark H., Fatalism, IRA omy and Consent in Health Care, LAURA SINGER (BN), 824 M. Purpy (BN), 853 Bernstein, Richard J., The New Con- Brennan, Troyen, Just Doctoring: Medi- stellation: The Ethical-Political Hori- cal Ethics in the Liberal State, JONA- zons of Modernity/Postmodernity, SAM- THAN D. Moreno (BR), 832 UEL WHEELER III (BN), 864 Brint, Michael, Tragedy and Denial: Beyleveld, Deryck, The Dialectical Ne- The Politics of Difference in Western Polit- cessity of Morality: An Analysis and De- ical Thought, MARK WARREN (BN), fense of Alan Gewirth’s Argument to the 613 Principle of Generic Consistency, NICHO- Brint, Michaei, and Weaver, William, LAS FoTION (BR), 579 eds., Pragmatism in Law and Society, Binstock, Robert H., and Post, Ste- Eric RAKOwSKI (BR), 596 phen G., eds., Too Old for Health Care? Brodie, Sarah, Ethics with Aristotle, Curis HACKER (BN), 618 RICHARD KRAuT (RE), 361 Blum, Lawrence A., and Seidler, Vic- Bronk, Conrad G.; Haworth, Law- torJ ., A Truer Liberty: Simone Weil and rence; and Lee, Brenda, Value As- Marxism, Mary G. Dietz (BR), 184 sumptions in Risk Assessment: A Case Bockover, Mary I., ed., Rules, Rituals, Study of the Alachlor Controversy, CARL and Responsibility: Essays Dedicated to F. CRANOR (BN), 616 Herbert Fingarette, NORMAN S. CARE Broome, John, Weighing Goods, DAN- (BN), 844 1EL M. HAUSMAN (RE), 792 Bohman, James, New Philosophy of So- Buchanan, Allen E., and Brock, Dan cial Science, ALEX ROSENBERG (BN), W.., Deciding for Others: The Ethics of 419 Surrogate Decision Making, JONATHAN Bole, Thomas J., III, and Bondeson, D. MorENO (BR), 172 William B., Rights to Health Care, Buchanan, James M., The Economics E. HAAvi MorreIM (BN), 424 and the Ethics of Constitutional Order, HOWARD MARGOLIS (BN), 421 Bormann, F. Herbert, and Kellert, Stephen R., eds., Ecology, Economics, Byrne, Peter, ed., Ethics and Law in Ethics: The Broken Circle, MARK Sa- Health Care and Research, G. MADISON corr (BN), 616 Powers (BN), 212 Botwinick, Aryeh, Skepticism and Polit- Callinicos, Alex, The Revenge of His- ical Participation, SAMUEL BLACK (BR), tory: Marxism and the East European 397 Revolutions, PETER KNAPP (BN), 428 Brady, James, and Carver, Newton, Calvert, Robert E., ed., “The Constitu- eds., Justice, Law and Violence, Mi- tion of the People”: Reflections on Citizens CHAEL Gorr (BN), 614 and Civil Society, JEFFREY SEDGWICK (BN), 849 Brand, Walter, Hume’s Theory of Moral Caplan, Arthur L.; Blank, Robert H.; Judgment, TERENCE PENELHUM (BN), and Merrick, Janna C.; Compelled 847 Compassion: Government Intervention in Brazier, Margaret, and Lobjoit, Mary, the Treatment of Critically Ill Newborns, eds., Protecting the Vulnerable: Auton- MICHAEL LAVIN (BN), 852 xii Ethics —_July 1993 Carr, David, Educating the Virtues: An de Jasay, Anthony, Choice, Contract, Essay on the Philosophical Psychology Consent: A Restatement of Liberaiism, of Moral Development and Education, SAMUEL FREEMAN (BN), 848 GREGORY VELAZCO Y TRIANOSKY (BN), DeLong, Howard, A Refutation of 192 Arrow’s Theorem, JAMES JOHNSON Chong, Dennis, Collective Action and (BN), 200 the Civil Rights Movement, BERNARD BoxiILL (BR), 602 Dore, Clement, Moral Scepticism, W1L- LIAM TOLHURST (BN), 408 Cole, Eve Browning, and Coultrap- McQuin, Susan, eds., Exploration in Douzinas, Costas, and Warrington, Feminist Ethics: Theory and Practice, Ronnie, with Shaun McVeigh, Post- CLAUDIA CARD (BN), 846 modern Jurisprudence: The Law of Text in the Texts of Law, JOHN T. VALAURI Cook, Terrence E., The Great Alterna- (BN), 209 tives of Social Thought: Aristocrat, Saint, Capitalist, Socialist, CARL COHEN (BN), Draper, Elaine, Risky Business: Genetic 412 Testing and Exclusionary Practices in the Hazardous Workplace, DEBORAH Ma- Cooke, Roger M., Experts in Uncer- tainty: Opinion and Subjective Prob- THIEU (BN), 425 ability in Science, KristTIN SHRADER- Dunn, John, Jnterpreting Political Re- FRECHETTE (BR), 599 sponsibility: Essays, 1981-1989, PETER Cooper, Barry, Action into Nature: An DIGESER (BR), 157 Essay on the Meaning of Technology, LEE Edwards, Rem B., and Davis, John Horvitz (BN), 621 W., eds., Forms of Value and Valuation: Cornell, Drucilla, Beyond Accommoda- Theory and Applications, ROBERT S. tion: Ethical Feminism, Deconstruction, BRUMBAUGH (BN), 607 and the Law, KELLY OLIVER (BN), 621 Eller, Cynthia, Conscientious Objectors Cornell, Drucilla; Rosenfeld, Michel; and the Second World War: Moral and and Carlson, David Gray, eds., Hegel Religious Arguments in Support of Paci- and Legal Theory, GEORGE W. RAIN- fism, JAMES CHILDRESS (BN), 858 BOLT (BN), 611 Engberg-Pedersen, Troels, The Stoic Cranston, Maurice, Jean-Jacques: The Theory of Oikewosis: Moral Development Early Life and Work of Jean-Jacques and Social Interaction in Early Stoic Phi- Rousseau, 1712—1754, CHRISTOPHER losophy, WALTER G. ENGLERT (BN), KELLY (BR), 167 608 Crittenden, Paul, Learning to Be Ewin, R. E., Virtues and Rights: The Moral: Philosophical Thoughts about Moral Philoseb/y of Thomas Hobbes, P¥- Moral Development, LARRY NUCCI TER VALLENTYNE (BN), 413 (BN), i93 Cromartie, Michael, ed., Peace Be- Ezorsky, Gertrude, Racism and Justice: trayed: Essays on Pacifism and Politics, The Case for Affirmative Action, How- ARD McGary (BR), 598 WILLIAM J. HAwk (BN), 208 Dauenhauer, Bernard P., Elements of Ferguson, Ann, Sexual Democracy: Responsible Politics, BABETTE E. BAB- Women, Oppression, and Revolution, ICH (BN), 429 Nancy HOLMstTrooM (BN), 210 Index to Volume 103 xiii Ferry, Luc, Political Philosophy. Vol. 2: Galston, William A., Liberal Purposes: The System of Philosophies of History, Goods, Virtues, and Diversity in the Lib- ANDREW CUTROFELLO (BN), 863 eral State, RICHARD KRAuT (BR), 393 Fiddes, Nick, Meat: A Natural Symbol, Gatens, Moira, Feminism and Philoso- LisA HELDKE (BN), 431 phy: Perspectives on Difference and Equality, SHARON MEAGHER (BN), Filmer, Sir Robert, Patriarcha and 620 Other Writings, MICHAEL SEIDLER (RE), 551 Gendel, Steven M.; Kline, A. David; Warren, D. Michael; and Yates, Faye, Finnis, Join, Moral Absolutes: Tradi- eds., Agricultural Bioethics: Implications tion, Revision and Truth, ALASDAIR of Agricultural Biotechnology, WILLIAM MACINTYRE (BR), 811 AIKEN (BN), 214 Fischman, Dennis, Political Discourse Giddens, Anthony, Modernity and Self- in Exile: Karl Marx and the Jewish Ques- Identity: Self and Society in the Late Mod- tion, HOLLACE GrarrF (BN), 612 ern Age, TRACY B. STRONG (BR), 836 Flanagan, Owen, Varieties of Moral Gilbert, Paul, Human Relationships: Personality, LAURENCE THOMAS (RE), A Philosophical Introduction, HUGH 117 LAFOLLETTE (BN), 410 Fowler, Robert Booth, The Dance with Ginsburg, Faye D., Contested Lives: Community: The Contemporary Debate in The Abortion Debate in an American American Political Thought, BRUCE JEN- Community, NANCY (ANN) Davis (RE) NINGS (BN), 201 516 and 731 Fox, Robin, The Search for Society: Gorr, Michael J., Coercion, Freedom Quest for a Biosocial Science and Moral- and Exploitation, |. G. TROYER (BN), ity, MICHAEL BRADIE (BN), 214 199 Frankel Paul, Ellen; Miller, Fred D., Gramsci, Antonio, Prison Notebooks, Jr.; and Paul, Jeffrey, eds., Founda- Volume 1, CHARLES W. MILLs (BN), tions of Moral and Political Philosophy, 861 DORAN SMOLKIN (BN), 409 Grant, Ruth W., John Locke's Liberal- Fraser, Nancy, and Bartky, Sandra Lee, eds., Revaluing French Feminism: ism, RICHARD ASHCRAFT (BN), 195 Critical Essays on Difference, Agency, and Gray, Tim, Freedom, Wojciecu Sa.- Culture, LINDA NICHOLSON (BN), 863 DURSKI (BN), 198 Freeden, Michael, Rights, LoREN Lo- Green, O. H., The Emotions: A Philo- MASKY (BN), 416 sophical Theory, JOEL MARKS (BR), 574 Frey, R. G., and Morris, Christopher Greenwood, John D., Relations and W.., eds., Liability and Responsibility: Es- Representations: An Introduction to the says in Law and Morals, Davip Do- Philosophy of Social Psychoiogical Sci- LINKO (BR), 401 ence, THOMAS E. WREN (BN), 867 Frey, R. G., and Morris, Christopher Griffioen, Sander, ed., What Right W., eds., Violence, Terrorism, and Jus- Does Ethics Have? Public Philosophy in tice, BRUCE M. LANDESMAN (BR), 830 a Pluralistic Culture, MICHAEL KELLY (BN), 416 Fulford, K. W. M., Moral Theory and Medical Practice, K. A. WALLACE (BN), Grundmann, Reiner, Marxism and 617 Ecology, DALE JAMIESON (BN), 860 Xiv Ethics July 1993 Haber, Joram Graf, Forgiveness, UMA Philosophy, KENNETH R. WESTPHAL NARAYAN (BN), 411 (BN), 862 Hamel, Ron, ed., Choosing Death: Ac- Ingram, David, Critical Theory and tive Euthanasia, Religion and the Public Philosophy, Tom THORP (BN), 204 Debate, H. PHILLIPS HAMLIN (BN), Jacobs, Jonathan A., Being True to the 617 World: Moral Realism and Practical Wis- Hayry, Heta, The Limits of Medical Pa- dom, MARK TIMMONS (BN), 190 ternalism, Russ SHAFER-LANDAU (BN), Jarrett, James I., The Teaching of Val- 853 ues: Caring and Appreciation, MARY Hegel, G. W. F., Hegel: Elements of the BRABECK (BN), 432 Philosophy of Right, JOHN MCCUMBER Jessop, Bob, State Theory: Putting Cap- (BN), 611 italist States in Their Place, DIANE Held, David, ed., Politica! Theory To- Davis (BN), 204 day, CHRISTOPHER W. Morris (BR), Johnson, Conrad D., Moral Legisla- 593 tion: A Legal-Polttical Model for Indirect Held, David, and Thompson, John B., Cunsequentialist Reasoning, JONATHAN eds., Social Theory of Modern Societies: E. ADLER (BR), 814 Anthony Giddens and His Critics, FRED Johnson, Lawrence E., A Morally Deep DALLMAYR (BN), 622 World: An Essay on Moral Significance Henberg, Marvin, Retribution, JACOB and Environmental Ethics, JEFF BURK- ADLER (BN), 417 HARDT (BR), 403 Hiley, David R.; Bohman, James F.; Johnston, Paul, Wittgenstein and Moral and Shusterman, Richard, eds., The Philosophy, SIMON BLACKBURN (BR), Interpretative Turn, ANDREW P. Nor- 588 MAN (BN), 867 Kadish, Mortimer R., Toward an Ethic Hill, Thomas E., Jr., Autonomy and of Higher Education, STEVEN M. CAHN Self-Respect, MARCIA BARON (BR), 576 (BR), 177 Hoimes, Helen Bequaert, and Purdy, Kant, Immanuel, The Metaphysics of Laura M., eds., Feminist Perspectives in Morals, RicHARD McCarty (BN), 414 Medical Ethics. MARY B. MAHOWALD Kant, Immanuel, Political Writings, (BN), 855 ANDREWS REATH (BN), 196 Holub, Robert C., Jurgen Habermas: Kegley, Charles W., Jr., and Schwab, Critic in the Public Sphere, CiARAN Kenneth L., eds., After the Cold War, CRONIN (BN), 428 JAMEs STERBA (BN), 203 Hop4l, Harro, ed., Luther and Calvin on Secular Authority, MICHAEL SEIDLER Kekes, John, Moral Tradition and Indi- (RE), 551 u'duality, THOMAS L. CARSON (BR), 812 Horton, John, and Mendus, Susan, eds., John Locke: A Letter concerning Kellner, Douglas, Television and the Toleration in Focus, GEORGE CROWDER Crisis of Democracy, JUDITH LICHTEN- (BN), 609 BERG (BN), 427 Houlgate, Stephen, Freedom, Truth Kelsen, Hans, General Theory of Norms, and History: An Introduction to Hegel’s MARTIN P. GOLDING (BR), 824 Index to Volume 103 xv Keyt, David, and Miller, Fred D., eds., Little, Daniel, Varieties of Social Expla- A Companion to Aristotle’s “Politics,” nation: An Introduction to the Philosophy CHRISTOPHER BOBONICH (BR), 387 of Social Science, ALAN NELSON (BR), 404 Kilcullen, John, Sincerity and Truth: Essays on Arnauld, Bayle, and Tolera- Little, J. P., Simone Weil: Waiting on tion, RICHARD H. PopkKIN (BR), 165 Truth, Mary G. Dietz (BR), 184 Kirschenbaum, Aaron, Equity in Jew- Louden, Robert B., Morality and ish Law, BARUCH Bropy (BN), 628 Moral Theory: A Reappraisal and Re- affirmation, LAWARENCE C. BECKER Kreml, William P., Psychology, Relativ- (BN), 843 ism and Politics, Jim GLAss (BN), 623 Léwith, Karl, From Hegal to Nietzsche: Kumar, Krishan, Utopianism, LYMAN The Revolution in Nineteenth-Century SARGENT (BN), 420 Thought, ANDREW CUTROFELLO (BN), Kupperman, Joel, Character, NEERA 198 KaAPuR BADHWAR (BN), 843 Lyons, David, In the Interest of the Gov- Kymlicka, Will, Liberalism, Community erned: A Study in Bentham’s Philosophy and Culture, JAMES STERBA (BR), 152 of Uuility and Law, JOHN DeEIGH (BN), 609 Laine, Michael, ed., A Cultivated Mind: Essays on J. S. Mill Presented to McBride, William L., Sartre's Political John M. Robson, G. W. SmitH (BN), Theory, FREDERICK A. OLAFSON (BR), 415 820 Lamb, David, Organ Transplants and MacGregor, David, The Communist Ethics, WiLLIAM IRVINE (BN), 211 Ideali n Hegel and Marx, MiL-TON Fisk (BN), 860 Lambeth, Edmund B., Committed Journalism: An Ethic for the Profession, McKelvey, Charles, Beyond Ethnocen- Davip Proress (BN), 857 trism: A Reconstruction of Marx’s Con- Lang, Berel, Writing and the Moral cept of Science, ALAN SpecTOR (BN), 197 Self, STANLEY BATEs (BN), 207 Layman, C. Stephen, The Shape of the Maclean, Ian; Montefiore, Alan; and Good: Christian Reflections on the Foun- Winch, Peter, eds., The Political Re- sponsibility of Intellectuals, ANTHONY dation of Ethics, Scorr MACDONALD (BN), 864 SKILLEN (BR), 406 Leahy, Michael P. T., Against Libera- Macniven, Don, ed., Moral Expertise: tion: Putting Animals in Perspective, Studies in Practical and Professional Eth- ics, DAVID JAMES (BN), 213 R. G. Frey (BR), 834 Lebacqz, Karen, and Barton, Ron- Masugi, Ken, ed., Interpreting Tocque- ald G., Sex im the Parish, MICHAEL ville’s Democracy in America, EDUARDO KELAR (BN), 856 NOLLa (BN), 866 Lee, Thomas F., The Human Genome Mathieu, Deborah, Preventing Prena- Project, SYLviA CucP (BN), 619 tal Harm: Should the State Intervene? VIRGINIA L. WARREN (BN), 852 Leyh, Gregory, ed., Legel Hermeneu- tics: History, Theory and Practice, JOHN May, Larry, and Hoffman, Stacey, VALAURI (BN), 614 eds., Collective Responsibility: Five De- XVi Ethics July 1993 cades of Debate in Theoretical and Applied Moore, G. E. The Elements of Ethics, Ethics, KENNETH KiIpNis (BN), 845 Tom BALDWIN (BN), 610 May, William F., The Patient’s Ordeal, Morreim, E. Haavi, Balancing Act: The NorMaAN S. Care (BR), 175 New Medical Ethics of Medicine’s New Economics, B. ANDREW LusTIG (BN), Meeks, Gay, ed., Thoughtful Economic 854 Man: Essays on Rationality, Moral Rules and Benevolence, DONALD HUBIN (BR), Morton, Adam, Disasters and Dilem- 572 mas: Strategies for Real-Life Decision Making, JONATHAN E. ADLER (BR), Meilaender, Gilbert C., Faith and 382 Faithfulness: Baste Themes in Christian Ethics, ROBIN W. LOvIN (BN), 625 Mulholland, Leslie A., Kant’s System of Rights, HARRY VAN DER LINDEN Mele, Alfred R., Springs of Action: Un- (BN), 196 derstanding Intentional Behavior, M1- CHAELJ . ZIMMERMAN (BR), 839 Nathan, N. M. L., Will and World, RICHARD DOUBLE (BN), 605 Mellema, Gregory, Beyond the Call of Duty: Supererogation, Obligation, and Nathanson, Stephen, An Eye for an Eye? The Morality of Punishing by Death, Offence, DANNY Scoccia (BN), 409 Davip DOLINKO (BN), 199 Mesle, C. Robert, John Hick’s Theodicy: Neff, Stephen C., Friends but No Allies: A Process Humanist Critique, C. STE- Economic Liberalism and the Law of Na- PHEN LAYMAN (BN), 625 tions, STEVEN LupER-Foy (BN), 202 Meyerson, Denise, False Consciousness, Nussbaum, Martha C., Love’s Knowl- CHARLES W. MILLs (BN), 427 edge: Essays on Philosophy and Litera- ture, JESSE KALIN (RE), 135 Mill, James, Political Writings, JEROME B. SCHNEEWIND (BN), 610 Oakley, Justin, Morality and the Emo- tions, EDWARD SANKOWSKI (BN), 606 Miller, Hal, The Abandoned Middle: The Ethics and Politics of Abortion in Oldenquist, Andrew, and Rosner, America, NANCY (ANN) Davis (BN), Menachem, eds., Alienation, Commu- 211 nity, and Work, PAUL. WARREN (BN), 623 Miller, joshua, The Rise and fall of De- mocracy in Early America, 1630-1789, Pack, SpencerJ] .,C apitalism as a Moral System: Adam Smith’s Critique of the Free DAVE ERICSON (BN), 208 Market Economy, JEFFREY PAUL (BN), Milton, John, Political Writings, PAUL 414 GuyYER (BR), 585 Perrin, Ron, Max Scheler’s Concept of Molier, David Wendell, On Death with- the Person: An Ethics of Humanism, out Dignity: The Human Impact of Tech- WILLIAM R. SCHROEDER (BN), 847 nological Dying, LUCINDA J. PEACH Perry, MichaelJ. ,L ove and Power: The (BN), 212 Role of Religion and Morality in Ameri- can Politics, WiLL1AM A. EDMUNDSON Mooney, Edward F., Knights of Faith (BN), 627 and Resignation: Reading Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, J]. P. DONNELLY Phillips, Anne, Engendering Democracy, (BN), 624 ANN FERGUSON (BN), 421 Index to Volume 103 XVII Plant, Raymond, Modern Political Rockmore, Tom, I/rrationalism, AN- Thought, TARA SMITH (BN), 200 DREW FEENBERG (BN), 862 Plato, The Dialogues of Plato. Vol. 2: Rosenau, James N., and Czempiel, The Symposium, PauL B. WoopRuFF Ernst-Otto, eds., Governance without (BN), 194 Government: Order and Change in World Politics, THOMAS W. PoGGE (BN), 859 Platts, Mark, Moral Realities: An Essay * Philosophical Psychology, O. H. GREEN Rowe, William L., Thomas Reid on wR), 375 Freedom and Morality, STEPHEN L. DARWALL (BR), 389 Poole, Ross, Morality and Modernity, TERENCE BALL (BN), 191 Salisbury, John of, Policraticus, ScoT) Pope, Kenneth S., and Vasquez, Davis (BN), 846 Melba T., Ethics in Psychotherapy and Samar, Vincent J., The Right to Pri- Counseling: A Practical Guide for Psy- vacy: Gays, Lesbians and the Constitution, chologists, PETER B. ZELDOW (BN), 424 Davin A. J. RicHARDs (BN), 615 Porter, Elizabeth]. ,W omen and Moral Sawicki, Jana, Disciplining Foucault: Identity, MARGARET A. MCLAREN (BN), Feminism, Power, and the Body, SANDRA 422 BARTKY (BN), 430 Price, H. Marcus, III, Disputing the Schauer, Frederick, Playing by the Dead: U.S. Law on Aboriginal Remains Rules: A Philosophical Examination of and Grave Goods, JOHN Lapp (BN), Rule-based Decision Making in Law and 419 in Life, ERic RAKOwSKI (BR), 828 Pufendorf, Samuel, On the Duty of Man Schick, Frederic, Understanding Ac- and Citizen according to Natural Law, tion: An Essay on Reasons, ANN CupD ed. James Tully, MICHAEL SEIDLER (BR), 570 (RE), 551 Schopp, Robert F., Automatism, Insan- Purdy, Laura M., In Their Best Inter- ity, and the Psychology of Criminal est? The Case against Equal Rights for Responsibility: A Philosophical Inquiry, Children, GARETH B. MATTHEWS LARRY ALEXANDER (BR), 594 (BN), 849 Schubert, Glendon, and Masters, Pybus, Elizabeth, Human Goodness: Roger D., eds., Primate Politics, STe- Generosity and Courage, LESTER H. PHEN CLARK (BR), 188 Hunt (BN), 607 Schumaker, Millard, Sharing without Rajchman, John, Truth and Eros: Fou- Reckoning, LUCINDA J. PEACH (BN), cault, Lacan, and the Question of Ethics, 844 CHARLES SHEPHERDSON (BN), 431 Segal, Jerome M., Agency and Alien- Rakowski, Eric, Equal Justice, J. H. ation: A Theory of Human Presence, At- Bocart (BR), 822 FRED R. MELE (BN), 410 Reichenbach, Bruce R., The Law of Seidler, Victor J., ed., The Achilles Heel Karma: A Philosophical Study, Ray- Reader: Men, Sexual Politics and Social- MOND MARTIN (BN), 206 ism, KENNETH CLATTERBAUGH (BN), 210 Rockefeller, Steven C., John Dewey: Religious Faith and Democratic Human- Sheridan, Mary S., Pain in America, ism, DONALD F. Kocu (BR), 586 MICHAEL KELAR (BN), 627 xviii Ethics July 1993 Sherwin, Susan, No Longer Patient: Thomson, Judith Jarvis, The Realm of Feminist Ethics and Health Care, ABBY Rights, Eric MACK (RE), 779 WILKERSON (BN), 620 Tribe, Laurence H., Abortion: The Shue, Henry, ed., Nuclear Deterrence Clash of Absolutes, NANCY (ANN) Davis and Moral Restraint, GEORGE DRAPER (RE), 516 and 731 (BR), 170 Vallentyne, Peter, ed., Contractarian- Smith, Mickey; Strauss, Steven; Bal- ism and Rational Choice: Essays on David dwin, John; and Alberts, Kelly T., Gauthier’s “Morals by Agreement,” DAN- eds., Pharmacy Ethics, LEONARD M. IEL M. FARRELL (BR), 385 FLEcK (BN), 619 Veatch, Robert M., The Patient-Physi- Smith, R. C., Ethics and Informal War, cian Relation: The Patient as Partner, JEFF MCMAHAN (BN), 857 MARTIN BENJAMIN (BN), 422 Snare, Francis, Morals, Motivation and Vitoria, Francisco de, Political Writ- Convention: Hume’s Influential Doc- ings, MICHAEL SEIDLER (RE), 551 trmes, HENRY R. 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JECKER (BN), 202 (BN), 854 Wartenberg, Thomas E., The Forms of Taylor, Bron Raymond, Affirmative Power, PETER HECKMAN (BN), 622 Action at Work: Law, Politics, and Ethics, Weatherford, Roy, The Implications of BILL E. LAwson (BN), 615 Determmism, AARON A. SNYDER (BN), 192 Taylor, Richard, Virtue Ethics: An In- troduction, ANITA M. SUPERSON (BN), Weigel, George, and Langan, John R., 606 eds., The American Search for Peace: Moral Reasoning, Religious Hope, and Taylor-Gooby, Peter, Social Change, National Security, JAMES W. GUSTAF- Social Welfare and Social Science, Ros- SON (BN), 626 ERT E. GoopIn (BN), 420 Weiss, Raymond L., Maimonides’ Eth- Tester, Keith, Animals and Society: The ics: The Encounter of Philosophic and Re- Humanity of Animal Rights, ANDREW ligious Morality, KENNETH R. SEESKIN JOHNSON (BN), 426 (BN), 412

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