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Ethical Aspects of Doping and Anti-Doping PDF

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DOCTORAL SCHOOL BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Ethical Aspects of Doping and Anti-Doping In Search of an Alternative Policy Bengt Kayser Promoters: Dissertation presented in partial Prof. Jan Tolleneer fulfillment of the requirements for the Prof. Andreas De Block degree of Doctor in Kinesiology May 2018 KU Leuven Biomedical Sciences Group Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences Department of Movement Sciences Ethical Aspects of Doping and Anti-Doping In Search of an Alternative Policy Bengt KAYSER Jury: Prof. Jan Tolleneer, promoter Prof. Andreas De Block, promoter Prof. Johan Lefevre, chair Prof. Mart Buekers Prof. Letizia Paoli Prof. Paul Schotsmans Dissertation presented in partial Prof. Michael McNamee fulfillment of the requirements for (Swansea University) the degree of Doctor in Kinesiology May 2018 ©2018KULeuven–FacultyofMovementandRehabilitationSciences Uitgegevenineigenbeheer,BengtKayser,Tervuursevest101,3001Leuven, Belgie. Allerechtenvoorbehouden. Nietsuitdezeuitgavemagwordenvermenigvuldigden/ofopenbaargemaaktworden door middel van druk, fotokopie, microfilm, elektronisch of op welke andere wijze ook zonder voorafgaande schriftelijketoestemmingvandeuitgever. Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthepublicationmaybereproducedinanyformbyprint,photoprint,microfilm, electronicoranyothermeanswithoutwrittenpermissionfromthepublisher. Frontcover’FinishLine’,featuringLanceArmstrong,bytheartistRobertHurst. Acryliconcanvas,16"x24", 2001. www.adamnfineartist.com(withpermission). Back cover ’Untitled (Krystufek after Steen Møller Rasmussen)’, by the artist Claus Carstensen. Acrylic on canvas,200x150cm,2001. Photo: AndersSuneBerg. www.clauscarstensen.com(withpermission). SeethePostscriptumforexplanationsforthefrontandbackcovers. TypesetwithamodifiedKULeuvenArenbergDoctoralSchoolPhDdissertationLaTexclass (https://github.com/wannesm/adsphd). PrintedbyProcopiaNV,Ambachtenlaan29,3001Heverlee,Belgium. Preface Bengt Kayser i PREFACE iii This thesis would not have been possible without an appropriate mix of conditions, including some luck. The possibility of a sabbatical offered to me by the University of Lausanne, even though I had only just arrived there afterhavingspentmorethan20yearsattheUniversityofGeneva, providedthe first incentive. Rector Dominique Arlettaz suggested that I take a sabbatical leave sooner rather than later so that the University of Lausanne would profit more from what I would bring back, and I thank him for the opportunity. Discussions with my life companion Barbara then spawned the idea to do something with my (and our) work on doping and anti-doping. A chance meeting in 2009 with Jan Tolleneer at the occasion of a two-day meeting on human enhancement at the Brocher Foundation on the shores of Lake Geneva resultedinaninvitationfromhimtoparticipateinaworkshophehadorganised attheUniversityofLeuven. Thiswasfollowedbyaninvitationforacontribution to a volume, co-edited by Jan Tolleneer, Pieter Bonte & Sigrid Sterckx1. It was at the occasion of that Leuven workshop that I learned about the interfaculty workgroup on ethics in sport at the KULeuven, bringing together colleagues from the Faculty of Movement Sciences and Rehabilitation Sciences, the Faculty of Medicine and the Institute of Philosophy. It all seemed to fit, and I therefore approached Jan Tolleneer with the idea of coming to Leuven for a sabbatical and to aggregate my work on doping and anti-doping in the form of a doctoral thesis. Jan reacted enthusiastically and proposed asking Andreas De Block to be co-promotor, which to my pleasure Andreas accepted. The University of Leuven then agreed to offer me an adapted PhD program, given my previous research background, for which I am grateful. I especially thank Jan and Andreas very warmly for their willingness to accompany me on my endeavour; I learned a lot from working with them. It must have been somewhat strange to supervise an older student like me, but they dealt with it in a loving way. I am also very grateful for the stimulating environment that was provided to me at the KULeuven during my sabbatical there in 2016. I heartily thank my colleagues at the historical Hollands College, where as a fellow, I was provided with a wonderful office in the intelectually stimulating environment of the Metaforum, a multidisciplinary initiative of the KULeuven to foster thinking and communicating on important societal questions and developments. The encounters at Metaforum, both formal and informal, were rich, eye-opening and often entertaining. 1Tolleneer J, Sterckx S & Bonte P (2013) Athletic Enhancement, Human Nature and Ethics. SpringerScience&BusinessMedia. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-5101-9 iv PREFACE IalsothanktheUniversityofLausanneforthelogisticsnecessaryforasix-month leave, an essential ingredient for all of this. Special thanks go to the members of the thesis jury. I am very grateful for their willingness to share their expertise in their critical appraisal of the present thesis. And last but not least, I thank my beloved life companion, Barbara, and my children Remco and Emma, for their love and for coping with an often absent (-minded) husband and father. Saas-Fee, May 2018. Abstract v

for a sabbatical and to aggregate my work on doping and anti-doping in the form of a WADA. A former military officer, he defended a particularly hard line in the US efforts in the altitude sleeping rooms at home (Space-Tech 2007). Since it is the In their Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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