Living 800 years is like the fountain of youth for some...and for others it's worse than a death sentence.
Miki Yokoyama loses both her innocence and her youth when she and her research associate, Rohin Chawla, discover the Eternity virus in the Antarctic. The virus extends human life up to 800 years. Unable to agree on how the virus should be used, Rohin and Miki go separate ways—Miki to create a counter "Ager" virus and stop long lives, Rohin to create a modern church that will help people live better lives in their 800 years.
But no one can foresee the extent human treachery will go when there are astronomical profits and world-wide political power at stake. Will Rohin and Miki combine forces against a greater evil, or fight each other over prolonged life or natural death? Their decision will determine who survives—and, ultimately, the outcome of humanity's future.