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Estimating the risk associated with transportation technology using multifidelity simulation ErikJ.Schlicht [email protected] ComputationalCognitionGroup,C2-g 3432DenmarkAvenue,Suite610 St. Paul,MN55123USA 7 NicholeMorris [email protected] 1 HumanFIRSTLaboratory,UniversityofMinnesota 0 200Transportation&SafetyBuilding 2 511WashingtonAve. SE n UniversityofMinnesota a J Minneapolis,Minnesota,55455USA 1 3 ] Abstract associatedwithtransportationtechnologyprior todeploy- P ment. These simulations must include accurate quantita- Thispaperprovidesaquantitativemethodfores- A tive models of all the components of the human interact- timatingtheriskassociatedwithcandidatetrans- . ingwiththetechnology. Forexample,inordertoevaluate t portation technology, before it is developed and a theriskassociatedwithcandidatecollision-avoidancetech- t deployed. The proposed solution extends previ- s nology in aerospace systems, high-fidelity models of the [ ousmethodsthatrelyexclusivelyonlow-fidelity human-in-the-loop experimental data, or high- airspaceencounters,airframedynamics,equippedsensors, 2 collision-avoidance logic and pilot decisions are required fidelity traffic data, by adopting a multifidelity v (Makietal.,2010;Chryssanthacopoulos&Kochenderfer, approachthatleveragesdatafrombothlow-and 8 2011; Mueller & Kochenderfer, 2016). The latter is only 8 high-fidelity sources. The multifidelity method affordedsincecommercialpilotsarerequiredtoadhereto 5 overcomes limitations inherent to existing ap- collisionavoidancerecommendationsinthecaseofanear 8 proachesbyallowingamodeltobetrainedinex- 0 midaircollision. Therefore,thepilotcanbequantitatively pensively,whilestillassuringthatitspredictions . representedasareactiontimedistribution. 1 generalizetothereal-world. Thisallowsforcan- 0 didate technologies to be evaluated at the stage Intransportationsystemswherehumansarenotrequiredto 7 ofconception,andenablesamechanismforonly adhere to system recommendations, a quantitative model 1 : thesafestandmosteffectivetechnologytobede- of how candidate technologies impact human decision- v velopedandreleased. makingisnecessary. However,thehigh-fidelity(i.e.,real- i X world) data needed to develop these models is not avail- r able until after the technology has already been deployed. a 1.Introduction As a result, the ability to evaluate system safety has pri- marily focused on post hoc analyses that exclusively rely The integration of technology into vehicles has become on high-fidelity data (Yang & Koutsopoulos, 1996; Aga- exceedingly common across the transportation industry. mennoni et al., 2012; Gindele et al., 2013; Lefevre et al., However,itisoftenunclearhowchangestotechnologywill 2014; Morton et al., 2016; Wheeler et al., 2016). There- impactsubsequentsystemsafetyuntilafterthetechnology fore, in terms of time and development costs, these data hasbeendeveloped,deployedandwidelyadopted. areextremelyexpensivetoobtain,andtendtoprovideonly Thisisprimarilyduetothefactthathigh-fidelitycomputer reactionarysupporttorisksalreadyimposedonasystem. simulationsarerequiredtoquantitativelyestimatetherisk Anotherapproachistorelyonlow-fidelitydatathatisob- tainedfromhuman-in-the-loopdrivingsimulation(Gruen- ingetal.,1998;Shechtmanetal.,2009;Leeetal.,2003). Preliminarywork. UnderreviewbytheInternationalConference onMachineLearning(ICML). Since the driving environment and technology can be ex- MultifidelityRiskEstimation-SubmittedtoICML2017 tweenlow-fidelityandhigh-fidelityenvironments(Schlicht etal.,2012),providedparticipantexpertisewasheldequiv- High Fidelity alent. 1: Data Collection 3: Evaluate Model 4: Estimate Risk However, the same theoretical results found that partici- Real-World SEigxntes rOnnally )hcet | deeps(pReal-World Speed RoTeef caChla-nWnodoliordlgdayt eR isk ptrheaaenlrt-eweaxorpreledsritghisnueimficcaaannntaacddtivofefresrsree(enly.cge.is,miepnxaptchetertmapcoitdliooeltnssp)rtaaenkddeicnttihboeynstahcief- Environment Technology tions taken by experimental participants (e.g., novice pi- 2: Train Model lots). Morespecifically,thelow-fidelitydatashouldnotbe Simulated SEigxntes rOnnallyS+Inig-Vnes hOicnlley ygolonhceT etadidnaC)y( deepS noitidnoCBaseline Technology Sim Sypy2e1=e=fd(fx( (x)x)) uibfcasyacentedttxhtpdoaeitfprfmterseroedadnineccdltesrttheirnaoalsiK-newe-tLodarkulDdesniivnpegebrrylgfooenwrnomc-vfieaidcnbeecesleit.twiyfTedtehhanitesaraiewcstiiidslolunanessotittogapnktriehefne-- Low Fidelity dicthigh-fidelitybehavior(Schlichtetal.,2012). This study seeks to extend these theoretical findings Figure1.Diagramdepictingtheuseofmultifidelitymethodsfor (Schlichtetal.,2012)byutilizingamultifidelityapproach estimatingtheriskassociatedwithtransportationtechnology(i.e., toestimatetheriskassociatedwithcandidatevehicletech- In-vehiclesign(IVS)technology) nology. More specifically, we investigate the risk associ- atedwithin-vehiclesignage(IVS)technologybyleverag- ing a multifidelity predictive model in Monte-Carlo simu- perimentallymanipulated,thesedataallowforinsightinto lation(Figure1). Thismethodallowstheriskofcandidate how driving behavior is impacted by changes to technol- transportationtechnologytobeestimatedpriortobeingde- ogy. Moreover, since candidate technology can be evalu- ployed, and is the first to use a multifidelity approach for ated prior to development, it saves time and money by al- risk estimation. The next section overviews the details of lowingforchangestotechnologytobeimplementedbefore thelow-andhigh-fidelitydatawhichwerecollectedforthis thedevelopmentstage(Gietelinketal.,2006). effort. A major concern with using low-fidelity simulation data toestimatereal-worldrisk, however, isthatmodelsdevel- 2.Low-andHigh-FidelityData oped using this data may not generalize to the real-world. Inordertoaccuratelyestimatetheriskassociatedwithcan- Therefore, exclusively relying on low-fidelity data to esti- didate transportation technology, it is desirable that the matesafetyisnotarecommendedpractice,asitmaylead baseline condition in the low-fidelity simulation overlaps toincorrectconclusions. with real-world conditions (i.e., participant, environmen- Fortunately,multifidelityapproacheshavebeendeveloped tal, and technological factors). This helps assure that the that leverage both low- and high-fidelity data in order to model developed using low-fidelity data generalizes well maximize the generalization of results, while minimiz- to the high-fidelity context. More specifically, it allows ing the cost associated with estimation. Indeed, such ap- ustotrainamodelthatpredictsdrivingperformance(i.e., proaches have been successfully used in wing-design op- speed) under candidate technology conditions using only timization (Robinson et al., 2006), robotic learning (Cut- low-fidelity simulation data, once the similarity between ler et al., 2015), and have more recently been extended to performanceisquantitativelyverified. human-in-the-loopsystems(Schlichtetal.,2012). Once the model is trained, we can use high-fidelity data Previous work on multifidelity models of human-in-the- as inputs to the model in order to predict real-world driv- loop systems are theoretical and were used to predict pi- ingbehavior(i.e.,speed)undertechnologyconditionsthat lotdecisionsduringaself-separationencounterwithanin- have not yet been deployed. Finally, the predicted speed truderaircraft(Schlichtetal.,2012). Thesetheoreticalef- distributions can be used in a Monte-Carlo simulation to forts found that small differences between the simulated estimatetheriskassociatedwiththenewtechnology. The environmentandthereal-worlddonotimpactthegeneral- nextsub-sectiondetailshowthelow-fidelitydataneededto ization of the model estimates. More specifically, differ- trainourmodelswascollected. encesinsimulationenvironmentresultedinchangestothe generativemodel(i.e,. Bayesiannetwork)thatreflectedan 2.1.Low-FidelityData absenceofinstrumentationinthelow-fidelity(i.e.,online) simulation environment. These differences didn’t lead to In the low-fidelity data collection study, baseline driving significantchangesinthepredictedactiondistributionsbe- conditions (i.e., In-vehicle signage (IVS) technology ab- MultifidelityRiskEstimation-SubmittedtoICML2017 sentandroadsidesignsavailable)wereincludedasacon- cellular phone that was mounted to the center console of trol,inordertocomparechangesinrelativesafetyanddriv- thevehiclewithinthedriversfieldofview. Thedescription ing performance when using the IVS information. This ofeachzonetype,thespeedlimitforthezone. IVSinfor- low-fidelityconditionwasselectedsinceitreflectsthetech- mationwaspresentedvisuallyonlywithnoaccompanying nologyavailabletodriversinhigh-fidelity(i.e,real-world) auditoryalertorverbalinformation. Thelow-fidelitydata settings. Therefore, by comparing a baseline condition collectionmethodsandparticipantsaredescribedindetail to the two IVS conditions, one in which IVS information inaMnDOTtechnicalreport(Schlicht&Morris,2016). appears in conjunction with external (i.e., roadside) signs (IVS+ES)andoneinwhichIVSinformationpresentedin 2.2.High-FidelityData replacementofexternalsigninformation(IVS-ES),itwas Thehigh-fidelityspeeddatathatwasprovidedbytheMin- expected that we would be able to identify any safety and nesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) for this workloadeffectsthatmaybeassociatedwiththeIVStech- effort. Participants included motorists who were on the nology. roadduringMnDOTdatacollection,whichoccurredacross More specifically, a 2 (Technology Condition: IVS +ES, speed zones during year 2014. We have no reason to be- IVS -ES) x 2 (IVS Condition: IVS absent (baseline - lievethattheparticipantssampledfromthisdatacollection only roadside signage), IVS present) mixed-subjects fac- effortdifferedsignificantlyfromthosesampledduringour torial design was utilized, where subjects were randomly low-fidelitydatacollection(Schlicht&Morris,2016). assigned to a technology condition (between-subjects fac- Theroadwaysusedduringthishigh-fidelitydatacollection tor),butparticipatedineachIVScondition(within-subjects werethosewhichhaveatleast1000AnnualAverageDaily factor). Noticethatthisdesignallowsustocheckforboth Traffic(AADT).Thespeedof100vehiclesweremeasured maineffectsandinteractionsassociatedwiththeIVStech- in each direction, and an attempt was made to ensure the nology. sampling was done on a clear and sunny day during the MnDOTspeedassessment. Moreover,samplesweretaken fromanunmarkedcar,andtheyonlysampledvehiclesthat aredrivingunderfreeflowconditions. 2.3.ComparisonofEmpiricalSpeedData Acomparisonbetweenourhigh-fidelityspeeddataandthe observedlow-fidelitysimulationdataisdepictedinFigure 3. Kernel density estimation (with kernel width of 1) was performed on both sets of speed data in order to estimate p(s|sp,c=baselinetechnology),whichistheprobability oftheobservedspeed(s),giventhepostedspeed(sp)and (external-signsonly)technologycondition(c). Figure2.Low-fidelitydatacollectionenvironmentandsimulated Figure3a-dshowsthehigh-fidelityspeeddistributionsfor IVStechnology each of the speed zones that were sampled in our high- fidelity data collection (40, 50, 55, 60, and 65mph). The Thisstudywasconductedinapartialmotion-basedriving low-fidelitydatadepictedareonlyforthesimulationbase- simulator manufactured by Realtime Technologies (RTI). line conditions that overlap with our high-fidelity speed Thesimulatorconsistedofa2002SaturnSC2fullvehicle zones(Figure3a-c). cab featuring realistic control operation and instrumenta- tion including power-assist for the brakes and force feed- Itisapparentthatthereisagreatdegreeofoverlapbetween backforthesteering. Hapticfeedbackwasprovidedbycar our observed low- and high-fidelity speed distributions bodyvibrationandathree-axiselectricmotionsystempro- across similar posted speed zones and technology condi- ducing roll, pitch and yaw motion within a limited range tions. Thedegreeofoverlapcanbequalitativelymeasured of movement. The auditory feedback was provided by a using K-L Divergence (K(P||Q) = (cid:80) log (p /q )p ), i 2 i i i 3D surround sound system. The driving environment was where the P = p (s | sp,c = baseline technology) HiFi projectedtoafive-channel,210-degreeforwardvisualfield distributionisdefinedtobethetruedistribution(i.e.,high- screen(2.5arc-minutesperpixel)withrearandsidemirror fidelity speed distribution), that we approximate by using viewsprovidedbyarearscreenandvehicle-mountedLCD the Q = p (s | sp,c = baseline technology) distribu- LoFi panels,respectively. (Figure2). tion(i.e.,low-fidelityspeeddistribution). IVS information was displayed to drivers on an Android InInformationTheory,K-LDivergenceisameasureofin- MultifidelityRiskEstimation-SubmittedtoICML2017 2.4.ImpactofIVSTechnologyonLow-FidelitySpeed 0.15 0.15 AEpffpicrioexnicmya: t6io4n% HLoiFFii:: RSeimalu-Wlatoiorlnd AEpffpicrioexnicmya: t9io5n% HLoiFFii:: RSeimalu-Wlatoiorlnd Probability0.00.51 Probability0.00.51 de113400 BIIVVaSSs e+-ElEinSSe (a) (b) epS120 00 20Observ4e0d Spe6e0d 80 100 00 20 Obs4e0rved S6p0eed 80 100 detsoP110 tn100 0.15 AEpffpicrioexnicmya: t8io3n% HLoiFFii:: RSeimalu-Wlatoiorlnd 0.15 HiFi: Real-World (60 &65) ecreP n 90 Probability0.00.51 Probability0.00.51 aideM 7800 60 IVS +ES IVS -ES (c) (d) Condition 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Observed Speed Observed Speed Figure4.Median Low-fidelity speeding behavior across IVS technologyconditions Figure3.Comparison of low- and high-fidelity empirical speed distributions Figure4showsthemedianpercentpostedspeedaveraged acrossallparticipantsiandzoneszduringlow-fidelitydata collection. Speed was compared for the conditions when formation gain due to the use of an approximation to the IVS information was presented in conjunction with road- true distribution, rather than the distribution itself (Cover side signs (IVS +ES) and conditions in which IVS infor- & Thomas, 2006). Since we know the true (high-fidelity) mation was presented in the absence of roadside sinage distribution(P)oftheobservedspeeds,itispossibletode- (IVS -ES). We found that percent posted speed was rela- scribe the distribution with an average description length tivelyconsistentacrosstechnologyconditionsforthebase- (cid:80) equaltotheShannonEntropy(H(P)=− p log (p )). line (M = 106.79,SE = 1.10) and IVS +ES condition i i 2 i However, if we instead used the low-fidelity distribution (M = 106.44,SE = 1.04). However, there were dif- (Q) to approximate P, we would need H(P)+K(P||Q) ferencesinmedianpercentpostedspeedacrosstechnology bits, on average, to describe high-fidelity speed. In other conditionsforthebaseline(M = 106.42,SE = .94)and words, we need I(Q) = K(P||Q)/H(P) × 100% more IVS-ES(M =123.90,SE =1.31)conditions. bitsofinformationifweweretousethelow-fidelityspeed To explore if these differences were significant, a mixed- data (Q) as an approximation to the high-fidelity distribu- factorialANOVAwasperformedonthedata. Themixed- tion(P). Werefertothisquantity(E(Q)=100%−I(Q)) factorial ANOVA found the observed differences in speed theapproximationefficiencyanditisprovidedfortherele- to be significant, as there were significant main-effects of vantconditionsinFigure3a-c. both IVS condition (F(1,636) = 141.41,p < .01) and As the E(Q) metric suggests, the low-fidelity data pro- technology conditions (F(1,636) = 25.66,p < .01). videareasonablyefficientapproximationtothereal-world Moreover,therewasasignificantinteractionbetweentech- distributions (mean E(Q) = 81% efficiency). This re- nologyandIVSconditions(F(1,636)=121.04,p<.01), sult agrees with previous theoretical work (Schlicht et al., where those in the IVS -ES group displayed significantly 2012) that demonstrated small differences between low- greater speeds over posted values than those in the other andhigh-fidelityenvironmentsdonotadverselyimpactthe conditions. Clearly,thisinteractionwasdrivingthesignifi- ability of the low-fidelity data to be used to predict high- cantmain-effectsthatwereobserved. fidelityperformance. AlthoughitisobviousthatincreasedspeedintheIVS-ES Thisisimportantifwewishtotrainourmodelusinglow- conditionwillresultinincreasedpropertydamageandin- fidelity data without quantitative adjustment. If there was juryseverityintheeventofacrash,itisunclearaboutthe lowerapproximationefficiencybetweenthelow-andhigh- extenttowhichthisistrue. Afterall,ifin-vehiclesignin- fidelity speed data, then quantitative methods would have formationweretoreplaceexternalsigns,itwouldpresum- tobeleveragedinordertocombinethedatainameaning- ably save money on infrastructure costs, so it is desirable ful manner; previous theoretical studies investigated such to understand the balance of these two factors in order to methods (Schlicht et al., 2012) and when they should be makeaninformeddecisionabouttherelativeutilityofthe leveraged. IVStechnology. MultifidelityRiskEstimation-SubmittedtoICML2017 Inordertoprovideaproof-of-conceptofhowsuchanesti- matecouldbeestablished,wefocusedonhowtheobserved (cid:88) (cid:88) E(V (o))= L(o ) p(o |a ,s )p(s |sp,i,c)p(sp)p(i) increases in speed will impact the expected lives lost, in c j j t i i the event of different types of crashes. The next section j i∈I (cid:88) will overview the predictive model and risk analysis done = L(o )p(o |a ,s)p(s|sp,c)p(sp) j j t tothatend. j (1) 3.MultifidelityRiskEstimation whereE(V (o))istheexpected-valueassociatedwithIVS c conditioncacrossoutcomeso. L(o )isthelossassociated j In order to estimate the risk involved with a system, per- withrealizingoutcomej,andp (o |s,a )istheprobabil- c j t formance needs to be evaluated across several conditions. ityofrealizingoutcomej, giventhespeedsandaccident Itisintractabletorunhuman-in-the-loopexperimentsover type t. The conditional probability p(s | sp,c) represents alltypesofpeopleandsituations. Moreover,itisimpossi- theprobabilityofobservingspeedsgiventhepostedspeed ble to leverage high-fidelity data when evaluating the risk sp and IVS condition c. This conditional probability was associatedwithasystemthathasyettobedeployed.There- derived by marginalizing over individual participant fac- fore, it is desirable to develop a model that is able to pre- tors, (I), which also impact the rates of observed speed. dict human performance across the technological and en- Finally,p(sp)isthemarginalprobabilityofpostedspeeds vironmentalconditionsofinterest. Themodelcanbeused acrossaregion(temporalorgeographical)ofinterest. in Monte-Carlo simulation to evaluate the risk associated with deploying different types of IVS technology. This Inthegeneralcase,L(oj)couldquantifypropertydamage, section will describe the model and assumptions used for injuryseverityandfatalityrates. However,forthepurpose oureffortstothisend. Inthecontextofthecurrentstudy, ofthecurrentstudy,wewillutilizealoss-functionthatfo- cuses on fatality rates. More specifically, our loss func- tion simply provides a unit reward for a positive outcome L(o = 1) = +1, andanegativeunitpenaltyforafatality L(o=0)=−1. Notice that in order to reliably estimate p(s | sp,c), it re- quiresthatwequantifythedistributionofobservedspeeds i sp a t in the real-world across various speed zones (sp), operat- ing under different IVS technology conditions c. This is intractable, as we can only use high-fidelity traffic data to estimate this distribution for the baseline condition p(s | c s o i sp,c = baseline technology); the IVS conditions do not occur outside our low-fidelity simulation, so we need to developamodelthatcanhelpuspredictp(s|sp,c)forthe IVS+ESandIVS-ESconditions. L Candidate predictive models were proposed in the order of increasing complexity (i.e., in the number of features andmodelparameters). Itwasdiscoveredthataquadratic Figure5. BayesiannetworkforIVSriskestimation model seemed to be the best balance between model sim- plicity and predictive performance. We converged on a verysimplenonlinearmodelthatusesonlytwofeatures: we would like to estimate the fatality risk associated with 1. Speed in the baseline condition for each zone (i.e., different IVS technology conditions (c). Figure 5 shows postedspeedzone,z),averagedacrossparticipantssb. z theBayesiannetworkusedfortheIVSMonte-Carlosimu- Essentially,thisfeatureencodesaveragespeedingbe- lation. Shaded circles represent observable random vari- haviorforaparticularpostedspeedzonewhennoIVS ables, white circles represent unobservable random vari- ispresent.Noticethatthisfeaturecanbeestimatedvia ables, squares represent the loss function associated with high-fidelityorlow-fidelitydata. realizing the possible outcomes (o), and arrows represent 2. IVSconditionindicatorvariableencodingtheabsence causalrelationshipsbetweenvariables. orpresenceofexternalsignsδ ∈0,1,respectively. c Formally,thisdirected-acyclicgraph(DAG)representsthe followingprobabilisticrelationship: Specifically,themodeltakes-onthefollowingform: MultifidelityRiskEstimation-SubmittedtoICML2017 Inordertoestimatep(sc |s ,c=baselinetechnology),we z z sc =w +w ∗sb +w ∗δ +w ∗(sb)2 (2) useddatafroma2014MnDOTATRreport.Speeddatawas z 0 1 z 2 c 3 z providedforfourdifferentspeedzones(40,50,55and60 Figure 6 shows the model performance on training data mph),andthefrequencyoftheobservedspeedsforagiven across baseline speeds for each IVS condition. The solid zonewerebinnedusingbinsizesof5mph. Sinceweneed coloredlineshowsthemeanpredictionacrosseachofthe to estimate the average baseline speed to use as a feature 10modelweightswestimatedfromthek-foldcrossvalida- forourpredictivemodel,wecomputedtheweightedaver- tionprocedure,andtheshadedregionsrepresent±1SEM. agespeedobservedineachzoneonceanhour,andthere- sultingdistributionofthosehourlyspeedswasusedtoesti- matep(sc |s ,c=baselinetechnology). Usingthishigh- z z fidelityspeeddata,weperformedkerneldensityestimation 65 on the average baseline speed distributions for each zone Predicted IVS -ES 60 Predicted IVS +ES (z). Then,averagespeedsweresampledfromthebaseline Actual IVS -ES Actual IVS +ES distribution(N=10,000),andthecorrespondingspeedsfor 55 )h thedifferentIVStechnologyconditionswerepredictedby p m ( d50 usingthebaselinesamplesasinputsintoEquation2. Now e epS45 that we have predicted observed speeds scz for each IVS SV condition (c) and posted speed zone (z), we need to esti- I40 mate p(sc | s ,c). This was also accomplished by using z z 35 kerneldensityestimationwithakernelwidthoftwo. Fig- ure 8 shows the results of estimating distributions associ- 30 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 ated with each IVS technology condition , marginalizing Baseline Speed(mph) overallpostedspeedzonesp(sc |c)=(cid:80) p(sc |s ,c). z z z Figure6. Trainingperformanceofmodel Figure 7 shows the predictive performance of the model. 0.06 Predictive performance was evaluated using k-fold cross- Baseline validation,wherethedatasetispartitionedintodatathatis IVS +ES 0.05 IVS -ES usedtoestimatemodelparameters(i.e.,trainingdata)and data that is used to evaluate predictive performance (i.e., 0.04 testdata). Thispartitioningprocedureisperformedk =10 ytilib a0.03 b times across the data and the results of the models ability o rP topredictthetestdataisshownonFigure7. Ifthemodel 0.02 resultedinperfectprediction,allthedatawouldfallonthe 0.01 dashed-line. Asthefigureshows, thequadraticmodelde- fined in Equation 2 is able to predict speed in each IVS 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 conditionfrombaselinedata,withamedianpredictioner- Observed Speed (mph) rorof±2.2mph. Figure8. Samplingdistributionsusedinriskestimation The distribution p (o = 1 | a = t,s) needs to be esti- c j t 70 matedfromhigh-fidelitydata,aswedidnotexperienceany 65 Median Prediction Error = 2.15 crashesinlow-fidelitysimulation. Thiswasaccomplished )h60 byleveraginghigh-fidelitytrafficdatafromaninternational pm source.1 Probitregressionwasutilizedtorecreatethefatal- ( d55 ee itycurvesforeachofthethreecrashtypes(i.e.,pedestrian, pS d50 side-impact,front-impact).Morespecifically,theprobabil- e tcid45 ity of fatality for each speed and crash type was given by e rP40 p (o = 0 | a = t,s), and is depicted in Figure 9. The c t 35 probability of surviving a crash pc(o = 1 | at = t,s) is simply1−p (o=0|a =t,s).Althoughthehigh-fidelity 30 c t 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 dataarefromaninternationalsource,theresultsshouldbe Actual Speed (mph) 1Data adapted from Victorian Government Online Report, Figure7. Predictiveperformanceofmodel Figure2C MultifidelityRiskEstimation-SubmittedtoICML2017 valid across a wide range of situations, as the data should expected-value can be intuited as the expected number of notbestronglycorrelatedwithgeographicalfactors. How- lives lost in the event of an unmitigated crash of type t. ever,themarginalprobabilityofcrashtypep(a )mayvary Expected-value, in this case, ranges between -1 and +1. t acrossregions,butthiswillnotimpactourresults,asweare Thegreatertheexpected-value,thegreaterthesafetyofthe computingriskseparatelyacrosscrashtypes,asdescribed system. In this respect, we are able to evaluate the safety below. associated the IVS technology, and the goal of designing an IVS system should be to maximize the EV associated withthetechnology,whichcorrespondstominimizingthe expectedrisk. 1 ytila0.8 ta F fo0.6 0 y BL Pedestrians tilib0.4 -0.2 BL Side ab e BL Front o Pedestrians u rP0.2 Side Impact al-0.4 Front Impact V 0 d e 0 20 40 60 80 100 ct-0.6 Speed (mph) e p x E-0.8 Figure9. Probabilityoffatalityacrossaccidenttypes -1 Finally, in order to simplify our expected value calcula- tions,weonlycomputetheexpected-valueassociatedwith IVS +ES IVS -ES eachIVSconditionintheeventofancrash. Moreover,we computethisseparatelyforeachcrashtype,whichsimpli- Technology fiesEquation1to: (cid:88) Figure10.Average risk across technology conditions and acci- E(Vt(o))= L(o )p(o |a =t,s)p(s|sp,c)p(sp) c j j t denttypes j (3) TocomparerelativesafetyoftheIVStechnology,wecom- Equation3iswhatwasutilizedtoevaluateriskfortheIVS puted the EV associated with the baseline condition (Fig- conditions in this study. Leveraging the loss function and ure 10, horizontal colored lines). It was found that EV in probabilityestimatesdescribedabove,wewereabletoper- the baseline condition for an crash involving a pedestrian formMonte-Carlosimulation(Algorithm1)toproducethe was the least safe (M = -.99, SE = .01), and EV associ- IVSriskestimatesfoundinFigure10. ated with a side- and (M = -.92, SE = .01) front-impact was also negative (M = -.37, SE = ,01). The negative es- Algorithm1IVSMonte-CarloRiskSimulation timated risk is what would be expected from the fatality 1: forn∈Nsimulationsdo curvesdepictedinFigure9,andthespeeddistributionsthat 2: sp ←sample∼p(sp) wereprovidedbyMnDOTandusedforthisrisksimulation n 3: forc∈C do (Figure 8). For example, the near negative-one EV asso- 4: sc ←sample∼p(s|spn,c) ciatedwithcrashesinvolvingapedestrianresultsfromthe 5: fort∈T do fact that almost all the observed speeds for which we had 6: ptc ←p(oj =0|at =t,sc) high-fidelitydataaregreaterthanthespeedassociatedwith 7: evct,n ←(ptc×L(o=0))+((1−ptc)×L(o= p(oj =0|at =t,sc)=1. 1)) Expected-value for the IVS +ES condition demonstrates 8: endfor that the technology actually improved safety relative to 9: endfor baselineconditionsinthecaseofancrashinvolvingafront 10: endfor impact(M=-0.21,SE=.01).However,forcrashesinvolv- 11: E(Vt(o))= 1 ×(cid:80) evt c N n c,n ingside-impact(M=-.94,SE=.01)andpedestrians(M=- .99,SE=.01),EVwascomparabletolevelsinthebaseline Figure 10 shows the average EV associated with differ- condition, suggesting that the IVS technology minimally entcrashtypesacrossIVSconditions. Inthisformulation, impactsthesafetyassociatedwiththosecrashtypes. MultifidelityRiskEstimation-SubmittedtoICML2017 Finally, expected-value for the IVS condition without ex- ment. This allows for candidate technologies to be evalu- ternalsigns(-ES)demonstratesthatthetechnologysignifi- ated at the stage of conception, and enables a mechanism cantlydecreasedsafetyrelativetobaselineconditions.This foronlythesafestandmosteffectivetechnologytobede- was true across crashes involving pedestrians (M = -1.00, velopedandreleased. SE=.01),side-(M=-.99,SE=.01)andfront-impact(M =-.65,SE=.02). Clearly,theincreasesinspeedobserved Acknowledgements (Figure4)intheIVS-ESconditionadverselyimpactscrash safetyexpectation. ThisanalysiswasfundedMinnesotaLocalRoadResearch Board and performed under MnDOT Contract Number 4.Conclusions 99008,WorkOrderNumber145. AspecialthankstoVic- torLund,projectTechnicalLiasonandTrafficEngineerof This study proposed a multifidelity method to quantita- St. Louis County, MN. The authors would like to thank tivelyevaluatetheriskassociatedwithtransportationtech- JanetCreaser,MichaelManser,andPeterEasterlundofthe nology, prior to deployment. As proof-of-concept, we es- HumanFIRST Program, in addition to Alec Gorjestani of timatedtheriskassociatedwithin-vehiclesign(IVS)tech- theIntelligentVehiclesLaboratoryfortheirassistancedur- nologyandfoundthatrelyingonIVSinformationaloneled ingtheexperimentaldesignandlow-fidelitydatacollection to a significant increase in expected fatalities for crashes portion of this project. Moreover, we would like to thank involvingfront-andside-impact,relativetostatusquocon- Derek Leuer, Nathan Drews and Eric DeVoe of MnDOT ditions (Figure 10). The increased risk was the result of forprovidingsomeofthehigh-fidelitytrafficdatausedfor increasesinspeedunderIVStechnologyconditionswhere ourriskanalysis. externalsignswereabsent(Figure4). 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