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Estimating Ancestral Ranges: Testing Methods with a Clade of Neotropical Lizards (Iguania: Liolaemidae) Juan Manuel Dı´az Go´mez* Ca´tedradeDiversidadBiolo´gicaIV,FacultaddeCienciasNaturales,CONICET-IBIGEO,UniversidadNacionaldeSalta,Salta,Argentina Abstract Establishing the ancestral ranges of distribution of a monophyletic clade, called the ancestral area, is one of the central objectivesofhistoricalbiogeography.Inthisstudy,Iusedthreecommonmethodologiestoestablishtheancestralareaof an important clade of Neotropical lizards, the family Liolaemidae. The methods used were: Fitch optimization, Weighted AncestralAreaAnalysisandDispersal-VicarianceAnalysis(DIVA).Amaindifferencefrompreviousstudiesisthattheareas used in the analysis are defined based on actual distributions of the species of Liolaemidae, instead of areas defined arbitrarilyor basedonothertaxa.Theancestralarea ofLiolaemidaefound byFitchoptimizationisPrepuna onArgentina, CentralChileandCoastalPeru.WeightedAncestralAreaAnalysisfoundCentralChile,Coquimbo,Payunia,AustralPatagonia and Coastal Peru. Dispersal-Vicariance analysis found an ancestral area that includes almost all the areas occupied by Liolaemidae,exceptAtacama,CoquimboandAustralPatagonia.Theresultscanberesumedontwoopposinghypothesis:a restrictedancestralareafortheancestorofLiolaemidaeinCentralChileandPatagonia,orawidespreadancestordistributed alongtheAndes.Somelimitationsofthemethodswereidentified,forexampletheexcessiveimportanceofplesiomorphic areas inthe cladograms. Citation:D´ıazGo´mezJM(2011)EstimatingAncestralRanges:TestingMethodswithaCladeofNeotropicalLizards(Iguania:Liolaemidae).PLoSONE6(10): e26412.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026412 Editor:BrianGratwicke,Smithsonian’sNationalZoologicalPark,UnitedStatesofAmerica ReceivedJune1,2011;AcceptedSeptember26,2011;PublishedOctober20,2011 Copyright:(cid:2)2011JuanManuelD´ıazGo´mez.Thisisanopen-accessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,which permitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthorandsourcearecredited. Funding: The workwas funded by theConsejoNacional de InvestigacionesCient´ıficas y Te´cnicas (CONICET -www.conicet.gob.ar),in form of a doctoral fellowshiptotheauthor,andtheConsejodeInvestigacio´ndelaUniversidadNacionaldeSalta(CIUNSa),ProyectoNu1783.Thefundershadnoroleinstudy design,datacollectionandanalysis,decisiontopublish,orpreparationofthemanuscript. CompetingInterests:Theauthorhasdeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *E-mail:[email protected] Introduction different than the sum of the individual areas of the species. As such, ancestral area analysis is not ad hoc or unscientific [3], but Inferring the ancestral area of distribution for a clade of another way to make hypotheses to explain the distribution of organismsisoneoftheclassicgoalsofhistoricalbiogeography[1], taxa. andispartofthenaturalhistoryoftheorganisms.Instudiesthat The main procedure to study the biogeography of individual trytoassesstherelativeimportanceofvicarianceanddispersalin groups is the ancestral area methodology. Ancestral area analysis the distribution of a group of organisms and its speciation, an was proposed by Bremer [6] as a way to identify the area of important subject is the reconstruction of the ancestral ranges of distribution of the ancestor of a monophyletic group, which he distribution for thetaxaanalyzed [2]. termed ancestral area. Historical biogeography deals with two kinds of problems, as Themainassumptionoftheancestralareaapproachisthatthe pointedbyHovenkamp[3]:EarthhistoryandTaxonhistory.The ancestral area of a taxon can be inferred from the topological firstapproachattemptstoestablisharearelationshipsbasedonthe informationinitsareacladogram[8],giventheassumptionsthat phylogenies of at least two taxa inhabiting the areas of interest. (1)plesiomorphicareasinacladogramaremorelikelypartofthe The taxon-history approach seeks to elucidate the biogeographic ancestral area than apomorphic areas; and (2) areas represented history of particular taxa. The utility of the latter approach has onmorethanonebranchhaveahigherprobabilityofbeingpart been criticized [4,5] because inferences are restricted to general oftheancestralareathanareaslessrepresented.Forancestralarea patterns. However, as noted by Bremer [6], the search for the analysis,Iappliedthreemethods:Fitchoptimization[7],weighted historical biogeography of individual groups is a valid procedure, ancestral area Analysis [8], and Dispersal-Vicariance analysis andispartofthestudyofthenaturalhistoryoftheorganisms.In (DIVA) [9]. These methods use optimizations with reversible many cases, the main assumption of vicariance biogeography, parsimony for estimating ancestral areas. Fitch optimization was namelythattheancestralareaofataxonisidenticaltothepresent proposed by Ronquist [7] to avoid the problems of Camin-Sokal distribution, maynot apply.For example,widespread (cosmopol- (irreversible) parsimony originally proposed by Bremer [6]. itan)groupsconsistingofmanytaxaofverylimiteddistributions.If Weighted ancestral area analysis uses Fitch parsimony with a extant taxa are limited in their distribution, it does not seem weightingschemethatweightsfavorablyplesiomorphic,andmore probablethatitscommonancestorwascosmopolitan[6].Another common areas. With this method, a probability index (PI) is example is when all relatives of widespread taxa have limited calculatedtogiveameasureofthelikelihoodofaparticulararea distributions,asisthecaseofthehumansandthegreatapes[7].In being part of the ancestral area. DIVA searches ancestral areas these cases, it may seem logical to search for an ancestral area using a three-dimensional cost matrix that gives different costs to PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 1 October2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e26412 EstimatingAncestralRangesinNeotropicalLizards events, minimizingthe dispersal events needed for explaining the scenario assumes that the southern populations of Phymaturus distributions.Usingthisapproach,vicarianceeventshavenocost, would have experienced more drastic climatic and vegetation whereasdispersalsandextinctionshaveacostofoneperareaunit changesthanthenorthernpopulations,whichwouldhavecaused addedtothedistribution.Theoptimalreconstruction(s)arethose extinctions of several of the original southern populations. requiring theminimal number of dispersal events. Recently, Lobo & Quinteros [24] studied the historical biogeog- Ancestral area methods have been criticized, mainly on the raphy of Phymaturus, assigning to their terminal taxa the areas basis that these methods are strictly a dispersalist approach proposed by other authors [36–38]. They discussed the congru- [10,11], or because of their basic assumption, namely that more ence of the various phylogenies that they obtained with the area plesiomorphicareaswillbemorelikelytobepartoftheancestral cladograms of the aforementioned authors. They also compared area, comparing it to the progression rule of Hennig [12], or the area relationships inferred from the Phymaturus phylogenies because of the impossibility of identifying one basal area in a with the biogeographic analysis of the relationships between symmetrical cladogram [13,14,15]. Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis provinces of the Andean subregion made by Morrone [39,40]. has also been criticized for its bias towards an all-vicariance However,theydidnotperformanyformalbiogeographicanalysis. explanation [16], and for its inability to model extinction and D´ıaz Go´mez [16] made the first analysis of the historical range expansions [17]. biogeography of Phymaturus using quantitative methodology. In Recently, a new method for estimating geographic range thatstudy,anancestralareaanalysiswasmadeonatreethatalso evolution [18,19] named Dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis model includedCtenoblepharysandasingleterminalrepresentingLiolaemus, (DEC)havebeenproposed.Thismethodenablestheinferenceof usingthreedifferentmethodsofanalysis.However,theareasused ancestralrangesinalikelihoodframework,rangecontractionsand in that study were previously defined, and based on the expansions are caused by dispersal to an unoccupied area and distribution of arthropods [36–38]. local extinction within an area. This method requires an explicit In the case of Liolaemus, there have been biogeographic studies description of likelihood of dispersal between areas and estimates using formal analyses: Young-Downey [41] made a Brooks oflineagedivergencetimes.Givenaphylogeny,thedistributionof Parsimony Analysis (BPA) on a phylogeny of Liolaemus; Lobo thetaxainvolved,andanexplicitmodelofDispersal-extinctinand [42] in a phylogenetic analysis of the Chilean group of Liolaemus cladogenesis, dispersal and extinction rates are calculed using assignedtheareasdefinedbyRoig-Jun˜ent[43]tothespecieslisted maximumlikelihood. asterminals;Schulteetal.[44]optimizedthedistributionofspecies Ancestral area methods however, despite all its shortcomings, of Liolaemus on a molecular phylogeny, making an ancestral area remain being widely used as ways toinfer the history of a taxon. analysis, although it was not explicit. D´ıaz Go´mez & Lobo [45] DIVA in particular, remain very popular in the literature (more madeanancestralareaanalysisoftheChileangroupofLiolaemus than 340 citations since it was published [17]), hence, it is very using Fitch optimization, Weighted Ancestral Area Analysis and importanttoevaluatethebehaviorofthemorecommonmethods Dispersal-Vicariance analysis(DIVA). used forreconstructing ancestral ranges. Acommonproblemofallthosestudiesisthattheareasusedas units for the analyses were based on other taxa’s distribution Liolaemidae [16,24,42,45], or arbitrarily defined [44]. As a result, the areas Liolaemid lizards are the most common reptiles of southern maynotdescribeadequatelythedistributionofLiolaemidlizards. South America. Members of this clade are distributed from the Mostoftheselizardshaverestricteddistributions,orareendemic highAndesofcentralPerutotheshoresofTierradelFuegoand [46], so choosing an area much larger (such as geopolitical units, fromsealeveltomorethan5000m[19–24].Liolaemidaeconsists or areas based on vegetation) than the distribution of liolaemid of three genera: Ctenoblepharys, Liolaemus, and Phymaturus [25–28], species will cause unwanted situations: i.e: species that are which currently include approximately 240 species [23,28,29]. allopatric having assigned the same area, or species that are ThemonotypicCtenoblepharysisknownonlyfromcoastalsouthern presentonlyinasmallpartoftheareaassignedtothem,effectively Peru [26 and is the sister taxon of the clade Liolaemus plus overestimating theactualdistributions. Phymaturus[28,29].Phymaturusarerobust,saxicolouslizards,which This paper aims to evaluate the behavior of three common are distributed from the high Andes of western Argentina and methodsforancestralareaanalysis:Fitchoptimization,Weighted eastern Chile, to the Patagonian tablelands of Argentina [24]. Ancestral Area Analysis and Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis, using Liolaemus is the most diverse genus of lizards in the southern as example the lizard family Liolaemidae, making a historical hemisphere,include223recognizedspecies(secondonlytoAnolis biogeographyanalysisthataddressestheshortcomingsofprevious in species richness), and an average of 4–5 new species are contributions, and using for the first time for this family, areas described per year[23,30,31]. definedbasedonactualdistributionsratherthanpredefinedorad Despite the importance of the group and the publication of hocareas. several recent phylogenies, there are few explicit, quantitative studies dealing with its historical biogeography. Cei [32] Materials and Methods characterized the Patagonia as an active centre for speciation anddispersalforthePatagonianherpetofauna,includingLiolaemus Phylogeny as an example of recent adaptive radiation. Later [21], an The ancestral area methods require a phylogeny of the taxa Andean-Patagonian origin was proposedfor Phymaturus,based on understudy.However,todatethereisnocompletephylogenyof the refuge theory for geographic speciation, where the patagonic the three genera published. Recent molecular based phylogenies tablelands would have acted as refuges and neo-dispersal centres [29] found Liolaemus and Phymaturus as sister taxa, with Cteno- [33].Pereyra[34]basedonapheneticanalysisusingmeristicand blepharysassistertothatclade.Followingthatthehypothesisfrom chromosomicdata,supportedadispersalscenarioproposedbyCei that study, a cladogram including the three genera was [35] that placed Patagonia as the centre of origin for Phymaturus constructed (called a metatree [47]) (Fig. 1). For Liolaemus, recent with the northern range of Phymaturus in Catamarca province, phylogenies were used for the Chilean group [45], and Argentina, where it is ecologically replaced by a species of Argentinian (Eulaemus) group [28,29]. Phymaturus phylogeny was LiolaemuswhichinhabitssimilarrockyhabitatsasPhymaturus.This takenfromLobo&Quinteros[24].Ctenoblepharyswasthenadded PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 2 October2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e26412 EstimatingAncestralRangesinNeotropicalLizards After the analysis, to each of the 170 species included in the phylogeny depicted in the metatree, an area unit was assigned following the results of the NDM analysis. The species that were notrecoveredasendemictoanyareahadtobeassignedtooneor more areas examining its distribution and comparing it to the areas foundintheNDManalysis. Ancestral area analysis For the ancestral area analysis three different methods were used: Fitch optimization [7], Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis (DIVA) [9] and Weighted Ancestral Area Analysis (WAAA henceforth) [8]. These methods use reversible parsimony to optimize the areas on a tree, finding an estimate of the ancestral distribution of a monophyletic clade, the ancestral area. Fitch optimizationwasproposedbyRonquist[7]asanalternativetothe Camin-Sokal (irreversible) optimization proposed originally by Bremer [6]. DIVA uses a three-dimensional cost matrix that assigns different costs to events (extinctions, dispersals and vicariance) in order to minimize dispersal events. Using this Figure1.Cladogramdepictingthephylogeneticrelationships approach, vicariance events have no cost, whereas dispersals and of the family Liolaemidae, constructed joining recent partial extinctions have a cost of one per area unit added to the phylogeniesforeachofthecladesincluded(calledaMetatree). distribution.Theoptimalreconstruction(s)arethoserequiringthe Eachterminal,withtheexception ofCtenoblepharysrepresentseveral minimalnumberofdispersalevents.WAAAusesFitchparsimony species: chiliensis group, 86 species; boulengeri group, 40 species; with a weighting scheme that weights favourably plesiomorphic montanusgroup,9species,lineomaculatusgroup,12species. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026412.g001 areas,andareasmorecommonasterminals.Withthismethod,a probability index (PI) is calculated to give a measure of the likelihood ofa particular area being part of theancestral area. as the most basal taxon. The total number of species included in For the DIVA analysis an additional adjustment was needed. the phylogeny is 170 (147 Liolaemus, 22 Phymaturus and Cteno- Duetoalimitationofthesoftware[9]nomorethan15areaunits blepharys). canbeusedintheanalysis.Inordertoapplythemethod,theareas obtained by the NDM analysis were examined and areas which Area selection overlapped extensively (i.e. more than 50 percent) were joined In order to improve over the previous contributions, an forming onearea tobeusedintheDIVA analysis. endemism analysis was made to delimit or describe area units to FitchoptimizationwasmadewiththesoftwareTNTversion1.1 be used in the ancestral area analysis, based on actual Liolaemid [54], constructing a matrix consisting on the tree and one distributions. For the endemism analysis, distributional data were characterrepresentingthedistributionoftheterminals.Weighted collectedforallthespeciesincludedinthemetatree,frommuseum Ancestral Area Analysis was made with the help of an Excel collections and from theliterature. A data matrix was constructed spreadsheet,andDispersalVicarianceAnalysiswasmadewiththe and analyzed using the software NDM (Endems) [49,50]. NDM softwareDIVA,version1.2[9].Thefollowingoptionswereused: searches for areas of endemism using an optimality criterion that settings: hold=32767, weight=1.000,age=1.000. includesaspatialcomponent.NDMhasbeenshowntooutperform Dispersal-evolution-cladogenesis model (DEC) was not applied other common methods for identifying areas of endemism inthisstudybecausethemethodrequiresmolecularphylogeniesto [49,51,52]suchasParsimonyAnalysisofEndemicity(PAE;[53]), estimate likelihoods, and two of the phylogenies used (Chilean that consists on scoring on a grid presences/absences of a set of group of Liolaemus and Phymaturus) are strictly morphology-based, speciesinamatrix,andthenanalyzingitunderparsimonyusingthe andarethemostcompletepublishedtodate,includingmorethan gridsasterminalsandthespeciesascharacters.Cladessupportedby half of thespecies included in thispaper, making it impossible to twoormoretaxaareconsideredtorepresentareasofendemism.A evaluatethisnewandpotentiallyusefulapproachtotheestimation gridsizeof0.75u60.75uwasused;asthereisnoformalargumentto of ancestral ranges. select a ‘better’ grid size, different grid sizes were evaluated, and selected the size that produced more areas, defined by more Results taxa(with higher endemicity index). Grid origins were fixed at X=280, Y=5. Radius size used were: to fill: X=40, Y=40; to Areas assume X=80, y=80. Searches for endemism areas were The NDM analysis gave as a result 40 areas, and after the conductedusingthefollowingoptions:savesetswithtwoormore consensus procedure 32 remained (Table 1). These areas are endemicspecies,withscoreof1.5orhigher;swaponecellatatime; showninFigure2.TheareasusedfortheDIVAanalysisarelisted discard superfluous sets; keep overlapping subsets only if 50% of in Table 2. Ctenoblepharys is not represented in any of the original species unique; use edge proportions. In order to improve the areas,anewareawasdefinedcorrespondingtothedistributionof support of the areas found, twenty replicates of the analysis were this genus, in order to be able to include Ctenoblepharys in the made,eachusingadifferentseednumber,andtheresultingareas analysis. weresavedina file.Later,duplicateareas were deleted usingthe command ‘d’, and a consensus was calculated using a cut-off of Ancestral area analysis 40% (percent of similarity in species), and including areas in the The ancestral area analyses were applied on the complete consensusonlyifitsharesthatpercentageofsimilaritywithallother phylogenies at species level, optimizing the distribution of areasintheconsensus. individual species, but for clarity, only the results at higher level PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 3 October2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e26412 EstimatingAncestralRangesinNeotropicalLizards Table1. Areacodification. # Area # Area 0 CentralChile(Maule,O’Higgins) H NorthernAtacama(Chile) 1 CumbresCalchaquies I LosLagos(Chile) 2 Atacama J CentralMonte(LaRioja) 3 Arica K CentralChile(Metropolitana,O’Higgins) 4 PrepunaofCatamarca L CentralPatagonia(SantaCruz) 5 CentralBolivia M NorthernPatagonia 6 Araucan´ıa,B´ıo-B´ıo N CentralPatagonia(R´ıoNegro) 7 Payunia O Coquimbo 8 CentralR´ıoNegro P CentralChile(Coquimbo) 9 PayuniaandCentralChile Q PayuniaandMonteCentral A PrepunaofSaltaandJujuy R CentralMonte(Mendoza) B Atacama(Chile) S Prepuna(JujuyandBolivia) C PunaofJujuy T AustralPatagonia D Cuyo U SierrasSubandinasandCumbresCalchaqu´ıes E AtacamaandCoquimbo V PrepunaandMonteBoreal F Maule W CoastalCentralPeru G AtacamaandPunaofBolivia Thetableshowthelettersusedtorepresentdifferentareasfoundbytheendemismanalysis. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026412.t001 cladesarereported.Allthreemethods(Table3)recoveredCentral (CoastalPeru),whichisthemostbasalareainthecladogram,and Chile and Payunia as part of the ancestral area for Liolaemidae. appears as part of the ancestral area for the family, rendering a TheareaCoastalPerualsoappearedaspartoftheancestralarea, disjunctancestralarea.Theproblemwithdisjunctsancestralareas yielding a disjunct ancestral area (Figure 3). Both Fitch isthatthisdisjunctionhastobeexplainedbydeficientsamplingor optimization and WAAA recovered an ancestral area smaller undetected extinctions, as one monophyletic clade cannot have than the distribution of Liolaemidae, which implies dispersalist originatedinmorethanoneareasimultaneously,aswouldbethe explanations.DIVAontheotherhandrecoveredanancestralarea case of a disjunct ancestral area. Unsurprisingly, this is the same almost equal as the actual distribution of Liolaemidae, preferring result as the one from the historical biogeography analysis of mostly vicariant explanations. Phymaturus [16], even though in this study a complete phylogeny Fitch optimization assigned to the family Liolaemidae as with more appropriate areas for Liolaemus was used. The area ancestral the following areas: Prepuna of Catamarca, Payunia Coastal Peru will appear as part of the ancestral area in every and Central Chile, Maule, Central Chile (Regio´n Metropolitana reconstruction,eventhoughitistheareaofonlyonespecies,just andO’Higgins)andCoastalPeru(correspondingtoCtenoblepharys) becauseofitsbasalposition,showingthatthispositionofanarea (Fig. 4). WAAA assigns to the family Liolaemidae (Fig. 5) an in the cladogram will outweigh any other criteria WAAA tries to ancestral area formed by Central Chile, Maule, O’Higgins, solve the problem of giving excessive weight to plesiomorphic Coquimbo, Payunia, Austral Patagonia and Coastal Peru. areas counting how many times a particular area appears in the Dispersal Vicariance analysis assigned to the family Liolaemidae cladogram.Thisway,anareathatisnotplesiomorphiccanstillbe an ancestral area which encompasses almost all the actual recoveredasancestralifisoccupiedbyseveraltaxa.However,in distribution of the family, only Atacama, Coquimbo and part of practice the most plesiomorphic area will have the highest Austral Patagonia areexcluded (Fig.6). probability index of all, making very difficult for other areas to reacha similar index. Discussion Dispersal Vicariance Analysis uses reversible parsimony, but uses a cost scheme that favors vicariance, giving as a result About the methods ancestralareareconstructionsthatusuallyincludemost(ifnotall) Fitchoptimizationmayrecoveroneormoreareasasancestral, of the areas, or giving several equally optimal reconstructions ashappensforLiolaemidae.However,theinterpretation ofthese (Table 4; i.e. more than 100 reconstructions for Eulaemus). results is not direct. In the case of this study, Fitch optimization Ronquist [9] proposed two possible solutions: one is add more recovers four areas as ancestral, but these should not be outgroups,makingthebasalorrootnodenolongerroot;andlimit interpreted as one ancestral area formed by four units, but as themaximumnumberofareasallowedtobepartoftheancestral fourequallyprobableancestralareas.Assuch,Fitchoptimization area. The first solution, at least for Liolaemidae, is difficult to will produce an all-dispersal scenario, no matter how many area implement. In the phylogenetic proposal of Frost and Etheridge units arerecovered as ancestral. [55]LiolaemidaeisthemostbasalsubfamilyofTropiduridae,but Regarding plesiomorphic areas being more likely part of the thereisnoconsensusaboutitssistertaxon,soaddingoutgroupsfor ancestralarea,bothFitchoptimizationandWAAAgiveexcessive Liolaemidae isproblematic. Even ifoutgroups could be added, if importance to the basal position of a particular area in the those outgroups were distributed on an area not occupied by cladogram.ThisisevidentforthedistributionareaofCtenoblepharys Liolaemidae species, DIVA would add this new area to the PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 4 October2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e26412 EstimatingAncestralRangesinNeotropicalLizards Figure2.AreasfoundbyNDM(Endems),asoftwaretosearchandindentifyareasofendemism.2A:0:CentralChile(Maule,O’Higgins); 1:CumbresCalchaqu´ıes;2:Atacama;3:Arica;5:CentralBolivia;6:Araucan´ıaandB´ıoB´ıo;8:CentralR´ıoNegro;A:PrepunaofSaltaandJujuy;D:Cuyo; H:NorthernAtacama(Chile).-I:LosLagos;L:CentralPatagonia(SantaCruz);W:CoastalCentralPeru.2B:4:PrepunaofCatamarca;7:Payunia;B: Atacama(Chile);E:AtacamaandCoquimbo;F:Maule;N:CentralPatagonia(R´ıoNegro);T:AustralPatagonia.2C:9:PayuniaandCentralChile;C:Puna ofJujuy;J:CentralMonte(LaRioja);K:CentralChile(Metropolitana,O’Higgins);M:NorthernPatagonia.2D:G:AtacamaandPunaofBolivia;U:Sierras SubandinasandCumbresCalchaqu´ıes;O:Coquimbo;R:CentralMonte(Mendoza).2E:S:Prepuna(JujuyandBolivia);V:PrepunaandMonteBoreal;P: CentralChile.2F:Q:PayuniaandMonteCentral. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026412.g002 ancestral reconstruction (as happens with the area of Ctenoble- isn’tacriteriontoselectanumberofareastorestricttheancestral pharys). The second proposal allows restricting the maximum area, and this procedure should be used carefully. Kodandar- number of areas recovered as ancestral [16,51]. However, there amaiah[19]suggestedusingdifferentlevelsofconstraintinsteadof no constraining, or constraining to two or three areas; and avoiding the use of DIVA when large scale extinctions are Table2. AreasforDIVA. suspected, giventhat DIVAdoesnot model extinctions well. TherearemorethingstoconsideraboutDIVA.Theprogramis no longer maintained (it wasn’t available to download from Originalareas DIVAareas Originalareas DIVAareas Ronquist’swebsiteatthetimeofwritingthisarticle),andalsohas 1-4-D-I A L I some serious limitations: it cannot accept polytomies in the 0-F-K-R B V J cladograms,themaximumnumberoftaxathatcanbeincludedis 3-G-H C 8 K 180,andnomorethan15areaunitscanbeusedintheanalysis. ForLiolaemidae,thenumberofspeciescurrentlyismorethan240 6-7-9-Q D I L [30,31] and more are described each year. When updated 10-B-C-S-U E C M phylogenies are published, it will not be possible analyze them 2-E F 5 N with DIVA because of this limitation. The maximum number of M-N G Ctenoblepharys* O* areasallowedforcesonetomakeadhocdecisions,asjoiningareas O-P H to reach that number, which negates the advantage of make an endemismanalysistoidentifyareaswhichmoreaccuratelyreflect OriginalareasfromtheNDManalysisandresultingareasusedintheDIVA thedistribution of thespecies included inthestudy. analysis,obtainedbyjoiningtogethertheoriginalareas.ForCtenoblepharys, notrepresentedinanyoftheoriginalareas,anewareawasdefinedasO. Fortheanalysisofthehistoricalbiogeographyofataxon,Fitch doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026412.t002 optimizationshouldbeavoided,unlessadispersalistexplanationis PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 5 October2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e26412 EstimatingAncestralRangesinNeotropicalLizards Table3. Ancestralareas. Fitch WAAA DIVA Liolaemidae 49FKW 09FPQTW ABCDEGHIJKLMO Ctenoblepharys W W W Phymaturus 49FK 9N BDGIK Liolaemus 49FKQT 06FPT * Chiliensis 9FKQ 0679FKPQR BDGHLK Eulaemus 4T 4T * lineomaculatus T T ADGHILM (montanus+boulengeri) 4 18ACJV * montanus 4 AC ABCEH boulengeri 4 4JV ABDEGIJK AncestralareaassignationsforLiolaemidaeandincludedclades.Groupswithanasteriskhavemultipleoptimalreconstructions,listedinTable4. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026412.t003 preferred. Weighted ancestral area analysis and DIVA remain as Liolaemidae alternatives, bearing in mind their limitations, particularly in the InapreviousstudyofthehistoricalbiogeographyofPhymaturus, caseofDIVA.Usingfewerareaswillfacilitatetheanalysisandthe D´ıaz Go´mez [16] included two more terminals representing interpretationoftheresults,butthismayrequirecompromiseslike LiolaemusandCtenoblepharys.Inthatstudy,thesamemethodologies joining areas together, or constraining the maximum number of used here were applied, but the area units used were those areas recovered asancestral. proposedbyotherauthorsandwerebasedonarthropods[37–39]. Moreover, the area assigned to Liolaemus was not based on an explicit analysis, rather assigned based on a partial study of a subcladeofLiolaemus[46]andpaleontologicaldata.Inthatstudy, Patagonia Central and Coastal Peru were proposed as ancestral areasforthefamilyLiolaemidae.Withtheexceptionoftheareain Peru, the ancestral areas found in this study do not include Patagonia Central. The area Patagonia Central appeared in that study mainly becauseofitsbasalpositiononthecladogram.Theancestralarea methods favor more plesiomorphic areas as part of the ancestral areas.Also,theareaPatagoniaCentralasdefinedbyRoig-Jun˜ent et al. [39] also does not correspond with theareas found here for Liolaemidae, being awide area including most of the south of Argentina. Fitch optimization founds a disjunct ancestral area. Thiscould be interpreted in two ways: Only one of each of the areas is the ancestral area (as in character reconstruction), which implies an all-dispersalscenario,oracceptadisjunctancestralarea.However, as a monophyletic group can only have one origin, one must assumethatthedisjunctioniscausedbyextinctionorlackofdata. Also it is evident that the areas Coastal Peru and Prepuna of Catamarcaarerecoveredmainlybecauseoftheirbasalpositionin thecladogram. The results of this study can be resumed on two different and opposinghypotheses.Onepostulatesarestrictedancestralareafor theancestorofLiolaemidae,locatedinCentralChileandPayunia, and the current distribution would be explained by dispersal to Patagonia and, following the Andes to the north including Puna andPrepuna.Thepaleontologicalevidenceavailableiscongruent with this hypothesis; the oldest and currently only fossil of a memberoftheLiolaemidaefamilyisaLiolaemusfromtheMiocene of Patagonia, at the Gantman formation in Chubut, Argentina Figure 3. Cladogram of Liolaemidae with ancestral area [56]. assignations. The triangles indicate that each terminal represent The other hypothesis (from DIVA analysis) postulates a severalspecies.Thenumbersinsidetrianglesshownumberofspecies. widespread ancestor, distributed from Peru to the Patagonia, Normal: Fitch optimization, Italics: Weighted Ancestral Area Analysis. Bold:DispersalVicarianceAnalysis(DIVA).Nodeswithanasteriskhave following the Andes and arid regions in South America (Fig. 5). multipleoptimalreconstructions. The current distribution of the family would be explained by doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026412.g003 successive vicariant events that fragmented the distributions and PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 6 October2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e26412 EstimatingAncestralRangesinNeotropicalLizards Figure4.AncestralareaforLiolaemidaefoundbyFitchoptimization.NumbersorlettersrefertoFig.2.Formedby:PrepunaofCatamarca (4),PayuniaandCentralChile(9),Maule(F),CentralChile(Regio´nMetropolitanaandO’Higgins-K)andCoastalPeru´ (W). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026412.g004 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 7 October2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e26412 EstimatingAncestralRangesinNeotropicalLizards Figure5.AncestralareaforLiolaemidaefoundbyWeightedAncestralAreaAnalysis(WAAA).NumbersorlettersrefertoFig.2.Formed by:CentralChile(0),PayuniaandCentralChile(9),Maule(F),Coquimbo(P),Payunia(Q),AustralPatagonia(T),andCoastalPeru´ (W). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026412.g005 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 8 October2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e26412 EstimatingAncestralRangesinNeotropicalLizards Figure6.AncestralareaforLiolaemidaefoundbyDispersalVicarianceanalysis(DIVA).NumbersorlettersrefertoFig.2.Includesallarea units,exceptAtacama(B),Coquimbo(P)andAustralPatagonia(T). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026412.g006 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 9 October2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e26412 EstimatingAncestralRangesinNeotropicalLizards Table4. Multiplereconstrucions forDIVA. Node Reconstructions (boulengerimontanus) EJACEJBCEJABCEJCDEJACDEJBCDEJABCDEJCEGJACEGJBCEGJABCEGJCDEGJACDEGJBCDEGJABCDEGJCEHJACEHJBCEHJ ABCEHJCDEHJACDEHJBCDEHJABCDEHJCEGHJACEGHJBCEGHJABCEGHJCDEGHJACDEGHJBCDEGHJABCDEGHJCEIJACEIJBCEIJ ABCEIJCDEIJACDEIJBCDEIJABCDEIJCEGIJACEGIJBCEGIJABCEGIJCDEGIJACDEGIJBCDEGIJABCDEGIJCEHIJACEHIJBCEHIJABCEHIJ CDEHIJACDEHIJBCDEHIJABCDEHIJCEGHIJACEGHIJBCEGHIJABCEGHIJCDEGHIJACDEGHIJBCDEGHIJABCDEGHIJCEJKACEJKBCEJK ABCEJKCDEJKACDEJKBCDEJKABCDEJKCEGJKACEGJKBCEGJKABCEGJKCDEGJKACDEGJKBCDEGJKABCDEGJKCEHJKACEHJK BCEHJKABCEHJKCDEHJKACDEHJKBCDEHJKABCDEHJKCEGHJKACEGHJKBCEGHJKABCEGHJKCDEGHJKACDEGHJKBCDEGHJK ABCDEGHJKCEIJKACEIJKBCEIJKABCEIJKCDEIJKACDEIJKBCDEIJKABCDEIJKCEGIJKACEGIJKBCEGIJKABCEGIJKCDEGIJKACDEGIJK BCDEGIJKABCDEGIJKCEHIJKACEHIJKBCEHIJKABCEHIJKCDEHIJKACDEHIJKBCDEHIJKABCDEHIJKCEGHIJKACEGHIJKBCEGHIJK BCEGHIJKCDEGHIJKACDEGHIJKBCDEGHIJKABCDEGHIJK Eulaemus ACEJMABCEJMACDEJMABCDEJMACEGJMABCEGJMACDEGJMABCDEGJMACEHJMABCEHJMACDEHJMABCDEHJMACEGHJM ABCEGHJMACDEGHJMABCDEGHJMACEIJMABCEIJMACDEIJMABCDEIJMACEGIJMABCEGIJMACDEGIJMABCDEGIJMACEHIJM ABCEHIJMACDEHIJMABCDEHIJMACEGHIJMABCEGHIJMACDEGHIJMABCDEGHIJMACEJKMABCEJKMACDEJKMABCDEJKM ACEGJKMABCEGJKMACDEGJKMABCDEGJKMACEHJKMABCEHJKMACDEHJKMABCDEHJKMACEGHJKMABCEGHJKMACDEGHJKM ABCDEGHJKMACEIJKMABCEIJKMACDEIJKMABCDEIJKMACEGIJKMABCEGIJKMACDEGIJKMABCDEGIJKMACEHIJKMABCEHIJKM ACDEHIJKMABCDEHIJKMACEGHIJKMABCEGHIJKMACDEGHIJKMABCDEGHIJKMACEJLMABCEJLMACDEJLMABCDEJLMACEGJLM ABCEGJLMACDEGJLMABCDEGJLMACEHJLMABCEHJLMACDEHJLMABCDEHJLMACEGHJLMABCEGHJLMACDEGHJLMABCDEGHJLM ACEIJLMABCEIJLMACDEIJLMABCDEIJLMACEGIJLMABCEGIJLMACDEGIJLMABCDEGIJLMACEHIJLMABCEHIJLMACDEHIJLM ABCDEHIJLMACEGHIJLMABCEGHIJLMACDEGHIJLMABCDEGHIJLMACEJKLMABCEJKLMACDEJKLMABCDEJKLMACEGJKLM ABCEGJKLMACDEGJKLMABCDEGJKLMACEHJKLMABCEHJKLMACDEHJKLMABCDEHJKLMACEGHJKLMABCEGHJKLMACDEGHJKLM ABCDEGHJKLMACEIJKLMABCEIJKLMACDEIJKLMABCDEIJKLMACEGIJKLMABCEGIJKLMACDEGIJKLMABCDEGIJKLMACEHIJKLM ABCEHIJKLMACDEHIJKLMABCDEHIJKLMACEGHIJKLMABCEGHIJKLMACDEGHIJKLMABCDEGHIJKLM Liolaemus ACEHJLMABCEHJLMACDEHJLMABCDEHJLMACEGHJLMABCEGHJLMACDEGHJLMABCDEGHJLMACEHIJLMABCEHIJLMACDEHIJLM ABCDEHIJLMACEGHIJLMABCEGHIJLMACDEGHIJLMABCDEGHIJLMACEHJKLMABCEHJKLMACDEHJKLMABCDEHJKLMACEGHJKLM ABCEGHJKLMACDEGHJKLMABCDEGHJKLMACEHIJKLMABCEHIJKLMACDEHIJKLMABCDEHIJKLMACEGHIJKLMABCEGHIJKLM ACDEGHIJKLMABCDEGHIJKLM CladeswithmultipleoptimalreconstructionsfoundbyDIVA.Allreconstructionshavethesamecost,andareequallyprobable. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026412.t004 dispersalsinordertoexplainthespeciesfoundintheeastofSouth iguanian fauna of Patagonia, particularly for Liolaemus and America.Morepaleontologicaldatacouldbeusefultosupportthis Phymaturus. Later, Pereyra [34], based on a phenetic analysis, explanation, but unfortunately there are no fossil records for followed Cei’s hypothesis proposing Patagonia as the centre of Ctenoblepharys or Phymaturus. For Iguanidae the fossil record is origin for Phymaturus, postulating a differentiation between scarce [53], theearliest fossil that canbe referred to Iguanidae is northern and southern populations, and a posterior invasion to Pristiguanabrasiliensis,fromtheUpperCretaceousBauru´ formation thePatagoniabythenorthernspecies.Neitherofthesehypotheses of Brazil [58]. Interestingly, this fossil shows characters similar to are supported by the results of this study, that postulate as thetropidurines,acladecloselyrelatedtoLiolaemidae[25].There ancestralareaforPhymaturusPayunia,CentralChileandnorthern areotherrecordsforIguanianlizardsfortheCenozoicofBolivia Patagonia. In the case of the scenario proposed by Pereyra, only [59] and Patagonia [60]. If these fossils could be related to Fitch optimization includes part of the northern distribution of ancestorsofLiolaemidae,theywouldsupportawidespreadorigin Phymaturus(PrepunaofCatamarca),buttherearenodispersalsof for thefamily. thenorthern speciestosouthern areas. Some aspects of the distribution of Liolaemidae could be D´ıaz Go´mez [51] published an ancestral area analysis for explained by a widespread ancestor. For example, most Liolaemus Phymaturus, applying the same methodology used here, but using species are distributed in the arid regions of southern South areasdefinedbyarthropods[36].Inthatstudytheancestralarea America,andintheAndescordillera,precordilleraandPatagonia. forPhymaturuswasCentralPatagonia(plusAndeanCordilleraand However, a small group of species (of the weigmannii group) are Valle Central in Chile for DIVA analysis). The ancestral area distributed forming a series of‘islands’ fromthecoasts of Buenos found here by Fitch optimization is not congruent with those Aires, Uruguay and Brazil, up to Rio de Janeiro, associated with results. The WAAA results of this study are congruent with D´ıaz sand dunes. These species are disjunct from the rest of Liolaemus Go´mez (2007), including Central Chile and Central Patagonia. speciesthatarenotpresentintheChacoorinhumidforests.The However,theareaidentifiedasPatagoniainthepreviousstudyis desertification process from the Miocene to Pliocene [57] may much bigger than the area defined here as Central Patagonia, have allowed these sand systems to expand, followed by the making the results not directly comparable. The DIVA results of expansionofthedistributionoftheancestorsofthosespecies.After this study are congruent with the area proposed by D´ıaz Go´mez that, the arid/humid cycles following the glacial and interglacial [48], mainly because DIVA found an ancestral area that periodsofthePlioceneandPleistocene producedexpansionsand encompass almost all the current distribution of Phymaturus, retractionsofhumidandxerichabitats,actingasvicariantevents including completely the areas Payunia, Central Chile, Central and causing the fragmentation and speciation of the extant taxa Patagonia andAraucan´ıa. [61–64]. About Liolaemus About Phymaturus Laurent[65–67]dividedthegenusLiolaemusintwogroups,the Cei [21] postulated an Andean-Patagonian origin for Phyma- Chilenogroup(Liolaemussensustrictoorchiliensis)andtheArgentino turus, based on a refuge theory, where the patagonic tablelands group(Eulaemus),pointingattheAndeanupliftasthecauseofthis would have been refuges and neo-dispersal centres for the division. The results from this study support this hypothesis, PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 10 October2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e26412

Establishing the ancestral ranges of distribution of a monophyletic clade, called the ancestral area, . characterized the Patagonia as an active centre for speciation . that consists on scoring on a grid presences/absences of a set of.
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