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UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff RRhhooddee IIssllaanndd DDiiggiittaallCCoommmmoonnss@@UURRII Graduate School of Oceanography Faculty Graduate School of Oceanography Publications 2016 EEssttiimmaatteess ooff EEddddyy HHeeaatt FFlluuxx CCrroossssiinngg tthhee AAnnttaarrccttiicc CCiirrccuummppoollaarr CCuurrrreenntt ffrroomm OObbsseerrvvaattiioonnss iinn DDrraakkee PPaassssaaggee D. Randolph Watts University of Rhode Island, [email protected] Karen L. Tracey University of Rhode Island Kathleen A. Donohue University of Rhode Island Teresa K. Chereskin Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/gsofacpubs TThhee UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff RRhhooddee IIssllaanndd FFaaccuullttyy hhaavvee mmaaddee tthhiiss aarrttiiccllee ooppeennllyy aavvaaiillaabbllee.. PPlleeaassee lleett uuss kknnooww hhooww OOppeenn AAcccceessss ttoo tthhiiss rreesseeaarrcchh bbeenneefifittss yyoouu.. This is a pre-publication author manuscript of the final, published article. Terms of Use This article is made available under the terms and conditions applicable towards Open Access Policy Articles, as set forth in our Terms of Use. CCiittaattiioonn//PPuubblliisshheerr AAttttrriibbuuttiioonn Watts, D. R., Tracey, K. L., Donohue, K. A., & Chereskin, T. K. (2016). Estimates of Eddy Heat Flux Crossing the Antarctic Circumpolar Current from Observations in Drake Passage. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2083-2102. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-16-0029.1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School of Oceanography at DigitalCommons@URI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate School of Oceanography Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@URI. For more information, please contact [email protected]. LaTeX File (.tex, .sty, .cls, .bst, .bib) Click here to download LaTeX File (.tex, .sty, .cls, .bst, .bib) Obs_EHF_Drake.tex Estimates of eddy heat flux crossing the Antarctic Circumpolar Current 1 from observations in Drake Passage 2 D.RandolphWatts∗,KarenL.Tracey,KathleenA.Donohue, 3 GraduateSchoolofOceanography,UniversityofRhodeIsland,Narragansett,RhodeIsland 4 TeresaK.Chereskin 5 ScrippsInstitutionofOceanography,UniversityofCaliforniaSanDiego 6 ∗Correspondingauthoraddress:D.RandolphWatts,GraduateSchoolofOceanography,University 7 ofRhodeIsland,SouthFerryRd,Narragansett,RI02882. 8 E-mail: [email protected] 9 Generatedusingv4.3.2oftheAMSLATEXtemplate 1 ABSTRACT Four-year measurements by current- and pressure-recording inverted echo 10 sounders in Drake Passage produced statistically stable eddy heat flux esti- 11 mates. Horizontal currents in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) turn 12 with depth when a depth-independent geostrophic current crosses the upper 13 baroclinic zone. The dynamically important divergent component of eddy 14 heat flux is calculated. Whereas full eddy heat fluxes differ greatly in mag- 15 nitude and direction at neighboring locations within the Local Dynamics Ar- 16 ray (LDA), the divergent eddy heat fluxes are poleward almost everywhere. 17 Case studies illustrate baroclinic instability events that cause meanders to 18 grow rapidly. In the southern passage where eddy variability is weak, heat 19 fluxes are weak and not statistically significant. Vertical profiles of heat flux 20 are surface-intensified with ∼50% above 1000 m and uniformly distributed 21 with depth below. Summing poleward transient eddy heat transport across 22 the LDA of −0.010±0.005 PW with the stationary meander contribution 23 of −0.004±0.001 PW yields −0.013±0.005 PW. A comparison metric, 24 −0.4 PW, represents the total oceanic heat loss to the atmosphere south of 25 60◦S. Summed along the circumpolar ACC path, if the LDA heat flux oc- 26 curred at six ‘hot spots’ spanning similar or longer path segments, this could 27 account for 20% to 70% of the metric, i.e., up to −0.28 PW. The balance of 28 ocean poleward heat transport along the remaining ACC path should come 29 fromweakeddyheatfluxesplusmeancross-fronttemperaturetransports. Al- 30 ternatively,themetric−0.4PW,havinglargeuncertainty,maybehigh. 31 2 1. Introduction 32 The Southern Ocean heat balance affects Antarctic climate and glacial melting directly and 33 global climate in general through its effect upon down- and upwelling across the Antarctic Cir- 34 cumpolar Current (ACC). These processes in turn facilitate the biological productivity around 35 Antarctica and govern the sequestration and release of CO . A proper understanding of how heat 36 2 crosses the ACC is crucial to correctly model the ocean’s influence upon climate and has become 37 critically needed owing to uncertainties about how the ACC system responds to changes in atmo- 38 spheric forcing. Southern Ocean heat losses from ocean to atmosphere and northward heat losses 39 by wind-driven Ekman transport must, in a slowly-changing mean state, be balanced by ocean 40 processes. Transient-eddyprocessesandhorizontalandvertical-overturningcirculationcontribute 41 topolewardheattransport. Therelativeroleoftheseheat-transfermechanismsremainsuncertain. 42 Because the ACC encircles the globe with several fronts that signify partial barriers to cross- 43 frontalexchange,meandersandeddiesmustplayanimportantroleinproducingmeridionalfluxes 44 in the Southern Ocean. An early study by de Szoeke and Levine (1981) suggested that along a 45 mid-ACC path defined by the 2◦C isotherm, transient eddies were almost entirely responsible for 46 cross-frontal heat fluxes. Exchange across ACC fronts is thought to be particularly concentrated 47 in just a handful of locations with energetic eddies and steep stationary meanders, facilitated by 48 bottom topography (Thompson and Naveira Garabato 2014). Estimates of eddy heat fluxes from 49 observations have been made in a small subset of these exchange ‘hot spots’, notably Drake Pas- 50 sage(Bryden1979;Nowlinetal.1985;Walkdenetal.2008;Lennetal.2011;Ferrarietal.2014), 51 south of Tasmania (Phillips and Rintoul 2000) and south of New Zealand (Bryden and Heath 52 1985). Combining these estimates to elucidate the global role of transient eddies is challenging, 53 not only because of uncertainties in the along-ACC heterogeneity of the transient eddy heat flux 54 3 magnitude, but also due to the different techniques used to calculate the fluxes themselves: Two 55 examplesarecompensationformooringdraw-downinenergeticregimes(eg.,Nowlinetal.1985) 56 andtheseparationofrotationalanddivergentcomponentsofoceaneddyheatfluxes(e.g.,Marshall 57 and Shutts 1981; Jayne and Marotzke 2002). More recently, analysis of an eddy permitting ocean 58 modelbyVolkovetal.(2010)showedthattheinfluenceoftransienteddieshasastronglatitudinal 59 dependence, weakening substantially south of ∼60◦S. Furthermore, Volkov et al. (2010) showed 60 thatstationarymeandersareanimportantconduitforheattransport. Inastationarymeander,both 61 local and circumglobal, a zonal-mean meridional heat flux ensues if portions flowing northward 62 andothersflowingsouthwardhavedifferenttemperatures(SunandWatts2002). 63 Interaction of the ACC with topography that leads to turning of the mean along-stream ACC 64 with depth provides another mechanism for poleward heat transport. The exact nature of this 65 mean cross-ACC flow is not well understood. It has been hypothesized that this occurs at a few 66 isolated locations by Sekma et al. (2013) based upon their observations in the narrow channel 67 at Fawn Trough. Yet other studies indicate it may occur more ubiquitously. Chereskin et al. 68 (2012) showed that recirculations are common in the Polar Frontal Zone within Drake Passage 69 with components crossing the upper baroclinic zone of the ACC both northward and southward. 70 Analysis of ocean circulation models shows that mean-flow contributions could result from the 71 accumulation of weak mean cross-ACC flow (Pen˜a Molino et al. 2014) or from the accumulation 72 oflargelocalizedpositiveandnegativecontributions(Ferrarietal.2014). 73 The purpose of this work is to quantify poleward heat fluxes across the ACC by transient and 74 stationary eddies using observations in Drake Passage. Our study, called cDrake, deployed an 75 extensivearrayofcurrent-andpressure-recordinginvertedechosounders(CPIES)tomeasurethe 76 current and temperature structure through the full water column for four years in Drake Passage. 77 Itincludedatransectspanningthechannelplusalocaldynamicsarraysitedinaregionofelevated 78 4 eddy kinetic energy (Lenn et al. 2007; Firing et al. 2011) in the Polar Frontal Zone between the 79 SubantarcticFrontandthePolarFront. Sections2and3presentthedetailsoftheobservationsand 80 methodology. Inparticular,Section2presentstechniques,developedinGulfStreamandKuroshio 81 studies (Cronin and Watts 1996; Bishop et al. 2013), that remove a large rotational nondivergent 82 contribution from the full eddy heat flux in order to identify the dynamically important divergent 83 eddyheatflux. 84 Section 4 presents our findings: mapped mean eddy heat flux in central Drake Passage, case 85 studies of cyclogenesis responsible for the observed eddy heat flux pattern, and estimates of eddy 86 heat flux on a transect that spans Drake Passage. Section 5 returns to the issues raised in this 87 introduction with a more thorough treatment of the relative contribution and role of the various 88 ocean heat-transfer mechanisms. cDrake results and existing estimates of eddy and mean-flow 89 heat fluxes are discussed in the context of the global heat budget. Section 6 provides a summary 90 ofourresults. 91 2. ObservationsandData 92 The cDrake experiment deployed current- and pressure-recording inverted echo sounders in 93 Drake Passage for four years (December 2007 through November 2011), arranged in two con- 94 figurations(Fig.1). One,theClinetransectthatspannedthe800kmpassage,included20CPIES 95 spaced by 40–60 km. In addition, a local dynamics array (LDA), centered upon the region of 96 highest eddy kinetic energy (EKE) between the Polar Front (PF) and Subantarctic Front (SAF), 97 included 24 CPIES sites in a two-dimensional grid with 40 km spacing. During the final year, a 98 closely-spaced third array of five CPIES was moored at the base of the Shackleton Fracture Zone 99 (SFZ).Atotalof43CPIESweredeployedinthethreearrays. 100 5 CPIES measure hourly near-bottom horizontal currents (u ,v ), 50 m above the seafloor in 101 ref ref order to be outside the benthic boundary layer, bottom pressure (p ), and surface-to-bottom 102 bot round-tripacoustictraveltime(τ). Mostsitesreturnedhourlydataforthefouryears(93%to97% 103 data-return for different variables). Low-pass filtering used a 4th order Butterworth filter, passed 104 forward and backward, and cut-off periods of 3 d or 7 d as noted. These data are documented in a 105 comprehensivetechnicalreportbyTraceyetal.(2013). 106 Full-depth CTD casts were collected for calibration purposes at the CPIES sites during five 107 annualcruisesthatvisitedthearraysites. TheCPIESdataprocessingproducedverticalprofilesof 108 thetime-varyingcurrentandtemperaturefields,astreatedinthefollowingSection3. 109 The Ssalto/Duacs daily sea level anomaly products were produced by the Copernicus Marine 110 and Environment Monitoring Service, and the mean dynamic topography MDT CNES CLS13 111 wasproducedbyCLSSpaceOceanographyDivision. Bothaltimeterproductsweredistributedby 112 AvisowithsupportfromCnes(http://aviso.altimetry.fr/). 113 3. Methods 114 a. Measurementsoftemperatureandcurrentfields 115 CPIES determine temperature and horizontal velocity profiles (T(p),u(p),v(p)) following 116 methods presented in Donohue et al. (2010), which were expanded and applied to Drake Passage 117 byFiringetal.(2014). Instrongandeddyingcurrentsystems,τ hasbeenappliedtodetermineden- 118 sityprofilesusingagravestempiricalmodelook-uptablebasedonlocalhydrography(Meinenand 119 Watts 2000; Watts et al. 2001). Applying geostrophy, laterally separated pairs of density profiles 120 produce vertical profiles of baroclinic velocity relative to a near-bottom reference level, chosen 121 here to be 3500 dbar. In a two-dimensional array, the velocities determined are two-dimensional 122 6 baroclinic current profiles relative to the bottom, designated u = (u ,v ). The velocities 123 bcb bcb bcb and temperatures are mapped at half-daily intervals by optimal interpolation as described by Fir- 124 ingetal.(2014)withcarefulattentionpaidtoerrorestimates. 125 Deeppressureanomaliesareleveledtoaconsistentmean3500dbargeopotential,assumingthat 126 long time averages of near-bottom currents and bottom pressures are geostrophic. Multivariate 127 mappingwhichcombinesthedeeppressureandcurrentmeasurements(Firingetal.2014)provides 128 the reference velocities, u =(u ,v ), used to render the baroclinic velocity profiles absolute 129 ref ref ref (Fig.2): 130 u = (u,v) = (u ,v )+(u ,v ) = u +u (1) bcb bcb ref ref bcb ref It is important to note that, while the u component flows unidirectionally parallel to the front, 131 bcb thevectorsumutotalcurrentturnswithdepthduetotheu contribution. Theturningillustrated 132 ref in Fig. 2 can occur instantaneously as well as in the time-mean, because deep eddies and mean 133 topographicallysteeredcurrentsandrecirculationscancrosstheupperbaroclinicACCstructure. 134 Velocity and temperature time series at depths distributed through the water column from the 135 CPIES LDA agree well with contemporaneous moored current meter measurements on French 136 mooring M4 (Ferrari et al. 2012, 2014), whose location was near site E02 (Fig. 1). Firing et al. 137 (2014) showed this comparison, which we repeat in Fig. 3 with correlations for 3 d and 7 d low- 138 pass filtering noted. The current meters measuring u,v,T moved vertically in the water column 139 as the mooring drew down in response to variable drag by the currents. So at each time-sample, 140 theCPIESu,v,T measurementswerecomputedtocoincidewiththepressurelevelofeachcurrent 141 meter, in order to conduct a comparison without introducing uncertainties due to mooring motion 142 compensation. 143 The two time series for each variable at each depth compare point current meter measurements 144 and optimally mapped geostrophic currents. These variables would have small intrinsic differ- 145 7 ences even if both measurements were perfect. Temperatures agree within 0.3, 0.1, and 0.1◦C at 146 approximately520,930,and2540dbar,respectively,andFiringetal.(2014)reportthebaroclinic 147 velocities at the corresponding levels agree within 0.11, 0.08, and 0.05 m s−1. Firing et al. (2014) 148 accounted carefully for the observed differences as the sum of measurement and mapping error 149 plus rapid small-scale ageostrophic processes present in the water column. The high correlation- 150 squaredvaluesimprovefurtherwith7dlow-passfiltering(r2ranging0.74to0.90),whichremoves 151 some of the variability from small-scale processes. Some short-period variability in the moored 152 pointmeasurementscanbenotedthatisnotpresentintheCPIESrecords. Forexample,inthetem- 153 peraturerecords,fluctuationsofsmallverticalscale,suchasfrominternalwavesorfromfilaments 154 advected past individual current meters, would have insignificant effect upon τ and geopotential. 155 These results are consistent with the high correlations also found south of Australia during the 156 SubantarcticFrontDynamicsExperiment(SAFDE, Wattsetal.2001). 157 b. Estimatesofeddyheatfluxfields 158 Eddy heat flux computed from the total velocity time series is denoted (u(cid:48)T(cid:48),v(cid:48)T(cid:48)), where (·)(cid:48) 159 indicatesdifferencefromthetemporalmean,(·),forexample,T(cid:48)=T−T. Timeseriesoffulleddy 160 heat flux agree well between the CPIES and the moored current meter measurements at this same 161 suite of depths through the water column (Fig. 4). This further comparison demonstrates that the 162 covariances between eddy current and temperature are dominated by low-frequency geostrophic 163 variability of large vertical scale rather than by higher vertical modes or by ageostrophic fluc- 164 tuations. Just as for Fig. 3, both of these time series follow the varying depth of the moored 165 measurements,inordertoavoidintroducinguncertaintiesfrommooringmotioncompensation. 166 Short-period variability in the moored eddy heat fluxes does not contribute substantially to the 167 time-mean eddy heat flux, (u(cid:48)T(cid:48),v(cid:48)T(cid:48)). Small-scale temperature features that quickly pass the 168 8 pointmeasurementsareuncorrelatedwiththecurrents,whicharepredominantlygeostrophic. For 169 current meter measurements, as well as for CPIES, the fraction of u(cid:48)T(cid:48) covariance in periods 170 shorter than 7 d is only 4% to 9%. The u(cid:48) versus T(cid:48) coherences (not shown) are typically greater 171 than0.9forperiodslongerthan10dandfallsharplybelow0.4to0.2forperiodsshorterthan7d. 172 Overall, eddy heat fluxes are mapped and measured well by the CPIES, accounting for 80% to 173 90%oftheeddyheatfluxvarianceatalldepths. 174 c. Thedivergentcomponentofeddyheatflux 175 MarshallandShutts(1981)demonstratedthatthefulleddyheatflux,u(cid:48)T(cid:48),containsarotational 176 component that, although it may be large, recirculates around contours of temperature variance, 177 (T(cid:48))2. As they noted, it is advantageous to remove that rotational contribution because the dy- 178 namically important part of eddy heat flux is the divergent component. Cronin and Watts (1996) 179 appliedtheMarshallandShutts(1981)methodtodatafromanarrayofcurrentmetersmooredbe- 180 neath the Gulf Stream. Their application removed a large rotational contribution of the eddy heat 181 flux. Additionally, they discussed the dynamical importance of the divergent residual component. 182 Bishopetal.(2013)studieddivergenteddyheatfluxesintheKuroshioExtensionusingdatafrom 183 anarrayofCPIES.TheyshowedanaturaloutcomeofexpressingtheCPIESgeostrophicvelocities 184 as above in equation 1 is that the divergent eddy heat flux arises entirely from joint interaction of 185 theupperbaroclinicfrontandthedeepreferencecurrent,asweillustratenext. 186 Referring again to Fig. 2, the velocity component u is geostrophic and flows along the time- 187 bcb varyingfront,paralleltogeopotentialcontours(φ). ForthecDrakegravestempiricalmodelook-up 188 table, temperature and geopotential are both functions of τ on pressure surfaces, so isotherms are 189 parallel to geopotential contours. Firing et al. (2014, their Fig. 13) show these cDrake gravest 190 empirical mode relationships for T, S, δ, and φ versus τ. Chidichimo et al. (2014) also illustrate 191 9

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