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Preview Estimates for a class of Hessian type fully nonlinear parabolic equations on Riemannian manifolds

ESTIMATES FOR A CLASS OF HESSIAN TYPE FULLY NONLINEAR PARABOLIC EQUATIONS ON RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS 5 1 0 GE-JUNBAOANDWEI-SONGDONG* 2 b Abstract. In this paper, we derive a priori estimates for the gradient and e F secondorderderivatives ofsolutionstoaclassofHessiantypefullynonlinear parabolicequationswiththefirstinitial-boundaryvalueproblemonRiemann- 3 ianmanifolds. Theseapriori estimatesarederivedunderconditionswhichare nearlyoptimal. Especially,therearenogeometricrestrictionsontheboundary ] oftheRiemannianmanifolds. Andasanapplication,theexistenceofsmooth P solutions to the first initial-boundary value problem even for infinity time is A obtained. . MathematicalSubjectClassification(2010): 35B45,35R01,35K20,35K96. h Keywords: Fully nonlinear parabolic equations; Riemannian manifolds; a t a priori estimates;Hessian;Firstinitial-boundaryvalueproblem. m [ 2 v 1. Introduction 7 Let(Mn,g)beacompactRiemannianmanifoldofdimensionn≥2withsmooth 3 0 boundary ∂M and M¯ := M ∪∂M. We study the Hessian type fully nonlinear 6 parabolic equation 0 1. (1.1) f(λ[∇2u+χ],−ut)=ψ(x,t) 0 in M = M ×(0,T] ⊂ M ×R, where f is a symmetric smooth function of n+1 T 5 variables, ∇2u denotes the Hessian of u(x,t) with respect to the space x ∈ M, u 1 t is the derivative with respect to the time t∈(0,T], χ is a smooth (0, 2) tensor on : v M¯ and λ[∇2u+χ]=(λ ,...,λ ) denotes the eigenvalues of ∇2u+χ with respect 1 n i X to the metric g. While the first initial-boundary value problem requires: r (1.2) u=ϕ, on PM , a T wherePM =BM ∪SM andBM =M×{0},SM =∂M×[0,T]. Weassume T T T T T ψ ∈C4,1(M ), ϕ∈C4,1(PM ). T T As in [3], we assume f ∈ C∞(Γ)∩C0(Γ) to be defined on an open, convex, symmetric proper subcone Γ⊂Rn+1 with vertex at the origin and Γ+ ≡{λ∈Rn+1 : each component λ >0, 1≤ℓ≤n+1}⊆Γ. ℓ In this work we assume only a few conditions on f, which are almost optimal, but the followingsare essentialas the structureconditions. We assume thatf satisfies: ∂f (1.3) f ≡ >0 in Γ, 1≤ℓ≤n+1, ℓ ∂λ ℓ (1.4) f is concave in Γ, 1 2 GE-JUNBAOANDWEI-SONGDONG* and (1.5) f >0 in Γ, f =0 on ∂Γ, infψ >0. MT In[8]Guanhasdevelopedsomemethodstoderiveapriori secondorderestimates under nearly optimal conditions for solutions of a class of fully nonlinear elliptic equations on Riemannian manifolds. More recently, Guan and Jiao [9] further developed the methods to cover more general elliptic equations. In this paper we prove the mechanism in [8] to derive second order estimates is also valid for a wild classofHessiantype fully nonlinearparabolicequationsonReimannianmanifolds. Following [9] we assume: (1.6) T ∩∂Γa is a nonempty compact set, for any λ∈Γ and 0<a<f(λ), λ where ∂Γσ = {λ ∈ Γ : f(λ) = σ} is the boundary of Γσ = {λ ∈ Γ : f(λ) > σ} and T denotes the tangent plane at λ of ∂Γf(λ), for σ ∈ R+ and λ ∈ Γ. By λ assumptions (1.3) and (1.4), ∂Γσ is smooth and convex. Since weneed no geometricboundaryconditions,we haveto assume,and which is more convenience in application, that there exists an admissible function (see Section 2) u∈C2,1(M ) satisfying T (1.7) f(λ[∇2u+χ],−u )≥ψ(x,t) in M t T with u = ϕ on ∂M ×(0,T] and u ≤ ϕ on M¯ ×{0}, which we call a subsolution. If the inequality (1.7) holds strictly, then we call u a strict subsolution. In [17], Lieberman proved that there exists a strict subsolution under conditions that for any compact subset K of M ×Γ, there exists a positive constant R(K) such that T f(Rλ) > ψ(x,t) for any R ≥ R(K), (x,t,λ) ∈ K, and that there is a positive constant R such that (κ,R ) ∈ Γ, where κ = (κ ,...,κ ) is the space-time 1 1 0 n−1 curvatures of SM (see [17]). T Without loss ofgenerality,we assume the compatibility condition, that is for all x∈M¯, (λ[∇2ϕ(x,0)+χ],−ϕ (x,0))∈Γ, and t (1.8) f(λ[∇2ϕ(x,0)+χ(x)],−ϕ (x,0))=ψ(x,0). t We remark that this condition is actually ensured by the short time existence of solutiontoequation(1.1)and(1.2). Nowwecangiveoutourmainresultasbelow. Theorem 1.1. Let u∈C4,1(M )∩C2,1(M ) be an admissible solution of (1.1) in T T M with u=ϕonPM . Suppose f satisfies (1.3) - (1.7), the following and (1.8) T T hold: n+1 n+1 (1.9) f λ ≥−K (1+ f ), ∀λ∈Γ. ℓ ℓ 0 ℓ ℓ=1 ℓ=1 X X Then we have (1.10) max(|∇2u|+|u |)≤C, t MT where C >0 depends on |u| , |u| , |ψ| , |ϕ| and other Cx1(MT) C2,1(MT) C2,1(MT)) Ct1(MT)) known data. FULLY NONLINEAR PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 3 WeremarkthatinTheorem1.1,(1.9)isonlyneededwhenderivingsecondorder boundary estimates, and there the norms are defined as below: |u| =|u| +|∇u| , |ϕ| =|ϕ | , Cx1(MT) C0(MT) C0(MT) Ct1(MT) t C0(MT) |ψ| =|ψ| +|∇ψ| +|∇2ψ| +|ψ | . C2,1(MT) C0(MT) C0(MT) C0(MT) t C0(MT) For the gradient estimates, firstly from Γ ⊂ {λ ∈ Rn+1 : n+1λ ≥ 0}, we see ℓ=1 ℓ that u is a subsolution of P −h +△h+ χ (x,t)=0, inM , t ii T (1.11) ( h=ϕX, onPMT. Ifweassumehisthesolutionoftheabovelinearequation,wemayeasilygetu≤h onM by the comparisonprinciple. On the other hand, since u is a subsolution of T (1.1) and (1.2), we have u≤u. Therefore, we have the C0 estimates that (1.12) sup|u|+ sup |∇u|≤C. MT SMT While it is evident that on BM , we have ∇u = ∇ϕ. So the following theorem T completes the main work of this paper. Theorem 1.2. Suppose f satisfies (1.3) - (1.4). Let u∈C4,1(M )∩C2,1(M ) be T T an admissible solution of (1.1) in M . Then T (1.13) sup|∇u|≤C(1+ sup |∇u|), MT PMT where C depends on |ψ| , |u| and other known data, under either of Cx1(MT) C0(MT) the following additional assumptions: (i) f satisfies (1.9) and n+1 (1.14) f (λ)≥ν (1+ f (λ)) for any λ∈Γ with λ <0,  1 ℓ  ℓ=1 X where 1 ≤  ≤ n+1, and ν is a uniform positive constant; (ii) (1.5) and (1.7) 1 hold, as well as that (M,g) has nonnegative sectional curvature. Based on the above a priori estimates and (1.5), equation (1.1) becomes uni- formly parabolic equation. Then by Evans-Krylov Theorem [5, 15], we can obtain the a priori C2+α,1+α/2 estimates. Therefore it is possible to apply the theory of linear uniformly parabolic equations (see [17] for more) to get higher order esti- mates. We remark that, the a priori estimates in Theorem 1.1, Theorem 1.2 and (1.12)donotdependonthetimetexplicitly,andasabyproductoftheseestimates, we have the following (long time, i.e. T = ∞) existence results. We note that a function in C∞(M ) means that it is sufficiently smooth about (x,t) ∈ M , and T T note M =M ×{t>0}. ∞ Theorem 1.3. Let ψ ∈ C∞(M ) and ϕ ∈ C∞(PM ), 0 < T ≤ ∞. Suppose T T f satisfies (1.3) - (1.7), and (1.8) holds. In addition that either (1.9) and (1.14) or (Mn,g) has nonnegative sectional curvature holds. Then there exists a unique admissible solution u ∈ C∞(M ) to the first initial-boundary value problem (1.1) T and (1.2). The abovetheoremisadirectresultofthe shorttime existence andthe uniform estimatesinTheorem1.1andTheorem1.2, becauseateachbeginning time wecan 4 GE-JUNBAOANDWEI-SONGDONG* take ϕ = u, which enables us to assume the compatibility condition, for more one can see Theorem 15.9 in [17]. Here we give some typical examples of our equation, for example f = σ1/k for k k ≥ 2 (the reason why k cannot equal to 1 is due to condition (1.6), see [8]) and f = (σ /σ)1/(k−l), 1 ≤ l < k ≤ n + 1, both of which are defined on the k l cone Γ = {λ ∈ Rn+1 : σ (λ) > 0,j = 1,...,k}, where σ (λ) are the elementary k j k symmetric functions σ (λ)= λ ...λ . Another interesting example is k i1<...<ik i1 ik given by f =logP , where k P P (λ)= (λ +···+λ ), 1≤k ≤n+1, k i1 ik i1<Y···<ik defined in the cone P :={λ∈Rn+1 :λ +···+λ >0}. k i1 ik Krylov in [14] introduced three parabolic type equations analogous to Monge- Amp`ere equation in Rn. One type which is studied on Riemannian manifolds by Jiao and Sui in [13] recently is (1.15) f(λ[∇2u+χ])−u =ψ(x,t), t under assumptions that inf (ϕ + ψ) = ν > 0, and ψ(x,t) is concave with PMT t 0 respect to x∈M. This type equation in Rn when f =σ1/n with χ≡0 was firstly n considered by Ivochkina and Ladyzhenskaya in [11] and [12]. Another type is (1.16) −u det(∇2u)=ψn+1, t which is a typical form of our case in Rn+1 with χ ≡ 0. Some other cases can be fined in Chou and Wang [4] or Wang [20]. Attheendoftheintroduction,wedescribetheoutlineofourpaper. InSection2, westatesomepreliminariesandintroduceourmaintool(Theorem2.1)toestablish theC2 apriori estimates,andtwopropositionswhichareneededwhenderivingthe secondorderestimatesonboundary. InSection3,weestablishtheestimatesfor|u | t that do not depend on T explicitly, after which we have a bound for the constant C(ǫ,|u |,K ,sup ψ) in Proposition 2.4. Then the mechanism in [8] is valid for t 0 MT the second order boundary estimates, and the global and boundary estimates for second order derivatives are derived in Section 4 and Section 5 respectively. In Section 6, we establish the interior gradient estimates as the end. 2. Preliminaries Fromnowon,westipulatethatthe Latinalphabeti,j,k,··· arevaluedbetween 1 and n when there is no other statement. Firstly, we give some notations and formulas on Riemannian manifolds, throughout the paper ∇ denotes the Levi- Civita connection of (Mn,g). Let e ,...,e be a local frame on Mn. We denote 1 n g =g(e ,e ),{gij}={g }−1. DefinetheChristoffelsymbolsΓk by∇ e =Γke ij i j ij ij ei j ij k and the curvature coefficients R =g(R(e ,e )e ,e ), Ri =gimR . ijkl k l j i jkl mjkl We shall use the notation ∇ = ∇ , ∇ = ∇ ∇ −Γk∇ , etc. Finally we recall i ei ij i j ij k the following formula on Riemannian manifolds (2.1) ∇ v−∇ v =Rl ∇ v, ijk jik kij l which will be frequently used in following sections. FULLY NONLINEAR PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 5 Let u be an admissible solution of equation (1.1). For simplicity we define U ≡ ∇2u+χ, U ≡∇2u+χ and under an orthonormallocal frame e ,...,e , we write 1 n U ≡U(e ,e )=∇ u+χ . Direct calculating yields that ij i j ij ij ∇ U ≡∇U(e ,e ,e )=∇ χ +∇ u, k ij k i j k ij kij ∇ U ≡∇2U(e ,e ,e ,e )=∇ ∇U −Γm∇ U . kl ij k l i j k l ij kl m ij For the convenience, sometimes we denote −u by U , i.e. U = −u , t n+1n+1 n+1n+1 t and U =U =0 where 1≤i≤n. in+1 n+1i Let F be the function defined by F(A) = f(λ[A]) for A ∈ Sn+1 with λ[A] ∈ Γ, where Sn+1 is the set of (n+1)×(n+1) symmetric matrices. We call a function u ∈ C2,1(M ) admissible if (λ[∇2u + χ],−u ) ∈ Γ in M . It is shown in [3] T t T that (1.3) ensures that equation (1.1) is parabolic (i.e. {∂F(A)/∂A } is positive ij definite) with respect to admissible solutions, while (1.4) implies that the function F is concave. For an admissible solution u∈C2,1(M ) denote T U 0 Uˆ ≡[U ,−u ]≡ ij , ij t 0 −u t (cid:18) (cid:19) underanorthonormallocalframee ,...,e . Thereforeequation(1.1)canbelocally 1 n written as (2.2) F(Uˆ)=ψ(x,t). We denote ∂F ∂2F ∂F Fij = (Uˆ), Fij,kl = (Uˆ), Fτ = (Uˆ)≡f . τ ∂A ∂A ∂A ∂A ij ij kl n+1,n+1 The matrix [{Fij},Fτ] has eigenvalues f ,...,f ,f and is positive definite by 1 n τ assumption(1.3). Moreover,when [{U },−u ] is diagonalso is [{Fij},Fτ], andas ij t in [8] the following identities hold FijU = f λ , FijU U = f λ2, ij i i ik kj i i where λ({U })=(λ ,...,λ ).X X ij 1 n The following theorem proved in [9] is the keystone in deriving a priori C2 estimates in our paper. Theorem 2.1. Suppose f satisfies (1.3), (1.4) and (1.6). Let ℑ be a compact set of Γ and sup f < a ≤ b < sup f. There exist positive constants θ = θ(ℑ,[a,b]) ∂Γ Γ and R=R(ℑ,[a,b]) such that for any λ∈Γ[a,b] =Γ¯a\Γb, when |λ|≥R, n+1 n+1 (2.3) f (λ)(µ −λ )≥θ+θ f (λ)+f(µ)−f(λ), ∀µ∈ℑ. ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ=1 ℓ=1 X X For ∀v ∈C2,1(M ), we define the linear operator L by T Lv =Fij∇ v−Fτv . ij t Chooseasmoothorthonormallocalframee ,...,e about(x,t)suchthat{U (x,t)} 1 n ij is diagonal. From Lemma 6.2 in [3] and Theorem 2.1, it is easily to prove that there exist positive constants θ, R depending only on u and ψ such that when |λ|=|λ[Uˆ]|≥R, (2.4) L(u−u)=Fii(U −U )+Fτ(−u +u )≥θ(1+ Fii+Fτ). ii ii t t X 6 GE-JUNBAOANDWEI-SONGDONG* Remark 2.2. Ifuisastrictsubsolution. Notethat{λ(Uˆ):(x,t)∈M }iscontained T in a compact subset of Γ, here Uˆ = [U,−u ]. We see that there exist constants t ε,δ > 0 such that λ[U(x,t)−εg,−u −ε] ∈ Γ for all (x,t) ∈ M and F([U − 0 t T εg,−u −ε])≥ψ+δ . By the concavity of F, we have t 0 Fij(U −U )−Fτ(u −u )≥ε( Fii+Fτ)+δ . ij ij t t 0 X That means (2.4) is valid in the whole M if u is a strict subsolution. T The following two propositions play the key role in the second order boundary estimates, which are the generalized counterpart results in [8]. Proposition 2.3. Let F(Uˆ) = f(λ(U),−u ). There is an index 1 ≤ r ≤ n such t that 1 (2.5) FijU U ≥ f λ2. il lj 2 i i l<n i6=r X X This can be provedby exactly the same method as the prove of Proposition2.7 in [8]. So we omit the proof. One more result we need is the following which actually is a combination of generalized Lemma 2.8 and Corollary 2.9 in [8]. The method of this proof is from [10]. Proposition 2.4. Suppose f =f(λ(U),−u ) satisfies (1.3), (1.4) and (1.9). Then t for any index 1≤r≤n and ǫ>0, (2.6) f |λ |≤ǫ f λ2+C(ǫ,|u |,K ,supψ)(1+ f +f ). i i i i t 0 i τ i6=r MT X X X Proof. Firstly, if λ ≤0, by (1.9), we have r f |λ |=2 f λ − f λ i i i i i i X λXi>0 X 1 ≤ǫ f λ2+ f +f (−u )+K (1+ f +f ) i i ǫ i τ t 0 i τ λXi>0 λXi>0 X ≤ǫ f λ2+C(ǫ,K ) f +max{|u |,K }f +K . i i 0 i t 0 τ 0 i6=r X X Secondly, if λ ≥0, then by (1.4), we have r f |λ |= f λ −2 f λ i i i i i i X X λXi<0 1 ≤ǫ f λ2+ f + f +f +f u +ψ−f(1) i i ǫ i i τ τ t λXi<0 λXi<0 X ≤ǫ f λ2+C(ǫ,|u |,supψ)(1+ f +f ) i i t i τ λXi<0 MT X since f(1)>0 and where 1=(1,··· ,1)∈Rn+1. This proves (2.6). (cid:3) FULLY NONLINEAR PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 7 3. estimates for u t The assumption (1.6) is crucial for the estimates of u . In a forthcoming paper t we will consider the estimates of u without this restriction. By the compatibility t condition (1.8), on BM , we have u = ϕ , which is also valid apparently on T t t ∂M ×[0,T]. Hence we have sup |u | ≤ C. Now by differentiating equation PMT t (2.2) with respect to t we see that Lu = ψ . Let a be a positive constant to be t t determined, by (2.4), if |u | is sufficiently large, by Theorem 2.1, we have t (3.1) L(−u +a(u−u))≥−C+aθ(1+ Fii+Fτ)≥0 t when a ≥ C. Similarly we can prove the sameXresult holds for u . Thus by θ t maximum principle we have (3.2) sup|u |≤C. t MT here C depends on |ψ|C1, |u|C0, |ϕ|C1and other known data. t t Therefore,theestimatefor|u |impliesthattheconstantsC(ǫ,|u |,K ,sup ψ) t t 0 MT in Proposition2.4 are bounded, which enables us to apply the mechanism in [8] to derive the second order boundary estimates. 4. C2 global estimates In this section, we derive a priori global estimates for the second order deriva- tives. We set δ W = max max (∇ u+χ )exp( |∇u|2+a(u−u)), ξξ ξξ (x,t)∈MTξ∈TxM,|ξ|=1 2 where a ≫ 1 ≫ δ are positive constants to be determined later. It suffices to estimate W. We may assumeW is achievedat(x ,t )∈M −PM forsome unit 0 0 T T vector ξ ∈ T Mn. Choose a smooth orthonormal local frame e ,...,e about x x0 1 n 0 suchthate (x )=ξ,∇ e =0,and{U (x ,t )}isdiagonal. Wemayalsoassume 1 0 ei j ij 0 0 U ≥...≥U , U ≥sup |u |. Therefore W =U (x ,t )eφ(x0,t0), where φ= 11 nn 11 MT t 11 0 0 δ|∇u|2+a(u−u),and|U |≤n|U |whichderivedfrom−u +U +···+U >0. 2 ii 11 t 11 nn At the point (x ,t ) where the function log(U )+φ attains its maximum, we 0 0 11 have ∇ U i 11 (4.1) +∇ φ=0 for each i=1,...,n, i U 11 (∇ u) 11 t (4.2) +φ ≥0, t U 11 and n ∇ U (∇ U )2 (4.3) 0≥ Fii ii 11 − i 11 +∇ φ . U U2 ii Xi=1 n 11 11 o Differentiating equation (1.1) twice, we obtain (4.4) Fij∇ U −Fτ∇ u =∇ ψ for 1≤k ≤n, k ij k t k and Fij∇ U +Fij,kl∇ U ∇ U +Fττ(∇ u )2 11 ij 1 ij 1 kl 1 t (4.5) −2Fij,τ∇ U ∇ u −Fτ∇ u =∇ ψ. 1 ij 1 t 11 t 11 8 GE-JUNBAOANDWEI-SONGDONG* Hence, combining (4.1), (4.2), (4.3) and (4.5), and noting ∇ U ≥ ∇ U − ii 11 11 ii CU (see [8]), we have 11 (4.6) Lφ≤E+C 1+ Fii (cid:16) X (cid:17) when U is sufficiently large, where 11 Fii(∇ U )2 Fij,kl∇ U ∇ U −2Fij,τ∇ U ∇ u +Fττ(∇ u )2 i 11 1 ij 1 kl 1 ij 1 t 1 t E = + . U2 U 11 11 By some straightforwardcalculation, we have, at (x ,t ), 0 0 (4.7) ∇ φ=δ∇ u∇ u+a∇ (u−u), φ =δ∇ u(∇ u) +a(u−u) , i j ij i t j j t t ∇ φ=δ(∇ u∇ u+∇ u∇ u)+a∇ (u−u) ii ij ij j iij ii (4.8) δ ≥ U2 −Cδ+δ∇ u∇ u+a∇ (u−u). 2 ii j iij ii Thus, by (4.4) and (2.1) we have, δ Fii∇ φ≥ FiiU2 +δ∇ uFii(∇ u+Rl ∇ u) ii 2 ii j jii iij l +aFii∇ (u−u)−Cδ Fii ii (4.9) δ X ≥ FiiU2 +δFτ∇ u∇ u +aFii∇ (u−u) 2 ii j j t ii −Cδ(1+ Fii). X Therefore, by (4.6), (4.7) and (4.9) we obtain δ (4.10) aL(u−u) ≤E− FiiU2 +C(1+ Fii). 2 ii X For fixed 0<s≤1/3, let J ={i:U ≤−sU ,1<i≤n}, K ={i:U >−sU ,1≤i≤n}. ii 11 ii 11 Using a result of Andrews [1] and Gerhardt [6] (see [19] also), and noting that U =0 for all j =1,2,··· ,n, we have, n+1j −Fij,kl∇ U ∇ U +2Fij,τ∇ U ∇ u −Fττ∇ u ∇ u 1 ij 1 kl 1 ij 1 t 1 t 1 t Fii−Fjj ≥ (∇ U )2 1 ij U −U jj ii 1≤i6=j≤n+1 X (4.11) Fii−F11 ≥2 (∇ U )2 1 i1 U −U 11 ii 2≤i≤n X 2(1−s) ≥ (Fii−F11)((∇ U )2−C/s), i 11 (1+s)U 11 i∈K X whereinthelastinequalityweusedthefollowingresultwhichcanbereadilyproved with (2.1), that for any s∈(0,1) (4.12) (1−s)(∇ U )2 ≤(∇ U )2+C(1−s)/s. i 11 1 1i FULLY NONLINEAR PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 9 From (4.11), combining (4.1) and that ∇ φ≤δ∇ uU +Ca at (x ,t ), we get i i ii 0 0 E ≤ Fii(∇ φ)2+C Fii+CF11 (∇ φ)2 i i i∈J i∈K i∈K (4.13) X X X ≤Ca2 Fii+Cδ2FiiU2 +C Fii+C(δ2U2 +a2)F11. ii 11 i∈J i∈K X X Therefore by (4.10) and (4.13), we finally obtain δ 0≥( −Cδ2)FiiU2 −Ca2 Fii−C(δ2U2 +a2)F11 2 ii 11 (4.14) i∈J X +aL(u−u)−C(1+ Fii). Observe that X (4.15) FiiU2 ≥F11U2 + FiiU ≥F11U2 +s2U2 Fii. ii 11 ii 11 11 i∈J i∈J X X We may firstly choose δ small sufficiently such that δ −Cδ2 > c > 0 . Then we 2 0 assume U > R, where R is the positive constant such that (2.4) holds and fix a 11 large enough so that aL(u−u)−C(1+ Fii) ≥ 0 holds, then we would get a contradiction provided U is sufficiently large from (4.14). Thus we get an upper 11 P bound for U . 11 5. C2 boundary estimates Throughout this section we assume the function ϕ∈C4,1(PM ) is extended to T a C4,1 function on M , which is still denoted by ϕ. T Fix a point (x ,t )∈SM . We shall choose a smooth orthonormal local frame 0 0 T e ,...,e around x such that when restricted to ∂M, e is normal to ∂M. Since 1 n 0 n u−u=0 on SM , we have T (5.1) ∇ (u−u)=−∇ (u−u)Π(e ,e ), ∀1≤α,β <n on SM , αβ n α β T where Π denotes the second fundamental form of ∂M. Therefore, |∇ u|≤C, ∀1≤α,β <n on SM . αβ T Let ρ(x) denote the distance from x∈M to x , and set 0 Mδ ={X =(x,t)∈M ×(0,T]:ρ(x)<δ, t≤t +δ}. T 0 Since ∂M is smooth, we may also assume the distance function d(x,t) ≡ d(x) to the boundary SM is smooth in Mδ. T T Lemma 5.1. There exist some uniform positive constants a,δ,ε sufficiently small and N sufficiently large such that the function Nd2 v =(u−u)+ad− 2 satisfies (5.2) Lv ≤−ε(1+ Fii+Fτ) in Mδ, v ≥0 on PMδ. T T X 10 GE-JUNBAOANDWEI-SONGDONG* Proof. We note that to ensure v ≥0 in PM we may require δ ≤ 2a/N after a,N δ being fixed. It is easy to see that (5.3) Lv ≤L(u−u)+C(a+Nd) Fii−NFij∇ d∇ d. i j Fix θ > 0 small and R > 0 large enough sXuch that (2.4) holds at every point in M¯δ0 for some fixed δ >0. Let λ=λ[U] be the eigenvalues of U. At a fixed point T 0 in M where δ <δ , we consider two cases: (a) |λ|<R and (b) |λ|≥R. δ 0 In case (a), since |u |≤C, by (1.5), there are uniform bounds t c I ≤{Fij}≤C I, c ≤Fτ ≤C 1 1 1 1 for some positive constants c ,C , and therefore Fij∇ d∇ d ≥ c since |∇d| ≡ 1. 1 1 i j 1 Since L(u−u) ≤ 0, we may fix N large enough so that Lemma 5.1 holds for any a,ε∈(0,1], as long as δ is sufficiently small. In case (b), since Fij∇ d∇ d ≥ 0, by (2.4) and (5.3) we may further require a i j and δ small enough so that Lemma 5.1 holds. (cid:3) With the help of ∇ (∇ u)= ∇ u+Γl ∇ u+Γl ∇ u+∇ u and (4.4), ij k ijk ik jl jk il ∇ijek we obtain |L∇ (u−ϕ)|≤2|FijΓl ∇ u|+C 1+ Fii+Fτ k ik jl (5.4) (cid:16) X (cid:17) ≤C 1+ f |λ |+ f +f . i i i τ (cid:16) X X (cid:17) According to (5.4) we have (5.5) L|∇ (u−ϕ)|2 ≥FijU U −C 1+ f |λ |+ f +f . γ iγ jγ i i i τ Let (cid:16) X X (cid:17) (5.6) Ψ =A v+A ρ2−A |∇ (u−ϕ)|2. 1 2 3 γ γ<n X For any K > 0, since ∇(u−ϕ) = 0 on ∂M with 1 ≤ l ≤ n−1, when A ≫ l 2 A ≫1,we have(A −K)ρ2 ≥A |∇ (u−ϕ)|2 inMδ. Hence we canchoose 3 2 3 l<n l T A ≫ A ≫ A ≫ 1 such that Ψ ≥ K(d+ρ2) in Mδ. By Proposition 2.3 and 1 2 3 P T Proposition2.4 and Lemma 5.1, it follows that in Mδ, L(Ψ ±∇ (u−ϕ))≤0, and T α Ψ±∇ (u−ϕ)≥0onPMδ whenA ≫A ≫A ≫1. Bythe maximumprinciple α T 1 2 3 we derive Ψ ±∇ (u−ϕ)≥0 in Mδ and therefore α T |∇ u(x ,t )|≤∇ Ψ(x ,t )≤C, ∀α<n. nα 0 0 n 0 0 It remains to derive sup ∇ u ≤ C, since −u +△u+ χ ≥ −C. For SMT nn t ii (x,t)∈SM ,letU˜(x,t) bethe restrictiontoT ∂M ofU(x,t), viewedasabilinear T x P map on the tangent space of ∂M at x, and λ(U˜(x,t)) be the eigenvalues with respect to the induced metric of (Mn,g) on ∂M. Similarly one can define U˜(x,t) and λ(U˜(x,t)). On SM , we define that T F˜([U˜,−u ]):= lim f(λ(U˜),R,−u ). t t R→∞ Due to Trudinger [18], we need only show that the following quantity m:= min F˜([U˜,−u ])(x,t)−ψ(x,t) t (x,t)∈SMT (cid:16) (cid:17)

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