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Contribution Establishing indigenous vegetation in degraded natural or constructed wetlands* Damien Cook Rakali Ecological Consulting, PO Box 188, Chewton, Victoria 3451. Email: [email protected] Abstract Increasing the cover and diversity of native wetland plants in constructed or degraded natural wetlands can improve their habitat value, water treatment capability and aesthetic appeal. This article describes a method for successfully establishing indigenous aquatic vegetation within wetlands. (Vie Victorian Naturalist 132 (5) 2015, 147-153) Keywords: Wetlands, restoration, revegetation, aquatic plants Introduction In Victoria, 50% of the area of natural wetlands al. (2005) provide more detailed guidelines for has been destroyed since European occupation developing and managing ecological restora¬ (DCE 1992). Restoring degraded natural wet¬ tion projects. lands, or establishing indigenous vegetation in Methods constructed wetlands, provides an opportunity The methodology for establishing wetland veg¬ to increase the habitat available for a wide va¬ etation involves the following steps: riety of plants and animals that have become 1. Determine the physical, chemical and bio¬ rare because of habitat loss. These wetlands also logical characteristics of the wetland envi¬ provide places where people can learn about ronment to be revegetated and enjoy natural ecosystems. For example, the 2. Determine the function (habitat, water treat¬ 48 hectares of revegetated wetlands and terres¬ ment etc.) and characteristics (height, den¬ trial areas at the Waterways (Fig. I), near Ed- sity, appearance etc.) of the vegetation to be ithvale in Melbourne's south-eastern suburbs, established have attracted over 100 species of birds, includ¬ 3. Set goals for plant establishment ing the rare Magpie Goose, and seven species 4. Select appropriate species of frogs. They also support over 220 species of 5. Source plant material indigenous plants, including 14 rare and threat¬ 6. Plant and establish desired species ened species such as the nationally vulnerable 7. Maintenance Swamp Everlasting Xerochrysum palustre. This 8. Monitoring area is regularly visited by nature lovers and Critical aspects of each of these points will be other members of the public. discussed in detail for both natural degraded and To provide water quality improvement func¬ constructed wetlands. It should be noted that to tion in constructed wetlands or restore the bio¬ improve the health and diversity of vegetation in diversity of degraded natural wetlands, it is nec¬ natural degraded wetlands it is first necessary to essary to deliberately establish or increase the address or manage degrading processes such as abundance and diversity of indigenous plant grazing, cropping, altered hydrological regimes species. The establishment of vegetation within or artificially high nutrient inputs. Indeed, this wetlands can present a number of unique chal¬ may lead to plant re-establishment without the lenges. The information and techniques that can need for further intervention. be used to overcome these challenges presented here have been developed through 15 years ol 1. Determine the physical, chemical and practical experience in growing and success¬ biological characteristics of the wetland fully establishing wetland vegetation. Clewell et environment to be revegetated The composition, structure and distribution of * This paper was presented at the Biodiversity Sympo¬ vegetation that will grow in a wetland are de- sium of the FNCV ‘Water and Biodiversity in 2013. Vol 132 (5) 2015 147 Contribution Fig. 1. Revegetated habitat wetland at the Waterways. Dominant species include Running Marsh-flower Vil- larsia reniformis and Fine Twig-sedge Baumea arthrophylla. termined by a combination of physical, chemi¬ and other herbaceous plants to shrubby cal and biological factors. An understanding of thickets of Tea-tree (Melaleuca and Lept- these factors and how they influence vegetation ospermum species) in higher rainfall areas is essential when determining what plants to or Lignum Duma florulenta in low rainfall establish and where to put them. areas. Inundation depth, duration, frequency and ii) Meadow zone: often has a very shallow gra¬ seasonality have a major influence on what spe¬ dient and is inundated by up to 100 mm at cies grow where within wetlands. When plan¬ normal high water level and dries out season¬ ning wetland revegetation, it is helpful to map ally. Drying out assists in the nutrient cycling out areas in terms of their hydrological habitat, process. Common life forms of this habitat which requires topographic information com¬ include erect emergent sedges (Eleocharis, bined with data on known or modelled wetting Carex, Cyperus and Baumea species), rushes and drying cycles. A schematic cross-section of (Juncus species), grasses (Poa and Amphibro- these zones and the plants which grow in them mus species) and tufted or spreading herbs is a useful tool. A combination of the following (Lobelia, Goodenia and Eryngium species). generalised habitats may be found around most iii) Shallow Marsh zone: is inundated from 100 wetlands and usually support distinct associa¬ mm up to 250 mm at normal high water tions of plant species. level and usually drying out completely dur¬ i) The interface zone between the wetland and ing summer and autumn or drought. Com¬ surrounding terrestrial vegetation: is above mon lifeforms include erect emergent sedges the normal high water level but soil moisture (Eleocharis, Carex, Cyperus, Bolboschoenus is influenced by lateral seepage and may be and Baumea species), rushes (Juncus species), saturated during winter and inundated for grasses (Glyceria and Amphibromus species) short periods after rain events. The plant and amphibious herbs with floating or emer¬ species occurring in this ecotonal envi¬ gent leaves (Myriophyllum, Triglochin, Orn- ronment vary from sedges, rushes, grasses 148 The Victorian Naturalist Contribution duffia, Marsilea, Ranunculus and floating¬ by innovative design informed by an under¬ leaved Potamogeton species). standing of wetland ecology. iv) Deep Marsh zone: is inundated from 250 mm For example, constructed wetlands can be de¬ up to 1000 mm at normal high water level, the signed to have distinct ponds or cells separated Deep Marsh zone is generally permanently by overflow weirs. One pond is the primary inundated but may dry out completely dur¬ treatment cell through which all incoming water ing drought. Common lifeforms include tall passes. During times of normal low flow, this is erect emergent sedges (Eleocharis sphacelata, the only cell through which water moves. Water Baumea articulata and Schoenoplectus taber- flows into other cells only on occasions after rain¬ naemontani) and aquatic herbs with floating, fall events in which water levels in the primary emergent or submerged leaves (Myriophyl- cell rise high enough to overtop their overflow lum, Triglochin, Ornduffia, Nymphoides and weirs. In this way, close to natural wetting and Potamogeton species) and free floating spe¬ drying cycles can be achieved in these normally cies such as Azolla or duckweeds. still water ponds, and diverse vegetation can be v) Open Water zone: is greater than 1000 mm established within them. The primary treatment deep and generally supports no emergent pond may experience a fairly artificial water re¬ vegetation. This zone may support submerged gime, with near constant flows, and therefore aquatic plants such as Eel Grass Vallisne- supports only fairly simple riparian vegetation. ria americana and Pondweeds Potamogeton Constructed wetland inlets and outlets should species. be designed so that floodwaters entering wet¬ Wetting and drying cycles are critical for lands are retained only for a short time in order maintaining the health of wetland vegetation to prevent plants from drowning or becoming (Butcher 2008). Reduction in water level or covered in algae. In areas with large catchments complete drying out due to evaporative loss over it may be useful to have a bypass channel which dry seasons, termed draw down, is important allows high flows around the wretland to pre¬ in the cycle of nutrient breakdown and release. vent regular pulsing of water levels during the It maintains macrophyte species composition plant establishment phase. An ability to raise and structure and promotes the flowering, seed and lower levels by the use of weirs and sealable production and recruitment of many species of outlet pipes can be useful for plant establish¬ plants. It also provides the mud flat habitat pre¬ ment and management purposes such as weed ferred by many species of wetland birds such as control or facilitating summer draw down. Dotterels, Plovers and Sandpipers. Salinity, pH, turbidity and substrate charac¬ Wetlands that maintain high water levels year teristics round due to artificial inputs of stormwater or The physical and chemical characteristics of irrigation run-off often become dominated by wrater and soils within wetlands are also impor¬ vigorous, warm-season growing plants such tant in determining what will grow in a wetland as Typha, Phragmites and Schoenoplectus spe¬ (Roberts and Marston 2011). While some plant cies, which can outcompete many other species species seem to thrive under a wide range of and reduce biodiversity (Roberts and Marston environmental conditions, many others do well 2011). In natural degraded wetlands the act of only within a particular range of salinity, pH restoring natural wetting and drying cycles may and turbidity. It is important to note that some be enough to stimulate the re-establishment of of these characteristics may vary widely within a many plant species. wetland depending on seasonal changes; for ex¬ Constructed wetlands should be designed so ample, a wetland may be quite fresh during wet that they provide meadow, shallow marsh and periods but become quite saline in dry times. deep marsh habitats with appropriate wetting Soil nutrient levels and water holding capaci¬ and drying cycles. There are many examples ties also play a major role in determining plant of constructed wetlands where plant establish¬ species composition within wetlands. Wetlands ment has failed or been poor because imposed occurring on heavy clay soils will support flora hydrological regimes are just too different from very distinct from those occurring in sandy natural cycles. This problem can be overcome 149 Vol 132 (5) 2015 Contribution areas, even if their hydrological regimes are Wetlands with the primary role of increasing similar. Plant establishment within construct¬ aesthetic values should be planted with attrac¬ ed wetlands is greatly enhanced if at least 150 tive species that produce massed displays of mm of local topsoil is spread in areas in which flowers, such as Ornduffia or Nymphoides spe¬ aquatic plants are desired. cies, or have interesting foliage colour and tex¬ ture, such as Myriophyllum and Triglochin spe¬ Wave action cies. The use of tall, vigorous emergent sedges Wide, open bodies of water with a large sur¬ in such areas is to be avoided as they will ul¬ face area can be subject to intense wave action timately obscure views into the wetland. Well- caused by strong winds. This wave action can designed or managed wetlands can perform cause bank erosion and prevent the establish¬ all of the above functions as long as areas with ment of many plant species. Such water bodies, conflicting requirements are kept separate. Vis¬ unless they have very gentle bank gradients (i.e. iting intact remnant wetlands is the best way to of a higher ratio than 1:30), will usually support see how this can be achieved. only simple vegetation communities. Wave ac¬ Retain, enhance and interpret existing eco¬ tion can be reduced in constructed wetlands by logical, landscape and cultural features, such decreasing the length (fetch) of a water body in as large old trees, remnants of native vegetation the direction of prevailing winds, using islands and sites of archaeological or historic signifi¬ or shallowly submerged bunds. cance. These are valuable assets that will be of 2. Determining the function and characteris¬ interest to the local community and help to cre¬ tics of the vegetation to be established ate a unique sense of place. The primary functions of a constructed wet¬ 3. Setting goals for plant establishment land will determine what kinds of plant species How densely a wetland is planted will deter¬ and associations will be desirable to establish mine how rapidly aquatic vegetation is estab¬ within it. Wetlands with the primary func¬ lished, and the cost of planting and weed main¬ tion of water treatment will need large areas of tenance. The Interface, Meadow and Shallow dense emergent macrophytes that will intercept Marsh zones are those most susceptible to weed water flow, facilitate deposition of suspended invasion in the early phase of wetland vegeta¬ sediments, and support a large surface area of tion establishment. Experience has shown that, biofilm (consisting of fungi, algae and bacte¬ if competent weed control is carried out, a den¬ ria). The emergent macrophytes which are best sity of 5-6 plants per square metre is adequate suited to this role are those that grow rapidly, for these zones. Under good conditions this take up substantial quantities of nitrogen and should result in 90% cover of desirable species phosphorus, and do not die off in cool seasons, within nine months of planting. for example Baumea articulata and Eleocharis The Deep Marsh zone can be planted at four sphacelata. They will also require deep areas plants per square metre, and will take slightly with no emergent vegetation to allow maxi¬ longer to fill out (Fig. 2). Planting at a high den¬ mum sunlight penetration so that ultraviolet sity will allow desirable plants to quickly form radiation can kill undesirable bacteria. an interlocking canopy that will help prevent Constructed wetlands with the primary func¬ erosion and weed invasion. The money saved tion of wildlife habitat should be planted with from buying a smaller number of plants, and the plant species whose characteristics provide planting them sparsely, will soon be consumed for the habitat requirements of the wildlife by the cost of controlling weeds. species for which they are being designed. For example, dense stands of Water Ribbons Tri- 4. Species selection glochin procerum and submerged beds of Eel When selecting which species to establish in a Grass and Pondweeds are the favoured habitats wetland, it is important to consider any infor¬ of the Growling Grass Frog Litoria ranifortnis mation available on the physical, chemical and and Green and Gold Grass Frog Litoria aurea, as biological characteristics of the wetland envi¬ they provide ideal surfaces on which to bask and ronment. As mentioned above, factors such as dense cover in which to hide from predators. wetland shape, soil types, salinity and pH will 150 The Victorian Naturalist Contribution Fig. 2. Restored near-coastal wetland at Torquay. This deep marsh area, planted at a density of four plants per square metre with Water Ribbon Triglochin procerum and Tall Spike-rush Eleocharis sphacelata has a good cover of aquatic species after 12 months of growth. all influence which species will be most appro¬ sion between species or subspecies for which priate. Nearby intact remnant wetlands, with the current taxonomy is unclear. similar environmental characteristics to the Aquatic and semi-aquatic plants can be grown area to be planted, are probably the most use¬ in a range of formats. The format selected ful reference in determining what species to use for each species should be determined by its for revegetation. growth form, size, habitat preferences and ecol¬ When selecting species, use some coloniser ogy. Large rhizomatous sedge species, including plants and begin a process of natural succession. Baumea articulata and Eleocharis sphacelata, Many wetland plants including species such as establish best if planted from containers, such Crassula helmsii, Elatine gratioloides, Lythrum as 3 or even 6 inch pots, which allow the devel¬ hyssopifolium, Juncus bufonius and Isolepis, oth¬ opment of thick rhizomes and tall stems (over er Juncus and Epilobiutn species fill the ecologi¬ 1 metre in size). These characteristics maximise cal niche of colonisers, and rapidly colonise bare the success of establishment under conditions areas that may otherwise be invaded by unde¬ of high turbidity, wave action, avifaunal graz¬ sirable weeds. By purposefully planting a small ing and rapid water level fluctuations which can proportion of coloniser species, it is possible to cause high plant mortality rates, particularly for increase the speed at which desirable species plants planted in the shallow and deep marsh reach a high cover and to put in place a soil seed zones. Spreading herbaceous plants such as bank which will protect the wetland in the event Crassula helmsii and Myriophyllum species are best grown in broad, shallow containers. Tus¬ of any future disturbances. sock-forming sedges and grasses, such as Carex 5. Sourcing plant material appressa and Poa labillardieru are best grown as Using local genetic stock ensures that plants are tubestock or planting cells larger than 16 cm3. well adapted to local soil and climatic condi¬ Using small-sized planting cells, less than 16 tions. It also decreases the likelihood of confu¬ cm3, usually results in high plant mortality. 151 Vol 132 (5) 2015 Contribution 6. Planting and initial establishment plants. Once well-established in the shallows, The timing of planting of aquatic and semi- these plants will grow out into deeper water. aquatic species is crucial if successful establish¬ Plant Protection ment is to be maximised. The optimal time for A common cause of failure of establishment of planting is just before a species enters its op¬ some wetland species is that they are destroyed timal growing season. The growing season of by grazing waterbirds while still small and vul¬ wetland plants varies. Plants which grow on nerable. If plants can be protected through the the fringe of wetlands often grow best in cool, first growing season even the most palatable moist conditions when there is plenty of mois¬ species can become established enough to sur¬ ture available in this zone, while true aquatics vive the destructive feeding habits of birds such often grow most rapidly when the weather is as Purple Swamp Hens or Black Swans. Protec¬ warm. tion of young plants is particularly crucial in Species which occur in deep water habitats are degraded natural wetlands or constructed wet¬ best planted when water levels are lowest in nat¬ lands close to areas where there are established ural wetlands or before the normal high water populations of wetland birds. level is reached in constructed wetlands. Once Protection is best achieved by suspending an over the initial shock of planting, and if they enclosure made of netting or small gauge bird are planted in their preferred growing season, wire around young plants. This material should these species are often quite capable of grow¬ be arranged so that plants will have space to ing to keep up with a slow but steady increase grow for a full growing season without becom¬ in water level. Large rhizomatous sedge species ing entangled within it, otherwise it becomes such as Baumea articulata and Eleocharis spha- difficult to remove and re-use. Great care must celata, should be planted at the shallow edge of be taken to ensure netting or wire is taut and their preferred habitat—i.e. in 200-300 mm of that there are no points of entry into enclosed water—rather than out in deeper water, which areas or wildlife may become entangled or is a hostile environment for establishing young trapped and drown. Fig. 3. Given optimal conditions, including natural wetting and drying and protection from waterbird grazing, wetland vegetation can establish very rap¬ idly. This sequence of photographs, taken over a nine month period, shows vegetation establishment in a constructed wetland from newly constructed and bare of native species on the above left to well vegetated with a high cover of indigenous plants and minimal weeds on the lower left. 152 The Victorian Naturalist Naturalist Notes 7. Maintenance be monitored during each inspection include In order to establish aquatic vegetation in wet¬ photo points (Fig. 3) plant health, weed inva¬ lands, it is crucial to eradicate and suppress the sion, the effects of rainfall and evaporation on establishment of certain key weeds by means water levels, any impacts from wave action, of a well budgeted, designed and implemented water salinity, turbidity and pH, impacts from weed control strategy, which includes timely pedestrian traffic or dog walking, wetland bird application of appropriate methods, monitor¬ grazing and fauna colonisation. ing and follow up. High threat wetland weeds References in Victoria are ranked in DSE (2008). Ideally Butcher R (2008) Wetlands with and without water: a guide weed control should be carried out by specialist to Wimmera wetland hydrology. Wimmera Catchment Management Authority, Horsham. Victoria. contractors or skilled volunteers with proven Clewell A, Rieger J and Munro ) (2005) Guidelines for De¬ ability to identify indigenous and weed species. veloping ana Managing Ecological Restoration Projects. If performed correctly, weed control will en¬ 2nd edn. Society for Ecological Restoration International. www.ser.org courage regeneration of indigenous species and Department of Conservation and Environment and Office of result in successful vegetation establishment. the Environment (DCE) (1992) An Assessment of Victo¬ ria's wetlands. Department of Conservation and Environ¬ ment, Melbourne. 8. Monitoring Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) (2008) Regular inspections of establishing wetland Advisory List of Environmental Weeds of Aquatic Habitats vegetation should be made over the first 12 of Victoria. Department of Sustainability and Environ¬ ment, Melbourne. months to monitor its progress and assess if Roberts J and Marston E (2011) Water regime for wetland adaptive management is required. The fre¬ and floodplain plants: a source book for the Murray-Dar¬ ling Basin. National Water Commission, Canberra. quency of these inspections should be between every two to four weeks, and additional visits should be triggered by large rainfall events that Received 17 April 2014; accepted 16 July 2015 may cause flooding. The checklist of things to Bird vomit, the tour leader and the butcherbird ‘sweet tooth’ While visiting Uluru last year, Fred Bohner, lerp casings of the nymph stages of psyllid in¬ Kathy Himbeck and I decided to do the Mu- sects. It was a heavy infestation on the sapling titjulu Waterhole walk. While we were taking gums, as can be seen in Fig. 1. our time birdwatching and enjoying the scen¬ Being a Stickler for correcting misinformation, ery of this sacred place, a pair of Pied Butcher¬ especially about natural history, I spoke to the birds Cracticus nigrogularis were seen regularly guide quietly and let her know that the ‘vomit’ taking food back to their nest. After observing was in fact the sugary secretions of sap-sucking these birds for a few minutes wc walked further insects. She was going to check with her source and caught up to a tour group from a well- of information, a local Anangu young man, known Australian/New Zealand bus tour com¬ who was a fellow tour leader. Whether the bird pany. Not wanting to walk through the group, vomit relates to a traditional story, I have been as their tour leader was talking with them, we unable to determine. stood back and listened to her spiel. Our in¬ On our return walk from the waterhole, I ob¬ terest in what she was saying was heightened served an immature butcherbird on the ground, when she started referring to a white coating all picking up items from the soil and eating them. over the leaves of some small saplings as bird As the bird was distracted by what it was doing, vomit’. On a closer inspection, after the group I was able to get close enough to take a series of had moved on, the ‘vomit’ was found to be the photos. After the bird flew off, I walked over to 153 Vol 132 (5) 2015

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