Contents Page: vii Series Preface Page: ix Preface to the Second Edition Page: xi Acknowledgments Page: xiii One: Introduction to Psychological Tests and Their Uses Page: 1 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS Page: 1 Other Terms Used in Connection With Tests and Test Titles Page: 4 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS AS TOOLS Page: 5 Testing Standards and Guidelines Page: 6 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS AS PRODUCTS Page: 6 HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING Page: 8 Antecedents of Modern Testing in the Occupational Realm Page: 9 Antecedents of Modern Testing in the Field of Education Page: 9 Antecedents of Modern Testing in Clinical Psychology Page: 10 Antecedents of Modern Testing in Scientific Psychology Page: 11 The Rise of Modern Psychological Testing Page: 12 OTHER DEVELOPMENTS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING Page: 16 Standardized Testing in Educational Settings Page: 16 Personnel Testing and Vocational Guidance Page: 18 Clinical Testing Page: 19 CURRENT USES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS Page: 22 Decision Making Page: 22 Psychological Research Page: 23 Self-Understanding and Personal Development Page: 24 PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT VERSUS PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING Page: 24 Steps in the Assessment Process Page: 25 TEST USER QUALIFICATIONS Page: 26 SOURCES OF INFORMATION ABOUT TESTS Page: 30 Internet Resources Page: 30 Print Resources Page: 33 Two: Essential Statistics for Testing Page: 37 MEASUREMENT Page: 38 VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS Page: 38 THE MEANING OF NUMBERS Page: 40 Nominal Scales Page: 41 Ordinal Scales Page: 42 Interval Scales Page: 43 Ratio Scales Page: 44 Why Is the Meaning of Numbers Relevant to Psychological Testing? Page: 44 What Can We Conclude About the Meaning of Numbers in Psychological Measurements? Page: 47 TYPES OF STATISTICS Page: 47 Descriptive Statistics Page: 48 Numerical Description of Data Page: 49 The Importance of Variability Page: 53 THE NORMAL CURVE MODEL Page: 55 Definition Page: 55 Properties of the Normal Curve Model Page: 55 USES OF THE NORMAL CURVE MODEL Page: 58 Descriptive Uses Page: 58 Inferential Uses of the Normal Curve Model Page: 58 Estimating Population Parameters Page: 59 Nonnormal Distributions Page: 62 ESSENTIALS OF CORRELATION AND REGRESSION Page: 65 Linear Correlation Page: 66 Scatterplots Page: 68 The Discovery of Regression Page: 68 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS Page: 70 Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient Page: 72 CONCLUSION Page: 78 Three: Essentials of Test Score Interpretation Page: 81 RAW SCORES Page: 81 FRAMES OF REFERENCE FOR TEST SCORE INTERPRETATION Page: 82 NORM-REFERENCED TEST INTERPRETATION Page: 83 Developmental Norms Page: 83 Within-Group Norms Page: 86 Scores Used for Expressing Within-Group Norms Page: 91 INTERTEST COMPARISONS Page: 103 Equating Procedures Page: 105 Item Response Theory (IRT) Page: 108 Test Revisions Page: 109 CRITERION-REFERENCED TEST INTERPRETATION Page: 113 Varieties of Criterion-Referenced Test Interpretation Page: 113 Testing Knowledge of Content Domains Page: 115 Performance Assessment Page: 117 Predicting Performance Page: 119 Relationship Among the Frames of Reference Page: 120 Criterion-Referenced Test Interpretation in Clinical Assessment Page: 122 Item Response Theory as a Basis for Combining Frames of Reference Page: 122 Social Considerations in Norm- and Criterion-Referenced Testing Page: 123 Four: Essentials of Reliability Page: 127 TRUTH AND ERROR IN PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT Page: 128 The Concept of the True Score in Individual Data Page: 128 True Scores in Group Data Page: 129 THE RELATIVITY OF RELIABILITY Page: 130 A Note About Truth and Error Page: 131 SOURCES OF ERROR IN PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING Page: 132 Interscorer Differences Page: 134 Time Sampling Error Page: 134 Content Sampling Error Page: 136 Interitem Inconsistency Page: 140 Content Heterogeneity Page: 140 Time Sampling and Content Sampling Error Combined Page: 145 RELIABILITY IN TEST USE Page: 146 Reliability Considerations in Test Selection Page: 146 Evaluation of Error From Multiple Sources Page: 149 The Item Response Theory Approach to Reliability Page: 151 RELIABILITY CONSIDERATIONS IN TEST INTERPRETATION Page: 152 Quantifying Error in Test Scores: The Standard Error of Measurement Page: 152 Interpreting the Significance of Differences Between Scores Page: 155 The Relationship Between Reliability and Validity Page: 160 CONCLUSION Page: 161 Five: Essentials of Validity Page: 165 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES ON VALIDITY Page: 167 The Classic Definition of Validity Page: 168 CURRENT PERSPECTIVES ON VALIDITY Page: 172 The Integrative Function of Constructs in Test Validation Page: 172 SOURCES OF VALIDITY EVIDENCE Page: 176 Evidence Based on Test Content Page: 177 Evidence Based on Response Processes Page: 184 Evidence Based on Internal Structure Page: 185 Evidence Based on Relations to Other Variables Page: 194 Consequences of Testing Page: 226 CONCLUDING COMMENTS Page: 228 Six: Essential Test Item Considerations Page: 233 THE CONTEXT OF ITEM ANALYSIS: TEST DEVELOPMENT Page: 235 Steps in the Test Development Process Page: 236 TEST ITEM TYPES Page: 239 Selected-Response Items Page: 240 Constructed-Response Items Page: 244 CLASSICAL METHODS OF ITEM ANALYSIS Page: 246 Quantitative Methods of Item Analysis Page: 247 Item Difficulty Page: 247 Item Validity Page: 253 Combining Item Difficulty and Item Discrimination Page: 258 ITEM RESPONSE THEORY Page: 260 Classical Test Theory Versus Item Response Theory Page: 262 Essential Features of Item Response Theory Page: 265 Item Fairness Page: 272 Qualitative Analysis of Item Bias Page: 273 Quantitative Analysis of Item Bias Page: 274 Assessing Differential Item Functioning Page: 275 EXPLORATIONS IN ITEM DEVELOPMENT AND SCORING Page: 276 Recent Developments in Item Generation Page: 276 Automated Scoring Page: 277 Seven: Essentials of Ethical Test Use Page: 279 SOURCES OF INFORMATION ON ETHICAL USE OF TESTS Page: 279 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing Page: 280 Additional Resources Page: 281 ESSENTIALS OF TEST SELECTION Page: 284 To Use or Not to Use (Psychological Tests), That Is the (First) Question Page: 284 Test Utility Page: 287 Other Assessment Tools Page: 292 Searching for and Evaluating Tests Page: 295 ESSENTIALS OF TEST ADMINISTRATION AND SCORING Page: 298 Preparing the Testing Environment Page: 298 Preparing the Test Taker Page: 299 Preparation of the Examiner Page: 304 Test Administration in the Digital Age Page: 306 ESSENTIALS OF TEST SCORE INTERPRETATION AND REPORTING Page: 310 A Particular Perspective on Test Interpretation Page: 311 Communicating Test Results and Assessment Findings Page: 314 Safeguarding Test Data Page: 318 CONCLUSION Page: 318 Appendix A: Commercially Available Tests Mentioned in the Text Page: 323 Appendix B: Internet Addresses of Test Publishers and Distributors Page: 327 Appendix C: Table of Areas and Ordinates of the Normal Curve Page: 329 References Page: 343 Index Page: 363 About the Author Page: 385 End User License Agreement Page: a