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Access to the eBook is limited to the first individual who redeems the PIN, located on the inside cover of this book, at expertconsult.inkling.com and may not be transferred to another party by resale, lending, or other means. E S S E N T I A L S O F Pain Medicine This page intentionally left blank E S S E N T I A L S O F Pain Medicine FOURTH EDITION EDITORS Honorio T. Benzon, MD Scott M. Fishman, MD Professor of Anesthesiology Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Department of Anesthesiology Chief Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Division of Pain Medicine Chicago, Illinois Vice Chair Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Srinivasa N. Raja, MD Director Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Center for Advancing Pain Relief Medicine, and Neurology University of California, Davis School of Medicine Director of Pain Research Sacramento, California Division of Pain Medicine Steven P. Cohen, MD Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, Maryland Chief of Pain Medicine Professor of Anesthesiology, Neurology and Physical Spencer S. Liu, MD Medicine & Rehabilitation Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Attending Anesthesiologist Professor of Anesthesiology and Physical Medicine Hospital for Special Surgery & Rehabilitation Weill Cornell Medical College Director of Pain Research New York, New York Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Bethesda, Maryland ASSOCIATE EDITORS Robert W. Hurley, MD, PhD Philip Peng, MBBS, FRCPC, Founder Professor (Pain Med) Department of Anesthesiology Professor Wake Forest School of Medicine Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management Executive Director University Health Network & Mount Sinai Hospital Pain Shared Service Line University of Toronto Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Toronto, Ontario Winston-Salem, North Carolina Khalid Malik, MD, FRCS Professor of Anesthesiology University of Illinois Chicago Chicago, Illinois 1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Ste 1800 Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899 ESSENTIALS OF PAIN MEDICINE, FOURTH EDITION ISBN: 978-0-323-40196-8 Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such infor- mation or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administra- tion, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, neg- ligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. Previous editions copyrighted 2011, 2005, and 1999. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Benzon, Honorio T., editor. | Raja, Srinivasa, editor. | Liu, Spencer S., editor. | Fishman, Scott, 1959- editor. | Cohen, Steven P. (Steven Paul), 1963- editor. Title: Essentials of pain medicine / editors, Honorio T. Benzon, Srinivasa N. Raja, Spencer S. Liu, Scott M. Fishman, Steven P. Cohen, ; associate editors, Robert W. Hurley, Khalid Malik, Philip Peng. Description: Fourth edition. | Philadelphia, PA : Elseiver, [2018] | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2017039957 | ISBN 9780323401968 (hardcover : alk. paper) Subjects: | MESH: Pain--drug therapy | Anesthesia, Conduction Classification: LCC RD84 | NLM WL 704.6 | DDC 617.9/64--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017039957 Executive Content Strategist: Michael Houston Content Development Specialist: Angie Breckon Publishing Services Manager: Catherine Jackson Senior Project Manager: Daniel Fitzgerald Designer: Ashley Miner Printed in China Last digit is the print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To my wife, Juliet, for your love, understanding, and counsel. To our children and their spouses: Hazel and Paul, Hubert and Natalie. To our grandchildren: Annalisa, Jonathan, and Hunter. To my co-editors, associate editors, and contributors, for their hard work. To my previous and present colleagues at Northwestern, it has been an enjoyable ride. Honorio T. Benzon To my wife and best friend, Geetha: Thanks for your constant support, immense sacrifice, and enthusiastic encouragement of my educational activities. To my daughters, Pushpa and Meera: Thanks for bringing JOY to my life with your infinite love and ardent affection. To my Johns Hopkins colleagues and friends: Thanks for the intellectual stimulation and being my extended family. Srinivasa N. Raja To my wonderful wife, Roja, darling daughter, Anais, and my parents, Paul and Grace Liu. Spencer S. Liu To my patients, who continually inspire my work. To my colleagues at the UC Davis Center for Pain Medicine, who make my work a joy. To my wife and children, who give so much to support me and my work. Scott M. Fishman In loving memory of my father, my greatest advocate, who guided me onto a path of wisdom and responsibility. To my wife, Karen, for her unwavering patience and support. To my mother, Harriet, for teaching me what is important in life. To my children, Berklee, Zared and Seffrah, for providing me with happiness and inspiration. To my fellow service members—all gave some, and some gave all, in defense of our freedom and lifestyle. Steven P. Cohen To my wife and best friend, Meredith, for her unending support. To my daughter, Alexandra, and sons, Sebastian and Gibson, my greatest joys. To my parents, Morrison and Brenda, and my sister, Erin, who have always kept me grounded. To my mentors, Donna Hammond and Chris Wu, for fostering my interests and, at times, reining me in. To my collaborators, for questioning every sentence I put down on paper. Robert W. Hurley To my wife, Bonnie, for her love and patience; my son, Jahan, for the delight; and my daughter, Zara, for the vigor she brings to my life. In fond remembrance of my parents. To Dr. Benzon, for his kind and steadfast mentorship. Khalid Malik To my wife, Carol, for her continued support, encouragement, and understanding; To my children, Julia and Michael, who fill me with joy and love; To my sister, Rita, who keeps reminding me to be strong and assertive. Philip Peng This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS Dedication v III Preface x S E C T I O N List of Contributors xi Perioperative Pain Management 11 P reventive Analgesia 105 I S E C T I O N C hristina M. Spofford and Robert W. Hurley 12 Perioperative Nonopioid Infusions for Basic Considerations Postoperative Pain Management 111 1 Anatomy and Physiology of the Pain H ubert A. Benzon, Ravi D. Shah, and Honorio T. Benzon Signaling Process 3 13 P atient-Controlled Analgesia 117 M atthias Ringkamp, Patrick M. Dougherty, and E llen M. Soffin and Spencer S. Liu Srinivasa N. Raja 14 I ntrathecal Opioids for Postoperative 2 N eurochemistry of Somatosensory and Pain 123 Pain Processing 11 N ikki Conlin, Michael C. Grant, and Christopher L. Wu K ent H. Nouri, Uzondu Osuagwu, Jessica Boyette-Davis, 15 Epidural Opioids for Postoperative Matthias Ringkamp, Srinivasa N. Raja, and Pain 129 Patrick M. Dougherty G abriel A. Hernandez, Michael C. Grant, and 3 T axonomy: Definition of Pain Terms and Christopher L. Wu Chronic Pain Syndromes 21 16 Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks 135 K iran Chekka and Honorio T. Benzon B rian M. Ilfeld and Edward R. Mariano 17 Pediatric Postoperative Pain 141 S E C T I O N II D avid J. Krodel and Patrick K. Birmingham 18 C hronic Pain After Surgery 147 Clinical Evaluation and Diagnostic C olin J.L. McCartney and Steven Tremblay Examinations IV 4 P hysical Examination of the Patient S E C T I O N With Pain 27 P aul Scholten, Kiran Chekka, and Honorio T. Benzon Chronic Pain Syndromes 5 Pain Assessment 39 19 Migraine Headache and the Trigeminal A simina Lazaridou, Nick Elbaridi, Robert R. Edwards, and Autonomic Cephalalgias 157 Charles B. Berde J ack M. Rozental 6 Psychological Evaluation and Testing 47 20 T ension-Type Headache, Chronic S heera F. Lerman and Jennifer Haythornthwaite Tension-Type Headache, and Other 7 D iagnostic and Statistical Manual of Chronic Headache Types 165 Mental Disorders and Pain Management 53 J ack M. Rozental M eghan Rodes 21 Postmeningeal Puncture Headache 8 Neurophysiologic Testing for Pain 59 and Spontaneous Intracranial T akashi Nishida, Michael M. Minieka, and Leslie Rydberg Hypotension 169 9 Anatomy, Imaging, and Common S amer Abdel-Aziz, Honorio T. Benzon, and Robert W. Hurley Pain-Generating Degenerative 22 C ervicogenic Headache 177 Pathologies of the Spine 69 S amer Narouze B enjamin P. Liu, Matthew T. Walker, Eric M. Spitzer, 23 Orofacial Pain 183 Murugusundaram Veeramani, and Eric J. Russell S amer Narouze and Jason E. Pope 10 Determination of Disability 99 D avid Richard Walega vii viii CONTENTS 24 O verview of Low Back Pain Disorders 193 VI K halid Malik and Ariana Nelson S E C T I O N 25 M yofascial Pain Syndrome 207 Pharmacology and Pharmacologic A ndrea L. Nicol, Matthew Crooks, Eric S. Hsu, and F. Michael Ferrante Modalities 26 Fibromyalgia and Centralized Pain 42 Major Opioids in Pain Management 373 States 213 S amir Sheth, Mark Holtsman, and Gagan Mahajan C had Brummett and Daniel J. Clauw 43 Opioids Used for Mild to Moderate 27 C omplex Regional Pain Syndrome 223 Pain 385 K ayode Williams, Anthony Guarino, and Srinivasa N. Raja M ark Holtsman and Charity Hale 28 Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic 44 The Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic and Neuralgia 233 Emerging Prescribing Guidelines 389 K enneth Schmader and Robert H. Dworkin L ynn R. Webster 29 P ostamputation Pain 241 45 L egal and Regulatory Issues in Pain M ichael B. Jacobs, Srinivasa N. Raja, and Steven P. Cohen Management 395 30 Central Pain States 251 A aron M. Gilson and Ben A. Rich J ulie H. Huang-Lionnet, Chad Brummett, and 46 Urine Drug Testing in Pain Medicine 405 Srinivasa N. Raja G agan Mahajan 31 Pelvic Pain 261 47 S ubstance Use Disorders and K arina Gritsenko and Marc Samuel Cohen Detoxification 419 32 P ainful Peripheral Neuropathies 273 J . Gregory Hobelmann and Michael R. Clark S arah A. Endrizzi, James P. Rathmell, and Robert W. Hurley 48 Psychopharmacology for Pain 33 E ntrapment Neuropathies 283 Medicine 427 S ophy C. Zheng and Thomas H. Brannagan III M ohammed A. Issa, Zwade Marshall, and Ajay D. Wasan 49 M embrane Stabilizers 437 S E C T I O N V S tacy Peterson, Honorio T. Benzon, and Robert W. Hurley 50 Recommendations for Pharmacologic Cancer Pain and Pain in Special Therapy of Neuropathic Pain 445 Situations S imon Haroutounian and Nanna Brix Finnerup 51 Nonopioid Analgesics: Nonsteroidal 34 Approach to the Management of Cancer Antiinflammatory Drugs, Pain 299 Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors, and B ritni L. Lookabaugh and Charles F. Von Gunten Acetaminophen 457 35 M anagement of Pain at End of Life 309 B ryan S. Williams J udith A. Paice 52 I ntravenous Infusions for Refractory 36 Pain Management in the Emergency Cancer and Chronic Pain States 469 Department 315 S heetal K. DeCaria and Magdalena Anitescu J ames Mathews and Arthur Moore 53 P harmacologic Management of Myofascial 37 C hronic Pain Management in Children and Pain 475 Adolescents 323 J ulie H. Huang-Lionnet, Haroon Hameed, and Steven P. Cohen R avi D. Shah and Santhanam Suresh 54 P harmacologic Management of Complex 38 S ickle Cell Disease 333 Regional Pain Syndrome 485 D awn Belvis, Kimberly J. Henderson, and Hubert A. Benzon R ena Beckerly and Honorio T. Benzon 39 Pain Management During Pregnancy and 55 P harmacology for the Interventional Pain Lactation 339 Physician 501 J eanette Bauchat and Cynthia A. Wong A ndrea L. Nicol, Magdalena Anitescu, and Honorio T. Benzon 40 Pain Control in the Critically Ill 56 Role of Cannabinoids in Pain Patient 345 Management 509 A bbas Al-Qamari and Michael Lynn Ault O mar I. Halawa, Timothy J. Furnish, and Mark S. Wallace 41 G eriatric Pain 357 G wendolyn A. Sowa, Debra K. Weiner, and Alejandra Camacho-Soto

Accessible, concise, and clinically focused, Essentials of Pain Medicine, 4th Edition, by Drs. Honorio T. Benzon, Srinivasa N. Raja, Scott M. Fishman, Spencer S. Liu, and Steven P. Cohen, presents a complete, full-color overview of today's theory and practice of pain medicine and regional anesthesia
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