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OTHER TITLES IN THESERIES IN INFRARED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol. 1. BIBERMAN—Reticles in Electro-Optical Devices ESSENTIALS OF MODERN PHYSICS APPLIED TO THE STUDY OF THE INFRARED BY ARMAND HADNI Professor at the University of Nancy, France PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · LONDON - EDINBURGH . NEW YORK TORONTO · SYDNEY · PARIS · BRAUNSCHWEIG Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W.l Pergamon Press (Scotland) Ltd., 2 & 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 Pergamon Press Inc., 44-01 21st Street, Long Island City, New York 11101 Pergamon of Canada, Ltd., 6 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 20-22 Margaret Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Pergamon Press S.A.R.L., 24 rue des Ecoles, Paris 5e Vieweg & Sohn GmbH, Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright © 1967 Pergamon Press Ltd. First edition 1967 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 67-24734 2864/67 Foreword IT IS becoming quite commonplace to wonder at the developments of technics which, on the earth, in the air, under the oceans and, soon, within the depths of our globe, are leading to realizations that, but fifty years ago, even science fiction dare not foresee. Missiles and satellites, yet in their early days, already enable us to imagine effective communication with worlds foreign to our modest planet. It is possible to conceive the tremendous advances of contemporary science, failing which not only no realization could be carried out, but no substantial and coherent program would be developed. Unfortunately, a brief human life is proving more and more insufficient to collect the necessary amount of knowledge: the last humanist, Pic de la Mirandole, who boasted to be able to discuss "de omni re scibili, et quibusdam aliis"—that is, "every known subject, and some more"—has now long ago disappeared. Therefore, books liable to keep us at least approximately in- formed of the progress of science, and specially of physics, are becoming more and more indispensable. Considering the increasing scientific activity, it is nearly laying a wager to attempt, even in a restricted field, to offer non-specialists a coherent and comprehen- sive ensemble which even specialists could use as a manual. This, however, is what Dr. Armand Hadni, Professor at the Faculte des Sciences de Nancy, Laureate of the Institut de France, awarded different medals of well-known scientific organizations, has successfully performed. Without in the least neglecting classical physics, he has collected as various as numerous informations connected with different aspects of modern physics which have only been taken into consideration, some in the first half of the century, some but in quite recent years. The former are concerned with infrared spectroscopy, its corollaries and applications—and we point out that Dr. Hadni is a pioneer searcher in the exceed- ingly difficult field of the long wavelengths—the latter with physics of solids. la* XI XU FOREWORD To aim at incorporating in an essentially didactic work the bulk of basic knowledge necessary to specialize in the study of the infrared involved a great many difficulties, unless the author chose either to produce a very intricate text or, on the contrary, to cut off indispensable introductions. As the poet long ago expressed: "I want to be brief, and I become obscure." Every writer, either of memoirs or of books of some importance, will appreciate the effort towards simplification and clearness apparent in every chapter of Dr. Hadni's work, entitled Essentials of Modern Physics applied to the Study of the Infrared. Chapter 1 contains elements of instrumental optics in the Infrared (with classical references, particular applications to dispersion, elimination of unwanted radiation, and very high resolution) while Chapter 2 is devoted to the important question of sources which, up to recent years, had benefited by practically no development. The most important question of infrared detectors, treated in Chapter 3, illustrates the tremendous progress which has occurred in the last ten years and which now puts us in a position to success- fully enter upon every question in this field and curiously contrasts with HerschePs legendary thermometer which, towards 1800, was the instrument of a first discovery of this invisible radiation. Chapter 4, dealing with the propagation of waves, Maxwell's equations and Lorentz theory, has been brought up to date with the introduction of polarizabilities and some notions about plas- mas. Chapter 5 proved to be extremely difficult to draw up and is, however, a very attractive statement on waves of thermal agita- tion in a solid and their interaction with the Infrared. It gives a faithful account of every development noted in recent years. The far Infrared, main field of the author's researches, is the object of Chapter 6. No one could be more qualified to show the first-rate interest of these studies within the scope of chemical and physical fields extending every day with the developments of experimental techniques. The Conclusion, with original views on the advances in instrumentation and scientific developments, lets us foresee a new era in the study of the infrared spectra both for applications and theory. Considering the many different aspects connected with the sub- ject of this volume, the author should not need this well-known apology, "I had no time to be brief", whatever the importance of the work. These aspects, grouped in a same perspective towards FOREWORD Xlll the study of the Infrared, constitute one of the attractions of this book: we trust that it will meet a well-deserved success, for, to our knowledge, it comes in due time and fills a gap in literature that every infrared physicist, living or to come, has felt. J. LECOMTE Directeur scientifique au Centre National de la Re- cherche Scientifique, Membre de ΓInstitut de France (Academie des Sciences), de VAcademie Pontificale des Sciences, Membre etranger de VAcademie Na- tionale d'ltalie (Lincei,) Membre correspondant de VAcademie de Bologne et de VAcademie des Sciences du Bresil Preface THE study of the Infrared has developed considerably during the last few years, and, as we shall see, it demands extremely varied techniques, which are evolving rapidly. The engineering or science graduate who decides to work in an infrared laboratory is often alarmed by the wide range of knowledge in the whole field of physics which he is expected to possess, on the one hand in order to understand the workings of the apparatus, and on the other hand to extract the theoretical elements of the problems which he is set, or which he should set himself. We thought that it was possible to bring together in a short work the essentials of modern physics and to classify them in such a way that the research worker may find them immediately applic- able to the practical problems he encounters in the laboratory. Naturally, it is not a matter of a collection of formulae, but of elements of physics which will be deduced with the greatest possible strictness from the great principles. Nevertheless, in order to reduce the length of the text, we have sometimes referred the reader to more general works. The same applies to the apparatus and results, thanks to a bibliography which is relatively extensive and recent (up to the end of February 1966) but which we have made great efforts to confine to those publications directly concerned with the topics under discussion. After an introduction setting out the present situation of research into the Infrared, and the problems to which it gives rise, we shall consider instrumentation in the Infrared: optics, sources, receivers and electronics. We shall next investigate the interaction between the Infrared and matter, first within the framework of Lorentz's general theory, then in the particular case of solids, recalling Born's theory and introducing the notion of phonons. The last chapter is devoted to the far Infrared, which is perhaps the region of the electromagnetic spectrum, which, since Hertz, has caused the most blighted hopes to research workers, at a time when the other ranges were leading to tremendous developments in science and industry: X-ray analysis, molecular beam experiments, radio, television. XV A cknowledgements THE author is indebted to his many colleagues in infrared physics who have provided him with much information and encourage- ment during the last 10 years. He is also indebted to his students at the University of Nancy. Their questions and their answers have influenced the choice and presentation of subject matter. He is specially grateful to Mr. D. Chanal, J. Claudel, E. Decamps, G. Morlot and B. Wyncke for reading the entire galley proofs with greatest care. They are to be thanked for numerous improve- ments, they should not be blamed for the shortcomings that remain. Grateful thanks are due to my wife and Miss C. de Hody for the typing of the manuscript, the tracing of the figures, and to Miss P. Middleditch for her assistance in the English translation. Without their help this book could never have appeared. XVI INTRODUCTION The Rise and Increasing Complexity of Infrared Research I. THE DISCOVERY OF THE INFRARED We know that the eye may be considered as a highly sensitive receiver of electromagnetic waves (it is able to distinguish in complete darkness a candle at a distance of 10 km) but within a comparatively limited spectral field between the blue (0-4 micron) and the red (0-7 micron). It allows us to know the external world, sometimes by the means of the light given out by certain objects at very high temperature, for example the sun, the stars, bodies heated beyond 400°C (dark red), but more often by means of the light they reflect or diffuse selectively. It is most often the case that objects must be lighted up for the eye to perceive them. However, these objects give out a considerable amount of electro- magnetic energy, but it is virtually all distributed in the Infrared between 5 and 15 microns for objects at normal temperature. Even in the case of the sun, whose temperature is 6000 degrees or thereabouts, most of the radiated energy is distributed beyond the red. One recalls that it was in the solar spectrum that Her- schell, the great English astronomer who discovered Uranus, first became aware of the existence of the Infrared about 1800 by moving an alcohol thermometer along the solar spectrum. Of course, studies began only when the liquid thermometer could be replaced by much more sensitive detectors. The thermo-couple had been discovered in 1822 by Seebeck and a few years later Melloni was blackening one of the junctions and using it as a radiation detector. From then onwards in conjunction with a good galvano- meter, infrared spectroscopists had the tool they needed. Research developed especially after 1870, following Maxwell's extraordinary theory of electromagnetic waves. This established an identity of kind for infrared, visible, ultraviolet waves, the last discovered 1 2 RISE AND INCREASING COMPLEXITY OF INFRARED RESEARCH only after the invention of the photographic plate in 1839, the Hertzian waves (not to be discovered untill 1888) and finally X-rays whose existence was to be revealed by Roentgen in 1895. II. THE FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH We see then that study of the Infrared is less than a century old. Up to the last war, the work was carried on by a small number of research workers. We will mention Rubens, who published papers each year without a break from 1899 until his death in 1922, and discovered in particular the emission of mercury-arc in the far Infrared. Czerny revealed the pure rotations of gas molecules in 1925 whilst studing the absorption of hydrochloric acid. Barnes found in 1930 the basic frequencies of vibration for several crystals of alkali halides. Wright and Randall discovered in 1935 the "tunnel" effect in the ammonia pure rotation spectrum. This effect corresponds to the movement of the nitrogen atom through the plane formed by the three hydrogen atoms of the molecule, and was soon to lead to the atomic clock, which, as we know, has a much more stable period than the rotation of the earth. Finally, in 1938, Randall, Dennison and Ginsburg offered a complete explanation of the pure rotation spectrum of water vapour, particularly rich in lines between 18 and 300 microns approxi- mately, and which makes the earth's atmosphere a screen virtually opaque to all the radiations of this range. Side by side with this work in pure physics, a certain number of research workers with more empirical leanings soon noticed that if a solid, liquid or gaseous sample is placed in the path of monochromatic rays isolated by a spectrometer, certain radiations are transmitted but others are absorbed. The infrared spectrum is vast, ranging from 0-8 to 2000 microns approximately, whereas the visible spectrum ranges from 0*4 to 0-8 micron only. This is one of the reasons which explains the very considerable number of absorption lines which most compounds exhibit in the Infrared and which constitute the identification card of each substance. The first research workers, who pioneered these studies, Coblentz in the U.S.A., then Lecomte in France or H. W. Thomson in England, were amazed at the profusion of results to be reaped in this domain. A large number of substances were studied, and soon the point was reached where a specific region of absorption was attributed to each chemical group. This was the be- ginning of functional infrared analysis. Theory was soon to justify

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