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Essentials of Mechanical Ventilation PDF

414 Pages·2014·53.226 MB·English
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EssenotfMi eaclhsa nical Ventilation Mediciinsea ne ver-chansgciinegnA csen .e wr esearacnhdc liniecxaple riebnrcoea doeunr knowledcghea,n gients r eatmaendnd tr utgh eraapryre e quirTheed a.u thaonrd t hepu blisohfe r thiwso rkh avceh eckweidt sho urcbeesl ietvoeb der eliaibntl hee ierff orttosp rovide informa­ tiotnh aitsc ompleatnedg enerailnal cyc owridt thh es tandaarcdcse ptaettd h et imoef p ublica­ tioHno.w eveirnv, eiwo ft hep ossiboiflh iutmya ne rroorrc hangiensm edicsacli encneesi,t her thea uthnoorr t he publniosrah neyro thepra rtwyh oh asb eeinn volvientd he p reparaotri on publicaotfit ohniw so rkw arrantthsat th ei nformactoinotna ihneerde iisnin every reascp­ect curaotrec ompleatned,t hedyi sclaalilrm e sponsifboria lniyt ye rorroo rmsi ssioornf sor t he resuolbttsa infeordm useo fs ucihn formation cionnt thaiwison rekRd.e adearrsee ncouraged toc onfirtmh ei nformactoinotna ihneerde wiint h osthouerrc eFso.re xampalned in particular, readearrsae d visteocd h ectkh ep roduicntf ormasthieoenit n cludientd h ep ackaogfee a cdhr ug thepyl atno a dministtobe erc ertatihnat th ei nformatcioonnta iinn etdhi sw orki sa ccurate andt hacth angheasv neo tb eemna dei nt her ecommenddeods oer i nt hec ontraindifcoart ions administrThiast iroenc.o mmendaitsio ofpn a rticiumlpaorr tainncc eo nnectwiiotnnh e wo r infrequuesnetddlr yu gs. ThirEdd ition PhD,RRT �� AssociPartoef esosfAo nra esthesia HarvaMredd ical School AssistDainrte cotfoR re spiraCtaorrSeye rvices Massachusetts General Hospital BostoMna,s sachusetts ProfesosfAo nra esthesia HarvaMredd icSaclh ool DirecotfoR re spiraCtaorrSeye rvices MassachusGetetnse rHaols pital BostoMna,s sachusetts NewY orkC hicagSoa nF rancisActoh enLso ndonM adrid MexicoC ityM ilan NewD elhiS ingapoSryed neTyo ronto Copyri©g h2t01b4y M cGraw-HEidlulc atiAolnlr. i ghrtess ervEexdc.e patsp ermittuendd etrh eU niteSdt atCeosp yrigAhctto f1 97n6o,p art oft hipsu blicamtaiyob ne r eproduocred di stribiunat neydf ormo rb ya nym eanso,rs torienda d atabaosrre e triesvyaslt ewmi,t hotuhtep rior writtpeenr missoifot hne p ublisher. ISBN9: 78-0-07-177283-9 MHID:0 -07-177283-9 Them ateriinat lh iesB ooka lsaop peairnst hep rivnetr siooftn h itsi tIlSeB:N 9: 78-0-07-177151-1, MHID:0 -07-177151-4. eBookc onversbiyoc no deMantra Versio1n. 0 Alltr ademaarrkets r ademaorfkt sh eriers pectoiwvnee rRsa.t hetrh apnu att rademsayrmkb oalft eerv eroyc curreonfac t er ademarnkaemde w,e usen ameisn aedni torfiaaslh ioonnl ya,n d tob etnheefio tft hter ademoawrnke rw,i tnho i ntentoifinfrino gne ment oft het rademaWbrekr.e such designataipopnesai rnt hibso okt,h ehya vbee enp rintweidt ihn itciaapls . McGraw-HiEldlu catieoBno okasr ea vailaabtls ep eciqaula ntidtiys coutnotu ss ea sp remiumasn ds alepsr omotioornf so ru sei nc orporate trainpirnogg raTmosc .o ntaacr te presentpalteiavvseie,s tihteC ontaUcstp ageat w ww.mhprofessional.com. TERMS OF USE Thiiss a c opyrighwtoerdka ndM cGraw-HEidlulc atiaonndi tlsi censroersse ravlerl i ghitsna ndt ot hew orkU.s eo fth.iwso rki ss ubjetcott h ese termsE.x ceptp ermitutnedde trh eC opyriAgchtto f1 97a6n dt her ighttos toraen dr etrioenveec opyo ft hew orky,o um ayn otd ecompile, as disassemrbelvee,r esneg inereerp,r odumcoed,i fyc,r eatdee rivatwiovrek sb aseudp ont,r ansmdiits,t ribduitses,e minsaetlepl,u, b liosrh sublicetnhsewe o rko ra nyp arto fi tw ithoMuctG raw-HiEldlu catiopnr'isoc ro nseYnotu.m ayu set hew orkf ory ouro wnn oncommercainadl personuaslea ;n yo theurs eo ft hew orki ss tricptrloyh ibiYtoeudrr. i gthotu set hew orkm ayb et erminaitfye odu f aitloc omplwyi tthh estee rms. THE WORK IS PROVIDED" AS IS."M cGRAW-HILLE DUCATION AND ITSL ICENSORSM AKE NO GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIESA S TO THE ACCURACY,A DEQUACY OR COMPLETENESOSF OR RESULTST O BE OBTAINEDF ROM USINGT HE WORK,I NCLUDINGA NY INFORMATION THAT CAN BE ACCESSEDT HROUGH THE WORK VIAH YPERLINKO R OTHERWISE, AND EXPRESSLYD ISCLAIMA NY WARRANTY, EXPRESOSR IMPLIED, INCLUDIBNUGT NOT IMITED TO IMPLIEDW ARRAN­ TIESO F MERCHANTABILITOYR FITNESFSO RA PARTICULARP URPOSEM.c Graw-HiEldlu catiaonndi tlsi censdoorn so tw arraonrt guaranttheaett h efu nctiocnosn taiinnet dh ew orkw ilmle ety ourr equiremoernt thsai tt osp eratwiiolnbl e u ninterrourpe trreodrfr eeN.e ither McGraw-HEidlulc atinoonri tlsi censsohraslb lel iabtloey ouo ra nyoneel sfeo ra nyi naccurearcryoo,rr o missiroeng,a rdloefcs asu sien,t he worko rf ora nyd amagerse sulttihnegr efroMmc.G raw-HEidlulc atihoansn or esponsifboitrlh iect oyn teonfat n yi nformaatcicoens stehdr ough thew orkU.n dern oc ircumstasnhcaelMslc Graw-HiEldlu catiaonnd /oirtl si censboerI s.i abfloera nyi ndireicntc,i denstpaelc,i pauln,i tive, consequenotrsi iamli ldaarm agetsh arte sufrlotm theu seo fo ri nabitloiu tsyet hew orke,v eni fa nyo ft hemh asb eena dvisoefdt hep ossibility ofs ucdha mageTsh.i lsi mitatoifol ni abislhiatlaylp pltyoa nyc laiomr c ausweh atsoever wshuectchhl eari omr c ausaer isiensc ontractto,ro tr otherwise. Deidcation ---------------------------- ForS usaTne,r rRio,b M,a x,A bbyL,a ureannd, M att-whmoa kee very day enjoyable. D.R.H. Form y childRroebne rJtu,l iKaa,t iaen,dC allwiheo,m akei tal lw orthwhile. R.M.K. Thpiasgi en tenlteibftol naanlkl y Preface ix Abbreviations xi Chapte1r PhyoslioEgffiecc otfMs e chanViecnatli lation 1 Chapte2r PhyoslioGgoiacol fMs e chanViecnatli lation 12 Chapte3r VentilatoLru-nIIgnn djuucreyd 20 Chapte4r VentilatorP-nAesusmoocniiaat ed 29 Chapte5r VentiMloadtCeol ra ssification 40 Chapte6r TraditMioodneoasfMl e chanViecnatli lation 50 Chapte7r PresasnuVdro el uVmeen tilation 60 Chapte8r AdvanMcoeddeo sfM echanViecnatli lation 72 Chapte9r FloWwa vefoarnmds R Ia:tEi os 88 Chapte1r0 HigFhr equVeennctyi lation 102 Chapte1r1 NoninvVaesnitviel ation 110 Chapte1r2 Humidificaanttdhi Voeen n tiCliartcouri t 121 Chapte1r3 F10P2o,s iEtnidv-eE xpiPrraetsosarundyrM ee,aA ni rwParye ssure 132 Chapte1r4 IniSteitatlfi onMrge sc hanViecnatli lation 143 Chapte1r5 PatiVeenntt-iAlsaytnocrh rony 151 Chapte1r6 VentiLliabteorra tion 164 Chapte1r7 AcuRtees pirDaitsotrSryye nsdsr ome 177 Chapte1r8 ObstruLcutnDigiv see ase 189 Chapte1r9 CheTsrta uma 202 Chapter20H eaIdn jury 210 Chapte2r1 PostopeMreacthiavnVeie cnatli lation 220 Chapte2r2 NeuromusDciusleaars e 227 vii viii Contents Chapte2r3 CardFiaaicl ure 237 Chapte2r4 BurannsId n halIantjiuorny 244 Chapte2r5 BronchopFliesutrualla 254 Chapte2r6 DruOgv erdose 262 Chapte2r7 BloGoads es 267 Chapte2r8 PulOsxei meCtarpyn,ao pghraynd,T ranscutaneous Moni2t8o1r ing Chapte2r9 HemodynMaomniict oring 291 Chapte3r0 BasPiucl monMaercyh aDnuircis ng MeVcehnatniilcaatli on 300 Chapte3r1 AdvanPcueldm onMaercyh aDnuircisMn egc hanViecnatli lation3 08 Chapte3r2 NutritAisosneasls ment 325 Chapte3r3 AirwMaayn agement 335 Chapte3r4 AiwrayC learance 344 Chapte3r5 InhaDlreudDg e livery 353 Chapte3r6 EmergeVnecnyt ilaandtV ieonnt ilianatD iiosna ster 360 Chapte3r7 MobiliaznaPdto irotnVa ebnltei lation 370 Chapte3r8 ExtracoLripSfouerp epaolr t 376 Index 385 Mechavneinctailil asan it nitoepnga rorafttl h c ea orfmea ncyr itiiplcala tlilIeyitn as tl ss.o provaitsd ieotdue tss tihIdeCe aU n odu tstihhdeoe s piintcallul,do inengrg-am tc uctraee hospainttdah hleos mAet .h oruonudgehr stoaftn hedesi snegon fmt eicahlasvn einctaill a­ tiiorsne qufiosrrie tsep itrhaetroaarpnycid rs itctsai prcheay ls iAcg ieanneksrn.ao lw ledge oft hper ipnlcoeifms e chavneinctailil asal trsieooq nu oifcr reidtc iancruaeerl sas npdr ­i mary pchayrseiw chisoaepn ast ioeccnatsslli yor qneuaivreen tisluaptpoorryt . Thibso oikis n tetnobd eaep dr acgtuiictdaoel amdeuclhta vneincttaiil.oWl neah ave writtbeonk of trhoimsp eosurpcret iovfoe v e7r5y eaorfespx eriaescn lcien iecudicaan­s, torrse,s eaarncadhu etrhsWo,erh sav.me a deev eartyt etmop tkt ehteeop p ciucrsra enndt witadh i stcinlcitlnl cyifu coAsasi. nt hper eveiidoituosnw seh ,a vkee tphtc eh apstheorrst , fcousaendpd,r actical. Therhea vbee emna ny adivtnae hpn rcaecsot mfie cceh anical vtehpneat sitl ation over 10 yHeeanrmcsue.c, oh ft hbeo koi rse wriLtitpkerene .ve iidoituosnt shb,eo koi dsi vided inftuoorp arPtasr1.tP, r incoifMp elcehsa nViecnatli ldaetsibocenbrs,ai spirci ncoifp les mechavneinctaillaa nttdih oecnno ntiwniutisehsus se cush a si ndicfaotri omnneiscc haal ventialpaptriooppnhr,yi saitgoeol aoalgdnsiw ,ce anfrinogm mecvheanntiicPlaaalrt ti o2n,. VentiMlaantaogre mgeinvtp,er sa clat divcfiaocre venptaitliwaeitntaitvh nsa g r ioeft y disePaas3reM,tso .n itoDruirniMgne gc hanViecnatli ldaitsicobnu,lso osdge sase hse,m­ o dynammieccnshi,ac asnw,da voerfm.Is nt hfien al TpoapRirectls,a ttoMe edc hanViecna­l tilawteido ins,ci susussesus ca hsa irmwaanya geameoersndotel,l ievxetrrya,c oleri pforeal spuptoa,rn mdi slcleanveeonutsi tleacthosnr.iyq ue Thisia sb ooakb omuetc havneinctaillaa ntndio omtne chavneinctarilsWl .ead too nodte sctrhioebp ee raotfi saopnne yc viefinct i(laalttohwroed u odg ihs csumosems o eds spectiofi csv oemnet itplyea.stW o)ehr a vter iteokd e epm attheecr oivaeilrn te hdbi oso k genearniidict s b,ya nlda ragpep,l itcoaa nbayld eum letc havneinctailWl ead tono ort. coviesrsr ueelsta otpe edd iaantndre iocn maetcahla vneincttaiil.oBl nceaautsehest eo pics araed etqeuclaoyv eirpnee dd iaantndre iotcna rale spicraabrtoekoo srw,yed ecitdolei dm it thfeco uostf h bioskot oa dumlehtca nivceanlt iAllatthiowouenpg .rh o vasi ohdrebt ii bolg­ rapahty e tnhodeef ca hc hapwtehe arvs,eep cilfiltcyra iemdak tteho aip sr acbtooikac nadl noatne xternesefirvebeno ckoe. Thibso oikws r itftoaerllcn l iniccairainnmsge cnfhioalcrlva ye ntiplaattiWeeedn ts. belitehviaiettu s n iqaunhedo pyeo wui elnlj roeya diiatnsm g u cahs hwaeve en joyed writiitn.g DeanR. H esPsh, D, RRT RobeMr.tK acmarPehkD,RR, T ix

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