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C. Giunti & M. Laveder, ESSENTIAL SOLAR NEUTRINOS 1 d n u U o N b / 3 ESSENTIAL SOLAR NEUTRINOSi 0 t 0 n n 2 C. Giunti & M. Laveder n u a U J i 1 g 3 1 o - / v t 6 7 3n1 January 2i003 . 2 n 1 0 i 3 r f 0 n / t h i p u . - Neutrino Unbound p o e e h http://www.tto.infn.it/~giunti/NU v: . i N w X r a w w hep-ph/0301276 / / : p t t h C. Giunti & M. Laveder, ESSENTIAL SOLAR NEUTRINOS 2 Contents d Contents 2 1 Standard Solar Model n 3 2 Solar Neutrino Bibliography 4 u U 3 Homestake 7 o N 4 Gallium Experiments: SAGE, GALLEX, GNO 8 b / 5 SAGE: Soviet-American Gallium Experiment i 8 t 6 GALLEX: GALLium EXperiment n n 9 u 7 GNO: Gallium Neutrino Observatory 9 U i 8 Kamiokande 10 g 9 Super-Kamiokande - 10 o / 10 SNO: Sudbury Neutrino Observatory t 12 n i . 11 Main characteristics of solar ν data 14 n i 12 Solar neutrino transitions f 15 r n 13 Two-neutrino oscillattions in vacuum and matter 16 i u . 14 Fits of current solar neutrino data 21 o 15 ν ν ,ν aellowed regions from Ref. [39] 22 e µ τ t → . 16 νe νNµ,ντ allowed regions frwom Ref. [86] 23 → 17 ν ν ,ν allowed regions from Ref. [80] 24 e µ τ w → 18 KamLAND = LMA 25 ⇒ w 19 Fits of reactor + solar neutrino data 26 / / 20 Allowed reactor + solar region from Ref. [88] 27 : p 21 Allowed reactor + solar region from Ref. [132] 28 t 22tAllowed reactor + solar region from Ref. [40] 29 h 23 Allowed reactor + solar region from Ref. [79] 30 Bibliography 31 C. Giunti & M. Laveder, ESSENTIAL SOLAR NEUTRINOS 3 1 Standard Solar Model Current Standard Solar Model (SSM): BP2000 [46, 28] d pp and CNO cycles: 4p+2e− 4He+2ν +26.731MeV n e → u U 2 + (cid:0) 2 (pp) p+p ! H+e +(cid:23)e p+e +op ! H+(cid:23)e (pNep) 99.6%XXXXXXXXXXXX(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)b(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24) 0.4% ti/ n n ? u 2 3 H+p ! UHe+(cid:13) i g 85% (cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:24)o(cid:24) (cid:24)(cid:24)XXXXXXtX/X-XXXXXXXXXX 2(cid:2)10(cid:0)5% n i ? . ? n 3 3 4 3 4 + He+ He ! He+2p i He+p ! He+e +(cid:23)e f r 15% ppI n? (hep) t 3 4 7 He+iHe ! Be+(cid:13) u . o (cid:16)P (cid:16) P e (cid:16) P t(cid:16)(cid:16) PP (cid:16) P 99.87%(cid:16)(cid:16).(cid:16) PPP0.13% N w ? ? 7 7 (cid:0) 7 7 8 ( Be) Be+we ! Li+(cid:23)e Be+p ! B+(cid:13) w ? ? / 7 4 8 8 (cid:3) + 8 / Li+p ! 2 He B ! Be +e +(cid:23)e ( B) : p ppII ? t t 8 (cid:3) 4 Be ! 2 He h ppIII Figure 1: pp cycle. C. Giunti & M. Laveder, ESSENTIAL SOLAR NEUTRINOS 4 12 13 - 13 13 + 13 C+p ! N+(cid:13) N ! C+e +(cid:23)e ( N) d 6 (cid:27)- (cid:24) ? n 15N+p ! 12C+4He CN ? 13C+p ! 14N+(cid:13) 6 (cid:26)(cid:27) (cid:25) 6 u 99:9% U ? (15O) 15O ! 15N+e+ +(cid:23)e (cid:27) 14N+p ! 15oO+(cid:13) N 6 0:1% b / i ? t 15 16 17 14 4 N+p ! O+(cid:13) nO+p ! N+ He n 6 u U ? i 16O+p ! 17F+(cid:13) - 17F ! 17O+ge+ +(cid:23)e (17F) - o Figure 2: CNO cycle. / t n i . Luminosity = (2.400 0.005) 1039MeVs−1 ⊙ n L ± × Radius i ⊙ = 6.961 1010cm Rf × Mass r = (1.989 0.003) 1033g ⊙ Mn ± × Astronomical Unit 1a.u. = 1.496 1013cm t × Solar Constant K i/4π(1a.u.)2 = 8.534 1011MeVcm−2s−1 u ⊙ ≡.L⊙ × o Table 1: Fundamental characteristics of the Sun and Sun-Earth system [101]. One astronomical unit is the mean sun-earth e distance. The solar constant K is the meatn solar photon flux on the Earth. ⊙ . N w w Luminosity Constraint [33]: α Φ = K (r = pp,pep,hep,7Be,8B,13N,15O,17F) (1) r r ⊙ Xr w 2 Solar Neutrino Bibliography / / : Books: [p153, 30] Revitews: [70, 163, 136] t Bhahcall’s Standard Solar Models: [29, 41, 47, 44, 45, 34, 46, 28] Detection cross sections: [30, 37, 32, 28, 143, 69, 138, 20] C. Giunti & M. Laveder, ESSENTIAL SOLAR NEUTRINOS 5 d n u U o N b / i t n n u (a) Figure from Ref. [70]. U (b) Figure from Ref. [28]. i Figure 3: Energy spectra of neutrino fluxes from the pp and CNO chains, as predicgted by the Standard Solar Model. For continuous sources, the differential flux is in cm−2s−1 MeV−1. For the lines, the flux is in cm−2s−1. The percentages in Fig. 3(b) indicate the uncertainties on the values of the fluxes. - o / t n i . n i f r n t i u . o e t . N w w w / / : p t Figutre 4: Differential fraction df/dR of produced neutrinos as a function of radius R, normalized to the solar radius R . Fhigure from Ref. [70]. ⊙ C. Giunti & M. Laveder, ESSENTIAL SOLAR NEUTRINOS 6 E Emax α Source r Reaction h ir r r (MeV) (MeV) (MeV) pp p+p d+e+ +ν 0.2668 0.423 0.03 13.09d87 e → ± pep p+e− +p d+ν 1.445 1.445 11.9193 → e n hep 3He+p 4He+e+ +ν 9.628 18.778 3.7370 e → u 0.3855 0.3855 7Be e− +7Be 7Li+ν 12.6008 U → e 0.8631 0.8631 o 8B 8B 8Be∗ +e+ +ν 6.735 0.036 15 6.6305 N e → ± ∼ 13N 13N 13C+e+ +νe 0.7063 b1.1982 0.0003 3.4/577 → ± i 15O 15O 15N+e+ +ν 0.9964 1.7317 0.0005 t21.5706 e → n ± n 17F 17F 17O+e+ +ν 0.9977 1.7364 0.0003 2.363 e → ± u U Table 2: Sources of solar neutrinos [30, 37, 32, 31]. For each reaction r, hEir is the aiverage neutrino energy, Ermax is the maximum neutrino energy and α is the average thermal energy released together wgith a neutrino from the source r [33], r that enters in the luminosity constraint (1). - o / t Source r (cFmlu−x2sΦ−r1) n (10h−σ4C4lcimr 2) .i(SSNC(rUl)) (10h−σ4G4acimr 2) (SSNG(rUa)) n pp 5.95 1010(i1 0.01) – – 0.117 0.003 69.7 f × r± ± pep 1.40 108(1 0.015) 0.n16 0.22 2.04+0.35 2.8 ×t ± −0.14 i hep u9.3×103 .390 0.04 714−+121248 0.1 o 7Be 4.77 109(1 0.10) 0.024 1.15 0.717+0.050 34.2 e × ± −0.021 t 8B 5.05 106 1+0.20 114 11 5.76 240+77 12.1 × −.0.16 ± −36 N (cid:0)w (cid:1) 13N 5.48 108 1+0.21 0.017 0.09 0.604+0.036 3.4 × −0.17 −0.018 (cid:0) (cid:1) 15O 4.80 w108 1+0.25 0.068 0.001 0.33 1.137+0.136 5.5 × −0.19 ± −0.057 (cid:0) (cid:1) 17F 5.63 106(1 0.25) 0.069 0.0 1.139+0.137 0.1 w × ± −0.057 Total 6.54 1010 7.6+1.3 128+9 / × −1.1 −7 / : Table 3: BP2000 Standard Solar Model [46] neutrino fluxes, average neutrino cross sections [30, 37, 32] and BP2000 SSM p predictions for the neutrino capture rates [46] in the chlorine (Cl) Homestake experiment and in the gallium (Ga) GALLEX, SAGE and GNO experiments. t t h C. Giunti & M. Laveder, ESSENTIAL SOLAR NEUTRINOS 7 3 Homestake radiochemical experiment [29, 77] d νe +37 Cl 37 Ar+e− [150, 19] n (2) → Homestake Gold Mine (Lead, South Dakota, USA) u U 1478 m deep, 4200 m.w.e. = Φ 4m−2day−1 µ ⇒ ≃ o N steel tank, 6.1 m diameter, 14.6 m long (6 105 liters) b× / i 615 tons of tetrachloroethylene (C Cl ), 2.16 1030 atoms of 37Cl (133ttons) 2 4 × n n energy threshold: ECl = 0.814MeV = 8B, 7Be, pep, hep th ⇒ u U data taking: 1970–1994, 108 extractions [75] – historyi: [36, 35] g - o / t n i . n i f r n t i u . o e t . N w w w / / Figure5: Resultsofthe108individualsolarneutrinoobservationsmadewiththeHomestakechlorinedetector. Theproduction : rate of 37Ar shown has already had all known sources of nonsolar 37Ar production subtracted from it. The errors shown for p individual measurements are statistical errors only and are significantly non-Gaussian for results near zero. The error shown for the cumulative result is the combination of the statistical and systematic errors in quadrature. Figure from Ref. [75]. t t h Rexp = 2.56 0.16 0.16SNU = 2.56 0.23SNU [75] (3) Cl ± ± ± RSSM = 7.6+1.3SNU [46, 28] (4) Cl −1.1 C. Giunti & M. Laveder, ESSENTIAL SOLAR NEUTRINOS 8 4 Gallium Experiments: SAGE, GALLEX, GNO radiochemical experiments d νe +71Ga 71Ge+e− [125] n (5) → threshold: EGa = 0.233MeV = all ν fluxes (pp, 7Be, 8B, pep, hep, 13N, 15O, 17F) th ⇒ u U SAGE + GALLEX + GNO = Rexp = 72.4 4.7SNU (6) ⇒ Ga ± o Standard Solar Model = RSSM = 128+9SNU [46, 28] N (7) ⇒ Ga −7 b / i 5 SAGE: Soviet-American Gallium Experiment t n n Baksan Neutrino Observatory, northern Caucasus, 3.5 km from entrance of horizontal adit u U 50 tons of metallic 71Ga, 2000 m deep, 4700 m.w.e. = Φ i2.6m−2day−1 µ ⇒ g≃ data taking: 1990 – 2001, 92 runs [1, 2-, 5, 6, 7] o / detector test: 51Cr Source (R = 0.95t+0.11+0.06) [3, 4] n i−0.10−0.05 . n i f 400 r n t i L+K peaks u . K peak only 300 o ) U N e S t d e ( . ne Ne rat 200 w mbi r o u c pt s a w n C u r 100 All w L K / /0 : p 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Mean extraction time t t Fhigure 6: Capture rate for all SAGE extractions as a function of time. Error bars are statistical with 68% confidence. The combined result of all runs in the L peak, the K peak, and both L and K peaks is shown on the right side. The last 3 runs are still counting and their results are preliminary. Figure from Ref. [7]. RSAGE = 70.8+5.3+3.7SNU = 70.8+6.5SNU [7] (8) Ga −5.2−3.2 −6.1 C. Giunti & M. Laveder, ESSENTIAL SOLAR NEUTRINOS 9 6 GALLEX: GALLium EXperiment Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory, Italy, overhead shielding: 3300 m.w.e. d 30.3 tons of gallium in 101 tons of gallium chloride (GaCl -HCl) soluntion 3 data taking: May 1991 – Jan 1997, 65 runs [21, 22, 23, 25, 105, 108] u U detector tests: 51Cr Source (R = 0.93 0.08) [24, 106], 71As Test [107] o ± N RGALLEX = 77.5 6.2+4.3SNU = 77.5+7.6SNU [108] (9) Ga ± −4.7 −7.8b / i t 7 GNO: Gallium Neutrino Observatonry n u successor of GALLEX, GNOU30: 30.3 tons of gallium i g data taking: May 1998 – Jan 2000, 19 runs [18] - o RGNO = 65.8+10.2+3.4SNU = 65.8+10.7/SNU [18] (10) Ga −9.6 −3.6 −10.2 t n i . n i f r n t i u . o e t . N w w w / / : p Figuret7: GNO and GALLEX single run results. Error bars are statistical only. Open dots represent group mean values; the boldtsquarerepresentstheglobalresultofGALLEX;theboldsoliddotrepresentstheglobalresultofGNOandGallex. Figure fhrom Ref. [18]. GALLEX + GNO = RGALLEX+GNO = 74.1 5.4+4.0SNU = 74.1+6.7SNU [18] (11) ⇒ Ga ± −4.2 −6.8 C. Giunti & M. Laveder, ESSENTIAL SOLAR NEUTRINOS 10 8 Kamiokande real-time water Cherenkov detector ν +e− ν +e− [117, 15d9] → Sensitive to ν , ν , ν , but σ(ν ) 6σ(ν ) n e µ τ e µ,τ ≃ Kamioka mine (200 km west of Tokyo), 1000 m underground, 2u700 m.w.e. U 3000 tons of water, 680 tons fiducial volume, 948 PMTs o N threshold: EKam 6.75MeV = 8B, hep th ≃ ⇒ b / i t data taking: Jan 1987 – Feb 1995 (2079 days) [110, 111, 112, 114, 113, 94] n n ΦKam = 2.82+0.25 0.27 106cm−2s−1 = 2.82 0.37 106cm−u2s−1 [94] (12) νe −0.24 ± × U ± × Standard Solar Model = Φ8B = 5.05+1.01 106cm−2is−1 [46, 28] (13) ⇒ νe −0.81 × g - 9 Super-Kamiokande o / t successor of Kamiokande, 50nktons of water, 22.5 kitons fiducial volume, 11146 PMTs . n tihreshold: EKam 4.75MeV = 8B, hep th ≃ f ⇒ r n data taking: 1996 – 2001 (1496 days) [95, 96, 97, 92, 91, 93] t i ΦSK = 2.u348 0.025+0.071 10.6cm−2s−1 = 2.348+0.075 106cm−2s−1 [93] (14) νe ± −0.061 ×o −0.066 × e t N w Event/day/kton/binw0.2.5 0.2 w 0.15 / 0.1 / : p 0.05 t 0 t -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 cos ΘSun h Figure 8: Super-Kamiokande cosθ distribution. The points represent observed data. The histogram shows the best-fit sun signal (shaded) plus background. The horizontal dashed line shows the estimated background. Figure from Ref. [155].

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