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Preview Essential Practice Tests: IELTS (with Answer Key)

IELTS PracticTee sts MarHka rrison RussWehlilt ehead THOMSO•N Austr•a Clainaa d• aM exic• oS ingap•o Srpea i• nU nitKeidn gdo• mU nitSetda tes 3s etcio(n11s- 1m4i untes) TheI ETLSe xma iss coraecdcrd ointgoa 9 -Bnads claeY.ou w ilgle ats croef ore acshet cioTnhe.a vegreao f • tehs4em arkisys o urO velrBlaan dS coer. Theto ltt aestti mies2 h ous4 r5m iunteTshe.f risttrh emeo dlue-sL itesninRged,ai nagn Wdr tiin-mgu tsb e • complteeidn odnaye.T heS peaiknMgo dulmea yb et aekna,t thec etnreetsd'stsic trieoinn, ptehredi s oeven daysb efroeo ra ftetrh oet ehrM odluse. · lELTS PAR1T: L isteinng TheL itesniMnogdu liest hferi spta tro ft heexa mI.tt kaeasp porxmiatel30ym intueasn cdo ntssoi fs4 s etcions. Theraeer a ppoxrmiate1ly0q estioinnes a cshe cotnYi.ou a erg vient imteor eatdh qeu seitonbse froey oul sitne. Youl tiesonn ylO NCEw;h ilyeo uls itne,y ouc annot ey oura nwserso n tqhuseeto inp ap.eY oruh aves omeext ra u tmiea tt heen dt ot arnfseyrou ra nwserosnt oa ne xma anwsers heeAt .va riteyo ft assa keru secdh,o sfermno the follwiongt ypemsut:li p-hcloeei;sc hto-rnawserq useito;ns sentecnomcpelt eionnot;e ssu/mmyad/riaagmfr/olw­ chratt/balceo mpltieolna;b leiland gi aagmwr hichhan su meberdp artcsal;s sifoinac;na dt itcmhai.n..g Twos peeasrkh aeva discsuisoinna s oaclsi iattuioen.,tg al.ik nagbo uttar vleci rarngeemnts orr entihnougs e. · · a · Ones peatklaeskra bouatn onac-aedmitcop i,ec .tgh.be e nfeiotfse xrecsie. Asm ayna sf orus pekaerhsav ea d sicussioinna ne duactoinaolrt a rinisintgiu oaent.,ag g .r uop of$u tdetnsd sicussinpgl afnorsg iviapn rge nsteaotni. This tihlseo nsgtse ecotnOi.n es peagkvieeras t laokr m inlcieut era boaut top iocfg eneral acdaemiitcne erst. IELPTASR 2T: R eaidng TheR edainMgo duilste h see cnodp atro ft heex a·mI .lt atss6 0m intueasn cdo nstisos f4 0q useitosn.Yo uh avet o rea3dt ex(tasb to2 u000-2w5o0r0di snt o lta)Yo.u s houwlidty eou ra nwserdsri elcyot ntot heex ma anwserp aper asy.ou d oN OT havee xtrtai maett heeri dt ot rnasfyeoru r sawnerAs v.a ertioyf t sakaser u se,cd hosferno tmh e r · , fololwnigt ypes;m ultiploei-ecc;sh hto-rnawserq usetinoss;e ntecnocpmelt eionnot;s /usmmaryd/iraag/fmolw­ chartt/abcloepm eltiocnho;o sgif nrmo a'e haidgnb akn'f ori dteinfpiareadag prhs/steicoonfs tiedxtetin;cf aoitnio f e wri'tsve eirwsc/lai-ymessn ,oo rn otg vien;i dteinftiicooanfi fnormaotnii n th-ey etsne,ox tno otrg vietn/rufela,es orn otg vien;c lsaisftiicoaannd; m atchilntigss h/arpse.s .A cademRieca diMnogd ule ................. Threei so nep asasgit;i ne acshet cioTne.xct so mfer mo boosk,m agazsi,n e newspapsae nrjduo ransl, aanern do snp-eacltiia;st l etao snepa ssacgoena tins detialda egrument. a sho,brtu tc. ontai9 ninign formatJ3iaosr;i.e c:J ar9und .el) svuearylldyrv aiyvl E nglislho,ot f i nformation su · a e:g. puBlic leafletS. \U sUaboJtt1yt al�ing,informatic'.o6i11\aee,.ggbe.o ,u t'�oniVQfsityor orfa ciliptrioevsi de..d ; . .. . services onleo gnert e� General �utije.cti .,, · · 'Gen�ral\;•·•.·. reading·.ccompraenttye nsjon ·on. ·· vi> •. R ��.ding . ·. IELPTASR 3T: W riting TheWr intgMi oduilste h teih drp atro ft heex ma.I tl atss6 0m intueasn cdo ntssio fs2 t ass.Tka sk2 c arreism oerm arktsh an Task1 . AcademWirci ting Descrivbiinsgiu nf�oIrm ation, preseasna btaer dc hart, -olftiengenr aph. ' ' 'o r c 250w ordmsi nimu4m0 .imns Writai dnigs cursitvabel ees soaray ano. pi(f)dirioeaslntc,iutn osga s t iopoinocf) general defenocfe .interest. Respotnoad s iintgu waitthi one .g. aslfodrri g al ettore r, complaining informaot.iro.ne,x plaining a 250w ordmsi nimum4 0 mins diasbcouurprtso ibvleem . a Writian g essayo,r . of aonp ih(iodrnierlsc autsisnagi t oopni)c. of general int�rest. defence to .. ··· . . · IELPTASR 4T: S peiankg TheS pekanigM oduilste h feni apla tro ft heexa mI.td oensot n eetdob et akoennt he sdaamayes t hoet hMeord ulse.I t tkaetsh feor mo fa t rhepea-tro arlit nevreiww, hicthka ebse tewen1 1a n1d4 m iuntes. · I Task Time Taskd escription 4-m5 isn Givyeou rn ame and talkt haibnogwusht i ch· toy ou, your counatnryd towny,o urfa mil,yy oaurer p ersoor nwaolrw fokh,ra et yx oaul mipkle e, doiinng your htoimmee and what you i.smtrJtihugehdt i es and interview free do futur.e . exaii-!lnewri gfliv e.voauc a'rdfthattakl a bouta'plper$tln, ac , Tevhee=n t or \/Viii. 1m inutaes ks yo�u:tg,oe aanJ<dt ,h yej:ro uw eill nbmjienctud.tu ehrYasi(.lv,nue.g the to.prepnaor'e (t�op eexaakm.'iTnliere wtialll kfthi:el'nr -as1k- t2ow noero· ·uW nhiCdhi negx-amoiffn'eqr uweisltl ions. or · 4-5m ins Youw iltlal wki th tehxea miner thet dpfonc the card. .discu.ssaoihn. Leosousntp i esrrsseuoltenaoast'Pl ei Fdcot1'se o.x am plienP, a rt2 .yH oouw emvaye ra,b outath t eeaw cilhlbye eoru haadts cholo, inP art3 you talk abouetd tuaclakti inyoo nu r country. but mi�ht THC>IVISC>N * TM Thomson Exam EssentialIsE:L TSP racticTee sts Harsroin Whiethead I PublisheCrh:ri stopWheenrg er Sr.P rinBtu yerM:a ryB etHhe nnebuyr Directoorf P roductD evelopmentA:ni tRaa ducnau ProjecMta nagerH: owarMdi ddle/EHLMT S ervices Directoorf MarketiAnmg:y M abley ProductioMna nagement:P roceEsLsT ( www.process-elt.com) AcquisitioEndsi torS:e anB emringham Copy EditorG:e ogriaZ ograopuhP/roceEsLsT EditoriMaaln agerD: aviBda ker CompositorP:r oceEsLsT DevelopmenEtd itorD:e reMka ckrell IllustraOxfotrord: Desigsn& e rIllustrators ProductioEnd itorT:an JinH ock Cover{TexDte signerS:t udiIom ag&e PhotograpAhritc InternatioMnaarlk etinMga nagerE:r iBcr eednbegr (www.studio-image.com) PrinteGr.:C anae &l C S.pa.. Coyprgih©t 200b6y T homsEoTLn,a p arto fT heT homsonA llr gihtrse srevedN.o p atro ft hwiosr cko verbeytd h e CorrpaootniT.h omsaonntd h Seta rl ooga ert ardemraks coyprhitgh eeronm ayb er peroudcedo ru sedi na nfyor m usehde eriunnd elrei nces. orb ya nmy ean-gsrpah,ie celctnrcio,o rm echnaical, inclupdhitooncgpoy nig,r ecrodin,tg pai,nW gebd itsrbiutoin ori fnormatsitoronae ga nrdte rviales ytsemsw-ithott uhe Prnietdi nIt la.y wrtinetp erimssioonft hpeu ibslh.e r 1 2 3 4 5 160 079 0 880 70 96 0 5 Fopre rmsiisotnou smea terifarmlo t htiesxo trp ordutc, subtm irae uqesotn l iantwe w w.htomsroginhst.com Fomro eri fnormatcionotnta T chomsLoeannr i,nH gigh Anya didtniaoqlu seitonasb otpu erimssiocnasbn e HolobrHno use,5 0/5B1e drfdoR owL,on doWnC 1R4 LR subimttbeyed m- aitlot [email protected] UniteKdin gdomo rT homsHoeinln ,e2 5T homsPolnea ,c Bosnt,Mo assacushet0t2s2 1U0SA .Y ouc an voiuwsrei bt siteh tat/tpw :w/w.etlhto.ms.ocnom ISBN: 1-4130(-w0i9kt7eh5y -)1 1-4130-0(9w7hi6ott-uk xe y) TextC redits Page2 4:F roTmH EL IEFA NDL EGENODF L EADLBYLE,b yC hralWeosl efa nKdip L onrelClop.y grhit1©9 9C9h asr le Wolefa nKdpi L orenlPlag.e 3 3:F roNmO TI NF ROTN OTFH EG ROWN-PUSb,y A lisLourni Ceop.y grhit1©9 91 Bolomsby.uC ropygrhti©1 99b0y A lisLourni Ree.pi nrtebdyp erimsosnoi fM elaJnaciskeon A gencyL,L. ..PC age3 8: Fro"mTh eB rtiho fO uMro deMrinn dsb,y"R oegrH igiheflCdop.y grhitT©e lgerpahG rouLpii mte2d00 P3a.g e6 6:F orm THEL ONGMANH ITSORYO FT HEU NITEDS TATESO FA MERIA,Cb yH ughB rgoan.C opygrhit1©9 9P0e rasnoE duactoin Liimt.eP dage7 2:F orm" HowB ugsH icthh-ieka corstsh Gea layx,b"y D avDiedr bsyhei.Cr opygrhitT©e lgerpahG roup Liimte2d00 P3a.g e7 8:F ro"mFi ndiOnuAgtb outthW eo rlfdrm o TeleivsiNoewns, "T ELEIVISON ANDC OMMON KNOWLDEGER,o utlee.Cd opgygrhit1©9 9D9a vMido ryl.Pea ge9 6:U sedb yp erimsosnoi fI nstiotfu ttTerah nes tliao& n Itnerrepntg,iB ullteni,M ay/Jun2e0 0P3a.g e1 00:F ro"mH nadso-nH elai,no gra C on?b"yO rlKaen ned.yC oyprgiht© TelgerpahG roupL iimte2d00 P3a.g e1 05:F roTmH EI NEVNTIOONF C LOUDS byR icdhH aamrblyMna.mc illaLno,n don, UK.C oyprgiht2©0 0P1a.g e1 16:" nItordutocinf"r mo GROUHCOM ARXA ND OTHRES HORTS TORIEASN DT ALLT ALES byR obteS r.B ade.Cr opygrhit1©9 9b3y R obteS r.B ade.rR epnrtiebdyp erimssioonfF abaenrdF ab,Ie nrca.na, ffi ltieoa f Faar,rrS truasa ndG ioru,xL LCP.ag e1 20:F ro"mM olehMialdloesut o fM outnian,s"b yA nnaG raysno.C oyprgiht© TelgerapGh roupL iimt2e0d0 P3a.g e1 24:F ro"mT ihnHkap py,b"y J ohEnl tltiC.oop ygrhitT©h eS undyaT mies2 003. Page1 36:F roLmO NDONT HEB OIGRAPHYby P etrAe ckro(yiVndt aeg)C.op ygrhit2©0 0P1e trAe ckr.oP yadge1 41: FroPmER SONALITAYS SSESMENTA: C RTIICASLUR VE,Yb yP. E.V erno©n 1.96R4o uetdlgPea.g e1 44:F risptu ibslhiend CAM,t he iUvneyro sfCi atmbirdegA lumnMia agznieP.a ge1 56:F orm:"H otw oR una. ".b.y D avHiadr veiynT,H E AUTHOR,S ummer2 00©3.D avHiadr ve2y0 0P3a.g e1 61:E xtrtaf crmo SIHGTILNEbSyS mionI nigspl uibslhbeydY e lolw JersePyr esUsse.db yp ermisosfTi hoeRn a ndoHomu sGer ouLpii mtePdag.e 1 64:R epnrtie"dnI tordutciofnrm"o A THEOYR OSFH OPPIGN,b yD aniMeilll e.C ropygrhit1©9 9C8o nrelUl niveirtUsys.e bdy p erimssioonft hpeu ibslehsr, ConreUlnli veyrP srietasnsPd o litPyer sPsa ge1 73:C oyprgihtT©r nasptof rorL ondoPna.ge 1 75:C opygrhit©L ondon Borougho fB arnteP.a ges1 77-179F:r oBmar nteC olelgeP ropsetcus20,0 4-2C0op0y5gr.h itB© arneCtol glee.P age1 81: Fro"mTo MyH orrro,C ouIdl ntE' vneW ritbey,C "hr itsinDeoy lCeo.p ygrhitT©e lgerpahG rouLpii mte20d0 P3a.g e1 87: FormW aleksrN ewsC oyprgih(tc 2)0 0C3o untysridAege ncyP.a ge1 89:F ro"mH avYeou rS ayo nL iabyrrP lans." Repnrtiebdyp erimssioonfL ibyrS aerrcveisL,o ndBoorno ugofhB arnteP.a ges1 91-193F:r oSmou thagtCeo lglee Prsopetcus20,0 4-2C0op0y5g.rh itS©o uthagtCeo lelgeP.ag e1 94:F ro"mN tauarlAs setWsort hS avngii nth Oeu tba,c"k byJ ohnC ravenC.op ygrhit2©0 0T0h eM aiOlnS undya. Contents Section Page Introduction �� 4 Test withg uidance �� 1 6 Test withg uidance �� 2 52 Test �� · 3 92 Test 4 H 111 Test t� 5 131 Test 6 H 151 GeneraTlr ainiTnegs tA H 172 GeneraTlr ainiTnegs t ( (_>' B H 186 Modelw ritianngs wers H 199 OMR Answsheere ts H 207 Answerk ey( witkhe ye ditioonnl y) H 209 Listenisncgr ip(twsi tkhe ye ditioonnl y) H 243 Thomson Exam Essentiailss n ewa seriofem sat earlis convresiotna bilste h euns etdot arnastlteeh steo ltm aarks for usdtetnsp rerpianforgt hmea jroE F/LESeLx mainatinos,i tnoI ETLSb ansdc roeSsc.o ersa err eptoerads a w hole sucahsF risCte trfiiciantE eng ils(hCF E)C,et rifiicna te Bando ra h aBlafn d. AdvnacedE nlgsih( ACE)C,e rtiofifPc raiotcfeiy ei nnc Engils(hC PEIt)ne,r tniaoEnnagills Lhan gueaT getsing Wrtiintagss a kera ssessiednde epndtelnbyyc etrifIiLEeTdS Syst(emIT ESL)T,e sotfE ngilsahsa F oeringL angeu ag examinse,q rccroidntgot h9e- Bnads claeW.rt iinsgcp rtis (OTEF®L)T,es to fE ngilsfhor I tnerinoantCaomlm uinactoin aera ssesosnet dhf eol olwnigc reirtia: (OTECI®a)n odt ehsr.E ach biontoh skee ripeayscs ol se atntteoint od evelopaid netgiae ld okwneldego ft hsek lsil Content an'dsr tategnieeesdf eords ucceissne acphat ro rp apoefr Task1 :H ast hwer itienrce ldua dltlh ree vlaent ifnormtaoin? theex mas. Task2 :H ast hwer itfeulyrla nwseretdh qeu setoinb y dealgiw nitahlp lat rso fi t? hesll peaersrbn ecmoea wareo f IELTSP racticTee sts IETLSe xma reuqrimeentsof,f edretsias la bottu hfeor mtao f Organisation theex ma anhde sll peaerrdnsev elotphe ex ma skisl l Task1 :D oetsh aen wserf lowwel aln dis i ctl eaanred a ys necesrsyfa ors uccesTsh.e baosloook f feerxtse nvsei tor eda? prtaicciena lplat rso ft heex ma,u sitnhgae tc utaelts Task2 :D oetsh aen wserf lowwel aln d thiees r cal ear formaAts.w elals usdntetwsh oa erp lnainntgot kaet he porgreissoonf opianniidod aness? ILETSe xma,t hbeo oiksa loss uiatblfeoru sbey t aechseo rf Use ofl anguage ILETSc ourseasn bdy s utdnetasn tdae chsei rvnolevdi n checnkgia nid mporvniga cademEingcil sh. Task1 :H ast hwer iteerda ppursorapitlei innkwgo rdasn d phraseasn,adg oodl veelo fg ramma?Ir tsh veo acbuyl ar accrualtyue sed? Task2 :A rei deaansdo piniloienndsbk ya pproptrei a wordasn pdh raseIsst? h gera mmaarn vdo cbaulya r T1h TIeaLE kTiSen txgmha ,eI EwLhiTisjESc iox htna lmmy a naegdb yt he accruataen ndo tto soi pmle? UniveirtosyfC ambrdigeE SOELxa mniaotni(saC mbirdeg TheS pekanigM oduilsae lo sm easrueadc cdoirntgot he ESOL), BtrhsiehtC iouncialn IdP D:I ETLSA usatlria, 9-Bnads cla,eb aseodnt hfeol lwiongc reirtia: assesstehsle a unagega biiytol fc anddiatewsh o nteoe d sutdyo rw orkw herEeng ilsihst h lea unaggeo f Fluencayn d coherenceD:o etsh sepe aktelark ai n commuincoant.iT SIi EsrL ecoigsnebdyu nivresitaineds lgociaaln odgr aniesdw ayI?st hsep eerceha nsaboly empyleorisnm aync ountersis,u cahsA utsrlaai,C anada, conntuoiu,sw itohutto moa ynp auesso rr epteitoins? New Zelaantdh,Ue K a ntdh UeS A,a sw elals b y Lexicarle sourceD:o es the usspaeev aarkiteeyor fw ords porfessionboaidlse ,i mmritagioanut hroitaineodst her ande xprseisoinnas n a pprotpewr aiya? goevrmnetna gencsi.e Grammaticarla ngea nd accuracyD:o es stphekeea ru se av ariteyo fg rmamaticsartlut cruewsi,t ohutt omoa yn Theear erf ourp atrst ot hIeE TLSe xamL:i tsnenig,R eadnig, mitskaesi,no d retroc onvehyi/ sehrm eanienffget cively? Wrtiinagn Sdp ekanig.A llc andtiedtsaka et he same PronunciatiIons: ctahned itdeas'sp eeecahyst o LitesnianngSd p ekanigM odusl,e iwltheh Reea dianngd undesrtnadI?st hpeor nnuctioiano fs oundsw,o rdasn d WrintgMi odusla eera vailaibntlw eof ormat-sA cademic phrasaeccsu raatnedd,o etsh sep eaukseaerpp orprtiea anGde neTrraailn .i ng itnonatoinp attrens? Fomro eri fnormtaoin tohnce ir treiuase df ora ssseisntgh e ThAec ademRiecai dnagn Wdr tiinMgo dusla essess whtehearc anddiatei sre atdoys utdyo rta riinnt h e SpekanigM odlues,e pea eg8 8. mediuomfE ngilsThh.eG eneTrraailn iMnogdl uefsco uosn Futrheifrnor mtaioanb otuhtee x ma cana losb eo btanied bassiucvr iavls iklilnasb rosaodc iaanled d uactional frmo thIeLE TSw ebsiwtwew:.i elts.org conteaxt,n ader m oers utibalfeor c anditdeawsh oa er gointgoE nglsipsekhnai-gc ountrfioret sh peur posoefs worke xpreieen,nc onde-greleve etlar inionrig m mgriaotni. · 2 /ELTSP ractipcTeerep staescsr:o n ncdtaietdneaftsors t hIeLE TS /ELTSP racticTee sts A fulbler akdowonf tfhorema tt,a stky paenst dmi inogf examniaotnib yp orvidsiinx gf uplrlac tictee stsw,h ich eacMho duclaebn e f ounodn tihsnei dfaelp o ft his follw othleta etse xma specitfiiocnas. PractiTcees tb oo.k Theear ert wo guidedt estsw,h icpohrv diec le,a r authroiteaa tnicdvo mplteeg udiancoen t htea .st kypes ILETSc anddiaterse ceaiB vaned S coerf rmo t1o 9 f ore achf euaertdi n esaetcchi oonft heexa m. Moduolfte h tee satn,d Oavne lrBlaan dS coerf rmo t1o 9 , Thseeg uidetdet ssa erf ollweodb yf ourt est(sw ithout whicihsa na vereao gft hfeou rM oduslcero eAs . guidancew)h, icofhf seutrde nstt hoourghp arctaitca e berakdowonft hnei nBean ds bceaf nou ndon t hceo ver relatiisecx ma lveel. falpo ft hiboso .k Ana ddiiotnGaenle raTlr aininsge ctiocno natintsh e Reaidnagn Wdr tiinMgo dluefsor t wop rtaictcees .t s Onem akr aiwsra defdor e accho ercratn wseri nth e Togeth,et rehstee sptorsv diea tl aesttw oo pptonurtiiteos LitesnianngRd e aidnMgo dluse.A conifdenBtanidaS lco re parcteivsreeyt astkyp ew,h itlc sovreinasgf ulalr nagea s IETLST est�s�I ntroduction possibolfte yp icIaETlLS t opaierca asn sdi ttuiaons. Teachers: TheC Dsa ncda ststeeascco mpanynigt hbeo oikn cltuhdee T hipsat ro ft hIeE LTSE xam Essentiasles riceousl d audiom ateriaflsor t hLei tesniMnogd usl,re ecrodd�s oa s contsittuhtbeea soifass htoi rtnenvseIi ETLSp erpaatrion tor eefclatc crualtyte haeu deiloee mnotft het uaaecxla m. cousreI.it sa los uase flup alcteo c hcekd etialosfp atircular tastkyp esT.he e xreciasensmd o dealnw sercsa anl osb e A writinbga nkh assam plaen wsersf ort hwer igtt iansks, useda st hset rtainpgon itfsor s klilcsls aess. forb otAhca demaincGd e neTrraailn tiensg.t s edoitnci onatinas IELTSP racticTee stwsi thk ey comperhesnivanes werk ey,w hicihn celsdu edtiaeld Students: explatniaoonfes a cahn wserf ort hLei tesnianngdR eaidng Test3s- 6 Thesfeou rc omplteet esctasbn e u sedi nav aertioyf w ay.s Modusl,ae nadn a nnotateadu dios cript. Foerxa mplyeo,um ay: •workt horuhgT est1sa nd2f risatn,du sTees t3s- t6 o pracwthiasyteou h aves utddio er S3t udHeonwtts o:u seI ELTSP racticTee sts •b egnwi itThes t3s- 6a,n wdh eyno uc omteo e actha sk Youc auns teh ibsoo iknd f ifreenwta ysa,c crdointgo uyro typec,h cekt htea sgkuid eis nTe st1sa n2dt om aeks uer needysou:rl v eely,ou ram ish, ow mucht imyeou h avei,f youu ndesrtnadh owt oa pporaciht . youae r usdtynigc ompltelyb yy ourslef woirta hc lsaa snd Youc auns teh Tees ttsoc erataes elfu-dysc tousre: taech.e r e •W orky ourw ayt horuhgT est1sa nd 2. IETLSu sesm aynt astkyp easn ydo un eetdob eyv ell •D oT es3ta sn 4d, r !eurnitnog tt hasegk u idienTse s t1s perpraefdor t heaml ilno dretrod ow eliltn h eex ma. an2dt op repey aoursreflorfe actha stkpy e. wilhle ply otu od o this. IELTSP racticTee sts •C heycoku ra nwsersc arelfyul i-nclutdhiaenu gds icopr tis Usteh ceh tao rnt hiesn idfel atopu nedsrtnadt hoev reall fort hleti esnisnegco tni-sa ndke enpot easb ottu he conteanntfd or maotf ttheseLt o.ot kho ruhgT est3t os ee aerawsh eery ouh avep orblse.m how tdhecesr tiipoinn cthhtaem r atchtehste e st. •D oT es5t,w hilcehe cnkgiy ourn otews;h eyno ur eaac h Teachers: tastky pweh eery ouh aveh aadp orblebme froer,ve iwe Rememebrt htaI LETSi sn otl eia kne xma thtah aass peciftihcte a sgkuid efsor T est1sa n2d. syllabtuhstai wti ltle sYtou.rs kislw lilble n eedteod •T akeT es6tu ndetre tsc ondit(icrooernctstmi ing,s lieen,c daignoasneda drdesysou rsu tdnetsn'ee dsi nt eromfs nod itcioinseao rrr erfeenbcoeo sk,e t)c.. lxeissrt,u tcrued,i osucsrea,n sdo o nB.e cuase IELTS covrest hfeul rlna geo fe xma tassa knad PracticTee sts Wheyno ug eat na nwserw ron,gc hcekt os eweh icohf the comprehseinvrena geo ft yipcIaLElT Se xma topisc,c ain t fololwnigh appedn:e helypou t oc oncaetnoetn rt hlei unitgsic eactsospft he cousrey out aech. •D iydou m isheaaw ro ridnt h Lei tesni?n g •D iydou r eatdh qeu seitotno qou ickalnynd o tu ndesrtnad whattol oofkori nt hRee aidn?g Students: Test1s and 2 Tes1ta sn 2dc otnianva laublhee lipnp e rpranigf ort he •D iydou m aekt hwero ngit nerrepttiaoofnw hatth ger pah exma.A ltlh eex ma tastkye psa err epresaenntdthe yeda er reepsrnetisnt h Wer tii?n g clrelahye adfeorde aysr eefrence. •D iydou m isduenrnstdwa hta wao rodr p hrsaem eans? Foera ctha ,st kheei rsaT askg uidew, hicghiv yeosu Eveyq ruseitoyno uge wtr ongi sa no pptourinttyol earn imoptranfta catnsad d vifcorte h aptati rcluatra stkyp e. somtehitnhgaw til hle lypou l taeirnt heexa m. Theeir sas loa S tep-by-stgeupi def ore actha stky pe, Teachers: whictkahe yso ut horuhg sae riofec sar elfyuld esignedY ouc auns teh aebo vese tpwsi tyhou rsu tdnetes,i ther stpest htaw ilhle lypou u ndesrtnadh ow toa pporacdho ingi nca-lsosr a sa s rtutcruesdel fu-dsypt rgormame. thtea sk. · Encroauegy oursu tdnettso b uitlhdeu indre srtnadionfg the wtietsthth e exp latnoyark eay nd dteveol otph eir Modealnw sers( opna egs1 99-2a0er6p )or vdiefdor a ltlh e abiittlyoe vlautaet hreo iwnl aunagega nlde rnainnge eds. wrtiintags ks. Onew ay utsoTe e s1ta sn d2i tso w orykou rw ayt rhough botthe sTthsi.ws i lhle lpu b yeocmoew elilfn ormeadbo ut MarkH arrisaonndR usseWlhli teheJaadn,u a2r0y0 5 whtat hIeLE TSe xma ivnolveAsl.t aeitrnve,ul syTees t1s an2d ass otaro fr eefrentcoleoP. r taictsaenk gio htetre sts in btohoeak n dus e T1ea snt2dst og eatd viocne patriucltaarst kyp es. IETLST est�s•I ntroduction REAIDNGM ODUEL WRINTGIM ODULE SPAEKNIGM ODUEL SETCOIN2 SETCOIN3 SETCOIN 4 �Q uest1io-n1s0 Questions 1-4 Compltehtneeo tbeesol w. WritNeO MORET HAN TWO WORDSA ND/OAR NUMBER foera cahn swer. EasylAectc ommodatAigoenn cy Cheapepsrto per£t ie1s : perw eek . . ............. . Minimupme rioofdc ontract: . 2. .............. Officoep eSna turduanytsi l . 3. .............. Lisotfp roperatviaeisl aobnl e ·.,. .......... ... 4 Notes completion �T hist asrke quiryeosu t ow rite �S tep1 Thinfki rst calilgnt oa sakb oruettn inaf glt a. answertsh aat repi eceosf Looaktt - hneot eWsh.a sto tro f Man:C etrai.nW lhyakti dno ffa lth ad informatgiiovne inn t he ifnormaotnii sr euqierdi n egaapc?h youi nm ind? recordiynogu . hear. Woman: Well,r I,ed otnk 'now Deciidefea cghap 1 -w4 ilrle uqier: .. mIe an,id te epndsn o � Readt hei nstructciaornesf ully. A wor(dsB) ,na umbero rC w ord(s) .somee xtent. Tmahxeiswmeui mlltn eullymo buet orhfw e o rds anadn ubme.r peMarxniaO:tccK oet, n,l o yw w eh avep roeprtis e yqouuec satnu isoettn hosia m sna syw beetra hse �S tep2 - Now lsiteann dd ot he aiscpo rrssotb haebw lhyo lare wna egee.kT.h e average mallya st -hree, bubteo nmlayy task Woman:O h£,I1 w 2a0sh .opifnorg somethgi.nl tial tceh er. two. oorn eT.h eym aya lstoe ll yout hantu mberasre r equired. T�hSr teetep3ih -nCsgha eerci wkmh oaptrtya onuh( teay:a)or u d Mlaonew:Ts whtee ys tartua @tseulaaltApyhn.'adstt t h ehye go �T hew ordso rn umberys ou mutsb er eafdoryt hiefn ormtaoin, up t£20o0 .h ave needa re ont her ecordiDngo. (by)ou m ustw ritthece or erct Woman:I c oulmda naegt hlewo est notr ephraosrec hangteh e firg.eu ifnormaotnia,n (dc y)ou m ustb e formo ft heW OJC!S the on carelfn uott ow ritthewe r nog Now looaktt htepa ecsirtp for recording. ifnormaotni. Questi2o.Un n delritnhewe o rdtsh ta �T heq uestiofnosll otwh eo rder Looakt ttpaheesr pcitf orQ uestion leaydou t ot haen wsera n�d the oft her ecording. Fo(ra t)h,we o rdwsh iclhe aydou t o coercratn wser. 1. thaen wsera eru ndeirnledF,o (rb ), Tapescript thneu me�b mutsw riftoret he Man: An quetsioinsh ow anwseri �s Fo(rc w)o,r ds lonygou i'mrtpheio nrktio;;infgsn tta nygii nth e whicyohu m ihgtw rnoglyt ihnckou ld porpeyrt.We don'dto s htol rtes. be tahnwese ra eri nit alics. I'd ltf onri ne Woman: wanta fa Tapescrti p monthpse,r haplsno ger. Man:E ayslteG.o omdo rnng.i How ManT:h at bef ien.O ur caInh elypou ? contraawrcofetuo srla sdt nadads rix months, that extneded. Waodvmeatnri:Hs eellmoiIes.n tna h twype oau prae nrId ' m Womana:Fn idn eI.' ncdaen ebtdeo c omien ansde yeo u? IETLST es1t � �LISNTIEGN MODUL�E� ESCTI1O N I Questions ChooTsHe5 R�E7El ettAe-Gr.s WhichT HREEt hinagrisen clufdoferre de w itehv eprryo pefrotrrye nftro mE asylet? . 56. . ......................... .. . .. . 7 .............. A heabtiilnlgs kitcehqeuni pment plaatnegdsl asses B D sheaentds towels C E telephone television G watbeirl l F (1) Multiple-chowiicteh m ultiple answers �T hitsa sk urrieeqys out o �S tep1 Thinfki rst thisna egrs tnadadi rna lfallt Fso.r - choosce orercta nswerfsr om Looaktt hien tsrtuicoYnousa .er exampleev,e rfyl ahta sk itchen a lsito fp ossibalnsew ers. ltiesnifnorgt ihnsgt htaa er equipmepnrto vidfeodry our use. �Y oug eto nem akrf oera ch 'niculdedf orf reien''e vrye Woman:G oodDo.e st haatl so proptyef rorr ent'. meant ablaerwec,u psg,l asses, correacntws er. plates? Thinakb out owfga iynvsgi t his � Itv'esr yi mpotranttor eatdh e ifnormaotni. Man:I ns omefl atsb,u tn otal l. intsrutciocnasr eflyul.T heyw ill B isac oercratn wse.r iCsn ot a telylo uw hatt ols itefno rY.ou corrtea cnsweartl,h ohui gris wilplr obabhleyas ro mehting �S tep2 Checkw haty ouh ear - clrelamye tnionePadlt.e asn d connectde witahl tlh eo ptoins. Looaktt hisp atro ft htepa ecsrti,p glasasere' si undcelfdor f rebeu't, Thei ntsrutciownisl tle ylolu t he whicrhea ltetsoo ptoinBsa nCd. resaonf ocrh osoinsgo me of noti n' evyef rlat'. theo ptioonnts h el its. Tapescrti p �T heo ptioanrseu suallilsyt iend ManT: htad epenodnts h fel at, �S tep3 - Listaennd d ot he toa c etrianex tneta,tl hohus gome task aplhabetcialo rde.r �T heo rdeorf tohpteoi nsi nt he lsitw ilplr obabdlffiye rf rotmh e ordeorft here cording. �Yo u mayh eaerx atcltyh es ame · wordass a ppeairnt heo ptoins, ory oum ayh eaarl ternative phrastehsa hta vteh es ame meaning. �Y ou canw rittehe c orrect anwsersi n aonrdye .r � Seea slop age1s0 a nd1 6 for othetry peosfm ulitpel-choice tasks. IETLST es1t �L ITS�EN INMOO DUL�E S�CE TI1O N READINMGO DUEL WRITNIG MODULE SPEAKNIGM ODULE SETCOIN2 SETCOIN3 SETCOIN4 Questions Labtehlme a8 p-b 1eo0lw . Writteh ceo rrelcett At-eHrn exttoq uest8i-o1ns0 . Wheraer teh feal lowbilnogco kffls a tssi tuated? Frotmar isnt iaotn J D CITYB RIGDE 0 <( 0 a: a: w> c: OLDB RIGDE ---PARK-. .. " \ I I EastTeowrne rs 8 GranMbayn sions 9 10 BusGbayr den Labellinmga p/plan/diagr(a1m) a �T hitsa srke uqiersy out ol abae mla pw itthh e �T heer are sevrealm orep osbslipel actehsna y ou correpcaltc eosr p onitsu sintgh ei fnormaotnyi ou neemda rkeodn t e map.F oolwlt hes peak'es r heari nt her ecdoirnSgi.mi ltaarss km ayr euqier dierctiocnasr eflulbye foyroeu d eciwdhei cht hies h yout ol abae pll aonr dai aagmr. correpclta ce. �T heq usetionfsol lwo theo rdeorft her ecrodnigI.f �T hei nofrmaotnia bout stthtaeir npgo inits your eailsyeo uh avmei sseodn eq usetionm,a ke repaetefdo re acqhu etsioDno.n otw orry too suery ou cfuosc arelflufyo trh en exto ne. muchi yfo um isos neq uesotni, feeylo uh ave or goto neq usetoinw rong. �T hem ap andt her ecrodinwgi llg viey oua strtaing poinLti.s tcearne flyul becuasefn idintghe a nwsers �S eea lspoa ge1s4 a nd6 4f oort hret ypeosf ,greadtelpye nodnsl coantigt hest rtainpgo initn laebllitansgsk . li2i�ertlap. 'tm::i:::�· IELTTSe s1t � �LITSENIGN MODUL�E� SECTOIN1

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