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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Essays on the Microscope, by George Adams This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org. If you are not located in the United States, you'll have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this ebook. Title: Essays on the Microscope Containing a Practical Description of the Most Improved Microscopes, a General History of Insects, etc., etc. Author: George Adams Contributor: Frederick Kanmacher Release Date: January 14, 2020 [EBook #61169] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK ESSAYS ON THE MICROSCOPE *** Produced by Chris Curnow, Harry Lamé and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) Please see the Transcriber’s Notes at the end of this text. The cover image has been created for this text, and is placed in the public domain. Cover image E S S AY S ON THE M I C R O S C O P E. Frontispiece T.S. Duché pinxit Truth discovering to Time, Science instructing her Children in the Improvements on the Microscope. London, Published July 1.st 1787, by Geo.e Adams, N.o 60 Fleet Street. E S S AY S ON THE M I C R O S C O P E; CONTAINING A PRACTICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MOST IMPROVED MICROSCOPES; A GENERAL HISTORY OF INSECTS, THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS, PECULIAR HABITS, AND ŒCONOMY: AN ACCOUNT OF THE VARIOUS SPECIES, AND SINGULAR PROPERTIES, OF THE HYDRÆ AND VORTICELLÆ: A DESCRIPTION OF THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-THREE ANIMALCULA: WITH A CONCISE CATALOGUE OF INTERESTING OBJECTS: A VIEW OF THE ORGANIZATION OF TIMBER, AND THE CONFIGURATION OF SALTS, WHEN UNDER THE MICROSCOPE. ILLUSTRATED WITH THIRTY-TWO FOLIO PLATES BY THE LATE GEORGE ADAMS, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER TO HIS MAJESTY, &c. THE SECOND EDITION, WITH CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS, BY FREDERICK KANMACHER, F. L. S. LONDON: PRINTED BY DILLON AND KEATING, FOR THE EDITOR; AND FOR W. AND S. JONES, HOLBORN. MDCCXCVIII. PRICE 1l. 8s. IN BOARDS. TO THE KING. SIR, Every work that tends to enlarge the boundaries of science has a peculiar claim to the protection of Kings. He that diffuses science, civilizes man, opens the inlets to his happiness, and co-operates with the Fountain and Source of all knowledge. By science truth is advanced; and of Divine Truth Kings are the representatives. The work which I have now the honour to present to YOUR MAJESTY, calls the attention of the reader to those laws of Divine order by which the universe is governed and supported; in it we find that the minutest beings share in the protection, and triumph in the bounty of the Sovereign of all things: that the infinitely small manifest to the astonished eye the same proportion, regularity and design, which are conspicuous to the unassisted sight in the larger parts of creation. By finding all things formed in beauty, and produced for use, the mind is raised from the fleeting and evanescent appearances of matter, to contemplate the permanent principles of truth, and acknowledge that the whole proceeds from the wisdom that originates in love. It was by YOUR MAJESTY’S goodness and gracious patronage that I was first induced [v] [vi] [vii] [1] SIR, YOUR MAJESTY’S Most humble, Most obedient, and most dutiful Subject and Servant, GEORGE ADAMS. to undertake a description of mathematical and philosophical instruments, that I might thereby facilitate the attainment of those sciences that are connected with them, and by shewing what was already obtained, excite emulation, and quicken invention. It is to the same goodness that I am indebted for this opportunity of subscribing myself, PREFACE. In the preface to my Essays on Electricity and Magnetism, I informed the public that it was my intention to publish, from time to time, essays describing the construction and explaining the use of mathematical and philosophical instruments, in their present state of improvement. This work will, I hope, be considered as a performance of my promise, as far as relates to the subject here treated of.[1] Towards the completion of this design, our author afterwards published, 1. Astronomical and Geographical Essays; 2. Geometrical and Graphical Essays; 3. An Essay on Vision; 4. Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy. He had projected other compilations, and was preparing a new edition of this work; but, alas! how uncertain are all human projects! constant attention to an extensive business and to literature, preyed on a constitution far from robust, and at length rapidly accelerated his dissolution, which happened at Southampton, on the 14th of August, 1795; aged 45. By this event, the world was prematurely deprived of the beneficial effects of his farther labours, and his friends of the conversation of a man, whose amiable and communicative disposition endeared him to all those who had the pleasure of knowing him. His life had been devoted to religious and moral duties, to the acquisition of science, and its diffusion for the benefit of mankind. To those who had no personal knowledge of Mr. Adams, his works will continue to display his merits as an author, and his virtues as a valuable member of society. Edit. The first chapter contains a short history of the invention and improvements that have been made on the microscope, and Father Di Torre’s method of making his celebrated glass globules. The second treats of vision, in which I have endeavoured to explain in a familiar manner the reason of those advantages which are obtained by the use of magnifying lenses; but as the reader is supposed to be unacquainted with the elements of this science, so many intermediate ideas have been necessarily omitted, as must in some degree lessen the force, and weaken the perception of the truths intended to be inculcated: to have given these, would have required a treatise on optics. In the third chapter, the most improved microscopes, and some others which are in general use, are particularly described; no pains have been spared to lessen the difficulty of observation, and remove obscurity from description; the relative advantages of each instrument are briefly pointed out, to enable the reader to select that which is best adapted to his pursuits. The method of preparing different objects for observation, and the cautions necessary to be observed in the use of the microscope, are the subjects of the fourth chapter. When I first undertook the present essays, I had confined myself to a re-publication of my fathers work, entitled, Micrographia Illustrata; but I soon found that both his and Mr. Baker’s tracts on the microscope were very imperfect. Natural history had not been so much cultivated at the period when they wrote, as it is in the present day. To the want of that information which is now easily obtained, we may with propriety impute their errors and imperfections. I have, therefore, in the fifth chapter, after some general observations on the utility of natural history, endeavoured to remedy their defects, by arranging the subject in systematic order, and by introducing the microscopic reader to the system of Linnæus, as far as relates to insects: by this he will learn to discriminate one insect from another, to characterize their different parts, and thus be better enabled to avoid error himself, and to convey instruction to others. As the transformations which insects undergo, constitute a principal branch of their history, and furnish many objects for the microscope, I have given a very ample description of them; the more so, as many microscopic writers, by not considering these changes with attention, have fallen into a variety of mistakes. Here I intended to stop; but the charms of natural history are so seducing, that I was led on to describe the peculiar and striking marks in the œconomy of these little creatures. And should the purchaser of these essays receive as much pleasure in reading this part as I did in [viii] [ix] [x] [xi] [2] compiling it; should it induce him to study this part of natural history; nay, should it only lead him to read the stupendous work of the most excellent Swammerdam, he will have no reason to regret his purchase, and one of my warmest wishes will be gratified. In the next chapter I have endeavoured to give the reader some idea of the internal parts of insects, principally from M. Lyonet’s Anatomical and Microscopical Description of the Caterpillar of the Cossus or Goat-moth. As this book is but little known in our country, I concluded that a specimen of the indefatigable labour of this patient and humane anatomist would be acceptable to all lovers of the microscope; and I have, therefore, appropriated a plate, which, whilst it shews what may be effected when microscopic observation is accompanied by patience and industry, displays also the wonderful organization of this insect. This is followed by a description of several miscellaneous objects, of which no proper idea could be formed without the assistance of glasses. To describe the fresh-water polype or hydra; to give a short history of the discovery of these curious animals, and some account of their singular properties, is the business of the succeeding chapter. The properties of these animals are so extraordinary, that they were considered at first to be as contrary to the common course of nature, as they really were to the received opinions of animal life. Indeed, who can even now contemplate without astonishment animals that multiply by slips and shoots like a plant? that may be grafted together as one tree to another, that may be turned inside out like a glove, and yet live, act, and perform all the various functions of their contracted spheres? As nearly allied to these, the chapter finishes with an account of those vorticellæ which have been enumerated by Linnæus. It has been my endeavour to dissipate confusion by the introduction of order, to dispose into method, and select under proper heads the substance of all that is known relative to these little creatures, and in the compass of a few pages to give the reader the information that is dispersed through volumes. From the hydræ and vorticellæ, it was natural to proceed to the animalcula which are to be found in vegetable infusions; microscopic beings, that seem as it were to border on the infinitely small, that leave no space destitute of inhabitants, and are of greater importance in the immense scale of beings than our contracted imagination can conceive; yet, small as they are, each of them possesses all that beauty and proportion of organized texture which is necessary to its well-being, and suited to the happiness it is called forth to enjoy. A short account of three hundred and seventy- seven[2] of these minute beings is then given, agreeable to the system of the laborious Müller, enlarging considerably his description of those animalcula that are most easily met with, better known, and consequently more interesting to the generality of readers. To these, six more are now added, making the whole three hundred and eighty three. Edit. The construction of timber, and the disposition of its component parts, as seen by the microscope, is the subject of the next chapter; a subject confessedly obscure. With what degree of success this attempt has been prosecuted, must be left to the judgment of the reader. The best treatise on this part of vegetation is that of M. Du Hamel du Monceau sur la Physique des Arbres. If either my time or situation in life would have permitted it, I should have followed his plan; but being confined to business and to London, I can only recommend it to those lovers of the works of the Almighty, who live in the country, to pursue this important branch of natural history. There is no doubt but that new views of the operations in nature, and of the wisdom with which all things are contrived, would amply repay the labour of investigation. Every part of the vegetable kingdom is rich in microscopic beauties, from the stateliest tree of the forest, from the cedar of Lebanon, to the lowliest moss and the hyssop that springeth out of the wall; all conspiring to say how much is hid from the natural sight of man, how little can be known till it receives assistance, and is benefited by adventitious aid. From the wonderful organization of animals, and the curious texture of vegetables, we proceed to the mineral kingdom, and take a cursory view of the configuration of salts and saline substances, exhibiting a few specimens of the beautiful order in which they arrange themselves under the eye, after having been separated by dissolution; every species working as it were upon a different plan, and producing cubes, pyramids, hexagons, or some other figure peculiar to itself, with a constant regularity amidst boundless variety. Though all nature teems with objects for the microscopic observer, yet such is the indolence of the human mind, or such its inattention to what is obvious, that among the purchasers of microscopes many have complained that they knew not what subjects to apply to their instrument, or where to find objects for examination. To obviate this complaint, a catalogue is here given, which is interspersed with the description of a few insects, and other objects, which could not be conveniently introduced in the foregoing chapters. By this catalogue it is hoped that the use of the microscope will be extended, and the path of observation facilitated. To avoid the formal parade of quotation, and the fastidious charge of plagiarism, I have subjoined to this preface a list of the authors which have been consulted. As my extracts were made at very distant periods, it would have been impossible for me to recollect to whom I was indebted for every new fact or ingenious observation. The plates were drawn and engraved with a view to be folded up with the work; but as it is the opinion of many of my friends that they would, by this mean, be materially injured, I have been advised to have them stitched in strong blue paper, and leave it to the purchaser to dispose of them to his own mind. A LIST OF THE AUTHORS [xii] [xiii] [xiv] [xv] WHICH HAVE BEEN CONSULTED IN THE COMPILATION OF THE FORMER AND PRESENT EDITION OF THESE ESSAYS. Adams. Micrographia Illustrata, or the Microscope Explained. London, 1746 and 1781. Addison. Spectator. Baker. An Attempt towards the Natural History of the Polype. London, 1743. Baker. The Microscope made Easy. London, 1744. Baker. Employment for the Microscope. London, 1753. Barbut. Genera Insectorum of Linnæus. 4to. London, 1781. Berkenhout. Botanical Lexicon. 8vo. London, 1764. Berkenhout. Synopsis of Natural History. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1789. Birch. History of the Royal Society. 4to. 4 vols. London, 1756. Blair. Sermons. London, 1792. Bonnani. Observationes circa Viventia, quæ in Rebus non Viventibus reperiuntur, &c. 4to. 1691. Bonnet. Oeuvres d’Histoire Naturelle et de Philosophie. 9 tom. 4to. Neufchatel, 1779. Borellus. De vero Telescopii Inventore. Brand. Select Dissertations from the Amœnitates Academicæ, &c. 8vo. London, 1781. Curtis. Instructions for Collecting and Preserving Insects. 8vo. London, 1771. Curtis. Translation of the Fundamenta Entomologiæ. 8vo. London, 1772. Curtis. Flora Londinensis. Folio. London, 1777, &c. Curtis. Botanical Magazine. 8vo. London, 1787, &c. Cyclopædia. By Dr. Rees. 4 vols. Folio. London, 1786. De Geer. Memoires pour servir a l’Histoire des Insectes. 4to. 7 tom. 1752. Dellebarre. Memoires sur les Differences de la Construction et des Effects du Microscope. 1777. Derham. Physico-Theology. 8vo. London, 1732. Donovan. History of British Insects. 8vo. London, 1792, &c. Donovan. Treatise on the Management of Insects. 8vo. London, 1794. Du Hamel du Monceau. La Physique des Arbres. Paris, 1757. Ellis. Essay towards a Natural History of Corallines. 4to. 1755. Ellis. Zoophytes, by Dr. Solander. 4to. London, 1786. Encyclopædia Britannica. 4to. 18 vols. Edinburgh, 1797. Epinus. Description des Nouveaux Microscopes. Fabricius. Philosophia Entomologica. 8vo. 1778. Geoffroy. Histoire Abregee des Insectes. 2 tom. 4to. Paris, 1764. Gleichen. Les plus Nouvelles Deucouverts dans le Regne Vegetal, &c. Folio. 1770. Goldsmith. History of the Earth and Animated Nature. 8vo. London, 1774. Grew. Anatomy of Plants. Folio. London, 1682. Haller. Physiologia. Hedwig. Theoria Generationis et Fructificationis de Plantarum Cryptogamicarum. Petersb. 1784. Hill. Review of the Royal Society. 4to. London, 1751. Hill. History of Animals. Folio. London, 1752. Hill. Essays in Natural History. 8vo. London, 1752. Hill. The Construction of Timber explained by the Microscope. 8vo. London, 1770. Hill. Inspector. Home. Treatise on Ulcers, &c. 8vo. London, 1797. Hooke. Micrographia. Folio. London, 1665. Hooke. Lectures and Collections. 4to. London, 1678. Hooper. Economy of Plants. 8vo. Oxford, 1797. Joblot. Observations d’Histoire Naturelle faites avec le Microscope. 4to. 2 tom. Paris. Journal de Physique, par Rozier, &c. Jones. A Course of Lectures on the Figurative Language of the Holy Scriptures. 8vo. 1787. Kippis. Biographia Britannica. Folio. 1778, &c. [xvi] Ledermuller. Microscopische Ergötzungen. 4 theile. 4to. Leeuwenhoek. Arcana Naturæ. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1722. Leeuwenhoek. Opera Omnia. 4to. Ibid. 1722. Lettsom. Naturalist’s Companion. 8vo. London, 1774. Linnean Society. Transactions. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1791, &c. Linnæus. Systema Naturæ. 8vo. edit. 12mo. Holmiæ, 1766. Lyonet. Theologie des Insectes de Lesser. 2 tom. 8vo. La Haye, 1742. Lyonet. Traite Anatomique de la Chenille qui ronge le Bois de Saule. 4to. Macquer. Dictionary of Chemistry. London, 1777. Magny. Journal d’Economie. 1753. Malpighi. Opera. 4to. Lugduni Bat. 1687. Martin. Micrographia Nova. 4to. Reading, 1742. Martin. Optical Essays. 8vo. London. Muller. Animalcula Infusoria Fluviatilia et Marina. 4to. Hauniæ, 1786. Nicholson. Introduction to Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. 1787. Nicholson. Journal of Natural Philosophy, &c. 1797. Needham. New Microscopical Discoveries. 8vo. London, 1745. Neuere Geschichte der Missions Anstalten. 4to. Halle, 1796. Pallas. Elenchus Zoophytorum. 8vo. Hagæ Comit. 1766. Parsons. Microscopic Theatre of Seeds. 4to. London, 1745. Power. Microscopical Observations. 4to. 1664. Priestley. On Light, Vision, and Colours. 4to. 1772. Reaumur. Memoires pour servir a l’Histoire des Insectes. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1737. Redi. De Insectis. 1671. Reid. On the Intellectual Powers of Man. Nürnberg, 1746, &c. Rosel. Insecten Belustigung. 4 theile. 4to. Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions. Rutherforth. Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1748. Schirach. Histoire Naturelle de la Reine des Abeilles. A la Haye, 1771. Shaw. Naturalist’s Miscellany. 8vo. London, 1790, &c. Smith, R. Optics. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1738. Smith, I. E. English Botany. 8vo. London, 1790, &c. Spalanzani. Opuscules de Physiques Animale et Vegetale. Geneva, 1777. Stillingfleet. Miscellaneous Tracts. 8vo. London, 1762. Swammerdam. The Book of Nature, revised by Hill. Folio. London, 1758. Swedenborg. Œconomia Regni Animalis, cui accedit Introductio ad Psychologiam Rationalem. 4to. Amsterdam, 1743. Swedenborg. Regnum Animale, Anatomice, Physice et Philosophice Perlustratum. 4to. Hagæ Comit. 1744. Trembley. Memoires pour servir a l’Histoire des Polypes d’eau douce. Paris, 1744. Valmont de Bomare. Dictionnaire Raisonne universal d’Histoire Naturelle. Lyon, 1776. Walker. A Collection of Minute and Rare Shells. 4to. London, 1784. Yeats. Institutions of Entomology. 8vo. Ibid. 1773. London, Dec. 12, 1797. The Public are hereby respectfully informed, that the Stock and Copyright of the following Works by the same Author, lately deceased, have been purchased by W. and S. Jones, Opticians, &c. and that they are now to be had at their Shop in Holborn. I. GEOMETRICAL AND GRAPHICAL ESSAYS. This Work contains, 1. A select Set of Geometrical Problems, many of which are new, and not contained in any other Work. 2. The Description and Use of those Mathematical Instruments that are usually put into a Case of Drawing Instruments. Besides these, there are also described several New and Useful Instruments for Geometrical Purposes. 3. A complete and concise System of Surveying, with an Account of some very essential Improvements in that useful Art. To which is added, a Description of the most improved Theodolites, Plane Tables, and other Instruments used in Surveying; and most accurate Methods of adjusting them. 4. The Methods of Levelling, for the Purpose of conveying Water from one Place to another; with a Description of the most improved Spirit Level. 5. A Course of Practical Military Geometry, as taught at Woolwich. 6. A short Essay on Perspective. The Second Edition, corrected, and enlarged with the Descriptions of several Instruments unnoticed in the former Edition, by W. Jones, Math. Inst. Maker; illustrated by 35 Copper-plates, in 2 vols. 8vo. Price 14s. in Boards. [xvii] [xviii] II. AN ESSAY ON ELECTRICITY, explaining clearly and fully the Principles of that useful Science, describing the various Instruments that have been contrived, either to illustrate the Theory, or render the Practice of it entertaining. To which is added, A Letter to the Author, from Mr. John Birch, Surgeon, on Medical Electricity. Fourth Edition, 8vo. Price 6s. illustrated with six Plates. III. AN ESSAY ON VISION, briefly explaining the Fabric of the Eye, and the Nature of Vision; intended for the Service of those whose Eyes are weak and impaired, enabling them to form an accurate Idea of the State of their Sight, the Means of preserving it, together with proper Rules for ascertaining when Spectacles are necessary, and how to choose them without injuring the Sight. 8vo. Second Edition. Illustrated with Figures. Price 3s. in Boards. IV. ASTRONOMICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS, containing, 1. A full and comprehensive View of the general Principles of Astronomy, with a large Account of the Discoveries of Dr. Herschel, &c. 2. The Use of the Globes, exemplified in a greater Variety of Problems than are to be found in any other Work; arranged under distinct Heads, and interspersed with much curious but relative Information. 3. The Description and Use of Orreries and Planetaria, &c. 4. An Introduction to Practical Astronomy, by a Set of easy and entertaining Problems. Third Edition, 8vo. Price 10s. 6d. in Boards, illustrated with sixteen Plates. V. AN INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY, or the Use of the Quadrant and Equatorial, being extracted from the preceding Work. Sewed, with two Plates, 2s. 6d. VI. AN APPENDIX to the GEOMETRICAL AND GRAPHICAL ESSAYS, containing the following Table by Mr. John Gale, viz. a Table of the Northings, Southings, Eastings, and Westings to every Degree and fifteenth Minute of the Quadrant, Radius from 1 to 100, with all the intermediate Numbers, computed to the three Places of Decimals. Price 2s. In the Press, and speedily will be Published, LECTURES ON NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY, In Five Volumes 8vo. The Second Edition, with upwards of Forty large Plates, considerable Alterations and Improvements; containing more complete Explanations of the Instruments, Machines, &c. and the Description of many others not inserted in the former Edition. By W. Jones, mathematical and philosophical instrument maker. ADVERTISEMENT. The editor esteems it his indispensable duty, to point out the several improvements which have been made in this work, in order to render it still more acceptable to the public. The whole has been carefully revised—many typographical errors corrected—numerous additions and emendations from the author’s own copy incorporated, and some superfluities rejected. Wherever any ambiguity occurred, the editor has endeavoured to elucidate the passage, observing due caution not to misconceive the idea which the author meant to inculcate. A more regular arrangement has been attempted, and occasional notes subjoined: in these, and in other parts of the work, it has been the editor’s primary object to ascertain facts, not to decide peremptorily. Should he in any instance have erred, he can assure the candid critic, that he shall experience a most sensible pleasure in conviction. The principal additions are, Accounts of the latest improvements which have been made in the construction of microscopes, particularly the lucernal. A description of the glass, pearl, &c. micrometers, as made by Mr. Coventry, and others. An arrangement and description of minute and rare shells. A descriptive list of a variety of vegetable seeds. Instructions for collecting and preserving insects, together with directions for forming a cabinet. A copious list of objects for the microscope. A list of Mr. Custance’s fine vegetable cuttings. With respect to the plates, three new engravings are introduced, viz. Plate IV. Exhibiting the most improved compound microscopes, with their apparatus. Plate XIV. Microscopical figures of minute and rare shells. Plate XV. Microscopical figures of a variety of vegetable seeds. Many additional figures have been inserted in other plates, and a number of errors in the references corrected. A complete list of the plates and a more extensive index are also added. It has been generally understood, that the author intended to have published this edition in octavo; but, the [xix] [xx] impropriety of adopting that mode must appear evident, for the very reason assigned by the author himself in the concluding part of his preface. If the plates are liable to sustain damage by folding them into a quarto, they would have been subjected to far greater injury by being doubled into an octavo size, besides, being extremely incommodious for reference. As the work now appears, the purchaser may either retain the plates in the separate volume, or, without much inconvenience, if properly guarded, have them bound with the letter press. It affords the editor a pleasing satisfaction to mention, that notwithstanding the additional heavy expense incurred in the article of paper, &c. yet, by somewhat enlarging the page, and other economical regulations in the mode of printing, this edition is offered to the public at a trifling advance on the original price, though the improvements now made occupy considerably more than one-hundred pages. Anxious, lest the reputation which the work has already acquired, should be diminished by any deficiency on his part, the editor has sedulously applied himself to render it extensively useful to the serious admirer of the wonders of the creation; whether he has succeeded, is now submitted to the decision of the intelligent part of the public. He shall only add, that conscious of the purity of his intentions, and convinced of the instability of all terrestrial attainments, he trusts that he is equally secured from the weakness of being elevated by success, or depressed by disappointment. Apothecaries Hall, London, Jan. 1, 1798. CONTENTS. C HAP. I. A concise History of the Invention and Improvements which have been made upon the Instrument called a Microscope. p. 1. C HAP. II. Of Vision; of the optical Effects of Microscopes, and of the Manner of estimating their magnifying Powers. p. 26. C HAP. III. A Description of the most improved Microscopes, and the Method of using them. p. 64. C HAP. IV. General Instructions for using the Microscope, and preparing the Objects. p. 129. C HAP. V. The Importance of Natural History; of Insects in general, and of their constituent Parts. p. 167. C HAP. VI. A general View of the internal Parts of Insects, and more particularly of the Caterpillar of the Phalæna Cossus. A Description of sundry miscellaneous Objects. p. 334. C HAP. VII. The Natural History of the Hydra, or Fresh Water Polype. p. 357. C HAP. VIII. Of the Animalcula Infusoria. p. 415. C HAP. IX. On the Organization or Construction of Timber, as viewed by the Microscope. p. 574. C HAP. X. Of the Crystallization of Salts, as seen by the Microscope; together with a concise List of Objects. p. 600. C HAP. XI. An Arrangement and Description of minute and rare Shells. A descriptive List of a Variety of vegetable Seeds, as they appear when viewed by the Microscope. By the Editor. p. 629. C HAP. XII. Instructions for collecting and preserving Insects. A copious List of microscopic Objects. By the Editor. p. 665. ADDITIONS. p. 713. ERRATA. [xxi] [xxii] Page 16, line 22, for lead read led Page 20, line 6, for Fig. T read Fig. 1 Page 49, last line, for usefully read successfully Page 62, last but one, for stop read stage Page 80, line 22, after microscope add by Page 88, three lines from bottom, for improvent read improvement Page 95, line 2, for R read K Page 111, two lines from bottom, for VK read VX Page 115, line 12, for g read q Page 125, note, for Fig. 13 read Fig. 13* Page 145, line 17, for cast of read cast-off Page 153, line 21, for unkown read unknown Page 169, eight lines from bottom, for is read are Page 188, note line 9, for preventatives read preventives Page 195, line 7, for exagon read hexagon Page 238, line 16, for scarc read scarce Page 319, line 19, for rise read raise Page 346, line 18, for bread read bred Page 354, three lines from bottom, for Fig. 1 and 2 read Fig. 1 and 3 Page 445, line 18, for immediate read intermediate LIST OF THE PLATES, WITH REFERENCES TO THE PAGES WHERE THE SEVERAL FIGURES ARE DESCRIBED. Plate Page I. Various diagrams illustrative of vision and the optical effect of microscopes 29 II. A. Ibid.—Needle micrometer, 54.—Coventry’s pearl, &c. micrometers 59 B. Fig. 1. Wilson’s microscope and apparatus, 115.—Fig. 2. Ditto with a scroll 117 Fig. 3, 4. Small opake microscope and apparatus 118 III. Fig. 1, 2, and 4. Adams’s lucernal microscope and apparatus 64 Fig. 3. Argand’s patent lamp 69 IV. Fig. 1. Jones’s improved compound microscope and apparatus 92 Fig. 2. Jones’s most improved ditto, ditto 99 Fig. 3. Culpeper’s three-pillared microscope and apparatus 104 V. Martin’s improved solar opake and transparent microscope 106 VI. Fig. I. Withering’s botanical microscope, 123.—Fig. 2. Pocket botanical and universal microscope 124 Fig. 3. Lyonet’s anatomical microscope 122 Fig. 4. Transparent solar microscope and apparatus 113 Fig. 5. Tooth and pinion microscope ibid. Fig. 14. Common flower and insect microscope note 125 VII. A. Cuff’s double constructed microscope and apparatus 89 B. Ellis’s aquatic microscope 119 VIII. Fig. 1-6. Portable microscope and telescope with apparatus 125 Fig. 7, 8. Botanical magnifiers ibid. IX. Fig. 1, 2. Engine for cutting sections of wood, and appendage 127 Fig. 3, 4. Jones’s improved lucernal microscope and apparatus 80 Fig. 5, 7. The Rev. Dr. Prince’s and Mr. Hill’s improvements on the illuminating lenses and lamp of the lucernal microscope 84 Fig. 6. Lanthorn microscope and screen 88 X. Fig. 1, 2. Nest of the phalæna neustria.—Fig. 3, 4. Vertical section of ditto. Fig. 5, 6. Horizontal section 287 Fig. 7, 8. Scales of the parrot fish, 355.—Fig. 9, 10. Scales of sea perch 356 XI. Fig. 1, 2, 3. Larva of the musca chamæleon 248 Fig. 4, 5. Eels in blighted wheat 469 Fig. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11. Paste eel 462 Fig. 7. Vinegar eel 461 [xxiii] XII. Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4. Dissection of the caterpillar of the phalæna cossus 336 Fig. 5, 6, 7. Dissection of the head of the caterpillar 337 XIII. Fig. 1, 2. Beard of the lepas anatifera 344 Fig. 3, 4. Collector of the bee 182 XIV. Fig. 1, 2. Wing of the forficula auricularia 143 and 205 Fig. 2 to 47. Magnified figures of minute and rare shells 629 XV. Fig. 1, 2. Wing of the hemerobius perla 206 Fig. 1 to 46. Microscopic views of a variety of vegetable seeds 645 XVI. Fig. 1, 2, and B, C, D, E. Proboscis of the tabanus 188 Fig. 3, 4. Cornea of the libellula 197 Fig. 5, 6. Cornea of the lobster ibid. Fig. 7, 8, E, F, H, I. Feathers of the wings of the sphinx stellatarum 208 and 627 XVII. Fig. 1, 2, 3. Leucopsis dorsigera 347 XVIII. Fig. 1 and 6. The lobster insect 348 Fig. 2 and 7. Skin of the lump-sucker 352 Fig. 3, 4, 5. Thrips physapus 350 XIX. Fig. 1-4. Feet of the monoculus apus 354 Fig. 5 and 6. Skin of the sole fish.—Fig. 7, 8. Scale of the haddock.—Fig. 9, 10. Scale of West Indian perch.—Fig. 11, 12. Scale of sole fish 356 XX. Fig. 1 and A. Cimex striatus, 352.—Fig. 2 and B. Chrysomela asparagi 353 Fig. 3 and C. Meloe monoceros 354 XXI. Fig. 1-24. Various hydræ and vorticellæ 364 XXII. Fig. 26-40. Ditto 392 XXIII. A. Fig. 1-13. Various hydræ, 365. B. Fig. 14-29. Ditto 382 XXIV. A. Fig. 1-10. and B. Fig. 11-24. Ditto 376 XXV. Fig. 1-68. A variety of animalcula infusoria 431 XXVI. Fig. 1-23. Ditto 548 XXVII. Fig. 1-66. Ditto 519 XXVIII. Fig. 1, 2. Transverse section of chenopodium 599 Fig. 3, 4. Transverse section of a reed from Portugal ibid. XXIX. Fig. 1, 2. Transverse section of althæa frutex ibid. Fig. 3, 4. Transverse section of hazel ibid. Fig. 5, 6. Transverse section branch of lime tree ibid. XXX. Fig. 1, 2. Transverse section of sugarcane. ibid. Fig. 3, 4. Transverse section of bamboo cane ibid. Fig. 5, 6. Transverse section of common cane ibid. XXXI. Fig. 1, 2. Crystals of nitre 606 Fig. 3, 4. Distilled verdigrise ibid. XXXII. Fig. 1. Microscopical crystals of salt of wormwood 607 Fig. 2. Microscopical crystals of salt of amber ibid. Fig. 3. Microscopical crystals of salt of hartshorn ibid. Fig. 4. Microscopical crystals of salt of sal ammoniac ibid. N. B. The reader will find no references to the several letters which appear in the bodies of these figures, for reasons assigned by the author as above; in order not to deface the plate, they were suffered to remain. E S S AY S ON THE M I C R O S C O P E . [xxiv] [1] [3] [4] [5] CHAP. I. A CONCISE HISTORY OF THE INVENTION AND IMPROVEMENTS WHICH HAVE BEEN MADE UPON THE INSTRUMENT CALLED A MICROSCOPE. It is generally supposed that microscopes [3] were invented about the year 1580, a period fruitful in discoveries; a time when the mind began to emancipate itself from those errors and prejudices by which it had been too long enslaved, to assert its rights, extend its powers, and follow the paths which lead to truth. The honor of the invention is claimed by the Italians and the Dutch; the name of the inventor, however, is lost; probably the discovery did not at first appear sufficiently important, to engage the attention of those men, who, by their reputation in science, were able to establish an opinion of its merit with the rest of the world, and hand down the name of the inventor to succeeding ages. Men of great literary abilities are too apt to despise the first dawnings of invention, not considering that all real knowledge is progressive, and that what they deem trifling, may be the first and necessary link to a new branch of science. The term microscope is derived from the Greek μικρος little, and σκοπεω to view; it is a dioptric instrument, by means of which objects invisible to the naked eye, or very minute, are by the assistance of lenses, or mirrors, represented exceeding large and very distinct. Edit. The microscope extends the boundaries of the organs of vision; enables us to examine the structure of plants and animals; presents to the eye myriads of beings, of whose existence we had before formed no idea; opens to the curious an exhaustless source of information and pleasure; and furnishes the philosopher with an unlimited field of investigation. “It leads,” to use the words of an ingenious writer, “to the discovery of a thousand wonders in the works of his hand, who created ourselves, as well as the objects of our admiration; it improves the faculties, exalts the comprehension, and multiplies the inlets to happiness; is a new source of praise to him, to whom all we pay is nothing of what we owe; and, while it pleases the imagination with the unbounded treasures it offers to the view, it tends to make the whole life one continued act of admiration.” It is not difficult to fix the period when the microscope first began to be generally known, and was used for the purpose of examining minute objects; for, though we are ignorant of the name of the first inventor, we are acquainted with the names of those who introduced it to the public, and engaged their attention to it, by exhibiting some of its wonderful effects. Zacharias Jansens and his son had made microscopes before the year 1619, for in that year the ingenious Cornelius Drebell brought one, which was made by them, with him into England, and shewed it to William Borel, and others. It is possible, this instrument of Drebell’s was not strictly what is now meant by a microscope, but was rather a kind of microscopic telescope,[4] something similar in principle to that lately described by Mr. Æpinus, in a letter to the Academy of Sciences at Petersburgh. It was formed of a copper tube six feet long and one inch diameter, supported by three brass pillars in the shape of dolphins; these were fixed to a base of ebony, on which the objects to be viewed by the microscope were also placed. In contradiction to this, Fontana, in a work which he published in 1646, says, that he had made microscopes in the year 1618: this may be also very true, without derogating from the merit of the Jansens, for we have many instances in our own times of more than one person having executed the same contrivance, nearly at the same time, without any communication from one to the other.[5] In 1685, Stelluti published a description of the parts of a bee, which he had examined with a microscope. Vide Borellum de vero Telescopii Inventore. In 1664 Dr. Power published his “Experimental Philosophy,” the first part of which consists of a variety of microscopical observations; and in the following year Dr. Hooke produced his “Micrographia,” illustrated with a number of elegant figures of the different objects. Edit. If we consider the microscope as an instrument consisting of one lens only, it is not at all improbable that it was known to the ancients much sooner than the last century; nay, even in a degree to the Greeks and Romans: for it is certain, that spectacles were in use long before the above-mentioned period: now, as the glasses of these were made of different convexities, and consequently of different magnifying powers, it is natural to suppose, that smaller and more convex lenses were made, and applied to the examination of minute objects. In this sense, there is also some ground for thinking the ancients were not ignorant of the use of lenses, or at least of what approached nearly to, and might in some instances be substituted for them. The two principal reasons which support this opinion are, first, the minuteness of some ancient pieces of workmanship, which are to be met with in the cabinets of the curious: the parts of some of these are so small, that it does not appear at present how they could have been executed without the use of magnifying glasses, or of what use they could have been when executed, unless they were in possession of glasses to examine them with. A remarkable piece of this kind, a seal with very minute work, and which to the naked eye appears very confused and indistinct, but beautiful when examined with a proper lense, is described “Dans l’Histoire de l’Academie des Inscriptions,” tom. 1, p. 333. The second argument is founded on a great variety of passages, that are to be seen in the works of Jamblichus, Pliny, Plutarch, Seneca, Agellius, Pisidias, &c. From these passages it is evident that they were enabled by some instrument, or other means, not only to view distant objects, but also to magnify small ones; for, if this is not admitted, the passages appear absurd, and not capable of having a rational meaning applied to them. I shall only adduce a short passage from Pisidias, a christian writer of the seventh century, Τα μελλοντα ως δια διοπτρου συ [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] βλεπεις: “You see things future by a dioptrum:” now we know of nothing but a perspective glass or small telescope, whereby things at a distance may be seen as if they were near at hand, the circumstance on which the simile was founded. It is also clear, that they were acquainted with, and did make use of that kind of microscope, which is even at this day commonly sold in our streets by the Italian pedlars, namely, a glass bubble filled with water. Seneca plainly affirms it, Literæ, quamvis minutæ et obscuræ, per vitream pilam aqua plenam majores clarioresque cernuntur. Nat. Quæst. lib. 1, cap. 7. “Letters, though minute and obscure, appear larger and clearer through a glass bubble filled with water.” Those who wish to see further evidence concerning the knowledge of the ancients in optics, may consult Smith’s Optics, Dr. Priestley’s History of Light and Colours, the Appendix to an Essay on the first Principles of Natural Philosophy by the Rev. Mr. Jones, Dr. Rogers’s Dissertation on the Knowledge of the Ancients, and the Rev. Mr. Dutens’s Enquiry into the Origin of the Discoveries attributed to the Moderns.[6] A new edition in French of this learned and valuable work, with many and useful notes, is just published. Edit. The history of the microscope, like that of nations and arts, has had its brilliant periods, in which it has shone with uncommon splendor, and been cultivated with extraordinary ardour; these have been succeeded by intervals marked with no discovery, and in which the science seemed to fade away, or at least lie dormant, till some favourable circumstance, the discovery of a new object, or some new improvement in the instruments of observation, awakened the attention of the curious, and animated their researches. Thus, soon after the invention of the microscope, the field it presented to observation was cultivated by men of the first rank in science, who enriched almost every branch of natural history by the discoveries they made with this instrument: there is indeed scarce any object so inconsiderable, that has not something to invite the curious eye to examine it; nor is there any, which, when properly examined, will not amply repay the trouble of investigation. I shall first speak of the SINGLE MICROSCOPE, not only as it is the most simple, but because, as we have already observed, it was invented and used long before the double or compound microscope. When the lenses of the single microscope are very convex, and consequently the magnifying power very great, the field of view is so small, and it is so difficult to adjust with accuracy their focal distance, that it requires some practice to render the use thereof familiar; at the same time, the smallness of the aperture to these lenses has been found injurious to the eyes of some observers: notwithstanding, however, these defects, the great magnifying power, as well as the distinct vision which is obtained by the use of a deep single lens, more than counterbalances every difficulty and disadvantage. It was with this instrument that Leeuwenhoek and Swammerdam, Lyonet and Ellis examined the minima of nature, laid open some of her hidden recesses, and by their example stimulated others to the same pursuit. The construction of the single microscope is so simple, that it is susceptible of but little improvement, and has therefore undergone but few alterations; and these have been chiefly confined to the mode of mounting it, or the additions to its apparatus. The greatest improvement this instrument has received, was made by Dr. Lieberkühn, about the year 1740; it consisted in placing the small lens in the center of a highly polished concave speculum of silver, by which means he was enabled to reflect a strong light upon the upper surface of an object, and thus examine it with great ease and pleasure. Before this contrivance, it was almost impossible to examine small opake objects with any degree of exactness and satisfaction; for the dark side of the object being next the eye, and also overshadowed by the proximity of the instrument, its appearance was necessarily obscure and indistinct. Dr. Lieberkühn adapted a microscope to every object; it consisted of a short brass tube, at the eye end of which a concave silver speculum was fixed, and in the center of the speculum a magnifying lens: the object was placed in the middle of the tube, and had a small adjustment to regulate it to the focus; at the other end of the tube there was a plano convex lens, to condense and render more uniform the light which was reflected from the mirror. But all these pains were not bestowed upon trifling objects; his were generally the most curious anatomical preparations, a few of which, with their microscopes, are, I believe, deposited in the British Museum. It will be proper, in this place, to give some account of Mr. Leeuwenhoek’s microscopes, which were rendered famous throughout all Europe, on account of the numerous discoveries he had made with them, as well as from his afterwards bequeathing a part of them to the Royal Society. The microscopes he used were all single, and fitted up in a convenient simple manner; each of them consisted of a very small double convex lens, let into a socket between two plates rivetted together, and pierced with a small hole; the object was placed on a silver point or needle, which, by means of screws adapted for that purpose, might be turned about, raised or depressed at pleasure, and thus be brought nearer to, or be removed farther from the glass, as the eye of the observer, the nature of the object, and the convenient examination of its parts required. Mr. Leeuwenhoek fixed his objects, if they were solid, to the foregoing point with glue; if they were fluid, he fitted them on a little plate of talc, or exceeding thin blown glass, which he afterwards glued to the needle, in the same manner as his other objects. The glasses were all exceeding clear, and of different magnifying powers, which were proportioned to the nature of the object, and the parts designed to be examined. But none of those, which were presented to the Royal Society, magnify so much as the glass globules, which have been used in other microscopes. He had observed, in a letter of his to the Royal Society, that from upwards of forty years experience, he found that the most considerable discoveries were to be made with such glasses, as magnifying but moderately, exhibited the object with the most perfect brightness and distinctness. Each instrument was devoted to one or two objects: hence he had always some hundreds by him.[7] There is some reason for supposing, that Leeuwenhoek was acquainted with a mode of viewing opake objects, similar to that invented by Dr. Lieberkühn.[8] Philosophical Transactions, No. 980, No. 458. Priestley’s History of Optics, p. 220. About the year 1665, small glass globules began to be occasionally applied to the single microscope, instead of convex lenses. By these globules, an immense magnifying power is obtained. The invention of them has been generally [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] attributed to M. Hartsoeker; it appears, however, to me, that we are indebted to the celebrated Dr. Hooke for this discovery; for he described the manner of making them in the preface to his “Micrographia,” which was published in the year 1665. Now the first account we have of any microscopical discovery by M. Hartsoeker, was that of the spermatic animalculæ, made by him when he was eighteen years old; which brings us down to the year 1674, long after Dr. Hooke’s publication. As these glass globules have been very useful in the hands of experienced observers, I shall lay before my readers the different modes which have been described for making them, that the reader may be enabled thereby to ascertain the reality of the discoveries that have been said to be made with them. Take a small rod[9] of the clearest and cleanest glass you can procure, free, if possible from blebs, veins, or sandy particles; then by melting it in a lamp with spirit of wine, or the purest and clearest sallad oil, draw it out into exceeding fine and small threads; take a small piece of these threads, and melt the end thereof in the same flame, till you perceive it run into a small drop, or globule, of the desired size; let this globule cool, then fix it upon a thin plate of brass or silver, so that the middle of it may be directly over the center of a very small hole made in this plate, turning it till it is fixed by the before-mentioned thread of glass. When the plate is properly fixed to your microscope, and the object adjusted to the focal distance of the globule, you will perceive the object distinctly and immensely magnified. “By these means,” says Dr. Hooke, “I have been able to distinguish the particles of bodies not only a million times smaller than a visible point, but even to make those visible whereof a million of millions would hardly make up the bulk of the smallest visible grain of sand; so prodigiously do these exceeding small globules enlarge our prospect into the more hidden recesses of nature.” Lectures and Collections by Dr. Hooke. Mr. Butterfield, in making of the globules, used a lamp with spirit of wine; but instead of a cotton wick, he used fine silver wire, doubled up and down like a skain of thread.[10] He prepared his glass by b...

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