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Preview Essay writing. Как написать Эссе

С.А.Дубинко ESSAY writing Как написать ЭССЕ Учебное пособие для студентов экономических специальностей факультета международных отношений МИНСК БГУ 2004 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено как для студентов старших курсов, так и для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык на продвинутом этапе с целью использования его в сфере делового общения. Цель пособия – обучение навыкам академического письма на уровне предложения, абзаца, текста. Пособие подготовлено в соответствии с учебной программой курса «Английский язык в сфере делового общения студентов экономических специальностей». Используются тексты широкой стилистической и жанровой принадлежности, в том числе и тексты профессиональной направленности, что дает возможность использовать данное пособие не только в курсе разговорной речи, но и в обучении деловому общению, в курсе учебно-языковой практики, а также в различных формах контролируемой самостоятельной работы студентов. В пособии выделяются различные типы академического письма, необходимые будущему специалисту в сфере его профессиональной деятельности: резюме, аннотация, рецензия, план – конспект. Особое внимание уделяется творческому виду письма – написанию эссе. Рассматриваются виды эссе, особенности их организации и структуры, лингвистические и экстралингвистические средства аргументации и убеждения. Пособие содержит рекомендации для написания эссе, примеры и образцы студенческих эссе на темы, общественно-бытового, общенаучного, страноведческого характера, которые являются предметом обсуждения на зачете/экзамене у студентов экономических специальностей. Каждый раздел пособия включает упражнения на закрепление учебного материала, что дает возможность использовать его как в проведении аудиторных занятий, так и в организации внеаудиторной работы. В пособии уделяется внимание написанию эссе на основе различных функционально-семантических типов текстов (описание, повествование, изложение и т. д.), а также различным типам логического их построения и организации (причина/следствие, сравнение/контраст и др.). Заслуживают внимания также вопросы технического оформления эссе, списка использованной литературы и сносок. Материал пособия был апробирован на отделениях экономических специальностей факультета международных отношений БГУ. S e c t i o n I Chapter 1 PRESENTATION There are some points you should bear in mind while writing an essay: 1. Use good quality paper of a reasonable size, and preferably with a margin (lined A is usually a good size paper to use for handwritten essays). 4 2. Have a first page on which you have the basic information on the essay (see example). 3. With a longer essay it is a good idea to put a summary or abstract at the beginning. Also, longer essays should have section headings listed at the beginning. 4. To protect your work, you can put it in a folder with your name and class/group on the outside. 5. Leave plenty of space for your tutor’s comments. Leave a margin of at least 2.5 cm on one side. 6. Number the pages of the essay. Exercise 1. Put yourself in the place of a tutor who has just received a piece of work. Below is a list of some aspects of presenting an essay. Say whether you would be pleased by each quality, or annoyed, or neither. 1. The student’s name is not on the essay. 2. The essay seems to be far outside the recommended length. 3. The student has used paper with a margin. 4. The essay is written on very small sheets of notepaper. 5. The writing is very difficult to read. 6. The essay is protected by being put inside a folder. 7. The student does not indicate anywhere what it is that he is trying to prove or show. 8. The student gives no indication of what books (if any) he has consulted. 9. The student quotes from a book but does not show clearly that it is a quotation and not his own idea. 10. The student quotes from a book and gives an exact reference so that the tutor can check for himself. 11. The essay is illustrated with clear relevant and helpful charts, diagrams, tables etc. 12. The front page of the essay is decorated with complicated designs. Sample Front Page of an Essay: M.M. Faez Tutor: Mr Green Course 4, Term 7 Group 2 (Subject) Oral Practice Term VII Major essay Discuss homelessness within the context of social and ecological problems. Actual Length: approx. 2, 700 words. Submitted: 15. 02. 2005 In college it usually isn't enough to repeat the information and ideas of others: you must then go on to develop your own perspecitves and thoughts. Several types of essay writing help you build on and respond to the writings of others so as to develop your own point of view: the response essay; the synthesis essay; and the original argument using sources. The response essay In a response essay you develop one of your own thoughts in reaction to what you have read. The reaction may be based on your own experience, on your own line of reasoning, or on other things you have learned and read. Sample Opening for a Response Nicholas Backlund reports that many companies have adopted environmentally aware policies, from McDonald's use of recycled packaging material to Ben and Jerry's production of «Rain Forest Crunch» ice cream, whose profits are contributed to saving the Amazon jungle. This seems an important trend, because it shows major companies affirming that good ecology is good business. Too often we hear companies saying, 'We would really like to help protect the environment, but we are in business to make maney. If we are worried about every good cause, we would go broke. But now a number of highly profitable companies are showing that this just isn't so. The synthesis essay In a synthesis essay you must tie together the information, details, and ideas from several sources to present an overall coherent description of some event, idea, or other topics. Sample Opening for a Synthesis Recent articles in design journals show an increasing awareness of environmental concerns on the part of industrial designers and describe creative attempts to redesign products to be more ecologically sound. Approaches are concerned with packaging and products. The trend now is to minimize packaging, to make it out of ecologically sound materials, and to increase recyclability(Erlhoff 6; Aldersley and Williams 44). Products are also being redesigned with a new concern for mateirals as well as with a concern for what will happen to the products once they have reached the end of their usable lives (Tompkins 12). Suggestions for minimizing packaging have ranged from asking how much packaging is really necessary (Forest and Viemeister 15) to calls to eliminate packaging altogether (Kaldjian 18). According to Forest and Viemeister, packaging creates one-third the weight and one-half the volume of our current garbage … The original argument using sources In the original argument using sources you go beyond the synthesis to develop conclusions, evaluations, or knowledgeable opinions on the basis of your research. Sample Opening for an Original Argument Using Sources The industrial design industry has been showing increasing awareness of the environment, and has proposed many changes for redesigning packaging and products to help preserve our environment. These efforts aimed at reducing packaging and making packaging recyclable, while worth praise, barely make a dent in the amount of trash and pollution we produce every day. One way to decrease the overall waste and pollutants would be to change our patterns of consumption and learn to live with less, as many environmentalists have argued. But do you really expect people who have tasted plenty to want to want to live with less? What we need to do is understand what consumers desire in the modern world and see if there is a way to satisfy those desires more efficiently and with fewer material resources that need to be used, transformed, and transported. That will provide a real challenge for product designers. The movement toward more ecologically sound packaging is only a few years old, but many companies are now paying attention to it, at least for publicity value (Backlund 42). However, most of the concern has been about plasitcs, which comprise less than one-twelfth of our landfill trash (Tompkins 11). If we want to reduce the great amount of pollution that is cluttering up the world, we must first ask, where the great majority of pollution and waste come from… S e c t i o n II THE PARAGRAPH Chapter 1 A CONTROLLING IDEA AND ITS SUPPORTING PARAGRAPHS Essays usuallу follow a two-part arrangement: Part I: Your controlling idea. Part II: Your specific episode. Sometimes an even greater interplay exists between general and specific. As you read the following sentences from A Distant Mirror, Barbara Tuchman’s history of the «calamitous»fourteenth century, you will notice that instead of citing one specific episode to explain one general statement, Tuchman offers several specific examples to support one general statement. Follow her arrangement: When the 14th century opened, France was supreme… «The fame of French knights… dominates the world.» As a result of Norman conquests and the crusades, French was spoken as a second mother tongue by the noble estate in England, Flanders, and the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily… The architecture of Gothic cathedrals was called the «French style»; a French architect was invited to design London Bridge; Venice imported dolls from France dressed in the latest mode in order to keep up with French fashions; exquisitely carved French ivories, easily transportable, penetrated to the limits of the Christian world. Above all, the University of Paris elevated the name of the French capital, surpassing all others in the fame of its masters and the prestige of its studies in theology and philosophy… Paragraph 1: Controlling idea (France was supreme.) Paragraph 2: Supporting idea (topic sentence about the dominance of French knights) plus specifics. Paragraph 3: Another supporting idea (topic sentence about the dominance of the French language) plus specifics (French was spoken in England, Flanders, Naples, and Sicily.) Paragraph 4: Still another supporting idea plus specifics (about the prevailing French style of architecture). Paragraph 5: And a fourth supporting idea plus specifics (about the dominance of the University of Paris). In Tuchman’s book, spicific details bring each of the supporting ideas to life. Each idea and its own bundle of increasingly specific details form a paragraph to support the author’s claim that France was supreme. Each supporting idea is a little more specific than the controlling idea but less specific than the details that accompany it. 1. A controlling idea is an umbrella statement for an essay. 2. A topic sentence is an umbrella statement for a paragraph or a group of paragraphs. 3. A topic sentence is more specific than the statement of a controlling idea, but it is more general than the details that follow. A paragraph is a unit of writing that discusses one limited idea. There are several types of paragraphs, each of which serves a different purpose in an essay. The three important of these are: 1. The introductory paragraph, which begins the essay. An introductory paragraph often states the essay’s thesis. 2. Body paragraphs, which appear in the body of the essay. A body paragraph contains information that develops or tells the reader more about the main point or points in an essay’s thesis. 3. The concluding paragraph, which ends the essay in a logical and memorable way. How do you Know When to Signal for a Paragraph? Paragraphs generally follow shifts in thought, changes from one part of a topic to another, or changes from the general idea to the specific case. These are natural movements in thinking that you signal, often intuitively, when you begin a new paragraph. The following paragraphs are from a student essay entitled. «Risks». One reason the writer of this essay begins new paragraphs is to show that he is getting down to specific cases. A new paragraph shows the change from a general observation to a specific event or time. Risks are unavoidable. I’ve never met a person in my life who hasn’t taken a risk. If you don’t risk anything you will never be able to gain anything. For all practical purposes, you would be living in limbo. Everything in life involves some kind of risk, and love affairs are no exception. Love affairs always involve the risk of getting hurt, but sometimes for reasons beyond love itself. Change to a specific case: Two years ago I got acquainted with a beautiful girl. We were about the same age, and we shared the same interests, which enhanced our relationship. We were crazy about each other, and we always hated to part company. I remember that I never had any difficulties with her or her parents, but I found out soon enough about the complications that would pop up. In the meanwhile, though, we continued to share a beautiful relationship. We were never closer. I think our relationship reached its peak because everything after was all down hill. Change to a more specific time: One Sunday I called for her at home. It was the same procedure. Her parents greeted me. Then they asked me to sit down and have something to eat or drink… . In narrative writing, you use certain introductory words or phrases to help signal a new place or a new time, and you intend to begin a new paragraph: In the morning,… . On Sunday,… . By the next spring,… . On the other side of town,… . Outside my window,… . In St. Louis,… . In writing that is not storytelling, other purposes press you to begin a new paragraph. Again, certain introductory words or phrases will signal the new paragraph. One such purpose is a change from one specific reason to another. First,… . Second,… . Finally,… . A change from one example to another also calls for a new paragraph: For example,… . Another example is… . Indent to show the progress of a comparison or contrast: X, as we know, is… . In the same way, Y is also… . X has always struck me as… . Unlike X, Y strikes me as… . Other pairs of words work together to begin new paragraphs. Here are a few examples: A few writers… . Most writers, however, … . On the one hand,… . On the other hand,… . In this climate,… . In hotter climates,… . The earliest records show… . Exercise 1. Indicate where in the following passage you would begin a new paragraph. Identify the word or phrase that signals a paragraph shift. Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy – ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness – that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring visions of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and thought it might seem too good for human life, this is what – at last – I found. With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved. Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot; and I too suffer. This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me. (The Autobiography of Bertrand Russel) Chapter 2 WRITING THE TOPIC SENTENCE An essay develops one main thought, using a number of paragraphs. The structure of an essay is much like that of a paragraph, as the following list shows: A paragraph has An essay has One main idea developed One main idea developed in a number of paragraphs A topic sentence An opening paragraph with a topic sentence Middle sentences giving Middle paragraphs giving sup- supporting details, expla- porting details, explanation, nation, description and so on. description and so on. A strong ending sentence A strong ending paragraph An orderly paragraph pattern An orderly plan or outline The most important thing to remember about a paragraph is that its central idea is limited, far more limited than the central idea of an essay. Let’s say you want to argue that «some television programs use violence to attract viewers.» This thesis does not suggest any single way to divide your essay into separate paragraphs. You have to decide for yourself. For instance, if you chose to discuss why you find three or four popular shows violent, you might devote a separate paragraph to each show. On the other hand, if you wanted to discuss three types of programs that often feature violence, you could divide the body of your paper into three paragraphs, each of which discussed a different type of violent show. Here’s what the outline for such an essay might look like; the central idea of each body paragraph is expressed as a topic sentence: Paragraph 1: Introduction with thesis.

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