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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF RANDOLPH COUNTY, MISSOURI STATE OF MISSOURI, Gase No. 19RA-CROCOS (CHRISTOPHER ALLEN ESRY FILED SBN: XXKRK-2758 oon JAN ~1 201 cys oer FELONY COMPLAINT ce COUNT | . . Charge Code Number: 565,020-001¥19840911.0, ‘The Prosecuting Attorney af the County of Randolph, State of Missouri, upon information and belief, charges that the defendant in violation of Section 685.020, RSMo, committed the clase A felony of murder in the “rst degree purishabble upon Conviction under Section 565.020, RSMo, in that on o abeut on or about December 28, 2018, in the County of Ranidojph, State of Misscur, the de’endant after def beration, knowingly caused the death of Darren Tharp by shooting tim, COUNTI Charge Code Number. 685,020-001Y 1984091 1.0 The Prosecuting Attorney of the County of Randolp», Stata of Missouri, upon information and beliaf, charges that tha defendant in violation af Section 585.020, RSMo, committed the class A felony of murder in the frst dagree punsshable upon conviction under Section 585.920, RSMo, in that an or about on or about December 28, 2018, in the County af Randolph, State of Missouri, the defendant after deliberation, knowingly caused tne death of Shane Hare by shooting him COUNT UII Charge Code Number: 570.022-001¥20171204.0 “The Prosecuting Attomey of the County of Randolph, Stata of Missourl, uoon information and belief, charges that the defendant in vialation of Section 870 023, SMa, committad the class A felony’ of robbery inthe first degree, punishable upon conviction under Secon 558.011, RSMo, ir. at on or abou: December 28, 2018. in the county of Randolph, State of Missouri, the defendant forcibly stole methamphetamine in the possession of Darren Tharp and/or Shane Hare, and in the course thereof displayes and threatened the use of what appeared lo be a deadly weapon. The facts that form the basis for this information and batief are contained in the attached statements) of facts, made a part hereof and submitted as a basis upan which this court may find the exlstenee of probable cause. Wrerefore, the Prosecuting Attorney praye that an arrest warrant be issued a5 provided by law. 19RA-CR 80003 FILED PC Statement / cheistapher Esry PROBABLE CAUSE STATEMERT eveurg: 2812-1943 IAN 2 2089 MICHELE CHAPMAN (1 3% costony DANE OF ARREST (0U/02/7019) Yume OF ARREST (90:00) CROUM Glen (ap uxbex INvesTIcA7TCN anes SEH DEESNOANT NAME Fory, Christopher Allen Bape oe sana: 9/26,193e aces 20 RACE: ohite SEK: Male SSH; atgwO-2756 ADOAZSS 356 N. College Avenue, Apt 6, Moberly, Mesouri, $5270 fy the undersigned, upon ay oath and =nder the cenaltics of pecjury, state aa Eollons: Tan's, Low enfoceerent officer empleyed by the Moberly, Kisscuzt, Police hepartnent. {have pronable cause to believe that the dateodaot, neving the abovecnentioned date of oirth ana social security cunbor, if any, committed one oe more ozininal offende(s!, The facts supporting this belief occurred on or Gbout 12/26/2029 4m the Gizy of Moberly, Repdoiph County, Messoari, ay follovs: On Satecday, tecemner 29, 2018, a¢ 1424 hours, two deceased parsons were located fn a ventele parkee in swe parking et betweon the businesses of Bud's Place and heat side Ine in the 600 Glock of Concsnnon Se in Moberly, NO. The tke pezsons Gppeared to have died f20m ganabot wounds. The two perscis were identified as Steere Thaep and Shane Harv, Upon vaewieg survotiiance video from suzcounding Businesses, it was leavned Tarp's veticle was parked facing southbound in Between Bul'y Place, 604 Concaunon Sesest, and Hest Side Tne, 618 Concannon Steoet at approuimately 6429 house ce Friday, 2ecerber 20, 2015 Ac approximate:y U940 hours, two subjects were observed watking eastbound fzon behind dust Side orn, towasds Tharp's vettcls. Ono subject was vbserved vo be of ioraler scature, while the ather subject sppeared to be of 9 larger statuzo. The aubjects were turther cbeerved approaching Tharp's ventcle, at wnicn time one subject approaches fron the dviver’a ade ynile the other Subject approached Troe tha sessenger side. At approximately 0442 hours, I obsexved both subjects yun fron the vehicle westbound behina Nest Side Ton. while conducting the investigation, offacers were contacted ny Randolet. County Sherite's offiee beputy S92 son Delacy weo advised on 12/28/19 he investagaton « penicze fire in cura: Randolph Couney, “The yenicle waa 9 red rord F250 Telocecsd to ROMS Aim. Sgt Tulany advised the fire appeared 10 eve been Inlantionally sete Sge Dulaty advised during the coarse of is investigalion Jt was leagned A. Deitgmms shep-aon, Aaron Baoss, is kncwn lg drive the vehicle. Te Ie ceown, chis veticle Lice sas reposted approximately 4.5 bours after the onietae. on 12/39/28, Detectives wit the Moberly Police Departnent interviewed lau bina, ty estranged vite of Agron Bloas, at the Wokerly Police atazion. 1 BRE advised on 12/21/19, ner huskerd, Aacce Blose, and a sublect ate semtificdas cheie esry were at ner house in Moberly. © ROD advised wile Bios: and C Baty were i her bovee ne dbservad Uner. Loading nancgues. > elated they acvlacd her they vere going to Columbia to commat a burglery. Samep stared 3 Bloce's gun woe silver With 9 9sace handgrip and BEzy*9 vas Complstsly black. E Bijme seated they Left in "ROGQU's truck” wnich was a fenck Selonging 20 8 Boss's ateptacher, MAM PeRROD. L SO stated on ifag/18, see ceceived a message [rou A Bioas in which he stated he wes goasg zo nelson for something he dign't do. bn 01/01/28, petectives with the Moberly Police Uepartnent wade contect with Boron alosa in an itverviaw room al tke Moberly Police stazion. During a fase lvicande Intecrogation, A Blows advised at appronsmately 0330 hora an PERE sar ne wos contacted by Ghsse Esry, who advised Lo needed A Bluse to pick bia up. A Blogs advised he picked up G sary at an unknown addresa an Coxcannon St, A Bioss szated Travia Xoenig was with him when he picked up C Hary. A Blass stazed when fe made contact wath C Eazy, C Esry advioed ne was meeting With people at aud's Place who he was going to steal drugs fron. A Blosa stated C'Ezcy cold hin be tad co halp with the cobbery. A Bloos atared ne told C Esty he was aot going and ¢ Escy pointed a qua et hin, A Blogs svated hice they wece traveling to Did's Place; C eszy Told A Blogs 2! he messed anythicg upc Escy Would Hill Ris whace farily. A Bioas atated oa garked the vuck be was driting at the corner of Frantlin st and agooa St. & Sloss stared C Esry tid Nim (a leas] to cone wits tin while T Koenig waited in be Liu. Bless seaced Eney walked to the car which waa parked sear Duc's Flaca. A Slosa stated Bory got im the back driver's aide scat while he got in the back pasuonger Gide deat. "'A'Blosa stated C Gary threstened the occupants of the vehicle ay pornzisg 4 gut ae them and demanding "the dopa”, A Gloss identified “dope” as Eechanpaetanice. Alora stated Lie vubject in the front passenger's seat peeaed 2 bag of mathanphetenine back to A Bioaa. A Blocs gtazed he wae getting Das cE tae vehicle shen he heard a gurshot, A Gloss stared be pegae running Sway and aeurd a second shot, A Bless staced he ran back co "he truck, Bocas Stated ¢ Sery aloo ran back to the truck, # Mloss stated they 21 left the arca in she track. A, Bless stated Koenig Fad agroed to be the "ge: away" driver and had snowledge they ‘were attempting tc commit a rosbery. A floas stated be Nac never aean che subjects in che vebicle before. A, Bloss Stared C Esty told nim the wuajects wouvd "be a¢ easy pick because thoy' re lane". A Blosg. stated C Esty referves to semconc he was gang to steal drugs from 9.4 "plex". Let iz be known, after viewing the surveillance video aentioned above, T Obieried A. Brogs anc Esty 20 appear to ba similor ie stature Lo the subjects on the tldes. an aucopsy was performed on Tharp and Aare, az wich time it was Learned both Suejecce austained 2 single gurshol wouad to she bond. The driver of the Jenlere, Tharp, suscained a single gunshot wound te the back side of the dead, which as conaiatent with A. Blogs’ sccount of C, Eary being behind Lharp nen Moose woe five. Wille Beoceasing the scene, Hare was Located crouched in the Hort passenger seat flacr beard, facing tovards the Griver's side of the yehtele, and vas Obberves to have a gunshot co Mis left cys. ia the evect the facts constituting a crime of cximes ve misdeneacors oniy, ule felisuing fects provide veasonable gremmas for the Cours to iesve warrant in iiss af suenans: {oy Betendant wil not appear pesacse [} defendant poses a canyer to the victim or the connunity/other person because t haye read all of my offengo ceporta, 22 any, which may be attached to this probisie cause statement, Taswe reports, if any, ace hezeby made a part of this Feopaate Gouge Statenent ao if berein stated verbatim, The facts stated sn chis Poobaate Couse Statement are true, aacording to my best infoxmation, knowledge, fed belief. ARE POWISHARLE BY MISSOURI La PRISE STATEMERTS SADE, HERE= Submitted by: // Det. Cpl. L Ford Approved by: /a/ Sat B Calvert

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