ESO VLT Optical Spectroscopy of BL Lac Objects IV - New spectra and properties of the full sample. 3 M. Landoni 1 Universita` degli Studi dell’ Insubria. Via Valleggio 11, I-22100 Como, Italy. 0 2 INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Via Emilio Bianchi 46, I-23807 Merate, Italy INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare b e F 1 R. Falomo 1 INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Vicolo dell’ Osservatorio 5, I-35122 Padova, Italy ] O C A. Treves h. Universita` degli Studi dell’ Insubria. Via Valleggio 11, I-22100 Como, Italy. p INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica and INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - o r B. Sbarufatti t s a INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Via Emilio Bianchi 46, I-23807 Merate, Italy [ 1 M. Barattini v 1 Universita` degli Studi dell’ Insubria. Via Valleggio 11, I-22100 Como, Italy. 9 5 2 R. Decarli . 2 Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie, Konigstuhl 17, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany 0 3 1 J. Kotilainen : v Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO (FINCA) - University of Turku, Va¨isa¨l¨antie 20, FI-21500 Piikkio¨, i Finland X r a ABSTRACT Wepresentthelastchapterofaspectroscopyprogramaimedatderivingtheredshiftoralower limittotheredshiftofBLLacobjectsusingmediumresolutionspectroscopy. Herewereportnew spectrafor33BLLacobjectcandidatesobtainedin2008-2009confirmingtheBLLacnatureof25 sources and for 5 objects we obtained new redshifts. These new observations are combined with ourpreviousdatainordertoconstructahomogeneoussampleof∼70BLLacswithhighquality spectroscopy. All these spectra can be accessed at the website The average spectrum, beaming properties of the full sample, discussion on intervening systems and future perspectives are addressed. Subject headings: BL Lacertae objects: general, Galaxies: quasars: absorption lines. Instrumentation: spectrographs 1 1. Introduction 2. Observations and data reduction BL Lac objects are extragalactic sources for The spectra were obtained in Service Mode which the redshift z cannot be easily derived. using the FOcal Reducer and a low dispersion This is due to the combination of intrinsically Spectrograph (FORS2, Seifert et al. (2000)). The weak emission lines and strongly beamed nuclear observations took place between April 2008 and non thermal emission. The determination of z June 2008at VLT-UT1 (Antu) and from Septem- is obviously important in order to properly char- ber2008toFebruary2009atVLT-UT2(Kueyen). acterize their physical properties. While other The spectrograph was configured with a 300V+I distance indicators were introduced like the pho- grismwithaslitof2′′ achievingthespectralrange tometry of the host galaxy (imaging redshift, see of3800-8300˚Awithadispersionof∼3.2˚A/pixel. e.g. Sbarufatti et al. (2005a)), or TeV γ-ray ab- Detailed informations on the observations of each sorptionby the EBL(e.g. Prandini et al.(2010)), sourcearegiveninTable1. Theseeingduringthe ′′ ′′ the direct spectroscopic line observation remains observation was in the range 0.65 -2.50 with an the onlywaytoproducearobustmeasureoftheir average of 1.20′′ (rms ∼0.4′′). distance. The determination of z is becoming even more compelling by the recent development Data reduction was executed using IRAF1 adopt- of γ-ray astronomy, which demonstrated that the ing standard procedures. In particular, for each extragalactic γ-ray sky is dominated by this class target we performed bias subtraction, flat field- of objects. ing and bad pixels or cosmic rays rejection. For each object we secured 2-6 individual exposures In order to improve the quality (in terms of that were then combined into a single average throughput, spectral resolution and S/N ratio) image. The wavelength calibration was achieved of the spectrum, we have carried out systematic using the spectra of a Helium Neon Argon lamp campaigns at European Southern Observatory reaching an accuracy of ∼ 3 ˚A rms. Even though Very Large Telescope (VLT), aimed to observe this program did not require photometric condi- ∼90BL Laccandidatesofunknownredshift. Re- tions during observations, checking the weather sults on the first three runs were presented in database at Paranal, the sky was clear during Sbarufatti et al. (2005b, 2006a, 2009), Paper I, II mostofthe time. Thisenablesustofluxcalibrate and III respectively , where the criteria of selec- our spectra using standard stars (Oke 1990). The tion of the sample (see also Section 5.1), details flux calibration was assessed through the relative on the used spectrometer, and the reduction and photometric calibration of the acquisition image analysis procedure are given. and the overall uncertainty is ∆m ∼ 0.1 mag (rms). Finally, each spectrum has been dered- In this paper we report on observations of 33 dened applying the extinction law described in new BL Lac candidates that complete our obser- Cardelli et al. (1989) assuming the EB−V values vational campaign and for 25 of them we confirm computed by Schlegel et al. (1998). their BL Lac nature. In Section 2 we summarize the observations and data reduction process and 3. Results we show the results in Section 3. The average From the spectroscopic point of view we con- spectrum of the class is presented in Section 4, sider as bona-fide BL Lac the sources that either while a discussions of the properties for the full have a featureless spectrum or in which their in- sample is reported in Section 5. trinsic features have equivalent width (EW) . 5 ˚A. Based on this classification we confirm the Throughout the paper we adopt the following concordant cosmology: H = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1, BL Lac nature for 25 objects. Their spectra 0 Ω =0.27 and Ω =0.73. m Λ 11 IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) is dis- tributedbytheNationalOpticalAstronomyObservatories, which are operated by the Association of Universities for ResearchinAstronomy,Inc.,undercooperativeagreement withtheNationalScienceFoundation. 2 Table 1 Journal of the observations Object R.A.(J2000) Decl.(J2000) R Date Exposuretime N S/N Seeing Ref (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) GC0109+224 011209.103 +224435.052 15.60 2008-09-20 2040 6 200 2.00 V01 PKS0140-059 014240.810 −054326.472 18.20 2008-10-26 1362 2 65 1.00 V06 RBS0337 023829.549 −311633.312 16.40 2008-09-30 1362 2 130 0.65 V01 PKS0302-623 030356.678 −621140.812 17.90 2008-09-27 1362 2 150 1.40 S94 RBS0499 035855.903 −305402.664 17.60 2008-09-20 1362 2 40 1.00 V01 PKS0410-519 041141.858 −514931.548 16.50 2008-10-01 1362 2 70 1.60 G04 PKS0439-299 044122.987 −295231.296 18.00 2008-10-25 1362 2 30 1.20 V01 PKS0443-387 044514.474 −383834.296 17.00 2008-10-26 1362 2 140 1.70 G04 RBS0589 044840.733 −163251.684 16.60 2008-10-28 1362 2 130 0.80 V01 ZS0506+056 050925.900 +054221.000 15.10 2008-11-02 800 2 200 2.00 V01 PMNJ0529-3555 052940.800 −355541.160 18.90 2008-10-29 1362 2 30 1.30 G04 PKS0539-543 054050.200 −541758.700 17.30 2008-10-29 1362 2 70 1.60 G04 PKS0607-605 060800.334 −603127.732 17.60 2008-10-29 1362 2 50 1.90 G04 MS-0622.5-5256 062342.667 −525801.704 19.20 2008-10-26 1362 2 45 2.50 V01 PKS0735+17 073808.100 +174303.600 15.80 2009-01-13 2720 4 160 1.30 V01 OJ-131 082055.562 −125935.340 16.50 2008-04-09 1362 2 100 1.60 V01 RXJ1022.7-0112 102246.704 −011311.280 16.90 2008-04-09 1361 2 100 1.50 V01 RXJ1023.9-4336 102356.446 −433646.980 16.70 2008-04-10 1361 2 200 1.40 V01 PKSB1056-113 105909.478 −113436.516 16.20 2008-04-18 1361 2 100 1.50 V06 1ES1106+244 110918.245 +241045.156 18.70 2008-04-22 2720 4 40 1.30 V01 RXJ1117.0+2014 111707.522 +201449.632 15.10 2009-02-16 2612 4 130 1.00 V01 RXJ1241.8-1455 124149.862 −145642.756 17.70 2008-04-22 2720 4 140 0.95 V01 1ES1239+069 124151.314 +063606.840 18.50 2008-04-17/22 2720 4 50 1.00 V01 4C12.46 130931.862 +115350.676 18.20 2008-04-18 1361 2 70 1.00 V01 OQ-240 142703.307 +234739.840 14.50 2008-04-07/17 800 4 170 1.00 V01 OR103 150427.670 +102917.520 18.90 2009-02-16 1361 2 150 1.70 V01 RBS1478 151616.718 −152418.000 18.50 2008-04-02 1361 2 50 0.90 V01 PKS1815-553 181944.678 −552206.204 21.50 2008-04-22 1362 2 10 1.30 S94 OW-080 205008.688 +040815.792 19.00 2008-04-22 1361 2 90 0.70 V01 OX-183 215227.972 +173430.396 18.00 2008-06-02 2722 4 50 0.90 V01 RBS1899 224913.829 −130005.616 18.20 2008-06-08 1361 2 60 1.00 V01 RXJ2319.6+1611 231944.371 +161232.688 17.30 2008-06-08 1361 2 100 1.70 V01 1ES2322-409 232446.238 −404131.128 15.70 2008-05-28 1361 2 60 0.90 V01 Note.—Descriptionofcolumns: (1)Objectname;(2) Rightascension(J2000); (3) Declination(J2000); (4) Rapparentmagnitude fromcatalog;(5)Dateofobservation;(6)Exposuretime(s);(7)Numberofspectracollected;(8)Meansignal-to-noiseratio;(9)Mean seeingduringobservation(10)References: G04: Giommietal.(2004);S94: Stickeletal.(1994);V01: V´eron-Cetty&V´eron(2001); 3 are reported in Figure 1 while confirmed non- or rejection. Spectral parameters, line properties BL Lac spectra are shown in Figure 2. All and relative identification and EW for the BL min BL Lac spectra can be accessed at the website Lacobjectsinvestigatedinthispaperarereported In particular, 20 in Table 2. sources have no intrinsic lines, 3 of them show weak absorption features arising from their host 3.3. Redshift lower limits galaxy and other 3 show weak narrow emission Despite high quality of the available instru- lines. For only one object (OX 183)a weak broad mentation in terms of throughput and the high emission line is apparent. We identify spectral signal-to-noise ratio reached, 20 objects still show features arising from the source or from interven- a featureless continuum. For these sources, we ingsystemswiththeatomicspecies(ifapplicable) applied the procedure fully illustrated in Paper while the Diffused Interstellar Bands are marked II and III in order to measure a lower limit on with the label DIB. Telluric absorption are in- the redshift of eachsource. Briefly,assuming that dicated by the symbol ⊕. The identification of the BL Lac host galaxy is a giant elliptical with the lines,theirequivalentwidth, fullwidthathalf Mhost =−22.90±0.50ifonemeasurestheEW maximumandredshiftestimationaregiveninTa- R min andthenucleusapparentmagnitudeitispossibile ble 2 for BL Lac objects and in Table 3 for the to infer a lower limit on the z of the source using othersources. WealsoreportinAppendixAshort Equation (Paper III) comments on interesting individual sources . (1+z)×EW 0 3.1. The continuum emission EWobs = (1) 1+ρ/A(z) In the optical region the emission of BL Lac where EW is the observedminimum equivalent objects is characterised by a superposition of a obs width, EW is the equivalent width of the fea- non-thermal component arising by the accreting 0 ture in the host galaxy template of Kinney et al. nucleusandathermalonethatoriginatesfromits (1996), ρ is the nucleus-to-hostflux ratio, z is the host galaxy. In particular, the emission from the redshift and A(z) is the aperture correction. The nucleus can be described by a power law model (F ∝ λ−α) while the galaxy contribution can be lower limits are reported in Table 2. λ modeledbyanellipticalgalaxytemplatespectrum with Mhost = −22.90 ± 0.50 (Sbarufatti et al. 4. The mean spectrum of BL Lac objects R 2005a). For the objects that do not present host Inordertoinvestigatetheoverallspectralchar- galaxy absorption features we fitted the contin- acteristics of the BL Lac objects, we constructed uum adopting a single power law, while for the a mean optical spectrum combining the normal- BL Lacwhere galacticabsorptionaredetectedwe ized spectra of the 23 sources with z measured performed the fit by adding the host galaxy tem- through intrinsic emission or absorption lines. In plate contribution, following procedure described details, for each spectrum we first carefully re- in Paper II and III. Resulting power law indexes moved spectral region contaminated by telluric, are reported in Table 2. The mean value is interstellarmediumorinterveningsystemabsorp- α =0.87±0.35whichisconsistentwithresult mean tion and then we corrected the spectrum to rest for power law indexes obtained in Paper I, II and frame reference by adopting the measured z. We III (α =0.90±0.40). mean finallyaveragedthespectraaccordingtotheirS/N ratio. The obtained mean spectrum is reported 3.2. Line detection and EW min in Figure 3 and it covers the spectral range 1800 We measured the minimum detectable equiva- ˚A∼ 6700 ˚A, rest frame. The first panel shows lent width (EW ) for each spectrum adopting the mean spectrum assuming for the continuum min the recipe described in Paper I. We considered as a power-law with index α = 0.90 while the nor- line canditates all the spectral features revealed malisedspectrumisreportedinthebottompanel. by an automatic procedure selecting EW above Wemeasurethespectralfeaturesdetectableonthe EW . Each candidate has been carefully in- averagespectrumreportingthelineidentification, min spected for the consequent feature identification equivalent width and full width at half maximum 4 Table 2 Spectral line parameters for the BL Lac objects Object z α R EWmin LineID λ zline Type FWHM EW(observed) ˚A ˚A kms−1 ˚A (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) GC0109+224 >0.10 0.85 14.20 0.11 PKS0140-059 >0.46 0.45 18.50 0.45 RBS0337 0.232 1.30 16.00 0.35 CaII 4850 0.233 g +0.60±0.15 CaII 4889 0.232 g +0.55±0.15 GBand 5304 0.232 g +0.80±0.13 MgI 6375 0.233 g +1.00±0.18 RBS0499 >0.45 1.00 18.60 0.65 PKS0439-299 >0.68 0.30 20.10 1.00 MgII(?) 4708 [0.68] i +2.15±0.50 RBS0589 >0.45 1.20 17.00 0.20 ZS0506+056 >0.15 0.92 15.30 0.18 MS0622.5-5256 0.513 1.00 19.30 0.65 CaII 5953 0.513 g +1.50±0.20 CaII 6002 0.513 g +1.45±0.20 GBand 6501 0.512 g +1.40±0.40 PKS0735+17 >0.18 0.84 15.70 0.20 OJ-131 0.539 0.44 17.20 0.25 [OII] 5736 0.539 e 1200±150 −1.15±0.30 Hβ 7481 0.539 e 1100±100 −0.70±0.15 [OIII] 7703 0.538 e 1250±100 −2.50±0.20 RXJ1022.7-0112 >0.30 1.34 16.60 0.20 RXJ1023.9-4336 >0.24 1.28 15.80 0.12 PKSB1056-113 >0.27 0.66 16.50 0.20 1ES1106+244 >0.37 0.78 18.20 0.65 RXJ1117.0+2014 0.140 1.40 16.10 0.40 [OII] 4245 0.139 e 1200±120 −1.20±0.20 CaII 4489 0.140 g +0.70±0.15 CaII 4522 0.140 g +0.60±0.10 GBand 4908 0.140 g +0.70±0.20 NaIBlend 6710 0.139 g +1.10±0.40 RXJ1241.8-1455 >0.32 1.05 16.80 0.20 1ES1239+069 >0.47 1.00 18.10 0.35 4C-12.46 >0.37 0.43 17.60 0.30 OQ-240 >0.10 1.00 14.20 0.15 RBS1478 >0.50 0.95 18.60 0.50 OW-080 >0.47 0.42 18.10 0.25 OX-183 0.870 0.16 18.70 0.50 MgII 5236 0.870 e 4400±300 −5.80±1.60 [OII] 6970 0.870 e 1100±200 −3.50±0.70 RBS1899 >0.53 0.93 18.60 0.45 RXJ2319.6+1611 >0.97 0.96 17.20 0.25 MgII(?) 5527 [0.97] i +1.50±0.30 1ES2322-409 >0.16 0.84 15.90 0.32 Note.—Descriptionofcolumns: (1)Objectname;(2)averageredshift(orlowerlimit);(3)power-lawspectralindex;(4)Rmagnitude measuredonthespectrum;(5)Minimumequivalentwidthdetectable;(6)Lineidentification(7)Barycenteroftheline(8)Redshiftof theline;(9)Linetypee: emissionlinefromBLLac;g: absorptionlinefromBLLachostgalaxy;i: absorptionlinefromintervening system;(10)FullWidthathalfmaximum;(11)Measuredequivalentwidth 5 Table 3 Spectral line parameters for the objects confirmed non-BL Lacs Object z R LineID λ zline Type FWHM EW(observed) ˚A kms−1 ˚A (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) PKS0302-623 1.350 17.70 CIII] 4485 1.349 e 5500±300 −20.00±2.00 MgII(?) 5756 [1.056] i +2.50±0.30 MgII 6585 1.350 e 7000±300 −35.00±8.00 PKS0410-519 1.254 17.10 CIII] 4300 1.252 e 5200±300 −63.50±5.00 MgII 6310 1.253 e 3400±300 −48.00±6.00 PKS0443-387 0.537 16.80 MgII 4298 0.535 e 7400±500 −53.50±3.00 [NeV] 5143 0.537 e 1100±100 −0.60±0.20 [NeV] 5268 0.537 e 1500±200 −2.60±0.30 [OII] 5730 0.537 e 1200±100 −2.50±0.20 [NeIII] 5946 0.537 e 2000±300 −5.30±0.60 Hǫ 6098 0.537 e 1200±200 −1.70±0.30 Hδ 6304 0.537 e 1050±150 −0.90±0.20 Hγ 6670 0.537 e 5300±400 −30.00±3.00 Hβ 7455 0.534 e 5300±400 −30.00±3.00 [OIII] 7697 0.537 e 1100±100 −35.00±8.00 PMNJ0529-3555 0.323 19.20 MgII 3705 0.323 e 6400±400 −90.30±10 CaII 5206 0.323 g +4.60±0.70 CaII 5250 0.323 g +4.50±0.50 GBand 5689 0.323 g +4.50±0.50 [OIII] 6560 0.323 e 1300±100 −4.70±0.80 [OIII] 6623 0.323 e 1100±200 −9.80±1.20 PKS0539-543 1.191 17.60 CII] 5097 1.191 e 3200±300 −1.40±0.30 MgII 6135 1.191 e 4000±400 −50.00±8.00 PKS0607-605 1.100 17.30 CIII] 4000 1.095 e 3400±300 −30.90±3.00 MgII 5880 1.100 e 4000±300 −45.50±4.00 [OII] 7821 1.100 e 1100±100 −13.50±2.00 OR103 1.833 15.70 MgII(?) 3778 [0.349] i +2.80±0.5 CIV 4393 1.834 e 5200±300 −13.50±2.00 CIII] 5410 1.833 e 4800±400 −5.00±0.70 PKS1815-553 1.633 20.80 CIII] 5030 1.634 e 6800±600 −92.00±13.00 MgII 7370 1.632 e 6100±400 −115.00±15.00 Note.—Descriptionofcolumns: (1)Objectname;(2)averageredshift;(3)Rmagnitudemeasuredonthespectrum;(4)Lineidenti- fication(5)Barycenteroftheline(6)Redshiftoftheline;(7)Linetypee: emissionlinefromBLLac;g: absorptionlinefromBLLac hostgalaxy;i: absorptionlinefrominterveningsystem;(8)FullWidthathalfmaximum;(9)Measuredequivalentwidth 6 Fig. 3.— Mean spectrum of BL Lac objects obtained combining the 23 objects of our campaign in which intrinsic spectral features are detected. The first panel reports the mean spectrum assuming for the contin- uum a power-law with index α = 0.90 (which corresponds to the mean spectral index of the whole BL Lac sample). In the second panel normalised spectrum is shown. 7 Table 4 Spectral line parameters from the BL Lac mean optical spectrum. Lineidentification λ EW FWHM EW[min;max] FWHM[min;max] Nobs /Ntot Linetype ˚A ˚A kms−1 ˚A kms−1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) CIII] 1909 1.20±0.10 4000±350 [1.30;1.90] [2000;4000] 3/4 e MgII 2800 1.00±0.20 3500±200 [0.30;3.20] [1900;6100] 9/13 e [OII] 3727 0.30±0.10 1300±200 [0.10;2.50] [1000;4700] 9/18 e CaII 3934 0.80±0.20 [0.30;6.10] 12/17 g CaII 3968 0.65±0.10 [0.40;4.20] 12/17 g GBand 4305 0.75±0.10 [0.42;4.00] 12/17 g Hβ 4862 0.25±0.10 [0.50;3.00] 2/14 g [OIII] 5007 0.50±0.10 1100±200 [0.80;1.47] [500;2400] 3/14 e MgI 5162 0.90±0.20 [0.26;14.00] 3/12 g NaI 5892 0.40±0.10 [1.00;3.00] 2/6 g Hα 6563 0.90±0.15 1300±200 * * 1/3 e Note.—Descriptionofcolumns: (1)Ionidentification;(2)Restframewavelength; (3)Measuredequivalentwidth(4)Fullwidthat halfmaximum(5)Equivalentwidthmeasurementrange(6)Fullwidthathalfmaximummeasurementrange(7)Ratiobetweennumber ofdetectionsandnumberofspectrainwhichthelinecouldbemeasures(8)Typeofline: e: emissionlinefromBLLac;g: absorption linefromBLLachostgalaxy; inTable4. Wenotethatduetothelargedifference select ∼ 155 observable sources from the Paranal in BL Lacs of the ratio between the non-thermal with VLT+FORS. We obtained time for the ob- emission and the thermal one associated to stel- servationof88sourcesselectedcombiningthe155 lar component (their host galaxy) the mean BL objects from the 11th Veron catalog with fur- Lac spectrum cannot be considered as represen- ther44sourcesfromPadovaniandGiommi1995a. tative as that of quasars. On the other hand, it Thankstothehighqualityopticalspectra,wecon- illustrates emission or absorption lines that could firmed as bona-fide BL Lacs 69 sources while 15 be measured in individual objects. In particular, have been classified as QSO or FSRQ. The re- absorption lines from the host galaxy are always maining 4 objects are stars. For the sources that presentinthespectrumbuttheirdetectabilityde- have been classified as bona-fide BL Lac we were pends both on S/N ratio and on the nucleus-to- able to measured a spectroscopic redshift for 23 host ratio of the source (see also 5.4). Conversely, of them. In particular, in 12 sources we clearly emission lines could be missing. detected the absorption features from their host galaxy and in 15 objects emission lines are ob- 5. Discussion and conclusions servable. Broad emission lines (such as Mg II or C III]) are detected in only 10 BL Lacs. We mea- 5.1. Summary on the campaign sured the luminosity of Mg II emission lines in all the sources in which the line is detected. The According to the 11th Veron-Cetty catalog of mean value is logL(Mg II) ∼ 42.40±0.30, where AGN objects (Veron 2003) at the time of the L (Mg II) is in erg s−1 . This value is lower of scheduling of our campaign in 2003, 797 sources an order of magnitude of that of quasars which is were known as candidate or confirmed BL Lacs logL(Mg II) ∼ 43.60± 0.45 (Shen et al. (2011)) and 313 objects of the list were left without a but the dispersions are rather larger. For the re- reliable measure of their redshift. Considering only the sources observable from the southern maining 46 sources we inferred a redshift lower limit (see Section 3.3) . The full dataset, with sky (δ < 15) a total of 169 BL Lacs objects re- spectra and line identification, is available at the mains of unknown redshift. From this set, we website selected objects with V < 21 in order to se- cure an acceptable S/N ratio spectrum for each source. This additional constraint allowed us to 8 5.2. Optical beaming factor In the radio emission, the relativistic beaming is manifest in BL Lac objects because of the fre- quent appearanceofjets with superluminalveloc- ities. This isrequiredinhighenergyemissions(in γ-rays)bytheshorttimescaleofvariability,which can be accommodated in a standard SSC model (e.g. (Maraschi & Tavecchio 2003)) only invoking largeDopplerbeaming factors. Followingthe uni- fiedmodelofActiveGalaticNucleiweassumethat the opticalemissionarisingfromthe nuclearcom- ponent is basically the superposition of a thermal emission of luminosity L associated with a disk th structureandanonthermaloneL ,whichdom- nth inates the output power in BL Lac objects. Since the former component is isotropic and the latter supposedly is beamed, we can define as beaming factor(seee.g. Farina et al.(2012),Landoni et al. (2012)) L tot δ = (2) L th where L = L + L . tot th nth We further assume that the thermal compo- nents of BL Lac objects can be described as that of quasars. The large collection of Type I AGN spectra available in the SDSS allows to find rela- tions between the broad line luminosity L and line the contiguous (thermal) luminosity for Type I quasars. They aregenerallyexpressedinthe form Fig. 4.— Optical beaming factor for the sources observed in the campaign. Red dashed line in- λL (λ ) λ ref log =K (3) dicates the lower limit value calculated through L line Equation 4 assuming z = 0.70. Filled blue circle Forsimplicity,wereferonlytoMgIIrelationsince are the δ of bona-fide BL Lac objects with Mg itisthetightestone(K =1.91±0.26,λref =3000, II emission line while the open magenta circle are seeDecarli et al.(2011);Shaw et al.(2012)). Tak- the beaming factor for other intermediate sources ingintoaccountthe contributionofthecosmolog- (classifiedasconfirmednon-BLLacs). Dottedline ical redshift and combining equation (2) and (3) delimit the area of the EW −δ plane where the with the usual defintion of the equivalent width , source are of intermediate nature between pure one has QSO (δ ∼1) and BL Lacs (δ & 4). λ δ =(1+z)× ref (4) 10K ×EW δ is obviously equal to ∼1, within the dispersion, in the case Type I quasar. When a broad Mg II line is observed in a BL Lac object Eq. (4) gives an estimate of the beaming. If no emission line is detectedonecanstilluseEq. (4)andfromtheup- per limit on the equivalent width deduce a lower limit on δ. We suppose that the redshift is such 9 that the relation can be applied because the Mg n = 69 (23 with redshift measured and 46 lower t II emission line is within band of observation and limits on z) and those which have z < z are min wealsoconsiderthepositive1-σ dispersiononthe 13. Therefore, excluding sources with z < z min relation,whichyieldsK =2.17. Inparticular,for the number of BL Lacs which can contribute to featureless BL Lacs we assume z ∼ 0.7 while for the observed absorptions is at most 56. On the the BL Lac in which the redshift is known we use other hand the minimum number which for sure the actualvalue for the redshift. The wide-spread contributes to the statistics of the absorbers is 8, criterionofdefining aBL Lac a Type I AGN with which are the observed systems associated to BL line EW < 5, which was adopted also in this pa- Lacs in our sample, plus the number of BL Lacs per,thereforetranslatesthroughEq. (4)inδ &4. without intervening absorptions with z > z min In Figure 4 we show the lower limit relation ex- thatare20. FollowingZhu & M´enard(2012),who pressed in Eq. (4) for the beaming factor of BL considerQSOsintheSDSS,foranarbitrarypoint- Lacs with no broad emission lines (dashed line) ingdirectionthenormalisedmeannumberofMgII and the actual value of δ for the sources in which absorberswithEW&1˚Aisn ∼0.40inthered- Q the broad Mg II emission line is detected (filled shiftrangegivenabove. Withintheseassumptions blue circle). We note that ∼ 7 BL Lac candidates we expect that the number of Mg II absorption considered in our sample have spectral properties systems is 11< N <22. Since in our sample we exp thatdonotcompletelysatisfythecriterionforBL observe N = 8 intervening systems we do not obs Lac classification. On the other hand, these ob- confirm the suggestion of Stocke & Rector (1997) jectsdifferalsofromthetypicalspectrumofType andweconcludethatabsorbersrelatedtoBLLacs I AGN.Interesting enoughthey havetheir optical are not more numerous than those associated to beaming factor (open magenta circle of Figure 4) QSOs. Moreover, if we assume that the distribu- muchlargerofthatofquasar,whereδshouldbe∼ tionofMgII interveningsystemforBLLacisnot 1, suggesting a substantial non-thermal emission different from those of quasars,the number of ob- from the nucleus which indicates that the objects served absorption system could suggest that the areindeedofintermediatenaturebetweenBLLac BL Lacs without z in our sample should have low and quasars. value for their redshift, in order to comply with the discussed statistical properties for intervening 5.3. Mg II intervening absorption systems system. Since BL Lac objects are extragalactic sources 5.4. Future perspective: BL Lac spec- it is reasonable to expect that their spectra could troscopy in the ELT era present absorption features from intervening sys- tems. In particular, Stocke & Rector (1997) InthespectrumofaBLLacobjectthe absorp- claimedthatastrongexcessofafactor∼4onthe tion lines associated to the stellar components of number of Mg II intervening system is apparent the host galaxy are always present. On the other in the spectra of BL Lac objects, with respect to hand,theirdetectabilitydependsbothontheS/N those of quasars. ratio and on the nucleus to host ratio (N/H) of In our sample there are 7 confirmed BL Lacs ob- the source (see e. g. Sbarufatti et al. (2005a)). jects in which absorption systems are detected. With the state of the art 8-mt class telescopes These absorptions are interpreted as Mg II inter- and modern instrumentation it is possible to ob- vening systems on ourline of sighttowardthe BL tainspectrawithS/Nabout100andR∼2000for Lac. In particular, the total number of absorb- object of V ∼ 17 (assuming exposure time of ∼ 1 ing systems is N = 8, partly associated with hour). For sources with V & 20 the situation is obs BL Lacs with unknown redshift. The most natu- evenworsesincetheS/Ntypicallydropsbelow50. ral interpretation is that the features are due to Thislimitsthecapabilitytodetectthehostgalaxy interveningMgIIatλ =2800. Thefeaturesasso- features either for the sources with high intrinsic 0 ciatedtointerveningMgIIsystemsareobservable N/H ratio and for faint objects. For this rea- in our sample in the redshift interval z ∼ 0.5 son, in order to significantly improve these limits, min and z ∼1.5 . a future 40-mt class telescope like the European max The total number of BL Lacs we consider is Extreme Large Telescope (E-ELT) is mandatory 10