Website: www. - [MAINS] CivEinlg ineering (Thorougrhelvyia snuedpd d ated) PAPER-II · (Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machinery, Hydrology, Irrigation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Surveying and Transportation Engineering, Geology) Previous Conventional Questions with Solutions, Subject wise & Chapter wise (1987 - 2017) ACE Engineering Publjcatio·ns {A Sister Concern of ACE Engineeting Academy, Hyderabad) 2017 Copyr;ght © ACE Eng;,1eer;ng Publicatfons All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. Publiasth:e d ,, ,, • :: ACE Engineering Publications �,. ., ��� � �� '- 2nd Floor, Rahman Plaza, Opp. Methodist School, Near Taj Mahal Hotel, Abids, Hyderabad - 500 001 Phones: 040-23234419 20, I [email protected] [email protected] Email: Auth:o rs Subjeecxtp eorfAt CsEE ngineAecraidneHgmy yd,e rabad While every effort has been made to avoid any mistake or omission, the publishers do not owe a1 responsibility for any damage or loss to any person on account of error or omission in this publicati The publishers will be obliged if mistakes are brought to their notice through email, for correction further editions. [email protected] Email: Prinatte:d Hyderabad. Rowshni Graphics Price : Rs. 700/- ISBN: 978-1-946581-56-3 Foreword UPSC Engineering Services - Civil Engineering [Paper-II Conventional Questions with Solutions from 1987-2017] (Morteh a3n0y ears) InU PSCE ngineSeerrivniCgco ensv,e nPtaipoenhraaslv4 e6 .1w5e%i ghitnwa rgiet tteesIntn . PapeorfC- iIvIEi nlg ineseervsieunnbg j aercietn sc lausdf eodl lows: 1.F luMiedc han&i Hcysd raMualcihci ne2r.Hy y drology 3I.r rigEantgiionne ering 4.E nvironEmnegnitnaele ring 5.G etoe chnEincgailn eering 6.S urveying 7.Tr anspoErntgaitnieoenr ing 8.G eology ESE2 017: UPScCh anigteesxs a pma ttneornwa ntdh eAnc.c ortdoni enwgal dyo pptaetdti en2rn 0 1P7a,p er IIh aesi gqhute stdiiovniisdn ettdow s oe cticoannsd,ih daatstoa e tst efimvpeqtu estiinao lnls. Quest1ai no5dna rceo mpulsaonorduy ot ft hree maiTnHREiEn ga rteob ea ttemcphtoeods ing atlOeNaEsq tu esfrtoimoe na cshe ctEiaocnqh.u esctairoreniq eumsaa lr ks. The following approach is advisable to secure maximum marks. • Thseo luttoai noqynu essthiaohlnal vt eh foel lowaipnpgr opsrtiegapetsne e rSatlelwpyis.l l alhsaov deuw ee ightage. (a) Thdea tgai ven (b)T haep propfirgiuairatfepe, p liwciatpbhal relt,as b eplreodp erly (c) Thceo ncoenwp hti tchhpe r obilbsee mi snogl ved. (d)T hree lefovramnutlw aiets ht anndoatradt ainaodbn bsr eviIantcitaohspneeas ert ter astko s oltvheqe u esftriootmnh fuen damennteaclessd,se arriyv asthiabolednl os n e. Other7w0i%os fme a roknshe a tsol osIetf.h q eu esctairormnio ermsea rlkis1k 0et o2 0 mardkest aainlaeldiy scs oimsp ultsoso croyhr ieg Ihft. h qeu esctairornli eemssas r ks (< 8t)h foer mulwaieta hb breviaantcdio onncmsea pybt e s ufficIinae nncyta .s teh,e assumpmtaidsoehn asbl ewl r itctleenaw rhlisylo el vaip nrgo blem. • The neatness and presentation of solutions will have 5% marks. • Note that all parts of a question shall be answered together. • Using short sentences and brevity in expressing the content is appreciated. • Practice of numerical problems using calculator is very much essential instead of reading merely. The solutions are prepared with utmost care. In spite of this there may be some typographical mistakes or improper sequence. The student is requested to inform us regarding errors, if any to [email protected]. ACE Engineering Publications will be grateful in this regard. The student is advised to solve the problems initially without referring to the solutions. The student has to analyze the given question carefully, recall the relevant steps, equations and solve the problem in detail. Then only verify the solution. The student is advised to have a standard text book for ready reference to strengthen the related concepts, if necessary. This book can also be used by the under graduate students and fresh teachers to enrich their subject knowledge. Thanks to all the professors who co-operated in the preparation of this booklet. Thanks to the Academic Assistants and Data Entry section in the design of this booklet. With best wishes to all those who wish to go through the following pages. Y.V. Gopala Krishna Murthy Managing Director, M.Tech. MIE, ACE Engineering Publications, ACE Engineering Academy. Weightage of Subjects in Engineering Services Examination Civil Engineering (2010 - 201 7) PAPER- II( Conventional) 2010 20112 0122 0132 0142 0152 0162 017 Fluid Mechanics & 106 86 70 61 84 56 56 96 Hydraulic SMuabcjheicnte s Hydrology 10 15 26 27 20 16 32 30 Irrigation Engineering 16 37 44 14 8 40 16 30 Environmental Engineering 64 40 32 56 64 56 60 84 Geotechnical Engineering 64 70 80 56 56 56 64 104 Surveying 20 15 20 14 16 20 12 27 Transportation Engineering (Highways, Railways, 40 55 48 42 32 36 40 104 Airports, Docks&Harbours, Tunnels) Geology 5 320 320 320 280 280 280 280 480 Total MaiInn dex S.No. Name of the Subject Page No. -------------��-- - -- -. - .....-- -� -� . . . •- 1 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machinery 01-198 2 Hydrology 199-264 3 Irrigation Engineering 265 -328 4 Environmental Engineering 329-480 5 Geotechnical Engineering 481-602 6 Surveying 603 -650 7 Transportation Engineering Highway Engineering 651-712 Railway Engineering 713 -748 Airports, Docks, Harbours & Tunnels 749-773 8 Geology 774-775 Page No. 01 FluiMde chanics & HydrauMlaicch inery (Previous ESE Conventional Questions with Solutions) PageNo.02 FluMiedc ha&nH iycdsr aMualcihci nery Fluid properties; Dimensional Analysis and Modeling; Fluid dynamics including flow kinematics (a) Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow, Pipe Flow: and measurements; Flow net; Viscosity, Boundary layer and control, Drag, Lift, Principles in open channel flow, Flow controls. Hydraulic jump; Surges; Pipe networks. Various pumps, Air vessels, Hydraulic turbines -types, classifications & performance parameters; (b) Hydraulic Machines and Hydro power - Power house -classification and layout, storage, pondage, control of supply.· Contents S. No Chapter Name Page No. Properties of Fluids 01 03-07 Pressure Measurement and Fluid Statics 02 08-17 Buoyancy ,Floatation & Liquids in Relative Equilibrium 03 18-20 Fluid Kinematics 04 21-24 Energy Equation and its Applications 05 25-34 Momentum Equation and its Applications 06 35-37 Boundary Layer Theory 07 38-43 Laminar Flow 08 44-49 Turbulent Flow 09 50-54 Forces on Submerged Bodies (Lift & Drag) 10. 55-58 Flow Through Pipes 11. 59-93 Open Channel Flow 12. 94-156 Flow Measurements 13. 157 -159 Dimensional Analysis 14. 160-169 Hydraulic Machines 15. 170-198 . ·, Properties of Fluids Chapter 2 01. To what change in pressure a liquid of 02. A plate with surface area of 0.4m and specific gravity 1.2 should be subjected to weight of 500 N slides down on an inclined cause reduction in volume by one per plane 300 to the horizontal at a constant cent? The velocity of sound in the liquid is speed of 4 mis. If the inclined plane is 1500 mis. (ESE-CE-91) (1 OM) lubricated with an oil of dynamic viscosity is 2 poise, find the thickness of lubricant Sol: Given data: film. Specific Gravity ofliqsu id 'S' = 1.2 X w (ESE-CE-06) (1 OM) Density of liquid p = P Sol: Given data: 2 X = 1.2 10003 Surface Area ofp late 'A' = 0.4 m = 1200 kg/m Weight ofp late W = 500 N ml 1 !iVv --= 1 Velocity ofs liding plate V = 4 s Reduction in volume = % 100 mis Dynamic viscosity µ = 2 poise = 0.2 Pa-sec Velocity ofs ound in the liquid C= 1500 Say the thickness ofl ubricant film = 'y' '1' As the plate slides down the shear stress We know that, generates in the upward direction. c-l :. For equilibrium at terminal velocity, Component of weight of plate in the (k = Bulk modulus of elasticity of fluid) direction of motion = Shear friction in the .J ⇒ 9 2 opposite dir°ection 1500 = k , k = 2.7x10 N/m 1200 :. W sin 30 = r.A P Let change in pressure = ti According to Newton's law of viscosity. du From the concept of compressibility, r=µ. dy -avBP __}. y k= V 9 X = 1 2.7 10 x-- /iP 100 6 2 :. !iP = 27x1 0 N/m lltlaiiiYihiiiiii-iiiiiMhih� I I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ yderabad Delhi Bhopal Pune Bhuhaneswar Lucknow Patna Bengaluru Chennai Vijayawada Vizag Tirupati Kukatpally Kolkata