R E C I P E S PinnacleVodka.com ©2010 White Rock Distilleries, Inc. Produced and bottled by White Rock Distilleries, Inc., Lewiston, ME. 35% Alc./Vol. (70 Proof). PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY. C o c k t a i l s 1 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 1 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 1 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Cherry Charged Cotton Whipped Peaches n’ Whipped Whipped Margarita 1 oz. Pinnacle Cherry Flavored Vodka 1 oz. Pinnacle Cotton Candy Flavored Vodka 1 oz. Coconut Jack Rum 1 oz. tequila 4 oz. energy drink 4 oz. energy drink 2 oz. pineapple juice 4 oz. margarita mix 1 oz. peach juice Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a glass filled with ice Rim glass with salt. Shake tequila and garnish with an orange wedge. and garnish with an orange wedge. Mix in a glass filled with ice and margarita mix with ice. Pour into and garnish with a pineapple slice. glass filled with ice and float with Pinnacle Whipped. 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 1 oz. peach schnapps Peach Pie 2 oz. peach juice Splash cream Mix in a glass filled with ice, garnish with peach slices and sprinkle with nutmeg. 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 1 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 1 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Coconu1 otz . CCocornuet aJacmk R umCooler 1 Coz. Phinnearclre yCo ttCon Carneday Fmlav orPed Vioedka Whipped4 o zn. C’ho cCoVineh*ocoVine G1 ozr. aPinpnaeclse Gnra’pe FClavorreed aVomdka ½ oz. amaretto liqueur 4 oz. lemon-lime soda 4 oz. energy drink 2 oz. pineapple juice Mix in a glass filled with ice. ½ oz. lime juice Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a glass filled with ice and garnish with an orange wedge. and garnish with an orange wedge. Mix in a glass filled with ice and garnish with a pineapple slice. *ChocoVine. 14% Alc./Vol. Imported by Cleaver Imports LLC., Fort Lauderdale, FL. C o c k t a i l s 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Wh¼i pcu-p msilhkake Whi4p osz . cnlub’ s oKda icks Pink P4 oaz. rcrtanybe rCry juiocec ktail Roo1t o zB. rooet beerer lSiquheurake 2 scoops chocolate ice cream Splash cranberry juice ¼ cup milk Mix in a glass filled with ice 2 scoops vanilla ice cream Blend all ingredients until smooth. Mix in a glass filled with ice and garnish with an orange wedge. Pour into a tall glass and top and garnish with an orange wedge. Blend all ingredients until smooth. with whipped cream. Pour into a tall glass and top with whipped cream. 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Dall2o opz. hDalf & ahailfquiri 4 strawberries 1 cup ice Blend all ingredients until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and top with whipped cream. Whip2p oez.d Pi nnCacler Wehaippmed Soda Whipp2e odz. -PinUnacle pW hDippedaiquiri Ro2o otz . PBinnaeclee rW hiFppeldoat Wh2i pozp. Piintnyac leD Whipop edDa 4 oz. ginger ale 1 oz. Coconut Jack Rum 4 oz. root beer 4 oz. cola 1 oz. half & half Mix in a glass filled with ice 1 oz. pineapple juice Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a glass filled with ice and garnish with an orange wedge. 1 cup ice and garnish with a cherry. and garnish with an orange wedge. Blend all ingredients until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and garnish with a pineapple. C o c k t a i l s Whip2p oezd. P 4in Cnoazc. lcero Welahaipmped Cola D2i oezt.4 P oinzWn. adcileet Wchohliaipppepded D4i oezt. P o2Fl aorz®u. PDdiniengta Dceloe u WbWlhei pFupdehgdei Spodpae d W2 2o zho.z Pi. ipnpinn aecIalept pWl eh Ujiupipceedp Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a glass filled with ice and garnish with a cherry. and garnish with a cherry. and garnish with a cherry. and garnish with a cherry. 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped W4o ozo. limHeadeoo Mix in a glass filled with ice and garnish with a lime wedge. Cream2 2o Szo.z P.a ipninvnaeecalrep p WleCh jiupipceoedcktail Ora2n og2z .oe Pz i.n onDaracnleg reW ejhuaiipcepmedsicle C2 o2iz .to Pzri.n uonarascnl eg SeW jhuoiipcedpead Oran2g oe4z . o PzCi.n onraacrnleeg eWa shomidpap edSoda 2 oz. orange juice 2 oz. lemon-lime soda 2 oz. lemon-lime soda Splash grenadine Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a glass filled with ice and garnish with an orange wedge. and garnish with an orange wedge. Mix in a glass filled with ice and garnish with a cherry. and garnish with a cherry. C o c k t a i l s Whip2p oezd. P innCacleh Wehriprpeyd Soda 2W oz. Pinhnaiclpe sWahipwped Whipp2e odz. PiCnnacole ffWheipepe dCream H2o otz. PWinnacleh Wihpipppeedd 4 oz. cherry soda 4 oz. energy drink 4 oz. hot coffee 4 oz. hot chocolate Splash half & half Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a mug and top and garnish with a cherry. and garnish with a cherry. Mix in a mug and top with whipped cream. with whipped cream. 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Iced C4 ooz.ff iceed eco ffCee ream Splash half & half Mix in a glass filled with ice. Tr2 oozp. Piincnaaclle WFhiprpeedsh Wh1i opz.p Pienndac len W’h ipCpedoke Whipp1 eozd. P inCnacleh Wehriprpyed Cola Li2g ohz.t P innna’cle WShwippeedet 4 oz. club soda 1 oz. spiced rum 1 oz. Pinnacle Cherry Flavored Vodka 4 oz. club soda Splash pineapple juice 4 oz. cola 4 oz. cola Splash pineapple juice Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a glass filled with ice Mix in a glass filled with ice and garnish with an orange wedge. and garnish with a cherry. and garnish with a cherry. and garnish with an orange wedge. M a r t i n i s 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Whippi2n ozg. IriGsh creoamod Time Whi1p opze. Cdoc oCnut Jracek aRumm Pie P1 oizn. bklac kM raspbearryr ltiqiuenuri 2 Soz.m Pinonarcele sC hoMcolatea Flarvtoriend Viodka 1 oz. half & half Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. a chilled martini glass rimmed with of whipped cream. a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop Garnish with an orange slice and a cherry. crushed graham cracker. of whipped cream. 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Lemon M2 oz. liemornicnellogue Pie Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop of whipped cream. 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped ½ oz. PinnacLle Daoutblte eEs-pretsison Fliavored Vodka T2r oizp. Plinena cTle Whhripepeadt C1h½e orzr. Pyin naOcle Wnhi ppTedop L1½e ozW. Pinnahclei Wphpipepded ½ oz. Kahlúa French Vanilla® 1 oz. Pinnacle Cotton Candy Flavored Vodka 1 oz. Pinnacle Cherry Flavored Vodka 1 oz. Pinnacle Le Doublé Espresso 1 oz. half & half 1 oz. Coconut Jack Rum ½ oz. Pinnacle Chocolate Flavored Vodka Flavored Vodka ½ oz. Pinnacle Cherry Flavored Vodka Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop Shake over ice and strain into of whipped cream. of whipped cream. of whipped cream and a cherry. a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop of whipped cream and a cherry. Kahlúa® Liqueur. 20% Alc./Vol. (21.5% alc./vol., available only in Ohio. ©2009 Pernod Ricard USA, Purchase, NY. M a r t i & n i s U1P oz.T PinnAacle WChippaedmp S2 ooz.u Pirnn aWcle Whhippiepd S2 pozi. cPiynn acWle Whihppiedp 1 oz. Pinnacle Chocolate Flavored Vodka Nu2t osz. Pinna cleW Whiphpeidps 1 oz. apple schnapps 1 oz. coffee liqueur 1 oz. Pinnacle Vanilla Flavored Vodka 2 oz. hazelnut liqueur 1 oz. pineapple juice ½ oz. spiced rum TBSP Marshmallow Sauce Splash club soda Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop a graham cracker rimmed martini glass of whipped cream. a chilled martini glass. of whipped cream. drizzled with chocolate. Top with a dollop of whipped cream and a cherry. 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Cookies a1 nozd. c rèCme dreè comcoea Martini Shake over ice and strain into a chocolate cookie martini glass drizzled with chocolate. Top with a dollop of whipped cream. Pineapple 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2½ oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Bana1n oza. b aCnanar leiqaueumr Pie B1 ouz.t btuteterrsecodtch sRchnauppms Mint Chip 1 oz. crème de cocoa 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 1 oz. half & half ½ oz. spiced rum 1 oz. crème de menthe Upsid1e o-z.d pionewappnle juCice ake Splash grenadine Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop a chocolate cookie martini glass drizzled Shake over ice and strain into of whipped cream. of whipped cream. with chocolate. Top with a dollop of whipped cream. a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a cherry. M a r t i n i s 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Juicy Whip 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 1 oz. energy drink Crea1 1om zo.z p. ioSnreaaanpgpevl ejeu jiurcie-cetini C2 ro2ez .oa Pzi.nm onar-acnlegt eWa jhusiipcetpeidc 1 oz. cranberry juice Car2i 2bo zob.z P. eipniannaecnalep pWlWeh jiupipceedhip Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a cherry. an orange wedge. a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a cherry. an orange slice and a cherry. 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Fr1 uozi. tcryan beWrry juicheip 1 oz. orange juice Shake over ice and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with a cherry. Pe2a ocz2. h oPzi n. nWpaecalec hW jhuhiicipeppepded Chocola2t 2oe zo . zPM.i ncnhaoccloeil aWltekh mip iplkeMd artini R2 1o zoe.z P.d ipn innaeWcalep pWleh hjiupiipceepd S2 ooz2u. Porizn. n alePcmleo uWnashdiespped Shake over ice and strain into 1 oz. cranberry juice Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop of whipped cream. a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop Shake over ice and strain into of whipped cream. of whipped cream. a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a cherry. M a r t i n i s 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 Toz. alimretade Chilled E2 ozs. pPinrneacsles Woh ipWped hipped Wh2 ionz. egryap eW juice hip Whippe2d o z.P fruiut pnuncchh-tini 2 oz. chilled espresso Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop of whipped cream. of whipped cream. an orange wedge. of whipped cream. 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped T1 aozr. ltem-ontaidne i 1 oz. cranberry juice Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop of whipped cream. 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Po2 omz. PiWnnacle hWihippppeded Oo1h o zW. mangoh juiicpeped Pow2e orz. eWnergy dhriinkpped Whi1½pp oze. dlim eAade id 1 oz. pomegranate juice 1 oz. orange juice Splash grenadine 1 oz. lime juice Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop an orange wedge. a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop a chilled martini glass. Garnish with of whipped cream. of whipped cream. a lime wedge. M a r t i n i s 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Key L½ oiz.m meelo nP liquieuer-tini 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped 1 oz. lime juice ½ ozK. Kaahlúba oCooffeme Liqueur® Apple Pie ½a oz . lapapl e Mschnapopsde-tini ½ oz. simple syrup 1 oz. chilled espresso 2 oz. apple cider/juice ½ oz. half & half 1 oz. half & half ½ oz. caramel sauce Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop of whipped cream. of whipped cream. of whipped cream and drizzle with caramel sauce. 2 oz. Pinnacle Whipped Butte1r ocz.r beuattermsco tcMh schnaapprstini Splash half & half Shake over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Top with a dollop of whipped cream. Kahlúa® Liqueur. 20% Alc./Vol. (21.5% alc./vol., available only in Ohio. ©2009 Pernod Ricard USA, Purchase, NY.