Beaufortia INSTITUTE FOR SYSTEMATICS AND POPULATIONBIOLOGY (ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM) UNIVERSITYOF AMSTERDAM Vol. 49, no.4 October5, 1999 Erylus toxiformis (Porifera, Geodiidae),anew species from the southwestern Atlantic. BeatrizMothes'& CléaLerner *Museude CienciasNaturais, Fundaçâo doRioGrandedoSul Cx. Postal1188,90690-000,PortoAlegre,RS, Brazil. E-mail:[email protected] **Departamento deZoología, InstitutodeBiociências, UniversidadedeSaPaulo& MuseudeCienciasNaturais,Fundaçâo £'oobotânicadoRioGrandedoSul Cx. Postal 1188,90690-000,PortoAlegre,RS, Brazil. E-mail:[email protected] Keywords: Porifera, Demospongiae,Geodiidae,Erylus toxiformis n.sp.,southwestern Atlantic, taxonomy. Abstract Anewspecies ofErylus (Porifera, Geodiidae)fromthe southwestern Atlantic,Erylus toxiformis n.sp. is described offRio Grande doSulcoast,Brazil. INTRODUCTION 1934 (43-165 m), E. diminutus Mothes et al., 1999 (183 m), and Erylus sp. (Mothes & Erylus Gray, 1867is a genus with Tethyan distri- Umpierre, in prep.). In the course of dredging bution restricted to tropical and subtropical operations off the coastofRio Grande do Sul, a areas (Van Soest, 1994). A brief history of the new species ofErylus was identified from the genusis provided in Motheset al. (1999). slope (31°05°S 49°31°W), at a depth of 300 m Erylus is represented on the Brazilian coast (Fig. 1). In addition to its description below, a by the following species (Mothes etal., 1999): E. key to the species ofErylus from the Brazilian formosus Solías, 1886(3-72 m), E. corneus Boury- coast is given. Threeofthose species are "ende- Esnault, 1973 (45 m), E. alleni De Laubenfels, mics" (E. corneus, E. diminutusand the new spe- 29 Abbreviations forinstitutions used inthe textare: BMNH: Natural HistoryMuseum,London. FURG: Fundaçâo Universidade doRio Grande, RioGrande, Brazil. FZB: FundaçâoZoobotânica do Rio Grandedo Sul, Porto Alegre,Brazil. MCN: Museu de Ciencias Naturais, PortoAle- gre,Brazil. MCN-POR: MCN,Poriferacollection. ZBM: Museum fur Naturkunde der Humboldt- UniversitatzuBerlin,Berlin. SYSTEMATICS OrderAstrophorida Lévi, 1973 Family GeodiidaeGray, 1867 GenusErylus Gray, 1867 Type species Stelletta mamillaris Schmidt, 1862:48, Pl. V, Fig. 1, by original designation and mono- typy. Diagnosis: Geodiidaewithectosomal microrhabds and aspidasters or sterrasters with the following forms: eliptical to disc-shaped, flattened to glo- bose, irregular (with lobes) orregular outlineand Fig. 1. Map ofthe study arealocation where the sample microspined to smooth surface. Incurrent chan- was collected. nels are uniporal; oscules are large openings (Mothes etal., 1999). cies) and two are known also from the West In- dies(E. formosusand E. alleni). Erylus toxiformis n.sp. MATERIALSAND METHODS (Figs. 2-11) The studied sample was dredged by the R/V Type material: HOLOTYPE- Museu de Ciências Atlántico Sul during the years 1986 to 1988by Naturais, MCN-POR 1599, off Rio Grande do "Projeto Talude" of the Fundaçâo Universidade Sul coast, 31°05°S 49°31°W, Brazil, slope, 300 de Rio Grande(FURG). It is deposited in the m, November 1988, R/V Adântico Sul (FURG) Porifera collection ofthe Museu de Ciencias Na- coll. turais ofFundaçâo Zoobotânicado Rio Grande do Sul,Brazil. Description (Figs.2-3): Amorphous fragment (2 x 1 Skeletal slides and dissociated spicule mounts x 0.5 cm). Surface smooth, slightly microhispid were made following Mothes (1996). The SEM becauseofprotruding spicules; withnarrowecto- study was madeusing aJeolJSM-5200 Scanning chones which seem to traverse the cortex; one Microscope. Scales for SEMpictures are indicat- oscule observed, circular, 1 mm in diameter; ed with each spicule. Measurements of spicule ostia 0.5 mm in diameterwith distance between referto minimum-mean-maximumin(j.m. them from 1 to 4mm, distributedon the surface, Preliminary results of this materialwere pub- except around the oscule. Colour ofpreserved lishedin the "Bookof Abstracts" of "VI Congre- material: externally white and internally grey; so Latinoamericano de Ciencias del Mar (CO- consistency is externally hard and internally LACMAR), Mar del Plata, Argentina". compressible. 30 Fig. 4. Erylus toxiformis n.sp.,holotype MCN-POR 1599, perpendicular sectionofskeleton. Scale= 100µm Figs. 2-3. Erylus toxiformis n.sp., holotype MCN-POR 1599, preserved material, offRio Grande do Sul State coast Microscleres: Sterraster-like aspidasters (31°05°S49°31°W), Brazil, 2. general view, 3.surface (Figs.5-8) disc-shaped to slightly eliptical and not detail. Scale=0.2 cm. flattened, hilum situated on one side, surface madeup ofdense groupsof polygonal, randomly Skeleton (Fig. 4): Ectosome: theusual detach- distributed microspines, 207.0-577.5-506.0 x able cortex, 0.5 mm thick, a layer packed with 184.0-255.7-414.0pm; microstrongyles (Fig.9) tangentially placed sterrasters 0.4mm and a thin smooth, centrotylote, slighdy curved, 50.6-71.4- discontinuous ectochrote packed with micro- 96.6 x 2.3-5.5-6.9 pm; oxyasters (Figs. 10-11) strongyles. Choanosome: radial architecture with 3 to 8 smooth rays and with a diameterof comprised oforthotriaenes whose cladomes 34.5-70.6'-96.6 pm; reduced forms diactines, touch the lower layers ofthe sterrasters. Some- resembling toxas, but are much longer than times oxeas cross the cortex and protrude at the proper oxyasters,: 73.6-59.5-103.5pm. sponge surface; oxyasters, a reduced numberof Substrate:mudandsilt. sterrasters and rare microstrongyles are random- Etymology: the name refers to the morphology ly distributed. ofreduced oxyasters thatare similar to toxas. Megascleres: Calthrops-like orthotriaenes (Fig. 12) with clads and rhabdalmost isoactine, REMARKS cladome 361.0-636.5 and rhabdome 199.5- 389.5 x 11.5-23.0 |am; oxeas (Fig. 13) straight, The new species differs from other species of sometimes slightly curved, mucronate or blunt, Erylus registered for the West Indies and Brazi- rarely strongylote, 897.0-757(9.6'-1817.0x 9.2- lian coast by the presence of reduced oxyasters 17.3-25.3|xm. similar to toxasandby sterraster-like aspidasters. 31 32 Figs.5-13. Erylustoxiformisn.sp.,holotypeMCN-POR 1599, Fundaçâo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de 5.aspidaster showingthehilumin the centre,6. aspidaster, Sào Paulo (FAPESP, Brazil, Proc. 96/11786-8). 7. aspidaster, surface detail, 8. young aspidaster, 9.smooth Fundaçâo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do microstrongyle, 10. oxyasters with smooth rays, 11. toxa- Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS, Brazil, Proc. likereducedformsofoxyasters, 12. calthrops-like orthothri- aene, 13.oxea. 95/0728.3) providing supportto B. Mothes. REFERENCES KEY TO THE SPECIES OF ERYLUSFROM BOURY-ESNAULT,N., 1973. Campagne de la Calypso THEBRAZILIAN COAST aularge des côtes atlantiques de l'Amérique du Sud (1961-1962). I, 29. Spongiaires. Rés. Sci. Camp. Calypso, 10:263-295. 1. Orthotriaeneswithoxeas 2 Dichotriaeneswith short rhabdwithstrongyles varying GRAY,J.E., 1867. Notes onthe arrangements ofsponges, tostrongyloxeas, flattenedaspidasterswith slightlyirreg- with the description ofsome new genera. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867:492-558. ularoutline E.diminutus LAUBENFELS,M.W. DE, 1934. New sponges from the Puerto Rican deep. Smithsonian Miscllaneous 2. Atypical aspidasters, sterraster-like disc-shapedand not , Collections, 91 (17): 1-28. flattened,reducedtoxas-likeoxyaster LEVI, C., 1973. Systématique de la classedes Demo-spon- Ej . toxiformisn.sp. Typical Aspidasters 3 giaria (Démosponges). pp. 577-631. In: Brien, P., C. Lévi, M. Sará, O. Tuzet, &J. Vacelet: Spongiaires. Traité de zoologie; anatomie, systématique, biologie 3. Eliptical flattenedaspidasters 4 (Grassé,P.-P., éd.).Paris, Masson, vol.3,fase.1. Finger-shaped aspidasters E. formosus MOTHES,B., 1996. Esponjas da PlataformaContinental 4. One categoryofoxyasters E.corneus Norte e Nordeste do Brasil (Porifera, Demospongiae). PhD Thesis, Universidade de Sào Paulo,Sào Paulo: 1- Twocategories ofoxyasters E.alleni 233. SCHMIDT, O., 1862.Die Spongien des Adriatischen ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Meeres. Leipzig, Engelmann:i-viii, 1-88. SOEST, R.W.M.VAN, 1994. Demospongedistribution Theauthors are grateful to Dr. Rob van Soest, patterns, pp. 213-223. In: Soest, R.W.M. van, T.M.G. Instituut voor Systematiek en Populatiebiologie vanKempen,&J.C.Braekman,(eds): SpongesinTime (Zoôlogisch Museum), Amsterdamforexamining and Space. Balkema,Rotterdam. SOLLAS,W.J., 1886. Preliminary account ofthe tetracti- thematerialandfor revising the manuscript, and nellid sponges dredged by HMS "Challenger" during to Dr. Ricardo R. Capitoli, Fundaçâo Universi- the years 1873-76. Part I.The Choristida. Sci. Proc.R. dadedoRio Grande, Brazil forsending the spec- DublinSoc., 5: 177-199. imen forstudy. C. Lerneris aPhD studentat the University ofSào Paulo with a scholarship from Received: August 29, 1998 33