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Filing # 83255505 K-Filed 01/1 1/2019 08,22:00 PM. IN The CIRCUIT COUR OF LHE SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCULL AN AND FOR LEON COUNTY, FLORIDA, DR. ERWIND. JACKSOK, CASE NO. 19-e.-000008 ine, CITY OF TALLAHASSEE: a Florida muncipel corporation; JOMK DAILY. in his wl ciel capacity as Mayor: JEREMY MATLOW, in his oLicil capacity as Cy Commissionet: CURTIS RICTARDSOR, in his of eis] capacity as City Cormmissionsr DIANE WILLIAMS-COX, in ee ciVisial capacity as City Commissioner TIATNERVANT, in her poeponed official capaci Commissicar city Defends PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR FINAL SUMMARY JEDGMEXT. SMEMORAND Phirtill Dr, Frwin 7 Juoksom. under Florida Rule al Civil Procedure 1,510. mio the ‘Cort for iv entry oF Taal sunray june ie his Fav, The putes have stipulated tha there are no disputed issues of macaial tne etc che question before che Const 1s a meter ot kw. Additioraly, the ps fen ave agreed ty waive the worl Line branes governing sunny Iudgucent ta Rnle 1.310{e) 9 mtove che msamer forward on au expedited basls TL. Intraduction Plovida’s Gavernment, inthe Sunshine “am, Seetioe: 286.611, Tleeida Stoustes (Sunshine Taw"). requis that all gia setions by thy Dfemdert City of Talley cay") veut ul properly vutived pubic rietinys. Ini ease, Ure City. acting through the Talla ity Commissin i Commission”), sercented 93 applicams fer z yacane seat on the alse the Ha donor tg ins mums ffl consideration wtheut helng 4 pubis inceting. Deciding which candadstes 1 keep and whieh to ejoet for a public office 8 quinteaential govormryntal Function. Ths ease a els tha. the pub haa wight. Ws hoa Tham the Counmissionens als 3-lic necting helio the Conunission nevowed Uke spplicant pe ton small group of inaiss, Exstading the o:olis kom this process ws Sunshine Law ination, Nevers, tho City selled und sire Deda Flaine epant Tes” fate office through this unlawful process, Tee remedy far the City's Surshine Lew vio.atonis ta dole the City's search presse and appointing af Bryan id ab st, H SGpututed Facts he mos hav stigulabe lo Lae follewing fits 1, Plhiesiffis 2a incividual whe sosides in Lallahasseo, Florida and bas stoning ro Dring this ction. 2 Detoudaar City of Jallshasses:s ¢ umutcipal corporation organ:zod and cecisting under Movi lw, 1. The organization ofthe goveranent atthe City oF Tallahasze is provide. :n the Lallahassee City Charter 4. A.tsue an comeet caps of sections 8 through 17 of the Tallahassee City Charter aie atsehod co the Stipulaced acts as Exhibic | The: Tallahagsos Cily Corniiian is operpessad of a mayer ural Rue ‘contmissioners, Sie Tall. Chaster, 989.11 6. Aso Nowemner 19, 2018. the City Commission was eamprises. of Mayoe Jahn Sunnissionsr Dieece Willioms-Cos, “omunissionsr Jxemmy Mle Comeninioner Curtis B, Richanlem andl Cary nissiemor Seu Madde, 7 Scott. Maddox was clected to a four-year cen which began in 2016 and was sechouledl tn 14m lo 2020. See Tall. Charlo, § 9 (esablishing 4-year tery fer members et City Commission) 3% Seolt C. Madge heh! City Ceommission Seat 9. Ou Peceniber 11,2014, an iulietent was ‘Tle in dhe United States Disteet oc as Cited Com of tae Northen Disniet of Fovida, Vallahassce Division in the case soy Vater wf meri y Sood Charles adda, ef al. cune we, [CR-76, chang'ng Sestt ns oF t Maddox with muraereus crin:inal viola Uniced Stars nds, 1, Gn Dacernber 12.2018, Gevvemor Rick Seal igsued Freeutve Onder No. 1 345 spring Scull ©. Maddox on the olfice oF City Conunissioner a the City ut Falla U1. A true aul ccrneet copy of Fecutive Onder Ne, IN-36S is ata he Sseipulated Hacts as Exhibic2 12. Gevyemnor Riek Scots augpensior of Seats G, Manklox Irgm eles ereaal a in City Commission Seat 1 Swotion “4 oF thy Cy Cherter sels gutthe procedure to ill waeaney sm the City Conmigo al pees in peste yar Any saeamey in the corrrnssign, including the flies of mayor, shall be filled by appeixrmea: unl the “ollowing regulse avicipal clectian . .. The tert af connissicners elected Ws FIL a vacirey ull be fr th unespirslterev of Ue posit sul. aay sacancy isnot ited within twenty <2) days aller it shall have ‘euvtved, un appnawent Uo Bll the sacuney sta he mse hye Hae (Tall, Cig Chany, § ley, 14. ‘The City Commission adapued ity Commission Palicy 144 te proviee selviomal procedures @ Fills eacamey an the Ci ty Comission, Acme and carrect copy of Commission Policy 14 is anachod eo th: Sipulared Fugls as Psi 3 16. Commission Paligy 1 seas lat revised an June 10,2003, [The City Commission ultized the procedures preser bed ir Crmmission Polley |b i Une sauarey fin City Cnsrvisian Set TS, On December 12, 2018. the City posted a noties ou the City’s ineance site (ewe tgs) intr the publi nat he City wis mecepting pplivations to Bll The iy Commission Scat 1 and outlining tae process te Al the vecancy. 19. tre and corneal copy ol thy Desnmber 12.2018 notige i allached to Ths Stipulated Pacts as Exhibit The appliastion dexdting for penny wr ted i flling he vee im City Cooinon Seal T sas Deverniher 22. 2008, On Deccmber 16, 2016, the Lallahassos Domacrat acspapsr published a wate ifsrving he publi tha the Cily sus accep upplieatine ke JI ahe wucuney in City ‘Commission Seat 1 ard outlining the pe 3840 Fill the vecaney, YArmieand corte copy wlth proo! forthe notice publishoc on December 1. 2018 Tallahassee Democcat is attached 16 the Stipulated Facts as Lskubi S Beuwoen December 12 and December: 8, 93 city residents submetted upplicasians to Fil dhe eusuney in City Cannnissiem Seat 24. Aske applications were submitted wo the Chi. the applications were postod on ting Citys ere site (sev tal an. 25. Aske applications were roesived. the City Teeasumer-Clesk's OC ee informed Ths members aP the Ci y Commission, 26. On Pacomber 26, IH, in neconduuce wit Comininsion Paley 14, etch ember of the City Commission subminred a list of three eandidaces (trom the pool af 63 applign 3) iy be considered for appointirenl ip City Commiseon Sut teach list of Unce eandidatss was suboniued tothe City Preasurer-Cherk. 38. Caammissioner Kidhurehor submited Th nmes othe following peons te he TrewswserCler: Tabitha Prasiet Say Crass and. Byron Gree ‘Commissioner Matlowysubuti-ted che names of te fa sity persous 104 {Hsu Kesler, anal Bruce Siruble 30. Commissioner Wulliams-Cox ssiamited the naraes of che lowing persons co jerks Tabitha Frevior. Bruge Strouble, smal Fling Bryn 31. Mayen Dailey submited the wie of She “allen person tt Dre Tressurer- Clerk: Will Mester. ils eber, andl Gullo Prerkin, U 32. Cannmisson Pies: 144 provides fas theallacali ottpoints hase an the umber ofsintes a candidate's namo was subuiined. See Policy 144.040. 33. The ressuree-Clerhs Olice assigned the pods based on the submissins. 3M. The points wens aMlacutel wt Flee Tait rv Brice Strouble 2 Saralyn (i T TRyeon T Gallop Fisuklin, [1 1 1 T z Lila Jaber will Messer Taine Pry Howard Kessler ‘Commission Policy 144 provides that the five candidates (and fics) with the Tighsst point touls wel by paul on a lit ar eonsastion. for upping For vacant City ‘Commission Seat 1. See Policy 144.0407, 36. Cased on te point allocations, one eseidate received Unee votes. ane rndidaty rot ive voles amd sox eamiidls it with ene vote, on December 26, 2018, the City posted. an ancouncement an the City's internat site (sew -olgo¥ com informing the public ther nin> candidates (submitted by the ucembers ca ing City Coymumissign) sega! he eonsideres lor agpoimewgat oF City Caomnvissin Sea | ata puble urcetmy on Deccrazer 41, 201% 3K A uc and comet cypy ol thy Decsember 26.2018 announcemsnl is atlzchesl 1¢ the Stipulated Facis am Exhibi 6 29, ‘The City Commission did not mee: borecen December 5 and Doceucber 31, 2018, 40. The City C ymissian hea public meeting on Decen-ber 31.2018 41, Acmneand corteer copy of tke agenda forthe Deceurber M, 213, City Cannas mating sano ws Me Sipylued Fes as Fai, 42, Policy 144 sttes: "Nomination Jor the vasaney on the Cty Commission may The mule uly trom the shot His nf guns: aceerdtingly. the Pecernbor 1, 2018, wecting age:da said that "Commissioners will mele nomisations from Une shortlist ot eandiates.” A video reoosing of tac Decombor 31, 2018 Ciny Couusxssion mooring has crv het a pat Une ead hese emis fram he x0 Bs upped at the Haeeember $1 201% ‘eli, mis presentations aml wespondd in questions posed by miembars "the City ommissor. A tha Phacembor 31,2018, meeting, the City Commission vo le appoint Flaine Tyan Fl City Caos Sea 1 16. laine Bryant sts seo inig MT during the Decernber 31, 2018 City ‘Commision mosting, On Decernbor 31.2018. ths Cy postod am smmoumgemant gm thy Cily"s frig site (www alguv cont iafocaning the public thet Elaine Beyant as appoiened to Ill Cty ‘Caommision Seat | and hal hoon sore ito of fies R.A true aul comeut copy oF te Decenher 31, 2008, announcement is ached to the Stipulated Facts as Exhili: 8 111. Legal Stundurd for Susmhing Law Cases The Florida Lepistanue enacted the Sunshine Law “in che public inrerest 9 prtset the blig rom ‘lose dk” politi and ut su the lay mst he Breall oom strat ef belts verredial and pritective purpine.” Wont Larson, 442 So, 2M 934, 938 (Fla, 1983). Ibis wee coonstryed liberally im feear yfopen goverment.” 16 ¥. Rano. 366 $0.26 12M, 1250 (Hla. SADCA 1979), And construed in a way "so aslo steal al evasive devices.” Sart fs Responsible Gov't. Cis of Sovasota, #8 80, 34 755. 762 (Fla, 2010) (citations erated TH Argument ‘mere is ample case law discussing te Sanshine Lawv. Including che very issus before th:s Court, AliFough she Cily will ry heres simply v9 wary fori! 19 argue around these wane. They are eleut, The iky's actions ut scree ancl = minal 84 ayylica Roe Ue persian at City ‘Commissioter cousin “oflienal aste” vecer Socton 286.011 that bad to occur in the suite ata pperly rotived public 44) ‘The City violated the Sunshine Lay because if tuuk “afficial acts” an the 9% applicants for the vacant Commission seat without holding # publie meeting, UUnvle the Smashine Low, “fall ucts ef any... umaicipal corporation... ae which ‘Til ucts ne te wk une cleave ty be publi nnostings een uo the public atu tees DP ZRAULICL, Ea, Sta, QOL; see aio AML. § 24th), Ha, Gane: (20181, The statute 2008 an te ravile “hat ne resaan,ruls,"epulation oe Hall tio shall be ers cA ining” iF The governmental emity violates the Sunst.ne Law in enacting it. see aise Pato Beaod « Brativon, 298 So, MI ATB, 178 (Fla, 197A; teemphasiving thal soumis mys Lind @Misialy tes take in ue shady vou nid. Finally the statute requices proper noties of the public mk ing al Ths keeping of minuiee. § 286.01 IC L]H42), Kl, Sat ‘The seasoning belied the statutory requirement thal amy “ollie ats" acura properly noticed public mestings is important. "Every though. as well as every aftinuades aet, of a public ‘livid ws i role oun si vin he scope a his ale dues, isa matter publi corsets and ic is the entire desinion-masing pro thar the .gslature intended to affect by che [Sunshine Tang]... Peery step in the de fisiom-rruking prose Including the egeisiom Heel evessiay peeling Roma action 1 afhiws Dual each such ste conmuites an “lela ue." an inligponsa ble requisite tn “Formal setion’ within ths meaning of the wel” Himes Hubs Camuasy¥. Waa, 222 $0, 2 470, AEH (Pla, 20 BCA 169) cen id athe sri, Nov Mian Hevotd Publishing Compony, ABZ So, 24.821 Ely 1983). Tr this ce, the Cy Commissioners ser wth 98 applicants a the ssa soa created a list of thsi cop three candidates, which tho C:ty Ceeasnrer-Clerk thon compiled and Iabubugd to produces “Shor st of ning Truly, The City admits il sondueleg this prowess einai hie neti shine Sliputated Pacts 39), Thus, ‘he City vivfale th Lew u tis Cont tins that te narrowing down of the lst of 3 applicants tone finalists was san Moligl act” wale Beetion 286.01 1¢11 Arreview of tac relevant c35olaw shows this is nat a case of Sst mprsssioa, Atleast four Flor gous has gomsred theism hat his Car anon rier el a decisions that ellecively hora.” ereen,” “rank,” oF “weed dhrough submissions o¢ spypligatioms provided tga yocsmmentall sity re iia ts thal must acer i Uns sreshin. Sir Lee Ae eids v. Chy-af Beadentu, 734 Su. 2a 1186, 169 (Tha, 20 PCA 1984) fevrcluing the shovt-listing of applicamst0 be forms) action rkat was equited to occur ata publicly netics, meeting): Food, 112 So. 24 al 936 (helding Ihe serecning ar upplieanls is an unit ccision-mabing “atficial as: Siher Esgress Company 1: Desires Bouid of Loner Pibunat Tess oft bi Nace Commsenty Coflege, @1 So. 2d LOB, HUD (Ha. 3d ICA 1909 iraing a Sumbine Laws violation where the “conunitiee's Rasetion: sas to weed theauyd he vatiovs propesals. to cetermine winich were aecopeable an to ronk them sccordingly": Kaas, 366 So, 2d ul 1250 (oonehuing nuxeoning oF upplcunts to provide ight ruining sseviees ba ‘ublic colloge mst escur at public necting, Fins, Fear 3 Seis dirslly 9 pon! with meqpuot.ig The Cily"s aati here Tn tha ease the Tadenton City Count eee a eur. to sorte nessa ta ve est Ke phages Fora ei rotrelion eontrecl 734 Yo. 2d at LIND. the goramitse was ia review the propos tral rn the ty ne Finns fa. Thus Fins wuld then make presentabin tthe Cty Cran ‘whieh wonld sslect a winner from che shor list, u. However, the sotceuing eouunittes azver Incl publfe meting: wather, i gn’y sont ils selects hs uy City Clee who prepare shoe His of the anki d ‘ki, Laver. atthe City Coun nceeting, only the three shorelisted firms 2 rake public prosemtuliors, 1. at 1169-20, The court said tha “hore is na question that the cconumiitee nerriers! indica evaluations were tall anal acted a, albeit hy Ue uaa action of te ciryclevk, whch resulred tn eres butlers being sclecred to make presentations to ‘he Cone fal FU Thus, he 20.1 melded “ha ie shes rat sting sa Fora acti 198 zoquited co be taken ava lic necting” J Ti th lee iT Breis, the Tallahassee Troesurer-Cilore “aio und eel upaen™ the individ.el Commissioners’ dzcisinns un wltle down the 92 applicants wt jas nine sames, ‘rosulting in hy Final short lis, wut holga publie mecting. (Stipulated Pacts (7 4.39), Like is Leach Bas the Com sien allel ly he wine ayia wm he Twa tt ‘make prosomations, (Stipulated Facts 44), The same conclusion is therefore appropriate in tas cons ha i the “sheng wey fs sein thal sens requir oe lake at a public anseting.” Leavi-i¥eils, 734 So. 2d at 1169, Bocause “a mecting wes voqulied aad evn 1 Sunn Lav violation pecurrd "in hath ease 1 Secon, the ila Supreme Court cansidered a sinflar issue to Ure Tere fin Fd 442 So 2 at 934. In that case ths University of Flavica set up a soreeuing committee to help Find wow dun for Cre hoe school fal 38 ¥, Recause dhe committee elinsnnte enn oF Oho applicanes fox che position, it made “official acts” on bchatf altho university tkat had ro accue in Ths sunshine 1 propery meticed public mestiny, Ft a. 999—40, Thos sae lie applies sch eyua Gance Here, The City’s elinsinaton al $4 apy icurs Foe Ths yee. seat constitu ca “eligi wets" ume Section 286,011 tha had Ig take plage ab roperly wotived public met itd, in Sitver-Expross. the cefeudany, 9 public community college, eequested proposals lo supply Might wining counsse ta ity stkes. 891 $0, 2 a. 1099. The colleges purehasirg director a9z0inted a eommicce wo evaluate the proposals. da. The sercening commictce’s bls and “Tmetion was I seed Unrough ths various propos, ip temning which ware acer! ravh Gren aecontingly "fd. at F100, FLnever Weld a public meeting while periaring dene tasks, 44 Ln fro, the conumites did noc elmunate say of the applicants thom later cousidetatior. by Cae ‘the ecnnmtee” suction purchasing directa, fd, Nevertheless, the cont eoneluse hat besa helped to crystalize tar decision 19 be made by the collogc” and the decision “was of signitignmeg” [ degisior-muking should Fave tuken pluoe inthe sunshine. 1, (quoting Spe Condit & Paciavrs. inc. v. Canteust Sav. Batt. 585 So, 21.694, 098 (Pla. 34 DCA 188) ‘Thong arg many similarities banwoer Silver Repsess an this caw. Her. Hike in Siver xg, the City Chnesuissianers "wewled Bough De sarious” syyeasios ane “rane ther lo

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