Error-Trellis State Complexity of LDPC Convolutional Codes Based on Circulant Matrices Masato Tajima Koji Okino Takashi Miyagoshi Dept of Intellect. Inform. Systems Eng. Information Technology Center Dept of Intellect. Inform. Systems Eng. University of Toyama University of Toyama University of Toyama Toyama 930-8555, Japan Toyama 930-8555, Japan Toyama 930-8555, Japan [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 9 0 Abstract—Let H(D) be the parity-check matrix of an LDPC space of the error-trellis based on HT(D) is 4. However, a 1 0 convolutional code corresponding to the parity-check matrix H △ correspondinggeneratormatrixisgivenbyG (D)=(1+D+ 2 of a QC code obtained using the method of Tanner et al. We 1 n seethattheentriesinH(D) areallmonomials andseveral rows D2,1,D3 +D4). Note that the third column of G1(D) has (columns)havemonomialfactors.Letuscyclicallyshifttherows a factor D2. (Remark: It suffices to divide the third column a J of H.Thentheparity-checkmatrixH′(D)correspondingtothe by D2 in order to obtain a reduced code-trellis.) This fact modifiedmatrixH′definesanotherconvolutionalcode.However, implies that a reduced error-trellis can be constructed [1], [8] 8 its free distance is lower-bounded by the minimum distance of the original QC code. Also, each row (column) of H′(D) has a (i.e.,state-space reductioncan be realized).Thenconsiderthe T] factor different from the one in H(D). We show that the state- reciprocal dual encoder [4] s.I bHspeawscieigtnhciofitmhcaepnleetrlxyritoyrre-docofurctrehedectbeiorynroccro-antprtraeolblliilsliintaygssbtoheceiinargtoewpdrewsshieitrfhtvseHda.p′(pDli)edcatno H˜1(D)=△ (cid:18) D12 1+D1+D2 D02 (cid:19). (2) c [ Note that the third column of H˜ (D) has a factor D2. I. INTRODUCTION 1 2 Accordingly, dividing the third column of H˜1(D) by D2, we v In this paper, we assume that the underlying field is F = can construct an error-trellis with 4 states (i.e., d˜1 = 2) [1], 2 GF(2). Let G(D) be a polynomial generator matrix for an [8]. Here, notice that each error-path in the error-trellis based 4 (n0,k0,ν) convolutional code C with memory ν. Denote by on HT(D) can be represented in time-reversed order using 6 H(D) a corresponding parity-check matrix. Both G(D) and the er1ror-trellis based on H˜T(D). Hence, a factor D2 in the .4 H(D) are assumed to be canonical [4], [5]. In this case, the column of H˜1(D) correspo1nds to backward-shifting by two 2 code-trellismoduleassociated with G(D) and the error-trellis timeunits(i.e.,D−2)intermsoftheoriginalH (D).Actually, 1 modules [6] associated with the syndrome former HT(D) (T by “multiplying”the third column of H (D) b1y D2, we have 8 meanstranspose)have2ν states,wheretheobviousrealization 1 :0 of G(D) and the adjoint-obvious realization [3] of HT(D) H′(D)=△ D2 D2 D2 . (3) v are assumed, respectively. Ariel and Snyders [1] presented 1 (cid:18) 1 1+D+D2 0 (cid:19) i X a construction of an error-trellis based on the scalar check Notethatthismatrixcanbereducedtoanequivalentcanonical r matrix derived from H(D). They showed that when some parity-check matrix a (jth) “column”of H(D) has a factor Dl (i.e., the jth column is not “delay free”), there is a possibility that state-space H′′(D)=△ 1 1 1 (4) 1 (cid:18) 1 1+D+D2 0 (cid:19) reduction can be realized. Being motivated by their work, we also examined the same case. We took notice of a syndrome by dividing the first “row” by D2. Hence, the dimension d 1 generation process. The time-k error ek and the time-k syn- can be reduced to 2. (Remark: This fact cannot be derived drome ζk are connected with the relation ζk = ekHT(D). from the results of [1].) It follows from the above argument From this relation, we noticed [8] that the transformation that there is a possibility that a reduced error-trellis can be e(kj) →Dlek(j) =e(kj−)l isequivalenttodividingthejthcolumn constructednotonlyusingforward-shiftederrorsubsequences of H(D) by Dl. That is, reduction can be accomplished by but also using backward-shifted error subsequences. shifting the “subsequence” {e(j)} of the original error-path. Now, we remark that a parity-check matrix H(D) with k On the other hand, consider the parity-check matrix the form described above appears in [10]. Tanner et al. [10] presented a class of algebraically constructed quasi-cyclic △ D2 D2 1 H (D)= . (1) (QC) LDPC codes and their convolutional counterparts. It 1 (cid:18) 1 1+D+D2 0 (cid:19) is stated that the convolutional codes obtained in the paper Since H (D) is canonical and all the columns are delay free, typically have large constraint lengths and therefore the use 1 anyfurtherreductionseemstobeimpossible.Infact,itfollows of trellis-based decoding is not feasible. However, the parity- from Theorem 1 of [1] that the dimension d of the state check matrices of LDPC convolutional codes proposed by 1 Tanner et al. have monomial entries. Accordingly, the above- (00)t=0 t=1001 t=2 t=3001 t=4000 t=5 010 010 mentioned state-space reduction method can be directly ap- 100 111 100 111 110 plied to those parity-check matrices. Then we intended to evaluate the state-space complexity of the error-trellis of an 000 000 (01) 011 011 010 LDPC convolutional code which appears in [10]. We show 110 101 101 100 110 that the overall constraint length (abbreviated as “OCL” in this paper) of the parity-check matrix which specifies an 011 000 011 000 001 LDPC convolutional code can be significantly reduced with (10) 101 110 101 110 111 the error-correctioncapabilityofthe convolutionalcodebeing preserved. 001 010 001 010 011 (11) 111 100 111 100 101 II. PRELIMINARIES ζ(1)ζ(2)=01 ζ(1)ζ(2)=10 ζ(1)ζ(2)=01 ζ(1)ζ(2)=10 ζ(1)ζ(2)=00 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 A. Error-Trellis Construction Using Shifted Error/Syndrome Subsequences Fig.1. Exampleerror-trellis basedonH2T(D). LetH(D)beaparity-checkmatrixforan(n ,k )convolu- 0 0 tionalcodeC.Inthispaper,weconsidertheerror-trellisbased on the syndrome former HT(D). In this case, the adjoint- B. Error-Trellis Construction Based on a Reciprocal Dual obvious realization of HT(D) is assumed unless otherwise Encoder specified. Denote by ek = (e(k1),···,e(kj),···,ek(n0)) and Considerthe (3,1,2)convolutionalcodeC2 with canonical ζ =(ζ(1),···,ζ(i),···,ζ(r))thetime-k errorandthetime-k parity-check matrix given by k k k k syndrome,respectively,where r=n −k . Thenwe have the 0 0 △ D 0 1 relation: H (D)= . (12) ζ =e HT(D). (5) 2 (cid:18) 1 1+D 0 (cid:19) k k In this subsection, we discuss using this specific example. Assume that the ith row of H(D) has the form However, the argumentis entirely general. Since the columns Dlih′i1(D) Dlih′i2(D) ... Dlih′in0(D) , (6) of H2(D) are delay free, the dimension d2 of the state space wher(cid:0)e l ≥ 1. Let H′(D) be the modified version(cid:1)of H(D) of the error-trellis based on the syndrome former H2T(D) is i givenby2 (seeTheorem1of[1]).Fig.1showsan error-trellis with the ith row being replaced by constructed based on HT(D) using the conventional method 2 h′ (D) h′ (D) ... h′ (D) . (7) [6].Itisassumedthata transmittedcode-pathisterminatedin i1 i2 in0 (Dζe(fi1)n,i·n·g·,ζζk′′(cid:0)((ii)),a·s··ζ,kζ(i()r))=△. TDhelniζkw′(ie)h=aveζk′(−i)li, w(cid:1)e set ζ′k =△ twihshegeairvlele-nzzebroy=szta0t=e00azti1st=zth2e4zai3mndazg4thineza5rcyo=rrree0cs1pe0iovne0dd1in1dga0rt0ae0.ceL0ive0et1dz0d0ab0tea, k k k 5 ζ′ =e H′T(D). (8) the input of the syndrome former H2T(D), then we have the k k syndrome sequence ζ = ζ ζ ζ ζ ζ = 01 10 01 10 00. 1 2 3 4 5 Similarly, assume that the jth column of H(D) has the form The overall error-trellis is constructed by concatenating five error-trellismodulescorrespondingto ζ . Note that the error- Dljh′1j(D) Dljh′2j(D) ... Dljh′rj(D) T , (9) trellis in Fig.1 is terminated in state (k00) at t = 5, which whe(cid:0)re lj ≥ 1. (Remark: H(D) is not basic [2] an(cid:1)d then not corresponds to the final syndrome-former state σ5 = (00). canonical.)LetH′(D) be the modifiedversionof H(D) with From Fig.1 (note that e5 = 000), we have four admissible the jth column being replaced by error-paths: h′1j(D) h′2j(D) ... h′rj(D) T . (10) ep1 = 010 011 000 001 000 (13) Also, let e(cid:0)′ =△ (e(1),···,e′(j),···,e(n0)), w(cid:1)here e′(j) =△ ep2 = 010 101 101 000 000 (14) k k k k k e = 100 000 100 000 000 (15) Dljek(j) =ek(j−)lj. Then we have ep3 = 100 110 001 001 000. (16) p4 ζ =e′H′T(D). (11) k k Next, consider the reciprocal dual encoder Noting these relations [8], [9], in the case where the ith △ 1 0 D row of H(D) has a factor Dli, by shifting the ith syndrome H˜ (D)= . (17) 2 (cid:18) D 1+D 0 (cid:19) subsequence by l time units, whereas in the case where the i jth column of H(D) has a factor Dlj, by shifting the jth Let z˜ = z4 z3 z2 z1 z0 = 001 000 011 010 000 be the error subsequence by l time units, we can construct an error time-reversed received data of {z }4 augmented with the j k k=1 trelliswithreducednumberofstates.Inthefollowing,wecall imaginary data z = 000. If z˜ is inputted to the syndrome 0 factoring out Dl from a row of H(D) and from a column of former H˜T(D), then the time-reversed syndrome sequence ˜ 2 H(D) “row operation” and “column operation”, respectively. ζ = ζ ζ ζ ζ ζ = 00 10 01 10 01 is obtained. The 5 4 3 2 1 t=0 t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4 t=5 For example [10], let (00) 000 001 100 010 100 010 I I I I I 101 011 101 011 1 2 4 8 16 H = I5 I10 I20 I9 I18 (23) (01) 010 110 000 110 0 00 I25 I19 I7 I14 I28 011 111 001 111 001 be the parity-check matrix of a (155,64)QC code (m=31), 100 000 110 000 110 where Ix is a 31 × 31 identity matrix with rows shifted (10) cyclically to the left by x positions. From H we obtain the 101 001 111 001 111 following parity-check matrix with polynomial entries: 110 010 100 010 100 D D2 D4 D8 D16 (11) 111 011 101 011 101 H(D)= D5 D10 D20 D9 D18 . (24) ζ(51)ζ(52)=00 ζ(41)ζ(42)=10 ζ(31)ζ(32)=01 ζ(21)ζ(22)=10 ζ(11)ζ(12)=01 D25 D19 D7 D14 D28 (Remark: It is stated [10] that the LDPC convolutional code Fig.2. Error-trellis basedonH˜2T(D). is obtained by unwrapping the constraint graph (i.e., Tanner graph) of the QC code.) Note that the polynomials in H(D) are all monomials. In this paper, we discuss exclusively correspondingerror-trellis is shown in Fig.2, where the trellis usingthisspecific example.However,theargumentisentirely is terminated in state (00), which corresponds to the final general. syndrome-former state σ˜ = (00). From Fig.2, we have four 5 admissible error-paths: B. Reordering Rows of H and the Corresponding H(D) Again, consider the parity-checkmatrix H of the (155,64) e˜ = 001 000 011 010 000 (18) q1 QC code. Let us cyclically shift the first block of m = 31 e˜q2 = 000 101 101 010 000 (19) rows above by one position, the middle block of 31 rows by e˜ = 000 100 000 100 000 (20) five positions, and the last block of 31 rows by 25 positions. q3 e˜ = 001 001 110 100 000. (21) The resulting matrix is given by q4 I I I I I 0 1 3 7 15 Compare these error-paths with those in Fig.1. We observe ′ H = I0 I5 I15 I4 I13 . (25) that each error-pathin Fig.2 (restricted to the section [0,4]) is I I I I I 0 25 13 20 3 representedinFig.1intime-reversedorder.Thatis,theoriginal error-pathscanberepresentedusingtheerror-trellisassociated Clearly,theQCblockcodeanditsassociatedconstraintgraph with the corresponding reciprocal dual encoder. areunaffectedbytheserowshifts.However,theconvolutional On the other hand, dividing the third column of H˜ (D) by code obtained based on the above procedure has the parity- 2 D, we have the reduced canonical parity-check matrix check matrix 1 D D3 D7 D15 H˜′(D)=△ 1 0 1 . (22) H′(D)= 1 D5 D15 D4 D13 . (26) 2 (cid:18) D 1+D 0 (cid:19) 1 D25 D13 D20 D3 In this case [1], [8], error-paths associated with H˜T(D) can We see that H′(D) is not equivalent to H(D). Two con- 2 be represented using the error-trellis constructed based on volutional codes specified by H(D) and H′(D) are in fact H˜′T(D). Note that a factor Dl in the column of H˜(D) different.WealsoremarkthatH(D)andH′(D)havedifferent 2 corresponds to backward-shifting by l time units (i.e., D−l) monomial entries and accordingly, when row/column factors in terms of the original H(D). This observation implies that are factored out, the resulting matrices have different OCLs. error-trellisstate-spacereductioncanbeequallyaccomplished On the other hand, we have the following important fact using backward-shifted error subsequences. [10]: Property: The LDPC convolutional codes obtained by un- III. QCCODES AND CORRESPONDING LDPC wrappingthe constraintgraphoftheQC codeshavetheirfree CONVOLUTIONAL CODES distance dfree lower-boundedby the minimum distance dmin of the corresponding QC code. A. LDPC Convolutional Codes Based on Circulant Matrices It is shown that the QC code associated with H has a Eachcirculantintheparity-checkmatrixofaQCblockcode minimumdistanced =20.Thend oftheconvolutional min free canbespecifiedbyauniquepolynomial;thepolynomialrepre- code C specified by H(D) is lower-bounded by d = 20. min sentstheentriesinthefirstcolumnofthecirculantmatrix.For (Itis conjecturedthatC hasa free distance d of 24 [10].) free example,acirculantmatrixwhosefirstcolumnis[111010]T From the above property, we also have d′ ≥ d = 20, free min isrepresentedbythepolynomial1+D+D2+D4.Usingthis where d′ is the free distance of the convolutionalcode C′ free correspondence, an LDPC convolutional code is constructed specifiedbyH′(D).Ingeneral,letH′(D)betheparity-check based on a parity-check matrix H of a given QC code [10]. matrixassociatedwithH′,whereH′istheparity-checkmatrix obtained by applying cyclic shifts to the rows of each block 7 of the originalH. Above observationsimply that the OCL of 6 H′(D) can be controlledto some extentwith its free distance 5 d′free beinglower-boundedby the minimumdistance dmin of ency 4 the QC code specified by H. qu 3 e fr 2 IV. REDUCTION OF OVERALL CONSTRAINT LENGTH 1 A. Row/Column Operations and Their Equivalent Represen- 0 tation 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 overall constraint length (μ) Again, take the parity-check matrix H given by Eq.(23). Here, let us cyclically shift the first block of 31 rows above byoneposition.Thenthefirstblock[I1 I2 I4 I8 I16]changes Fig.3. Overall constraint lengthofareduced H′(D). to [I I I I I ]. That is, the subscript number of each 0 1 3 7 15 entry decreases by 1. According to this change in H, the 7 first row of H(D) changes from [D D2 D4 D8 D16] to 6 [1 D D3 D7 D15]. In terms of the power of D, this change 5 is expressed as [1 2 4 8 16] → [0 1 3 7 15]. In general, we ncy 4 observe that each entry decreases by one (modulo 31) when e qu 3 wecyclicallyshifttherowsabovebyoneposition.Continuing fre 2 thisprocedure(Remark:itisassumedthatrowoperationshave 1 been done), we see that the first row of H(D) correspondsto 0 one ofthe followingfive patternsin termsof the powerof D: (cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:1) (cid:3)(cid:2) (cid:2)(cid:1) (cid:2)(cid:2) (cid:4)(cid:1) (cid:4)(cid:2) (cid:5)(cid:1) (cid:5)(cid:2) (cid:6)(cid:1) (cid:6)(cid:2) (cid:7)(cid:1) P =[0 1 3 7 15] overall constraint length (η) 1 P =[30 0 2 6 14] 2 PP3 ==[[2248 2259 20740182]] (27) Fig.4. Overall constraint lengthofareduced H˜′(D). 4 P =[16 17 19 23 0]. Similarly, the second a5nd third rowsof H(D) are represented to by 0 0 3 3 2 ′ S = 0 4 15 0 0 , (32) Q =[0 5 15 4 13] R =[0 25 13 20 3] 1 1 18 11 0 3 8 Q2 =[26 0 10 30 8] R2 =[6 0 19 26 9] QQ3 ==[[1267 211101 2009]29] and RR3 ==[[1118 512204 07 1241]] twhhatertehesumbtirnaicmtiuomn iisspeeqrufaolrmtoedzeirno.eaFcrhomcoSlu′m, tnheofOSCLinoofrdtheer 4 4 Q =[18 23 2 22 0] R =[28 22 10 17 0], reduced H′(D) is obtained as 3+15+18=36. 5 5 (28) respectively. Hence, when we apply cyclic shifts to the rows B. Reduction of Overall Constraint Length: Search Results of each block of the original H, the resulting H(D) can be As we have seen in the previous section, there are 5×5× specifiedbyapattern[P ,Q ,R ]T.Forexample,considerthe i j k 5 = 125 patterns in total. By applying column operations to pattern [P ,Q ,R ]T. The correspondingH(D) (cf. Eq.(24)) 1 1 3 each pattern, we examined the OCL µ of the corresponding is given by reduced parity-check matrix H′(D). The result is shown in 1 D D3 D7 D15 Fig.3, where the horizontal axis represents the OCL µ and H(D)= 1 D5 D15 D4 D13 . (29) the vertical axis represents its frequency. Observe that the D18 D12 1 D7 D21 minimumOCLµmin is35,whereasthemaximumOCLµmax is 83. That is, the values of µ cover a wide range. Next, Since row operations have been done, let us apply column basedonthe argumentinSectionII-B,weexaminedtheOCL operations. Then we have η using the reciprocal dual encoder H˜(D) associated with 1 1 D3 D3 D2 H(D). The result is shown in Fig.4. We have ηmin =31 and H′(D)= 1 D4 D15 1 1 . (30) ηmax = 85. Note that in this example, the minimum OCL D18 D11 1 D3 D8 is further reduced using a reciprocal dual encoder. Moreover, after having applied row/column operations to each H(D) We see that this is equivalent to the transformation from (denotebyH′(D)theresultingmatrix),wetookitsreciprocal 0 1 3 7 15 version H′(D). Then again applying row/column operations S = 0 5 15 4 13 (31) to H′(D), we examined the OCL µ′ of the resulting matrix. f 18 12 0 7 21 Using this method, we have further reduction with respect to f 18 V. CONCLUSION Δμ) 16 n ( 14 Inthispaper,weexaminedthestate-spacecomplexityofthe o ucti 12 error-trellis of an LDPC convolutional code derived from the mory red 1680 eQnCtribelsocinktchoedecosrpreecsipfioenddbinygappaarirtiyty-c-chheecckkmmaatrtrixixHH(.DS)inacreetahlel e m 4 monomials, we can construct a reduced error-trellis using the onal 2 methodof[1]orthatof[8].Wenoticedthatwhencyclicshifts dditi 0 areappliedtotherowsofH,theQCcoderemainsunchanged, a 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121 whereasthe correspondingparity-checkmatrixH′(D), which pattern No. defines another convolutional code, has row/column factors different from those in the original H(D). That is, the OCL of H′′(D), where H′′(D) is the matrix obtained by factoring Fig.5. Additional overall-constraint-length reduction. outrow/columnfactorsinH′(D),variesdependingontherow shifts applied to H. On the other hand, the free distance of the value of µ. The result is shown in Fig.5. We observe that the resulting convolutionalcode is still lower-bounded by the the maximum reduction ∆µ(=µ−µ′ ≥0) of 16 is realized. minimumdistanceof the originalQC code.These factsimply We remark that µ = 35 is reduced to µ′ = 34 using this that the state-space complexity of the error-trellis associated method. min with H′(D) can be controlled to some extent with the error- correctioncapabilitybeingpreservedandthisisourbasicidea. C. Efficient Search Method By applying our method to the example in [10], we have shown that the OCL of the parity-check matrix of an LDPC OuraimisthereductionoftheOCLofaparity-checkmatrix convolutional code can be significantly reduced compared to H(D). Since row operations have been done in a pattern [P ,Q ,R ]T, it is desirable for figures in each column to be the average one. The LDPC convolutional codes proposed i j k by Tanner et al. have large constraint lengths. Therefore, it close together (i.e., the difference δ between the maximum j is stated [10] that the use of trellis-based decoding is not and the minimum in the jth column is small). In this case, feasible. We basically agree on this point. However, it has each figure in the column becomes small after the column been shown that an error-trellis with much lower state-space operation, which finally leads to the reduction of the OCL. complexitythanwe imaginedcan beconstructed,whichgives Hence, we search for a pattern in which every column has some prospect of trellis-based decoding. δ ≤∆, where ∆ is a predetermined search parameter. j For example, set ∆ = 20. 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