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Error-Trellis Construction for Tailbiting Convolutional Codes Masato Tajima Koji Okino Graduate School of Science and Engineering Information Technology Center University of Toyama University of Toyama 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 2 1 t=0 t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4 t=5 0 Abstract—In this paper, we present an error-trellis construc- (00) 000 000 000 000 000 tion for tailbiting convolutional codes. A tailbiting error-trellis 2 111 111 111 111 111 is characterized by the condition that the syndrome former n startsandendsinthesamestate. Weclarifythecorrespondence a between code subtrellises in the tailbiting code-trellis and error J subtrellises in the tailbiting error-trellis. Also, we present a (01) 001 001 001 001 001 110 110 110 110 110 1 construction of tailbitingbackward error-trellises. Moreover, we 2 obtain the scalar parity-check matrix for a tailbiting convolu- 011 011 011 011 011 tional code. The proposed construction is based on the adjoint- ] obviousrealizationofasyndromeformeranditsbehaviorisfully (10) 100 100 100 100 100 T used in the discussion. I s. I. INTRODUCTION 010 010 010 010 010 c (11) In this paper, we always assume that the underlying field 101 101 101 101 101 [ is F = GF(2). Let G(D) be a generator matrix of an (n,k) 1 convolutional code C. Let H(D) be a corresponding r ×n Fig.1. Tailbiting code-trellis basedonG1(D). v parity-check matrix of C, where r = n−k. Both G(D) and 8 H(D) are assumed to be canonical [1], [5]. Denote by L the 2 4 memory length of G(D) (i.e., the maximum degree among i.e.,β0 =βN (βk istheencoderstateattimek).Supposethat 4 the polynomials of G(D)) and by M the memory length of Tt(bc) has Σ0 initial (or final) states, then it is composedof Σ0 1. H(D). Then H(D) is expressed as subtrellises, each having the same initial and final states. We 0 callthesesubtrellisestailbitingcodesubtrellises.Forexample, H(D)=H +H D+···+H DM. (1) 2 0 1 M atailbitingcode-trellisoflengthN =5basedonthegenerator 1 Consider a terminated version of C with N trellis sections. matrix : v That is, each codeword is a path starting from the all-zero G (D)=(1,1+D2,1+D+D2) (3) 1 i state at time t = 0 and ending in the all-zero state at time X t = N. In this case, C is specified by the following scalar is shown in Fig.1. Since Σ0 = 4, this tailbiting code-trellis ar parity-check matrix [1], [6]: is composed of 4 code subtrellises. In Fig.1, bold lines correspond to the code subtrellis with β =β =(1,0). H 0 5 0 On the other hand, it is reasonable to think that an error-  H1 H0  trellis T(e) for the tailbiting convolutional code C can  ... H1 ...  equallybtebconstructed.Inthiscase,eacherrorsubtrellistsbhould  ... ... ... ...  have the same initial and final states like a code subtrellis. In Hscalar = HM ... ... ... H0  (2) this paper, taking this property into consideration, we present  HM ... ... H1  an error-trellis construction for tailbiting convolutionalcodes.  ... ... ...  We also clarify the correspondence between code subtrellises  ... ...  in T(c) and error subtrellises in T(e). In this relationship, we  HM  seetthbatdualstates(i.e.,syndrome-tfbormerstatescorresponding with size (N +M)r×Nn (blanks indicate zeros). to encoder states) play an important role. Also, a kind of Tailbitingis a techniquebywhicha convolutionalcodecan superpositionrule associated with a syndromeformeris used. be used to construct a block code without any loss of rate Next, we present a construction of tailbiting backward error- [4], [7], [10]. Let C be a tailbiting convolutional code with trellises. Using the backwarderror-trellis,each tailbiting error tb an N-section code-trellis T(c). The fundamental idea behind pathisrepresentedintime-reversedorder.Moreover,wederive tb tailbiting is that the encoderstarts and ends in the same state, the general structure of the scalar parity-check matrix for a tailbiting convolutional code. Similar to a scalar generator B. Dual States matrix, it is shown that the obtained scalar parity-check The encoder states can be labeled by the syndrome-former matrix has a cyclic structure. In general, unlike code-trellises, states (i.e., dual states [2]). The dual state β∗ corresponding k error-trellises enable decoding with remarkably low average to the encoder state β is obtained by replacing e in σ by k k k complexity [1]. Hence, we think an error-trellis construction y =u G(D) (u is the information at time k). We have k k k presented in this paper is very important. ∗ β = (y ,···,y ,y ) k k−M+1 k−1 k II. SYNDROME FORMERHT(D) HMT ... 0 0 A. Adjoint-Obvious Realization of a Syndrome Former  ... ... ... ...  × . (10) Consider the adjoint-obvious realization (observer canon-  H2T ... HMT 0  ical form [2], [3]) of the syndrome former HT(D) (T  H1T ... HMT−1 HMT  means transpose). Let e = (e(1),e(2),···,e(n)) and ζ = Example 1: Consider the parity-check matrix k k k k k (ζk(1),ζk(2),···,ζk(r)) be the input error at time k and the 1+D D 1+D correspondingoutputsyndromeattimek,respectively.Denote H1(D)=(cid:18) D 1 1 (cid:19) (11) byσ(q) thecontentsofthememoryelementsintheabovereal- kp corresponding to G (D). H (D) is expressed as ization.Here,thecontentsofthememoryarraycorresponding 1 1 to the syndrome bit ζ(q) are labeled with q. For any fixed q, 1 0 1 1 1 1 k H (D) = + D σ(q) corresponds to the memory element which is closest to 1 (cid:18) 0 1 1 (cid:19) (cid:18) 1 0 0 (cid:19) k1 theqthoutputofthesyndromeformer(i.e.,ζ(q)).Ifamemory △ k = H +H D. (12) elementismissing,thecorrespondingσ(q) issettozero.Using 0 1 kp σ(q), the syndrome-formerstate at time k is defined as Hence (M = 1), the dual state corresponding to the encoder kp state βk =(uk−1,uk) is obtained as follows. σk =△ (σk(11),···,σk(r1),···,σk(1M),···,σk(rM)). (4) β∗k = ykH1T 1 1 (Remark: The effective size of σ is equal to the overall k = (y(1),y(2),y(3)) 1 0  constraint length of H(D).) k k k △ 1 0 Let ξ = (ζ ,σ )T be the extended state augmented with   the syndkrome ζkk. Tkhen ξk has an expression [8], [9]: = (yk(1)+yk(2)+yk(3),yk(1)) HM HM−1 ... H1 H0 = (uk−1+uk,uk). (13)  0 HM ... H2 H1  C. Behavior of a Syndrome Former ξk =  ... ... ... ... ...  Lemma 1: Let σk−1 be the syndrome-former state at time  0 0 ... HM HM−1  k−1.Here,assumethatanerrorek isinputtedtothesyndrome  0 0 ... 0 HM  former and it moves to the state σ at time k. Also, assume   k ×(ek−M,ek−M+1,···,ek)T thatthe syndromeζk is outputtedaccordingto this transition. =△ H∗×(ek−M,ek−M+1,···,ek)T . (5) (This relation is denoted as e From this expression, we have σk−1−ζ→k σk.) k σ =△ (σ(1),σ(2),···,σ(M)) Similarly, assume the relation k k k k = (ek−M+1,···,ek−1,ek) σ′ −e→′k σ′. (14) HMT ... 0 0 k−1 ζ′k k × ... ... ... ...  Then we have =△ (ek−MHH+21TT1,··..·....,ekH−HMT1MT,−e1k)×H0HMT ∗∗T. (6) Proof: Froσmkt−h1e+asσsu′km−p1tζeio−kkn++→,ζet′k′kheσkre+latσio′kn.s (15) Note that σk has an alternative expression: σ =(σ(2) ,···,σ(M),0)+e (HT,HT,···,HT ) (16) k k−1 k−1 k 1 2 M σk =(σ(k2−)1,···,σ(kM−1),0)+ek(H1T,H2T,···,HMT ). (7) σ′ =(σ′(2),···,σ′(M),0)+e′(HT,HT,···,HT ) (17) k k−1 k−1 k 1 2 M Similarly, ζ is expressed as k hold. Hence, we have ζk = ek−MHMT +···+ek−1H1T +ekH0T (8) σk+σ′k = (σ(k2−)1+σ′k(−2)1,···,σ(kM−1)+σk′(−M1),0) = σ(k1−)1+ekH0T. (9) +(ek+e′k)(H1T,H2T,···,HMT ). (18) On the other hand, using the relations Proof: From the assumption, we have ζk = σ(k1−)1+ekH0T (19) σfinz=−y→+eσfin. (27) ζ′ = σ′(1) +e′HT, (20) ζ k k−1 k 0 Also, from Lemma 2, we have y ∗ ∗ ζk+ζ′k =(σ(k1−)1+σ′k(−1)1)+(ek+e′k)H0T. (21) β ζ−=→0β (28) These expressions imply that is obtained. Hence, by applying Lemma 1, we have σk−1+σ′k−1ζe−kk++→ζe′k′kσk+σ′k σfin+β∗zζ++−0y→==ζeσfin+β∗. (29) holds. Lemma 2: Let β and β be the initial and final states of the code-trellis,0respectivNely. Denote by y a code path III. ERROR-TRELLISES FOR TAILBITING CONVOLUTIONAL connecting these states. (This is denoted as CODES y A. Error-Trellis Construction β −→β .) 0 N Suppose that the tailbiting code-trellis based on G(D) is Then we have definedin[0,N],whereN ≥M.Inthiscase,thecorrespond- y β∗−→β∗ . (22) ing tailbiting error-trellis based on HT(D) is constructed as 0ζ=0 N follows. That is, assume that the syndrome former is in the dual state Step1: Letz ={zk}Nk=1 be a receiveddata. Denoteby σ0 β∗0 ofβ0.Inthiscase,ify isinputtedtothesyndromeformer, the initial state of the syndrome former HT(D). Let σfin(= then it moves to the dual state β∗N of βN and the syndrome σN) be the final syndrome-former state corresponding to the ζ =0 is outputted. input z. Note that σfin is independentof σ0 and is uniquely Proof:Byextendingthecode-trellisinbothdirectionsby determined only by z. L sections, if necessary, we can assume the condition Step2:Setσ toσ andinputz tothesyndromeformer. 0 fin Here, assume that the syndrome sequence ζ = {ζ }N is β0 =0−y→′ βL −y→βN+L −y→′′ βN+2L =0, (23) obtained. (Remark: ζk (k ≥ M +1) has been obtkaink=ed1 in where y′ and y′′ are augmented code paths (initial and final Step 1.) states are both 0). Hence, we can apply the standard scalar Step3: Concatenatetheerror-trellismodulescorresponding to the syndromesζ . Then we have the tailbiting error-trellis. parity-check matrix H (cf. (2)). Then we have k scalar Example2:Again,considertheparity-checkmatrixH (D). 1 y′ y y′′ β∗ =0 −→ β∗ −→β∗ −→ β∗ =0. (24) Let 0 ζ′=0 Lζ=0 N+Lζ′′=0 N+2L z =z z z z z =111 110 110 111 000 (30) 1 2 3 4 5 Thatis,theoutputofthesyndromeformeriszeroforalltime. In the above relation, we can note the following subsection: be the received data. According to Step 1, let us input z to ∗ y ∗ the syndrome former H1T(D). Then we have σfin = (0,0). βLζ−=→0βN+L. (25) Next,wesetσ0 toσfin =(0,0)andinputz tothesyndrome former. In this case, the syndrome sequence Let z = {zk}Nk=1 be a received data. Denote by σ0 the ζ =ζ1 ζ2 ζ3 ζ4 ζ5 =00 00 10 01 11 (31) initial state of the syndromeformer.Letσ be the syndrome- k is obtained. The tailbiting error-trellis is constructed by con- former state at time k correspondingto the input z. Note that catenating the error-trellis modules corresponding to ζ . The σ isindependentofσ ifk≥M.Also,ζ isindependentof k k 0 k obtained tailbiting error-trellis is shown in Fig.2. σ if k ≥M +1. In the following, we assume the condition 0 N ≥M. B. CorrespondenceBetweenCodeSubtrellisesandErrorSub- Proposition 1: Lety beatransmittedcodepathinatailbit- trellises ingcodesubtrelliswithβ =β =β.Also,letz =y+ebe 0 N With respect to the correspondencebetween tailbiting code thereceiveddata,whereeisanerror.Denotebyσ (=σ ) fin N subtrellises and tailbiting error subtrellises, we have the fol- the final syndrome-formerstate corresponding to the input z. lowing. Here, assume that σ is set to σ and z is inputted to the 0 fin Proposition 2: Let β (= β ) = β be the initial (final) 0 N syndromeformer.Letζ betheoutputtedsyndrome.(Notethat state of a tailbiting code subtrellis. Then the initial (final) the final syndrome-formerstate is σ .) Then we have fin state of the corresponding tailbiting error subtrellis is given σ +β∗−e→σ +β∗. (26) by σfin+β∗. fin fin ζ Proof: Direct consequence of Proposition 1. t=0 t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4 t=5 t=0 t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4 t=5 (00) 000 000 011 (00) 000 111 000 101 110 101 010 111 111 100 011 100 010 001 110 001 011 000 0 11 000 111 (01) 101 101 110 (01) 101 010 101 010 010 001 111 100 110 0 01 011 100 110 011 011 0 00 110 101 010 101 111 000 010 (10) (10) 100 100 111 001 010 001 110 100 011 001 110 110 101 011 000 111 000 010 101 111 (11) 001 001 010 100 111 (11) 100 011 001 110 100 ζ(1)ζ(2)=00 ζ(1)ζ(2)=00 ζ(1)ζ(2)=10 ζ(1)ζ(2)=01 ζ(1)ζ(2)=11 η(1)η(2)=00 η(1)η(2)=11 η(1)η(2)=01 η(1)η(2)=10 η(1)η(2)=00 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Fig.2. Tailbiting error-trellis basedonH1T(D). Fig.3. Tailbiting backwarderror-trellis basedonH˜1T(D). Example 2 (Continued): Consider the tailbiting error-trellis be the time-reversed received data. According to Step 1, let in Fig.2. In this example, we have σ = (0,0). The us input z˜ to the syndrome former H˜T(D). Then we have fin 1 correspondingtailbitingcode-trellisbasedonG (D)isshown σ˜ =(0,0). Next, we set σ˜ to σ˜ =(0,0) and input z˜ 1 fin 0 fin in Fig.1. In Fig.1, take notice of the code subtrellis with to the syndrome former. In this case, the syndrome sequence initial (final) state β = (1,0) (bold lines). The dual state of β =(1,0)iscalculatedasβ∗ =(u−1+u0,u0)=(1+0,0)= η =η1 η2 η3 η4 η5 =00 11 01 10 00 (35) (1,0).Hence,theinitial(final)stateofthecorrespondingerror is obtained. Since M =1, we see that the correspondence ∗ subtrellisisgivenbyσ +β =(0,0)+(1,0)=(1,0)(bold fin η = η η η η η lines in Fig.2). 1 2 3 4 5 = ζ ζ ζ ζ ζ (36) 1 5 4 3 2 C. Backward Error-Trellis Construction holds. The tailbiting backward error-trellis is constructed by Let G˜(D) and H˜(D) be the reciprocal encoder and the concatenating the error-trellis modules corresponding to η . reciprocaldualencoder[6]associatedwithG(D),respectively. k The obtained tailbiting backward error-trellis is shown in Thenthe tailbitingbackwarderror-trelliscorrespondingto the Fig.3. original tailbiting error-trellis is constructed as follows. Next, consider the correspondence between forward error Step 1: Let z˜ = {z˜k}Nk=1 = {zN−k+1}Nk=1 be the time- subtrellises and backward error subtrellises. First, note the reversed received data. Denote by σ˜ the initial state of the 0 following. syndrome former H˜T(D). Let σ˜fin(= σ˜N) be the final Proposition 3: Let β˜ (= β˜ ) = β˜ be the initial (final) syndrome-formerstatecorrespondingtotheinputz˜.Notethat 0 N state of a tailbiting backward code subtrellis. Then the initial σ˜ is independent of σ˜ and is uniquely determined only fin 0 (final) state of the corresponding backward error subtrellis is bySz˜te.p2:Setσ˜ toσ˜ andinputz˜tothesyndromeformer. given by σ˜fin+β˜∗. 0 fin Proof: Direct consequence of Proposition 1. Here, assume that the syndrome sequence η = {ηk}Nk=1 is Let β˜ be the backward state corresponding to β. Then the obtained. forwardcodesubtrelliswithβ (=β )=βandthebackward Remark: It is shown that ζ = {ζk}Nk=1 and η = {ηk}Nk=1 codesubtrelliswith β˜ (=β˜ 0)=β˜Ncorrespondto eachother. have the following correspondence: 0 N Hence, using Propositions 2 and 3, we have the following. ∗ η = η η ··· η η ··· η Proposition 4: Let σ +β be the initial (final) state of 1 2 M M+1 N fin = ζM ζM−1 ··· ζ1 ζN ··· ζM+1. (32) a tailbiting forward error subtrellis. Then the initial (final) state of the corresponding backward error subtrellis is given Step3: Concatenatethe error-trellismodulescorresponding by σ˜ +β˜∗, where β˜ is the backward state of β. fin to the syndromes η . Then we have the tailbiting backward k Example 3 (Continued): Consider the reciprocal encoder error-trellis. Example 3: Take notice of Example 2. The reciprocal dual G˜1(D)=(D2,1+D2,1+D+D2) (37) encoder H˜1(D) associated with G1(D) is given by and the reciprocal dual encoder H˜ (D) associated with 1 H˜ (D)= 1+D 1 1+D . (33) G1(D). H˜1(D) is expressed as 1 (cid:18) 1 D D (cid:19) 1 1 1 1 0 1 H˜ (D) = + D Let 1 (cid:18) 1 0 0 (cid:19) (cid:18) 0 1 1 (cid:19) △ z˜=z˜ z˜ z˜ z˜ z˜ =000 111 110 110 111 (34) = H˜ +H˜ D. (38) 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 ˜ Hence, the dual state corresponding to βk = (uk−1,uk) is Similarly, we have calculated as β˜∗k = ykH˜1T ζ2 == ((eeN−M−M+2+H2HMTMT++·····+·+e0eHN2TH)2T+)e+1He11TH+1T e+2He20TH0T 1 0 = (e1,e2,···,eN−M+2,···,eN) = (yk(1),yk(2),yk(3)) 0 1  ×(H ,H ,0,···,0,H ,···,H )T. (45) 1 1 1 0 M 2   = (y(1)+y(3),y(2)+y(3)) The same argumentcan be applied to ζk (3≤k ≤N). Then k k k k we see that HT is written as = (uk−1+uk,uk−1). (39) scalar H0T H1T ...HMT−1 HMT Here,takenoticeoftheerrorsubtr∗elliswithinitial(final)state  H0T ... ... HMT−1 HMT  (1,0)inFig.2.(Notethatσfin+β =(0,0)+(1,0)=(1,0).)  ... H1T ... HMT−1...  This error subtrellis corresponds to the code subtrellis with  H0T H1T ... ... HMT . (46) initial (final) state β =(1,0) in F˜ig.1. On the other hand, the  HMT H0T H1T ...HMT−1 backward˜s∗tate of β = (1,0) is β = (0,1) and its dual state HMT−1HMT H0T ... ...  becomes β =(u−1+u0,u−1)=(0+1,0)=(1,0). Hence,  ... ... ... ... H1T  fbraocmkwParrodpoesrirtoiornsu4b,ttrheelliinsitiisalg(ifivneanl)bsytaσ˜teoft+heβ˜c∗or=res(p0o,n0d)in+g  H1T H2T ... HMT H0T  fin By transposing this matrix, H is obtained. (1,0)=(1,0) (bold lines in Fig.3). scalar V. CONCLUSION IV. Hscalar FORTAILBITING CONVOLUTIONAL CODES Inthispaper,wehavepresentedanerror-trellisconstruction ConsiderthetailbitingconvolutionalcodeC withN trellis for tailbiting convolutional codes. A tailbiting error-trellis is tb sections specified by a parity-checkmatrix H(D). C can be characterizedbytheconditionthatthesyndromeformerstarts tb regardedasan(Nn,Nk)blockcode[4].Inthiscase,wehave and ends in the same state. We have clarified the correspon- the following. dence between code subtrellises in the tailbiting code-trellis Proposition 5: Assume that H(D) has the form (1). Then and error subtrellises in the tailbiting error-trellis. Also, we the scalar parity-check matrix H for C is given by have presented a construction of tailbiting backward error- scalar tb trellises. Moreover, we have obtained the general structure of H0 HM ... H2 H1 the scalar parity-check matrix for a tailbiting convolutional  H1 H0 ... ... H2  code. We see that the obtainedresults correspondto those for  ... H1 ... HM ...  tailbiting code-trellises in the natural manner. HM−1 ... ... H0 HM (40)  HM HM−1... H1 H0  REFERENCES  HM ... ... H1 ...  [1] M.ArielandJ.Snyders,“Error-trellises forconvolutionalcodes–PartI:    ...HM−1 ... ... H0  Construction,” IEEETrans. Commun., vol. 46, no. 12, pp.1592–1601,  HM HM−1... H1 H0  [2] DGe.cD..19F9o8rn.ey, Jr., “Structural analysis of convolutional codes via dual codes,”IEEETrans.Inform.Theory,vol.IT-19,no.4,pp.512–518,July with size Nr×Nn. 1973. Proof: Consider the tailbiting error-trellis of Ctb. It is [3] R. Johannesson and K. S. 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