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Error estimates and specification parameters for functional renormalization David Schnoerr,1 Igor Boettcher,1 Jan M. Pawlowski,1,2 and Christof Wetterich1 1Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany 2ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI Helmholtzzentrum fu¨r Schwerionenforschung mbH, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany (Dated: January 18, 2013) We present a strategy for estimating the error of truncated functional flow equations. While the basic functional renormalization group equation is exact, approximated solutions by means of truncations do not only depend on the choice of the retained information, but also on the precise definitionofthetruncation. Therefore,resultsdependonspecificationparametersthatcanbeused 3 to quantify the error of a given truncation. We demonstrate this for the BCS-BEC crossover in 1 ultracold atoms. Within a simple truncation the precise definition of the frequency dependence of 0 the truncated propagator affects the results, indicating a shortcoming of the choice of a frequency 2 independent cutoff function. n PACSnumbers: 05.10.Cc,11.10.Hi,67.85.Lm a J 7 I. INTRODUCTION oferrorsfornon-perturbativemethodsevenmoreurgent. 1 In this work, we address the estimate of errors for the ] Understanding the behavior of strongly correlated functionalrenormalizationgroupfortheeffectiveaverage s quantum many-body systems is an important and chal- action. The simple one loop form of the exact functional a lenging task in numerous areas of modern physics, rang- flow equation [4], together with physically intuitive non- g - ing from heavy ion collisions and neutron stars to high perturbativetruncationschemes,makesthemethodpar- nt temperaturesuperconductorsandultracoldatomicgases. ticularly suitable for a study of non-perturbative prob- a Due to the absence of a small expansion parameter, lems [5–12]. In order to have a practical example we dis- u non-perturbative methods have to be employed for the cusspossibilitiesforanerrorestimatefortheuseoffunc- q description of these systems. The necessity to go be- tionalrenormalizationfortheBCS-BECcrossoverofnon- . t yond perturbative approaches arises generically in many relativistic fermions in three dimensions. The system is a physical situations, including quantum gravity, systems archetypicalforthetransformationofphysicallawswhen m withlargelydifferentlengthscales,ornon-perturbatively goingfromthesimplicityofthemicroscopictheorytothe d- renormalizable theories. complexityoftheeffectivemany-bodysystem: Quantum n Typically, providing error estimates for non- andthermalfluctuationswashoutmanydetailsofthemi- o perturbative techniques is hard. For instance, the croscopiclawsandnewstructuressuchasboundstatesor c accuracy of numerical Monte Carlo simulations may collective phenomena emerge. In particular, for infinite [ be measured by the relative change of observables s-wavescatteringlengthbetweentheatomstheso-called 1 due to enlarging the number of grid points. Similarly, unitary Fermi gas constitutes a universal strongly cou- v including higher order terms in truncations of Func- pled system. Important benchmark observables for the 9 tional Renormalization Group or Schwinger–Dyson latteratzerotemperaturearetheBertschparameter,the 6 equations partially provides a notion of convergence gapparameterandtheTancontact. Theirprecisedeter- 1 of the corresponding results. However, such improve- mination attracts a lot of interest, both experimentally 4 ments are numerically costly and it is desirable to find and theoretically, and allows for comparison of different . 1 methods which allow for error estimates within a given non-perturbativeapproachesintheabovesense. Ouraim 0 approximation scheme. is to obtain an error estimate for the results of the FRG 3 A promising direction to quantify experimentally the approach to the BCS-BEC crossover for the truncation 1 : reliabilityofnon-perturbativemethodshasemergedwith presented in Refs. [13–17]. v the rapidly evolving field of ultracold quantum gases. Thispaperisorganizedasfollows. InSec.IIwesuggest i X The latter can be realized and controlled in experiment a method to estimate the error of solutions to truncated with unprecedented accuracy. Observables such as bind- flowequationsbymeansofspecificationparameters. We r a ing energies, the equation of state, the phase diagram or introduce the microscopic model of ultracold fermions collective modes can be measured over a wide range of in the BCS-BEC crossover and discuss the used trunca- interaction strengths, temperatures and densities [1–3]. tion scheme in Sec. III. In Sec. IV we define specifica- The precise knowledge of the microscopic Hamiltonian tion parameters by means of finite difference projections of ultracold alkali gases, combined with the universality for the wave function renormalization and gradient co- of long range physics, allows for a comparison with first efficient of the inverse boson propagator. In Sec. V we principle methods for computing the partition function investigate the behaviour of the equation of state, the which results from this Hamiltonian, and which deter- Bertsch parameter, the gap parameter and the Tan con- minesthemacroscopicphysicsofthesystem. Thispossi- tact upon variations of the specification parameters. In bilityforprecisemeasurementsmakesareliableestimate Sec. VI we draw conlcusions about the accuracy of the 2 used truncation scheme and discuss how this suggests of couplings which are left out in the flowing data. For possibe improvements of the latter. App. A contains the example, the inverse propagator of a classical statisti- truncation in more detail. The flow equations for the cal model is a function P(q2) of the squared momentum running couplings are presented in App. B. The emer- q2 (This holds if the system is invariant under transla- gence of universality due to fixed point solutions of the tions and rotations.). One may choose to approximate running couplings and their corresponding initial values the momentum dependence of P(q2) by one simple cou- are discussed in App. C. pling,P(q2)−P(0)=z q2. Thewavefunctionrenormal- k ization z depends on k and is part of the flowing data. k Onehastospecify,however,howonedefinesz precisely. k II. ERROR ESTIMATES FOR FUNCTIONAL An example is RENORMALIZATION P(c2k2)−P(0) z = . (3) The evolution of the effective average action Γ with k c2k2 k the renormalization scale k is governed by an exact flow (For c → 0 this amounts to z = ∂P/∂q2| .) The equation [4] k q2=0 flow generator for z (given by −ηz , with η the anoma- k k 1 (cid:104) (cid:105) lousdimension)dependsonthechoiceofthespecification ∂ Γ = STr (Γ(2)+R )−1∂ R . (1) k k 2 k k k k parameter c. A more precise form of Eq. (1) is then Here, Γ [ϕ] is a functional of bosonic and/or fermionic k fields ϕ, and Γ(2)[ϕ] is the second functional derivative k∂kg =ζ(g,c), (4) k or inverse propagator in the presence of arbitrary fields. where c is a set of specification parameters. ThesupertraceSTrincludesasinglemomentumintegral, Besides the specification parameters c, the flow gen- as characteristic for a one loop extremum. The infrared erators also depend on further numbers like cutoff pa- cutoffR shouldguaranteethatonlyasmallmomentum k range of q2 around k2 contributes to Eq. (1), and that rameters, bosonization parameters etc. We may collect them in a set of flow parameters w which replace c in the r.h.s. is ultraviolet and infrared finite. Eq. (4). Physical results cannot depend on the choice Despite its simple structure, Eq. (1) is a complicated of parameters w. The cutoff is only a technical device non-linear functional differential equation. A general and its choice has to drop out in the final results [5]. functional Γ [ϕ] involves infinitely many parameters or k The same holds for the procedure of bosonization [18], couplings. Truncations reduce this infinite set to a finite for example by the precise implementation [19, 20] of a setofcouplingsorfunctionsthatwemaycalltheflowing Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation [21, 22] or similar data g. Eq. (1) then translates to a set of flow equations concepts for flowing bosonization [23]. The specification given by parameters c are obviously only needed for a given ap- k∂ g =ζ(g). (2) proximation scheme and have no meaning for physical k results. Here, ζ(g) are the beta functions or flow generators for Inagiventruncation,however,theresultswilldepend theflowingdatag. Typically,g containstheeffectivepo- on the choice of w. The variation of results within a tential,thepropagatorsandseveralverticesofthetheory. reasonable range of w therefore provides a simple error To obtain a numerically tractable set of equations, g can estimate for the short-coming of a given truncation. In contain at most a finite number of functions. These can addition, stability or fragility of the flow equations with be parametrized in different ways, e.g. by a polynomial respect to changes of w can indicate possible ways to expansion or function values at given arguments. The improve the truncation scheme. approximation procedure for functional renormalization Investigations of the dependence of results on cutoff consists in a truncation which specifies the used flowing parameters have been performed in the past by employ- data g, a computation of the corresponding flow genera- ing a family of cutoff functions [24]. This had led to torsζ(g),andfinallyanumericalsolutionofEq.(1)with criteria for optimized cutoffs [6, 24–27]. Also the depen- initial data g(Λ) given at some microscopic scale Λ. For denceonfreeparametersinpartialbosonizationhasbeen k →0 the infrared cutoff R is removed, all fluctuations studied [18], showing how the “Fierz Ambiguity” in the k are taken into account, and the data g(k → 0) corre- Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation is resolved. The spondtophysicaln-pointfunctionsorsimilarquantities. influence of the relative cutoff scale on observables in a Benchmark quantities as the Bertsch parameter can be theoryofbothbosonsandfermionshasbeeninvestigated extracted from g(k →0). in [28–30]. For a given truncated flowing data g, the flow genera- In this paper we concentrate on the influence of the tors are not uniquely determined. Indeed, the reduction specification parameter c on the FRG approach to the of the exact flow equation to a finite set of equations BCS-BEC crossover in the truncation of Refs. [13–15]. introduces the need for a specification how ζ(g) is deter- For this quantum statistical system the inverse boson minedintermsofg. Thisprescriptionfixesthetreatment propagator P (q ,q2) is a function of two variables, the φ 0 3 squaredspace-momentumq2 andthetimecomponentq To investigate the relevance of c and c , we compute 0 Z A that is related to the Matsubara frequency. The trunca- theequationofstate,thegapparameter,theTancontact tion of Γ uses for each k a simple form for the inverse and the dimer-dimer scattering length in the crossover k propagator, as a function of the specification parameters. For sim- plicity, we restrict to the case of zero temperature. We Pφ,k(q0,q2)=iZkq0+ 12Akq2, (5) fionndthtehartestuhltespwairtahminetoeurrcAnuhmaesrincoalimrepsoolruttainotn.inIflnuecnocne- trast, the results depend significantly on c . A detailed withflowingdatacomprisingthetwo“couplings”Z and Z k discussionispresentedinSec.VandourConclusionsVI. A . InRefs.[13–15]thecorrespondingflowequationsfor k This result indicates that the regulator works well for the running couplings Z and A have been defined by k k spatial momenta, but fails to effectively cut off the con- the derivative of the flow equation for the boson propa- tributions of frequencies outside an interval q ≈ k2. As gator at vanishing momentum and vanishing frequency. 0 a result the detailed frequency dependence of the boson In this work, we generalize this prescription by means of propagator matters, and a too simple approximation for a finite difference projection according to this frequency dependence leads to substantial inaccu- racies of the results. Incorporating a regulator function ∂ P (c2k2,0)−∂ P (0,0) ∂ Z = k φ,k Z k φ,k , (6) which depends on both spatial momenta q2 and frequen- k k ic2k2 Z cies q0 may result in observables which are much more insensitive to variations in both c and c . and similarly for A with a parameter c . Although the Z A k A flowingdatag =(Z,A)remainsthesame,theflowgener- atorsadditionallydependonthespecificationparameters III. MICROSCOPIC MODEL AND c andc . Indeed,anexactflowequationforP (q ,q2) Z A φ,k 0 TRUNCATION can be derived from the second functional derivative of Eq. (1) [5]. Even for a given truncation of the vertices We consider an ultracold Fermi gas in three dimen- appearinginthisequationtheflowgeneratorsforZ and k sions, where the atoms can occupy two different hyper- A will depend on the point in momentum space where k fine states. We assume a balanced population. The ∂ P isevaluated,andthereforeonthechoiceofc and k φ,k Z atomsaredescribedbyatwo-componentGrassmannfield c . A ψ = (ψ ,ψ ). The collective bosonic degrees of freedom The motivation for introducing the finite difference 1 2 are incorporated in a complex scalar field ϕ. The eu- projectioninEq.(6)residesinthefactthat,foraproper clidean microscopic action is given by choiceofregulatorfunctions, theloopintegralappearing ibnytvhaelufleoswofgtehneerpartooprsagaattoar gwivitehnqs0ca≈lekk2 aisnddoqm2in≈atke2d. S[ψ,ϕ]=(cid:90) 1/T dτ(cid:90) d3x(cid:16)ψ†(cid:0)∂τ −∇2−µ(cid:1)ψ Hence, the truncation should resolve the inverse prop- 0 (cid:17) agator in the vicinity of these in a sufficient manner. +ϕ∗(ν −2µ)ϕ−h(ϕ∗ψ ψ −ϕψ∗ψ∗) . Λ 1 2 1 2 This is ensured by the finite difference projection with (7) c and c near unity. In many situations a continuation Z A to c ,c →0 induces only a small effect, while values of ItisfixedatasufficientlylargemomentumscaleΛ,where Z A c and c substantially larger than unity are not mean- theinteractionsbetweentheatomscanbeapproximated Z A ingful. to be pointlike. Hence, Λ−1 has to be much larger than In the FRG approach to the BCS-BEC crossover, so the characteristic length scale where details of the inter- far, only regulator functions which do not depend on atomic potential are resolved. The latter is of the order frequencies have been employed for the sake of techni- of the van-der-Waals length or the effective range. calsimplicity. Unfortunately, thisimpliesthatbothvery We work in non-relativistic natural units with (cid:126) = largeandverysmallfrequencies(ascomparedtok2)con- k = 1 and rescale 2M = 1, where M is the mass of B tribute to the loop integrals in the flow generators. Only the fermionic atoms. The fields depend on the euclidean themomentumintegralsoverspace-momenta(cid:126)q areeffec- time τ, which is restricted to a torus with circumference tivelyrestrictedtoasmallinterval. Becauseofthisshort- 1/T, where T is the temperature of the system. We in- cominginthechoiceofR oneofthemainadvantagesof troduce the Feshbach or Yukawa coupling h, which is k the flow equation (1), namely the effective restriction of directly related to the width of the Feshbach resonance all momentum integrals to a small range, is lost. Linear [31, 32]. After renormalization, the term ν corresponds Λ approximationstotheq -dependenceoftheinverseprop- to the detuning from resonance. This parameter can be 0 agator P (q ,q2) may therefore become insufficient. A varied experimentally by applying an external magnetic φ,k 0 substantialdependenceofresultsonc couldrevealsuch field. Z an insufficiency, and we indeed will find that this is the The basic idea underlying the Functional Renormal- case. This demonstrates that our approach to an error ization Group is to take the microscopic action S at ul- estimate can be used directly to detect particular short- traviolet scale Λ as a starting point and to successively comings of a given truncation or choice of cutoff. include quantum and thermal fluctuations of momenta 4 larger than a flowing momentum scale k. For k = 0, q2. This simplifies the computation of the flow genera- all fluctuations are included and one arrives at the full tors, since Matsubara summations over frequencies can effective action Γ. The latter, in turn, is the generat- be carried out analytically. Moreover, this choice typi- ing functional of the one-particle irreducible correlation cally provides qualitatively convincing results. Although functionsofthetheory,andthuscontainsallinformation optimization criteria for regulators can be derived, it is, aboutthemacroscopicsystem. Atintermediatevaluesof at present, not fully understood how much the results k, the effective average action Γ can be interpreted as of FRG calculations are influenced by the choice of the k theeffectiveactionforatheoryvalidatmomentumscale function R (Q). k k. In summary, the functional Γ satisfies Γ = S and In this work, we use optimized regulator functions k Λ Γ = Γ. Its evolution is determined by the exact flow 0 equation (1). More precisely, in this equation the “su- Rφ,k(Q)=Ak(k2−q2/2)θ(k2−q2/2) (10) pertrace” STr denotes an integration over momenta and and a summation over field indices, with the characteristic minus sign for fermions. The regulator R has to satisfy k R (Q)=(k2sgn(q2−µ)−(q2−µ))θ(k2−|q2−µ|), ψ,k (11) lim R (Q)=k2, k q2/k2→0 (8) which do not depend on q . For the bosons, we sup- lim R (Q)=0, 0 k press fluctuations with small momenta, whereas for the q2/k2→∞ fermions we regularize around the Fermi surface. with Q = (q ,(cid:126)q). In principle, one would like to have a 0 similarpropertyforthedependenceofR onq ,butthis k 0 is not realized for the cutoff functions depending only on IV. FINITE DIFFERENCE PROJECTION q2 that have been employed so far. In this work, we use a basic and physically motivated In addition to choosing an ansatz for the effective av- truncation for the effective average action of the BCS- erage action, one has to specify projection prescriptions BEC crossover. The momentum dependence of the in- for the scale-dependent parameters. Here, we use estab- verse boson propagator is assumed to be of the form lished projection prescriptions for the running couplings containedintheeffectivepotentialU (ρ,µ), seeApp. A. k P (Q)=iZ q +A q2/2. (9) The wave function renormalization Z and the gradient φ,k k 0 k k coefficientA areprojectedbymeansoffinitedifferences k This ansatz constitutes a systematic infrared expansion of the inverse boson propagator, of the most general form of the bosonic self-energy, see Eq.(A3). ATaylorexpansionaroundthepoint(q0,q2)= Z =−G−φ,112(p0,0)−G−φ,112(0,0)(cid:12)(cid:12) , (12) (i(fcq2Z2tkh−2e,ccc2A2Aokek2ffi2)2)cwitehonauttsldwolefeantdhegetsloeecctcoohrrrererecect.tioiTonnhssi∼sairs(eqw0ne−olltcm2Ztkoo2ot)iv2laaatrnegdde Ak =2G−φ,122(0,p2)p−0G−φ,122(0,0)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)p0=c2Z.k2 (13) and if the effective momentum range contributing to the k p2 (cid:12)p=cAk flow is restricted to the neighborhood of k2. In contrast, Herein, the inverse propagator matrix G−1 is defined as if the effective momentum range is large, as for q in φ 0 case of an q -independent cutoff, the deviations of the 0 δ2Γ truepropagatorfromtheansatz(9)mayhaveimportant G−1 (p ,p2)δ(P +P(cid:48))= k . (14) φ,ij 0 δφ (P)δφ (P(cid:48)) effects. i j We neglect fluctuation effects on the fermion propaga- Weworkintherealfieldbasisforthebosonswithφ and tor and the Feshbach coupling. The running couplings 1 φ given by Z and A , respectively, are referred to as wave function 2 k k renormalization and gradient coefficient in what follows. 1 φ= √ (φ +iφ ). (15) Weincludeascale-dependenteffectivepotentialU (ρ,µ), 1 2 k 2 whichisafunctionoftheU(1)-invariantρ=φ∗φandthe chemical potential µ. It is expanded around its scale- In Eqs. (12) and (13), we introduce the specification pa- dependent minimum ρ = ρ and the chemical poten- rameters c and c as a measure of the relative width 0 0,k Z A tial. OurtruncationisdiscussedinmoredetailinApp.A. of the corresponding finite difference with respect to the The choice of regulators is a central issue for the so- flow parameter k. In the limit c ,c → 0, the projec- Z A lution of the flow equation. To implement the idea of tions in Eqs. (12) and (13) reduce to derivatives eval- a momentum-shell integration at each renormalization uated at vanishing frequency and momentum. This is group step, one should use cutoff functions R (Q) which an established projection prescription used frequently in k arelocalizedatq2 ≈k2andq ≈k2foragivenscalek. In the literature, in particular for the FRG approach to the 0 practicalapplicationsoftheFRG,however,oneoftenre- BCS-BEC crossover. We refer to it as the “derivative liesonregulatorswhichonlydependonspatialmomenta projection”. While the latter approximates the inverse 5 V. RESULTS 1 full propagator By investigating the dependence of observables on c finite diff. projection Z )] derivative projection and cA, we are able to estimate the potential error due (p to a limited momentum and frequency resolution of the 1 − inverse boson propagator. To leading order, the bosons G e[ 0.5 are non-dynamical degrees of freedom in the BCS limit. R Therefore, we expect that changing the projections for the dynamical components of the inverse boson propa- gator has only a small influence in this regime. For the unitaryandBECregimes,thereisnoaprioriexpectation for the behavior of physical observables. 0 0 0.5 1 First, we consider the equation of state in the form of p/k the functional dependence of the chemical potential on the density. The black solid line in Fig. 2 shows the re- FIG. 1: Real part of the inverse boson propagator for fixed sult of the derivative expansion [13–17], i.e. c =c =0, p as a function of momentum for some finite k in arbitrary Z A 0 forT =0. Wesubtracthalfthebindingenergyofadimer units. The black solid line represents the full inverse boson to obtain a positive number. In the BCS regime, we find propagator,ascomputedfromanintegrationoverthefermion good agreement with the expected limit µ(n) = (cid:15) (n), loop. It shows a typical quadratic dependence for small mo- F where (cid:15) =k2 =(3π2n)2/3 is the Fermi energy of a non- menta p/k (cid:28)1 and flattening for larger momenta. The blue F F dot-dashedandreddashedlinesshowtheapproximationsfor interacting ideal Fermi gas. The derivative expansion the derivative projection and the finite difference projection also reproduces the Lee–Huang–Yang equation of state for c =1, respectively. While the former is appropriate for of a weakly interacting gas of bosonic molecules in the A p/k (cid:28)1, the latter gives a more accurate approximation for BEClimit. However,itlacksquantitativeaccuracyinthe p/k≈cA. unitary regime. For the Bertsch parameter ξ = µ/(cid:15)F at the unitary point, one obtains ξ =0.55. (The subscript d indicates the used derivative projection.) This value ex- boson propagator around p = p2 = 0, the finite differ- 0 ceedstheexperimentalfindingξ =0.370(5)(8)[3,33]. exp ence takes into account information at finite frequencies Thefinitedifferenceprojectionallowsustoinvestigate and momenta. It is thus supposed to give more accurate the sensitivity of the equation of state with respect to approximations for frequencies and momenta p ≈ k2 0 variations of c and c . Fig. 2 also shows the equation and p2 ≈ k2, respectively. Fig. 1 illustrates this idea for Z A of state at zero temperature for different values of c the real part of the inverse boson propagator. Z and c . The plot agrees with our expectation that the DifferentiatingbothsidesofEqs.(12)and(13),wefind A systemdoesnotdependonc andc intheBCSregime. Z A Moreover, we observe the result not to depend on c ∂ G−1 (p ,0)−∂ G−1 (0,0)(cid:12) A ∂ Z =− k φ,12 0 k φ,12 (cid:12) , (16) for the whole crossover, both for vanishing and nonzero k k p0 (cid:12)p0=c2Zk2 cZ. In contrast, there is a significant decrease of the ∂ G−1 (0,p2)−∂ G−1 (0,0)(cid:12) equation of state for increasing c in the unitary and ∂kAk =2 k φ,22 p2 k φ,22 (cid:12)(cid:12)p=cAk. (17) BYaEnCg trhegeoimryesi.s spTohieledgofoodr cag>ree0m. eRZnotuwghitlyhsLpeeea–kHinuga,nfgo–r Z Notethatonealsohastotakeintoaccountderivativesof increasingc ,theresultfortheequationofstateremains Z the arguments andthe denominator. InApp. Bweshow unchanged in the BCS regime, improves in the unitary that these additional terms cancel within the used trun- regime, and worsens in the BEC regime. cation, however. Due to the bosonic regulator function Table I lists the Bertsch parameter obtained from √ used in Eq. (10), only momenta up to 2k contribute varying c and c in the sets {0,1,1.4,2.0} and Z A to bosonic loops. It thus seems reasonable to choose {0,1,1.4,2.0,3.0}, respectively. We recall that, due to √ c (cid:46) 2. We consider values of c and c of order unity our choice of regulators, spatial momenta are naturally inAthe following. Z A restricted to q2 (cid:46) 2k2. Therefore, c = 1.4 provides A From a technical point of view, the task of solving the a reasonable upper bound for this specification param- flow equations for the scale-dependent parameters of the eter. We observe a negligible dependence on variations truncation becomes more involved when introducing the of c , but a significant decrease for variations of c . For A Z finitedifferenceprojectionsdefinedinEqs.(16)and(17). c =1.4 we find ξ(c =1.4)≈0.46 independent of c . Z Z A While all loop integrals can be carried out analytically We next discuss variations of c for fixed c = 0. Z A for the derivative projection, this is not the case for the Thisismotivatedbythesmalldependenceofobservables oneenteringtheflowofA withthefinitedifferencepro- on c and the numerical simplicity of choosing c = 0. k A A jection. A two-dimensional momentum integral remains, We compute the Bertsch parameter ξ, the gap param- which has to be computed numerically at each step dur- eter ∆/(cid:15) and the contact C/k4 for the unitary Fermi F F ing the flow. gas. Fig. 3 shows the numerical results for these quan- 6 c \c 0 1 1.4 2.0 1 A Z 0 0.553 0.530 0.462 0.252 1 0.551 0.527 0.456 0.247 ǫF 0.8 / 1.4 0.547 0.522 0.451 0.252 ) 2 / 2.0 0.544 0.519 0.449 0.259 B 0.6 ǫ 3.0 0.546 0.522 0.455 0.277 − cZ=0, cA=0 µ cZ=0, cA=1 ( 0.4 cZ=0, cA=1.4 TABLEI:TheBertschparameterξ=µ/(cid:15)F forseveralvalues cZ=1.4, cA=0 of cZ and cA. Within the numerical uncertainty, the Bertsch 0.2 cZ=1.4, cA=1 parameter is not affected by variations of cA. However, it cZ=1.4, cA=1.4 decreases significantly for increasing c . Z 0 -2 -1 0 1 (kFa)−1 VI. CONCLUSION FIG. 2: The equation of state of the BCS-BEC crossover at In this work, we have presented a way of quantifying zero temperature for specification parameters cZ =0 (upper the error of truncated solutions to exact flow equations curves)andcZ =1.4(lowercurves). ForeachchoiceofcZ,we by means of specification parameters. The latter appear varyc accordingtoc ∈{0,1,1.4}. Whilethesensitivityof A A as free parameters in the beta functions of the truncated thetruncationwithrespecttoc isnegligible,itsignificantly A theory. By varying them within a reasonable range, one depends on c . The curve with c = c = 0 corresponds to Z Z A can estimate the reliability of a given approximation to theresultobtainedwiththederivativeprojectioninRefs.[13– the full effective action. A strong dependence of observ- 15]. ables on such variations indicates a shortcoming of the truncation, whereas stability hints on a good incorpo- ration of the corresponding physical effect. Both cases have been exemplified here for the BCS-BEC crossover of ultracold two-component fermions. The interaction between fermionic atoms in our ap- tities as a function of c . All three quantities show a Z proach is described by the exchange of a bosonic dimer, small dependence for c (cid:46) 1. They approach the val- Z ues obtained with the derivative projection in the limit h2 c → 0. While ξ and ∆/(cid:15) decrease monotonically for λ = . (18) cZ (cid:38) 1, the contact C/k4 hFas a maximum for c ≈ 1.7 ψ m2φ+Pφ(Q) Z F Z and decreases monotonically for c > 1.7. The deriva- Z The propagator of the latter field replaces the effective tive expansion thus constitutes an upper limit for ξ and four-fermion coupling λ of the purely fermionic theory. ∆/(cid:15) , whereas the contact only shows slight modifica- ψ F Hence, in order to sufficiently resolve this interaction, a tions. We have indicated in Fig. 3 the value c = 1 Z good approximation to the frequency- and momentum- which may be considered as a reasonable value for a dependence of the boson propagator is mandatory. In truncation at a given scale k. Comparing the values a simple truncation, a scale-dependent derivative expan- ξ = 0.55, ∆/(cid:15) = 0.60 and C/k4 = 0.11 at c = 0 F F Z sionP (Q)=iZ q +A q2/2, togetherwithaconstant with the values ξ = 0.53 (0.46), ∆/(cid:15) = 0.59 (0.55) and φ,k k 0 k F part m2 evaluated for Q = 0, comprises the leading C/k4 =0.11 (0.11) at c2 =1 (c2 =2) gives an estimate φ,k F Z Z terms of a systematic low-energy expansion of the most oftheerrorduetothelimitedfrequencyresolutionofthe general form of the boson self-energy. This ansatz for bosonpropagatorfortheusedtruncationandregulariza- the inverse boson propagator, however, still requires a tion scheme. specification of how the running couplings Z and A k k are related to the exact flow equation for the effective Finally, we compute the ratio of the bosonic dimer- average action. dimer scattering length a and fermionic atom-atom Starting from the exact flow equation for the inverse D scattering length a. The former is obtained in vac- boson propagator, a possible way of projecting onto the uum in the BEC limit and satisfies a = λ /4π [15]. flow of Z and A consists in taking the derivative with D k=0 k k Fig. 4 shows a /a as a function of c . We find a respect to iq and q2, respectively, at vanishing exter- D Z 0 monotonous decrease. While the derivative projection nal momentum. This procedure has been applied in the results in a /a = 0.73, the exact value of a /a = 0.6 literatureandresultsinparticularpredictionsformacro- D D [34] is matched for c ≈ 0.90. However, we do not ex- scopic observables like the equation of state or the gap Z pect our truncation to reproduce the correct quantum parameter. To obtain an error estimate for the latter mechanical value. In order to achieve this, one has to quantities, we continuously deform the differentiation by include more vertices in the effective average action, see means of a finite difference formula of width c to project Ref. [35]. onto the couplings Z and A . k k 7 0.8 0.6 4kF 0.6 / C /",F 0.4 ∆/"F /a 0.4 ∆ ξ D a ξ, C/k4 F 0.2 0.2 00 1 2 00 1 2 c Z c Z FIG.3: Bertschparameterξ(blacksolidline),gap∆/(cid:15)F (red FIG. 4: The ratio of the dimer-dimer and fermion scattering dashed line) and contact C/kF4 (blue dot-dashed line) as a length aD and a, respectively, as a function of cZ for fixed functionofcZ forfixedcA =0fortheunitaryFermigas. We cA =0. The curve monotonically decreases. observe a monotonous behavior of ξ and ∆/(cid:15) . The contact F C/k4 has a maximum for c ≈1.7. F Z rameters should be investigated for the fermion propa- gator. Also the precise definition of the density matters. More precisely, we define Z and A by finite dif- Investigating a whole family of possible density defini- k k ferences with different widths, c and c , respectively. tions will introduce additional specification parameters. Z A Distinguishing temporal from spatial degrees of freedom Inprinciple,thiscontinuestothespecificationofvertices. is, firstly, motivated from the generic form of the non- One expects, however, the main uncertainties to arrise relativistic dispersion relation. Secondly, due to our par- from the lowest n-point functions for which truncations ticularchoiceofcutofffunctionswhichonlyregulatespa- areused. Thedependenceofresultsonamanageableset tial momenta, the frequency dependence of the boson of flowing parameters can then be used for an estimate propagator is expected to be less accurate. of the error of a given truncation of the flow equations. Fromaninvestigationoftheequationofstate,thegap Acknowledgments parameter, the Tan contact and the dimer-dimer scat- tering length in the zero temperature crossover, we find D. S. acknowledges financial support from the Studien- that the specification parameter cA has no significant in- stiftung des deutschen Volkes. I. B. acknowledges fund- fluence on the results. The stability of the observables ing from the Graduate Academy Heidelberg. This work upon variations with respect to cA, which has been ver- is supported by the Helmholtz Alliance HA216/EMMI ified here for 0 ≤ cA ≤ 3, is not clear a priori. Due to and the grant ERC- AdG-290623. ourchoiceoftheregulator, momentumintegralsarelim- ited to q2 ≤ 2k2, thus c is limited by c (cid:46) 1.4. For A A this reason, our upper bound c ≤3 provides a solid ba- Appendix A: Truncation A sis to conclude that the cutoff works well in the spatial domain and that the resolution for spatial momenta is The flow equation for the effective average action con- presumably sufficient. stitutesanexactrelation. Foritspracticalsolution,how- Incontrasttothestabilityuponvariationswithrespect ever, we have to employ a truncation of the most gen- to c , the specification parameter c substantially modi- eral form of the effective average action, which reduces A Z fies the predictions for the above observables. This is an the infinite number of flowing correlation functions to a indication for the error due to an insufficient frequency finite, computationally manageable set. Several physi- resolutionofthebosonicpropagator. Forthecutoffused callymotivatedchoicesarepossible. Hereweuseascale- here the error in the unitary regime is quite substantial, dependent derivative expansion, where, for each k sepa- typically 10−20%. A better cutoff function, which also rately, the functional Γ is expanded in powers of gra- k acts as a cutoff for frequencies, may be expected to re- dients of the field variables. Typically, the long-range ducetheerrorsubstantially,evenwithinthegivensimple physics are well-captured by this approximation. truncation (9). Thus our example shows how specifica- Due to fluctuations, the pointlike (thus momentum- tion parameters can help to obtain an estimate of errors independent) interactions of the microscopic theory are withinagiventruncationandhowtofindweakpointsof replaced by effective vertices with a non-trivial momen- an approximation scheme at hand. tumdependence. ForthecaseoftheBCS-BECcrossover, Wehaveconcentratedhereonthespecificationparam- an effective four-fermion interaction λ (Q ,Q ,Q ), a ψ,k 1 2 3 eters for the boson propagator. Similar specification pa- momentum-resolved Feshbach coupling h (Q ,Q ), and k 1 2 8 aninfinitetowerofdimer-dimeranddimer-atomvertices arbitraryfunctionsf andg. Adisadvantageofourchoice are generated during the flow. In principle, the Func- ofregulatorsisthatwedonotregularizefrequenciesand, tional Renormalization Group allows for incorporating thus,allfrequenciesq contributetotheflowateachscale 0 these effects. For the low energy physics, a reasonable k. It is one of the purposes of this work to estimate the choice consists in approximating this complicated vertex resulting error of this regularization scheme. structure by pointlike interactions for suitable collective We can rescale the inverse boson propagator in degrees of freedom. Eq. (A5) by A−1, such that the gradient term is given k In this work, we model the atom-atom interactions by by q2/2 for each k. This is achieved by expressing the an effective boson exchange. The boson can be associ- effectiveaverageactionintermsoftherenormalizedfield ated to a dimer or correlated atom pair. Higher order φ=φ =A1/2ϕ¯. The corresponding renormalized prop- k k scatteringbetweenatomsispartiallyincorporatedinthe agator reads effective potential, which describes interactions between thedimers. Weneglecttheregenerationofafour-fermion P (Q)= 1 P¯ (Q)=iS q + 1q2, (A6) vertex beyond the dimer exchange and approximate the φ,k A φ,k k 0 2 k Feshbach coupling to be given by its microscopic value with S = Z /A . Due to this modification, the gradi- h . For more elaborate truncations of the effective av- k k k Λ ent coefficient A drops out of the flow equations. The erage action for the BCS-BEC crossover, including the k flow of A enters the flow of renormalized vertices and four-fermion and atom-dimer vertices, see Refs. [35, 36]. k propagators only through the anomalous dimension Our ansatz for the effective average action expressed in terms of the mean fields ϕ¯=(cid:104)ϕ(cid:105) and ψ¯=(cid:104)ψ(cid:105) reads 1 η =− k∂ A . (A7) (cid:90) (cid:16) k A k k Γ[ϕ¯,ψ¯]= ψ¯†P¯ (∂ ,−i∇)ψ¯+ϕ¯∗P¯ (∂ ,−i∇)ϕ¯ k ψ,k τ φ,k τ X Whereas Z and A show a strong running with k, the (cid:17) k k −h (ϕ¯∗ψ¯ ψ¯ −ϕ¯ψ¯∗ψ¯∗)+U¯ (ρ¯,µ) . quantities S and η are of order unity. Λ 1 2 1 2 k k k So far, we did not specify the form of the effective (A1) potentialU¯ (ρ¯,µ). Inprinciple,itsformmayberesolved k The effective average potential is a function of the U(1)- bysolvingapartialdifferentialequationinthevariablesk invariant ρ¯ = ϕ¯∗ϕ¯. For a given scale k, the inverse andρ¯,whichisobtainedfromtheflowequationofΓk for fermionandbosonpropagators,respectively,aregivenby constant boson mean field. For the second order phase their classical parts contained in the microscopic action, transitions expected here, it is qualitatively sufficient to and k-dependent self-energy corrections Σ (Q), which restrict to a ϕ¯4-approximation of U¯. More explicitly, we k are functions of both frequencies and momenta. Thus write in terms of the renormalized field ρ=φ∗φ: we have λ P¯ψ,k(Q)=iq0+q2−µ+Σ¯ψ,k(Q), (A2) Uk(ρ)=U¯k(ρ¯)= m2φ,k(ρ−ρ0,k)+ φ2,k(ρ−ρ0,k)2 P¯φ,k(Q)=Σ¯φ,k(Q). (A3) −nkδµ+αk(ρ−ρ0,k)δµ. (A8) In addition to P¯φ,k the inverse propagator for the bo- The minimum of Uk is a k-dependent quantity. This son contains a momentum- and frequency-independent allowstodistinguishsymmetric(ordered)anddisordered part from the second derivative of the effective potential regimesoftheflowviaρ0,k =0andρ0,k >0,respectively. U . For the present work, we restrict to a leading order We have m2 > 0 in the former and m2 = 0 in the k φ,k φ,k derivativeexpansionofthebosonself-energy,andneglect lattercase. Atzerotemperature,thesystemalwaysends correctionstotheclassicalfermionpropagator. Wewrite up in the superfluid phase for k = 0, hence ρ0,k=0 > 0 and m2 =0. The superfluid gap in our truncation is P¯ψ,k(Q)=iq0+q2−µ, (A4) given bφy,k=0 1 P¯ (Q)=iZ q + A q2. (A5) (cid:113) φ,k k 0 2 k ∆ = h2ρ , (A9) k k 0,k We emphasize that the k-dependent derivative expan- sion of the boson propagator in Eq. (A5) goes beyond with renormalized Feshbach coupling h2k =h2Λ/Ak. the classical quadratic dispersion relation. Indeed, for Theeffectivepotentialdependsonthechemicalpoten- a sufficiently local regulator R (Q), the contributions tial µ. It is related to the pressure P according to φ,k to the flow of Z and A are dominated by fluctuations k k (cid:12) with q0 ≈k2 and q ≈k. For k (cid:28)|Q| the flow of P¯φ,k(Q) P(µ)=−Uk(ρ0,k,µ)(cid:12)(cid:12) . (A10) is suppressed by inverse powers of |Q| such that Z and k=0 k Ak in Eq. (A5) can be replaced by Z(Q) = Zk=|Q| and The density n=∂P/∂µ can be computed by solving the A(Q)=A in a rough approximation. flowequationforU fortwoinfinitesimallyclosevaluesof k=|Q| k Therefore, the ansatz iZ q +A q2/2 can model very the chemical potential and a subsequent finite difference k 0 k generalstructuresofthetypeP¯(Q)=if(q )+g(q2),with according to n = ∆P/∆µ. Here we work with a flowing 0 9 density which satisfies n = n. Moreover, we approx- with respect to ρ and δµ, we obtain the flow equations k=0 imate ∂ U(cid:48) ≈ ∂ m2 = α . The flow equations for n for m2 , λ , n and α . µ k µ φ,k k k φ,k φ,k k k and αk are obtained from the flow of the effective poten- For the derivation of the flow equations for the wave tialbyvirtueofaderivativewithrespecttotheoffsetδµ. function renormalization Z and gradient coefficient A k k Thelattermeasuresadifferencefromtheactualchemical we first consider the inverse boson propagator in the potential µ which also enters the fermion cutoff. In the (φ ,φ )-basis. Within our truncation it is given by 1 2 same spirit we may write δρ=ρ−ρ in Eq. (A8). 0,k Theinitialconditionsfortherunningcouplingsη ,S ,  (cid:16) (cid:17)  k k A p2 +U(cid:48) +2ρU(cid:48)(cid:48) −Z p h2k, m2φ,k, λφ,k, ρ0,k, nk, and αk introduced here have to G¯−1(P)= k 2 k (cid:16) k 0 (cid:17). be chosen such that the boundary condition ΓΛ = S of φ Zkp0 Ak p22 +Uk(cid:48) the flow equations is satisfied. We show below that only (B6) theinitialconditionforthebosondetuningν constitutes Λ a relevant parameter of the system. All other quantities We observe that the flow equations for Z and A can are attracted to fixed point values in the early stages of k k be obtained from the 12- and 22-components of the flow the flow, i.e. for large k. For this reason, their initial equation for G−1, respectively. (Beyond our truncation values are not important and we may start directly at φ the fixed point. the 11-component contains an additional term ∼A(cid:48)k(ρ0) arising from a possible field dependence of A (ρ), which k isnotpresentinthe22-component. Therefore,thelatter Appendix B: Flow equations is more suited for the projection of Ak.) We have The flow equations for the running couplings defined ∂ G¯−1 (P)δ(P +P(cid:48))= δ2∂kΓk (cid:12)(cid:12) . (B7) in App. A are obtained from the flow equation for Γk by k φ,ij δφ¯i(P(cid:48))δφ¯j(P)(cid:12)ρ0,k appropriateprojectionprescriptions. Theresultingsetof coupledordinarydifferentialequationsink canbesolved We define the finite difference projection by means of standard numerical techniques. The flow equation for the effective potential U (ρ) is k √ G¯−1 (p ,0)−G¯−1 (0,0)(cid:12) found for a constant bosonic background field φ = 2ρ Z =− φ,12 0 φ,12 (cid:12) , (B8) and vanishing fermion mean field. We have k p0 (cid:12)p0=c2Zk2 G¯−1 (0,p2)−G¯−1 (0,0)(cid:12) k∂kUk(ρ)=ηkρUk(cid:48)(ρ)+U˙k(B)(ρ)+U˙k(F)(ρ). (B1) Ak =2 φ,22 p2 φ,22 (cid:12)(cid:12)p=cAk. (B9) Herein, the first term takes into account that the effec- For c ,c → 0 this becomes a differentiation at P = 0. tive average potential has a trivial running due to the Z A To relate the finite differences to the flow equation (B7), fact that its argument ρ = A ρ¯ is scale-dependent. A k we compute primedenotesaderivativewithrespecttothevariableρ. The second and third term, respectively, constitute the contribution from bosonic and fermionic fluctuations to ∂ A =2∂ G¯−φ,122(0,c2Ak2)−G¯−φ,122(0,0) the flow. Within our truncation, these contributions to k k k c2k2 A the flow generator ζ(ρ) for U(ρ) read ∂ G¯−1 (0,c2k2)−∂ G¯−1 (0,0) √ =2 k φ,22 A k φ,22 (B10) 2k5 (cid:16) η (cid:17) 1+(w +w )/2 c2k2 U˙k(B)(ρ)= 3π2Sk 1− 5k (cid:112)(1+w11)(1+2 w2), (B2) +4(cid:32)∂G¯−φ,122(0,c2kA2)− G¯−φ,122(0,c2Ak2)−G¯−φ,122(0,0)(cid:33). k5 (cid:16) w δµ(cid:17) ∂p2 A c2k2 U˙(F)(ρ)=− √ (cid:96) (µ˜)− 3 (cid:96) (µ˜) , A k 3π2 1+w 1 1+w 2 k2 3 3 (B3) The second term in brackets is in general non-zero, but vanishes within our truncation. Thus, the flow equation with (cid:96) (x)=θ(x+1)(x+1)3/2−(1+(−1)a)θ(x)x3/2+ of the finite difference is given by the finite difference a (−1)aθ(x−1)(x−1)3/2 andHeavisidestepfunctionθ(x). of the flow equations. The same holds for ∂ Z with a k k We introduced the generalized dimensionless “masses” similar derivation. TheflowequationforS =Z /A isevaluatedatvan- U(cid:48)(ρ) U(cid:48)(ρ)+2ρU(cid:48)(cid:48)(ρ) k k k w = k , w = k k , (B4) ishing external momentum such that the momentum in- 1 k2 2 k2 tegral can be carried out analytically. Since our choice h2ρ µ of regulators is frequency independent, the Matsubara w = k , µ˜ = . (B5) 3 k4 k2 summation can also be performed explicitly. We find These ratios control the decoupling of modes as k is k∂ S =η S +S˙(B)+S˙(F), (B11) evolved towards zero. Taking derivatives of Eq. (B1) k k k k k k 10 with Appendix C: Universality √ S˙k(B) = 3π22k(21λ+2φ,kwρ0),k3/2(cid:16)1− η5k(cid:17) The running couplings of our truncation have to be 2 equipped with appropriate initial conditions which en- −16+2(c4S2−4)w +(28+c4S2)w2/2+6w3 × Z k 2 Z k 2 2, sure that the flow satisfies ΓΛ = S. We show here that, (4+c4ZSk2+4w2)2 for a broad Feshbach resonance (as it is realized with S˙k(F) = 3π2k(1h+2kw )3/2(cid:96)2(µ˜) 6tuLtiesataomresl)e,vaonntlyptahreambeotseorn,icwhdeerteuansinaglltoetrhmerνcΛoucpolninstgis- 3 losememoryoftheirinitialvalues. Thisuniversalbehav- −4(1+w )(2−w )+c4w × 3 3 Z 3. (B12) ior reflects the fact that for a broad Feshbach resonance (c4Z +4(1+w3))2 themicroscopicmodeliscompletelycharacterizedbythe The function (cid:96) (x) has been defined below Eq. (B3). In value of the scattering length. 2 thelimitc →0werecovertheresultsfromRef.[13–15]. In the early stages of the renormalization group flow, TheflowZequationofAk forgeneralcA isgiveninterms i.e. for k (cid:46)Λ, we have µ(cid:28)k2 and ρ0,k =0. Therefore, ofatwo-dimensionalmomentumintegral,whichhastobe we can set w2 = w1, w3 = µ˜ = 0 in the flow equations. evaluated numerically at each step of the integration of The chemical potential does not influence the flow for theflowequations. Wehaveη (c )=η(B)(c )+η(F)(c ) largek,becausethehighmomentumfluctuationscannot k A k A k A resolve its particular value. Hence, the many-body sys- with temevolvessimilartothevacuumsysteminthisregime. (cid:40) η(B) =8ρ0λ2φ (cid:90) R˙φ Lφ((cid:126)q+p(cid:126))−Lφ((cid:126)q) (cid:16)1− 2(Lφ((cid:126)q))2(cid:17) The flow equation for the dimensionless renormalized k p2 A det ((cid:126)q)det ((cid:126)q+p(cid:126)) det ((cid:126)q) Feshbach coupling h˜2 =h2/k is given by Q k B B B k k (cid:41) + Lφ((cid:126)q) (cid:16) 1 − 1 (cid:17) , k∂kh˜2k =(ηk−1)h˜2k (C1) det ((cid:126)q) det ((cid:126)q) det ((cid:126)q+p(cid:126)) B B B p2=c2k2 for large k. The anomalous dimension in this regime is A (B13) given by η ∼h˜2 with a positive prefactor. Hence, if we k k ηk(F) =4ph22 (cid:90)QR˙ψ(cid:40)dLeψtF((cid:126)q((cid:126)q+)dp(cid:126)e)t−F(L(cid:126)qψ+((cid:126)qp(cid:126)))(cid:16)1− 2d(LetψF(((cid:126)q(cid:126)q)))2(cid:17) shtaavret ∂wkih˜th2k a>su0.fficTiehnitslyreldaurgceesvtahlueevfaolrueh˜2Λof=h˜2kh2Λun/Λtil, wwee have η =1. At this point, the flow of the dimensionless (cid:41) k L ((cid:126)q) (cid:16) 1 1 (cid:17) Feshbach coupling stops and h2/k remains constant un- + ψ − , k det ((cid:126)q) det ((cid:126)q) det ((cid:126)q+p(cid:126)) til k becomes of the size of the chemical potential or the F F F p2=c2k2 dimerbindingenergy(ontheBECsideofthecrossover). A (B14) The intermediate regime of the flow, where the anoma- forthebosonicandfermioniccontributionstotheanoma- lous dimension is given by its fixed point value lous dimension, respectively. We introduced R˙ = φ/ψ η =1, (C2) k∂ R ((cid:126)q2) and (cid:63) k φ/ψ 1 is called the universal regime. In the subsequent para- L ((cid:126)q)= (cid:126)q2+R ((cid:126)q2)+m2 +ρ λ , (B15) φ 2 φ φ 0 φ graphs we assume k to be in this range. detB((cid:126)q)=Sk2q02+(Lφ((cid:126)q))2−(ρ0λφ)2, (B16) U(cid:48)T(0h)e=finνe-−tu2nµinhgasofbetehnedbisocsuosnsiecdminadssetateilrminRme2φf.,Λ[15=]. L ((cid:126)q)=(cid:126)q2−µ+R ((cid:126)q2), (B17) Λ Λ ψ ψ For every choice of a, there exists a unique initial value det ((cid:126)q)=q2+(L ((cid:126)q))2+h2ρ . (B18) ν =ν (a), which describes a system with fermion scat- F 0 ψ 0 Λ Λ tering length a. We do not repeat the derivation of this TheMatsubarasummationsinEqs.(B13)and(B14)can result here, because the formulas are not altered by our again be evaluated analytically. Since finite difference projection with c ,c (cid:54)=0. R˙ (cid:16) (cid:17) In contrast to the detuning froZm rAesonance, we find a φ = 2k2−η (k2−q2/2) θ(k2−q2/2) (B19) Ak k modifiedfixedpointstructurefortheflowofh2k,Sk,λφ,k and α in the early stages of the flow due to the more depends linearly on η , we have to solve the linear sys- k k general projection prescription for A and Z . The fixed temofEqs.(B13)-(B14)toobtainaclosedexpressionfor k k point of h˜2 is determined by Eq. (C2) with η (c ). The formula for η (c =0) is given in Refs. [15]. k k A k A TheflowequationfortheTancontacthasbeenderived h2 in Ref. [37]. At zero temperature it is given by η = k x . (C3) k 6π2k η h2 k∂ C = k(η ρ +k∂ ρ ) The positive constant x depends on the choice of the k k 4 k 0 k 0 η specification parameter c . We find numerically h2k3w2 (cid:16) η (cid:17) A − √ k 2 1− k . (B20) 24 2π2Sk(1+w2)3/2 5 0≤xη(cA)≤1 for all cA. (C4)

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