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Erratic behavior of Fourier-coefficients of modular 7 forms in short intervals 1 0 2 Yuri F. Bilu1,2, Jean-Marc Deshouillers2,3, b e Sanoli Gun1,4, Florian Luca1,5,6 F 5 February 16, 2017 1 ] T Abstract N . Letτ(·)betheclassical Ramanujanτ-functionandletk beapositive h integersuchthatτ(n)6=0for1≤n≤k/2. (Thisisknowntobetruefor at k<1023, and, conjecturally, for all k.) Further, let σ be a permutation m of the set {1,...,k}. We show that there exist infinitely many positive [ integers m such that |τ(m+σ(1))|<τ(m+σ(2))|<...<|τ(m+σ(k))|. WealsoobtainasimilarresultforFourier-coefficientsofgeneralnewforms. 2 v Contents 5 1 9 1 Introduction 1 1 2 Coefficients of newforms 4 0 3 Sieving 6 1. 4 Avoiding Prime Factors from a Sparse Set 17 0 5 Proof of Theorem 1.2 20 7 6 Proof of Theorem 1.4 24 1 : v 1 Introduction i X r Throughoutthe article a newform of weight κ and level N means a normalized a holomorphic new Hecke eigenform of weight κ for Γ (N) with the trivial char- 0 acter. A non-CM newform is an abbreviation for “newform without Complex Multiplication”. 1SupportedbytheALGANTprogram. 2SupportedbytheIndo-European ActionMarieCurie(IRSESmoduli). 3SupportedbytheCEFIPRAproject5401-A. 4SupportedbyaSERBgrantandtheDAEnumbertheoryplanproject 5SupportedbygrantCPRR160325161141andbyanA-ratedscientistawardbothfromthe NRFofSouthAfrica. 6Supportedbythegrantno. 17-02804SoftheCzechGrantingAgency. 1 Let f be a newform and f(z):= a (n)qn, q =e2πiz f n≥1 X be its Fourier expansion at i . In particular, if f is of weight κ=12 and level ∞ N =1 then f(z)=∆(z):= τ(n)qn =q (1 qℓ)24, − n≥1 ℓ≥1 X Y where τ(n) is the classical Ramanujan function. The Fourier-coefficients a (n) are algebraic numbers, all belonging to some f totally realnumber field. We fix anembedding of this field to R and, from now on, view the Fourier-coefficients as real algebraic numbers. In the sequel, we say “coefficients” instead of “Fourier-coefficients”. There is quite a few results demonstrating “erratic” behavior of the signs of τ(n), or, more generally, the coefficients of a general newforms; see, for in- stance, [5, 6, 9, 11, 12] and the references therein. For instance, Matoma¨ki and Radziwil l [12] show that the non-zero coefficients are positive and negative with the same frequency, and determine (up to a multiplicative constant) the asymptotic frequency of sign changes. In this paper, we work in the orthogonal direction, and study the behavior of absolute values of non-zero coefficients. Classical results of Rankin [15, 16] τ(n) τ(n)2 x12 and limsup| | =+ | | ≍ n11/2 ∞ n→∞ n≤x X implythatthesequence τ(n) isnotultimatelymonotonic;inotherwords,each | | of the inequalities τ(m+1) < τ(m+2), τ(m+2) < τ(m+1) | | | | | | | | holdsforinfinitelymanym. Inthisarticleweobtain(asaspecialcaseofamore general result) a similar statement for more than two consecutive values of τ. Theorem 1.1. Let k be a positive integer such that τ(n)=0 (1 n k/2). (1.1) 6 ≤ ≤ Then for every permutation σ of the set 1,...,k , there exist infinitely many { } positive integers m such that 0< τ(m+σ(1)) < τ(m+σ(2)) < < τ(m+σ(k)). (1.2) | | | | ··· | | In fact, existence of at least one m satisfying (1.2) implies (1.1), see Theo- rem 1.4 below; in other words, (1.1) is a necessary and sufficient condition for (1.2) to happen infinitely often. It is known [19, Theorem 1.4] that τ(n)=0 when 6 n 982149821766199295999 9 1020. ≤ ≈ · 2 We also refer to the Corollary 1.2 of the unpublished article [3], which claims that τ(n)=0 for all n 816212624008487344127999 8 1023. 6 ≤ ≈ · According to a famous conjecture of Lehmer, τ(n)=0 for all n. If this 6 conjecture holds true, then Theorem 1.1 applies to all k. Our principal result is the following general theorem. Theorem 1.2. Let f ,...,f be non-CM newforms and ν ,...,ν distinct pos- 1 k 1 k itive integers such that a (ν )=0 (1 i k). (1.3) fi i 6 ≤ ≤ Then there exist infinitely many positive integers m such that 0< a (m+ν ) < a (m+ν ) < < a (m+ν ). (1.4) | f1 1 | | f2 2 | ··· | fk k | In fact, we prove (see Remark 5.8) that for sufficiently large positive num- ber x, there are at least cx/(logx)k positive integers m x satisfying (1.4). ≤ Here c>0 depends on f ,...,f ,ν ,...,ν and “sufficiently large” translates 1 k 1 k as “exceeding a certain quantity depending on f ,...,f ,ν ,...,ν ” . 1 k 1 k In the most interesting special case when f = =f =f and ν ,...,ν 1 k 1 k ··· is a permutation of 1,...,k, we obtain the following immediate consequence. Corollary 1.3. Let f be a non-CM newform. Let k be a positive integer such that a (n)=0 (1 n k). (1.5) f 6 ≤ ≤ Then for every permutation σ of the set 1,...,k , there exist infinitely many { } positive integers m such that 0< a (m+σ(1)) < a (m+σ(2)) < < a (m+σ(k)). (1.6) f f f | | | | ··· | | In fact, one can do even better: to give a necessary and sufficient condition for having (1.6) infinitely often. Theorem 1.4. Let k be a positive integer. Then for a non-CM newform f the following three conditions are equivalent. A. We have a (n)=0 (1 n k/2). f 6 ≤ ≤ B. For some positive integer ν we have a (ν+n)=0 (1 n k). f 6 ≤ ≤ C. For every permutation σ of the set 1,...,k , there exist infinitely many { } positive integers m such that 0< a (m+σ(1)) < a (m+σ(2)) < < a (m+σ(k)). f f f | | | | ··· | | 3 Theorem 1.1 follows from this theorem if we take f =∆. Techniquesoftheproofsrelyonelementaryarguments,sievemethods(Brun’s sieve, the Bombieri-VinogradovTheorem), and the truth of the Sato-Tate con- jecture for non-CM forms. The article is organizedas follows. In Section 2, we briefly review the prop- ertiesofthe coefficientsof newformsusedinthe sequel. InSections 3and4,we obtain two sieving results instrumental for the proofs of Theorems 1.2 and 1.4. Finally, these theorems are proved in Sections 5 and 6, respectively. 1.1 Conventions Unless the contrary is stated explicitly: p (with or without indices) denotes a prime number; • κ denotes a positive even integer; • i,j,k,ℓ,m (with or without indices) denote positive integers; • n (with or without indices) denotes a non-negative integer; • d (with or without indices) denotes a square-free positive integer; • ε,δ denote real numbers satisfying 0<ε,δ 1/2; • ≤ x,y,z,t denote real numbers satisfying x,y,z,t 2. • ≥ 2 Coefficients of newforms Inthissection,welistsomewell-knownpropertiesofthecoefficientsofnewforms which will be used in the proof of Theorem 1.2. First of all, the Fourier-coefficients a (n) are multiplicative: f a (mn)=a (m)a (n) (m,n 1, gcd(m,n)=1). (2.1) f f f ≥ Furthermore, the values of a at prime powers satisfy the following recurrence f relation a (pℓ+1)=a (p)a (pℓ) pκ−1a (pℓ−1) (ℓ=1,2,...), (2.2) f f f f − where κ is the weight of f. Both(2.1)and(2.2)wereconjecturedbyRamanujanwhenf =∆andproved by Mordell [13]. Proofs can be found in many sources; see, for instance [4, Proposition 5.8.5.]. A much deeper result is the upper estimate a (p) 2p(κ−1)/2. (2.3) f | |≤ 4 It was also conjectured by Ramanujan when f = ∆ and proved by Deligne [2, Th´eor`eme 8.2]. Equivalently, the polynomial T2 a (p)T +pκ−1 can not have f − distinct real roots. Hence we may write the roots as α =p(κ−1)/2eiθp, α¯ =p(κ−1)/2e−iθp, (2.4) p p with θ [0,π]. If θ =0,π (that is, a (p)= 2p(κ−1)/2) then p p f ∈ 6 6 ± αℓ+1 α¯ℓ+1 sin(ℓ+1)θ a (pℓ)= p − p =pℓ(κ−1)/2 p. (2.5) f α α¯ sinθ p p p − We may add for completeness that (ℓ+1)pℓ(κ−1)/2, θ =0, a (pℓ)= p (2.6) f (( 1)ℓ(ℓ+1)pℓ(κ−1)/2, θp =π. − Another very deep result is the Sato-Tate conjecture, proved recently by Barnet-Lamb,Geraghty,Harrisand Taylor[1, TheoremB]. Accordingto it, for a non-CM newform f, the numbers a (p)/p(κ−1)/2 are equidistributed in the f interval [ 2,2] with respect to the measure (2/π)√1 t2dt. This means that − − for 2 a b 2, we have − ≤ ≤ ≤ # p x:a (p)/p(κ−1)/2 [a,b] 2 b { ≤ f ∈ } 1 t2dt (2.7) π(x) → π − Za p as x . Here, π(x) is the number of primes up to x. →∞ An immediate consequence is the following statement. Proposition 2.1. Let f be a non-CM newform. Then the following holds. A. The relativedensity ofthesetofprimes psuchthata (p)/p(κ−1)/2 belongs f to a given interval of length 2ε does not exceed ε. B. In particular, the relative density of primes p such that a (p)=0 or f 2p(κ−1)/2 is 0. ± Of course, part B was well known long before the proof of the Sato-Tate conjecture. See Th´eor`eme 15 in [18, Section 7.2] for a much more general and quantitatively stronger result. Equations (2.5) and (2.6) imply that a (pℓ)=0 for some ℓ if and only if f θ /π Q (0,1). In fact, one knows the following result. p ∈ ∩ Proposition 2.2. Let f be a non-CM newform. Then for all but finitely many primes p we have either a (p) 0, 2p(κ−1)/2 or θ /π / Q. f p ∈{ ± } ∈ For the proof, see [14, Lemma 2.5]. Onemayremarkthatiff isofweightκ 4thenthisholdsforallpwithout ≥ exceptions, see [14, Proposition 2.4]. 5 3 Sieving Inthisandthesubsequentsections,weestablishtwosievingresultsinstrumental for the proofs of Theorems 1.2 and 1.4. Theintegerminthissectionisnotnecessarilypositive;itcanbeanyinteger: positive, negative or 0. The other conventions made in Subsection 1.1 remain intact. 3.1 The Sieving Theorem Let Σ be a finite set of prime numbers. We call m Z ∈ Σ-unit, if all its prime divisors belong to Σ; • Σ-square-free, if m is a product of a Σ-unit and a square-free integer. • Also, for z 2 we define ≥ P (z)= p. (3.1) Σ p<z pY∈/Σ Now let a ,...,a ,b ,...,b Z be integers satisfying 1 k 1 k ∈ a =0, gcd(a ,b )=1 (i=1,...,k), (3.2) i i i 6 a b a b =0 (1 i<j k). (3.3) i j j i − 6 ≤ ≤ We consider linear forms L (n)=a n+b and for x z 2, we set i i i ≥ ≥ ✵(x,z)= n:0 n x, gcd L (n) L (n), P (z) =1 . (3.4) 1 k Σ ≤ ≤ ··· Finally, we deno(cid:8)te by ✵ (x,z), the su(cid:0)bset of ✵(x,z) consisti(cid:1)ng of(cid:9)n for which 1 L (n),...,L (n) are Σ-square-free composite numbers. 1 k The principal result of this section is the following theorem. Theorem 3.1. Assumethat Σ contains all primes p 2k, all prime divisors of ≤ every a , and all prime divisors of every a b a b with i=j. In other words, i i j j i − 6 we assume that k (2k)! a (a b a b ) is a Σ-unit. (3.5) i i j j i − i=1 1≤i<j≤k Y Y Then there exist real numbers η,c (0,1/2], depending only on k and on the 1 ∈ cardinality7 #Σ (but not on Σ or on the integers a and b ), and z 2 depend- i i 1 ≥ ing on a ,...,a ,b ,...,b , such that the following holds. For any x and z, 1 k 1 k satisfying xη z z , we have #✵ (x,z) c x(logz)−k. 1 1 1 ≥ ≥ ≥ 7Indicating dependence onk hereisabitobsolete, because our hypothesis impliesthatk isboundedintermsof#Σ. 6 InSubsection3.2,webrieflyrecallthebasicsofBrunsieve,followingmainly theHalberstam-Richertclassicaltreatise[7]. InSubsection3.3,weusetheBrun sievetoestablishtheorderofmagnitudeof#✵(x,z). InSubsections3.4and3.5, weboundfromabovethenumberofunwantedn ✵(x,z),thoseforwhichsome ∈ L (n) is prime or non-squarefree. Finally, in Subsection 3.6, we complete the i proof of Theorem 3.1. 3.2 Outline of the Brun Sieve In this subsection, we give a quick overview of the combinatorial Brun sieve in the form used in sequel. Our principal reference is [7, Chapters 1 and 2], especially Section 2.4. For the reader’s convenience, we try to follow the set-up adopted in [7], with a few exceptions that will be highlighted below. Recall that, in this article, d (with or without indices) stands for a square- free positive integer. Foreverym Z, we associateanon-negativerealnumber ∈ a(m), such that a(m)=0 for all but finitely many m. For every d, we set = a(m). d A Xd|m Remark 3.2. In [7], is a finite multi-set of integers (and is the subset d A A of consistingoftheintegers divisible byd). Definingsuchamulti-setis equiv- A alent to defining a sequence a(m) as above consisting of non-negative integers. Hencetheresultsfrom[7]areformally provedonlyforsuchsequences. However, integrality of the numbers a(m) is never used in the arguments from [7] that we quote, so the results actually hold true for any sequences of non-negative real numbers. We also fix a multiplicative function ρ (in [7] it is denoted by ω) supported at square-free numbers and having the following properties. A. There exists a real number A 1 such that for every prime p, we have 1 ≥ ρ(p) 1 0 1 (3.6) ≤ p ≤ − A 1 (condition (Ω ) on page 29 of [7]). 1 B. Thereexistrealnumbersα>0(in[7]itisdenotedbyκ)andA 1such 2 ≥ that for z w 2, we have ≥ ≥ ρ(p)logp z αlog +A (3.7) 2 p ≤ w w≤p<z X (condition (Ω (α)) on page 52 of [7]). 2 Next we fix a real number X >1 and write, for every d, ρ(d) = X +R , d d A d 7 where R are some real numbers. d Let Σ be a set of prime numbers (it corresponds to the set P¯ in [7]); for z 2, we set ≥ (z)= a(m), (3.8) S (m,PXΣ(z))=1 ρ(p) W(z)= 1 , (3.9) − p p|PYΣ(z)(cid:18) (cid:19) where P (z) is defined in (3.1). Σ The following statement is a version of Theorem 2.1 on page 57 of [7] (we setthe parameterb therein to be 1). We denote by ω(d) the number ofdistinct prime divisors of d. Theorem 3.3. Let λ be a positive real number satisfying 0<λe1+λ <1. Set A A 1 2λ 1 2 2 c = 1+A α+ , ε= , Λ= , (3.10) 1 2 1 log2 200e1/α α 1+ε (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) whereA ,A andαarefrom (3.6), (3.7). Then for z 2, wehave thefollowing 1 2 ≥ estimates: λ3e2λ 5c 1 (z) XW(z) 1+2 exp (3.11) S ≤ 1 λ2e2+2λ λlogz (cid:18) − (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) + R , (3.12) d | | d|PΣ(z),Xd<z2eΛΛ−1, ω(d)<2Λ−1(loglogz−loglog2)+2 λ2e2λ 4c 1 (z) XW(z) 1 2 exp (3.13) S ≥ − 1 λ2e2+2λ λlogz (cid:18) − (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) R . (3.14) d − | | d|PΣ(z), dX<z2eΛΛ−1−1, ω(d)<2Λ−1(loglogz−loglog2)+1 The first summands in (3.11) and(3.13) (those of the form XW(z)( ) are ··· exactly the same as in equations (4.2) and (4.3) on page 57 of [7], if you set b=1 therein. However, our “error term” (the sum involving R ) is totally d | | different. The reasonis that in [7] condition R ρ(d) (that is, condition (R) d | |≤ on page 30) is imposed, and we do not want to impose it. We briefly explain below how the argument on pages 57–62 of [7] can be adapted to prove Theorem 3.3. Proof of Theorem 3.3. Throughout the proof, we denote P (z) by P(z). Σ Let r be a positive integer and z ,...,z be real numbers satisfying 0 r z =z >z >z > >z =2; 0 1 2 r ··· they will be specified later. We consider functions χ and χ defined on the set 1 2 of divisors of P(z) as follows: 8 χ (d)=1ifdhasatmost2nprimedivisorsintheinterval[z ,z)forevery 1 n • n=1,...,r, and χ (d)=0 otherwise; 1 χ (d)=1 if d has at most 2n 1 prime divisors in the interval [z ,z) for 2 n • − every n=1,...,r, and χ (d)=0 otherwise; 1 (These definitions are equivalent to equation (4.8) on page 58 of [7], if we set b=1 therein.) It is explained in [7] that with this definition of χ and χ we have 1 2 ρ(d) (z) X µ(d)χ (d) + χ (d)R , (3.15) 1 1 d S ≤ d | | d|XP(z) d|XP(z) ρ(d) (z) X µ(d)χ (d) χ (d)R . (3.16) 2 2 d S ≥ d − | | d|XP(z) d|XP(z) See equation (4.5) on page 57 of [7]. Now let us specify z ,...,z . We follow [7, page 60]. Choose r to be the 0 r only positive integer with the property logz e(r−1)Λ < erΛ, (3.17) log2 ≤ where Λ is defined in (3.10). Now define the numbers z by n logz =e−nΛlogz (n=0,1,...,r 1), z =2. n r − Itisshownonpages57–62of[7]thatwiththischoiceofz wehavetheestimates n ρ(d) λ3e2λ 5c 1 µ(d)χ (d) W(z) 1+2 exp , 1 d ≤ 1 λ2e2+2λ λlogz d|XP(z) (cid:18) − (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) ρ(d) λ2e2λ 4c 1 µ(d)χ (d) W(z) 1 2 exp . 2 d ≥ − 1 λ2e2+2λ λlogz d|XP(z) (cid:18) − (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) So, we are left with the error terms. Our definition of r implies that r <Λ−1(loglogz loglog2)+1. − Hence, for d with χ (d)=1, we have 1 ω(d)<2r 2Λ−1(loglogz loglog2)+2. ≤ − Furthermore, it follows from our definitions that for such d we have d z2 z2 z2(1+e−Λ+···+e−(r−1)Λ) <z2(1−e−Λ)−1 <z2eΛΛ−1. ≤ 0··· r−1 ≤ 9 Hence, χ (d)R R . 1 d d | |≤ | | d|XP(z) d|P(z), dX<z2eΛΛ−1, ω(d)<2Λ−1(loglogz−loglog2)+2 In a similar way, one proves that χ (d)R R . 2 d d | |≤ | | d|XP(z) d|P(z), d<Xz2eΛΛ−1−1, ω(d)<2Λ−1(loglogz−loglog2)+1 This completes the proof of Theorem 3.3. Here is a much less precise, but more compact and convenient version of Theorem 3.3. Corollary 3.4. In the set-up of Theorem 3.3 assume that α 1. Then there ≥ exists z 2, depending on α, A and A , such that for z z , we have 0 1 2 0 ≥ ≥ 1 XW(z) (z) (z) 2XW(z)+ (z), 2 −R ≤S ≤ R where (z)= R . d R | | d|PΣ(zX), d<z20α, ω(d)<20αloglogz Proof. Set in Theorem 3.3 λ=0.1. Then 0.2 Λ (6α)−1, and the result ≥ ≥ follows by an easy calculation. 3.3 Sieving away small primes factors In this and the subsequent subsections we use the notation and the set-up of Subsection 3.1. Proposition3.5. Intheset-upofTheorem3.1,thereexistsrealnumbersz 2 0 ≥ and c (0,1/2], both depending only on k such that for x and z, satisfying ∈ x z50k and z z we have 0 ≥ ≥ x x c #✵(x,z) c−1 2#Σ . (3.18) (logz)k ≤ ≤ · (logz)k Proof. In this proof, unless the contrary is stated explicitly, the constants im- plied by the notation O(), , or8 , may depend only on k. The same · ≪ ≫ ≍ convention applies to the the constants implied by the expressions like “suffi- ciently large”. Letρbethemultiplicativefunctionconcentratedonthesquare-freenumbers and such that k, p / Σ, ρ(p)= ∈ (0, p Σ. ∈ 8WeuseA≍B asashortcutforA≪B≪A. 10

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