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1 ERIOGONUM NEW CALLISTUM A (POLYGONACEAE), SPECIES EROM THE TEHACHAPI MOUNTAINS OF CALIFORNIA James ReveaP L. University of Maryland USA College Park, Maryland 20742-58 5, and New York Botanical Garden New Bronx ParK York 10458-5026. U.S.A. [email protected] ABSTRACT Eriogonum new Eucyda callistum, a species of subg. Nutt. from the Tehachapi Mountains Kern of Co., California, & new is the sole representative of Sect. Lanoccphala, a section allied to Sect. Lachnogyna Torr. A. Gray, a taxon mainly of the Great Plams, but probably more closely related to Sect. Latifolia Benth. of the Pacific Coast. The new forming mounds species differs in large, compact, roundish of densely clothed caudex branches and rosettes new from which of leaves arise several upright scapose flowering stems rermmated by a capitate inflorescence many many subtended by bracts with involucres contaming numerous, hairy bright white flowers on long, hairy and pedicels, glabrous, trigonous achenes. RESUMEN Eriogonum una nueva Eucyda montanas callistuni, especie del subg. Nutt. de las Tehachapi de Kern Co., Califor- & nia, es el unico representante de la Sect. Lanocephala, una seccion nueva proxima a la Sect, Lachnogyna Torr. A. Gray, un taxon de las Grandes Llanuras principalmente, pero probablemente mas relacionado con la Sect. Latifolia Benth. de la costa pacifica. La nueva especie difiere por formar grandes masas compactas redondeadas de ramas hojosas y rosetas de hojas nuevas, de las que surgen hacia arriba varies tallos floridos escaposos que terminan en una inflorescencia capitada subtendida por muchas bracteas, con muchos involucros que contienen numerosas bianco f lores brillante, sobre pedicelos largos pelosos, y aquenios trigones glabros. y The member discovery of another undescribed of Eriogonum Michx. (Polygonaceae ]uss., subf Eriogonoideae from Arn.) California is not, in itself, a surprise, but one so distinct as . new and represent such to a section, of potential as cultivated garden a plant, at least is unusual. Eriogonum Michx. Lanocephala nov Sect. Reveal, sect, Jype: Eriogonum calhstum Reveal. A Eriogono sectionibus singularis floribus pedicellis et pilosis. Eriogonum nov callistum Reveal, sp. (Fig. 1).Tvth:U.S.A.CaliF0RN1A; Kern Tehachapi Mountains, Co.: May NX 26 2006. R.E. Preston 2400 (holotype: UC; isotypes: RSA, US). A Eriogono lachnogyno Torr. ex Benth. loliis lationbus et longioribus, involucris numerosis (10-35 nee 2-5), et floribus albis (nee flavis) et E. latifolio Sm. floribus pilosis differt. Plants perennial forming densely white-tomentose, rounded, compact mounds, 3-10(-ll) dm dm across and (0.5-)l-3.5 high, arising from woody taproot numerous, a stout, vv^ith spreading, tightly compact caudex branches covered marcescent vv^ith leaves ultimately terminated by numerous, a tight leafy rosette of nevv^ly-formed basal leaves; leaves fas- cm ciculate in terminal tufts, persistent, the petiole 1.5-5 long, grayish-white tomentose, cm cm narrowly the petiole-base triangular, glabrous, 0.5-3 long, 0.3-0.8 wide, becoming Mailing address: 18625 Spring Canyon Road, Montrose, Colorado 81401-7906, U.S.A 857-861. SIDA 2006 22(2): BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(2) 858 Illustration (left to right) of a leaf, an involucre, and a flower with its pedicel and bractlets. Fig. 1 . papery and reddish-brown with the blade flattened or shghtly folded longi- age, elliptic, tudinally, (l-)2-5 cm long, 0.8-2 cm wide, silky grayish-white tomentose on both sur- from margins lat;/loweringstcm scapose, arising centrally rosette, erect faces, the entire, f dm or nearly slender sohd, not fistulosc, (L5-)2-4(-4.5) long, greenish to grayish, be- so, cm 2-4 coming reddish with thinly tomentose; inflorescences capitate, across; bracts age, mm mm 8-16, subfoliaceous, linear to narrowly lanceolate, 4-12(-15) long, 1-3 wide, to- mentose on both surfaces except glabrous basally on adaxial surface; peduncles absent; mm mm 2-4 involucres 10-25(-35) per cluster, turbinate, (5-)6-8(-9) long, wide, rigid, mm tomentose abaxially glabrous adaxially, the teeth erect, 2-3.5 long, acute apically; 5, mm 2-5 (5-)6-10(-12) flowers bisexual, not attenuated basally long, the pedicels pilose, mm mm long, the bractlets linear, 4-8(-10) long, pilose throughout, the perianth pink- m ish-white bud, becoming bright white, densely white tomentose with long, soft hairs mid- abaxially glabrous adaxially except glands along the rosy to yellowish-green for connate 1/4-1/3 the tepals their len ribs, mm 3-6 the outer three slightly broader than the inner three; stamens exserted, long, tic, the filaments pilose proximally the anthers oblong, pale yellow with a tinge of pink to mm mm 3-4 0.4-0.5 long; achenes trigonous, long, glabrous. light rose, 2M Other specimens examined: U.S.A. Kern Co.: Tehachapi Mt)untanis, 13Jun 2006, B.D. Stbajcr (DAV, NY, RSA, RevcaUtal RSA, UC. UC; us); 25Jul 2006J.L 8781 (NY, US). new Eriogonum callislmn (from kaUiston most beautiful; Figs. 3) represents a sec- Gr., 2, and The Lanocephala (from wooly within Eucychi lenos hairs, tion subg. Nutt. Sect. Gr., NEW REVEAL, A SPECIES OF ERIOGONUM FROM CALIFORNIA 859 ofEriogonum Fig. 2. Habit callistum. Fig. 3. An inflorescence of Eriogonum callistum at anthesis. 860 BR1T.ORG/SIDA 22(2} on arranged kcphale, head, as to the pilose flowers hairy pedicels in a capitate inflores- & Lachnogyna taxon two encountered cence) similar to Sect. Torr. A. Gray, a of species is from eastern Arizona to western Texas northward onto the southern Great Plams to Colo- E rado and Kansas. Although the type, lachnogynum, has hairy achenes, the other spe- tomentum The havardh Watson, has glabrous grayish-white cies, £. fruits. soft, silky, S. mem- of the leaves of callistum similar to that seen in both species, and while both E. is m Lachnogyuahave The bers of Sect. yellow flowers, those of E. callisl u are a bright white. more and monospecific section probably closely allied to Sect. Laiijolia Benth., specifi- is mounds element Sm. Both form rounded cally the coastal of the taxon, latijolium of E. leaves and have numerous involucres in capitate heads. Still, E. latijolium is best charac- m woody subshrub shrub with aboveground, Eriogonum terized as a or long, stems. callisi u an herbaceous perennial with short, stout, caudcx branches buried in a mixture of soil is and marcescent leaves. Nonetheless, Sect. LanoccphaJa the only taxon in the genus with is hairy pedicels. The flowers of E. caUistum are individually small but numerous in nu- The merous involucres that together form a capitate cluster atop long, slender scapes. and embryo abundant mealy achene trigonous, glabrous, contains a curved in en- is dosperm; as such typical of most species of subg. Eucycla. Ongoing molecular stud- It is should resolve an exact placement of Sect. Lanoccphala. ies known At present, Eriogonum callistum only from a few scattered locations that is new some 2000 The altogether contain individuals in a variety of age classes. species among grows mainly in open places manzanita on rock outcrops of pre-Cretaccous lime- & stone (Jennings Strand on open ridges within mixed chaparral. Associated spe- 1969), & cies include Adem^stomafasciculaium Hook. Arn., Amelanchicr utahcnsis Koehne, Lemmon, Arctostaphylos glauca Arctostaphylos parry ana Hcsperoyucca whipplci Lindl., & (Torr.) Trek, Pinus monophylla Torr. Frem., Ceanolhus cuncatus (Hook.) Nutt., Quercus herheridiJoHa Liebm., Tauschiaparishii (J.M.Coult.&Rose)J.F.Macbr., Caslilkja martinii & V Abrams, and Corydanlhus cremicus (Coville Morton) Munz. C. new In the key to Eriogonum in Elora ojNorth America (Reveal 2005), the wild buck- num- wheat will key to subg. Eucycla, Key 1-California 22,5) and will proceed to lead (p. may ber 12 226). That be modified as follows: (p. Perianth glabrous; Sierra Nevada, Transverse Ranges, and desert ranges to the east from 12. s Mono County to Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties 73. Eriogonum kennedyi s Mono Perianth pubescent; Last Change Range, Inyo and counties, or Tehachapi Mountains, 12. Kern County. dm 12a. Achenes pubescent; pedicels glabrous; scapes up to 0.3 long; Last Change Range, Mono Eriogonum nyo and counties 68. shockleyi dm 12a. Achenes glabrous; pedicels pilose; scapes 2-3.5 long; Tehachapi Mountains, Kern Eriogonum County 92a. callistum Tlie author has agreed not to publish at this time detailed information as to the exact and Eriogonum location distribution of callistum. make Eriogonum caUistum should an attractive addition to the rock garden flora. The roundish mats composed numerous large, are of tight rosettes of persistent leaves that remain attractive long after lowermg. The fresh leaves, plus those ol previous years f that remain on the caudcx branches, allow the mats to accumulate soil and plant debris mounds and thus enlarge as roundish v^ith each grovv^ing season. The numerous, closely mean arranged caudex branches that the plants can be grov/n as tight, compact clusters The along borders or in patterns. plants natural habitat suggests that requires little it NEW REVEAL, A SPEGES OF ERIOGONUM FROM CALIFORNIA 861 watering, prefers gravelly soil in open, sunny places, and should survive with or no little maintenance. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS wish thank Hazel preparing drawing to Pollard for the line I REFERENCES map jFNNiNr,s,C.W.and R.G.Sk^and. 969. Geologic of California, Los Angeles Sheet. California Division 1 Mines and Geology, Sacramento. Scale; :250;000. 1 Reveal, J.L 2005. 44a. Polygonaceae Jussieu subfam. Enogonoideae Arnott, Encycl. Brittannica (ed. 7), 5:126. 1832. Wild buckwheat.Fl.N.Amer.5:218-478.

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