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Ericameria nauseosa subsp. ammophila (Asteraceae), a new rabbitbrush from the San Luis Valley of Colorado PDF

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Preview Ericameria nauseosa subsp. ammophila (Asteraceae), a new rabbitbrush from the San Luis Valley of Colorado

AMMOPHILA NAUSEOSA ERICAMERIA SUBSR (ASTERACEAE), NEW EROM A RABBITBRUSH THE SAN VALLEY LUIS COLORADO OF CAnderson Loran Professor Emeritus, Department of Biological Science Florida State University 32306-4370, Tallahassee, Florida U.S.A. ABSTRACT A previously undescribed, distinctive subspecies of rabbitbrush has been recently discovered in south-central named Colorado where it is the dominant plant on sandsheet and is frequent on low sand dunes. It is here A Comparisons made with Encameria naiLseosasubsp. cimmophi detailed description given. are related taxa, la. is and key provided. a is RESUMEN Se ha descubierto recientemente una nueva subespecie de chamiso en el centro-sur de Colorado dindc es la planta dommante en el arenal y frecuente en dunas bajas. Se ha nombrado como Ericamaia nawseosa subsp. amm(7phi/c(.Seaportaunadescripci6ndetallada.Sehacencomparacionesconotrostaxarelacionados,yseaporta una clave. One most widespread western North America the rabbitbrush of the species in is Nesom Canada Ericameria nauseosa (Pallas ex Pursh) &r Baird. ranges from southern It south northern Mexico and from the Dakotas, Kansas, and Texas west to Washington to known and This rabbitbrush was long as Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas California. Clements) monographed Chrysothamnus 1923 ex Pursh) Britton. H.M. Hall (with E. in F. many when North and Haplopappus and views held However, the in 1928, his for years. South American species of Haplopappus were demonstrated not to be closely related to the American species (which included the type species for the genus), several sections of Hall's One such genus North American HapJopappus were recognized as separate genera. is Erica meria. Some species of Chrysoi hamnus, such as C. nauseosus, have long been noted DNA When Ericameria. data suggested that the traditional for their close similarity to Nesom Chrysothamnus was not monophyletic, and Baird (1993) transferred four of its Ericameria, including nauseosus, species, C. to C Nesom Anderson (1986a) recognized 22 subspecies of nauseosus, whereas and Baird and mi (1993) recognized two subspecies of E. nauseosa subsp. nauseosa subsp. consi lis) (i.e., new and Now, mfraspecific taxon of nauseosa to be described. several varieties. a E. is Should be a variety or a subspecies^ Nesom and Baird (1993) emphasized the category it my and (Anderson 1986b) of variety but believe rationale for use of subspecies is solid, I new ammophila, Ericameria nauseosa subsp. below. therefore describe the subspecies, I my and Variability in the species great, and extensive study of the group in the field in is me names more herbarium has convinced apply infraspccific to only the signifi- the to cant morphotypes. surprising that this new^ subspecies has escaped recognition for It is C Specimens were not represented in the more than 12,000 collections of so long. of it UNM) NCM, COLO, RM, and nauseosus studied from 56 herbaria (including CS, that I about 30 years ago. SIDA 867 -872. 2006 22(2): 868 BRIT.0R6/SIDA 22(2) make intend to appropriate subspecific combinations in Ericameria nauscosa in a I future paper so that variation within the wider ranging subspecies can then be recog- Some nized through quadrinomials. argue that quadrinomials are cumbersome, but at may why an appHed level, some field workers wonder the populations in their regions name same somewhat have the subspecific that applied different-looking popula- to is tions in other regions, and quadrinomials would help them see the relationships. There- m names fore, the discussion section of the present paper, will use subspecies as they I occurred in Chrysothamnus nauscosus (Anderson 1986a) comparative purposes. for & Nesom Ericameria nauseosa (Pallas ex Pursh) Baird subsp. ammophila L.C Anderson, nov Subsp, UNITRDSTATnS.CorORADO. (Figs. 1, 2). Type: Saguache Co.; abundant on sandsheet of SW m Baca National Wildlife Refuge, ca. 4.5 au" mi of Crestone, elcv. 2528 C7600 Lat. 37° 56' 12" N. Long. f r), 105^ 44' 29" W, 2 Sep 2005, LC. Anderson 21303 (moi.otype; BRIT; isotypics; c:OLO, FSU, NY). dm Trurices usque ad 14 caulibus multis tomentulosis 20-45 alti fast igiatis el foliis flavovireniibus; folia linearia, mm mm mm longa, 0.6-1.2 lata; inflorcscentiae paniculatim cymosae; capiuila cylindrica, 9.3-14 aha, straminea, bracteis exterioribus ovatis, tomentulosis vel glabratis, intenoribus oblongis, glabris, apicibus obtusis vel acuminatis;flosculidisci5, pallideflavi,corollibusl0.5-13mm longis,lobispIerumquc minus quam Immlongis, mm aliquot pilissparsis in rubocorollae usque ad longis,appendicibussryli quam lineisstigmaticisplerumque 3.5 longioribus, plerumque longioribus; achaenia pubescentia. dm Fastigiate shrubs, 3.5-7(-14) usually broader than from considerable branch- tall, tall cm ing; ultimate flowering branches (8-)10-20(-25) shallowly grooved, yellovv^ish- tall, compact tomentum, somewhat green vv^th viscidulous. Leaves alternate, entire, linear, mm stiffly ascending or slightly spreading, (20-)25-30(-45) long, only slightly shorter mm toward stem with tips, (0.6-)0.9"1.0(-L2) wide, subterete adaxial groove, light green, pubescence compact, tomentum and few of sparse, a longer, villous hairs. Inflorescences mm tightly congested paniculate cymes; heads cylindrical, (9.3-)ll-12.5(-I4) (2-)2.5(- tall, mm mm wide, stramineous; with cusp 3) receptacle central (0.7-)l-2(~2.5) long. Phyllar- mm ies (15-)16-18(-20), in vertical rows, outermost (lowest) bracts ovate, L2-2 long, mm tomentulose to glabrate, inner bracts oblong, 8-10 long, glabrous with ± mar- ciliate mm mm weakly gins (few with cilia to 0.4 long), keeled, tips (rarely tufted pappilae 0.1 mm long) obtuse to acuminate. Disk flowers corollas (10.5-)11.5-12.5(-13) long, nar- 5; mm ro\vly cylmdric gradually flaring to erect lobes (0.6-)0.7-1.0(-L3) long, yellow, sparse mm mm on hairs tube generally long but few 0.2 a l-2(-3.5) long; styles (13-)14-16(-I7.5) mm mm long, style branches 3.9^4.7 long, the stigmatic lines more or less equal to branch mm mm tips in length (40-56%), anthers 4 long with appendage 0.8-0.9 mature long; when achenes cylindric, 5-nerved (the nerves noticeable because of brownish material mm in associated secretory canals), 4.5-6(-6.8) long, sericious with hairs (0.4-)0.5-0.7(- mm mm hO) pappus long, (9-)10-ll(-12.5) long, finely barbellate, white. A new Phenology.— few shrubs of the subspecies bloom August; most start to in late bloom are in full in mid-late September, whereas E. nauseosa subsp. consimiJis, or var. & Nesom orcophila (A. Nelson) G.L. G.L Baird, found in nearby more mesic, saline sites, blooms August. earlier in new Habitat— The rabbitbrush occurs (in descending frequency) on: sandsheet, dune fields, stabilized sand dunes, and sandy soil of open pinyon-juniper (old dunes?). The term sandsheet is variously defined by geologists; here refers to flat expanses of stabilized it coarse, poorly sorted sands that occur extensively along the margins of the high dunes of m Sand Dunes the Great National Park (tallest North America). The rabbitbrush the is dominant plant (hiding nearly equally frequent grasses) on the sandsheet, and sandsheet NEW ANDERSON, ERICAMERIA NAUSEOSA SUBSP. AMMOPHILA, A SUBSPECIES FROM COLORADO 869 FiGJ.CIose-upofofflowering branches of f/-/ramer/a/7flt/S(?5flsubsp.flmmopM£/ showing characteristic yellow glabrous involucres, and short corolla lobes. 870 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(2) common name new rabbitbrush very appropriate as a for this subspecies (whose epi- is much ammophila means From on thet 'sand loving'). a distance, the vegetation of the Baca National Wildhfe Refuge appears as a more or less evenly spaced, 'unbroken sea' of Dune some sandsheet rabbitbrush. fields are generally flat but have undulating topogra- m phy. The sandsheet rabbitbrush occurs elevations from 2518 2735 (7550 8200 at to to ft). Associaled specie^.— The grasses, Achnaihcrum (Oryzopsis hymcnoides (Roem. &r ) Schult.) Barkworth and Chon J ro5um(BcMJtc/ou(^)gra(:iIeH.B.K., arc usually co-dominants with the sandsheet rabbitbrush. The following are found one or more at sites: Chrysothamuusgreenei hyiogonum cernuum (Gray) Greene, Nuttall, Hetcroslipa (Slipa) & comaia (Trin. Rupr.) Barkworth, Ipomopsis longijlora (Torn) Grant, Nutlallia V. (Mcntzclia) rushyi (Wooton) Rydb., Opuntia polyacantha Haworth, PsoraJidium & Rhus lanccoJatum (Pursh) Rydb., trilobata Nuttall, Senecio muliilohatus Torr Gray, Gray and The 5por(;b()Iuscr}^pfandru.s(Torr.) Yuccaglauca Nuttall. flora of thesandsheet- m numbers sandhill ecosystem of this region sparse of taxa. is COLORADO. Additional collections: Alamosa Co.; Clreat Sand Dunes National Park Visitors Center, 2 Sep 2005, Hwy L.C. Anderson 21,280 (F5U); sand sheet by road to Medano Ranch, 9.9 mi E of 17, 2 Sep 2005, L.C. Anderson 21291 (FSU). Saguache Co.: ca. 3.7 mi SSE of Crcstonc, 21 Aug Erduian 0113 (FSU), 6 Sep 2001J. Hrdman 2001,J. 0116 (FSU), 27 Sep 2001 Erdman 0121 (FSU); Sep 2005, LC. Anderson 21,276 (FSU); rd to San Isabel Canyon J. 1 Aug trailhcad, 21 2001 FrJmcni 0II4 CF5U); 7 Sep 2001 Frt/mcn] 0.n9(FSU); 28 Sep 2001 F/Jfndn 0123 (FSU)^ J. J. J. near Pinyon Flats, Great Sand Dunes National Park. 2 Sep 2005, LC. Anderson 21/286 (FSU); dune near "Ox- tield bow Pond" between Spanish Creek and Cottonwood Creek, 22 Aug 2001, Erdman 0115 (FSU); 7 Sep 2005, j. J. Erdman Erdman 0118 (FSU); 27 Sep 0122 (FSU); 2 Sep 2005, E.C. Anderson 212>0\ (FSU). 2001,J, DISCUSSION The sandslicct rabbitbrusli (subsp. ammop]\\\d) perhaps most closely related subsp. is to New mtxdxxs L.C. Anderson which occurs in northern Arizona and adjacent Mexico. The two share the features of yellow-green foliage and stramineous, shiny involucres. They dif- fer in geography and habitat Csubsp. mlxdViS prefers sandy gravels of dry stream beds) and mmoph cm cm in that subsp. a la fomrs shorter shrubs usually 35-70 tall (60-150 in subsp. i and has flowering stems and more crowded than nil id us), fastigiate in subsp. niM' dies; leaves mm mm mm usually 25-30 long and wide (30-50 by or less 1-1.5 in subsp, n idus), corol- 1 i I mm mm las mostly 11.5-12,5 long (9.5-11 in niiidus), unusually long trichomes on the m and corolla tubes pubescent achenes (usually glabrous Subspecies naius nitidus). u rhi t m M.E.Jones like the sandsheet rabbitbrush height and branching, but occurs gener- is it ally in sandy regions of the Great Basin and has mostly longer involucres with tomentulosc acuminate ammophiJa phyllaries that arc acute to (phyllaries in subsp. are mostly glabrous with obtuse to acute tips), and shorter corollas with lobes that arc vil- & Nesom lous. Subspecies consimilisii.c., var. orcophila of Baird 1993) rarely grows with ammoph subsp. but subsp. consimilis usually grows in more saline or disturbed (mcsic) la, i habitats in this region, and differs in forming generally narrower shrubs with it taller, darker green foliage and smaller involucres and flowers. The unusually long hairs (up to mm) 3.5 on the corolla tubes of the sandsheet rabbitbrush are 10 times longer than any others found in the species or in all of the former genus Chvysothamnus (Anderson 1970). A portion of the Urbatsch et (2006) key to the varieties (hsted here as subspecies) al. Encamcria new of nauscosa given bclow^ with the subspecies included; subsp. is ammophila shares a couplet with subsp. hernardinus, but the two are not closely related (ecologically, geographically or taxonomically within the species). ANDERSON, ERICAMERIA NAUSE05A SUBSP. AMMOPHILA, A NEW SUBSPECIES FROM COLORADO 871 - J 'ftitS^W^-^r-^- fl.'ft'flV.'. W^ W»- J . ^ -^^EW' -Iff r-«^' . A f-^ j'ji ^ Fig. 2. Sandsheet rabbitbrush in foreground on stabilized dune in Great Sand Dunes National Park (in front of lower shoulder of large dune devoid of vegetation) with the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in the background. BRILORG/SIDA 22(2) 872 mm) Cypselae glabrous (plants 60-150 cm;involucres 10-12.5 subsp. nitidus (in part) 1. Cypselae hairy. 1. (sometimes Corolla lobes villous sparse 16. mm, Leaf blades 30-50 faces glabrate subsp. nitidus (in part) 19. mm, turbinatus Leaf blades 10-20 faces tomentulose subsp. 19. Corollas lobes glabrous. 16, sometimes 23. aries usually glabrous, outer sparsely hairy. mm. 10-12[13] mm;involucres [9.3]10-14 Corollas 24. mm] bernardinus [24a. Corolla lobes 1.7-2.3 subsp. (in part) mm ammophila [24a. Corolla lobes or less] subsp. 1 mm 6-9+ mm; 6-10 subsp consimil e,var oreophila Corollas involucres 24. is [i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Erdman accommodations, and valuable James provided camaraderie, transportation, general knowledge of the flora and geology of the area and obtained access for collecting USDA Richard Sparks of the and Fred Bunch and Phyllis Pineda Bovin in restricted areas. Mark of Great Sand Dunes National Park also gave excellent assistance. Garland provided the Latin diagnosis; William A. Weber and an anonymous reviewer offered important suggestions improving the manuscript. Funds from the Friends ot the Robert K. for Godfrey Herbarium (FSU) helped defray publication costs of this paper. REFERENCES LC anatomy Chrysothamnus Compositae), 3:466-503. Anderson, 970. of (Astereae, Sida Floral 1 LC 986a. An overview of the genus Chrysothamnus (Astereae), E.D.McArthur and B.L rson, In: Ani-ji 1 Welch. Symp. Biology of Artemisia and Chrysothamnus, USDA, Forest Service, Intermountain Proc, Ogden, 29-45. Research Station, Utah, Pp. Andi LC. 986b. Sympatric subspecies Chrysothamnus nauseosus. E.D. McArthur and B.L rson, in In: 1 Welch. Proc, Symp. Biology of /Arfem/5/c:? and C/irysot/iamnivs. USDA, Forest Servicejntermountain Ogden, 98-1 Research Station, Utah. Pp. 03. The genus Haplopappus;d phylogenetic study the Compositae. Carnegie Ha!i, H.M. 1928. in Inst. Wash. Washington, D,C Publ. 389, and The phylogenetic method taxonomy. The North American spe- Hall, H.M. RE. Clements. 1923. in cies of ArtemisiaXhrysothamnus, and Atriplex. Carnegie Inst.Wash. Publ, 326, Washington, D.C. Nlsom, G.L and Brno. 1993. Completion of Ericameria (Asteraceae: Astereae), diminution of G.l. Chrysothamnus. Phytologia 75:74-93. Anderson, and K.M.NEUBiG.2006,The genus fr/carner/c?Nuttall (Asteraceae). UHBAiseLi,LE.,LC. R.RRotiLKis, North Amer. 26:50-77. Fl.

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