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Preview Eric LanE appointEd dEan The Eric J. Schmertz Distinguished

SPRING 2013 THE MAGAZINE OF MAurIcE A. DEANE ScHOOl OF lAw AT HOFSTrA uNIvErSITy Eric LanE appointEd dEan The Eric J. Schmertz Distinguished Professor of Public Law and Public Service becomes the Ninth Dean of Hofstra Law p.1 SUccESSFUL tHinKinG Larren M. Nashelsky ’91 recounts his path to chair of Morrison & Foerster LLP p.16 Network with your fellow alumni online through LinkedIn! law.hofstra.edu/LinkedIn Join your fellow alumni in our LinkedIn group, Alumni of Hofstra Law. This online community is • View jobs posted by • Participate in timely and Join today at a private group open only Hofstra Law’s Career relevant discussions of law.hofstra.edu/LinkedIn to your peers from Hofstra Services office and by interest to you to begin taking advantage Law. By joining the group alumni of this resource! The group is growing fast you will be able to: • Build your network and can serve as your go-to • Search for other Hofstra by connecting with source for getting in touch Law alumni by geographic 2,500 (and growing!) with other graduates. region or practice area Hofstra Law alumni Message Iam honored to be writing my first introduction to our alumni magazine, HOFSTRA LAW REPORT, as dean of the Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University. The Law School was founded — now more From the than 40 years ago — with the goal of being an innova- tive institution made up of risk-takers wanting to make an impact in their fields and in society. These principles attracted me to Hofstra Law 36 years ago, when then- Dean Monroe Freedman, asked me to join the faculty. Dean Now as dean of the Law School, I hope to continue the pioneering spirit with which Hofstra Law was founded. To that end, we have vastly expanded our experien- tial learning opportunities, nationally and internationally, to better prepare and position students for the job mar- ket. This issue highlights some of our new offerings, including our unique Cuba field study, a semester-long externship program in Washington, D.C., and a Disaster Recovery Clinic, which helps small-business owners “Now as dean of the Law affected by Superstorm Sandy. We have also made helping students find jobs School, I hope to continue the a top priority. While these are challenging times for ” American law schools and the legal market, it is impor- pioneering spirit with which tant to remember that a law degree lasts a lifetime and is a valuable resource no matter the economic environ- Hofstra Law was founded. ment or a person’s career path. The alumni in this issue’s “Spotlight” feature can attest to this — they all agree that their law school education was pivotal in reaching their professional goals. Their success in a variety of fields also exemplifies Hofstra Law’s founding principle of making an impact. Another example of someone who has made a pro- found contribution in his field, as well as to the Law School, is John DeWitt Gregory, the Sidney and Walter Siben Distinguished Professor of Family Law and a mem- ber of the Hofstra Law faculty since its beginnings. In another of this issue’s feature stories, Professor Gregory, who is retiring at the end of this school year, reflects on his more than four decades at the Law School and his involvement in starting the Clinical Program. As you will read, this is an exciting time at Hofstra Law, and I thank all who have contributed to our efforts. I look forward to seeing more of you at our upcoming events at the Law School and around the country. My best, Eric Lane Dean and Eric J. Schmertz Distinguished Professor of Public Law and Public Service Photo by Tony Lopez 11 law.hofstra.edu DEaN’S aDvISoRy BoaRD aLumNI aSSocIatIoN connect with 2,500+ members of the Hofstra Law ChaIr Executive Board alumni network: Brad Eric Scheler ’77 Senior Partner and chairman, PrESIDEnt YYoouu in law.hofstra.edu/LinkedIn Bankruptcy and Christopher J. Caruso ’00 TTuubbee ® restructuring Department Partner, Moses & Singer, LLP Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson llP VICE PrESIDEnt Learn more about Hofstra Law Mark J. Caruso ’77 Christopher J. Caruso ’00, Ex Officio Partner, and the work of our graduates, Partner Caruso, Caruso & Branda, PC students and faculty members: Moses & Singer, llP VICE PrESIDEnt YYoouu in Gordon Crane ’78 Barbara a. Lukeman ’0TT0uubbee facebook.com/HofLaw ® President and cEO Partner, Nixon Peabody, LLP Apple & Eve llc VICE PrESIDEnt TTYYuuoobbuuee youtubien.com/HofstraLawSchool Lorna B. Goodman ’75 richard Schoenstein ’90 ® Former Executive Director Partner, Satterlee Stephens New york city charter revision Burke & Burke LLP commission SECrEtary Marc L. hamroff ’83 terrence L. tarver ’07 Managing Partner Associate, Sullivan Papain Block DEParTMENTS Moritt Hock & Hamroff llP McGrath & Cannavo P.C. Michael D. Jaffe ’80 chairman, President and cEO committee co-chairs 4 news country-wide Insurance company CarEEr SErVICES 44 Faculty news Spencer D. Klein ’89 Peter Morgan ’97 Partner and co-Head of Partner, Dentons LLP Mergers & Acquisitions 47 recognition & Morrison & Foerster llP Michael Schnipper ’04 Associate, Nixon Peabody, LLP Stewardship randy L. Levine ’80 President richard Schoenstein ’90 53 class notes New york yankees Partner, Satterlee Stephens Senior counsel Burke & Burke LLP Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld llP DEVELoPMEnt Merrie S. Frankel ’80 aT ISSUE Judith a. Livingston ’79 Vice President Senior Partner Moody’s Investors Service Kramer, Dillof, livingston & Moore richard Fuhrman ’77 28 Keeping Youth in Financial Services Representative, School: ‘a Major civil Michael D. Patrick ’78 North Shore Financial Group, Partner an Office of MetLife rights issue’ Fragomen, Del rey, Bernsen & loewy, llP DIVErSIty By Gabrielle Bronstein Michelle Marquez ’90 Michael D. Penner ’94 Director of Development President and cEO Susan G. Komen for the Cure richelieu legwear Maria Matos ’93 Samuel ramos ’91 Executive Secretary, Managing Director and Committee on Character & Fitness Associate General counsel Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Goldman, Sachs & co. 1st Judicial Department Mark P. Schnapp ’76 EnroLLMEnt ManaGEMEnt co-chair, white collar ralph h. Cathcart ’90 criminal Practice Partner, Ladas & Parry, LLP Greenberg Traurig, llP Laura Daly ’08 Philip J. Shapiro ’78 Attorney, Lawyers for Children President and cEO liberty Maritime corporation 2 Contents SPOTLIGHT 15 Leaders and the Law By Jean Cohen Wechsler Hofstra Law alumni LaRREN m. NaSHELSky ’91, kImBERLy R. ward cLINE ’87, IvaN kaufmaN ’85, PatRIck kELLy ’82 and Ho GoRDoN cRaNE ’78 have risen to the top positions in their Photo by organizations. Although they’ve achieved their success in diverse fields, ranging from management, finance and real estate to manufacturing and academia, they all concur that their law school education has been a key asset in building their careers. FEaTUrES 12 news The End of an Era: John DeWitt Gregory to Retire By Gabrielle Bronstein Nelson In this brief review of his distinguished career, Professor Gregory and his Horatio ca ot lHleoafgstureas L sahwa.r e some reflections on his more than four decades Photo by Ricardo 32 perspectives Global Student Experiences By Andrew Damron 3L, Sumaiya Khalique 3L, Gary Badrajan 3L and Lisha Yakub ’12 To better prepare students for the global practice of law, Hofstra Law offers programs in which students can study or work in an international setting. Some recent participants in programs in China, Australia, Cuba and Ecuador give first-person accounts of their experiences. 40 perspectives News From the Clinics By Jean Cohen Student interest in helping Occupy Wall Street protesters and Superstorm Sandy victims in need of pro bono legal services gave rise to two new clinical programs at Hofstra Law. 33 law.hofstra.edu Volume 20 | Number 1 | Spring 2013 Dean Eric Lane Senior associate Dean for academic affairs and Experiential Education and Clinical Professor of Law Jennifer A. Gundlach Director of Communications Andrew E. Berman Managing Editor Kenneth J. Selvester Contributors Gary Badrajan, Andrew E. Berman, Lisa Berman, Gabrielle Bronstein, Jean Cohen, Andrew Damron, James Koffler, Sumaiya Khalique, Christine M. Lunsford, Jodie Sperico, Lisha Yakub Photography Aakaash Bali, Tony Lopez, Ricardo Horatio Nelson, Howard Wechsler Design Tobie-Lynn Accardi assistant Dean for External relations Lisa Berman Director of Development Christine M. Lunsford Director of alumni relations Jodie Sperico Editorial office MaUrICE a. DEanE SChooL oF LaW at hoFStra UnIVErSIty 121 Hofstra University, Suite 29J Hempstead, New York 11549 Phone: 516-463-4142 | Fax: 516-463-5047 [email protected] address changes can be submitted on the Hofstra Law website at law.hofstra.edu/Stayconnected or directed to the Office of Alumni Relations at [email protected] or 516-463-2586. HOFSTRA LAW REPORT welcomes letters to the editor and class Notes submitted on the Hofstra Law website at law.hofstra.edu/Stayconnected or sent by mail or e-mail to the addresses above. HOFSTRA LAW REPORT, Hofstra Law’s magazine, is published once a year by the Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and editors and do not reflect official positions of the Maurice A. Deane School of Law or Hofstra University. © 2013 by the Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University 4 News Hofstra Law Review Celebrates 40 Years of Impact moRE tHaN 100 LaW REvIEW aLumNI aND we are today, citing events such as the second impeach- current staff members gathered on October 15 in ment of a U.S. president, the landmark legislation of the New York City to celebrate 40 years of the Hofstra Law Clean Air and Clean Water acts, the Patriot Act, the many Review. The evening recognized the impact of the jour- controversial decisions on the Supreme Court, the worst nal and the work of its contributors and staff in creating terrorist attack in U.S. history, several wars, and interna- a publication that has made tional developments as impact- its mark on the legal commu- ing the laws of our land. In a time nity. In her opening remarks when law reviews have become volume 40 editor-in-chief less relevant and the public thinks aLLaNa GRINSHtEyN  ’12 less about what lawyers do, he quoted the first editor-in- encouraged the students to con- chief, the Honorable JoHN J. tinue to grapple with the issues of faRLEy  III ’73, who in the the day and publish meaningful 40th anniversary issue wrote, pieces that stand the test of time. “Forty boards of editors, forty With the presidential debate sets of managing editors, and scheduled to take place on forty staffs have all labored Hofstra’s campus the next day, toward the common goal of Ashcroft emphasized the impor- serving the law by making the tance of debates, going back to Hofstra Law Review a publica- the Lincoln-Douglas debates of tion recognized for its accu- 1858, as a chance for a “collision of Inaugural issue of the Hofstra Law Review racy, authority, and originality.” ideas that give us the opportunity The evening’s guest speak- to move forward.” He spoke elo- ers, Michael Gerhardt, the Samuel Ashe Distinguished quently of America’s place in the forefront of freedom, Professor in Constitutional Law and director of the reciting Emma Lazarus’ words inscribed on the Statue of Center on Law and Government at the University of North Liberty, and remarked that our government is a “growth Carolina School of Law, and former U.S. Attorney General industry for the growth of the people, not the growth of John D. Ashcroft, chairman of The Ashcroft Group, government.” He noted that the Hofstra Law Review is LLC — both contributors to the anniversary issues of the part of the discussion that makes freedom possible and journal — further endorsed the value of publications like that the quality of the conversation inspired by such pub- the Hofstra Law Review in providing an important forum lications is important. He closed by praising the noble for examining the legal issues of the day. work of the Hofstra Law Review in creating a culture of Gerhardt spoke about the extraordinary changes in long-term intergenerational support through its current the law over the past 40 years that have shaped who members and alumni. H 5 law.hofstra.edu News Selected Recent Hofstra Labor & Guest Speakers, Employment Law Journal 2012-2013 Marks 30th Anniversary DIStINGuISHED LEctuRES Howard and Iris kaplan memorial Lecture Hon. Denny chin, Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Philip J. Shapiro Endowed International visiting Scholar Lecture thomas R. Graham, Member, World Trade Organization Appellate Body European-american consortium for Legal Education visiting Scholar Lecture Hon. Luc Lavrysen, Professor of Law, Ghent University, and Judge, Constitutional Court of Belgium Distinguished visiting Scholar-in-Residence Lecture Roberta Romano, Sterling Professor of Law and Director, Yale Law School Center for the cuRRENt aND foRmER mEmBERS Relations Board, addressed the Study of Corporate Law, of the Hofstra Labor & Employment work that he and his colleagues on Yale Law School Law Journal celebrated the 30th anni- the NLRB have been engaged in since Sidney and Walter Siben versary of the journal’s founding on he joined the board in 2010, includ- Distinguished Professorship February 7. The event, held at Dechert ing recent cases involving employers’ Lecture in family Law carol Sanger, Barbara Aronstein LLP, was hosted by aNDREW  L. social media policies and whether they Black Professor of Law, oRINGER  ’84, partner and co-chair tend to chill employees’ rights under Columbia Law School of Dechert’s ERISA and Executive the National Labor Relations Act. Compensation Group. “Seeing so DavID B. fELDmaN ’82, partner at BREakfaStS WItH tHE DEaN many people who are interested in Moses & Singer LLP and the journal’s Risco mention-Lewis ’93, labor and employment law — former founding editor-in-chief, spoke about Deputy Police Commissioner, editors-in-chief and current journal the late Dean Eric J. Schmertz, prais- Suffolk County members  — together in one place ing his tireless work to turn the Hofstra Richard a. Small ’80, really shows how much the journal has Labor & Employment Law Journal into Vice President, Enterprise-wide accomplished over the last 30 years,” a reality. (On March 24, 2011, Schmertz Anti-Money Laundering, Anti- Corruption and Sanctions Risk said Joshua Seidman, the journal’s vol- was presented posth umously with the Management, American Express ume 30 symposium editor. journal’s Samuel M. Kaynard Award for Honored guest Mark Gaston Pearce, Excellence by Feldman.) H Steven c. Witkoff ’83, Chairman and CEO, chairman of the National Labor The Witkoff Group 6 Hofstra Law report • SPRING 2013 News Hofstra Labor & A New Deanship for Externship Program in DC Employment Law Journal Experiential Education Launches Marks 30th Anniversary JENNIfER a. GuNDLacH WaS NamED Hofstra Law currently offers a tHE HofStRa LaW IN D.c. Extern- senior associate dean for experiential substantial number of opportunities ship Program (HLDC) was announced education in November. Gundlach, who for students to engage in experi- this past fall, offering students a total is also the senior associate dean for ential learning and pro bono work immersion and hands-on experi- academic affairs, has served as both an through nine clinics and clinical practi- ence working in a legal setting for administrator and a faculty member in cums and many externship programs. a semester in the nation’s capital. various roles at the Maurice A. Deane Under Gundlach’s leadership, the Law HLDC’s goal is to enable students School of Law since 2007. School has already begun to expand to blend their doctrinal training with “With more than 10 years of experi- its offerings through a newly launched the development of practical skills ence in clinical legal education, Jennifer semester-long externship program in and professional identity to be better brings great insight and leadership to Washington, D.C. prepared to begin practicing law. an area that is essen- Gundlach, who Students will work full time as an tial for preparing received her A.B. in unpaid legal extern at an approved practice-ready law- history from Kenyon congressional committee, federal yers,” said Dean Eric College and her J.D. government agency, nonprofit orga- Lane. “In this new from American Uni- nization or public interest group. position, she will versity Washington They will conduct research and pro- strengthen Hofstra College of Law, began vide advice and assistance on leg- Law’s commitment her teaching career at islative, legal, policy and regulatory to developing expe- the Washington Col- matters under the direct supervision riential learning lege of Law in 2000, of an experienced attorney. They will oppor tunities for first as an adjunct pro- also attend a weekly evening semi- our students.” fessor teaching the nar, Law and Policymaking in Wash- The new posi- first-year course Legal ington, D.C., taught by HLDC Director tion was created Methods and then Scott J. GLIck ’81, senior counsel to expand Hofstra as a practitioner-in- in the Justice Department’s National Law’s experiential learning offerings residence in the Civil Practice Clinic. Security Division. and to support students in meet- From 2002-2007 she was an associ- The field placements will also ing the new New York state 50-hour ate clinical professor of law at Suffolk allow students to practice many prac- pro bono requirement. Gundlach is University Law School in Boston. In tical advocacy skills, such as drafting responsible for developing clear stan- addition to teaching Professional predictive, persuasive or disposi- dards for assessing the educational Responsibility, she created and tional legal memoranda; conducting and professional quality of the Law developed the Disability Advocacy factual investigations; participating School’s pro bono offerings. In addi- Clinic, a program in which she super- in client interviewing, counseling and tion to overseeing pro bono initiatives, vised law students’ representation negotiations; and recognizing and she will further develop the quality and of indigent clients with disabilities in resolving ethical dilemmas. They will quantity of externship courses and the administrative, state and federal court also gain valuable experience and integration of practical skills training proceedings. H contacts, enhancing their qualifica- throughout the curriculum. tions for career opportunities in pub- lic interest. H 7 law.hofstra.edu News Alumni Group Admission to the U.S. Supreme Court Bar tWENty-oNE mauRIcE a. DEaNE ScHooL of LaW GLIck  ’76, mIRIam BREIER ’82, DENISE coSSu ’82, alumni — along with Dean Eric Lane — traveled to our HoN. LINDa taLLy ’82, Scott RoBINS ’85, cHERyL RIcE nation’s capital on Monday, March 4, to be admitted as ’86, PauL cLaRk ’88, cHRIStoPHER ScHoEN ’92, vELLy a group to the Bar of the U.S. Supreme Court. After the PoLycaRPE ’93, ERIc HoRN ’95, DEBoRaH cHaDoW announcement of a decision for the case Levin v. United ’96, RHoNDa tomLINSoN ’96, DavID JEffRIES ’02, States, Professor Leon Friedman made the official motion DaWN WaLSH ’03, amBER mcDoNaLD ’05, SHaRoN for admission of the candidates before Chief Justice cLaRkE ’06, cHRIStINa SINGH ’08, JoSHua WoLf ’08, John Roberts and five of the justices. Assistant Dean Lisa BRIaN faRRaR ’09, RoBERt SzyBa ’09 and Dean Lane. Berman and Director of Alumni Relations Jodie Sperico The Office of Alumni Relations organizes an alumni were on hand to view the swearing-in ceremony with the group admission, which attracts participants from across guests of the alumni. the country, every two years. It is open to graduates who After the ceremony Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg have been members in good standing of the highest court joined the group, the largest in recent years, to offer in their jurisdiction for the preceding three years. The next congratulations on behalf of the Court to the newly alumni swearing-in ceremony will take place on Monday, admitted members of the of the bar: LaWRENcE May 4, 2015. H 8 HOFSTRA LAW REPORT • SPRING 2013

Jun 6, 2013 a private group open only to your peers . Volume 20 | Number 1 | Spring 2013. Dean controversial decisions on the Supreme Court, the worst .. is in the best interest of the child (family law), . emphasize that the way they were taught to think, Interestingly, when Nashelsky bega
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