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ERIC EJ991404: A Comparative Analysis of Students' Satisfaction with Teaching on STEM vs. Non-STEM Programmes PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ991404: A Comparative Analysis of Students' Satisfaction with Teaching on STEM vs. Non-STEM Programmes

HEA STEM Conference A comparative analysis of students’ satisfaction with teaching on STEM vs. non-STEM programmes Chris Pawson Recent Higher Education Funding Council research echoes previous findings that student satisfaction scores differ between subject areas (HEFCE, 2011). However, there remains a paucity of research attempting to account for this, and these differences have only been reported for final-year student satisfaction. It is unclear at what stage during a study programme differences in satisfaction might emerge, and satisfaction of first- year students is of particular interest because of its association with student progression and retention (Tinto, 2007). Exploratory analyses of first-year students’ responses to National Student Survey (NSS) questions (N=1180) revealed that there were significant differences in students’ perception of teaching and available resources depending on whether they were enrolled on a STEM subject course or not. Perhaps unsurprisingly (given funding council bands) the STEM students were more likely to agree that they had access to adequate resources. However, the non-STEM students were more likely to agree that their teachers were good at explaining material and were enthusiastic about their topic. Furthermore, the differences in the perceptions of teaching experienced by STEM versus non-STEM students varied as a function of sex of the student. The implications of these findings are that although the experience of STEM students may be bolstered by access to resources, their experience of teaching and learning (and particularly that experienced by males on STEM courses) is less satisfactory than that of non-STEM students. This finding is of particular interest in light of the increasing use of student satisfaction data to inform league tables and students’ degree choice. Furthermore, these data challenge stereotypes of the experiences of males and females in STEM disciplines and have implications for how STEM teaching practitioners approach the learning experience of their students. Keywords:Student experience; satisfaction; NSS; retention; sex differences. A NUMBER of Government initiatives employment (Archer et al., 2010). Further- have recently been implemented in more, there is evidence that children drop attempts to increase uptake in the STEM subjects before post-compulsory study of STEM subjects in schools and education due to a perceived tendency universities, for example, National toward transmissive pedagogy and unap- curriculum changes in 2008, and the Science pealing teaching approaches (Lyons, 2006; So What? So Everythingcampaign launched by Osborne, 2007). the Department for Innovation, Universities Dwindling numbers of secondary school and Skills (DIUS, 2009). Despite the STEM students is a key priority in addressing attempts of successive governments to attend the issue of a STEM graduate shortfall (CBI, to this issue, there is considerable evidence 2011). However, the author argues that HE that the STEM subjects remain relatively institutions (HEIs) need to ensure that they unappealing to young people. Recent do not further contribute to the attrition of studies have found that secondary school numbers of STEM graduates. There is some pupils report that they are put off of studying evidence to suggest that HE students opt out science by the lack of clear application of of STEM for reasons that may to some extent their subject to professional practice and be in the control of HEIs. For example, 16 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 18 No. 2, Autumn 2012 © The British Psychological Society 2012 A comparative analysis of students’ satisfaction with teaching on STEM vs. non-STEM programmes Seymour and Hewitt (1997) reported that statistics), with the mean NSS ratings for the leading reasons cited by students for English; History; Sociology and Law (non- switching out of undergraduate study of STEM) at the same university. The data STEM subjects were: (1) non-STEM degrees revealed that, in terms of students’ ratings of offer a better education; (2) loss of interest the ability of staff to explain things and make in science; and (3) rejection of STEM the subject interesting, the mean non-STEM careers. Furthermore, there is evidence from satisfaction ratings were consistently higher research within STEM subject fields that than those for STEM degree courses. suggests that pedagogical issues are influen- The current study aimed to further tial in poor retention of STEM students explore the findings reported by Pawson (Hewitt & Seymour, 1991; Olds & Miller, (2012). Specifically, it aimed to control for 2004). the possibility that the average class sizes in One approach to identifying whether, STEM vs. non-STEM degree courses was and how, STEM teaching practices in HE related to satisfaction ratings, and to explore might influence retention is to compare at what stage in the degree course STEM vs student’s experiences and perceptions of non-STEM differences in student satisfaction STEM vs. non-STEM degree programmes via were identifiable. Finally, the longstanding analysis of satisfaction surveys. There are under-representation of females within large and stable satisfaction differences STEM degree courses and careers (Ceci, evident between subject groups (HEFCE, Williams & Barnett, 2009) prompted an 2010). Interestingly, Surridge (2009) found additional exploration of the potential that course characteristics (e.g. mode of different experiences and satisfaction of study, RAE profile), and specifically subject males and females studying STEM subjects. area, exert larger effects on satisfaction than the characteristics of students (e.g. age, sex, Method ethnicity), or the institution (e.g. UCAS Participants entry scores, size). However, to the author’s 1180 undergraduate home students from a knowledge there has been a lack of compar- post-1992 London university completed a ative analysis of UK students’ satisfaction student satisfaction survey in the second with STEM vs. non-STEM courses. semester of their first year of study. Biogra- In an initial pilot study, Pawson (2012) phical characteristics of the sample are compared the 2011 National Student Survey presented in Figure 1 below. STEM students (NSS) data from STEM vs. non-STEM (N=583) were studying programmes in facul- degree courses at 18 UK universities. Specifi- ties of Health and Bioscience (e.g. Biomed- cally, Pawson compared the mean NSS ical Science; Pharmacology); Computing ratings for the following STEM courses at and Engineering (e.g. Civil Engineering; each university: psychology; electrical engi- Technology & E-Commerce) and Psychology neering; chemistry and maths (or maths & (e.g. Psychology; Forensic Psychology). Figure 1: Frequencies and proportions of participants by sex, age and ethnicity. Sex Age Group (years) Ethnicity M F <20 21–25 >25 White Black Asian Other STEM N= 268 315 134 204 245 163 198 122 100 (%) (46) (54) (23) (35) (42) (28) (34) (21) (17) Non-STEM N= 227 370 161 197 239 209 215 83 90 (%) (38) (62) (27) (33) (40) (35) (36) (14) (15) Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 18 No. 2, Autumn 2012 17 Chris Pawson Non-STEM students (N=597) were studying individual, so that each participant provided programmes in faculties of Law (e.g. Crimi- a mean satisfaction score on each of the sub- nology and Criminal Justice; LLB); Humani- dimensions. Mean scores for each sub- ties (e.g. Anthropology; Sociology) and Arts dimension by sex and STEM vs non-STEM (e.g. Fine Art; Fashion Design). status are presented below in Figure 2. On the basis of previous analyses of NSS Materials data (Hardman, 2008; HEFCE, 2010) that The survey administered in this study was identified a relationship between UCAS based on the National Student Survey (NSS) entry points and satisfaction, the author developed by the Higher Education Statistics conducted an independent samples t-test to Agency. The survey consisted of all 22 items identify any UCAS point entry differences deployed in the NSS, with the addition of between STEM and non-STEM students. five items pertaining to institution-specific UCAS points ranged from 0 to 690 amongst issues (e.g. helpdesk guidance and virtual non-STEM students (M=76.30, SD=136.17), learning environment provision). Each item and ranged from 0 to 700 amongst STEM was scored in the same way as the NSS on a students (M=47.72, SD=110.09). The t-test five point likert scale ranging from 1=Defi- revealed that the UCAS entry points for nitely Disagree to 5=Definitely Agree (with students on non-STEM programmes was the inclusion of a ‘Not Applicable’ option). significantly higher than those for students As with the NSS, questionnaire responses on STEM programmes (t=3.77, p=.000). provided scores on six sub-dimensions: Furthermore, there is some evidence to Teaching (reliability Cronbach’s α=.90); suggest that class size may impact student Assessment (α=.82); Academic Support engagement, teacher motivation and (α=.85); Organisation (α=.87); Learning student satisfaction (Toth & Montagna, Resources (α=.84) and Personal Develop- 2002), and, therefore, average introductory ment (α=.87). class size was compared between STEM and non-STEM courses. There was no significant Procedure difference in average class size for STEM An online approach to survey distribution (M=33.76, SD=14.04) vs. non-STEM students was adopted. All first-year students were (M=34.51. SD=11.40). initially emailed an invitation with an indi- A 2 (STEM, non-STEM) x 2 (sex) Multi- vidual link to the online survey after the variate analysis of covariance tested for commencement of their second semester of differences between STEM and non-STEM study (February). Four email reminders and students on the six subscales of student satis- a further SMS message were sent to all those faction. Due to the association between that hadn’t completed the survey at the end UCAS entry points and satisfaction, and the of March. There was also a poster campaign significant difference in points between across the university advertising the ques- STEM and non-STEM programmes, the tionnaire, and there was an incentive of analysis was conducted covarying for UCAS entry to a prize draw for all participants. This points. The MANCOVA revealed that UCAS approach provided a 22 per cent response points covaried with satisfaction on teaching rate. Participants’ data was fully anonymised (F(1,1174)=6.37, p=.012); Assessment and for the purposes of this study. Feedback (F(1,1174)=5.06, p=.025); Organi- sation (F(1,1174)=10.90, p=.001) and Results Personal Development (F(1,1174)=8.18, For the purposes of more meaningful p=.004). When taking in to account the analysis, and in a departure from the typical covariance of UCAS points and satisfaction, NSS analysis, the mean scores of the items in there was a significant effect of STEM status each sub-dimension were calculated for each (Wilks Λ=.97, F(6,1169)=5.75, p=.000) indi- 18 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 18 No. 2, Autumn 2012 A comparative analysis of students’ satisfaction with teaching on STEM vs. non-STEM programmes Figure 2: Mean satisfaction rating on each NSS sub-dimension by STEM vs. non-STEM status and sex. Non-STEM STEM Female Male Total Female Male Total Teaching 3.72 3.92 3.80 3.74 3.59 3.67 (0.94) (0.90) (0.93) (0.82) (0.95) (0.89) Assess. and Feedback 3.40 3.61 3.48 3.54 3.44 3.49 (0.96) (1.01) (0.98) (0.92) (0.93) (0.93) Support and Guidance 3.40 3.62 3.48 3.56 3.51 3.54 (1.01) (1.02) (1.02) (0.95) (1.01) (0.98) Organisation 3.53 3.67 3.58 3.69 3.55 3.62 (1.00) (1.01) (1.00) (0.92) (0.99) (0.95) Resources 3.57 3.66 3.60 3.78 3.73 3.76 (1.02) (1.06) (1.04) (0.96) (1.02) (0.99) Personal Development 3.54 3.61 3.57 3.55 3.53 3.54 (0.99) (1.03) (1.00) (0.89) (0.97) (0.93) cating that STEM and non-STEM students dependent variables was conducted. Once differed in their satisfaction. Univariate again the analysis was conducted covarying ANOVAs revealed that STEM students were for UCAS entry points and the MANCOVA significantly more satisfied than non-STEM revealed that UCAS points covaried with students with resources available to them satisfaction on each of the teaching items. (F(1,1174)=5.86, p=.016), but were less satis- When taking in to account the covariance of fied with the teaching on their programme UCAS points and satisfaction, there was an (F(1,1174)=10.23, p=.001). effect of STEM status that approached signif- The ANCOVA also revealed a significant icance (Wilks Λ=.99, F(4,1167)=2.34, p=.05). STEM status x Sex interaction (Wilks Λ=.99, The ANCOVA also revealed a significant F(6,1169)=2.75, p=.012) indicating that STEM status x Sex interaction (Wilks Λ=.99, differences in the satisfaction of STEM vs F(4,1167)=2.86, p=.023) indicating that non-STEM students differed as a function of differences in the satisfaction of STEM vs the sex of the student. Univariate ANOVAs non-STEM students on the NSS teaching revealed that the significant interaction items differed as a function of the sex of the effect was found on the satisfaction sub- student. Univariate ANOVAs revealed that dimension of Teaching (F(1,1174)=9.87, the significant interaction effect was found p=.002). Post hoc analyses adjusted for on each of the items: the quality of explana- multiple testing (Bonferroni) revealed that tions provided by staff (F(1,1170)=7.85, STEM males were less satisfied with teaching p=.005); the degree to which staff have made than non-STEM males (p=.000) or STEM the subject interesting (F(1,1170)=6.14, females (p=.022). p=.013); the enthusiasm of staff for what they This was an interesting result that was are teaching (F(1,1170)=10.12, p=.002) and further interrogated by exploring the Status the degree to which the programme is intel- and Sex differences on each specific aspect lectually stimulating (F(1,1170)=7.86, of teaching and assessment (see Figure 3). p=.005). A 2 (STEM, non-STEM) x 2 (sex) Post hoc analyses adjusted for multiple MANCOVA with each of the individual NSS testing (Bonferroni) revealed that STEM items on the teaching sub-dimension as males were less satisfied with every aspect of Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 18 No. 2, Autumn 2012 19 Chris Pawson Figure 3: Mean satisfaction rating on each NSS item within the Teaching sub-dimension by STEM vs non-STEM status and sex. Non-STEM STEM Female Male Total Female Male Total Teaching staff are good 3.72 3.92 3.80 3.74 3.59 3.67 at explaining things (0.94) (0.90) (0.93) (0.82) (0.95) (0.89) Teaching staff have made 3.40 3.61 3.48 3.54 3.44 3.49 the subject interesting (0.96) (1.01) (0.98) (0.92) (0.93) (0.93) Teaching staff are 3.40 3.62 3.48 3.56 3.51 3.54 enthusiastic about what (1.01) (1.02) (1.02) (0.95) (1.01) (0.98) they are teaching My programme is 3.53 3.67 3.58 3.69 3.55 3.62 intellectually stimulating (1.00) (1.01) (1.00) (0.92) (0.99) (0.95) teaching measured by the NSS than non- non-STEM students. This has implications STEM males. STEM males were less satisfied for teachers of STEM subjects and the reten- than non-STEM males in terms of: the quality tion of students. However, it is important to of explanations provided by staff (p=.003); note that the data do not point to a simple the degree to which staff have made the pedagogical solution for STEM educators, subject interesting (p=.002); the enthusiasm because the lower satisfaction in teaching of staff for what they are teaching (p=.001) amongst STEM students was found specifi- and the degree to which the programme is cally amongst males. intellectually stimulating (p=.003). There If dissatisfaction with HE teaching prac- were no significant differences in satisfaction tices is responsible for STEM student attri- between STEM and non-STEM females, or tion rates, then these data suggest that it is between males and females on STEM male students who will be particularly at risk. courses. However, male students on non- Further research is required to replicate this STEM programmes did rate teaching staff as finding amongst other university samples, more enthusiastic than female students on and to identify whether there are specific the same programmes (p=.005). variations in teaching practices between STEM and non-STEM courses that are Conclusions particularly salient to the satisfaction of male The current study sought to compare the students. Furthermore, future research student experience of STEM versus non- should also explore the possibility that these STEM students as measured by their results could be explained by sex differences response to a satisfaction survey. Analyses in first year student’s expectations of STEM revealed that STEM students reported and non-STEM disciplines. Females may greater satisfaction with resources. This is hold generally lower (or more appropriate very likely to be due to the resource funding expectations) of STEM teaching, and may bands set by HEFCE which result in non- therefore be satisfied when these expecta- STEM subjects receiving between 60 to 75 tions are met or exceeded. Whereas males’ per cent of the funding received by most expectations of STEM teaching may not be STEM subjects. Despite their greater satisfac- being met, or may be less adaptive, which in tion with resourcing, STEM students’ experi- turn results in lower satisfaction. ence of teaching was less positive than 20 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 18 No. 2, Autumn 2012 A comparative analysis of students’ satisfaction with teaching on STEM vs. non-STEM programmes Correspondence Dr Chris Pawson School of Psychology, University of East London. Email: [email protected] References Archer, L., Dewitt, J., Osborne, J., Dillon, J., Willis, B. Lyons, T. (2006). Different countries, same science & Wong, B. (2010). ‘Doing science’ versus ‘being’ classes: Students’ experiences of school science in a scientist: Examining 10- to 11-year-old school their own words. International Journal of Science children’s constructions of science through the Education, 28(6), 591–613. lens of identity. Science Education, 94(4), 617–639. Olds, B.M. & Miller, R.M. (2004). The effect of first- Ceci, S.J., Williams, W.M. & Barnett, S.M. (2009). year integrated engineering curriculum on Women’s under-representation in science: graduation rates and student satisfaction: Sociocultural and biological considerations. A longitudinal study. Journal of Engineering Psychological Bulletin, 135, 218–261. Education, January, 23–35. Confederation of British Industry (2011). Building for Osborne, J. (2007). Engaging young people with growth: Business priorities for education and skills. science: Thoughts about future direction of Education and skills survey 2011.London: CBI/EDI. science education. Proceedings of the Linnaeus Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills Tercentenary Symposiumheld at Uppsala University, (2009). Science so what? So everything. Retrieved Uppsala, Sweden, 28–29 May. 14 February 2012, from: Pawson, C. (2012). The student experience of STEM http://tna.europarchive.org/20100630051843/ vs. non-STEM degree programmes.Proceedings of http://sciencesowhat.direct.gov.uk/ the Higher Education Academy STEM Annual Hardman, D. (2008). The UK National Student Survey: Conference, London, 12–13 April. Do the scores predict anything?Paper disseminated to Seymour, E. & Hewitt, N.M. (1997). Talking about the Directors of Learning and Teaching leaving: Why undergraduates leave the sciences. Psychology. DLTP archives June 2008. Retrieved Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 14 February 2012, from: Surridge, P. (2009). The National Student Survey three https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin? years on: What have we learned?York: HEA. A0=DLTPSY Tinto, V. (2007). Research and Practice of student HEFCE (2011). National Student Survey: Findings and retention: What next? College Student Retention, trends 2006 to 2010.London: HEFCE 8(1), 1–19. Hewitt, N.M. & Seymour, E. (1991) A long, Toth, L.S. & Montagna, L.G. (2002). Class size and discouraging climb. ASEE Prism, February, 24–28. achievement in higher education: A summary of current research. College Student Journal, 36(2), 253–261. Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 18 No. 2, Autumn 2012 21

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