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ERIC EJ965967: One Community Working Together PDF

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by  ERIC
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community working together School, civicand community leaders have joined forces with the goal of eliminating the achievement gap in San Jose by 2020. 8 Leadership santa Clara County boasts some of {he highest performing schols in the state That not exactly tar. ling news, gives the locale. After lhe the arf lion Valle the global ‘ete oftanoaton andthe hore o thou ‘ands fala, well-educated and ambi tious profesional ‘Those of usin education here are nta- tally proud of our high-ying school. But Mihesametime webold our pridein check, Forall ofthe sccolade earned by our top sebools we ow that fr too many of ou ‘Maden donot receive the ae high-qal- hay education shee mre fortunate ees. Like so many other California counties, ‘om north south, asgnieantaumberof ‘ourtadent afer the consequences of ‘opportunity ap that esuls in persistent, tevereschlevement ap. ‘Whea wep past the Gist page of ur ood: news reporis on ov high-achleing tehoal ber what we ind eal every section of ue county, there is gap in ae demi performance between two groups: lower-peeformiag Hispanicitating and Alan American students, vernshigher- Performing Asan and whtelnon-Hlspaie students. In he ty ofan Jose, more than half of al pale schol students tested ae nt proficient in her grade-level ils, Whea. the California Department of Education leet graduation nd dropoutrae report this year we sa tha Santa Clara County's Hispanic dents dropped out at azate of 51 percent Morestikingly these stdents— whomadup37 perentftbe overlcobort, “accounted or 69 percent ofall dropouts. ‘Thisls nt only deplorable but alo destructive tothe students othe a ley and othe entire common. When dens dropout ofhigh hoo the chances By caress ‘hat they willbe continuously employed, snd eae ving wage, drop precptouly “The key 1 prowperity for any community Jan educated ctzenry, equipped with the skills touccendin the modern workplace ‘The economic loses to the ity of San Jose de to dropout are ertimated a ‘mort $400 million oer there student life times. According economist Foe Cortright (2008), foreach 2 percent increne ofthe opalation witha college dere, there ita petentinreasin personal income growth InSan ox, 12,052 additional depres holders woul tanlateto additonal $4 billon in agaegntepervonalincome every ea. Thelauneh of nine ‘Clea thsi situation that none of ws shouldbe willing to tolerates not juste vento whofe that way civ basins end ‘commit leaders lo rcognine the ga Any ofthe situation, That why about two yeas ag, Iwas joined by San Jose Mayor (Chuck Ree, efvcatorsatvery evel thei ‘con Valley Bveation Foundation, business leaders end community-based organizations nbunchingan initiasive called 2020, ‘The goal of this wide and highly incl sive collaboration was stated simply: to ‘liminst the achievement gp in an Jose bythe ear 2020, Our vision fo J2020 wat ‘one community working together ensure ‘hata of sr sadents, from cradle toca reer receive the high-qaliy education and supporthey ned for college and workplace ‘Although twas independent designed, ‘ariniitvesimilar tothe tie Partner shipinCincinna.Sriveisecoaboratve of carly cilabood advocates, dst supein: tendents college and university presidents, community fandes, busines leaders and service providers inthe greater Cincinnati are, working to benefit every child every stepoftheway. ‘The Strive Partnership isan example of ‘the “Collective Impact” approach, which Includes vey elements:comon agenda shared measorement, matally reinforcing ‘ctv, continvous communication, nd backbone support organization ‘urinate als wa informed by “AIL ‘ystems Go," Michael Fallan's book about the cements of acer wbole-sysem re {orm involving choot an the community working opether. Theat role ‘Tmo grew out of dicusons wth et cation, businees and community leaders ‘convened by Mayor Reed and me (we serve ‘+ co-chairs of the initve) The partner: ‘ship withthe mayor of the 10th ares ity {or Cities, Talent Dividend, and California Mayocr Roundtable theinitave asacceat totalent, examples and ear that el spe strategies and partnerships. ‘Sine the lasnch of 2020 in October 2003, we developed for major fc are cca o high-quality ery leering el tural changes in homer and communities; cals instrctona and new oppor tien schools ad claiooms; and an em ‘oat scart Sa aC ie ot set's Sarees St cssonmin San se, els sues const mons, ued yf Eberle", Bren Mane In the county has been a Key element in '5]2020, While the mayor has no foal ole Inthe educational system, he recognizes the importance of education to his citys economic vitality and quality oflife.That why the city bas examined is programs t0 upportand improve alignment with )2020 atgies and partner Important players come tothe table ‘Mayor Reed also has the wherewithal to brig important players to the table es ‘cried leaders in bane, philanthropy, higher education and the rest ofthe com ‘munity o our executve and steering con mittee. Senior staff is ofce and mine seve as leads forthe initiative, meeting regularly to coordinate activites and work with the men )202 partes Inaddtion, ‘hough San se'savolement with groups such the National League of Cites, CEOs phasson sentry sil developmenthat will prepare dent for college and career ‘Tas yer we took big step in that rst aren by Inching he Senta Clara County any Learning Master lan, As we allow, ‘igh quay uly leeaing cables children to develop the sls the need vo suceed in school Italo heips to educe the "readiness ‘the duparity among aden killer elsastheyeterthe eal grades whichisthe ‘recuririntheschierement “Like $2020, the Master Plan opersed ith highly collaborative dynam Iwas ested by education profesional coma sty members, cvicleaders and child deve ‘opment advocates, We tong fel that the ‘more inclusive ou approach the reste the ‘hance for community buy-in vablty nd ‘imately aces ‘The key 5)2020strateles area focus on [November/Dscember2011 39 students acromthe developmental spee trum, from schoo eadiness to readiness for callege and cater; anda uli approach that involves busines edacatin, ‘community orpaniztonsandpilthrony ‘woking ogethertowaour common goal. ‘Thstul-setorapproach wasa by fe torinthe recent move tobi an EDUCARE cly learning facility in Sam Jose. With ‘early $4Smlion ined none eed we ‘hve powerful momentum to build x state of the-art facility that wll serve eildren sdf in Seat Clara Coty through this renowned model for eal education, which is losly aligned with 812020. Sup porter include the Bunce Leasing Net ‘wor, the Bafet Foundation, Fat Santa (Clara County, Hest 5 California, and the David and Lacie Packard Boundation, 'EDUCARE of California t Sion Valley whoo a ext learaing centr profes ‘dementary Schoo in southest San Joe. (Committed partners ze widespread: they seloca state and national The eueces of the EDUCARE model euewhere (Chicago, Denver Miamiand Sate, among others) shows thats proven model can be egener- sted Eipecialy in these extremely challeng {ng budgetary times the keys nto ein vent butt epi ‘caren tech and STEM a focus Anotherkey component of ]2020isca- reer techalcledeaton ~ "Creating 2st ‘Century Caret Choices for AIL" Thisbings together students, educators and emplay- certo strengthen the relationship between what sbeig taghcin the classroom and its pplication inthe workplace. With an em- hasiso STEM (slence technology eng- ‘cerngand math, this endeavor integrates scademic and techn tranig to provide sadeats with pathway to postsecondary ‘docation and 2 century caters “Creating 2st Century Carer Cholees for Al” is dsigned to engage students n= crease attendance and graduation rte ‘alte grades, and ultimately elp close the We make house calls ‘Make your appointment today. CLICK Call?-916-780-6000 CALL, | Siatemiginnendwvemsessccacamasettin VALIC schievement gap To meatare our progrest ‘in closing the gp, we developed a set of 13 ‘met, ranging fom readins for Linder- ‘te to compton of pteecondasy ed ‘tion. The majority ofthe metric are based ce meatures collected by he California De partment ofEdscaton California Standards ‘Tess for example, English/language ate sodmathinthe thd and ith grades. ‘Wel indded menrreis high choot graduation cates and graduates lie to tHtend the California State Universty/Uai ‘erty of California aterm, and we panto fine postgraduate racking meatarer well T view the metric at well a other {formation on $2020, vis our website: swweseeoeor/i2020.1 think youl nda rat dealon the website bout community bd callaboration ‘A gonuinoly closet Wie have been highly encourage by the nth ted by out commu: sty partners fo ]2020.We knew well hat the culture of Silicon Valley, whichis dia tineiyetrepeeneuil ideal for beeding {nnovation, but not necessarily cllabo- ration, However we have found that out partner community-based organizations sndentrepreneurshave adopted genuinely allegia piri joining the 92020 for. Forinstans, United Wa Silicon Valleyhat ‘mace reducing the achievement gxp one fits thre “nspirational goal? The Cinco Foundation has made working with 72020 scterioa orloclrantsuppert Inthe same spe, charter schools and ‘radon dace schools have evolved to work together and earn fom one another In thiscommon, mutually beneficial effort. Thishasbeen especialy ratifying, Because sn my 40 yearn public vention, have foundthaedeators- moc ike theinnove torvoftheVlly~ often aregnodtinnorat- {ngs but atalvayaso good tcolaboratng, ‘We are working o overcome that tex dency by propagating efforts such at Pro- fesional Leaning Communit, in which educator work collaboratively (within & sehool-wide cultore conducive to this) t0 focuson earning rather han teaching, end lining formative astesimen revue m provestadent leaning rm demo (One thing that has heartened wn his vert liminate the achievement pi thatsometeachersandschools bare achieved amazing reralts alten. We think that by staying these examplesfraccessand then Collaborating determine whetherandhow ‘hey an be replicated, wecan climate the wr. look oin en ote Leroy Anderon Heme tary School inthe Moreland School District shows how dedication, focus, hard work ‘snd innovation can improve academic per formance scot an entire tadent body. At Anderon, #0 percent fetadent ae Latino, ‘and 90 percent qualify for re or reduced priced meal In 2006, Anerson was the lowest performing elementary school in Santa Clare County by 2010, i wa ree ‘ognized by the California Department of Bacation for its acces in narrowing the schievementgep and wa named a Califor: ia Disguise Scho, sdemie Performance Index fom 629810 Inthat same span, API orsoioecoomi cally disadvantaged aden went rom 577 ‘9407. Englshlesreredid even better, fom 010806 credited largely to “heademic Excelence for All aystematic approach to ensue all stadents ae academically challenged and recsve support. Anderon was winnerin 20 ofthe Americen School Bo oaraas Magn Award for Innovative Bert Practices, snd festared ina story abost closing the ‘schievement pin the New York Timer ary resus are encouraging 512020 has ben in place fortwo years ‘now: Bary results are enc most ecent rele ofthe C ‘ands Test, we found thatthe county's Hi ani tents tecorded growth on all four academicareasasessed bythe CST between 201040201 Not only that, they also reduced the achievement gap with the subgroup of white students (who aio demonstrated academic growth) in ELA and math between 2008 And 2011 In BLA, the gep reduced fom 41 percentage points to 38 percentage pints; ‘Suders st Wel Cet ead urease Snot te comptes Henle bende andi math, earrowed from 36 percentage points to30 percentage points, Our tak now {suo accelerate the growth of these student subgroups to marow he gap ter ‘The raul ala revealed that more Hi panic and Afian Amerian students are {aking tougher coure, ich at algebra, that pave the way to higher education. And even ‘hough the numberof stadente taking the tests much greater, the scores stil slightly rose, These rests might challenge our be lief about students abilities, They show us that west be era careful not to wader cstimatethe capabilites fany group. When tiven the opportunity and support to take foagher courts alltuentscanacceed ‘Bt we know tha students of color are Aiproportiontely required to dla entry cerepeatlgira repulse oro Seiency, making more diffe for these dent to met the state university AG equrement. To combat this, San Jose's Has Side Union High Sebo! Distt, with strong suppor fom the Sileon Valley Edu ‘ation Foundation, working wih ts feder ‘ementaryditrcts to develops common standard foralgera placement and adancs ‘ment forall student enlling inthe high school dire, “The district - which has igh propo: lon of glo leaner, Hispanic stadents and students qualifying fo fee or seduced ‘meas also has adopted the A-Gframerosk ‘the defeat curiulam forallatadents, Vion of community ‘Theta jst few of many examples Weare phting his bate on many font, sd we esi havealong way to pt reach fur goal by 2020, But we ae encouraged shout our prospects While we continue to ‘modify nd change S220 a necessary, we ‘eee bavein place strong foundation that will easily allow for those modifications ‘What we have crete is not the vision of cone or two ora handful of people, but of community And when community sbaree 2 vison what inevitably reels daable, ‘luabe sad inspirational. References CCortrght, Joe. (February 2009). CEOs fr Cite, “City Dividend Gain from proving Metropolitan Performance” wrmccororctiesorg. Chat We Sart Ca Coury Sipe Seoos Wel ened ‘ACSA president 208-10, [November/Dscember20L 2

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