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Preview ERIC EJ964452: Adherence with Universal Precautions after Immediate, Personalized Performance Feedback

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2011, 44, 967–971 NUMBER4 (WINTER2011) ADHERENCE WITH UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS AFTER IMMEDIATE, PERSONALIZED PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK MOLLI M. LUKE AND MARK ALAVOSIUS UNIVERSITYOFNEVADA,RENO We evaluated the effects of immediate, personalized performance feedback on adherence with handhygienebyhealth-carestaffinthecontextofamultiplebaselinedesignacrossparticipants. Targetbehaviorsreachedmasterylevelsandweremaintainednear100%throughout2months ofmaintenance probes. Keywords: adherence, feedback,hand sanitizing, hand washing _______________________________________________________________________________ In 1987, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control control in which variables are manipulated to and Prevention (CDC) introduced universal determine functional relations. precautions (UP) for all health-care settings. The In a notable exception, Stephens and Ludwig CDC initially designed UP in response to the (2005) studied nurses’ adherence to hand human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic hygiene. Levels of adherence increased from in an attempt to prevent patients with HIV from 24% to 65% with an intervention package that infecting other patients or health-care workers. included training discussions, goal setting, and Currently, the CDC defines UP as a set of individualized, graphic, publicly posted feed- precautions designed to prevent transmission of back. However, adherence decreased to 52% blood-borne pathogens when providing care. when the intervention was withdrawn. The Boyce and Pittet (2002) suggested that UP were purpose of the current study was to determine important to avoid health-care-associated infec- whether immediate performance feedback tions, the spread of multiresistant organisms, and wouldincreaseandmaintainadherencetohand disease outbreaks. Hand hygiene (hand washing hygiene by skilled health-care personnel. and hand sanitizing), an important component of UP, is recommended for a myriad of human METHOD service and health-care settings. Many studies Participants and Setting performedinthepast10to15yearshavereported Threefemalehealth-carestaffmembers(nurse thathealth-careworkersadherewithhand-hygiene practitioner, physician assistant, and medical practices on average 40% of the time (see Pittet, assistant) participated in this study, which was 2000), although it is unclear how this reported conducted in the occupational health clinic of a hygiene adherence was determined because details community hospital. Typical services included were not provided. Most pathogens are spread in labwork,check-ups,andphysicals.Observations hospitals by the hands of health-care workers andfeedbackoccurredintheclinic’sfourpatient (Boyce, 2001). Kretzer and Larson (1998) de- rooms and laboratory. Per hospital guidelines, scribedseveraltheoreticalframeworksthatunderlie patients provided verbal assent at the front desk intervention efforts, but few experimental studies priortoobserversenteringthetreatmentroomto have been conducted in the area of infection view patient care. Correspondence concerning this paper should be Response Measurement and addressed to Molli M. Luke, Psychology Department, Interobserver Agreement UniversityofNevada,Reno,Reno,Nevada89557(e-mail: The primary dependent variable, hand hy- [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2011.44-967 giene, included either hand washing or hand 967 968 MOLLI M. LUKE and MARK ALAVOSIUS Table 1 Average Percentage ofComponents of HandHygiene CompletedCorrectly Participant1 Participant2 Participant3 BL INT MAIN BL INT MAIN BL INT MAIN Handwashing Wethandswithwater 47.2 100 100 42.9 71.4 100 100 94.7 100 Applyonefullpumpofsoap 47.2 100 100 42.9 71.4 100 96.7 94.7 100 Handswetbeforegettingsoap 0 87.9 100 40.5 71.4 100 23.3 78.9 80 Rubhandsforatleast15seconds 13.9 97 75 22.6 71.4 100 63.3 94.7 100 Soapcoversbacksofhands,palms,and wristswithhandsbelowelbows 47.2 100 100 42.9 71.4 100 86.7 94.7 100 Rinsehandsuntilallvisiblesoaphas beenrinsedoff 47.2 97 100 42.9 71.4 100 93.3 94.7 100 Dryhandswithnewpapertowel 47.2 97 100 42.9 71.4 100 100 94.7 100 Usenewpapertoweltoturnofffaucet 0 93.9 100 38.1 71.4 100 3.3 84.2 90 Handsanitizing Applyproducttohand 0 100 100 0 100 100 Rubhandstogether 0 100 100 0 100 100 Coverallvisiblepartsuntildry 0 100 100 0 100 100 sanitizing. Hand hygiene was operationally washing or hand sanitizing had to occur before defined and task-analyzed into a recommended contact with patient’s skin, after contact with sequence of observable activities consistent with patient’s skin, before donning gloves, after the CDC’s definition for hand washing and removing gloves, or after contact with inani- hand sanitizing (Boyce & Pittet, 2002; see mate objects in the immediate vicinity of the Table 1). The infection-control nurse verified patient to be considered adherence to the the accuracy of the operational definitions and operational definition. Thus, several opportu- noted that all participants had completed the nities to engage in hand-hygiene behavior were facility’s infection-control training on correct possible within a single observation of patient- hand hygiene. An observer followed each careinteraction.Anaverageadherencescorewas participant as she completed health-care rou- calculated for each observation. tines with patients and used an observation Two observers, naive to the purpose of the checklist to score adherence with the recom- intervention, functioned as the primary data mended practices. The observer recorded the collectors during the patient-care interactions. number of behaviors observed as well as the Observers collected data simultaneously but number of opportunities missed or incorrectly independently during 21%, 42%, and 40% performed.Percentageadherencewascalculated of the observations for Participants 1, 2, and by dividing the number of components cor- 3, respectively. Interobserver agreement was rectly completed by the number of opportuni- defined as the same task component (e.g., ties for correct components. For instance, one ‘‘wet hands with water’’) scored in the same occurrence of hand washing with all compo- order by each observer. Agreement coefficients nents correct except using a new paper towel to were calculated by dividing the number of dry the hands produced 87.5% adherence agreements by the number of agreements plus (seven correct components divided by eight disagreements and converting this ratio to a opportunities for correct components). Hand percentage. Mean interobserver agreement was washing required more steps than hand sanitiz- 100%, 96% (range, 43% to 100%), and 100% ing (eight vs. three; see Table 1). Either hand for Participants 1, 2, and 3, respectively. ADHERENCE WITH UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS 969 Procedure feedback was terminated. A questionnaire was Observers conducted routine observations given at the end of the intervention to assess throughoutallphasesoftheexperiment.During social (Wolf, 1978) and habilitative (Hawkins, baseline, participants received no instruction or 1991) validity and practicality of the interven- feedback.Afterbaseline,theinvestigatorprovid- tion. The questionnaire addressed goals, proce- ed individual, private, written and verbal dures,andresultsofthestudy.Participantswere feedback to each participant as soon as possible given the anonymous questionnaire in an afterobservingcontactwithapatient.Duringall envelope and asked to place it in the investiga- intervention observations, the investigator ob- tor’s mailbox. served a participant interacting with a patient Design and scored adherence using a feedback form The effect of the independent variable was createdfromtheobservationchecklist(asabove). evaluated in a multiple baseline design across Theseobservationslastedfrom a few minutes to participants. an hour and occurred throughout the workday. Feedback was provided privately in the work environmentafterthefirstfour(Participant2)or RESULTS AND DISCUSSION five (Participants 1 and 3) observations and Figure 1depictsthepercentageadherencefor intermittently thereafter (Participants 1 and 2) all three participants’ hand-hygiene behavior untilmasterycriteriaweremet.Theexacttiming across baseline, intervention, and maintenance. of feedback was dictated by the patient leaving The time line of observations is depicted across the room, but feedback was always delivered actual work days on the x axis, and each data within 30 s of the patient’s exit. Thus, the time point represents a single observation. Depend- between the opportunities for correct hand ingonparticipants’workschedulesandnumber hygieneandfeedbackvaried.Thefeedback(both of patients seen, there could be zero to 10 verbal and written) included statements describ- observations per day. Most of the errors ingwhatwasdonecorrectly,suggestionsonhow observed during baseline were omitted compo- to improve adherence, showing the participant nents of the task analysis for hand washing (see thefeedbackform,indicatingwhichcomponents Table 1). At times, participants did not wash were correct and incorrect, and describing the their hands when they should have (e.g., before situationswhentheappropriatebehaviorsdidor touching a patient). Anecdotally, participants didnotoccur.Feedbacklastedforapproximately reported that that they did not know how or 1to2min,andparticipantscouldaskquestions when to wash their hands correctly; thus, the and discuss the observation. Mastery criteria lowadherenceinbaselinemayhavebeendueto defined the termination of the intervention and lackofeffectivetraining.Itisimportanttonote weredefinedasfiveconsecutivesessionsat100% that all participants had completed the hospi- adherenceintheabsenceofthefeedbacksource. tal’s infection-control training. Thus, mastery was detected by the primary Participant 1’s hygiene adherence averaged observersandrequiredsustainedadherencewhen 44% in baseline, 87% during intervention, and the investigator was absent. The investigator 97% duringmaintenance.Participant2’sadher- personally advised each participant on site when enceaveraged57%duringbaseline,86%during the feedback intervention ended. After each intervention, and 100% in maintenance. Partic- participant met the required 100% mastery ipant 3’s adherence was 59% in baseline, 95% criteria, follow-up observations probed for during intervention, and 96% in maintenance. maintenanceofadherenceapproximately1week, All participants reported that the program was 2 weeks, 1 month, and 2 months after the worth the effort and agreed that the frequency 970 MOLLI M. LUKE and MARK ALAVOSIUS Figure1. Meanpercentageofhandhygienecomponentsperformedcorrectlyacrosssuccessiveworkweeks.Arrows indicatefeedbackgivenafterthatsessionbytheinvestigator.Allotherdatapointsrepresentobservationwithoutfeedback. and format of the feedback were helpful. The responding) ensured that the participants were clinic director and infection-control nurse sup- exposed to a recent and extended history of ported the program and requested a proposal to correct responding. Training that concludes transfer the observation feedback system to before learners demonstrate persistent habits internal managers in their organization. (e.g., Stephens & Ludwig, 2005) appears to be In addition to being an effective intervention insufficient to establish durable safety practices. for other health-care-related behaviors (Alavoisus Incomplete or faulty training, punishment for &Sulzer-Azaroff,1986,1990;Nypetal.,2011), washing hands (e.g., dry cracked skin as a result theseresults suggest thatimmediate,personalized of repeated washing), and few reinforcers feedback effectively increased and maintained delivered contingent on correct behavior may improvements in hand hygiene. The increased influence adherence levels. Training safety levels and maintenance of adherence, in combi- behaviors to high sustained rates appears to be nation with the high user-satisfaction ratings, effective in improving routine safety behaviors suggest that the current intervention may be (e.g., Alavosius & Sulzer-Azaroff, 1986, 1990; effectiveforpoorhand-hygienepractice.Creation the current study). In addition, this study of materials, observer training, observations, and provides details not available in the infection- feedbackobservationstookapproximately250hr control literature (e.g., Pittet, 2000) for collect- over 6 months. This method was intensive to ingdataonhandhygienethatcanprovideaway establish the intervention initially and ensure its to calculate adherence rates systematically. efficacy, but replications and extensions would Some limitations warrant discussion. Partici- likely be less costly and time consuming. pants were aware that observers were collecting The criteria for mastery (i.e., five consecutive data. After the first feedback session, the partici- sessions without feedback at 100% correct pants may have engaged in correct hand hygiene ADHERENCE WITH UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS 971 due to reactivity. Future studies may assess Boyce,J.M.,&Pittet,D.(2002,October25).Guidelines for hand hygiene in health-care settings: Recommenda- reactivity to observers’ presence (Kazdin, 1979) tions of the Health-Care Infection Control Practices by systematically varying the participants’ detec- Advisory Committee and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/ tion of data collection. To reduce reactivity, IDSA hand hygiene task force. Retrieved from http:// www.cdc.gov/MMWR/preview/mmwrhtml/ adherencemightbemeasuredviamotiondetectors rr5116a1.htm atsinks,permanentproducts(e.g.,amountofsoap Hawkins, R. P. (1991). Is social validity what we are used), and hidden surveillance cameras. Second, interestedin?Anargumentforafunctionalapproach. Journal ofAppliedBehavior Analysis, 24, 205–213. although there was support for continuing and Kazdin,A.E.(1979).Unobtrusivemeasuresinbehavioral expanding the program in the clinic, the organi- assessment. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 12, zational supports needed for large-scale and 713–724. prolonged operation of the program should be Kretzer, E. K., & Larson, E. L. (1998). Behavioral interventions to improve infection control practices. identified. Finally, participants maintained adher- American JournalofInfection Control,26, 245–253. ence for 2 months postfeedback. Determining Nyp, S. S., Barone, V. J., Kruger, T., Garrison, C. B., how and when adherence may decline would Robertsen, C., & Christophersen, E. R. (2011). Evaluation of developmental surveillance by physi- betterinformexperimenterswhoschedulebooster ciansatthetwo-monthpreventivecarevisit.Journalof interventions to maintain treatment effects. Insti- Applied BehaviorAnalysis,44,181–185. tutionalizing this method requires system-level Pittet, D. (2000). Improving compliance with hand hygiene in hospitals. Infection Control and Hospital analyses that will likely lead to technical innova- Epidemiology,21,381–386. tions in work environments such that sustained Stephens, S. D., & Ludwig, T. D. (2005). Improving adherence is the norm rather than the exception. anesthesia nurse compliance with universal precau- tions using group goals and public feedback. Journal of Organizational BehaviorManagement,25, 37–71. REFERENCES U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (1987, August 21). Recommendations for prevention of HIV Alavosius,M.P.,&Sulzer-Azaroff,B.(1986).Theeffects transmissioninhealth-caresettings.Retrievedfromhttp:// ofperformancefeedbackonthesafetyofclientlifting www.cdc.gov/MMWR/PREVIEW/MMWRHTML/ andtransfer.JournalofAppliedBehaviorAnalysis,19, 00023587.htm 261–267. Wolf, M. M. (1978). Social validity: The case for Alavosius,M.P.,&Sulzer-Azaroff,B.(1990).Acquisition subjective measurement or how applied behavior andmaintenanceofhealth-careroutinesasafunction analysisisfindingitsheart.JournalofAppliedBehavior of feedback density. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,11,203–214. Analysis, 23,151–162. Boyce, J. M. (2001). Consequences of inaction: Impor- Received November 14,2009 tanceofinfectioncontrolpractices.ClinicalInfectious Final acceptanceMarch 30, 2011 Diseases,33,S133–S137. Action Editor,Michael Kelley

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